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Jan 31, 2014 5:31 AM

Jun 2011
Mikenzb said:
ALL THAT DRAMA.... then....... because it was in my dream.


exactly, lol.
Jan 31, 2014 8:44 AM
Aug 2013
only plus is that koko's father is funny. koko bieng annoying once again. i almost got my hopes up, but it got shot down again. hopes it takes a turn for the better and kokos dream come true and that they will break up.
Jan 31, 2014 8:55 AM

Apr 2013
LOL kokos dad be like you want ramen?
Jan 31, 2014 9:15 AM

Jan 2013
Koko's dad just became my favorite !!
Jan 31, 2014 10:08 AM

Nov 2011
This episode was ridiculous!!Everyone overreacts like hell over little thing!! I guess only idea writers came up was drama about little fender bender xD What next week? Someone knocks over glass of milk and Hell breaks loose? i facepalmed to this episode soooooo much.

Iolo said:
"He lied to you Koko!"
"I was the honest one!"

...But cant deny this part was funny :D
Jan 31, 2014 10:31 AM

Jul 2013
Every show like this amps up the drama factor a little.

Plus its not like it is outside of Koko's established character traits (besides I think you can give her a pass because of what happened earlier in the episode.)

Dad was the best tho.
Jan 31, 2014 10:52 AM

Jul 2013
"Everyone overreacts like hell over little thing!!"

If you think that almost dying in a car accident because people were irresponsible is a little thing, you are really immature.
Jan 31, 2014 12:35 PM

Apr 2013
HAHAHA Parents are the best anime characters.
OHH soo cute episode.
Jan 31, 2014 2:13 PM
Jul 2013
Crap i'm late this time >,<

Man Banri just hit the pedals like a boss, lucky!

That slap from Koko's dad was so hard >:O
Jan 31, 2014 3:12 PM

Nov 2010
That ended in a good note with that accident
The visit of Banri at Koko's place was a couple's best
Koko's (spoiled) reflection was wonderful then Tada's thunderspeech came with ended in a confrontation instigate by her insecurity and her knowledge of Banri's past
Them making up at the end almost succeeded, but Koko's dad unsurprisingly eve's dropping spoiled it

That guy has character, rich man which obliviously can't make ramen and slaps her daughter instead of comforting her. I guess that's a mothers job

Banri getting to know Koko's entire family next?
Jan 31, 2014 3:23 PM
Jan 2011
jiraiya_sensei said:
Oh my Koko's dad is such a troll.. no wonder his daughter turned up like that XD

Maaan, that slap!!!!! No bitch slap in any anime should ever surpass that

Banri's catching Koko's crazy stalker attitude in the preview really cracked me up lol....

Who is Raku?
Jan 31, 2014 3:26 PM
Jan 2011
She deserved the slap. If Banri didn't wake up they would be dead. She was full into a deep sleep when she should have pulled over if feeling drowsy. Since nobody was seriously injured it was a little dramatic. Just learn you lesson and move on with your life. Koko is so high maintenance. Constantly having to reassure someone like that would be tiring. Marriage would be hell.
Jan 31, 2014 4:17 PM

Oct 2012
I usually enjoy this show but damn this episode was next level bad. Like literally everything from this episode could be compressed into 2 minutes and I wouldn't notice a difference.
Jan 31, 2014 4:43 PM

Oct 2011
FEEEEEELLLLSSSS T_____T. Koko Dad made it better. But still Koko is scared that Banri will leave her if he ever forgot about her. FEEELSSS once again T__T
Jan 31, 2014 5:43 PM

May 2011
Koko being emotional as always. Liked her dad though.
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Jan 31, 2014 6:55 PM

Sep 2013
I don't understand what's happened to this anime. I can't be the only one who thinks the past few episodes have been off... The drama in this episode was a bit over the top. I hope the next ep with Koko and Banri is good.

Hopefully more of Koko's father lolol!! "I told the truth... He lied... Remember that!" I died
Jan 31, 2014 8:20 PM

Jun 2013
Everything about this episode annoyed me. The scene where they all blame themselves is cliche. Koko cries over her own idiocy as usual. The part at the end with her dad was just ridiculous. 2/5. Only reason I gave it a 2 and not a 1 was because of the slap.
Jan 31, 2014 8:22 PM

Jun 2013
Everything about this episode annoyed me. The part where they all blame themselves was cliche. Koko cries over her own idiocy as usual. The scene at the end with Koko's dad was just ridiculous. 2/5. Only reason I gave it a 2 and not a 1 was because of that slap.
Jan 31, 2014 8:33 PM

Apr 2007
xsilicon9 said:
She deserved the slap. If Banri didn't wake up they would be dead. She was full into a deep sleep when she should have pulled over if feeling drowsy. Since nobody was seriously injured it was a little dramatic. Just learn you lesson and move on with your life. Koko is so high maintenance. Constantly having to reassure someone like that would be tiring. Marriage would be hell.

I disagree. It wasn't necessary since she already knew how grave the situation was. She didn't need the slap to make her even feel worse about it.
Jan 31, 2014 9:11 PM

Apr 2013
wow that banrixkoko drama was so irritating.. arguing for stupid shit.. and reading these posts i guess I'm not the only one who laughed when koko got bitchslapped.

2.5/5 episode
Jan 31, 2014 9:14 PM

Jul 2013
I like the dramatic atmosphere in this episode, and the arguments between Koko and Banri. After that accident, most of them felt fine, except for Koko who is still in distress about it. Luckily for Banri to cheer her up at the end, with Koko's dad lighten the mood up XD.

I thought Koko's dad would be scary and having that cold shoulder attitude, until he brightens up the funny mood at the end with his comedic talking XD. Best daddy ever!

Jan 31, 2014 10:48 PM

Jan 2014
Marow said:
Are we supposed to actually like Kouko or not? What do you think?

On another note, I have no idea why Banri is staying with her.

what? Koko's awesome, what don't you like about her?
Feb 1, 2014 12:41 AM

Aug 2008
Sjineau said:
Mr. Kaga - Best Girl.


Also, nice headbutt.
Feb 1, 2014 12:56 AM

Jul 2013
needed more linda :3 Haven't read the manga but the way my luck goes with romance animes I always get the exact opposite of what I want.. still going to stubbornly keep hoping that Banri and her end up together :P
But yeah Kouko's dad is a freaking legend.
Legal_LatinoFeb 1, 2014 1:18 AM
The best anime is the Road to El Dorado
Feb 1, 2014 1:11 AM

Jun 2013
Sjineau said:
Mr. Kaga - Best Girl.

Best dad ever.
"Children of Japan. And those who were once children. Listen! This is not a dream. This is not fiction. In reality, your superheroes were always fighting. To teach viewers courage and the meaning of justice! No matter how many enemies there are. No matter how strong evil is. Just remember. Does any another country have so many heroes? Has any another country been protected by multiple superheroes? Stand with me, friends! Remember when you used to watch your superheroes!
Once you may have given up this dream. But today, you can be a hero!"

- Kaname Jouji , Red Axe

Feb 1, 2014 1:30 AM

Dec 2012
Pretty intense episode. Koko blames herself about the accident.
That slap by Koko's dad sent her flying and losing a shoe.
He was pretty hilarious at the end.
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Feb 1, 2014 2:54 AM

Aug 2012
Marow said:
Are we supposed to actually like Kouko or not? What do you think?

On another note, I have no idea why Banri is staying with her.

Never hated her and never will .
Feb 1, 2014 4:55 AM

Jul 2009
zensunni said:
A couple of comments:

Couldn't have said it better myself. You should get a "Awesome Dad" award. Anyway, I agree with you about the car accident drama. I thought it was realistic as well. I have seen folks shake at even minor dings so it wasn't overblown at all; it was right on the money. Back when I was in college, I had a major rear-end non-fault car accident on the freeway where the other party died and I was flown to the ICU. I'm usually the type who can stomach things and handle high-adrenaline situations fairly well, but I was completely shell shocked. It's a paralyzed feeling. When I saw the driver's mangled body, I just vomited. I still have not found peace since then. Life disappears just like that, in a flash that's why I'm vigilant when it comes to people driving and choosing to text, drink, and so on - just don't. Life is short, don't take it for granted.

I'm also going to assume most of the anime viewers are in their late teen's, just about to enter adulthood and learn to drive so that may be why they thought it was overblown.
Feb 1, 2014 6:07 AM

Apr 2013
Slap!!! That's what you get for being so careless. Kouko was very annoying in this episode. Making a big deal because of the dream she had.
Mr. Kaga is a good Dad ^_^
Feb 1, 2014 6:15 AM

May 2008
Damn, Koko's father was awesome in this one.
Feb 1, 2014 7:30 AM

Aug 2008
God, I love Chinami.
Feb 1, 2014 9:25 AM
Jan 2013
Oh hooo, daddy giving Kouko a bitch slap.....that's horrible.
Feb 1, 2014 11:24 AM

Nov 2013
J053PH said:
Everything about this episode annoyed me. The scene where they all blame themselves is cliche. Koko cries over her own idiocy as usual. The part at the end with her dad was just ridiculous. 2/5. Only reason I gave it a 2 and not a 1 was because of the slap.

O.o' It's not cliche at all. That happens all the time irl.

She nearly killed all her friends. Why wouldn't she cry? O.o
Feb 1, 2014 11:36 AM

Sep 2013
zensunni said:
A couple of comments:

I agree with this completely! You're right.
I just found it slightly annoying that it turned into something about "Banri's memories" and "Banri leaving her behind" over the whole car accident thing which is realistically more serious... The drama didn't seem to match the situation properly. In my opinion, of course.
Feb 1, 2014 1:03 PM
Nov 2012
babymilo91 said:
Damn that slap. Koko's dad is all serious at first, then later he is snooping in to her room asking Banri to make ramen lol. This was a good episode.

loved this episode too.
Feb 1, 2014 1:46 PM

Feb 2008
I should have known, if Koko was already that crazy, then her father... Nevertheless, he was absolutely brilliant!
Feb 1, 2014 2:00 PM

Dec 2009
the ending ruined it and they reconciled way too quickly. I don't ship them so.
Feb 1, 2014 3:29 PM

Nov 2012
Ohh dat slap,poor Kouko ;___;

Confirmed that Banri isn't going to end up with Linda,now that that leaving me behind chat happened(well never expected him to anyways tbh).

Wow,Kouko's dad just ruined that special moment/made it so awkward,couldn't help but lol.
Feb 1, 2014 3:42 PM

Dec 2011
Kouko's dad was so damn hilarious in this one, "Make me a ramen". LOL
"He lied to you, I didn't. Remember that". That was my favorite moment in this episode.
Feb 1, 2014 3:46 PM
Sep 2013
Mr. Kaga best man of this episode.
Feb 1, 2014 3:46 PM

Oct 2013
That was interesting. Sadly I felt the quick patch up was slightly unpleasant. Koko's dad was funny here. Overall a decent episode.
"A cruel world is not without it's beauty, and many times a select few find it by mistake. Only then do those select few see the world for what it is... A disastrous masterpiece." ~ 7thVoid

"Hates a river that only flows down." ~ 7thVoid
Feb 1, 2014 4:02 PM
Nov 2013
Oka hurt at the beginning. Kouko y u do this.

Quick reconciliation. Some forced drama that is fixed up soon. Okay. Can't say I dislike things like this.
Feb 1, 2014 4:32 PM

Jun 2013
Koko's dad is awesome! End of story.

"I abandoned you in a dream and that's why you mad?!" Yes, Banri, this is how girls operate.
Feb 1, 2014 4:41 PM

Jul 2012
The dad turned out better than I expected him to be! :P Very funny moment indeed.
Feb 1, 2014 7:13 PM

Jan 2012
the last part made me laugh so damn hard. And yes, Kaga was so damn sweet, loved how they handled the situation
Feb 1, 2014 7:27 PM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
Kouko's dad, what a man. He needs to show up more often.

Elsewhere, this episode was alright. No-one was hurt badly in particular, so yey I guess. I was about as gobsmacked as Banri after Kouko went nuts over a dream. Next ep seems like a happy reconciliation.
Feb 2, 2014 2:00 AM

Aug 2013
lol i imagined koko's dad as more of a buisness/serious type
"he that chooses his own path needs no map" - queen kristina of Sweden
Feb 2, 2014 8:05 AM

Jul 2008
Mikenzb said:
ALL THAT DRAMA.... then....... because it was in my dream.


This episode actually depict very well women logic.

Koko's dad is lol.
Feb 2, 2014 8:21 AM

Jul 2009
Disregard shitty driver, acquire sexy senpai
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Feb 2, 2014 8:39 AM

Apr 2012
they sure overdramatize the accident, nothin happened get over it. A friend of mine had like 5 accidents up to now and hes only 21 and had the license for 4 years. He never reacted like that, just meh whatever. Sure it werent bad accidents but neither was this one.
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