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Jul 1, 2008 8:23 AM

Feb 2008
This is just a thing I found and felt like I should put it here...feel free to add your own as well xD

1) You hear the name Dr. Jackson and are surprised when he doesn't look anything like Daniel.

2) You wonder where Naquadah would fall on the periodic table.

3) You name your pets after characters from the show.

4) You wander up ramps knowing there must be a Stargate at the end of it.

5) You take an astronomy course just to make sure that all the science in the show is correct.

6) When hearing about black holes, you think of a doughnut and an apple.

7) You actually ponder about getting a tattoo like Teal'c's.

8) You stroll through the anthropology department looking for a Danny Clone.

9) Look at anyone dressed in Air Force blues and see if they are Sam or Jack.

10) Say "Ya think?", "Good morning Campers", or "Sweet" in most conversations.

11) Start writing fan fic constantly in the Stargate universe.

12) Join a mailing list about one of the characters or RPG.

13) Laugh when seeing a Jaffa cake.

14) Watch 'Third Watch' only to laugh at the producers name (chulack).

15) Have a collection of Stargate VCR tapes.

16) Redecorate your apartment, etc. with an Egyptian theme.

17) Start learning glyphs.

18) Actually memorize planet designations.

19) Start calling your friends Sam, Jack, Daniel, George, or Janet although their names are not that.

20) Stare at the night sky hoping to see a Tollan signaling device go off.

21) Be a bit more wary when seeing 'great balls of light' in the sky.

22) Start thinking that napkin hats (Shar're) actually look really good.

23) Own a Danny floppy hat.

24) Stare at a toilet flushing since it reminds you of a wormhole horizon.

25) Go wandering in the forest hoping to see a Stargate and/or SG-1.

26) Buy a huge black watch and pretend it is a GDO.

27) Get paranoid about empty corners.. Could there be a Re'tu?

28) Refer to episodes by their initials- and have people understand you.

29) You go to a convention and talk Stargatese.

30) Refer to any of the actor's by their character. ex. Jack's actor, Sam's actor..

31) You're enjoying a lunch time read and somebody outside yells "Jack, will you please stop chasing Daniel up that tree".... which causes you to choke.

32)-you watch the Eurovision Song Contest [that in itself is a sign that you have a serious problem] and the country which were dressed up as American Indians immediately reminds you of 'Spirits' and in a half drunken state you try to explain the plot of the episode to everyone.

33)- ...or you watch Tonight at the Paladium and/or Stars in Their Eyes and realize *that's* what they did with the second gate.....

34). You get a phone call at work from a Dr. Jackson to tell you Jack O'Neill

has died and you want to scream down the phone 'NOOO, how? Who?'.

35) - You can't listen to "Grease Lightnin'" because...well, YOU know why...

36) - Your diet consists of choco-walnut cookies and coffee.

37) - For Halloween, you wrap yourself in a bedsheet and draw an "X" on

your stomach. Hey Presto! You're Sha're!

38) - You watched "The Mummy" About 80 times, even though you thought it

really sucked.

39) - Or you watched the Mummy about 80 times even though it sucked because

you were imaging Daniel as the lead character

40). When your friend says she's going to put Daniel to bed you spit your

beer all over the table and fall off your chair before you remember her

two-year-son is called Daniel.

41). You give your best friend the nickname Spacemonkey.

42). Or you watched the Mummy & thought Hmmmm, I wonder if those scarabs are related to the bugs in Nemesis.

43)- You erect a hula hoop in your garden and call it "The Chappa'ai"

44)- You spouse/mother/sibling comments on the symbols drawn on said hula hoop

45)- You call your home clothes "Civvies"

46)- You call your pet mice "Sha're" and "Teal'c"...

47)- You say everything tastes like chicken, even when you're a vegetarian.

48) You use words like "ASAP" "AWOL" and "Stand down" in every day conversation, although totally out of context.

49)- Before you leave the house, you insist on "Dialing out"

50) You hear strange noises that sound like a stargate coming out of the wardrobe, a la "Legacy"

51) When you're sick, you claim it's nothing "some chicken soup and a good sarcophagus " won't cure.

52) You don't need glasses, but you wear them anyway.

53) You stay up all night deciphering artifacts....

54)...despite the fact they're rocks...

55) got them from your back garden....

56)...and they have nothing written on them.

57) You play with a Major Matt Mason doll, (NOT A G.I JOE!!!!), even though

you're 23 and should know better.

58) You cut up an onion and the rings come apart like the Goa'uld transporter thingies.

59) You see an advert in a travel agents for a flight to Goa and think

immediately of... well I bet you are all thinking it too:)

60) You start to daydream every time a van drives past from a local cleaning firm as it has 'Daniel' written on it in big letters.

61)- ... or you watch Top of the Pops and you realize that they stole both

the Stargates...

62) You briefly glance at The English Patient as you walk through the living room and muse on how much Ralph Fiennes resembles Sokar.

63) You set a catalogue in the mail from a 'specialty clothing' company with a model (in very interesting skimpy outfits cause clothes just doesn't quite describe what the

models are wearing if you get my meaning!) Anyway the model is standing on a

ramp and the first thing you notice is the large ring in the background that looks amazingly like the

Stargate! It even has a bunch of pictographs around it and one is the eye of


64)… you drive all through your country to see an exhibition (Egypt 2000

B.C.) and the first thing you say is "Abydos!" and no one understands why you're so thrilled!

65) Or you know they open a new Egyptian museum in your city, and although you

know there isn't something very valuable there you're willing to go just in case... you found something goa'uldish which they don't recognize...

66) You're watching 3 Faces of Eve in psychology, and think every time she

changes personalities, "She's not mentally ill! She's a Goa'uld!"

67) When you're watching the New James Bond Movie on video, and you happen to

glance up during the opening credits, and see 'Iris Code' listed among


68) You see a Subaru Legacy and say to on one in particular, "That has got to be

one of my favorite episodes!" Then your hubby looks at you as if you are a nut

case and says, "What are you talking about?"

You point to the car in front of you and say "Legacy of course!"

69) When you're at work, you read Tok'ra instead of Tokay

70) You're in the middle of an aerobics class and the instructor

says "jack" and you say "where?" more loudly than you anticipated and

everyone looks at you so you get the fit of giggles for the rest of

the class.

71). You can't look at the angstrom sign anymore without thinking, "Where are the other six symbols?"

72). You name your cat Schroenger.

73). You contemplate having your head shaved since Teal'c can pull it off.. why can't you?

74) Hear anything about Cheyenne Mountain and wonder if the secret about the Stargate is out..

75) You build your own Goa'uld hand device and insist upon showing it off to your friends.

76)… even if they don't know a thing about Stargate.

77).. and insist that the only reason it doesn't work is because you haven't found a Tok'ra symbiote yet.

78) Look at a currycomb and wonder why it looks so much like the Goa'uld healing device.

79) Insist upon having a UV light installed in your room.

80)… to make sure the reason your computer is crashing is not from alien beings trying to communicate with you.

81) You hear the 'Funeral of Unas' and think 'no one told me we killed off another one'!

82) You think of a smiley face when confronted with ketchup, mustard, and a clean plate.

83) You have debates about which of Daniel's haircuts looks better. (first season!!)

84) 'Spacemonkey' doesn't seem like an odd nickname.

85) Hannah is an exclamation- not a name.

86) You have a collection of Stargate badges.

87) You plan vacations to Vancouver, B.C.

88) Your computer wallpaper is Stargate related.

89) …..along with your screen saver.

90) …..and you have Stargate sound clips loaded on your computer.

91) …... in place of the Windows dings and chimes.

92) You have taken a Stargate trivia test.

93) … and scored 100.

94) ….. and thought that you should create your own!

95) Contemplated if you should put an apostrophe in your name.

96) Find yourself starting every sentence, "With all due respect…"

97) Count how many different descriptions you can think of for the Event Horizon.

98) Start laughing when you hear that someone lives on Asgard Avenue.

99) You sneeze so much that people start calling you Daniel.

100) You watched a movie just because one of the characters was named Colonel Sam Jackson. (All they need was Teal'c as a middle name)

101) Whenever you hear someone say, "It tastes like chicken," you wonder if they're eating macaroni and cheese.

102) You just hate clichés.

103) You start calling your boss "Apophis."

104) You wonder if you've had your real identity `stamped' over.

105) You want your license plate to read "DTHGLDR"

106) Your reply to every vaguely obvious statement is, "Ya' think?"

107) Your reply to every request is, "Yeah, sure, you betcha'."

108) Whenever you see the letters AU you assume they must stand for `alternate universe.'

109) You think SG-1 really IS a good name for a team.

110) Whenever you see the letters NC-17, you think of AQ.

111) You realize how humorous it is having a cat named C.K.

112) The word 'share' came up at the top of the screen and your first thought was "What does this have to do with Sha're?"

113) You are sitting in a board meeting reading documents and the initials of the members are on the side and you notice two JA & CK next to each other and shout out "Look that spells JACK"

114) When you hear a certain KFC radio ad that involves a certain COLONEL talking

To a worried SAM about how her hubby DANIEL will eat after she goes out for the night ... *humph* Your first reaction was "EW! Daniel and Sam are practically family, they can't be married!"

115) Try explaining "General SG-7, Stargate Command" as the sig. on an email to your boss

116) You have to try and explaining to everyone why you wear Dog Tags though you are not in the military.

117) You start referring to yourself as Tauri.

118) Actually pondered if you were a JD, DS, or a SJ shipper.

119) Had a debate with someone about if Janet is married or not. (and you know who Janet is!)

120) You try and convert your friends to your addiction.

121) You start laughing when you see a preview for the movie "Get Carter".

122) You know the english translation of 'Kree'!

123) You have to watch an episode of Stargate a day, no matter that you've seen all your recorded episodes a million times.

124) You watch an episode of Stargate when it is on TV although you own the episode on video.

125) You own more than one version of "Stargate" aka. Widescreen, special edition, DVD

126) You had to get a black leather jacket.

127) While watching "Matter of Time" you figured out how much time actually occurred during the whole episode.

128) You've figured out Sam must live on base- for she has no apartment/house! (she does have a lab though)

129) You own the books based off of the movie Stargate and the series.

130) You start liking songs just because they remind you of a shippy moment in Stargate, not because you like the artist.

131) When you hear an alarm that sounds exactly like the gate activation alarm you wait for several armed people to surround a circle and wait for a wormhole to appear.

132) When you like the movie "Event Horizon" for all the wrong reasons (you like because the actor Sam Neill is in it, besides the fact that a Stargate is on board).

133) You see a sandwich with 'H/C' on it but can only think of 'Hurt and Comfort'.

134) When someone knocks on your door you reply that you need an iris code before you'll let them in.

135) You paint your phone red and ask all callers, "Son, do you know color this phone is?" in an authoritative voice.

136) You distrust anyone named Seth.

137) You call your children to dinner by yelling, "[name of child], KREE!"

138) When you visited the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, Canada you blurt out when watching a video they play there, "What is Hammond doing on a BOAT?!?" and having the people around you stare at you.

139) You gladly explain to anyone around you who and what a Danielite is.

140) Trips are planned around Vancouver so you can find the places where certain episodes were shot.

141) You created more than one webpage devoted to Stargate.

142) You laughed the whole time you read this list!

143) You have become obsessed with hockey.

144) When you watch "Broken Arrow" your first response to seeing the actor playing a general is "Oh My God, what is Tok'ra dad doing there and why isn't his last name Carter?"

145) You know what the nickname Tok'ra Spice means.

146) You did the Happy Dance when they finally brought back the Chevron guy for the fourth season.

147) You can easily have an eight hour conversation about Stargate although you're the only one that really watches the show.

148) You have coffee in your kitchen although you don't drink coffee.

149) You start a coffee addiction.

150) Seeing any of the actors from Stargate on TV is enough for you to stop channel surfing even though the show is not Stargate related.

151) Start plotting how to make a music video that is Stargate related.

152) You sit your roommate down in front of the TV and force him/her to watch hours of Stargate.

153) You plan on attending a Sekh's Party. (say it out loud, you'll get it)

154) You don't think the wrong thing when saying Sekh's Party.

155) You think that a fountain that you walk by everyday starts to look like a Stargate, wormhole horizon and all.

156) You begin to think of attending archaeology digs.

157) You begin seeing Stargate related things in other sci-fi shows.

158) You know the address of the production studio.

159) You can recite the names of the producers, writers, etc.

160) Ordering Stargate DVDs doesn't sound odd to you although you don't own a DVD player.

161) You start teaching all your friends the meaning of kree and sho'va.

162) You create new Stargate related lyrics to popular songs.

163) Your favorite song is now "Mambo Number 5" .. aka "Mambo Number P3X-595"

164) You try and figure out the star coordinate system.

165) Naming planets PX7-393 sounds like a good system to use.

166) You can name all the SG teams and the titles to each.

167) You read all the way through this to see if you watch to much Stargate

168) You didn't read this at all because you <b>KNOW</b> you watch too much Stargate.

168) You feel there is no such thing as "too much Stargate," which is probably all of us.

((Last three were my own))

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
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Jul 18, 2008 7:23 AM

Jan 2008
ROFLMAO!!!! you're really something Sayalol XD
Jul 18, 2008 8:13 AM

Aug 2007
Sayalol said:
You actually ponder about getting a tattoo like Teal'c's.
Jul 28, 2008 11:57 AM

Mar 2008
ZinnKid said:
Sayalol said:
You actually ponder about getting a tattoo like Teal'c's.

I agree, or should I say "Indeed"
Aug 7, 2008 11:08 AM

Jan 2008
Criton101 said:
ZinnKid said:
Sayalol said:
You actually ponder about getting a tattoo like Teal'c's.

I agree, or should I say "Indeed"

Baal's will do fine
Aug 7, 2008 11:49 AM

Feb 2007
90 and 91 are actually good ideas :P
Aug 7, 2008 12:12 PM
Jun 2008
XD jeebus thats a huge list.

I've dealt with 157 more than once lol.
Aug 10, 2008 10:35 PM

Mar 2008
AceSoldia said:
XD jeebus thats a huge list.

I've dealt with 157 more than once lol.

Yeah your not the only one XD.
Aug 11, 2008 9:39 AM

Feb 2008
Criton101 said:
AceSoldia said:
XD jeebus thats a huge list.

I've dealt with 157 more than once lol.

Yeah your not the only one XD.

I think we've all been through it. Hell, I think we've all been through it in everything in life. If you've ever played WoW and been out near the Coilfang Resovior, the water surrounding it looks exactly like an event horizion, I'll take a screenshot of it and show you all :P

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Aug 11, 2008 1:27 PM

Mar 2008
Well That I have to see
Aug 27, 2008 8:52 PM

Apr 2008
You say Indeed in real life

You know the exact amount of times Teal'c said Indeed
Sep 1, 2008 4:24 PM

Feb 2008
Talamare said:
You say Indeed in real life

You know the exact amount of times Teal'c said Indeed

Sadly, I do...o.O

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Sep 4, 2008 7:24 AM

Mar 2008
Sayalol why am I not surprised by that.

Sep 4, 2008 4:28 PM

Feb 2008
I don't know....Why are you? Is that not something you should answer on your own?

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Sep 6, 2008 2:38 AM

Mar 2008
Hey theirs a form post for answering a question with a question. So why not ask that question there?
Sep 7, 2008 10:47 AM

Feb 2008
lol, I remember that thread. Haven't been on the forums in a while...fucking WoW...I'l become more active though on there soon. I promise

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Sep 9, 2008 9:15 AM

Mar 2008
Yeah I had like 100 post on that thread alone at one point. I was seeing how far I could go with just asking questions.
Sep 9, 2008 3:43 PM

Feb 2008
haha, yea, I post quiet a bit. I did rather well :P

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Sep 11, 2008 7:03 AM

Mar 2008
Yeah but then my brain started to hurt, so I had to stop.
Sep 11, 2008 2:51 PM

Feb 2008
School let out for the summer and I played WoW all day so I just stopped xD

I got another one for this btw...

You know you watch too much Stargate when you start to follow the book of Orgin.

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Sep 13, 2008 8:42 AM

Mar 2008
XD Yeah Origin Rules!!!! Hollowed are the Ori. XD
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