Okay, since this is very vague and I have been deprived of hints (- stares at DrMad - ... ^_^), I have several possible solutions:
1) There is no meaning! Haha.. Yeah, no cigar.
2) Z can be called zed, and "zed" is slang for zombie. Classic anime series don't meet a true end because their popularity always dies, then revives (like zombies) from time to time. The parentheses are there because there are only a select number of anime are zeds, or zombies.
3) I don't know much about Z notation, and Wikipedia helped me. Still, I don't fully understand it. Apparently, Z notation is named after a theory that is "one of the foundations of modern math." Classics are a foundation for other anime? Other anime series are inspired by those classics. Again, the parentheses are there because there are only a select few that are "foundations" for other anime.
4) Another explanation for (Z) being a foundation - look at (Z). In Z, this _ goes up / and has another _. So classics could be the bottom foundation (older) to lead to (going up in time, /) classic-inspired anime that are newer (top _). The parentheses are there to show that newer anime is connected to classics in their ideas, themes, plots, etc. and are always connected.
5) Classic anime makes people sleepy! Zzz...
Well, that's all I have! For now. What will Sensei Mad have in store for us now that the deadline has been reached?? - dum dum! - Nobody knows... |