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Oct 4, 2008 2:55 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Leon-Gun said:
So now that there are three different subs out, what's your take on which is more worth it? There were plenty of differences in translation between GG and Mayu, but posessing almost no japanese knowledge I can't truly argue for either so I'd like some opinnions on the matter. As for the raw itself, Mayu's seemed to have the upperhand here, as it was far cleaner.

Both versions had a few sentences I would've worded differently. gg's had about 4 of those, Mayu-Genjo 1 or maybe 2. I've watched both versions and I think Mayu-Genjo is quite a bit better than gg. gg are more of a somewhat-quality speed sub group anyway while Genjo is not. And yes, the Mayu-Genjo version looked better to me.




[H+] ³  
Oct 4, 2008 3:44 PM

Jul 2007
- urusai! urusai!
- kugimiya rie <3
- horie yui <3(minorin's introduction was cute as hell)
- LMAO at the censored molds
- in....po! (forgive him, he's "just not feeling well today" LMAO)
- lulz at taiga trying to hide in the locker(i was confused at what happened at that scene at first though XD)

- too short! MOAR MOAR MOAR!

cyruz said:

Both versions had a few sentences I would've worded differently. gg's had about 4 of those, Mayu-Genjo 1 or maybe 2. I've watched both versions and I think Mayu-Genjo is quite a bit better than gg. gg are more of a somewhat-quality speed sub group anyway while Genjo is not. And yes, the Mayu-Genjo version looked better to me.

I haven't checked mayu's yet but ever since kodomo no jikan/blue drop, i was afraid to touch genjo subs with a ten-foot pole(their quality is unquestionable though. they are GOOD) it's just that i'd want my weekly dose of toradora + the assurance that it won't be dropped/stalled. i wish eclipse did this though XD
corrodedOct 4, 2008 3:49 PM
Oct 4, 2008 3:57 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Iriya said:
I had a big sigh when Aisaka (I almost typed Louise there) started calling Ryuuji a dog. Sound familiar at all? D: I hope it doesn't become too prominent in the series or it gets a bad score. Otherwise, I rather liked the rest of the episode. At least so far I like Ryuuji a lot better than I liked Saito.
100% in agreement :)

I really wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised, and will definitely catch the next episode. Some of the art kind of weird-ed me out a bit though; there were more than a few scenes where the girls looked like little kids (ie: big heads, with little unporportional bodies).
Oct 4, 2008 5:03 PM

Sep 2008
i enjoy it...

(the voice of shana and louise!)
Oct 4, 2008 5:18 PM

Jun 2007
This made me laugh, which is always a good start. I will be continuing with this.
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"Oran is a sophisticated penguin." Drybananna
"Oran is a Hand-Eye you faggots." EddieSpaghetti
"Oran for Prime Minister." the_prime_one
"Oran is all that is stated in his sig and more." orbitzz

Oct 4, 2008 5:35 PM

May 2008
Oct 4, 2008 6:21 PM

Feb 2008
corroded said:
I haven't checked mayu's yet but ever since kodomo no jikan/blue drop, i was afraid to touch genjo subs with a ten-foot pole(their quality is unquestionable though. they are GOOD) it's just that i'd want my weekly dose of toradora + the assurance that it won't be dropped/stalled.
QFT, but gg also likes to drop things. Let us hope one of them will make it through the season.

Good episode, Kugimiya in her usual tsundere role but without the dere, I believe. So not a tsundere, yet?

Anyways, highlight for me was the way Taiga rolled out of the school closet, that was hilarious. Also, the bird was really stupid and funny at the same time.

I'm definitely watching this show.

Edit: Watched Mayu-Genjo just now, pretty much fail, unfortunately. It seems that the old Genjo is indeed dead. gg may have too much fun with subbing but their subs made a whole lot more sense. Plus the opening logo thing for Mayu-Genjo was just silly...
kuroshiroiOct 4, 2008 7:10 PM
Oct 4, 2008 6:27 PM
Aug 2008
infinite_zero said:

Ugh, I see the serious TL error in Mayu now.

"Keep sneezing" and "Go to doctors", massive fail on that part.

I noticed that they also failed to translate "10 minutes" properly. Sure Ryuuji was holding up 3 fingers.. but he definately didn't say "30 minutes" as was shown in the subs.

While Mayu's source is of better quality, I just think that they put in a little too much fluff... for example the title sequence... that was just unnecessary in my opinion.
Oct 4, 2008 8:20 PM

Aug 2008
This was OK, but I had a few problems: number one being that although i consider myself a big Louise/Shana/Nagi fan (maybe not so much love for Louise after season 3), but this girl (didn't learn her name yet) was just way too tsun-tsun for my taste. Though her rolling out of the locker scene was pretty funny.

My other problem is the graphics, most of the characters look like cr*p. It's not the lack of quality, just the style. Still I think I'll give this a go.

Someone wrote that this looks already better than ZnT. Well, at the current state, beating ZnT is like winning in a 100m footrace against a tall glass of cranberry juice.
Oct 4, 2008 8:54 PM

Aug 2008
Ah, this made me smile quite a few times. Good start - I'm looking forward to what is to come.

The parrot(?) was awesome.
Oct 4, 2008 9:22 PM

Apr 2008
Well, it was called Parrot at any rate. inko = parrot
Oct 4, 2008 9:47 PM

Sep 2008
better than what i thought it was going to be ;)
Oct 4, 2008 10:28 PM
May 2008
Loved the first episode! the ED is great too. I'm gonna continue this.
Oct 4, 2008 10:35 PM

Feb 2008
MaiZorbescu said:
Will the tsundere be a main character? Cause I don't like her.

Yep. I'm not really a fan of her so far either, too bitchy and not very likable. Then again, it's only been one episode, so I can't really say yet. She'll probably change as time goes on.

Even if she doesn't, I like the main guy character and show enough to keep watching and enjoy it anyways.
Oct 4, 2008 10:59 PM

Jun 2007
Oh yay didnt know Toradora had an anime but yay
Nice first episode x3
Oct 5, 2008 7:27 AM
Nov 2007
This show seems really good so far. I've got high expectations for it but I pray it doesn't turn into Zero no Tsukaima. *please, please, please*
Oct 5, 2008 8:44 AM
Oct 2007
Looks great!
Oct 5, 2008 12:09 PM

Sep 2008
Interesting.. Hopefully it'll keep up like this. :>


Oct 5, 2008 12:25 PM

Jun 2008
Great first episode! No opening, ;__; but loved the ending!

I really liked Taiga, and above all definately Rie <3
Her voise is different from most of her tsuns in this one too, not as high pitched and what not, love it. I've liked all characters so far, so this show is a def' keeper for this season! c:
Oct 5, 2008 1:39 PM

Mar 2008
very good for a first episode, i'll definitely be watching it. the 'urusai' didnt surprise me at all. i'm also hooked on the ed
Oct 5, 2008 2:05 PM

Jul 2007
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES YES!!!!!!!

i had doubts at first, but ToraDora gave me exactly what I predicted. An over the top comedy love anime <3333

Oh my god, I must say. This was defiantly an amazing start to the series. the first episode kept me so freakin entertained the whole way through!!! I couldn’t stop laughing, and I swear to god, there’s no anime out there that made me laugh so much on the first episode!!! not even hare guu, seto no hanayome, or school rumble XDD Now I have high expectations for this anime!

oh gawd, what else do i have to say? XD i love this. i love this more than my walrus. and i’m tellin you, i LOOOVE my walrus.
Oct 5, 2008 4:19 PM

Sep 2008
I enjoyed that. Can't wait till next Week
Go Watch Sumomo momo Its epic. It has not gotten much attention... Episode 1
Oct 5, 2008 5:13 PM

Jan 2008

Good introduction to the story, I just hope that the series doesn't get bogged down with filler eps.
Oct 5, 2008 5:48 PM

Aug 2008
Hakkai said:
Well, first episode just aired, it wasn't bad but i prefer the manga.
Also, urusai, urusai!

Hmm? Wasn't this anime adaptated after a Light Novel?
urusai! urusai! I love Rie's voice!! It's just perfect for loli tsunderes!! :P
Anyway, this anime looks like fun, so i'am looking forward to the next ep xD
Oct 5, 2008 7:17 PM

Jul 2008
God I love loli tsunderes.

Rie + Urasai = Win

and that was his mom? /drool
Oct 5, 2008 7:19 PM

May 2007
Pretty interesting first ep.
Cant wait for more.

"School is just a distraction from anime" - JOIN THE "I hate school" CLUB!
Oct 6, 2008 12:33 AM

Mar 2008
haha awesome, it has the potential for me to love it <3

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Oct 6, 2008 5:07 AM

Feb 2008
Honestly, I was expecting something different, but I'm not sad with what I got. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. I just hope it doesn't get predictable...
Oct 6, 2008 9:29 AM

Feb 2008
Rofl, that parrot...

Great first episode :D
Oct 6, 2008 10:29 AM

Aug 2007
Well, that was abysmal; another single episode entry for the dropped pile. "I was punched, had my flat broken into and nearly got knocked out by a tiny bitch...what shall I do...oh yes, make her dinner, clean her flat and agree to do whatever she wants while she hurls insults at me!" That was so bad, I've been inspired to create a new tag for my list: Total Logic Bypass.

Honestly, WTF is with this fashion in anime for things that ought to make sense but totally fail to? Can we not have a show about two people with conflicting personalities having a relationship despite themselves without it becoming utterly idiotic inside of two minutes? And the humour? I've seen funnier blisters.
Oct 6, 2008 1:00 PM
Apr 2008
Ok so when first found Toradora I was looking pretty much forward to watching it.
But after watching ep1, all I can say is, its horrible. The characters are lame, whole beginning sucks and everything is lame, like YourMessageHere said, wth man, you get punched, you flat gets damaged and you clean her whole place?
I don't think I'll watch this any more.
Oct 6, 2008 2:34 PM

Jan 2008
Ahh nice comedy, i expect much from this
~de Arimasu
Oct 6, 2008 4:05 PM

Aug 2007
Totally unexpected Quality. Although it is cliche i liked what i saw.
Oct 6, 2008 4:06 PM

Jul 2008
lol loved it, it really amused me XD

Oct 6, 2008 5:42 PM

Jul 2008
it was a great beginning. I'm gonna stick to this series :D

Oct 6, 2008 9:30 PM

Mar 2008
I want more now!! (>.<) lol ok i can wait
YourMessageHere said:
Well, that was abysmal; another single episode entry for the dropped pile. "I was punched, had my flat broken into and nearly got knocked out by a tiny bitch...what shall I do...oh yes, make her dinner, clean her flat and agree to do whatever she wants while she hurls insults at me!" That was so bad, I've been inspired to create a new tag for my list: Total Logic Bypass.

Honestly, WTF is with this fashion in anime for things that ought to make sense but totally fail to? Can we not have a show about two people with conflicting personalities having a relationship despite themselves without it becoming utterly idiotic inside of two minutes? And the humour? I've seen funnier blisters.

^^^^ANGRY OTAKU ALERT!!!^^^^ lmao XD

ever think that he is just nice or doesnt think shes that bad or is scared of her and will do stuff so she will leave him alone? that doesnt defy logic that much =P
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Oct 7, 2008 3:28 AM

Aug 2007
traed said:
I want more now!! (>.<) lol ok i can wait
YourMessageHere said:
Well, that was abysmal; another single episode entry for the dropped pile. "I was punched, had my flat broken into and nearly got knocked out by a tiny bitch...what shall I do...oh yes, make her dinner, clean her flat and agree to do whatever she wants while she hurls insults at me!" That was so bad, I've been inspired to create a new tag for my list: Total Logic Bypass.

Honestly, WTF is with this fashion in anime for things that ought to make sense but totally fail to? Can we not have a show about two people with conflicting personalities having a relationship despite themselves without it becoming utterly idiotic inside of two minutes? And the humour? I've seen funnier blisters.

^^^^ANGRY OTAKU ALERT!!!^^^^ lmao XD

ever think that he is just nice or doesnt think shes that bad or is scared of her and will do stuff so she will leave him alone? that doesnt defy logic that much =P

No. Without wanting to be unfriendly or anything, those are frankly stupid suggestions. No-one is that nice, and she's one of the most instantly hateable characters I've seen in a pretty long time. Plus nobody in their right mind would be scared of that; any other one of those characters could simply lay her out cold or take the bokuto away from her. If someone who punched me then broke into my house and tried to kill me, I would call the cops or simply kick the hell out of them. Most people are the same; no-one on the face of the earth is so stupid as to make that person dinner and then clean their flat.

Logic Totally Bypassed. Good job JC Staff. Didn't you used to be the studio who made Azumanga Daioh?

Am I the only one who watched this willing someone, anyone to simply punch Taiga out and say "stop being such a bitch"? If someone punches me with intent, I punch them back, I don't care what gender or how small they are - the risks of physically attacking larger, stronger people are obvious. I absolutely long to see something with a character like this who keeps trying to act the same way, and just ends up being knocked the hell out every time by people who refuse to take that sort of rubbish. Suppose I'll be waiting a while.
Oct 7, 2008 3:33 AM

Mar 2008
hey im that nice, it reminds me of some girl and me almost in a way lol you have to really like somone to put up with that kind of stuff lol but oh well whatever, you can have your opinion, i just wanted to say something since it was a bit over done
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Oct 7, 2008 4:24 AM

Feb 2008
YourMessageHere said:
traed said:
I want more now!! (>.<) lol ok i can wait
YourMessageHere said:
Well, that was abysmal; another single episode entry for the dropped pile. "I was punched, had my flat broken into and nearly got knocked out by a tiny bitch...what shall I do...oh yes, make her dinner, clean her flat and agree to do whatever she wants while she hurls insults at me!" That was so bad, I've been inspired to create a new tag for my list: Total Logic Bypass.

Honestly, WTF is with this fashion in anime for things that ought to make sense but totally fail to? Can we not have a show about two people with conflicting personalities having a relationship despite themselves without it becoming utterly idiotic inside of two minutes? And the humour? I've seen funnier blisters.

^^^^ANGRY OTAKU ALERT!!!^^^^ lmao XD

ever think that he is just nice or doesnt think shes that bad or is scared of her and will do stuff so she will leave him alone? that doesnt defy logic that much =P

No. Without wanting to be unfriendly or anything, those are frankly stupid suggestions. No-one is that nice, and she's one of the most instantly hateable characters I've seen in a pretty long time. Plus nobody in their right mind would be scared of that; any other one of those characters could simply lay her out cold or take the bokuto away from her. If someone who punched me then broke into my house and tried to kill me, I would call the cops or simply kick the hell out of them. Most people are the same; no-one on the face of the earth is so stupid as to make that person dinner and then clean their flat.

Logic Totally Bypassed. Good job JC Staff. Didn't you used to be the studio who made Azumanga Daioh?

Am I the only one who watched this willing someone, anyone to simply punch Taiga out and say "stop being such a bitch"? If someone punches me with intent, I punch them back, I don't care what gender or how small they are - the risks of physically attacking larger, stronger people are obvious. I absolutely long to see something with a character like this who keeps trying to act the same way, and just ends up being knocked the hell out every time by people who refuse to take that sort of rubbish. Suppose I'll be waiting a while.

Lol, anime =/= reality. I mean, I understand what you mean, I'm not a fan of Taiga or the whole abusive tsundere thing either, but I think it's a bit too early to judge her character anyways.

That being said, if she becomes another Louise, I will probably drop this show. Other than that, I think it's pretty good.
Oct 7, 2008 4:49 AM
Aug 2008
well that girls persianality just fits " Shakugan no Shana " xD they even look the same.

Oct 7, 2008 5:01 AM

Jul 2007
YourMessageHere said:
traed said:
I want more now!! (>.<) lol ok i can wait
YourMessageHere said:
Well, that was abysmal; another single episode entry for the dropped pile. "I was punched, had my flat broken into and nearly got knocked out by a tiny bitch...what shall I do...oh yes, make her dinner, clean her flat and agree to do whatever she wants while she hurls insults at me!" That was so bad, I've been inspired to create a new tag for my list: Total Logic Bypass.

Honestly, WTF is with this fashion in anime for things that ought to make sense but totally fail to? Can we not have a show about two people with conflicting personalities having a relationship despite themselves without it becoming utterly idiotic inside of two minutes? And the humour? I've seen funnier blisters.

^^^^ANGRY OTAKU ALERT!!!^^^^ lmao XD

ever think that he is just nice or doesnt think shes that bad or is scared of her and will do stuff so she will leave him alone? that doesnt defy logic that much =P

No. Without wanting to be unfriendly or anything, those are frankly stupid suggestions. No-one is that nice, and she's one of the most instantly hateable characters I've seen in a pretty long time. Plus nobody in their right mind would be scared of that; any other one of those characters could simply lay her out cold or take the bokuto away from her. If someone who punched me then broke into my house and tried to kill me, I would call the cops or simply kick the hell out of them. Most people are the same; no-one on the face of the earth is so stupid as to make that person dinner and then clean their flat.

Logic Totally Bypassed. Good job JC Staff. Didn't you used to be the studio who made Azumanga Daioh?

Am I the only one who watched this willing someone, anyone to simply punch Taiga out and say "stop being such a bitch"? If someone punches me with intent, I punch them back, I don't care what gender or how small they are - the risks of physically attacking larger, stronger people are obvious. I absolutely long to see something with a character like this who keeps trying to act the same way, and just ends up being knocked the hell out every time by people who refuse to take that sort of rubbish. Suppose I'll be waiting a while.

dude, it's anime :D anything can happen, however illogical it is. personally, i watch anime for fun, i don't care about the logic in all those stuff. judging by the shows you have watched, it seems you have watched a lot of logic bending shows anyway, so why the hate on toradora?(this is just a friendly question btw :) )

in any case try to watch ep 2 first before complaining about the logic. the lead is a nice guy and he is OC(obsessive-compulsive) about dirty things(remember spotting the molds in his bathroom and cleaning it up?) that explains why he cleaned taiga's house.
Oct 7, 2008 10:57 AM

Mar 2008
YourMessageHere said:
Can we not have a show about two people with conflicting personalities having a relationship despite themselves without it becoming utterly idiotic inside of two minutes?

I'm afraid you came to the wrong place seeking for that. Toradora is something completely different from real life experience. It's a romantic and exaggerated comedy. It has nothing to do with drama you're looking for. I'd recommend you to check out a couple of shoujo dramas like Bokura ga Ita or Hachimitsu to Clover instead.
As to the Toradora, forget about reality, just have fun and enjoy the Show ^^

by the way, I just watched the paradym release, and I bet it's of the best quality in terms of both video, typesettings, and translations, so don't hesitate to download it (~_^)
Oct 7, 2008 3:12 PM

Oct 2007
Richard_Omega said:
too bad gg's subs are only 848 x 400... i was expecting some H264 1280 x 720 or something like that, but hell, the animation was nice.

Too bad you say? Well, just so you know, there are no freakin' HDTV raws for this anime. You can be pretty happy that they did h264 release at all.

HappyPear said:
Wow, a loli chick who's an ungrateful bitch that constantly shouts "Urusai" HASN'T been done at all... Pretty goddamn innovative... >.<

Indeed, i wonder how they even came up with that...

YourMessageHere said:
Am I the only one who watched this willing someone, anyone to simply punch Taiga out and say "stop being such a bitch"? If someone punches me with intent, I punch them back, I don't care what gender or how small they are - the risks of physically attacking larger, stronger people are obvious. I absolutely long to see something with a character like this who keeps trying to act the same way, and just ends up being knocked the hell out every time by people who refuse to take that sort of rubbish. Suppose I'll be waiting a while.

I agree with you 100%. (but hey, there still will be 500+ people who will tell us that it is just an anime..)
I'm getting the idea that most of the people who like tsunderes either don't have a girlfriend (and want someone as cool as those little chicks to boss them around) or/and are masochists.

And knowing that japs don't have such a fulfilling sexual life (proven by statistics) i can understand how shows like that get a lot attention there. Everyone have their own fetishes...

As for the show, i expected less tsundere domination and more rebellious male character (which turned out to be a spineless slug). Animation was better than average, had it's own style, but nothing too much worthy to mention.

I suppose i should hide now from incoming fanboy fire....
NoblemanOct 7, 2008 3:53 PM

Help the poor Ninja! Click Billy vs Snakeman link today!
Oct 8, 2008 12:58 AM

Apr 2007
Nice adaptation of the first ep I guess, going with Mayu-Genjo here.
Oct 8, 2008 4:51 AM

Jun 2008
Rie Kugimiya's tsundere roles are <3

pretty good opener, i'll be sticking with this one
Oct 8, 2008 4:54 AM

Mar 2008
Liked it, I'll continue on this one, no doubt about it. :3

"One day, we'll set out to sea! And live our lives the way we want!!" - Ace to Luffy, both chasers of dreams
Oct 8, 2008 3:15 PM

Sep 2007
Hahah, I liked it, surprisingly. And I don't even like tsunderes. ^^
Oct 8, 2008 8:22 PM

Jun 2008
This was a great start! I can definitely tell that this will be one of my favorite animes when it finishes, and I agree this show is fun. Also I like it too that Ryuuji has an obsession with cleaning. xDD By the way how the heck did Taiga find his home?! She's so.. O.O;; I dunno what to say. xD
Oct 9, 2008 1:33 AM

Mar 2008
Aina-Chan said:
This was a great start! I can definitely tell that this will be one of my favorite animes when it finishes, and I agree this show is fun. Also I like it too that Ryuuji has an obsession with cleaning. xDD By the way how the heck did Taiga find his home?! She's so.. O.O;; I dunno what to say. xD

she lives in the apartment building next door, she jsut had to look out her window, how did you miss that?
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