Mar 10, 2014 10:04 PM
Welcome, my friend, here you will find most of the information every survivor must know. My suggestion is that, before entering in this sickening world, you must read this book. It was written by mutiple survivors and contains basical information for you to become adapted to this enviroment. About the Eras: After a long time living in the wastelands, people started to give names to the time that flew by us. Soon, we lost track of time and were unable to say in which year we were. To prevent such catastrophic conclusions, the survivors started to use the word "Era" to mention time. As far as we know, each Era has lasted, aproximately, Ten Years. Each Ten Years is called an Era and each Era can be called Ten Years. So far, there have been 4 Eras that we know of. Each one of them was marked by events that changed our current world in measurements that cannot be expressed by words. In order to rotulate each Era, we gave names to them that make reference to the happenings of each Era. The most cataclismatic Era of all was the Era of Wars, that happened 30 years ago and changed the world completely. Even so, many Eras passed ahead and most of the people of the Era of Wars were forgotten or left behind by those who now live in a nightmare created by the remaining factions. Now, allow me to explain each Era in a detailed form: Era of Infection: Soon after the infection started to spread, the world became chaos and the few humans that were not a part of the infection tried to fight back, survive or run away from this. Those who chose to fight back were massacred and overwhelmed by the numbers of these creatured, that, in less than an hour, already conquered nearly half of the world population. Those who chose to run away were blocked and killed with their back against the wall. Unable to do anything, some of them awaited for the military and died out of hunger and thirst. Those who chose to survive in groups were the only ones that were able to maintain themselves alive and, even with this, most of them were dominated. With this, in less than two months, almost 91% of the world population were infected and "turned" into monsters that came back from their grave and haunted the living. In the latest years of this Era, human beings started to form groups and, later, large factions that organized and functioned better than anything else. With this, a cold war started to emerge between factions and became nothing but distrust. This is how the war began and how the surprises of the future were brought upon us, the Survivors. Era of War: Under Construction!! About the Natural Enemies: Undead: Walker: Picture The most abundant and normal undead found yet. They don't seem to follow any kind of padronization method on their feeding, location or numbers. Walkers arrive in hordes and are incredibly weak when compared with the many other enemies found around. Refered as "Walkers", "Corpses" and simply "Undead", these creatures are very normal around the streets and their numbers easily surpass the number of the living. Walkers are weak, not resistant and very slow. Be careful, however, as they can still defeat you by using their sheer number. Walkers can stay "alive" for hours, even after you removed every member of their body. The fastest and most eficient way to kill them is by destroying the brain. Walkers can infect others with a bite that will, in three hours or less, depending on your physical resistance, turn you into an undead as well. They can be revived by Infectors. Crawler: Picture Blind, who detect movement by using sound, creatures that usually dwell on sewers and dark, very watery locations. These creatures walk on four legs and are able to move through any kind of terrain, meaning that they can also attach themselves to the ceiling and to walls. When attacking, they use their claws to fixate the victim on an area and then use a strange liquid, apparently genarated by glands on their torso, that quickly becomes viscious and sticky, causing the victim to be left immobilized. After imobilizing victims, they hang them on the ceiling using the same liquid. After hanging the victims, they eat the entrails and close the hole with more liquid. Victims hanged have shown to be undead and can attack if the head is not covered. Liquid is shown to be very toxic and, after killed, Crawlers release huge quantities of this liquid. They are almost two times the size of a human( when on two feet ) and are strong and agile, though not very resistant. They are very intelligent and usually hunt in packs of 3 to 7. Bulker: Picture Large creatures, usually the size of 5 average male humans, very strong and very resistant but too slow and stupid. These creatures are quite rare and are usually found on isolated areas of the sewers or, in special cases, amidst hordes of Walkers. Bulkers are this rare because they hold a territorial system behind their minds. If you see two Bulkers in the same area, you won't even need to deal with them, since they'll soon start to kill each other. Bulkers are incredibly stupid and tend to easily be killed. Though they are large and resistant, they through extreme efforts to kill humans and eat flesh. Some of these creatures have the capabillities of eating walkers in order to feed. They hold a powerful regenaration rate and are hard to kill alone, it is preferable that you face them with a large group of, in the minimum, 5 allies. Bulkers are fierce and very hostile, they will attack almost anything at sight. Witch: Picture A female walker-like creature that can easily hide amongst other walkers. Witchs are incredibly rare and, if you find one, you better run, hide or just give up. No one with normal abillities can kill this beast. If you want to take one these down, you better take some earplugs and wear a reinforced armor. Witches are very fast, stronger than most walkers and to add it up, she even has huge, very sharp claws that can pierce through most materials. She is more resistant than a walker and is hard to take down by yourself. Witches, however, have their trump cards, which are called Screeches of Death. Whenever a witch starts screeching, it will instantly cause brain damage and, if affected for long periods of time, even blow up your head. If a Witch starts screeching, it won't stop until you cut out it's tounge or kill it. The best way to deal with Witches is to kill them as fast as you can and try to do so by a distance. Killing these monsters at close range is nearly impossible since they will use their strength to pin you down and then screech until you die. Witches, however, only attack if provoked, so if you see one, try your best not to "irritate the bitch." Witches can be found usually in very quiet places, since they prefer to keep to themselves. They also dispute territories and the winner usually is the one that can screech for longer periods of time before dying. Be careful of Witches, they are very strong, very fast, quite resistant and can cause absurd ammounts of damage to any living or dead thing in very quickly. Witches usually have very long white hairs, their skin is as white as it can be and their eyes are yellow or white. They don't feed and usually die after a small period of time due to hunger. Skitter: Picture Nocturnal arachnid-like creatures that roam the night, Skitters are some of the newest menaces of the apocalyptic world. Mainly hunting in duos, they are neither intelligent nor hard to kill. However, be warned. Skitters are incredibly quick and can chase down the average human. At its maximum size, a full grown skitter is only about the size of an tennis ball. Skitters don’t have an absolute habitat, but we do know that they seem to fear light. So most of us can safely assume that where light is, a skitter is not. Skitters also have incredible leg strength, which they use to spring onto their victims. Upon sinking their fangs into their prey, skitters rip the bite wound wide open, exposing a hole. They then burrow themselves into their new meal, where they voraciously devour it from the inside out. There they reside until nightfall. When it comes to combating these creatures, a simple bullet to the head will suffice. One should also know that these creatures emit a ticking sound right before they attack, so if you're going out for an evening stroll and hear the sound of a clock, you better watch out. Infector: Picture Strange, still not very normal creatures found in the streets. We have seen them in any kind of place, from sewers to buildings and they seem to not have weakness against light and even prefer to live in the dark, since they can take their prey without them noticing them. Infectors are agile and strong. Their body seems to be able to strangely attach into the human's back and their heads have a long tounge that possesses a "infective spike" right on the tip. If the infective spike is inserted into human body, it takes mere seconds for you to turn. However, they are not strong enough to hold themselves into the human body and, if you are strong enough, you can remove them by simply smacking them on the head or smacking their backs against a wall. They will only use the infective spike on humans as a last resort, though, since what they really like to do is "revive" Walkers and Crawlers. Yes, they can literally "revive" any kind of undead creature, with exceptions of Bulkers, that thet find. Because of this, it is advised that you kill whatever kind of Infector you see. There have been three types seen so far: Large Infector: Nearly the size of a Bulker, tends to be seen at the sewers and prefers to stay alone. Strangely, Large Infectors run away at sight of humans. They are very lonely and make nearly no contact with humans or undead. They have proven to be non-hostile creatures but will attack if cornered. In some cases, pacific relationships with Large Infectors have been seen and they are also able to understand human language. It is better to keep your distance, however, unless you want to be turned into a Bulker. Night Infector: Warning, if you see one of these, hide or run. Night Infectors are very hostile and will attack humans, undead and even robots at sight. They have a darker skin and a blue light is emited from their heads, apparently used to see and detect sound waves. Night Infectors are rarely seen at daytime and normally seen at nighttime. They are found in large hordes of Walkers and tend to feed on their flesh just to revive them. In some cases, Night Infectors have been seen with Crawlers, though he killed mostly of them afterwards. Night Infectors are very dangerous and use their large claws to shred their enemies to pieces. Abominative Infector: The most rare of all. Abominative Infectors will never kill you immediatly. Instead, they will sedate you and then inject eggs onto your skin. After a few hours, the infected wakes up and sees that everything is normal. A few minutes later, the infected explodes into pieces and releases a large number of Skitters. Abominative Infectors have also been seen reviving Crawlers and Walkers, but in a larger scale, causing Crawlers or Walkers to become stronger after reanimated. Abominative Infectors are hostile and will attack any enemy at sight. Their toungue, however, is fetched a high price for food, since it has proven to be edible. About the Arcs: Every episode is an Arc of the RP. Arcs are constitued in small, quick events that decide where the story is going to and what will be the results of certain actions. Characters can or not die during Arcs, though it'll usually take the death of at least one "Evil" character for an Arc to be complete. Every Arc will be posted and resumed here. Characters that make a big part on an Arc will receive certain items that will be "dropped" by the boss. The character that is responsible for the death of the "Final Boss" will receive the special item, though characters that were also very active will receive bonuses too. Current Arc: Prologue - Currently, most characters are still seeing the effects of the world they are in and are starting to make friends and alliegences. So far, no threats or battles have been seen. But in a near future, many problems await our survivors... Glossary: Aegis: A special Iron that is very resistant. It becomes dark grey when forged into metallic state. Aegis can only be found on the meteorite that fell on Earth during the Era of Infection. Currently, the ASC has ahold of the Meteorite Hannibal, that is made mostly of Aegis. They also possess the strange abillity to restrain Number's psychic powers and hold them off whenever they are near. Weapons, bullets and blades of Aegis, whenever they hit a Number, tend to leave their psychic powers unavailable for a small ammount of time. Akira Masamotto(Kira): The one and only known CEO of the, now destroyed, NEOH Corporation. Akira was responsible for many allegiences made between factions and had nearly united the entire city. Her actions led people to believing that the there was still hope for the world and she was seeked by many leaders so that they could become friendly factions. On the year of 2025, Akira was revealed to actually-- [THE REST OF THE PAGE WAS RIPPED FROM THE BOOK]. However, Akira was mostly known for being the "spouse" of Masaru Takeshi after the Era of War ended. After having two children with the Shinigami, it was discovered that she actually had a rare brain sickness that caused her organs to slowly stop operating. In order to keep alive, Akira built and improvised Bio-Repair room and was then forced to stay on the room until she died. Suspicions appoint that Akira became sick after separating herself from [ANOTHER PAGE'S RIPPED]. She can still be found on the known Sanctum: The Deathwatch's Underground Base. If you have the patience to look around for it inside the sewers, she will receive you with open arms, and so will the Rank 0. Blood Dreamer:[Many sketches can be seen and all of them are scribbled or ripped from the page.] During the Era of War, along with the discovery that numbers existed, we discovered that they actually had a hierarchy that was represented by their "number". As we are going to explain further onto the book, the Numbers were extremely inteligent and were also able to detect the presence of other living things. However, most of the numbers seemed to fear... Something. They called her Blood Dreamer and she was considered to be the most dangerous number of all. This obviously called our attention and we, the NEOH, became afraid of this. Certain people suspected that Blood Dreamer was dead or had already vanished but, with more research, we discovered that she was actually [the rest of the page is scrawled all over].[A diary page seems to have been glued to the book's page.]" After a long time, she started to become psychotic and vengeful. Claiming that we should have "stayed and fought" against the Invasion. In the last few days, her violence has was clearly shown when she scared off [scribbled names(two of them)] by suddenly shouting on them, stating that they "failed too many times". I don't know how I'll deal with her. She used to be calm and patient but lately her vengeful side and anger have been showing too much. Unfortunately, I have prepared counter-measures for the worst-case scenario. In order to further protect us from her, I'll have to find a way to take her away and let her be on her path".[The rest of the page is completely scribbled and even some parts are ripped.] Chosen Sons: A Defeated Faction that slowly started to decay due to the fact that many members of the faction were either traitors or fanatics. The faction further deteriorated when the Father(leader) of the faction suddenly gave up on leading them and simply left the church, obviously being stopped. The combat was unfortunate for the Chosen Sons and the Father still got away after killing many members of his own faction. When questioned later, he said that "God left their hearts". HellDriver: During the Early Era of War, NEOH was Lehm Straus: Lehm Straus was a HellDriver as well as one of the NEOH CEO's personal body guards before and during the Fall of NEOH. During the Era of War and around the time of NEOH's downfall, NEOH's CEO was on the run and being escorted to an unknown location by a platoon of veteran soldiers, including the remaining HellDrivers, when they were ambushed by a much larger force controlled by the ASC. Many of NEOH's forces were simply mowed down in the initial gunfire, but others managed to scramble to take cover in the nearby buildings. Seeing that they were severely outnumbered and with their priority to keep the CEO safe and from falling into enemy hands, Lehm Straus and a few select others volunteered to hold the ASC off and be distractions while the others escaped. As the fighting waged on, most of the people who had volunteered to be the distractions were either gunned down or captured as the ASC stormed the buildings in search of the CEO. After Lehm Straus had seen to it that the others had made it safely into the underground passageway while under fire of the ASC who had stormed the building, rather than risk having them be pursued, he destroyed the supports of the building and brought the entire structure down upon himself and the ASC soldiers, sealing off the passageway. It wasn't until several days later that the ASC managed to excavate the ruins of the building to reveal the passageway again but, by then the survivors along with the CEO were long gone. However, among the wreckage, they found Lehm Straus's suit of HellDriver armor and inside that, an unconscious Lehm Straus, both of which they took back to their headquarters. Lehm Straus was tortured for information but he never yielded and after several weeks, the torturers realized that the were not going to get anything out of him and left him in his prison cell. However, instead of simply being disposed of, Rika Kawasuma had a much different plan for him in mind. Having a living HellDriver at her disposal, she ran experiments on him in order to improve on the project. By the time he eventually succumbed to the experiments done upon him, Rika Kawasuma had enough data to be able to begin working on a brand new project, the creation of artificially-created HellLords, beings even stronger than the likes of the HellDrivers. Using heavily modified versions of Lehm Straus's genome as the basis, Rika Kawasuma ran several thousand experiments to create artificial HellLords, almost all of which ended in failure. While this may have been seen as failure by many others, the data from the experiments were invaluable for future research projects. Tranite: A special iron discovered during the Era of Darkness by the ASC. Tranite is extremely rare but has been seen to be used by many Generals and by some Advisors. It is unknown where Tranite came from but the theory is that Rika Kawasuma discovered a way to create artificial iron that, when vibrated, creates shockwaves of energy strong enough to tear a wall apart. Such qualities have seen to vary depending on the formula used to create the artificial iron. Certain Tranites, for example, seem to be able to retain heat until a certain degree and then release it in a beam. Others seem to be able to absord impacts and sending them back. The most common however, is the Heavy Impact Tranite, used on most robots of the ASC. It has the qualities of absorving impacts and using as a form of energy for it's Impact Guns. The Maximum 13 R3(Turtle R3) for example, has 5 Impact Guns. This is also seen in the Scout Tier R3, that has a total of 2 Impact Guns. The generator of energy is concealed. Rin Chi: Rin Chi is, or rather was a well known Scavenger not just in the city home to the Deathwatch, ASC, and ITD, but of other areas as well. A bloodthirsty and terrifying woman with long white hair and demonic red eyes, as well as a Nodachi (Later on the cleaver that the Rank 1, Yoshio Takeshi now uses) and a brutish amount of strength to match her attitude. She was an orphan and knew the Rank 0, Masaru Takeshi, since before the infection. She and the Takeshi family lost contact until shortly after he acquired the position of Rank 0. After returning to her "home" she joined forces with a Number that planned to attack NEOH with the goal of killing Blood Dreamer. Rin Chi held a mysterious dislike for NEOH, which led her to assist several numbers in a planned siege against the corporation building. However, she suddenly left their little team not long after she joined. Rin Chi later revealed that during her time on her own, she integrated herself with a surviving Private Military Company and initially only assisted with whatever their plans were in exchange for food, water and a place to sleep. She eventually formed attachments with each of the group, the squad she was put in turning into more of a family to her. However, all members of the squad were killed, and eventually the entire PMC as well, excluding Rin Chi herself of course. They weren't told much prior to engaging with the enemies. All she could describe them as is having some type of strange resistant armor and almost superhuman abilities. She returned to the city when she heard of NEOH and thought that they might be the cause of her "family's" death but deserted the idea of attacking NEOH with the Numbers when she ultimately decided that it was the ASC instead after doing some research and learning more about both Corporations. After leaving the Number's side, she assisted Masaru and the Deathwatch as much as she could, though refused to be acknowledged as a member. Her corpse was found one day not that away from the ASC building borders after she disappeared suddenly from the base. Exactly who killed her as well as exactly what happened remains to be revealed. However, the most likely theory is that she attacked the ASC, or a specific member of the ASC, in order to quench her personal grudge and vendetta. Though she could be kind to those she cared for, she was very much insane with a "jump before you think" way of thinking, which made it only more likely for this theory to be correct. Her body is buried within the confines of the Deathwatch Base. |
YzmaelMar 30, 2014 5:30 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
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Mar 11, 2014 6:26 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
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