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Sep 25, 2011 4:38 PM

Jan 2011
Anime_Name said:
eventful backstory/current story

How the fuck are you going to have an adventure story of any substance with a current or history that is eventful? I mean fuck. Anime/Manga might be full of different story telling techniques but there is a ceiling.

These anime gripe lists from people keep getting more and more absurdist. Shounen is your favorite genre my ass.


Agreed, most of the cliche is what makes Shounen what its KNOWN for, super friendship and shit like that....overall good episode imo, but I have to agree with some folks about Shiemi at this point, she needs to go sit the fuck down.
Sep 25, 2011 4:59 PM
Apr 2011
The show was great at the start and to middle, from there on it started going a little downhill. Still a great show and I enjoy watching it, but I hope when they finish the manga they come back to this and pull a Ao no Exorcist Brotherhood.
Sep 25, 2011 5:07 PM

Jul 2009
Anime_Name said:
eventful backstory/current story

How the fuck are you going to have an adventure story of any substance with a current or history that is eventful? I mean fuck. Anime/Manga might be full of different story telling techniques but there is a ceiling.

These anime gripe lists from people keep getting more and more absurdist. Shounen is your favorite genre my ass.

gains masses of power quickly

Gains masses of power quickly as compared to what? The nameless background characters or the series' villains and mentor characters? Other than these crappy anime abortions that have short stories the deviate from the manga "quickly" is not a word I would use to describe how the average protagonist goes about getting masses of power.

I actually had you down as one of the more polite members of the forum, but nevermind, I'll reply...

Actually, re-read and you'll see that I'm not speaking of the story, but character types, traits they all share that make them generally popular.

It's not a 'gripe list' if someone else can aknowledge these points, that are put forward in a neural manner and connect the dots, as there are many people who like said character types and can now view some of the reasons why.
Also, I'm not 'people', I'm Queen_stars and you replied to me amd whilst on that topic, please quote my properly next time, it can get confusing as to who you're trying to have a discussion with.

Obviously, shounen's are my fav' genre:
- my list is avaliable and easy to view?
- I wouln't keep up something I dissliked
- I have watched enough to see what's clearly familiar

Masses of power = gaining an ability and mastering it quickly and ranking above every other hard worker, I explained my aproach to this.
Tenchi_Ryu said:

Agreed, most of the cliche is what makes Shounen what its KNOWN for, super friendship and shit like that....overall good episode imo, but I have to agree with some folks about Shiemi at this point, she needs to go sit the fuck down.

You have just stated the exact same thing as me, shounen's are 'KNOWN' for this as you put it.
Only difference is, I'm questioning why we accept them being 'known' for this?

The way the two of you are going on, you'd think I didn't like the series (I stated I gave the ep' 4/5).
I see a big picture, respect others, avoid jumping to conclusions and don't display blind loyalty, it's as simply as that.

Sep 25, 2011 5:45 PM

Jul 2011
Shura is so hot. Omg.

And honestly, I'm enjoying the cliche parts.
Sep 25, 2011 5:50 PM

Sep 2010
Mephisto's final phrase was amazing, lol.
Rin trying to make Yukio wake up was like I throught. I'm not disappointed, but I think the beginning is going to be better than the ending, seriously.
OMG, I love Mephisto! He is just sitting over there watching everything and doesn't care for nothing. Anyway, probably Mephisto is going to do something in the next episode, I don't know why, but I think it's possible. Ah, Shiemi... What can I say about her? First, what was she trying to do? Shiemi's scene was so stupid, she can't make Yukio wake up or fight with Satan. I can't wait for the next episode. ;3;
Sep 25, 2011 6:35 PM

Aug 2011
This anime honestly just suffers from horrendous pacing issues. It has a lot to do with diverging from the manga, though I'm not complaining about it diverging so much as I'm stating that they basically merged 2 different stories together, this ultimately destroyed the show's pacing. Just to put it into perspective, the beginning of this show is really slow paced up until episode 16, which is natural for a long running shounen, it's mostly just character development and character introduction. Now, past that the show just moves everywhere in every direction too fast. You have a tiny bit of character development with Konekomaru, and some random plot with Igor and his Wife which was fairly useless, I actually don't see a point in it other than putting Mephisto in jail and taking over True Cross, which ultimately doesn't matter because Ernst Egin took over the Vatican anyway. Moving on, Ernst Egin contacts Yukio and I basically feel like the story shift is absurd at this point, the entire structure of the show changes and to be quite honest I'm not sure you could even consider Rin the main character after this point, I would probably consider Yukio the lead now. Infact, the other characters somewhat cease to exist after all of this happens, and I think it can established that Bon and Co. are essentially useless now and have been cast off to the side to deal with other matters, besides of course Shiemi because....I don't know. I really don't understand the Yuri Egin back story either, it's never explained why the flames don't harm her and that kind of bothers me, but oh well. You have a few plot points that hang off of the original manga story from episodes 1-16, like Izumo's backstory for one.

All in all, I think this could've been planned out better is all I'm saying. I'm a huge fan of Full Metal Alchemist's 2006 adaption and I felt that had much better planning, so if it seems like I'm just whining over lack of manga canonimity it's certainly not the case. I feel like it's just 2 completely different stories, it's unorganized, and with proper planning and hell a second season this could've been a great anime adaption, up there with FMA.
Sep 25, 2011 6:54 PM

Jun 2011
I keep asking myself "Why didn't this follow the manga?" whenever I watch this show now. If it simply stayed with the manga it would have been oh-so much better. Although, thankfully, this 'original ending' isn't as bad as most anime which have diverged from their manga's at least.
But still...It annoys the heck out of me when anime does that.
Sep 25, 2011 7:16 PM

Jul 2008
Lankeysob said:
The show was great at the start and to middle, from there on it started going a little downhill. Still a great show and I enjoy watching it, but I hope when they finish the manga they come back to this and pull a Ao no Exorcist Brotherhood.

mcc badge

Toph: "Even though I was born blind, I've never had any problems seeing."
Sep 25, 2011 7:37 PM

Dec 2009
SoraRorona said:
Lankeysob said:
The show was great at the start and to middle, from there on it started going a little downhill. Still a great show and I enjoy watching it, but I hope when they finish the manga they come back to this and pull a Ao no Exorcist Brotherhood.


Sep 25, 2011 7:38 PM

May 2009
Funny thing is that Shiemi isnt that great of a character but she is one of th strongest Exorcist in training, she did hlod off Satans flames for a while
Sep 25, 2011 7:45 PM

Jan 2011
I wonder why even Satan ignores Mephisto and Amaimon.

Even if Rin/Yukio are the perfect vessel because they are only half demons (though it's not like every demon would need a vessel to walk around, why does Satan even need one?), so they can both function as a vessel like a human can and actually withstand his power as they are not only half demons but actually his own sons, why does not even he seem to notice that Mephisto and Amaimon are around? Or at least wonder what they are doing.

Well, one answer is "nobody notices Mephisto". But thats not really an answer. Obviously everybody is busy and does not have time to think "what is Mephisto doing", and he is supposed to be locked away anyways.

He probably is good at predicting where they might look etc., but surely Satan would notice Mephisto just by him being a demon? Even without the family relationship (whch has not yet been proven, as in, neither Mephisto nor Amaimon used blue fire if i am not mistaken, Mephisto just always talks about family).

It's like they do not exist when not actually talking/fighting with Rin etc. Except for some short scenes, like when Mephisto was the one behind the number Fujimoto gave Rin and the fight in the Vatican, neither had any real impact on the story.

Rin had used his flames a dozen times by the time Amaimon forced him to reveal it in front of his friends, so this could have been done by some random demon, too.

It feels like someone on the show thought it would be cool to not have a disembodied voice, but an actual guy floating around and watching everything to be narrator.

I would like to see Mephisto do something with real impact, like, talking his father down or using the power vacuum after Satan has been banished to take control of the remaining demons and finish the job or whatever. But i doubt we will see him in "action".
Sep 25, 2011 7:45 PM
Sep 2011
I could think of a few ways i'd prefer this to end...or rather, if i were writing this i would have done it differently, but i'm still looking forward to seeing what happens.

ins-chan said:
at the end, Rin was like: "It's okay, my stomach is just bleeding".
gosh, this show sucks. and what's with that random Buddhist stuff? wasn't that supposed to be christian-like anime?

so you've ignored the parts about temples? you haven't noticed that it shares aspects of many different religions?

Rin has demonic regeneration, and super strength. he was also most likely being pumped with adrenaline. doing a punch like that under those circumstances isn't too surprising... it was a single punch, not a flurry of blows or a complex martial arts fight.

i wish people would stop saying this show sucks because of tiny things they didn't like. it doesn't need to be horrible if there were things you didn't understand. it's as if people are colorblind in their thoughts.

sure, people can have opinions....but i think that i can have an opinion about their can also have an opinion on me having an opinion about your opinion.
Sep 25, 2011 8:09 PM
Sep 2009
Queen_Stars said:
Anime_Name said:
eventful backstory/current story

How the fuck are you going to have an adventure story of any substance with a current or history that is eventful? I mean fuck. Anime/Manga might be full of different story telling techniques but there is a ceiling.

These anime gripe lists from people keep getting more and more absurdist. Shounen is your favorite genre my ass.

gains masses of power quickly

Gains masses of power quickly as compared to what? The nameless background characters or the series' villains and mentor characters? Other than these crappy anime abortions that have short stories the deviate from the manga "quickly" is not a word I would use to describe how the average protagonist goes about getting masses of power.

I actually had you down as one of the more polite members of the forum, but nevermind, I'll reply...

Actually, re-read and you'll see that I'm not speaking of the story, but character types, traits they all share that make them generally popular.

It's not a 'gripe list' if someone else can aknowledge these points, that are put forward in a neural manner and connect the dots, as there are many people who like said character types and can now view some of the reasons why.
Also, I'm not 'people', I'm Queen_stars and you replied to me amd whilst on that topic, please quote my properly next time, it can get confusing as to who you're trying to have a discussion with.

Obviously, shounen's are my fav' genre:
- my list is avaliable and easy to view?
- I wouln't keep up something I dissliked
- I have watched enough to see what's clearly familiar

Masses of power = gaining an ability and mastering it quickly and ranking above every other hard worker, I explained my aproach to this.
Tenchi_Ryu said:

Agreed, most of the cliche is what makes Shounen what its KNOWN for, super friendship and shit like that....overall good episode imo, but I have to agree with some folks about Shiemi at this point, she needs to go sit the fuck down.

You have just stated the exact same thing as me, shounen's are 'KNOWN' for this as you put it.
Only difference is, I'm questioning why we accept them being 'known' for this?

The way the two of you are going on, you'd think I didn't like the series (I stated I gave the ep' 4/5).
I see a big picture, respect others, avoid jumping to conclusions and don't display blind loyalty, it's as simply as that.

Don't Mind them! They are just too stubborn or having too much of unnecessary pride to change their opinion/statement to what's really obvious! Lots of shounen Manga/Anime were great just by changing the classic formula by a small amount! In AnE there's no such a thing+they fail and make it obvious that these plot elements were just for the sake of filling the remaining episodes and closing the show! By the way if you like cliched Anime/Manga with a good execution check History's strongest disciple!
Sep 25, 2011 8:57 PM

Dec 2009
LOL at the people who wanted the series to follow the manga all the way through.
The manga isn't even that far yet, that's the reason they had to make 25 eps.
Anyway, good episode.
Sep 25, 2011 9:34 PM

Jan 2011
Well, looks like another potentially good adaptation gutted like a fish and tossed into the garbage. *sigh*

I still remember how hyped I was for this series after the first two episodes.
Sep 25, 2011 9:35 PM

Oct 2009
For a second I thought Rin was dead when he got shot T^T!! Then Yukio was going to commit suicide and I screamed NOOO D:!! then he gets punched and brotherly hug between Rin and Yukio :D <3
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 25, 2011 10:14 PM

Jan 2011
Shura is literally doing all the work. They should rename this show Oppai no exorcist.
Sep 25, 2011 10:15 PM

Aug 2010
show was great to start, but went downhill starting a bit after halfway. the change of pacing at the end has also really hurt the show. as a whole the show isn't bad, but it's not that good either. unless the ending is horribad i know what my rating will be of the show :)
Sep 25, 2011 10:28 PM

Apr 2011
Awesome next to last episode! Can't wait for the epic finale. I'm a bit confused about Satan's motivations, is he just misunderstood or is he truly heartless and evil? It seems like he did love Rin and Yukio's mother and wants peace between humans and demons, but comes across as seethingly evil when speaking to his sons (not to mention he's a pottymouth).
Sep 25, 2011 10:42 PM

Dec 2010
Not so dissapointing actually
Hope next (final) episode is better.
“My antics are works of art.” ~ Hermann Fegelein
Sep 25, 2011 10:56 PM

Jan 2011
how to BOMB a great series 101 at least it's gonna end better then soul eater right?...

thank god i read these mangas.
Sep 25, 2011 11:06 PM

Jan 2011

Best part of the episode lol!

Everything else was....just......*Facepalm*
Sep 25, 2011 11:49 PM

Feb 2010
looks like the hype backfired big time on this show a hype i never understood in the first place^^
Sep 26, 2011 12:23 AM

Jan 2011
SerenityB3128 said:

Best part of the episode lol!

Everything else was....just......*Facepalm*

truly the best part i only wonder if they did that as a joke to stop the people from raging at this kind of ending lol.
Sep 26, 2011 12:23 AM

Feb 2010
Ohhh the power of love.

Why do people like this kind of shit?

NwAurion said:
I wonder why even Satan ignores Mephisto and Amaimon.

coherence/logic in ao no exorcist (anime) ? nope.
VanisherSep 26, 2011 12:30 AM
Sep 26, 2011 12:57 AM

Jan 2011
Sep 26, 2011 1:22 AM
Jun 2011
Vanisher said:
Ohhh the power of love.

Why do people like this kind of shit?

NwAurion said:
I wonder why even Satan ignores Mephisto and Amaimon.

coherence/logic in ao no exorcist (anime) ? nope.

This show is the highest rated among pretty much all new shows in the last couple of seasons fsr.

Even without the "satan has the mind of a 3-year old" plot twist the series was never all that good; it had some fma style brotherly love, animation style and a bunch of shounen cliches none of which translated to a single OMG that was badass moment.
Sep 26, 2011 1:26 AM

May 2010
Not sure if want but this bromance is effective especially with the BGM. lol

Also, felt like cliche. :/

Shura kicks ass thou.
Sep 26, 2011 1:42 AM
May 2011
bakari said:
i hate how mephisto is just sitting on his magical flying chair and having a fun tea time while watching how everyone gets their asses kicked. god damn it do something! join the satan or whatever i don't care as long as i get to see mephisto fight for real

I think he is the most interesting character and somehow it's super cool how he's watching everything. :]
Sep 26, 2011 1:58 AM

Aug 2010
It was okay... a bit disappointing, but anyway it's probably the first anime which really made me want to read manga.
And yes, it would be much better if Yukio shot himself. I can't say that I don't like him, but it' would be really better. MOAR DRAMA, please!
Sep 26, 2011 2:53 AM

Jun 2009
Tenchi_Ryu said:

of course gonna hate it...
because it's rubbish!!!
Sep 26, 2011 3:05 AM

Jan 2011
Sucks for you
Most others seem to love it
Sep 26, 2011 3:06 AM
Aug 2011
Well I mean I was hoping to see some really exciting fighting but this wasn't all too bad. I still wished they would've followed the manga but it is what it is. Can't always get what you want. I get that it's a certain style of show so you get those cliches, it doesn't mean they always need to be followed. Though it's one of those things that some will love for being more of what they all love and know. The touching brother scene was nice, and kinda funny that he punched Satan out of him.

The finish looks to be interesting, if they plan to wrap up the show without another season they seem to have a lot to cover still.
Tired_SmurphSep 26, 2011 3:12 AM
Sep 26, 2011 3:20 AM

Jun 2009
Tenchi_Ryu said:
Sucks for you
Most others seem to love it
don't get me wrong you noob.
manga is really excellent, at least till now.
But thx to bunch of stupid anime maker, they turn it into a rubbish!
Sep 26, 2011 3:22 AM

Sep 2010
Cool, it will continue ? 25/25 its not enough :/
Sep 26, 2011 3:48 AM

Dec 2008
I have some issues with the story until now...
1) Is Satan good or bad? Its quite obvious he is evil but the flash back makes me feel otherwise.
2) What is Mephisto planning (if anything)?

Ignoring the awkward storyline.... the fighting sequences are quite good I think.
Sep 26, 2011 4:15 AM

Jan 2008
SerenityB3128 said:

Best part of the episode lol!

Word, Pratchett/Gaiman are having a laugh somewhere right now.. Or would if they watched anime with GG subs :D
Dem clubcards are big..
Sep 26, 2011 4:21 AM

Aug 2010
honestly it wasnt that bad >_>; sure it was cliche-fest but theres nothing wrong with it LOL animation and music were excellent as always, the plot is shonen-ish but thats what i'd expect from a shonen-jump series anyways
Too bad we never got to see Mephisto in action though DX Shura got all the action screen time this episode (except for the other Exquires but they barely did anything)
Izumo's uhh sake technique was pretty cool though LOL
shame it's ending next week, and i see Kuro in the preview :3 poor Kuro almost getting shot by Yukio last time around >_>
Sep 26, 2011 4:43 AM

Jul 2009
dustinthewind said:

Don't Mind them! They are just too stubborn or having too much of unnecessary pride to change their opinion/statement to what's really obvious! Lots of shounen Manga/Anime were great just by changing the classic formula by a small amount! In AnE there's no such a thing+they fail and make it obvious that these plot elements were just for the sake of filling the remaining episodes and closing the show! By the way if you like cliched Anime/Manga with a good execution check History's strongest disciple!

You're a sweetheart.
I actually think being sensible gets you nowhere on these forums at times down to too many over zealous people; funny thing is, I was actually on the main discussion board in the same day breifly touching upon ill thought out statements in the discussion titled 'Anime that fans get it wrong'.
Perhaps some things are just obvious to a select few of us?

I like History's Strongest Disciple!, though I just have to invest more time into it, as that manga will go on for years and I understand why it's popular; read the first few chapters but will have to take time out to catch up, as for the anime; saw the first ep a few years ago and will give it a spare weekend to finish.

Sep 26, 2011 6:53 AM
Feb 2011
*cough*Something tells me*cough*that people are just trying to*cough*convince themselves into *cough*hating this show*cough*. Excuse me and my coughing.
Sep 26, 2011 8:00 AM

Jul 2010
Lmao what were you whiny bitches expecting of this anime??? The mangas not even that far. I've encountered so much worse. If you really want to see a piece of shit cliche anime watch Infinite Stratos. Animes that come out before the finished manga usually suffer. Though there are rare cases like the berserk anime (very good).
Sep 26, 2011 8:26 AM

May 2009
I don't hate this anime, but I must admit that when I first started watching it the storyline seemed much more intriguing. Yes, last two or three episodes haven't been very good and the last episode was so full of cliches that it was almost painful to watch, but I still hope that they will wrap this up nicely or at least in a satisfactory manner. I don't want to hear Satan laughing his creepy laugh ever again xD
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

― Winston S. Churchill
Sep 26, 2011 8:38 AM
Jul 2010
I was hoping for Brothers duel, and one of them dying in the end, that at least would be appealing end, now we get some yaoi ending....
Sep 26, 2011 8:58 AM

Apr 2010
choyos said:
Almost as pathetic as Soul Eater's

I was really expecting more, I guess next episode will show more action

agree..i kept remembering soul eater with this anime..well..for me..soul eater is still better than this..

hmm..but maybe ill change my mind if EVER they plan on making a second season
Sep 26, 2011 9:01 AM

Feb 2008
damn guess rin can't get with sheimi :(
Sep 26, 2011 9:32 AM

Oct 2010
to much stuff was put into this EP, it just felt really fast.
Sep 26, 2011 10:00 AM
Jan 2011
bakari said:
i hate how mephisto is just sitting on his magical flying chair and having a fun tea time while watching how everyone gets their asses kicked. god damn it do something! join the satan or whatever i don't care as long as i get to see mephisto fight for real

I feel you, man.
Sep 26, 2011 10:03 AM

Feb 2011
ins-chan said:
at the end, Rin was like: "It's okay, my stomach is just bleeding".
gosh, this show sucks. and what's with that random Buddhist stuff? wasn't that supposed to be christian-like anime?
no, it never was, i'm sorry for you the anime gave you that impression

VioLink said:
Shura is literally doing all the work. They should rename this show Oppai no exorcist.
ZeandoSep 26, 2011 10:24 AM

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Sep 26, 2011 11:57 AM

Sep 2009
The part where Rin start talking about how the people left behind after they kill themself make me tear up. Bon and company saving friends was quite nice. Shura can cut blue flames? And her super big demon sword is nice! But its useless...Shiemi is an annoying idiot. What can she do. How do satan plan to combine two world into one? And how come those students can see the demon? Did they got a spirit wound?

Brother Love, Twins Love. Why they no twin-telephathy?!

Worst Episode of Ao no Exorcist. This series started so good...and then the fillers are still quite okay. But since grandpa appear, this show is bullshit.
shinki7Sep 26, 2011 12:37 PM
Sep 26, 2011 12:13 PM

Apr 2011
Have I been watching too much My Little Pony, or did friendship and love just defeat Satin...
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