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Jan 1, 2014 10:53 PM

Dec 2013
Alright~ :]
Thanks for the permission~ xD
Jan 2, 2014 1:04 AM

Dec 2013
A third character for me has appeared (damn reached the limit too )

Name : Sven Zervas
Sex: Male
Age : 23
Race : Tengu
Town : Tigru
Occupation : Mercenary, Weapons training professor
Practices : lightning based magic, swordsmanship, good with various types of guns.
Weapon : Assault rifle, and dual swords and his magic.
Affiliation : N/A
Personality : Direct, respectful, loyal, strict at times
Bio ; Sven is a mercenary from a high class family. Although he had anything he wanted, he chose to do things on his own, using only money from his family's wealth to buy equipment or weapons when needed. Aside from that, he made up a career for himself after training since a young boy as a mercenary for hire. After having been fightings for a while, he also decided to train anyone who needed a type of weapons master to teach them. He recently has bought a slave, whom he keeps alongside at all times. He travels from time to time, either if he is on a job or for fun. He does linger in his mansion for days at a time, keeping away from most visitors, except if they are a student of his.

Looks : (I'll add this later.. )

Unique : (I need to think of this, so I'll update later on)
Jan 2, 2014 4:39 AM

Nov 2013
Name: Ragna "The Bloodedge"
Race: Human
practices: martial arts, magic,
weapon: Sword (in the picture) called Called the Blood-Scythe
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Kind, cool, cold, depends in the topic
Biography: He had a younger brother and sister, where they lived under the guidance of the sister of a great swordsman. His sister Saya was ill, so he ended up spending more time with her, making his brother jealous. His brother one day joined the army, rising in the ranks, and was tasked to destroying a village, his village. His brother cut off Ragna's arm, took Saya, and left him to die, where he was saved by the great Swordsman, Masamune. He was given the Azure Grimoire to replace his lost arm, giving him heterochromia, a red eye. Wanted in the country he came from, with a bounty enough to buy a small country
unique: likes to use dark/shadow magic
-Let not the fear of death stay your hand nor defeat your courage. The warrior who will prevail is the one who conquers death, who becomes one with death as we have.
-To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods?
Jan 2, 2014 4:05 PM
Oct 2013
Name: Paul
sex: male
age: 28
race: Human
Town: Fenix
Occupation: bountyhunter
practices: magic and martial arts
weapon: ringed sword
Affiliation: N/A
personality: defensive, but calm, doesn't go looking for a fight unless he thinks it will be interesting, isn't afraid to die, intelligent
biography: Having been born and raised in Fenix he was subject to some pretty violent friends and employers. He originally started out being sent to shake people down for card sharks and what not, but one day he was asked to kill someone that was not paying the money. When he came back with the targets head he was marked as a hitman, and bountyhunter. Ever since he has just stuck with it.
unique: wears a mask that is white but appears to be bleeding out of the pitch black one way eye holes, also bears a smile that is creepy from cheek to cheek
OH MY GOD!!!!! I almost gave f*** what you think.
Jan 3, 2014 2:11 AM

Jul 2008
Name: Cilka (no last name)
sex: Female
age: 19
race: Caipora, kind of.
Town: Fenix (It reminds her of home)
Occupation: Adventurer
practices: Archery, martial combat, firearms, and some magic.
weapon: Dragonslayer Longbow (see special) & Shortsword
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Likes to tease, but is very serious when she needs to be. Albeit a very sarcastic kind of serious. A bit jaded due to the nature of her homeworld.
biography: On Gaea, Cilka was called a Lycan, but here in this world she is called Caipora.
On Gaea, Cilka was an archer in Osidai, fighting the good fight. In this world, she is nothing. A stranger. A wanderer. An unwanted.
Someone who does not belong here.
An invader to be weeded out and destroyed by the antibodies that are the people of this world....
Over her dead body.
Cilka was born on the streets, raised as an imperial slave, freed and taken in only to further live on the streets (Although they were admittedly cleaner). She ended up in this world in a freak accident involving a magic toaster. As such, she's become aware of her "other selves" living on other worlds. The accident replaced her with this worlds version of herself...who is only still alive due to only the gods know what. Gaea is a very dangerous place, after all.
She's dealt with her fair share of madmen and conquerors, all of which are now dead and lying in the shallowest of graves. Compared to that...this world will be a piece of cake.
Or so she thought. See, people like her are also very different from her. They don't have the feral form like she does. So she keeps it under wraps because it would mark her as an outsider. A pain in the ass, but worth it.
unique: Gear is from her homeworld, Gaea, and as such, some of it follows different rules.
Bow: Artifact called Dor'Ahiil Brarvaash (Dragonslayer Longbow), practically indestructible and was once able to kill even a dragon in a single shot. On this world though, because there are no legends about it, its power is pretty much gone but it remains a very deadly weapon. It was forged in the heat of a dragons stomach, out of the metal scales of the very same dragon. It has multiple segmented parts, allowing it to be taken apart and put back together quickly. One does not need to string it, for some of the weapons magic remains: It strings itself magically. The metal is stark white in color, but the bow itself is split down the middle (vertically) in color. One half white, the other grey. The grip features two sharp tines at either end, allowing for very limited melee combat (in fact, hitting someone with the bow rather than the tines is much more effective...)
Shortsword: Constructed of Osidaan, the toughest material on Gaea (This shit cuts diamonds!) It feels warm to the touch and is midnight black in color, giving off a faint "burning" glow. The sword splits halfway down the blade. She calls it Moras Laniir, "Mortal Fang," as the blade produces two distinct "fanglike" wounds.
Armor: About as tough as a rhino's hide but is virtually weightless. Wears a breastplate to prevent personal injury rather than to prevent someone else from hurting her. Archery be dangerous.
Jan 3, 2014 3:09 PM
Jul 2012
age: 31
race:( Human)
Town:( Fenix) 
Occupation:(truck driver 
practices: marksmanship 
weapon: (shot gun)
Affiliation: N/A
personality: (mean nasty evil sneaky )
biography: (no one knows she lived in the shadows her whole life )
Looks: (she has medium length brown  hair green eyes  6"5 Caucasian freckled skin )
unique: (any unique attribute you would like to add about your character that has not been covered already)

Name:(Auami ichtama )
race:(Caipora )
Town:(over Tigru in her giant flying pirate ship )
Occupation:(pirate and adventurer )
practices: (she dabbles in a lot of things but mostly does marksmanship magick martial arts and summoning teleportation )
weapon: (giant axe and two laser pistols as well as well as a few grenades and a sniper rifle and her giant flying pirate ship )
Affiliation: N/A
personality: (says argh and mew a lot is kind  to her friends ruthless to her enemies she has no shame and will do what ever she wants to get what she wants she is kind of flirty she is usually working a angel but has been known to sometimes do stuff outta the goodness of her heart she will quite often teleport in and molest people just for the fun of it )
biography: (still thinking of it )
Looks: (
unique: shes bi sexual
MikuIzumiJan 3, 2014 3:29 PM
Jan 3, 2014 3:15 PM

Dec 2013
Interesting.... A Pirate Caipora....
Jan 4, 2014 12:34 AM

Dec 2013
Name: Killashandra Marlboro
sex: Female
age: 40's but look sto be in her 20's
race: Human
Town: Fenix
Occupation: Currently gainfully employed at her familys place of business The Marlboro Brothel
practices: Glamour and a wee bit of everything else
weapon: Wolverine claws ( she was genetically enhanced at one point (sorrys not getting descriptive this time)
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Bi polar and adaptable
biography: See above as her job occupation
misasenkaJan 11, 2014 2:27 AM

There's no such thing as a painless lesson-they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made Fullmetal
Jan 5, 2014 7:28 PM

Dec 2013
Name : Dimitri Noir
Sex : male
Race : Human
Age : 24
Town : Fenix
Occupation : Lone adventurer
Practices : Pirate girl, Nek fetishes and maid fetishes
Weapon : Cutlasses and pistols
Affiliation : None
Biography : He seeks his dream girl.. :P
Looks : My profile picture..
Ze-LemJan 5, 2014 7:36 PM
Jan 5, 2014 9:47 PM

Jul 2008
Name : Maha Kayne
Sex : Female
Race : Caipora (fox)
Age : 25
Town : FTartaruga
Occupation : Lone adventurer
Practices : Horseback riding, acrobatics, the "soul arts", various martial arts, thievery, and assassination.
Weapon : Her body, mind, and soul are all the weapons she needs.
Affiliation : N/A
Biography :
A very troubled woman that prefers to show the world her smile, no matter how much pain is reflected in her eyes. She know the pain of a parent who lost both child and spouse, and their memory wreaks havoc upon her mind.
However, her inner turmoil has tempered her soul and made her one of the few who can use the "soul arts," a dangerous type of magic that uses the soul as the 'ultimate' fuel. For most, using it even sparingly has great consequences on the caster, but there are a few who have such strong souls that their bodies can handle utilizing the soul arts in combat, as their soul functions as a nigh limitless power source. Even these people must take caution though as overusing and even abusing the soul arts can cause irreparable harm.
In her grief over her families demise, she swore to find the person who killed them. This caused her to catch a demons eye, who bargained with her. She traded something of great importance to her in exchange for knowledge of the soul arts.

Perhaps her true enemy is neither the murderer or the demon, but her own self.

Unique: She cannot fly, she just jumps good.

Edit: Forgot appearance
TamoballJan 6, 2014 11:58 AM
Jan 5, 2014 9:52 PM

Dec 2013
Interesting ~ <w<
Very interesting character~ :3
Jan 6, 2014 8:20 PM

Nov 2009
Name: chikusa uchiha
age:18 by now since its been 2 years since she started her journey
Town: Tigru
Occupation: ninja adventurer
practices: ninjutsu, tai jutsu which is basically martial arts genjutusu and kenjutus which is basically swordsmen ship
weapon: (can fill this out later )
Affiliation: N/A
personality: her personality is explained in bio also its still forming so cant exactly say

Looks: or or or

unique: has sharingan a powerful blood line ability from her realm
FuriKuriJan 9, 2014 4:26 PM
I miss rping here.....
Jan 6, 2014 8:28 PM
Jul 2012
I think you should add this link to you're characters appearance also
Jan 7, 2014 12:08 AM

Aug 2013
Name: Dai Amani
Occupation:bounty hunter
practices: expert tracking/survival skills. Fire magic and use of a net gun. Utilizes bolas also. Has a hawk summoning.
weapon: Sword with two sides. one is dark other is light.
Affiliation: N/A
personality: quick minded fast thinker. Cold in a way where I weight pros and cons then act accordingly.
biography: At the age of ten parents were killed instead of going into adoption ran into the woods where I survived for 6 years before returning to civilization.
unique:In the woods I found My sword Seraphim it uses either evil or good magic I cherish the sword and see it as my only true friend atm.
Existence does not precede Essence.
Slaughter cannot be spelled without laughter.
Jan 7, 2014 4:08 PM

Feb 2013
Name: [unknown] - codename Raphael
Gender: Male
Age: 253 Years
Race: Ancient Tengu
Affiliation: The Disciple, Khaos Brigade.

Practices: Mastery with all kinds of swords and abnormal physical strength and speed. Master at Arcane Magic and Arcane Alchemy, lost long ago due to the evolution of races.

Weapon: The World Crusher: A massive, heavily cursed sword that is known as a legendary weapon used in the ancient times. It's massive size and force is powerful enough to crush a normal enemy. Powerful dark magic has been forged in this once holy sword.

Personality: Secretive, dark and misterious, Elden is a legend that warriors use to scare their enemies. However, the legend is actually true and this dark, deadly soldier is living through the realm with his loyalty being sworn to The Discipline. His motives are completely unknown, however.

Biography: ( I'll add this later, I'm currently out of ideias. )

Looks: Normally uses a jet black cloak, which hides his face, and tends to mask himself.

Unique: The only dominator of the Arcane Eternal Flames, a powerful magic that burns enemies until they die. Elden can use the Eternal Flames in order to burn himself without causing damage. This causes an area around him to burn.

User of the Dark Armor, an adaptive armor that gains resistance of the element last used against it.
FuriKuriJan 7, 2014 4:44 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jan 9, 2014 1:32 AM

Oct 2013
age: 22
race:, Tengu
practices: magick martial arts
weapon: Black Dragon claw on his hand
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Bad Ass, Hates anoyyances
biography:He was born in a Place far from society he was rased there until his parents were killed he romes the world seeking revenge
unique: He has an eye that evolves every time he is about to die giving him 10 times more power then he had before
MyayJan 9, 2014 1:46 AM
Jan 9, 2014 4:41 PM
Jan 2014
Name: Mark Lee
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Race: Kitsune
Appearance: Wears black hood over face covering red eyes and black hair, has a tattoo on his right side of chest that's black and the shape of a black dragon
Town: Tingru
Occupation: Adventurer- Bounty Hunter
Practices: Darkness,shadow and ice magic
Weapon: Black Scythe he woke up with when he practiced darkness and shadow magic. Engraved with symbols and ancient writing. The scythe's name is Dark Night
Affiliation: N/A
Personality:Playful and sometimes breaks rules. Bad temper, nice mostly, can't stand annoying people, trustworthy, honest, sometimes can be mean
Bio: Mark grew up in a poor family. He took care of his mother and his sister when his father went to work at a guild, until he died from an attack. Mark started looking around his house now. He found darkness and shadow spell books which he practiced on the trees surrounding his house. Then, he started using it to hunt and help his family. But his mother soon got sick and died. Lily died soon too from some human who stabbed her in the chest. By that time Mark was practicing magic so he killed the man. He could never forgive himself.
Unique:When Mark's hood is off his magic is increased by lots of power sometimes overwhelming his opponent.
BonekrushaFeb 4, 2014 3:10 PM
Jan 9, 2014 5:26 PM

Feb 2013
Name: Ayra Gravent
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Race: Human
Town: Tigru
Occupation: Second eldest daughter of the Gravent's family./ Adventurer.
Affiliation: The Gravent Family's Royal Guard Leader.

Practices: A master at spear combat, has above normal physical strength and speed. Knows little about magic and prefers to use physical strength over magical powers. She has learned many martial arts and was even able

Weapon: A spear with the Gravent Family's symbol in it( A black sun ), forged with Dragon Bones. It is durable and very powerful, being able to pierce nearly any armor. Her scarf is enchanted by a powerful magic that gives her protection against any kind of dark magic. During this, they change into the form of two bloody dragons that move on their own free will.

Personality: Playful and very cheery, Ayra tends to get carried away and breaks the rules without even noticing. Her skills granted her to confidence to believe that she is invincible and she has proven to be so far thanks to her family's benevolence. Though she has a very strong pride and tends to even get into fights with people who dishonor her family. Ayra holds a extreme disgust for her own sister, the Princess of the Grevant Family and the current owner of the fortune. They both tend to get into constant fights, which causes Ayra to leave the house and go out in her own adventures.

Biography: Born in the city of Tigru during the construction of her family's fortune, Ayra saw as her life changed completely from being a nobody in the city of Fenix into being one of the most prestigious families in the city of Tigru. However, unlike her sister, she still carries her playfulness and tends to get into all kinds of problems.

Her parents died assassinated after they went against the construction of new fortresses and resistance against The Discipline. The assassin is still in the dark and her sister was the one who became the new head of the family. Currently, her entire family is made of women, being her as the second eldest daughter while there are 5 in the house. She always fights against the elder daughter, Serys, because of Serys abandonment of their parent's cause.


Unique: Ayra can use her Spear to block maigcal projectiles while receiving no damage. This skill of hers is still a complete mistery.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jan 11, 2014 9:36 AM
Jan 2014
Name: Alex Tai
Gender: Male
Age: 114
Town: Tartaruga
Occupation: Adventurer/bounty hunter
Practices: All elements (fire, ice, water, ect)
Weapon: Uses dual swords that he can channel his magic into, can form a magical machine gun that shoots out any element he wants.
Personality: Quiet , bad-ass, soft spot for sweets
Bio: Alex grew up in a rich family who he went to go visit but saw that his house was ruined and everyone decapitated with guns or swords. He took the rest of their money and some of his belongings to leave. He went to Tartaruga where he has been staying for the past 3 years.
Unique: If Alex connects his swords by their ends he can make a single huge one and use that.
BonekrushaJan 13, 2014 3:25 PM
Jan 16, 2014 1:15 PM

Dec 2013
age:? looks 17
practices: summoning magic
weapon: her gameboy and a sword (
Affiliation: N/A
personality: fun and outgoing
biography: K has no memory of her past, she woke up on a beach with nothing but some rags hanging off her and a gameboy with a pokemon game in it, she then realized after playing the game a little she can summon anything in the game
unique: (any unique attribute you would like to add about your character that has not been covered already)
Jan 21, 2014 5:11 AM

Feb 2012
Name: Aurora Francois
sex: Female
age: 18
race: Caipora
Occupation: Maid/Waitress & Adventurer
practices: Archery, magic
weapon: Bow & Arrow
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Is usually cheerful but can sometimes be unusually cold and distant. She does not trust others easily
biography: Her parents were murdered when she was very young. From then on, she has trained herself to be stronger and more powerful so that she can protect those who are dear to her
Looks: The one with black hair
unique: Her body is immune to fire and her arrows are covered in a dangerous venom

PromiseJan 22, 2014 12:59 AM
thank you takiboob

Apr 22, 2014 5:19 PM
Dec 2011
Name: kiba
sex: male
age: 4millon years old
race:, Kitsune,
practices: all three
weapon: katna ten commandment sword
Affiliation: N/A
personality: nice kind and sweet and careing and dark
biography: born as a fox demon the seconed prince of the fox demons and was prophesied as hero wiith two swords
Looks: (i realize img is not working right now. so either a url link to the pic or very detailed description of appearance)
unique: (any unique attribute you would like to add about your character that has not been covered already)

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