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Oct 24, 2013 4:42 PM

Sep 2012
Here on Carrick station many things are bought and sold, it is a neutral station where neither the Republic or Empire fight. To anyone that goes here they have to be completely passive or leave immediately. that has always been the case and always will be. This station is mostly used for Black Market Weapons,Merchandise or Diplomacy Meetings
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 28, 2013 3:20 AM

Nov 2012
a ship docks at the station and a young woman steps out, she walks around and scouts the area, looking over the area and people while minding her own buisness, meanwhile not to far away a man in a hooded clockplays a low profile while listening to a black market deal about stolen medical goods
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Oct 28, 2013 9:42 AM

Sep 2012
Dario and His Comrades Docked with the Station and Set out on Repairs of their ship, Rearming their stocks and getting supplies needed from merchants. Dario went into the Cantina to find out any information he could on the Sith and their dealings recently
Oct 29, 2013 4:16 AM

Nov 2012
after listening in on the black market deal over those medical supplies ethan walks over

ethan: excuse me, i heard you where talking about supplies
dealer: and who would you be? a jedi?
ethan: no no, just interested, im looking to buy
dealer: well then sit down

ethan sits down with the dealer and they talk shop, meanwhile karen continues to roam, some people appear suspicious of her
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Oct 29, 2013 4:19 AM

Sep 2012
Dario got his information and was walking to the Coordinates on the station he was given by the bar owner,his 3 friends,Sixer,Sev,Fixer were right behind him,their blasters and vibroblades in their hands, Little Did Ethan know it was that exact deal they were heading for
Nov 2, 2013 3:07 AM

Nov 2012
ethan: im curious, since im buying i think i should know where these supplys came from
dealer: why would you want to know that?
ethan: if they gat tracked back to me i should have a convincing story on how they got to me, otherwise im left tracking it back to you
dealer: nice try but i dont give out those details
ethan: then im sorry, but it looks like we're done here
dealer: huh?

ethan stands and the dealer thinks see's his lightsaber

dealer: jedi!

as he reaches for his gun he is cut down with only a flash of white, ethan had extended and retract his lightsaber to think it was just another bad deal gone wrong, however karen saw this and as he walks away from the scene karen tails him
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 5:44 AM

Sep 2012
Dario saw Ethan leave and started to also follow him,Sev,Sixer,Fixer were also following
Nov 2, 2013 1:41 PM

Nov 2012
ethan walks down an alleyway that leads to a dead end, karen stops before the dead end when she notices the others tailing him
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 1:45 PM

Sep 2012
Dario and his team get to the entrance to the alley and stand in the way "Jedi correct?" Dario asks,His own lightsaber hidden from sight,only his blaster visible
Nov 2, 2013 1:55 PM

Nov 2012
ethan had turned around at the end of the alley, lying in wait for anyone tail him, as Dario and his team block the entrance off and ask him if he's a jedi he answers

ethan: no, im just survivor with lost saber, i guess your one of that dealers emmployers or dealers, well im sorry but whatever it is it isnt worth it

karen keeps to the edge of the alley out of sight from ethan or Dario's team
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 1:57 PM

Sep 2012
Dario laughs, so do his team
"Do we look like dealers?" he says mockingly since they were in mandalorian armor"We arent dealers in the slightest"
Nov 2, 2013 3:09 PM

Nov 2012
ethan: then what is it you want from me?
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 3:12 PM

Sep 2012
"Information" He tosses Ethan a picture of a sith lord"Do you know anything about this man?"
Nov 2, 2013 3:31 PM

Nov 2012
ethan takes a look at the picture before throwing back in reply

ethan: im sorry, no i dont, i've barely come into contact with siths and jedi

karen then steps around the corner and speaks up to all of them

karen: and yet you have a lightsaber, and use it to cut down illegal transaracy's as a part of your own justice?
ethan: and you are?
karen: karen, im a jedi of the republic and i am here on the same mission as these men, im here seeking stolen goods that the sith have been purchasing on the black market, then you stood out and these men followed you, i have to say your quite a crowd drawer
ethan:... thanks
karen: that wasnt a compliment
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 3:35 PM

Sep 2012
"Another Jedi? hmmm....seems we arent alone here boys"He puts his blaster away,so do his team, Dario takes off his helmet"Dario Naharis,Jedi of the Republic,These are my comrades,Sev....Fixer and Sixer"
Nov 2, 2013 3:45 PM

Nov 2012
karen: karen erra, jedi knight for the republic and -
ethan: your BOTH jedi!?
karen: yes and dont go anywhere, we have matters to attend to and frankly we could use a hand, do well and we might make a jedi out of you

with karens words ethan takes off his hood and shuts up
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 3:48 PM

Sep 2012
"Im not a ...conventional Jedi master but yes i am" Dario spoke
"Thats an understatement" Sev Replied while laughing with Fixer and Sixer
Nov 2, 2013 3:52 PM

Nov 2012
ethan: ? umm... care to explain?
karen: he doesnt follow the rules per say, but then again not many do since theres a strain on soldiers and jedi
ethan:... oh
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 3:55 PM

Sep 2012
"I just do what needs to be done,Not like most of the order where they are too scared to act" Dario stated
"Its also not conventional for Mandalorians to side with the Republic either after everything the Jedi did to us in the Mandalorian Wars" Fixer stated also
Nov 2, 2013 4:04 PM

Nov 2012
karen: i think they are just being cautious, cant take things to lightly with whats been going on
ethan: i understand from personal expericane
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 4:10 PM

Sep 2012
"This is war,not some light diplomacy, we need action not sitting around doing nothing"Dario said
"Hes right,thats why were still with him" Sixer added
Nov 2, 2013 4:27 PM

Nov 2012
ethan: i agree but not everything can be just so simply done
karen: thats the tricky part, this isnt a diplomacy and numbers as well as resources are limited, were not trying to fight strength against strength its a game of tactics, and if you cant move to trp your opponent i'm sure you will end up in the trap instead
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 4:29 PM

Sep 2012
"Thats why i dont move alone,I have my boys with me every step of the way ever since we left Mandalore" Dario says putting his helmet back on
Nov 2, 2013 4:44 PM

Nov 2012
karen: can we please focus on the task at hand, im very busy and this is only making things difficult for everyone
ethan: seconded
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 4:49 PM

Sep 2012
"Im just trying to find that sith. Nothing more"
Nov 2, 2013 4:57 PM

Nov 2012
ethan: well i haven't run into any sith lords
karen: ok then, now about those dealings, now that you've killed the dealer i guess thats 1 less lead to go onto with getting information, i dont know weather to punish you or thank you, so instead i'll make you an offer to help
ethan: im in, i'd do anything for a jedi, or the right girl
karen: none of that on my ship mister ethan
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 4:59 PM

Sep 2012
Dario and his team laugh
"That kinda thinking will get you killed Ethan, dont think about getting with women, it'll only end badly, and its worse for Jedi, Right Karen?"
Nov 2, 2013 5:17 PM

Nov 2012
karen: right, but its not like i cant just leave the order, or if anyone will find out
ethan: that's a pretty had decision
karen: im only teasing, i would never do it, especially with guys like yourself
ethan: no i meant the "jedi no sex" rule, you come a bit hard up for my tastes

karen shows no sign of aggression or agreement in that statement
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 5:20 PM

Sep 2012
Dario laughed again
"Id rather not fall to the dark side thanks haha"
Nov 2, 2013 5:29 PM

Nov 2012
karen: the dark side is the dark emotions, its what any emotion can lead to through pain, that is why we are trained to block them out, neutrality is peace, however when peace comes, jedi will be its guardians
ethan: that sounds... really Nobel
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 5:31 PM

Sep 2012
Dario:Also why we dont get intimate with the opposite sex, we get attached,lose them, then pain and suffering takes over,then anger and vengeance follows...the path to the dark side
Nov 2, 2013 5:51 PM

Nov 2012
ethan: i believe in balance, if everything comes together as a whole that better then simply being on one side, at least with the jedi they dont simply follow violence and rule
karen:... (there's hope for this one yet)
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 5:54 PM

Sep 2012
61195 would you rather learn both? there have been Jedi that have done that, the so called Grey Jedi
Nov 2, 2013 6:00 PM

Nov 2012
karen: thats... a legend
ethan: then it looks like im going to follow the grey jedi path

ethan clenches his fist in eager antisipation
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 6:03 PM

Sep 2012
Dario: The Grey Jedi are not a legend, if they were i wouldnt exist, Come on boys were leaving
Nov 2, 2013 6:18 PM

Nov 2012
karin: !?
ethan: cool

karen watchs Dario and his men very carefully as they leave and ethan smiles as he see's them leave, when they go karen turns and faces ethan

karen: so you wish to be like him then?
ethan: in my own way... yeah
karen: (if it's done once, it can be done again)... ok then, when this is done I'll make you my padawan and we will try to become a "grey" jedi

with a growing smile ethan nods and follows karen as they leave
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 6:22 PM

Sep 2012
Dario and his men make their way back to his hanger bay and come across a Sith with two troopers
"Can you?" Dario asked
the Sith turned and faced him
"Yes...You can Die" The sith said while drawing his lightsaber
Nov 2, 2013 6:30 PM

Nov 2012
as karen and ethan head to the docks they come across a battle between Dario and a sith, without hesitation they charge in

karen: follow my lead
ethan: im on it!

ethan draws his light saber and karen draws her two lightdaggers and they charge in
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 6:31 PM

Sep 2012
Dario: IDIOTS!!
the second he calls that the sith smirks as many stealth droids appear firing at them,Sev,Fixer and Sixer get out their blasters and form suppresion while Dario engages the Sith in close combat with his own silver-blue lightsaber
Nov 2, 2013 6:38 PM

Nov 2012
ethan moves fast to cover, he's not trained in dealing with deflection, karen rushes in and makes quick work in close quarters combat, being in the blind spot and managing the droids ethan assists Dario's men while Dario himself goes toe to toe with the sith
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 6:40 PM

Sep 2012
Dario continued to fight 1 on 1 with the sith,striking and blocking, a very close duel

Sev:On your Left Fixer!
Fixer turns just in time to blast a droid that was sneaking up on him
Fixer: Thanks Sev!
Nov 2, 2013 6:45 PM

Nov 2012
ethan joins Sev and Fixer as they fight back against the droids, karen makes quick work amongst the droids and then heads towards Dario for support
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 6:50 PM

Sep 2012
The sith seeing how bad his plan was going jumped up on top of Dario's ship "Next time Mandalorian" He ran back towards the Airlock and ran into his own ship and took off, he entered hyperspace and left the system
Dario: Damnable Sith......Anyone Injured?
Sev comes down with Fixer and Sixer"No boss were all fine"
Nov 2, 2013 6:54 PM

Nov 2012
karen: im ok
ethan: im ok, you know who that guy was?
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 2, 2013 6:56 PM

Sep 2012
Dario: A very annoying Sith that keeps popping up wherever me and my team go...seems he doesnt like how Mandalorians like us joined the republic
Sev: there will always be people like him
Fixer: Hope he didnt damage our ship...took me forever to get this gal working after last time
Sixer: Oh come on, get over it Fixer...its not like you hate being the engineer to our ship
Fixer: True.. haha
Nov 3, 2013 4:33 PM

Nov 2012
Karen: well I'm glad my shop wasn't damaged, it would have been the second ship I have lost this year
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 3, 2013 4:52 PM

Sep 2012
Fixer: If they damaged my baby id be so pissed right now!
Sev:Chill out Fixer...they didnt
Dario:Boys get on board...we have to leave soon anyway
Nov 4, 2013 11:57 PM

Nov 2012
ethan: ok yeah thanks for the assist, not like we didn't jump into it for kicks
Karen: we were glad to have helped, as for ethan, don't just seek recognision, anyway lets hope we cross paths again, until then, may the force be with you

Karen bows and ethan bows with in respect before heading to there ship in the distance
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Nov 5, 2013 2:44 AM

Sep 2012
Dario: and may the force be with you
Sev,Fixer,Sixer and Dario get on board their ship and undock and head out to deep space
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