Sunain said: We're a fairly busy bunch. This summer has been busy for most of our staff in multiple different ways. We all have work and other related projects we are currently doing. As it was stated above, we finished the DP HD sub pack earlier which was a priority.
Oh wow thanks for the reply, totally wasn't expecting that, your subbing work is top notch and you clearly put alot of work into them, looking forward to marathoning the last eps of Decolora Adventures b4 XY starts =].
hakemo said:
"I understand that subbing is probably alot harder than it looks and people have time constraints but if others can do so many series on time then I don't see why [PM] are so slow"
>Nicest way possible.
Not to mention- raising the issue itself is inherently rude, considering there is no reasonable goal to be attained from doing so. What do you plan to achieve? Convince people to boycott PM? There is literally NOTHING to be gained by complaining about it. Who would be willing to step up after seeing your post? Nobody, because they'd wind up thinking "well, if I wind up not possibly catering to all of his demands, he's just going to throw a bitch fit. Why should I even bother subbing for such a fanbase?". You have to realize that one person can potentially be a representative of the entire group of fans.
Dude, you should seriously check your attitude. Have you even considered /asking them/ why they're behind? Maybe there are personal issues at hand. Maybe school is hitting them hard. And hey, maybe they're just slowing down because people are complaining too much/assuming that circumstances are better than they are.
Speaking of assuming, your last paragraph is amusing. Did you even stop to consider that the person I was saying that to could possibly be, say, a friend of mine? There is more than one way to interpret every action, you know; don't be stuck on just one assumption.
(Spoiler: she is a friend of mine. Thought I'd made that obvious by the clearly forced incorrect spelling in our back-and-forth, but I suppose it was too subtle.)
As for you my little shitstain, you want attitude then you have attitude, I was NOT being rude but mainly concerned to as of why the subs are coming out slowly, I posted this thread because noone else had the guts to do so because they were obviously afraid of being flamed by overly sensitive shitstains such as yourself.
AS YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE it payed off because we got a reply from the people themselves because previous contact would be impossible due to lack of website/blog etc.
if you raise the point then a response is always possible, might wanna keep that in mind b4 you start flaming people because your overly sensitive ego tells you to |