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Jul 3, 2008 2:16 PM
Jun 2007
It was pretty awesome. Better than Sky Girls in my opinion.
Jul 3, 2008 2:24 PM

Feb 2008
Little girls wearing School Swimsuit all day.... yeah.... right...

It was funny. But still... wtf?

Too less Francesca in this Episode. D:
Jul 3, 2008 2:32 PM

Jan 2008
Excessive fanservice and upskirts of underage girls..not for me. Animation is average and even in first episode story lacks fluency. /dropped

Little girls wearing School Swimsuit all day.... yeah.... right...

Yea, and lots of 'in-between-legs' shots while in dogfight. Where's this world coming to.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Jul 3, 2008 3:13 PM

Feb 2007
Better than expected after the quite bad OVA, but yeah, Gonzo loves panties very much indeed... Not dropped yet, but it's quite likely.
Jul 3, 2008 11:50 PM

Nov 2007
I didn't mind the episode, I hope it unfolds to be a story as good as Sky Girls. Though they -really- need to put some pants/skirts on. A bit much having every girl in her underwear or a swimsuit in every shot.
Jul 3, 2008 11:55 PM

Sep 2007
Hah, I love the distinct familiarity to Sky Girls. In fact... does one of the girls sound just like "Elise Von Dietrich" from Sky Girls? Same VA?

A nice episode, funny failed attempts at fan service, though. :P

Damnit! Don't die without my permission!
Jul 3, 2008 11:59 PM

Apr 2008
Nope, don't think so.

2 minds - like the fighting and action, but whats with those girls, honestly. I first thought only the ones with the strike gadgets are like that because of the gadgets, but everyone? mehhhh.....
Jul 4, 2008 12:00 AM
Mar 2008
Bwah, what the hell was this? Horrible and way too much fanservice and bad characters, seems like another production of the Bad Gonzo. I'll watch another episode before dropping it. At least the fighting scenes looked good.
another_anonJul 4, 2008 6:19 AM
Jul 4, 2008 2:52 AM

Dec 2007
The animation and characters look like the sky girls one. all the bloomers and neko ears? fanservice galore!
I havent really enjoyed the first episode sadly.
Jul 4, 2008 4:08 AM

Mar 2007
I enjoyed this first episode a lot, the animation during the battles was very neat and I like the character designs. Good job Gonzo; I'm looking forward to more episodes.
Jul 4, 2008 4:41 AM

Apr 2008
[...] Being skirtless is preferred here.
And needing someone to make the complete intro narration MariMite style.

Too much fan service. They’d look cuter with at least mini skirt, at least not walking around showing their panties like that. Not worrying too much about the story, as long as it’s not infested with over-dramatized angsts in the later half.
Jul 4, 2008 6:36 AM

Mar 2008
OK everyone I just to want inform you about something: the NEUROIs are basically chaotic organisms of Alien type of course that assimilates any object flying near it or when it near it. As you can it turns into a black type object with red energy cores that fire lasers that are of course beyond even Einstein in 1939. Seems the only way to kill them is to expose their main central core. This anime reminds me of Ramuiro Senkiten anime ...anyone have opinion? Now the only question that I wonder is how many of this girls will survive??? Hopefully all like in Ramuiro but it seems that are 11 in total so maybe there might be deaths. Other than that seems all the girls have some kind of feline or dog type familiar and it also seems that this skill is inherited in the family DNA.
Jul 4, 2008 6:50 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Wow, totally copied Sky Girls, added too much unneeded fanservice in weird camera angles and I guess the pants and skirts got lost while trying to animate it.

Yoshika is pretty cute but the rest of the episode was quite bad. It moved too fast as well.




[H+] ³  
Jul 4, 2008 7:41 AM

Apr 2008
Darkside: but the design sure is reminiscent of the enemy in Yukikaze, including the dark cyclone cloud where those things came from.

I’d put my prediction it’ll be funny and cheerful halfway, then there will be dramatized tension between Yoshika and Mio (probably sort of jealousy or complex feeling) along with internal conflict caused by the crew getting their dose of emotional breakdown one after another.
Then it’s time to leave the show :P
Jul 4, 2008 10:52 AM

May 2008
A bit better than the OVA... but still bad. Gonna watch a few more eps, lots of series start bad but Im not too hopeful.
Jul 4, 2008 11:11 AM

Apr 2008
darkside099 said:
OK everyone I just to want inform you about something: the NEUROIs are basically chaotic organisms of Alien type of course that assimilates any object flying near it or when it near it. As you can it turns into a black type object with red energy cores that fire lasers that are of course beyond even Einstein in 1939. Seems the only way to kill them is to expose their main central core. This anime reminds me of Ramuiro Senkiten anime ...anyone have opinion? Now the only question that I wonder is how many of this girls will survive??? Hopefully all like in Ramuiro but it seems that are 11 in total so maybe there might be deaths. Other than that seems all the girls have some kind of feline or dog type familiar and it also seems that this skill is inherited in the family DNA.

For some weird reason the Neurois remind me of Eva Angels... >.>
Jul 4, 2008 11:18 AM

Apr 2008
The school uniforms with the blue bloomers are probably the fantasy of many a Japanese school boy.

I've had a few figures from this series for over a year now, so I was looking forward to the airing. The dog fights were pretty cool, but the pantsu flashes every few seconds were hilarious. One or two flashes, sure, but every 5 seconds... geez.
Jul 4, 2008 12:58 PM

Jun 2007
I think it would be a tad better if they work skirts, the tops look great but seems like they just got intentionally lazy after that. It also serves that all Strike Witches are females because seeing guys in tiny skivvies would less than desirable. I can understand why they wouldn't wear pants but why are even the scientists in the background and school girls bottomless?

BTW, none of them are technically underage... in Japan (age of consent is 13... creepy)
Legion17Jul 4, 2008 1:22 PM

Jul 4, 2008 2:05 PM

Dec 2007
Story seems interesting so far and the characters don't seem to be to aqnnoying so far which is always a plus. Looking forward to the next episode.
Jul 4, 2008 2:12 PM

May 2007
I have high hopes for this series. As far as no pantsu, I doesn't bother me at all. First episode really similar as Sky Girls, where the main girl departed but it starts out faster. Can't wait for the next one.

p.s. This just screams Eika, Otoha, and Karen:
Jul 4, 2008 2:59 PM

Jan 2008
Asako said:
I didn't mind the episode, I hope it unfolds to be a story as good as Sky Girls. Though they -really- need to put some pants/skirts on. A bit much having every girl in her underwear or a swimsuit in every shot.

uh-uh, chouto... Perhaps the military can't afford pants? At least they didn't get super anatomically correct as some pantsu-fest animes have (or maybe they did? I watched a relly poor res on Veoh). I hope they have a very good plot, cause the panty/bloomer action is not going to carry this show.

3 out of 5
Jul 4, 2008 4:36 PM

Apr 2008
I usually don't mind fan service in the least, but there is just way to much crotch in my face in this series! I had to drop it because all the panties just takes away from the show. It takes away from the action. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't right up in your face everytime. The idea is good, the animation is great, to much crotch.

Jul 4, 2008 4:48 PM

Nov 2007
datsunvic said:
Asako said:
I didn't mind the episode, I hope it unfolds to be a story as good as Sky Girls. Though they -really- need to put some pants/skirts on. A bit much having every girl in her underwear or a swimsuit in every shot.

uh-uh, chouto... Perhaps the military can't afford pants? At least they didn't get super anatomically correct as some pantsu-fest animes have (or maybe they did? I watched a relly poor res on Veoh). I hope they have a very good plot, cause the panty/bloomer action is not going to carry this show.

3 out of 5

That would fly if only the pilots didn't have them. However no girl in the show did at all.
Jul 4, 2008 7:17 PM

Feb 2008
Loved it, it's far much better than sky girls~
Jul 4, 2008 8:17 PM

Mar 2008
Strike Witches is offensive, stultifyingly stupid and wholly lacking in redeeming qualities, and I'm a member of its likely target audience. I can't decide whether the show is more degrading to its characters--who are 100% derivative in all respects except pants--or to its viewers. Strike Witches is the anime equivalent of that movie you shot with your stoner friends for your high school film class, in that it is an embarassment to everyone involved and should be burned in acid for the betterment of humanity.

That having been said, no, I did not consider the fights a redeeming feature. They are Gundam SEED-styled montages of pose-firing, crotch shots and CG the likes of which you would expect from a 2003 Valu-Soft FPS, utterly free of any coherent sense of flow or even motion. They're Aronofsky if his sense of style were replaced with loneliness.

In sum, I would rather mail vomit to my grandmother than watch more Strike Witches. (Said vomit would probably be preferred to Strike Witches DVDs.)
Jul 4, 2008 9:47 PM

Mar 2008
Its a bit different but I dont think its too bad, at least the fight scenes were okay =.=
Plus I like the cast lol
I just have one question: why arent any of the girl wearing pants/skirt/etc and only wearing undies/swimsuits? If its for fanservice? then its a bit um...
Jul 4, 2008 10:03 PM

Mar 2007
Nandela said:
I just have one question: why arent any of the girl wearing pants/skirt/etc and only wearing undies/swimsuits?

Screenshot etc;

Jul 5, 2008 1:15 AM

Dec 2007
flying lolitas battling alien in there panties, what more can u ask

Sumeragi Kururu - Pledge Queen of Tool Toul To

Jul 5, 2008 2:31 AM

Nov 2007
Is something wrong with the raw? The vid quality doesn't look good.
Jul 5, 2008 3:01 AM

Sep 2007
cyruz said:
Wow, totally copied Sky Girls, added too much unneeded fanservice in weird camera angles and I guess the pants and skirts got lost while trying to animate it.

My thoughts. Sakamoto totally feels like Otoha. They're searching for someone (father or brother) don't want to fight. Bla Bla.

First episode felt very mediocre to me. Too many fanservice-shots (hell, why does everyone wear swimsuits? even in school?). And the Neuroi look kinda strange to me. Not very innovative and more like floating somethings. Personally I liked the first Sky Girls episode better.

PS: Missing Karaoke-translation in Gonzo subs = fail. Loli-Wolf takes their scripts, that's why I think their won't be any translation. damn.

KraytJul 5, 2008 5:42 PM
Jul 5, 2008 9:24 AM

Oct 2007
The fanservice wasn't nearly as bad as in some other series I've seen. And I've learned to completely ignore them now ^^
As I loved Sky Girls, I'm going to stick this out and complete it, unless the fanservice and ecchi becomes as bad as Kanokon. Then I'll die X_X
Jul 5, 2008 1:12 PM

May 2008
infinite_zero said:
For some weird reason the Neurois remind me of Eva Angels... >.>
Same here.

I didn't have high hopes for this after the last time I got Gonzo'd (Druaga >.<) but it was alright. Good animation most of the time, and some pretty good fight scenes.

Jul 5, 2008 5:07 PM

Feb 2008
ah come they have to wear school swimsuit all day? it seems like a stunt by someone with a fetish...

so far the show looks interesting. sky girls was ok in its own way but this one does have a resemblance to it. should be a fun one, although the plot is somewhat basic.
Jul 5, 2008 6:40 PM

Apr 2008
About Sky Girls similarity

Seems like it came down to the same person
Jul 5, 2008 8:27 PM

Jul 2007
Ugh. Sky Girls, set in 1939, with 100x the fanservice. The plot seems exactly the same... the WORMS/Angels/NEUROIS are going to destroy the world, and only a group of underdressed teenage girls can save it.

The futuristic past setting could be cool, but honestly, the number of crotch shots kind of kills any sort of story for me. It's GONZO though, so what can you expect.
Jul 5, 2008 11:12 PM

Jul 2008
Wasn't great, but wasn't bad either. Ill continue watching simply to see where this goes.
Jul 6, 2008 4:52 AM

Apr 2008
it seems just like everyone else here, the only thing I wasn't too sure about in this show was the lack of trousers or skirts on some of the characters (I suppose in some cases you could justify it during the scenes with the striker units in use, as they probably wouldn't work properly if you were wearing trousers but the rest of the However, it seemed alright in all other levels. I'll stick with this for a few more episodes.
Jul 6, 2008 5:21 AM

Nov 2007
So far the story is quite ok, just hope the anime won't be made too fanservice-based ( Only mild fanservice in 1st episode, like I even care)
Jul 6, 2008 5:52 AM

Jan 2008
I think the story of Strike Witches is boring.The only enjoyable things about Strike Witches are the Loli-Ecchi scenes xD
Jul 6, 2008 7:07 AM

Feb 2008
Why isn't anyone wearing pants? LOL. But, I kind of a like it. I'll give it a shot.
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Jul 6, 2008 9:50 AM

Feb 2008
sanjica said:
Why isn't anyone wearing pants?

To attract the male viewers.
Jul 6, 2008 10:11 AM

Apr 2007
felo said:
flying lolitas battling alien in there panties, what more can u ask

Obviously to make them magical military half-mecha kemonomimi weapons experts on top of all of that.

I think Gonzo has finally achieved their goal of creating an anime with the highest theoretically possible otaku fetish density.
Jul 6, 2008 11:21 AM

Oct 2006
De-JaY said:
sanjica said:
Why isn't anyone wearing pants?

To attract the male viewers.

Correction: To attract lolicons and people with sukumizu fetish.

I'm the former, but not the latter, thus - god, give them skirts..somehow.. please.
Jul 6, 2008 4:16 PM
Mar 2008
Ok, i made a topic on this. Still nto use to this forum but.
WTF! Put on some damn pants! Even in everyday life, no female wears any pants at all. THey just walk around in their underwear. Every other shot is some loli upskirt.
The show had some potential, if they chagned the enemies to more specific WWII aricraft, Are their leg machines based on real life aricraft? I didnt pay much attention. You never get a good look at them, with all the shots beign focus on loli butt.
Jul 6, 2008 6:01 PM

Jul 2007
Well, first off I keep getting a Gatekeepers feel here. Not a bad thing, as that was one of GONZO's better efforts.

Secondly though, have the girls ever heard of pants? I swear, that was like Najica-level on the upskirts.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Jul 6, 2008 6:53 PM
Jan 2008
This thing kinda... sucks. No, really. I mean, the animation is good, but the plot is dull, the characters are too overdone and the setting is completely stupid....
But it's the kind of series that pushes all my stupid, sick, pervy, drooling, moe-cliche-addicted fanboy buttons, so, I'm lovin' it! XD
My guilty pleasure of the season...
Jul 7, 2008 1:52 PM

May 2008
If I had to choose between watching this entire series and never watching anime again I think there's about a 30% chance I would go with the latter. Now let us never speak of this show again...
Jul 7, 2008 3:07 PM

Aug 2007
Jul 8, 2008 4:12 AM

Mar 2008
pretty cool anime, loli and catgirls aren't exactly me thing but still good XD
Jul 8, 2008 9:54 AM

Oct 2007
omg, i don't think i've seen as many buttshots and loli fan service since watching Agent Aika(and even then, those ladies were not lolis).

i'm half and half on whether i should drop it or not. For some reason, watching near the end, it reminds me of episode one of NGE.

the ED is pretty good, don't know why but it just is.
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