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Dec 22, 2011 9:06 AM

Oct 2009
Last episode. Kotori vists Producer in the hospital. They play the OP (Change) one last time, I was expecting them to skip it this week. They bring Producer in to all the girls, in a wheelchair lol. They're getting ready for their live. He says all their names individually, which really brings things together. They jump right in with performing, READY!!, then it turns into CHANGE and back to READY. Crazy good animation.

They take some time to all talk to the audience. They even put Ritsuko on the monitor lol and she joins them in performing! A new song starts playing with...a slideshow showing all the girls in old scenes. Memories. A nice ending shot of everyone laying together. They all...sing on top of a tree. Lol the effects for this live must be through the roof in costs. Everyone is clapping for them and Kotori breaks down crying from happiness ;_;.

Timeskip and Producer is fine again. They are going to upgrade to a huge new office too, wow. And then it's the ending. ;__; It shows the 876 girls a bit too!

I don't think the concert scene this episode was as good as their first live, but it was a nice finale. The idolm@ster anime overall was excellent.
Dec 22, 2011 9:10 AM
Jul 2018
That streaming man... THAT STREAMING.
great episode, great ending, great streaming, oh boy.

Gonna miss this show... Now back to the PS3 and PSP
Dec 22, 2011 9:59 AM
Apr 2009
Damn, I really wanted to go to the im@s pajama party on nico video but got kicked out for not being premium. My region also got blocked, so I couldn't watch the regular streaming ep either. Ended up having to watch a horrible stream, but I'm just happy to have seen the episode live.

Anyway, from what I was able to see through all the choppiness, the first song of the concert was probably the best in the whole series. It felt just like being at a real idol concert! I wasn't too thrilled about the next song simply being a video clip, but it picked up towards the end.

One thing that stood out to me was the very end of the ep where it shows the idols from Dearly Stars. Considering the success of this anime, I think there may be a good chance that we'll see a sequel to this anime. Although the series pretty much wrapped up the storyline for 765 pro, Dearly Stars takes place after Ritsuko becomes an idol, so there's room for a new season without being a stretch. Ryou alone would create a fanbase んっふっふ〜!
bonemaster969Dec 22, 2011 10:04 AM
Dec 22, 2011 10:02 AM
Oct 2007
Actually, they didn't upgrade to a new office. Kuroi scammed them with a fake real state company and got oth 765's older office and the new office Takagi was going to buy. The ending was one big second season set-up:

-765 Pro loses their office.
-Kuroi gets the final laugh, at least for now.
-Jupiter is getting more and more popular by themselves.
-The Dearly Stars are gaining relevance.

Sounds like they're hinting at something.
Dec 22, 2011 10:09 AM
Apr 2009
7Th said:
Actually, they didn't upgrade to a new office. Kuroi scammed them with a fake real state company and got oth 765's older office and the new office Takagi was going to buy. The ending was one big second season set-up:

-765 Pro loses their office.
-Kuroi gets the final laugh, at least for now.
-Jupiter is getting more and more popular by themselves.
-The Dearly Stars are gaining relevance.

Sounds like they're hinting at something.

OH CRAP! I didn't even hear the part where they got scammed! So much for streaming through KeyholeTV, I'm gonna have to rewatch it when raws show up. As far as Jupiter goes, I'm not sure where else the series could go with them, since they don't appear to have rival mentalities anymore (compare their nice attitudes now to when they first bumped into Haruka in the hall lol)
Dec 22, 2011 10:12 AM

Nov 2008
There may be a second season to this and 765 losing their new property and old one is terrible, Kuroi is a Criminal, plain and simple.

Concert was excellent and it'll be nice for the second season to have 876 and 765 in a friendly rivalry.

Miki's turning slightly yandere.

Dec 22, 2011 10:45 AM
Apr 2009
Hoppy said:
There may be a second season to this and 765 losing their new property and old one is terrible, Kuroi is a Criminal, plain and simple.

Concert was excellent and it'll be nice for the second season to have 876 and 765 in a friendly rivalry.

Miki's turning slightly yandere.

Doubt there will be a rivalry. 765 is more of a mentor to 876, although there's a possibility that they will compete against each other when 876 gets bigger.

Now that you mention it, Miki is pretty dark underneath. Fairly early in the Idolmaster Break! manga,
I was surprised she didn't do that in this anime when she got rejected for Ryuuguu Komachi, actually.
Dec 22, 2011 12:08 PM

Oct 2010
The best way to end a anime about idol is simply a live concert :3
What else could I say, one of the best music anime I ever watched.
I was pretty suprised that it got his sad and emotional moments which I didnt expect at all. Maybe that was the reason why I scored this show 10/10.
Way better than the first idolmaster anime attempt.
gonna continue im@s on the ps3~~
Dec 22, 2011 5:19 PM

May 2011
LOL Ritsuko!!!! Ahh I just love the ReadyChange Remix and いつまでも、どこまでも「Forever, anywhere」!!

I'm definitely going to miss this show. All the idols have grown on me and didn't expect coming into this anime.

10/10 =D
Dec 22, 2011 7:32 PM
Apr 2009
Way better than the first idolmaster anime attempt.
gonna continue im@s on the ps3~~

As a series by itself, it really wasn't that bad. It's ending wasn't so nice and peachy like a lot of shows. But as much as I love Xenoglossia to this day, what in the world were the producers thinking?! I can imagine a spinoff like that today, now that there's been many different im@s games, manga, etc, but it seems farfetched that they would make a gundam-style anime rather than do the obvious thing in the first place. On the other hand, why did they make a gundam-style movie commercial inside the anime rather than just make it a commercial for Xenoglossia?

Wish I had ps3 im@s. Too bad my ps3 laser died, so there's no point in buying it right now. I will for sure though, once the premium set comes down in price.
Dec 23, 2011 12:52 AM

Jul 2009

I was not ready. I was grinning like an idiot the entire episode.

"Itsumademo, Dokomademo" turned into an entire PV. It's nice to see Jupiter and 876 make cameos in the last episode, though it looks like Kuroi still had one last trick up his sleeves.

I'm going to miss this show, something I thought would not happen when I started it.

This image is worthy of wallpaper status.

Motto, motto your dream come true~
arsonalDec 23, 2011 1:54 PM
On Moderating: Building a more complete anime database.
Spica: Anime, manga, idols.
Dec 23, 2011 1:00 AM

Aug 2009
This is one of animation that excited me throughout the entire episode. As an otaku-oriented slice of life girl animation, this is masterpiece in own rights. Unlike other pointless animations, this talked about dreams and hope. So many characters, yet all had their roles in their episode. Along with staffs' infinite affection towards the making of show, there were tons of elaborated details that almost seems like they are having drugs. It made me laugh, but at the same time, that's what staffs of Gainax are about; otaku who creates otaku animation. This is A to Z about how to create good otaku appeal and also earn success on quality story telling.

Definitely, this show deserves 10 from me.
Dec 23, 2011 3:24 AM

Jul 2010
Enjoyed the series and that ending seems to leave the door open for a new season.
Dec 23, 2011 10:14 AM

Jan 2010
They still get troll by Kuroi at the end.
Ending was a heart warming and enjoyable.
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Dec 23, 2011 12:10 PM

Jan 2009
Really nice ride from start to finish, kudos to A-1 for giving the series the adaptation it deserved. 9/10

I'd pay Scamco every week to see Are We Live? Revolution animated. lol
Dec 23, 2011 12:21 PM

Sep 2010
I sure am going to miss this show, but it was really nice while it lasted.

I hope that another season is announced soon, but we'll just have to wait and see.

The show gets a 10/10 from me!
Dec 23, 2011 12:27 PM

Jun 2010
I want that song that combines both OPs. I thought they were going to get the new office. DAMN YOU KUROI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Three new girls at the end. Hinting at a new season perhaps...

Dec 23, 2011 1:07 PM

Jul 2009
13man18 said:
Three new girls at the end. Hinting at a new season perhaps...

Not new, actually. They're the trio from 876 that supported the 765 team in the episode 10 sports meet.
On Moderating: Building a more complete anime database.
Spica: Anime, manga, idols.
Dec 23, 2011 1:35 PM

Aug 2008
Oh man, oh man, oh has finally come to an end.

Everything was just right in this episode. We got the revitalized Danketsu, Broducer sneaking out of the hospital, the beautiful animation, the hnnnnng, the "AW FUCK YEA," and all the good feelings that each episode gave(well, most of them) multiplied by 100000000%.

It was definitely one of the most enjoyable shows I watched this year. Season 2, please?

edit: The 8 ratings bar finally overcame the 7 ratings bar! :D
destructo22Dec 23, 2011 1:55 PM
Dec 23, 2011 2:05 PM

Aug 2010
This show was so great. I'm glad they ended with a concert.
Dec 23, 2011 2:18 PM
Jan 2011
I expected Haruka to start crying when she saw Mr. Producer, but when HE ended up apologizing to her, I was really touched.

I can't say I liked the entire show, as it was a bit slow in the middle, but overall, a great finale to a great anime.
Dec 23, 2011 2:32 PM

May 2011
pretty decent anime, the ending was expected. Also, was Kuraoi laughing at the end?? 8/10 is the score I give it.
Dec 23, 2011 3:31 PM

Jul 2008
The rating of this show sure moved up over time. It started out at barely a 7 and now it is closer to an 8.

I loved the insert songs during the concert.
Dec 23, 2011 4:44 PM

Jan 2011
Pretty good Idol series i enjoyed it alot! hopefully it does well because i wouldn't mind seeing another season since this ending was pretty open to it.

*waits for GC and idolmaster's CDs to go on sale*
Dec 23, 2011 5:02 PM

Jun 2011
The show was a great ride and the ending episodes were really moving. The show was refreshing and pretty unique unlike many other anime today. Also unlike many other shows this season, this one has continually gone up in ratings instead of down. Hopefully that trend continues as it's well deserved.
Dec 23, 2011 6:19 PM

Sep 2011
Good last episode,watching all the girls sing together always puts a smile on my face,also the broducer finally got his wallet even with Mikki jelousy,at the end Kuraoi screw them again,and the end may leave a second season...lets see.

As a whole it was a good IDOL anime it was fun and the last episodes were pretty good,also has cute girls so without doubt a 7/10 for me good anime and again i dont mind a second season!!

Btw i want the Ost right now!!
Dec 23, 2011 7:45 PM
Apr 2010
Well, that's the end. BUT the one thing that is STILL the biggest mystery to me is HOW BAD DID PRODUCER-SAN FALL?? I mean holy crap; I've had my share of stage-prep before, even the stages for professionals, and A trap door IS NOT that high above. I mean did he fall onto jagged rocks?
Dec 23, 2011 9:04 PM

Aug 2009
pilipino101 said:
Well, that's the end. BUT the one thing that is STILL the biggest mystery to me is HOW BAD DID PRODUCER-SAN FALL?? I mean holy crap; I've had my share of stage-prep before, even the stages for professionals, and A trap door IS NOT that high above. I mean did he fall onto jagged rocks?

I imagined that he hit his head on the edge of the pit as he went down. Not so much a question of distance.

All in all, a fun anime. I'm a little sad Producer-san never got a song.

Kuroi is top-tier troll.
Dec 23, 2011 11:02 PM

Oct 2011
pilipino101 said:
Well, that's the end. BUT the one thing that is STILL the biggest mystery to me is HOW BAD DID PRODUCER-SAN FALL?? I mean holy crap; I've had my share of stage-prep before, even the stages for professionals, and A trap door IS NOT that high above. I mean did he fall onto jagged rocks?

this might help you figure it out

Best anime in forever, 11/10. Best drama. Best fight scenes. Best animation. Best wedding. Best broducer. All idols are God tier. Takane being a little higher God tier.

thetokyoterrorDec 23, 2011 11:06 PM
Dec 23, 2011 11:07 PM

Jun 2011

:( I'm kinda disappointed that I didn't get to see a whole lot of Hibiki, she's still my favorite idol...
"Aiming for the mark takes precision, balance, and patience."

....Screw that, let's shoot the damn thing!
Dec 23, 2011 11:18 PM

Nov 2007
An overall enjoyable anime, this whole episode was stolen by Kuroi's troll at the end though....I seriously laughed at that part.

Overall I say 7/10 for this series, would watch more if they make it.
Dec 24, 2011 12:52 AM

Nov 2010
Such an enjoyable and heartwarming anime. very likable characters and great music. i liked how they did the OP in the concert. This anime will definitely be missed. fingers crossed for a second season.

Dec 24, 2011 1:45 AM

Oct 2010
I'm sad it's over. I thought this anime was entirely cute and enjoyable to watch.
I hope a second season comes out. I'd watch it in a heartbeat.
Dec 24, 2011 3:39 AM

Jun 2009
Dec 24, 2011 5:09 AM

Mar 2010
Was surprised on how much I enjoyed watching this series. I have not played the games at all before watching this or read the manga but maybe I'll give them a shot if I can find them.
Dec 24, 2011 5:14 AM

Aug 2008
SoraLover1994 said:

:( I'm kinda disappointed that I didn't get to see a whole lot of Hibiki, she's still my favorite idol...
We saw A LOT of her during the performances, so I'm more than happy right now. :3
Dec 24, 2011 5:29 AM

Apr 2008
A 2nd season would be nice :D

Dec 24, 2011 7:04 AM

Jun 2011
I think one of the best things about a second season would just be more anime original songs. There wasn't a bad anime original song, and many of them I felt were better than almost any of the other songs in idolm@ster, such as promise or marionette. These two became instant favorites for me.
Dec 24, 2011 8:53 AM

Aug 2010

I was hoping that the first song would be used at the end (the fact that it was showed as a performance, and the Haruka running towards 765 in the opening being an actual spoiler hinted at the possibility), it was a well executed scene. Another huge bonus for showing Chihaya having unpacked her stuff in her room. It's these little things that show the producers actually give a damn about the show they are making. I'm also glad that Ritsuko got her own performance again.

I'm not sure if I would like a second season, the story unfolded and came to end naturally. I think this was a great epilogue. 5/5.

Truth to be told, I would love an OVA in which Broducer gets a girlfriend and Miki is reminded about her place. Given the light nature of this show, it surprises even me how much I hate that self-centered idol celebrity. Go Haruka!

The show as a whole gets a 7/10 from me. Wasn't anything spectacular, but a good way to spend 24 minutes every week.
Dec 24, 2011 12:09 PM

Jul 2011
I liked this ending... but just imagine what if Producer actually did die? Think of the turmoil and chaos...the emotional distraught and pain. The blaming and finger pointing... I really wanted to see that play out especially since that funeral picture.
Dec 24, 2011 7:38 PM

Jun 2008
After seeing all the HINTS they laid down at the end of this episode,
if there is NO season 2............I'm going over to Japan and giving somebody a thorough BEAT-DOWN!!!
(Even though I'm truly a pacifist at heart.......)
Too Much ANIME......Not enough LIFETIME!!!!!!
Dec 24, 2011 8:48 PM

Jun 2011
destructo22 said:
SoraLover1994 said:

:( I'm kinda disappointed that I didn't get to see a whole lot of Hibiki, she's still my favorite idol...
We saw A LOT of her during the performances, so I'm more than happy right now. :3

^_^''' I actually meant more in-depth like Haruka, Miki and Chihaya...
Actually, I want ALL of the characters to be more in-depth like these three.
"Aiming for the mark takes precision, balance, and patience."

....Screw that, let's shoot the damn thing!
Dec 24, 2011 9:58 PM
Oct 2011
Overall it was a great show and I will miss it just as much as I miss Clannad and Angel Beats.

Though I was kind of disappointed that Yukiho didn't get more screentime in this show since she is my favorite idol.

Either way, i'm happy she at least got some love in episode 22 with her birthday and episode 23 with little match girl before the show ended.

So overall I give this final episode a 5/5
Dec 25, 2011 2:14 AM

Nov 2011
Great way to end an anime series, this is the first slice of life anime that i've watched that actually makes sense throughout the entire show. Loved it from start to finish!

Depending on your music tastes, I think most of the Idolmaster songs that are featured as insert songs in each episode are excellent as they can get catchy very quickly when watching the anime.

On a side note, listening to メリー (Merry) and Kimi wa Melody helps wrap up the christmas and new year IDOLM@STER style.

Well done A-1 Pictures, can't wait for a sequel!
forumuser009Dec 25, 2011 2:18 AM
Dec 25, 2011 5:37 AM

Jun 2011
Wow finally we get to see their concert, and this show is really great man. Didnt bore me in the least, i cried and i laughed, really enjoyable. Hoping for a second season or some OVA. Also feel i had to say it again, ITS GREAT.
Dec 25, 2011 6:04 AM

Aug 2008
SoraLover1994 said:
destructo22 said:
SoraLover1994 said:

:( I'm kinda disappointed that I didn't get to see a whole lot of Hibiki, she's still my favorite idol...
We saw A LOT of her during the performances, so I'm more than happy right now. :3

^_^''' I actually meant more in-depth like Haruka, Miki and Chihaya...
Actually, I want ALL of the characters to be more in-depth like these three.
Ah, well then yeah lol. But those 3 are like the three top main characters, so it's to be expected.
Dec 25, 2011 6:20 AM

Jul 2010
Pretty sure there would be a 2nd season, considering all the hints at the end of the episode

Dec 25, 2011 12:19 PM
Nov 2011
All I can say is that thanks to this great show I officialy became an Idolm@ster fan after I saw the first three episodes.

Of course I would have loved to see an episode focused on Yayoi and her kawaii cooking show, in fact I would have loved to see an episode of her as an idol more than focused on her personal life.

ABOUT THE EPISODE it was awesome to see the girls together again as a team and to listen them in their Ready-Change Special edition, my favorite part was the flashbacks and the scene of the tree in Itsumademo, Dokomademo, it was a beautiful part, BTW looks like Ritsuko can learn coreographies as fast as Miki, since she knew she was going to appear in the last moment.

The ending suggested that there may me a second season cause all that is not enough to be focused in a singoe OVA, I also think that the part with Ai, Eri and Ryo in the interview at a restaurant just as the show started with 765 suggests that at least we can expect an spin-off series focused on 876, anyway it's sure that this is not the end of IM@S in the anime insudtry.
Dec 25, 2011 7:03 PM

Sep 2011
What a great episode. The final scene, though a bit cliched, is the best possible way to mark the end of the series. Now give me my Season Two please.

Also, is it me or did the rating for the whole series bumped up to a 7.77 from 7.2 or something like that overnight?
Dec 26, 2011 12:19 AM

Apr 2011
Great anime. I llaugh when they got scammed my president Kuroi.

Haruka has shown some liking to producer san ang Miki sensing that is already
in defense mode against her.
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