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Jul 14, 2008 3:24 AM

Apr 2008
This is were you can share all the sick thought you've ever had.

Any new member is obligated to at least tell about one sick tought.
I'M NOT A RETARRRD!! I'm malfunctioning!!!
And Keep On Breaking Reality!
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Jul 14, 2008 4:30 PM

Apr 2008
When I was a little kid and there was a movie about a guy, his future girlfriend and lots of monsters, I always wanted the biggest monster to eat the girl.

Why? I don't know, they just never showed stuff like that, so I wanted something new.

And today I remembered I also had a lot of action figures. Some of them were Marvel heroines such as Black Cat or Spider Girl from some alternate universe.
I also had a lot of bad guys, you know. Like tentacle beasts and Doc-Oc.

Wanna guess what I was playing? I kinda freaked when I remembered.
Jul 16, 2008 10:36 AM
Dec 2007
first off there are 3 rules that have dictated my life since i was little 1 everything has to fight to survive. 2 everything must die at some point and 3 be prepared for zombies as they are one of the few exceptions to the rules. that being said my view on life is pretty harsh i love seeing people do whatever then can to survive in situations and would have no hesitations in doing the same thing. if someone is going to kill you kill them, if your with a group of people and the group is going to starve to death eat someone, if you need something for you to live steal it kill for it lie about it do whatever you need to to get it. however you don't always need to make an enemy out of someone to survive sometimes you just need to deceive them or take advantage of them one thing is for certain though life doesn't always have a happy ending. and about the zombies the idea has always just been glamorous in my head to fight undead hordes of people you once new where an infection can turn one of your comrades into one of your enemies right before your very eyes. it also seems that in those kinds of survival situations peoples true nature comes out and i look at that and it brings a smile to my face.
well i hope thats something like what you were looking for wasnt sure if it was suposed to be sick thoughts on the philosophical level the mental level or what if not what you were intending ill write something else then
Jul 25, 2008 1:51 PM
Jun 2008
Hmm... I really don't think of many sick thoughts occasionally, just maybe some random thoughts once a month or so, but yeah:

Once I read this newspaper article about a plain crash in some mountains in South America. Many of the passengers survived, but they couldn't get down from the tall and cold mountain. At first they ate the food that was left in the plane, but since nobody came looking after them in some time, they had to start eating the dead ones onboard. In the end, they were saved and all, after many days of cannibalism.

That's when all the "sick" thoughts hit me. It may not be very sick, but I started thinking about which part of the human body tasted the best. And I began thinking about how you should prepare the "meal". Should you eat the meat raw? Boiled? Grilled? What kind of side dish would fit? WHAT DOES IT TASTE LIKE? Surely you had to puke... or would you? What if someone told you that it was chicken? Would you think it tasted like chicken when you took a bite? Is it healthy?

Yeah, that's the only sick things I could think of right now...I might post some other thoughts later.
Jul 25, 2008 2:22 PM
Dec 2007
which part is tastier is a matter of preference are you a dark meat or light meat person. to prepare well since they were crashed they probably didn't have much maybe they could cook it over an open fire for best results its never good to eat raw meat but if it must be done its better then starving to death. if they had side dishes those would have gone first before they ever got to cannibalism but i still say that you put some tartar sauce on anything and it tastes better. taste i would have to say its a cross between eating dog and and the chewiness of eating a rabbit. and if you puked you would waste the good food unless you ate the vomit. if someone told me it tasted like chicken i would say you have obviously never eaten dog. and it is extremely healthy the human body stockpiles and prepares all the nutrients it needs in theory eating a human would be the best thing for a human however the animal kingdom dose not do this for a very good reason and that is the diseases that affect the human body are more easy to spread to other humans. say a pig has a cold when it is slaughtered there is about a 2% chance you will get any kind of sickness or disease from eating that pig but if a human has a cold and you eat it there is a 74% chance you will catch some kind of disease or sickness if you eat it. and who says you never learn anything in boy scouts.
Jul 25, 2008 2:40 PM

Apr 2008
sesgel said:
<Educational stuff.>

You Sir, are awesome. Boy scouts comment was gold.

But seriously. I'm sure I've thought of a lot of stuff that, by society's social standards, can be considered sick, but it's like I have a mental block in my mind. I can't recall any of them. Sometimes I wonder if they were too sick and my 'good boy' upbringing just made me block them all out. According to myth, Pandora's box is not one to be opened, but humans have always had problems with resisting temptations.

If I could have all of my sick thoughts documented and sorted out in an office drawer, locked of course, I would so break it open.
Jul 26, 2008 7:13 PM

May 2008
I want to rape a nun.
Jul 26, 2008 9:10 PM
Dec 2007
is she a hot nun? or do you just have a nun fetish? its not rape if they are consenting. and is that where your name comes from? also if you like nun rape check out the hentai holy virgins i thought it was pretty good
Jul 27, 2008 9:41 AM

Apr 2008
There was this time a girl in class was having an oral presentation. In the middle of her presentation, she starts coughing violently, and so the teacher asks what the problem is, and she says she might have eaten something with traces of nuts in it. Allergy, huh?

Yeah, so I was sitting next to Amnesis when this happened, and presentations about heavy facts and politics are boring, right? So I started writing on this little piece of paper to communicate with him. Then I wrote down this idea about kidnapping a girl and filling her with water. Just totally random, right? Then I heard the coughing and her explanation... I seriously have no idea why, but I suddenly wanted to fill her with nuts instead. That idea also spawned several other ideas, like covering a person allergic to nuts in peanut butter.
Jul 27, 2008 2:39 PM

May 2008
sesgel said:
is she a hot nun? or do you just have a nun fetish? its not rape if they are consenting. and is that where your name comes from? also if you like nun rape check out the hentai holy virgins i thought it was pretty good

lol no that isnt where my name comes from but it's fun to say so sometimes... and who wants to rape an ugly consenting nun?
Jul 27, 2008 2:46 PM

May 2008
Raidanzoup said:
There was this time a girl in class was having an oral presentation. In the middle of her presentation, she starts coughing violently, and so the teacher asks what the problem is, and she says she might have eaten something with traces of nuts in it. Allergy, huh?

Yeah, so I was sitting next to Amnesis when this happened, and presentations about heavy facts and politics are boring, right? So I started writing on this little piece of paper to communicate with him. Then I wrote down this idea about kidnapping a girl and filling her with water. Just totally random, right? Then I heard the coughing and her explanation... I seriously have no idea why, but I suddenly wanted to fill her with nuts instead. That idea also spawned several other ideas, like covering a person allergic to nuts in peanut butter.

I often want to fill females with nuts also.
Jul 31, 2008 7:36 PM

Jun 2008
I don't have just sick thoughts, I also have sick dreams.
Once I had one where I was killing zombies, and I was quite good at that (too many zombie movies/anime/manga I guess), but I had one two or three nights ago that was a lot sicker, like a real horror movie with monsters and all, but especially, I was killing all my school classmates, one by one. It seemed very real, it impressed me. Well, to make a school genocide is my secret dream, so it may be true that dreams reflects wishes.
My recurrent sick thoughts are from simply walking on the bloody ground and happily watch my hands dripping with others' blood, to cut someone/anyone in two, torture and kill in a brutal way all the ones I hate cause they just have to die, and doing it laughing of course. I also think very often about killing children, especially the one who lives in the apartment above mine; when I hear him yelling, crying, laughing, and waking up me at 7 o'clock in the morning, I just want to take my cleaver, go upstairs and kill him and his family. Sleeping is holy.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Aug 2, 2008 8:24 AM

May 2007
It depends on what you define as sick, on wether I should be in this club or not. Though, I can truthfully say that most people find almost everything about me to be derranged. Namely my likings and tastes with things. I could go into detail about something, but the things about me that are considered 'sick' are endless.

RenaPsychoKiller said:
<insert super awesome dream story here> :]

Ive had alot of dreams like that. And I actually kinda share that wish with you too. Ive had alot of violent dreams and even just thoughts, in which I'll brutally muder many many people. Though, I think that I have those dreams and thoughts because I am strangely a pacifist. I just cant resort to phsyically hurting someone, though I can say some pretty cruel things. Its just not something I do... which is why I think I have dreams like that. I think part of me wants to know what that would be like, if I were a violent person. Well, thats how I see some of my dreams and thoughts, anyway ^^;;
Aug 2, 2008 9:09 AM

Jun 2008
lolita_mistrix said:

RenaPsychoKiller said:
<insert super awesome dream story here> :]

Ive had alot of dreams like that. And I actually kinda share that wish with you too. Ive had alot of violent dreams and even just thoughts, in which I'll brutally muder many many people.

Thank you! :-3 geez I still remember that dream, hehe.

I'm not a pacifist, but apart that I agree with all the things you said ^^
Sometimes we just stare for a minute and think "how would that be, to take someone else's life, to kill someone you hate?", don't we.
Personally, it would be awesome. Like a sense of liberation and revenge, thinking "finally I killed you, it feels so good".

watching, waiting, commiserating
Aug 2, 2008 10:01 AM

Apr 2008
Have you ever come past the stage of thinking of killing someone and actually thought what should be done after? Every time I see a murder or a crime scene in a movie, I always think of several things to do with the corpse so I won't get caught.

I was gonna type more, but I got distracted and forgot everything. Ugh.
Aug 3, 2008 12:42 PM

Jun 2008
Raidanzoup said:
Have you ever come past the stage of thinking of killing someone and actually thought what should be done after? Every time I see a murder or a crime scene in a movie, I always think of several things to do with the corpse so I won't get caught.

Hell yeah, me too :-O Since I was like 10 yo, because at that time there was a person I really hated, and I found myself thinking often of what ways to kill him and never get caught.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Aug 4, 2008 1:11 PM

Apr 2008
Raidanzoup said:
Have you ever come past the stage of thinking of killing someone and actually thought what should be done after? Every time I see a murder or a crime scene in a movie, I always think of several things to do with the corpse so I won't get caught.

Leaving a corpse in a bathtup with different toxins, so that after a while it decomposes is a thing i find very intersting.

And i heard about an american serial killer who feed his victims to his pigs, and he killed about 40 people before he got arrested.
I'M NOT A RETARRRD!! I'm malfunctioning!!!
And Keep On Breaking Reality!
Aug 4, 2008 1:20 PM

Apr 2008
And I have never dreamed that I killed someone, but i had this dream where i was playing with all my teddy bears in the water, and suddenly a storm came and took them out into the sea.

Whoa, that didn't sound that scary, but I was terrified when i woke up!
I'M NOT A RETARRRD!! I'm malfunctioning!!!
And Keep On Breaking Reality!
Aug 4, 2008 4:30 PM

May 2008
gayasiankitten92 said:
And I have never dreamed that I killed someone, but i had this dream where i was playing with all my teddy bears in the water, and suddenly a storm came and took them out into the sea.

Whoa, that didn't sound that scary, but I was terrified when i woke up!

That evil evil storm is terrible.
Aug 4, 2008 4:42 PM

Apr 2008
Why in the water? .__.

That reminds me of my nightmare about going shopping with my parents at a mall. Later, I notice no one is answering me and look around. Nope, no family, just a crowd. I look up at those banner stuffs and the windows and what do I see? My mom, dad, and bro all turned in to mannequins(or whatever they're called).

I was about 5 when I had that dream, so I was scared shitless. Ugh, dolls.

I also had another nightmare... or weird dream, where I woke up one night and talked to my dad in the living room. I was all like "Aren't you gonna sleep?"
He says he's not sleepy and continues watching tv. Then like freaking suddenly claws grow out of his hands. Like Wolverine adamantium claws, claws. I go all "why is that happening?" and he says "it's because I don't brush my teeth good enough."

I got scared, so I woke up. WTF.
Aug 4, 2008 8:02 PM
Dec 2007
hmm telling of nightmares huh man i had a recurring nightmare that scared me for 2 years it started when i was 6 i would be dreaming i was in bed when i would hear a noise at my window i would look over and see a huge wolf as big as the window and then it would start to talk to me and ask me to let it inside all the meanwhile you can see drool coming of of its fangs and jaw and the thing would never blink... it would scare me so much that in the dream i would hide under the covers i would then hear scratching noises by my door and would peak out of the covers only to see the wolf having clawed its way through my door and now his head covered in blood and then he would say i let myself in and lunge for me and i would wake up then. scared the crap out of me at least once a month for 2 years till i eventually started sleeping with knives and other easily usable weapons and to this day i still sleep with a weapon waiting for the night that wolf tries to come back.... im ready for you Mr. Wolf... im ready
Aug 5, 2008 3:00 AM

Jun 2008
Oh my god sesgel, you reminded me of MY recurring nightmare I had for a couple of years when I was little. it's different from yours but it's about wolves, too: in fact I often dreamed about 3 aggressive volves coming near to my bed at night snarling and wanting to attack me, and at tha point I always woke up. It used to scared me to death, but the weird thing is, volves have always been my favorite animals. I never understood that dream.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Aug 5, 2008 12:56 PM
Dec 2007
i still fear wolves... and large dogs.... and zombie dogs, and any dog above my knees, and Styrofoam.... that ones a bit off topic but i cant stand Styrofoam it freaks me out and makes my ears hurt and tweaks out my mind.
Aug 16, 2008 11:07 PM
Sep 2007
These are my sick thoughts:

I´ve been driving a car for awhile. Here, where I live, cyclists have irritating habit to not to drive on sidewalk. It´s really annoying when they cycle among vehicles. When I´m passing them with my car, I always have this urge to run them over.

This one bothers me a little, because of it´s details. I´ve always wanted to be a sniper and assassinate someone who has done bad to me. I would stalk my victim for awhile and check around his house to pinpoint the best location to shoot. I would wait until he´s going to sleep and when he turns lights off, I will shoot.
Aug 19, 2008 5:00 AM
Dec 2007
first off awesome pics
second yea i used to want to hit the bicyclists too but what i wanted to do was get close enough to them and then start drifting towards them so they drive off the road that way i didn't actually hit them. of course that changed as soon as i learned how to drive a motorcycle now i give bicyclists plenty of room and i also carry a bunch of small rocks in my jacket pocket so that if there is a car tailgating me or too close i toss one over my shoulder and it scares the living daylights out of the car driver
and third always better to shoot the moment they turn there lights on not off. and if your going to assassinate someone ive always been more fond of the poison or the explosion method. it gets your point across to those that may need future assassinations. of course you could always try to be badass like golgo 13 then its ok
Nov 1, 2008 3:39 PM

Jan 2008
RenaPsychoKiller said:
I don't have just sick thoughts, I also have sick dreams.
Once I had one where I was killing zombies, and I was quite good at that (too many zombie movies/anime/manga I guess), but I had one two or three nights ago that was a lot sicker, like a real horror movie with monsters and all, but especially, I was killing all my school classmates, one by one. It seemed very real, it impressed me. Well, to make a school genocide is my secret dream, so it may be true that dreams reflects wishes.
My recurrent sick thoughts are from simply walking on the bloody ground and happily watch my hands dripping with others' blood, to cut someone/anyone in two, torture and kill in a brutal way all the ones I hate cause they just have to die, and doing it laughing of course. I also think very often about killing children, especially the one who lives in the apartment above mine; when I hear him yelling, crying, laughing, and waking up me at 7 o'clock in the morning, I just want to take my cleaver, go upstairs and kill him and his family. Sleeping is holy.

I have had similar thoughts and dreams to all of this. I like your mind ;).

Seriously though, quite a few times I've been on a train next to some little bastard kid who is clambering over everything and running around without the parent caring, or randomly screaming. Sometimes it gets so annoying I just want to get the kid and hang him out the window on a rope or something so the body just splatters everywhere before pulling the remains back in and giving it to the parent to show them. My dreams are often a lot worse though...

Surprisingly though, I don't think I would ever actually DO something like this, just think it.
Nov 1, 2008 3:42 PM

Apr 2008
Seasonreaper said:

I have had similar thoughts and dreams to all of this. I like your mind ;).

Seriously though, quite a few times I've been on a train next to some little bastard kid who is clambering over everything and running around without the parent caring, or randomly screaming. Sometimes it gets so annoying I just want to get the kid and hang him out the window on a rope or something so the body just splatters everywhere before pulling the remains back in and giving it to the parent to show them. My dreams are often a lot worse though...

Surprisingly though, I don't think I would ever actually DO something like this, just think it.

Hahah, I actually like children like that.

Reminds me of a careless time.
Oh gawd, how I wanna go back to just being a child again.
I'M NOT A RETARRRD!! I'm malfunctioning!!!
And Keep On Breaking Reality!
Nov 1, 2008 4:07 PM

Jun 2008
Seasonreaper said:
I have had similar thoughts and dreams to all of this. I like your mind ;).

Seriously though, quite a few times I've been on a train next to some little bastard kid who is clambering over everything and running around without the parent caring, or randomly screaming. Sometimes it gets so annoying I just want to get the kid and hang him out the window on a rope or something so the body just splatters everywhere before pulling the remains back in and giving it to the parent to show them. My dreams are often a lot worse though...

Surprisingly though, I don't think I would ever actually DO something like this, just think it.

Hauu, thank you :-D

Gah, I hate those kind of children. Well... I hate ALL children, but especially hyperactive ones. Get the fuck away from me now -__- or I'll put you out of the window while another train is passing by.
And yes, I think I WILL seriously do it. I'm easily stressed, so I need some kind of relief. Don't you have pity of me, little annoying brat? Then die so I can sleep.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Oct 17, 2009 11:50 AM

Dec 2008
It's my dream to kill someone just for killing, to look into someones dying, to feel fresh warm blood on my hands, to hear last convulsion...

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