diyedas said:pizza_012 said:diyedas said:
No, just no. Love triangles are usually the bane of any series' existence. This show successfully avoided one, and it's probably appreciated by many. So let's keep it that way.
Could you explain to me why it never works or at least almost fails every single time a manga or an anime adaptation tries to pull off a Love Triangle concept in its very plot?
And Why is it a bane of "ANY" series' existence? You mean all of them sucked when they tried to pull it off and others will suck too if they indeed made a concept about this in the near future?
Okay, maybe I worded that wrong. I meant that MOST love triangles don't work in a series. Personally I think love triangles can be a lot of fun when done right. The problem is that they rarely, rarely are. Seriously I can only name a handful. I don't know why, but a lot of writers seem to be really bad at writing love triangles. And I can explain the problem. Also I wasn't just talking about anime and manga, but fiction in general.
1. Unnecessary drama. I like romance drama, I do. But honestly I feel when love triangles are involved, the drama drags on the inevitable even more than it needs to. It's especially prominent when it's so dang obvious who's going to win the triangle. We already know who's getting together, so what's the point in adding another character? That person's just going to suffer anyways, which gives us even more drama.
2. One character often gets sidelined in favor of another character. That sometimes means said character gets underdeveloped. A lot of the times the character could also get derailed or flanderized. Heck they could get so developed that you care more about them then the one who actually wins. This happens a lot when the character is a fan favorite.
3. Divided fandom. A love triangle often ends up with fans taking sides. It's natural to of course, but it doesn't end well. Fans taking sides results in difference of opinion. Difference of opinions results in fights. And fights result in ship wars. And ship wars are stupid, pointless, and frankly annoying to people who don't want want to take part in any of that crap. It sucks when you want to enjoy the fandom, but can't when the fandom is fighting.
In the end though the main reason I think this show benefited without a love triangle because of how they handled Nibutani. Nibutani for the longest time was pretty much hated by most fans. Although incredibly annoying to hear people complain about her constantly, it was pretty justified. After all she was portrayed as the typical cliche bitch. But as soon as she started noticing and helping Yuuta/Rikka, she was put in positive light. She suddenly had more development, people liked her, and she became vitally important to the story. Seriously without her, Rikka and Yuuta would've taken so taken much longer to progress. She was the whole reason Rikka confronted her feelings instead of hiding behind her chuunibyou. Thus Nibrotani was born.
If this had been a triangle between Nibutani/Yuuta/Rikka, Nibutani wouldn't have been put in a positive light, Yuuta and Rikka wouldn't have progressed, and all those problems I talked about would have come up. Also there would be more drama. This anime had enough drama as it is, didn't surely need any more.