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Sep 23, 2012 9:39 AM

Nov 2011

Well, series is over today.

Tbh, I thought overall Oda Nobuna no Yabou was pretty damn good. There were so many loli throughout the series and a lot of fights (especially in this episode with even the firey backgrounds). The "healing" part was sort of amusing especially but I'm glad that Sagara is ok now. Also, the tsundere Nobuna Oda and Sagara makes a funny team despite their constant battering. Overall, it was a fun watch for weekends and the entertainment was delivered well.


Also based on that ending, I'm expecting a season 2
Stark700Sep 23, 2012 10:25 AM
Sep 23, 2012 9:54 AM

Mar 2012
Wow its out? I can't find raw or subs. Where did you awtch it
Sep 23, 2012 9:58 AM

Dec 2011
its on crunchyroll in like 1 minute
Sep 23, 2012 10:28 AM

Nov 2008
Although I thought that there would be more action, it was still a good ending for this season. Throughout the episode there hints of a second season, I just hope that they do it soon!

Anyway, its a great series, something that I would look forward to every Sunday, so its 8/10.
Sep 23, 2012 10:29 AM

Aug 2010
The visuals for this anime are beautiful. I'm thinking they are going for another season with the way they ended the series.
Sep 23, 2012 10:30 AM
Aug 2012
wow wow wow!!
Sep 23, 2012 10:36 AM

Mar 2012
Just watched it on CR, with that ending, I'm really hoping this gets a second season! xD
It was a really good ending episode, though that red head warlord at the end basically makes me say "MORE PLEASE!!"
Sep 23, 2012 10:47 AM

Dec 2011
Since everyone seems to say where they watched it, I watched it on animeultima! :p

No but seriously, loved this episode and the whole season too, I really hope it gets enough sale for a 2nd season!
Sep 23, 2012 10:51 AM

Nov 2008
That ending just said S2 is very likely.

I liked the series, the battles were good, the characters were great, lots of good lolis.


Sep 23, 2012 10:54 AM

Dec 2010
Brilliant ep. Can't believe they didn't kiss but I was kind of expecting that. It seems to be the norm nowadays in anime, an interruption will always appear when the main couple is about to kiss. The hug was a nice compensation for it though showing there closeness with each other.

Lol the viper already has plans for Sagara to marry Nobuna xD
Didn't really like Akechi closeness with Sagara when he was unconscious. I hope in S2 she doesn't get in the way of Sagara and Nobuna.

I'm not really familiar with Japanese history but the red head warlord does seem like a formidable foe for nobuna. That pretty much says Season 2 right there.

10/10 this anime gets from me. Enjoyed every single episode.
AlmazHiroSep 24, 2012 1:13 AM
Sep 23, 2012 11:05 AM

Feb 2011
This was freaking perfect , it was full of epicness . Everything about this anime was so epic , the animation , the OSTs , the story . I hope for a second season , the only bad thing about this anime is that it's too short .
Sep 23, 2012 11:06 AM
Feb 2012
I nearly died with Nobuna's reaction >.< too cute
Sep 23, 2012 11:12 AM

Nov 2007
Woot, the Takeda clan! (I have been playing too much Total War Shogun 2 lately :/)
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Sep 23, 2012 11:13 AM

Nov 2009
good final episode, overall a decent series, 8/10 for me.
At least Oda Nobuna belongs to one of a few good anime this season and it badly needs a 2nd season like Kuroko no Basket.

;_; holy ... goodbye to Hyouka, Kuroko, and now this ... how cruel is life ...
Sep 23, 2012 11:14 AM

Mar 2011
After all pretty good show.Lets hope for S2 and don't tell me that red haired warlord is Yukimura :)
Sep 23, 2012 11:15 AM

Feb 2008
Well, I didn't expect so much for this anime at all from beginning but it's turn all good in the end.

I can't wait to see a season 2 :)

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Sep 23, 2012 11:16 AM

Sep 2011
At the start I was skeptical, and I occasionally struggled with some of the elements, but the last few episodes were really good, particularly the final.

I was SO psyched when Oda wounded Konoe and the building he set fire to fell on him. For some reason I just love that sort of end.

I'm convinced Oda was contemplating suicide before Sagara showed up.

LOL at the faces of the gang watching Sagara trying to kiss Oda, especially Viper urging them on, Maeda saying " no fair", and Jubei chewing on her robe.

ROTFLMAO at the faces of the gang watching Oda beat Sagara for her embarrassment, particularly Viper face-palming and shaking his head.
Sep 23, 2012 11:17 AM

Aug 2012
really good anime, hope we get a season 2 with that ending :)
Sep 23, 2012 11:20 AM

Oct 2008
I was expecting to dislike this series when it started because there are so many mediocre anime, games, movies on this subject that I expected this was one to be just another. However, i was pleasantly surprised and ended up liking it.

The ending was a little worse than i hoped, but still good. Hoping for a second season as the first didn't really end on a "this is it, everything is concluded" note.
Sep 23, 2012 11:21 AM

Mar 2012
Great show, looking forward to the 2nd season.
Sep 23, 2012 11:22 AM

Apr 2010
Definitely one of the best anime this season and a great ending.
Mitsuhide having feelings for Sagara was also confirmed and she even warmed him up like that she is pretty daring after all.
The scene's where Sagara almost kissed Nobuna was also pretty nice and i have to say the effect of the mountain burning made it even better.
There where also some nice fights again and it was a pretty intense episode.

It also seems that we get a very interesting enemy next season so things will be nice if it comes out.
Sep 23, 2012 11:25 AM

Jul 2012
Is the ending hinting for a season 2? or just to get more buyers for the manga?
Sep 23, 2012 11:25 AM

Mar 2009
It was nice but some how I was expecting more... I like the last part of the episode tho. New enemies huh... hopefully a new season soon.
K-ON v1.1 ... Please leave you comments on my profile! ^_^
Sep 23, 2012 11:29 AM
Apr 2012
pls season 2 cuz they left a cliffhanger with the next enemy so they have to make a second season. the 12 episodes are really good
Sep 23, 2012 11:34 AM

Nov 2009
DivisionG said:
Is the ending hinting for a season 2? or just to get more buyers for the manga?

Novel to be precise.
Sep 23, 2012 11:36 AM

Aug 2011
Well... Sagara apparently not yet managed to avoid the Honno-ji incident . XD

Sep 23, 2012 11:42 AM

Aug 2012
The show must go on,
IF ONLY, Someone knew the sales and would be kind enough to post it here! ;o
i love them harem,comedy,romance,ecchi's see me around give me some reccomendations ^^

Sep 23, 2012 11:47 AM
Jul 2018
Pretty good episode. Mitsuhide started to develop her feeling for Sagara.
Sep 23, 2012 11:49 AM

Mar 2012
9/10. Fabulous ending. I wonder which province that woman at the end is from. haha it was funny how they didn't get to kiss because nobuna figured it wasn't a dream. I hope a season 2 comes
Sep 23, 2012 11:51 AM

Mar 2010
i love how that ending pretty much confirms season 2
Sep 23, 2012 11:52 AM

Jul 2010
well that was a fun show to watch. 7/10

Sep 23, 2012 11:52 AM

Aug 2011
kinda predictable final episode... 7/10
Sep 23, 2012 11:53 AM

Oct 2009
Awesome ending, now we need a 2nd season!
Sep 23, 2012 11:53 AM

Dec 2010
Great series; so much better than i thought it would be; i may even go as far to call it the surprise of the season for me behind Kokoro Connect; the ending was what i pictured it to be; its a shame that they didn't get to kiss but that hug was still good all the same; and it was a typical Nobuna reaction anyway, she isn't the kind to kiss in front of other people :P; also seems like Mitsuhide started to like Sagara for real; i mean she may have always had admiration but its clear that its been turned into affection; wonder how Nobuna would react if she knew how Mitsuhide "healed" Sagara :P

In any case as much as i want a season 2; and the ending scene implies one; i can't say that its for certain; unlike Kuroko i don't think this has the sales for a second season; just because it has the material left and it implies a second season doesn't mean there will be on; its the unfortunate truth of money makes the world go round; if it doesn't sell there won't be a season 2; so here is to hoping that sales do well and we get a announcement soon for a season 2 :D
Sep 23, 2012 11:54 AM

Sep 2012
Liked the episode but its that anime where we all want the ending kiss scene but...nothing happens :/ stil it was a good series ^.^
Oh god who are you people?
Sep 23, 2012 11:56 AM

Jan 2010
Wish they could market the anime better. At first glance at the summary it was very.. generic. But I'm glad I went for it. Perhaps my second favorite this season behind Kokoro Connect.
Sep 23, 2012 12:11 PM

Feb 2010
Eh I only watched this anime for the lolis.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 23, 2012 12:17 PM

Mar 2009
That is one sturdy iPhone
Sep 23, 2012 12:18 PM

Mar 2012
This was an excellent episode; one that served as a satisfying, suitably climactic conclusion to the series as a whole.

Oda is easily my favorite character, and her romantic moments with Sagara created one of the best and most interesting elements of the show. As such, I loved that this episode primarily focused on their increasingly fated relationship, and how immensely important they are to one another. Their reunion was a fantastic moment, effectively highlighting all that they had gone through, and that their romantic affections toward one another had grown considerably over time, culminating with that impressively satisfying hug. I would have preferred a kiss, but I knew how unlikely that was, and their plethora of romantic moments throughout the end of this episode more than made up for that somewhat unfortunate exclusion. I really liked the moment where Dousan, distinctly aware of their growing relationship, mentions Oda and Sagara's eventual marriage.

Mitsuhide has been my least favorite character by far throughout the show's entirety, and that feeling doesn't really diminish in this episode, as her character becomes even more grating, especially in comparison to all the other characters, who tend to, at the very least, be interesting and enjoyable. The cave scene involving her "healing" Sagara, although thankfully much shorter than in the LN, was rather unnecessary and detracted from the serious tone of the surrounding events. On top of that, the bits of jealousy she occasionally displayed towards Oda and Sagara's relationship was quite annoying, due to the inevitable, but extremely disappointing fact that she does develop significant feelings for Sagara, which I didn't like in the LN, and I don't really care for it here either. Niwa and Katsuie are great characters, and their brief moments of fighting were particularly terrific. Goemon and Inuchiyo are two of my favorite characters, and they were, as always, fantastic in this episode, particularly when Goemon was stumbling over her words once again and pretty much any scene Inuchiyo was involved with. I really enjoyed that Nobukatsu and Nagamasa appeared towards the end, reaffirming their continued relationship, while also serving as a nice conclusion to their small sub-plot.

The story was consistently interesting, offering a historical intrigue that was rather refreshing. Also, I love that it rose above the flawed approach of denigrating itself as merely a harem. Thankfully, for the most part, the harem antics were left out entirely, allowing for a more tonally consistent show, rarely derailing into the sort of awful comedy and obtrusive fanservice that usually accompanies mediocre harems. This lack of harem antics also resulted in an excellently increased focus on Oda and Sagara's relationship, which was a far better aspect than what otherwise would have been.

Although brief, the battle of kanegasaki was portrayed thrillingly, from Katsuie's excellent fight with the two female swordsman to the fiery fight between Oda and Konoe. This was a brilliantly animated fight, and definitely the highlight of the episode, as it proved a thoroughly tense and exciting sequence. The visuals were fantastic throughout, from the incredible action to the amazing shot of the eagle flying through the clouds at the end. These action sequences were aided wonderfully by the superb direction, which has always been one of the best qualities of the show, as said direction creatively illuminates the bits of fighting in a rather exciting fashion, always handling these moments with a particular nuance that is both interesting and intense. The music was somewhat inconsistent in quality. As such, there were times where it was thoroughly mediocre, but, for the most part, it was quite good, accompanying particular moments rather well.

It really wasn’t the most faithful adaptation, but I thought it improved on the LN in many areas, particularly regarding the anime's wise choice to decrease the amount of Mitsuhide (the worst character).

All in all, Oda Nobuna certainly surpassed my expectations, becoming one of the better and more enjoyable shows of the summer season. Takeda Shingen's appearance at the end was terrific, as it lends credence to the possibility of a second season, which I really hope happens eventually. A satisfying 7/10 for me.
Lelouch22Sep 24, 2012 10:19 AM
Sep 23, 2012 12:19 PM
Jan 2011
The End........Season 2????????????? I not betting on it.
Sep 23, 2012 12:20 PM

Jul 2011
well that was just awesome. Definitely one of my faves this season.
Sep 23, 2012 12:23 PM

Mar 2010
Absolutely epic show! Love it!
Sep 23, 2012 12:27 PM

Dec 2011
Lelouch22 said:
It really wasn’t the most faithful adaptation, but I thought it improved on the LN in many areas, particularly regarding the anime's wise choice to decrease the amount of Mitsuhide (the worst character).

Anyway 9/10 for me, wasn't expecting it to only get 4,053 sales for the first volume though. Would of thought around 6000-9000, but oh well.
Sep 23, 2012 12:28 PM

May 2010
dude get owned like final destination owned....... damn
Sep 23, 2012 12:28 PM

May 2012
I didn't think it was the best ending but it was satisfying. I liked the drama, war, and moe aspects of this show and enjoyed the series overall.

Overall, I give it a 7/10.
Go ***k yourself.

Polite as usual,
Sep 23, 2012 12:28 PM

Dec 2009
Everything an ending should have. Best fight scenes I've seen from this show, Katsuie vs the sisters was awesome. Surprised Yoshiharu made it out ok, but I guess Hanzo Hittori deserves more credit than I gave him, nice reunion but dammit kiss already! Seems like Mitsuhide and Yoshiharu got alittle closer than normal eheheheh. Wonder if that will be explored if there is a second 2.

Which speaking of, there probably will be a second season with that cliffhanger of an ending. Who is that red haired lady!

Great series overall, 10/10.
Sep 23, 2012 12:31 PM

Jun 2012
I'm calling a season 2 with an ending like that. Pre-order sales were much better than I expected, especially for something from Madhouse. The content for a season 2 is definitely there in the LNs, especially considering we didn't get an "anime original" ending, there are so many questions to be answered. I really enjoyed tuning in to this every week, and while not all episodes were 10/10 every episode was completly full with content and there was always something action/drama/comedy related going on. I really hope we get a season 2, now that the characters are fleshed out, we can get into more intense drama and action! I'm off to go buy the OST, [Support] the Official Release!
luigi-dudeSep 23, 2012 12:36 PM
Sep 23, 2012 12:39 PM

Mar 2012
Tr1ckR said:
Lelouch22 said:
It really wasn’t the most faithful adaptation, but I thought it improved on the LN in many areas, particularly regarding the anime's wise choice to decrease the amount of Mitsuhide (the worst character).

Sep 23, 2012 12:53 PM
Sep 2012
this series beat my expectations and it's one of my fav this season now . hope theres enough sales for season 2...

Sep 23, 2012 12:54 PM

Jan 2012
Loved this show, the ending was great. Sure hope to see a second season in the future.

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