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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Apr 5, 2009 8:12 AM

Jul 2008
nasu said:
I was too, one of the people that thinks Mustang's new voice wont be good as the old one, but i must say i'm impressed how Shinichiro made a good job.

Nothing to say, truly epic episode.
It seems like BONES is trying to do the BEST anime. =)

I guess I shoulda been more clear, I think he'll do a fantastic job, it'll just take a little growing used to. As for the Paku Romi and Rie Kugimiya love goin around, I'mma have to second that too. So glad they're back, this series definitely wouldn't be the same without them. Hughes is still the same as Keiji Fujiwara too, which is awesome since I love Keiji. I just rewatched again with subs and all I can say is... That was pro. It really retained the feeling of the old series, which is fantastic.

Naruleach said:
i totally agree. also, FMA is one the first animes i ever watched so i watched it dubbed and it's really strange watching now without dubs but hopefully i'll get used to it. Ed sounds like a girl O__o

You'll get used to it, haha. I only watched a bit of the dub back in the day, so I can't say I have the same attatchement as you, but moving over to the sub when I watched the original was a pretty natural and easy progression. Romi does a fantastic job for Ed, sure he sounds a little feminine at times, but what do you expect of the short guy? He's young to boot!

Touching on the themes like I did back on in the theme thread; I love them. I love YUI and I thought the opening was perfect. I like SID as well, but to a lesser degree, however I enjoyed the ED as well. I just felt like the animation was a touch weird on it. Speaking of which, the animation in the opening and the whole episode really was superb, really hope it retains that quality all throughout the series. Also, did anyone else note that in the opening themes they matched the lips of the characters(Think it was Riza and Winry) to the actual lyrics of the song a couple times?
BakayaroApr 5, 2009 8:26 AM

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Apr 5, 2009 8:33 AM
Apr 2008
Great opening to the series.
I cant unhear lockon from roy mustang it feels so weird and the ed song didnt match the animation.
Apr 5, 2009 8:49 AM

Dec 2007
it's awesome. according to OP everything will be ok (means they will follow manga) after this introduction ep, so I'm relived. and the OP itself was great, though I didn't like the song when first heard it. but the ED is a total crap.
Bakayaro said:
Also, did anyone else note that in the opening themes they matched the lips of the characters(Think it was Riza and Winry) to the actual lyrics of the song a couple times?

yep it is, though I didn't recognize Riza at the first time. and one more hurray for Kimbley at the very first episode.
PS my biggest respect goes to Shinsen, they do an amazing job especially for ones who doesn't live in the US.
Apr 5, 2009 8:49 AM

Jun 2008
Bakayaro said:
Also, did anyone else note that in the opening themes they matched the lips of the characters(Think it was Riza and Winry) to the actual lyrics of the song a couple times?

Yeah. :) It reminded me K-ON! and Bleach EDs, but of course Winry-Riza was priceless O_O @_@
Apr 5, 2009 9:04 AM

Sep 2008
Well its finally subed from shinsen (wtf they arn't slow this time 0_0)..

the first time I heard the OP I was kinda dissapointed but after about the 6th time is finally settting in.. THe quality was pretty great, but I did watch it on HD than the usual SD so that might play some more affects to fool my sensors..

THe story itself was alright. I was also thinking why it isn't "true" to the manga when it should be this tiem around but than again I dont want to see th exact same scene about 4-5 times than watch this.
Apr 5, 2009 9:09 AM
Apr 2009
I liked it and can't wait for the next one. Feels kinda strange to look at this after watching FMA.

I have a question though, I watched the MKV from Shinsen but what players did you guys use for it? It was a little bit choppy at places for me; I tried with VLC, SMPlayer and also MPlayer. SM was the best. I got it running on windows media player but it was extremely choppy. Any advice?
Apr 5, 2009 9:14 AM

Jan 2009
probably the most enjoyable first episode in the spring. I like the new darker take on the series. The op and ed seemed to fit perfectly with the anime. Also i like how they are still able to put in some comedy relief in there from time to time. Also the fact the they will follow closer to the manga makes me that much more anticipated to see the next episode.
Apr 5, 2009 9:15 AM
Jul 2018
I missed these characters. :)

I haven't read the manga yet but I think it was a good episode to introduce the characters. The animation looked good too (and I like the OP and ED).

The only thing that bothered me was this
Pralyn said:
But one thing : WTF with that horrible man voice saying Fullmetal Alchemist during eyecatches. Words just can't describe how dreadful it is.[/quote
Apr 5, 2009 9:17 AM

Jul 2007
Iahel said:
it's awesome. according to OP everything will be ok (means they will follow manga) after this introduction ep, so I'm relived. and the OP itself was great, though I didn't like the song when first heard it. but the ED is a total crap.

We do not know on how they will follow it though...

Since next episode seems to be adaptation of flashback chapters(exam, truth, etc)...

So by this logic Lior will be third episode then?
Apr 5, 2009 9:20 AM
Nov 2007
trontron said:
I have a question though, I watched the MKV from Shinsen but what players did you guys use for it? It was a little bit choppy at places for me; I tried with VLC, SMPlayer and also MPlayer. SM was the best. I got it running on windows media player but it was extremely choppy. Any advice?

I watched it on KMPlayer, didn't notice any choppiness.
Apr 5, 2009 9:22 AM

Dec 2008
It was brilliant in HD.
The Opening song is soo going on my Ipod.

Quite a good first episode, looking forward to more.

AbsyAhihcuApr 5, 2009 9:42 AM
Apr 5, 2009 9:25 AM

Dec 2007
Decent start and bring back memories :) I too didn't recognize Riza at first time probably I was absorbed to much by OP music.
Apr 5, 2009 9:28 AM

Jun 2008
Great start. Hope they would keep the quality up.
Apr 5, 2009 9:39 AM

Feb 2008
This was a good start. Seeing it in HD is also a plus =P
Btw, I really like the opening song.
Apr 5, 2009 9:43 AM

Jun 2007
If you really like the OP.

YUI - Again
Apr 5, 2009 9:46 AM

Jun 2007
It's still too early to really judge this, I'll wait till episode 20 or something, by then we should have a pretty good idea. I loved this episode, pretty good stuff nice fast paced action, some big characters introduced etc. Its going to be fun following this, and seeing where it ends. (though I am kinda miffed about having to wait a whole week, unlike the first FMA ((watched it when it finished airing))
Apr 5, 2009 9:53 AM
Apr 2009
Warenth said:
I watched it on KMPlayer, didn't notice any choppiness.

Wow man, thanks a lot. The player is really nice and works. The subtitles can be customized to work perfectly. Once again thanks a lot!
Apr 5, 2009 10:02 AM

May 2007
Even after all these year, seeing Ed and Al lose their bodies makes my eyes water. :( Great first episode, makes me really want to read the manga now. And the music was stellar. Looking forward to an amazing ride.
Apr 5, 2009 10:13 AM

Mar 2008
Good starter episode.....anyone know when the original anime broke off from the Manga?
Apr 5, 2009 10:16 AM

Apr 2008
Good episode and YES, the short jokes are back XD
Apr 5, 2009 10:16 AM

Apr 2009
Just got to watch it. So far so good....

Now that there is enough content in the manga it will be great to see the series play out the "way" it should have.. Though I can't complain about the first FMA since I loved it as well.

Apr 5, 2009 10:25 AM

Jan 2008
Isn't this a continuation from Season 1 and the Movie? Didn't the brothers get stuck in an alternate world (movie)? What about all these people? I thought some of them died in Season 1 as well...


I'll have to rewatch the whole season 1 and confirm ... but I'm almost certain that in S1 Edward went to an alternate world (without being able to come back) and in the movie his brother tried to rescue him but ended up in the same state?
Apr 5, 2009 10:25 AM

Jul 2007
Gaia said:
Good starter episode.....anyone know when the original anime broke off from the Manga?

AFter one or two episodes of half-followed-manga-material, FMA1 only used various manga-plots in storyline totally different from manga.

Omegaoveride said:
Just got to watch it. So far so good....
I think it was a great first episode, just enough to get "new" and "old" fans interested before they flash back a bit and take it from there.

If they did end up starting out in Lior or jumping right into Ed and Al's transmutation scene like the first one I would have had a little interest in watching the episode since it would really seem to be a "remake" of the first series and not really breaking any new grounds in terms of script.

Now lets hope that Lior is not forgotten and will be actually covered in either episode 2 or 3, or "old" fans like me will rage.

Ryoujin said:
Isn't this a continuation from Season 1 and the Movie? Didn't the brothers get stuck in an alternate world (movie)? What about all these people? I thought some of them died in Season 1 as well...


God fracking damnit.

The world is full of dense people.

For the 10000th time : Its a remake following manga, ok?
Apr 5, 2009 10:27 AM

Feb 2009
I loved it but I have to get used to roys voice actor I really liked his old one D:

does anyone know why they changed the VA for some characters?
Apr 5, 2009 10:31 AM

Apr 2009
Ryoujin said:
Isn't this a continuation from Season 1 and the Movie? Didn't the brothers get stuck in an alternate world (movie)? What about all these people? I thought some of them died in Season 1 as well...


I'll have to rewatch the whole season 1 and confirm ... but I'm almost certain that in S1 Edward went to an alternate world (without being able to come back) and in the movie his brother tried to rescue him but ended up in the same state?

This is not a "second" season. It is an alternate telling of the series based off of the original manga. Since the first series caught up to the manga it deviated into a new direction and ended differently.
Apr 5, 2009 10:32 AM

Jan 2009
Good episode, I have high hopes for the series.

Apr 5, 2009 10:33 AM
Jan 2008
Great first episode, awesome animation, really hope it can be kept up though. Already looking forward to next weeks episode, the waiting is gonna kill me :S

Apr 5, 2009 10:34 AM
Jul 2018
that was good! i prefer the other version's first episode though but whatever this was still good. i hated the OP. Yui's cute girly voice just doesn't seem to match. loved the ED. next week's ep should be reeeeally good... can't wait xD
Apr 5, 2009 10:35 AM

Jan 2008
We're replacing the shit op next week, you have two options, Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child, or Black Sabbath - Iron Man.

So now gSS is at it. I guess we'll get fast releases regularly =]

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Apr 5, 2009 10:37 AM

Jul 2008
That was so much better than i thought it was going to be.


4/5 for me.
<img src="" />
Apr 5, 2009 10:37 AM

Apr 2009
Fai said:

Now lets hope that Lior is not forgotten and will be actually covered in either episode 2 or 3, or "old" fans like me will rage.

I give it until maybe 3 or 4 till we maybe get to Lior. Obviously at the end of the first episode we see Lust and Gluttony eating *you know who*.

After watching the next episode preview, we are at least jumping back to Resembool to see how it all began for a good portion of the second episode.

Apr 5, 2009 10:45 AM

Jul 2008
kashim said:
We're replacing the shit op next week, you have two options, Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child, or Black Sabbath - Iron Man.

So now gSS is at it. I guess we'll get fast releases regularly =]

That makes me sad :( I love the OP.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Apr 5, 2009 10:49 AM

Feb 2008
I really enjoyed the first episode. I'm looking forward to the next one. :3

I liked the OP/ED it seemed fitting for the anime.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, give it a thousand reasons to smile. =]
Apr 5, 2009 10:53 AM

Feb 2009
My opinion is probably biased by the fact that I loved FMA1 and I just saw some average current season animes a few days ago but... this is so god damn awesome I don't know what to say!
Apr 5, 2009 10:54 AM

Feb 2008
metalsnakezero said:
Good episode and YES, the short jokes are back XD

Heck yes! I missed those jokes~ >:3

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, give it a thousand reasons to smile. =]
Apr 5, 2009 10:59 AM
Jul 2008
Wee, great episode!
Apr 5, 2009 11:06 AM

May 2008
Since I wanted to be surprised as much as possible, I haven't read a single thing about the new season. Haven't watched the trailers, nothing.

So... I was pretty surprised to see it's in the same time period as season 1. Only found out it's a remake after watching the episode. Not reading anything worked ;)

But man, is it awesome seeing all those familiar faces in HD! And the chibi jokes, the flexing muscles... just pure awesomeness :D
Apr 5, 2009 11:09 AM

Mar 2009
Wasn't expecting a remake, but it was great nonetheless. The animation was amazing, I can't wait to see what happens...Urahara Out!!
Apr 5, 2009 11:10 AM

Mar 2008
It's been years since I watched the original series and I'm completely lost here. Is this a complete retelling of the story, or does it slot in somewhere in the middle of the first season/series?
Apr 5, 2009 11:12 AM

Jul 2007
deafcon said:
It's been years since I watched the original series and I'm completely lost here. Is this a complete retelling of the story, or does it slot in somewhere in the middle of the first season/series?

Third time in this thread.

Its a remake following manga.
Apr 5, 2009 11:13 AM

Jul 2008
deafcon said:
It's been years since I watched the original series and I'm completely lost here. Is this a complete retelling of the story, or does it slot in somewhere in the middle of the first season/series?

It's a remake following the manga closer than the original. Therefor, we're starting from ground zero, this is an anime original episode written by the author of the manga to reintroduce the characters of Full Metal Alchemist.

Seriously, anyone who has questions should just read the handful of other topics in this forum, or just read this thread where it's stated about five times throughout the course of it.

Stop lurking Fai :'(

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Apr 5, 2009 11:14 AM

Mar 2008
Fai said:
deafcon said:
It's been years since I watched the original series and I'm completely lost here. Is this a complete retelling of the story, or does it slot in somewhere in the middle of the first season/series?

Third time in this thread.

Its a remake following manga.

I read the first two pages on saw a bunch of blabering about the Op and Ed, I figured it was in here somewhere, but I wasn't going to wade through all the nonsense to find it.
Apr 5, 2009 11:20 AM

Mar 2008
Oh I missed Ed and Al so much!
It was so nice to see them again XD
I totally forgot that Roy's seiyuu had changed...and now I was like 'Is that Urahara's voice?' LOL! But not a bad change ^^
The new OP and ED are awesome.
It's great to see FMA back ^^
Apr 5, 2009 11:30 AM

Sep 2007
Fai said:
deafcon said:
It's been years since I watched the original series and I'm completely lost here. Is this a complete retelling of the story, or does it slot in somewhere in the middle of the first season/series?

Third time in this thread.

Its a remake following manga.
lol people don't know how to lurk

I was skeptical of the rounder animation style, but it's so clean and pretty that I can't help but love it.

I think going this direction with the first episode was the right choice; like others have mentioned, it would've felt too much like a rehashing if they would've started in Liore right off the bat.

As for the OP, at first I really wasn't getting into it, but then I remembered the original OP1 and I felt better about this one. The animation and sequencing was done incredibly; I was pretty impressed. The ED was goofy, but I like the throwback with the last image where Ed and Al are walking down the train track.

You can tell that everyone involved wants this to be a quality show, and I'm eagerly looking forward to watching the rest of the show.
Apr 5, 2009 11:30 AM

Sep 2008
Twas a good ep, and I am pleased, even if it did deviate a little. Still, it would have been boring going through Lior again. Looks great, sounds great, is great.
Apr 5, 2009 11:31 AM

Apr 2008
deafcon said:
Fai said:
deafcon said:
It's been years since I watched the original series and I'm completely lost here. Is this a complete retelling of the story, or does it slot in somewhere in the middle of the first season/series?

Third time in this thread.

Its a remake following manga.

I read the first two pages on saw a bunch of blabering about the Op and Ed, I figured it was in here somewhere, but I wasn't going to wade through all the nonsense to find it.

Agreed it was just a simple question, no need to be pricks about it. I don't get why everyone on these new seasons keep talking about the opening and ending. Sure they're nice but by no means will they ever make or break an anime so I can understand his frustration.

Anyway it's a great start to the remake even though I'm disappointed it's being done. Looks fantastic and seems like it will be great with it's mix of darkness, action and humor.
Apr 5, 2009 11:31 AM
Jun 2007

pretty boring first episode. maybe its just that a ton of characters made an appearance in this episode that I don't know who actually to give a damn about. jumping straight into the thick of things just did not sit well with me.
Apr 5, 2009 11:32 AM

Jul 2007
I'm still mourning Roy's voice... the voice is sexy, but his arrogance vanished ;___;
otherwise it was ok ep, I was expecting manga start but I guess they wanted to make it different than the first anime ^^;

oh and it was great seeing everyone again, especially Hughes <3
Apr 5, 2009 11:35 AM

Mar 2009
Thought this episode was amazing, got into the action fast and already we see Armstrong doing what he does best. I'm thinking this series is going to kick the ass off of the first one.

OP and ED were pretty good, can't wait for episode two!
Apr 5, 2009 11:42 AM

Jan 2008
100 times better than the first series, I have high hopes for this one.
Let's see if ep.2 is as good as number 1^.^
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