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No. 6
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Sep 4, 2011 7:59 PM

Apr 2011
Actually, I heard today that that part of ep 9 *is* different in the book.

If you want to know...
Sep 4, 2011 8:28 PM

Aug 2011
whitetear said:
Actually, I heard today that that part of ep 9 *is* different in the book.

If you want to know...

pureromanceSep 4, 2011 9:04 PM
Sep 4, 2011 9:05 PM

Jul 2009
Here's what I think: The cast thinks Inukashi is a man, since s/he speaks like one and kinda looks bishounen, but s/he's actually a woman, and Shion realizes that in this ep.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Sep 4, 2011 11:21 PM

Apr 2011
@pure: Sion is definitely less delicate in the novels. He could be sarcastic (even before leaving No. 6), he quickly catches up with Nezumi's humour and wit, and he stands up for himself more often.

@wheres: I think it's a confirmed fact that Inukashi is female. It's not safe to be a small, skinny girl in a world like that so of course she would act as unwomanly as possible. Well that, and also she was raised by dogs. xD
Sep 5, 2011 1:33 AM
Jul 2011
i LOVE the interrogation scene in the novels! <33 it happens in the fourth book, i think? where nezumi and shion's relationship is still at ~MAXIMUM TENSION~ but at this point in the anime they're mostly stable. hell, nezumi's practically all dere! so aside from trying to save time, showing what happens would have been in conflict with present characterization. it would be like the park scene had never happened.

pureromance said:
add to, when Inukashi was so scared and passied off from him for not show off earlier while he was indifferent, I dount if Nezumi will take the same time in waiting if Shion was in Inukashi's place with that molested man, haha I swear he will show up even before that man lay a finger on Shion xD
LOL there's this bit in the novels where inukashi screams "YOU should have played the prostitute role IT FITS YOU BETTER" and i was like, no, because shion would snap immediately and then how would you interview a corpse? D:
Sep 5, 2011 9:36 AM

Apr 2011
ROFL! So Inukashi said that to Nezumi, then? So true... Sion might have taken it himself, but if he knew Nezumi was being touched like that, Sion would have killed the guy in less than two seconds.

I feel awful for what happened to Inukashi. The others REALLY let her down there. (Mostly Rikiga's fault and then Nezumi's for showing up too late.) But it makes the most sense for her to be the one to do it. Not because she's female though, but because the others (except maybe Sion when he's not enraged on Nezumi's behalf?) would probably be better suited to fighting the No. 6 official.
Sep 8, 2011 1:06 AM

Aug 2011
whitetear said:
@pure: Sion is definitely less delicate in the novels. He could be sarcastic (even before leaving No. 6), he quickly catches up with Nezumi's humour and wit, and he stands up for himself more often.

sarcastic! hmmm I felt that he's kinda... since the the first time he met Nezumi
I liked how he could reply on ironic things that Nezumi says ^^

Shion is awareness and and fast learner more than how many people think
he knows what kind of environment he was living in
so he thankful to meeting with Nezumi
as much as Nezumi is thankful to meeting with Shion
I like how their meeting is fated as how I like how their love is equal

jjoym said:
hell, nezumi's practically all dere! so aside from trying to save time, showing what happens would have been in conflict with present characterization. it would be like the park scene had never happened.

may you explain more what you meant? ^^"

LOL there's this bit in the novels where inukashi screams "YOU should have played the prostitute role IT FITS YOU BETTER" and i was like, no, because shion would snap immediately and then how would you interview a corpse? D:

wha!!! Inukashi said that!! it's like her to say such thing XDDD
besides, I agree with what she said xDDD
but now what you said is WIN xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
it made me laughing hard :'D
so love couple won't be useful at such missions D:
poor Inukashi ^^"
pureromanceSep 8, 2011 1:21 AM
Sep 8, 2011 7:45 AM

Apr 2011
pureromance said:
Shion is awareness and and fast learner more than how many people think
he knows what kind of environment he was living in
so he thankful to meeting with Nezumi
as much as Nezumi is thankful to meeting with Shion
I like how their meeting is fated as how I like how their love is equal
The equality of their love (same respect and admiration for each other, and same intensity though Nezumi tries to hide it) is EXACTLY what I love about it too. I've been talking about that a lot on another site, actually. xD

jjoym said:
hell, nezumi's practically all dere! so aside from trying to save time, showing what happens would have been in conflict with present characterization. it would be like the park scene had never happened.
By "the park scene" do you mean the part in the book with the lab coat guy and "Fennec" ? I was confused about that too but it didn't actually happen in the park; it happened *in view of* the park from an office inside city hall. I thought whatever it is those guys are up to would be a surprise for later but now I'm not sure if it's even going to come up in the anime at all...

btw Sion would snap for sure if he saw Nez getting molested like that but I don't think Nez would. He would save and comfort Sion as soon as he could but I'm not so sure he would lay down retribution right away. I think he'd save it all for the torture session, personally.

@wheres: I forgot to say, I think you're exactly right about how the cast thinks Inukashi is male, but only Sion just realised she isn't.
Sep 8, 2011 10:38 AM
Jul 2011
whitetear said:
By "the park scene" do you mean the part in the book with the lab coat guy and "Fennec" ? I was confused about that too but it didn't actually happen in the park; it happened *in view of* the park from an office inside city hall. I thought whatever it is those guys are up to would be a surprise for later but now I'm not sure if it's even going to come up in the anime at all...
pureromance said:
may you explain more what you meant? ^^"
LOL and here i was, so confident in my english, even daring to use such fancy turns of phrase! xD guess i should work on clarity, huh?

i mean that nezumi says and does ...some things... in the torture scene that may not work well with the anime's portrayal of their relationship so far, especially everything after the scene where they punch each other and air out their feelings in the abandoned park/playground.

whitetear said:
The equality of their love (same respect and admiration for each other, and same intensity though Nezumi tries to hide it) is EXACTLY what I love about it too. I've been talking about that a lot on another site, actually. xD
WHICH SITE i would like to know~

and yesss that's a huge part of what i love about them, they're not defined as seme/uke unlike 95% of animanga m/m relationships, they're just two boys with intense messy feelings for each other and that just FEELS SO GOOD MAN. ;____;
Sep 8, 2011 2:31 PM

Oct 2010
wow that is a really sick idea those people being dumped like that.
Sep 8, 2011 4:23 PM

Apr 2011
jjoym said:
i mean that nezumi says and does ...some things... in the torture scene that may not work well with the anime's portrayal of their relationship so far, especially everything after the scene where they punch each other and air out their feelings in the abandoned park/playground.
Oh OK. I keep hearing about that torture scene and something ugly about Nezumi being in it. It's already torture so I'm not sure how much worse it can get than that. o_O And I don't want to see something that makes me dislike Nezumi yet I can't wait to reach that part in the book so I can see what people are talking about! I don't want spoilers, though. I just wish I could get those novels in English/French and see for myself. *_*

WHICH SITE i would like to know~

and yesss that's a huge part of what i love about them, they're not defined as seme/uke unlike 95% of animanga m/m relationships, they're just two boys with intense messy feelings for each other and that just FEELS SO GOOD MAN. ;____;
Well I do consider Nez seme and Sion uke, but only just barely. The reason for this is because I think Nez has always been the one to touch Sion and caress his hair and so on, and Sion just sat there and enjoyed it. The only exceptions I can think of right now are the kiss, and now the hug from today's episode. But now that the two boys have switched roles, I'm not sure what to make of that hug...

Man I really hope Sion's weird behaviour has to do with Elyurias and that it can be dealt with.

I'm also a member on AnimeCrazy. If you look at the No. 6 anime discussion there, you will see me dominating it. lol... (my username is different there though)
Sep 9, 2011 5:06 PM

Feb 2009
My mind is full of fuck... I can't tell if Inukashi is a man or a woman. XD I thought he/she was a woman but now I'm not sure anymore. That's the problem with anime characters!

And I think it's kind of cute how Nezumi is protecting Shion. -^^-
Sep 10, 2011 12:15 AM
Jan 2011
I just noticed. Nezumi's singing reminds me of Clear, the vocaloid dubber :D
Sep 13, 2011 5:03 PM

Aug 2011
whitetear said:

btw Sion would snap for sure if he saw Nez getting molested like that but I don't think Nez would. He would save and comfort Sion as soon as he could but I'm not so sure he would lay down retribution right away. I think he'd save it all for the torture session, personally.

@wheres: I forgot to say, I think you're exactly right about how the cast thinks Inukashi is male, but only Sion just realised she isn't.

wha! that's pretty much like Nezumi! I liked how you described the situation =D

since you said: "only Sion just realised she isn't", that gave this question >> what about Nezumi? does he know?
since he fighted with her ealier and which mean he grabbed her body
Sep 13, 2011 5:53 PM

Aug 2011
to jjoym:

hahaha, it's fine dear ^^
and thanks for the explanation ^^

to whitetear & jjoym:

talking about Nezumi/Shion, Seme/Uke
I did consider Nezumi seme and Sion uke at first episodes but later especially after episode 10, I think the two boys can switched roles there too (you know what I mean xDDD)

looking at Doujinshi will gonna change your mind xD
if Nezumi started something with a sign, Shion will continue it out of the curiosity -at leastest- xDDD
Shion's innocency gonna make the Tsundere Nezumi suffering a lot xD

Shion: "Nezumi, I want to know"
Nezumi: "know what?"
Shion: "about you, I want to know more about you"
guess that including in bed two xDDD

and yes, I like how these two undecidable in seme and uke rule ^^
pureromanceSep 13, 2011 6:04 PM
Sep 13, 2011 7:41 PM

Apr 2011
pureromance said:
since you said: "only Sion just realised she isn't", that gave this question >> what about Nezumi? does he know?
since he fighted with her ealier and which mean he grabbed her body
I'm not sure what Nezumi knows. He doesn't like to share these things, does he? ;)

As for the seme/uke switch thing, that's exactly what I was hinting at in my last post. Sion hugging Nezumi in the last ep felt more like a seme hugging an uke than vice versa.
Sep 13, 2011 7:59 PM

Aug 2011
whitetear said:

I'm not sure what Nezumi knows. He doesn't like to share these things, does he? ;)

yes, he does xDDD
Sep 14, 2011 1:41 AM
Jul 2011
whitetear said:
Oh OK. I keep hearing about that torture scene and something ugly about Nezumi being in it.
hmmm... i think the point is more, "the ugly thing he does to shion in it" tho i don't think shion really registered it as ugly, hahaha i swear the boy has got a boner for nezumi and deathplay. for srs.

i just don't like thinking in terms of seme and uke, period. i've read (still reading) far too much yaoi, and authors have a tendency to overuse this formula to the point of ignoring proper character-building and it PISSES ME OFF.

then in fandom, writers/artists have a tendency to apply this formula to their chosen pairing to the point where the guys become unrecognizable caricatures and this PISSES ME OFF MORE.

so yeah now i have an unpleasant knee-jerk reaction to the words seme and uke.

and i SWEAR if i see a fanwork which reduces shion to a whimpering moeblob under the thumb of prince charming nezumi or nezumi becoming a starry-eyed limp-wrist while shion-sama takes care of everything I WILL CHOP SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF.

...i mean. just sayin'. ;;>_>

don't care who tops, or if they show the characters in a more vulnerable/strong light than usual, as long as they take care to characterize them properly and DO NOT shove them into preset roles which make them lose all their nuances.
jjoymSep 14, 2011 7:53 AM
Sep 14, 2011 7:03 AM

Apr 2011
Ah, well that puts an interesting spin on the torture scene. I suppose I'll see the details when I can read to volume 4 or so...

As for the seme/uke thing: I completely understand. Overuse of formulas like that can definitely lead to type-casting and caricatured characters... which suck. Much for the same reasons you don't like the seme/uke formula, I've tended to dislike the romance genre in general. Most of what I've seen has been so formulaic... so shallow. -_-; And on top of that I think it's because I've always wanted to see more relationships like this one. People who meet under unique circumstances and form a tangible bond. Partnerships between (more or less) equals. Admiration and respect from both sides. And a story with depth to it. Ethical conundrums for both the characters and viewers to work through.

Funny thing is that coincidentally, I've been reading fanfic for this series lately, myself. I don't usually read fan writings, but now I've read plenty for No. 6 and I have been seeing over and over exactly what you've described. (Some better than others, of course.) Do you write any yourself, jjoym?
Sep 14, 2011 8:05 AM
Jul 2011
OH GOD NO hahaha i wrote some when i was... i guess the western equivalent of seventh grade, they all sucked.

hmmm fanworks of no. 6... have you been to because i am scared to dip my toes into that vole pit, and content myself with what i can find in these places:*d*%206%20-%20Asano%20Atsuko/works

not all are good, but still, less to weed out. HAVE YOU ANY RECS FOR ME PLEEEEZ?

in return:
do you have all the endcard for this series? because i do. and some other random toi8 art, including nezumi baking shion a birthday cake. and have you seen the one where eve dances with shion?
/bribery bribery bribery :3
Sep 14, 2011 8:21 AM

Aug 2011
jjoym said:

i just don't like thinking in terms of seme and uke, period. i've read (still reading) far too much yaoi, and authors have a tendency to overuse this formula to the point of ignoring proper character-building and it PISSES ME OFF.

but there are many Yaoi manga(s) which through reading wasn't able to tell who's the same and who's the Uke 'till finding that out in sex scene!
and there're some including switch as well.

then in fandom, writers/artists have a tendency to apply this formula to their chosen pairing to the point where the guys become unrecognizable caricatures and this PISSES ME OFF MORE.

xD but again, there are so many great Doujinshi(s) which keep the characters just as the way they are.

so yeah now i have an unpleasant knee-jerk reaction to the words seme and uke.

I kinda understand you ^^
Sep 14, 2011 9:41 AM

Aug 2011
84 <3

jjoym said:

in return:
do you have all the endcard for this series? because i do. and some other random toi8 art, including nezumi baking shion a birthday cake. and have you seen the one where eve dances with shion?
/bribery bribery bribery :3

wha!!!!! what a lovely pic!!!!! *Q*
I saw it before but it wasn't in this great quality! =D
and yes, I do have the one where eve dances with shion ^^
the official pic which surprise me for real was this one O_O
talking about that, does this one is an official?

the one of epispde 10 was soo cute!

oh, and I found something interesting to whom want to see yandere Shion through that time with Rikiga-san (in details) xD
oh, Shion has a wild imagination! (that's why he got mad that much! hmmm that make sense now! *nods*) xD
what made me laughing even most is that he drooled blood xDDD

may you please tell me the titles of the endcards you've? ^^"
I want to make sure that I have them all ^^
pureromanceSep 14, 2011 9:55 AM
Sep 14, 2011 10:06 AM

Apr 2011
Thanks for that great image of the two boys back to back by the bookshelves. :)

I have the end cards I liked and I've seen the Eve/Sion dance image on the Hiriajuu blog, if that's the one you mean (same source for the end cards, I think). It makes me lol...

I've read much of what's on and the 1st and 3rd of the sites you listed (they all overlap a bit), avoiding most A/U, angst, and stuff that looks potentially spoilerish. Is there any particular type of story you're looking for? Let me know here or on my profile and I'm sure I can recommend some to you.

@pureromance: All the endcards are linked from here:

lol @ Sion's imagination/yandere moment!!!
whitetearSep 14, 2011 10:34 AM
Sep 14, 2011 11:29 AM
Jul 2011
oh damn there go my bribe monies. DD: p-please rec me fic anyway? no preferences as long as it's no. 6 and good, i want them. *puppy eyes*

here have sum random toi8 art *too lazy to upload them all on imgur*

my favorite:
my second favorite-->

if you get a 403 just copypasta the links, they'll show up.

the dancing pic isn't from hiriajuu, tho. at least i think not:

pureromance said:
but there are many Yaoi manga(s) which through reading wasn't able to tell who's the same and who's the Uke 'till finding that out in sex scene!
and there're some including switch as well.


xD but again, there are so many great Doujinshi(s) which keep the characters just as the way they are.
lol which is why i haven't stopped reading yet. while there are a lot that make me want to pull my hair out, there are also good BL/homoromantic animanga that keep me happy. like no. 6! xDD

pureromance said:
talking about that, does this one is an official?
hmmm. i don't think so, sorry. there are some really good stuff on pixiv tho.
jjoymSep 14, 2011 11:40 AM
Sep 14, 2011 2:14 PM

Aug 2011
whitetear said:

@pureromance: All the endcards are linked from here:

oh! thank you so much =D *hugs*
I wish to see the messing one here x3 >> >> (awakening Shion + wet Nezumi)
Sep 14, 2011 3:00 PM

Apr 2011
Wow, thanks for all the great images!

If you'd like specific story recommendations, here are some links to the ones I liked (ranging from fluffy to raunchy in no particular order but I'd say the fluffiest are the first two). Some will be better than others for characterisation, naturally...
Sep 15, 2011 12:46 AM
Jul 2011
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ...but i've read them all already hahaha

/orz forever



also have you seen this? hahaha oh god fluffy AU where cravate, hamlet, and tsukiyo are human children BRB ded of cute

@pure: they've put up an LQ scan of it there! it's amusing who they make it look like shion is shooting at that even proper english ugh sorry imma go to sleep now. ;__;

EDIT: <---delicious scans
jjoymSep 15, 2011 1:12 AM
Sep 15, 2011 7:58 AM

Apr 2011
lol... too too few stories. T_T

Which were your favourites jjoym? I'm sure I've probably read them too. I'm getting tempted to try taking on their characterisation myself lately. Probably depends how I feel after today's final episode...

I read that "Konezumi trio" one yesterday. Too cute. "Mother" and "Father" giggling together on the couch toward the end had me laughing as well. With the kids trying to guess what they were up to...

I don't think I normally like A/U type stories but that one and "Paperback Lover" ( made me smile (though Nez is a bit of a creep in this one).

Did you read all the stories by Triste? "Beneath The Surface" ( had me laughing as well.

Well I do appreciate all the bribery and seeing as you're disappointed by the lack of English fandom, I translated a short French one for you...
whitetearSep 15, 2011 8:05 AM
Sep 15, 2011 10:51 AM

Aug 2011

I saw these pics before, their arts is so beautiful <333
what do you mean by "toi8" ?
haha thanks for last one it mad me laughing
I saw many pics of Shion birth-day but this one was so cute! Nezumi <3
Nezumi looks so cute with Shion's mother <3

PS: thanks for telling the method to show up the pictures ^^

lol which is why i haven't stopped reading yet. while there are a lot that make me want to pull my hair out, there are also good BL/homoromantic animanga that keep me happy. like no. 6! xDD

hahaha I see ^^
(out of curious, give me some examples xD)

hmmm. i don't think so, sorry. there are some really good stuff on pixiv tho.

I see ^^" thanks for answering me ^^
um.. but may you tell me what do you mean by "pixiv"?

another one about the end of ep 10,

jjoym, whitetear, do anyone of you know something about this?

wha!!!! the endcards of ep 11!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333 =D
I haven't watched the episode yet, 'cause I'm waiting for the translation x3
pureromanceSep 15, 2011 12:48 PM
Sep 15, 2011 11:48 AM
Jul 2011
pureromance said:
I saw these pics before, their arts is so beautiful <333
what do you mean by "toi8" ?
haha thanks for last one it mad me laughing
toi8 is the one who did the character design and the endcards. meaning ALL OF THESE, including the nezumi-makes-a-cake one, are ~official~. :3 <--- BEST PLACE TO TRAWL FOR ART. it's like the japanese deviantart, i guess? 95% of the fanart on tumblr were originally from pixiv.
Sep 15, 2011 12:37 PM

Aug 2011
jjoym said:
toi8 is the one who did the character design and the endcards. meaning ALL OF THESE, including the nezumi-makes-a-cake one, are ~official~. :3.

oh, I doubted that since they've the same art as the endcards, thanks for telling me =D
wha!! including the one with nezumi-makes-a-cake one!!! wooow! I didn't guess that =D <--- BEST PLACE TO TRAWL FOR ART. it's like the japanese deviantart, i guess? 95% of the fanart on tumblr were originally from pixiv.

oh, thanks for the explanation! I didn't know about that "pixiv" since it blocked here =___= but I managed to see it somehow now
yes, it's looks like deviantart =D

PS: I edited my previous post, please check it out ^^
pureromanceSep 15, 2011 12:42 PM
Sep 15, 2011 12:42 PM

Apr 2011
Ahhh... streams have been up for nearly 3 hours and I still haven't watched the last ep.

Waiting for the HD download of ep 11 is driving me insane! :x

jjoym (& pureromance), just wondering: Did you notice the story I translated from French for you in the spoiler tag above? It's short, but I thought it was really cute. What did you think?
Sep 15, 2011 1:19 PM

Aug 2011
whitetear said:
Ahhh... streams have been up for nearly 3 hours and I still haven't watched the last ep.

Waiting for the HD download of ep 11 is driving me insane! :x

jjoym (& pureromance), just wondering: Did you notice the story I translated from French for you in the spoiler tag above? It's short, but I thought it was really cute. What did you think?

yes, it's so cute <3 (but with whom Shion was talking?)
I'm in love with how Shion and Nezumi romance takes the silent way, like in the feeling through the kiss scene here, I iked it <3
"Yeah, I'd have to say he's made about 30 minutes of effort and 90 minutes of complaints!" xDDD
and YAY I want to see Nezumi does his practises with Shion =D that would be sooooooooo cute x3 (looking forward seeing that in a DJ xD)
thanks for the translation whitetear ^^

I wonder why the episode didn't come out in english translation so far! it's getting late x3
by the way, whitetear do you know Japanese?
pureromanceSep 15, 2011 1:33 PM
Sep 15, 2011 1:31 PM
Jul 2011
@white: hahaha yeah. actually i had a long comment but the internet ate it and i gave up. xD

in summary--

LOL that was cute, i like it when shion surprises nezumi

my favorite AU because STRIP CLUB:

@pure: if i have to guess, the imageshack comic is the scene in the novels where they first meet inukashi and shion magnificently displays his nezumi-induced derpitude.

nezumi: [elegant hand gesture]
shion: oooh purty *_____*
inukashi: LOL is this guy fer real?!
Sep 15, 2011 3:48 PM

Aug 2011
jjoym said:
@white: hahaha yeah. actually i had a long comment but the internet ate it and i gave up. xD

Gosh, I hate when that happen x3

@pure: if i have to guess, the imageshack comic is the scene in the novels where they first meet inukashi and shion magnificently displays his nezumi-induced derpitude.

nezumi: [elegant hand gesture]
shion: oooh purty *_____*
inukashi: LOL is this guy fer real?!

hahaha xDDDD
Shion is sooo cute <3 *hugs*
and I like Inukashi's expressions in such moments xD
thanks dear for the translation ^^

*runs to watch*
Sep 15, 2011 4:10 PM

Apr 2011
pureromance said:
yes, it's so cute <3 (but with whom Shion was talking?)
Sorry, I should have given context. Sion was helping Nezumi practise for a role in his next play. Nezumi hated the role because he couldn't get into character so, as you saw, Sion helped him out in his own way. ;)
I'm in love with how Shion and Nezumi romance takes the silent way, like in the feeling through the kiss scene here, I iked it <3
episode 11 spoilers:
"Yeah, I'd have to say he's made about 30 minutes of effort and 90 minutes of complaints!" xDDD
Hehe yeah I had some fun with that line, but the meaning is exactly the same.
and YAY I want to see Nezumi does his practises with Shion =D that would be sooooooooo cute x3 (looking forward seeing that in a DJ xD)
thanks for the translation whitetear ^^
No prob. If they're not too long (and as long as it doesn't piss off the authors), I'd consider doing more.
I wonder why the episode didn't come out in english translation so far! it's getting late x3
by the way, whitetear do you know Japanese?
I caved and downloaded a lower res version to watch. Still waiting on the HD. I'm starting to think I won't even see it come up today. -_-;

But I'm grateful Horrible Subs stuck with this one to the end.

English is my first language. French is my second (conversational level & decent reading ability), and then yes, I do know some Japanese. :)

jjoym said:
@white: hahaha yeah. actually i had a long comment but the internet ate it and i gave up. xD
Oooh, I hate when that happens.
in summary--

LOL that was cute, i like it when shion surprises nezumi
Yeah, I was wondering where it was going as I read and then that just took me by as much surprise as it did Nezumi. Very clever! lol...
my favorite AU because STRIP CLUB:
I was avoiding this for a while, but I'm definitely gonna have to read it now, I think. xD
@pure: if i have to guess, the imageshack comic is the scene in the novels where they first meet inukashi and shion magnificently displays his nezumi-induced derpitude.

nezumi: [elegant hand gesture]
shion: oooh purty *_____*
inukashi: LOL is this guy fer real?!
Looks like a good guess. lol... I loved that scene so much. Sion is so adorable. <3

Maybe we should start a Fanfic thread btw?
Sep 17, 2011 8:42 PM

Oct 2010
Uh... I've been drowning in RL too long I totally can't follow the discussion up there.

But anyways this episode was... man... superb.
Relives some childhood nightmares, those screaming and murder and blood... that scene where Shion closed his eyes under Nezumis cloak with distant voices in the background portrayed very realistic reaction to close terror. Somehow, somehow it touched me.

Oh, and IMO it also means Inukashi is a GIRL.
One more thing. The composer for this anime... I hate to say this: is a no no.

Huff. I can't believe episode 11 is already out actually, gotta marathon it.
fianeSep 17, 2011 10:59 PM
Sep 23, 2011 3:22 AM
Feb 2010
Wow... just...
This episode really disturbed me, actually. When those huge things came and wrecked the town, killing so many people... I was just staring in horror. And at the end, when they were all dumped into that place? This thing is actually really dark, isn't it? I loved every second of it, though!
I also love Nezumi's singing *-*

My god, I can't wait for the next episode..
Oct 1, 2011 10:58 AM

May 2010
Dogkeeper. Y U NO expose your gender. I'm still confused. =,=

The manhunt and dumping persons like trash are kinda disturbing.

Next ep is probably good.
Nov 12, 2011 9:11 PM

Mar 2011
Loved it!
Nov 14, 2011 7:58 PM

Jul 2008
It's quite easy to tell. The dogkeeper is a girl confirmed by this episode. In the novel, the author keeps using "he" because all the characters think dogkeeper is a guy. If the author uses "she" instead and the characters refer to dogkeeper as a male then it will be confusing for readers. It also would be a spoiler that dogkeeper is a girl pretending to be a guy. The west distinct isn't a pleasant place so a girl pretending to be a guy isn't illogical.
Nov 23, 2011 10:50 AM

Dec 2010
Yeah, the plot actually begins at episode nine, that's totally like C. At first I thought that Nezumi will act as the prostitute, but now I just wonder if Rikagu is really girl... if there's one more male character with female look... I'm just afraid of this thought. Anyway... I got the same way - Safu's body is overtaken by some Forest Deity... I hope she'll do some real damage to No. 6!
Jan 19, 2012 6:37 AM

Mar 2010
That ending was terrifying, omg!;_____;

That massacre was awful and grotesquely brutal; I don't think I've been as disgusted with #6's government until now >:/

Ah! But Nezumi's voice!♥♥
I liked this song better than the first one~(◡‿◡✿)

Nov 27, 2012 2:59 AM
Dec 2011
If it's even possible his singing got BETTER!! <33 mm mm

K the end there WTF dumping them like TRASH sick!!!

Anyways is doggy girl a boy? MUST KNOW!! Anyways message me if you wish to talk more about this.
Jan 19, 2013 12:13 PM
Dec 2011
More singing! :D

Pretty excited for the rest!
Jan 25, 2013 3:56 PM

Dec 2012
That ending disturbed me.
This is getting good.
May 6, 2013 8:24 PM

Feb 2011
Whether Inukashi is biologically female or male, I like the idea of hir being agender.
Aug 4, 2013 8:05 PM

Jun 2013
Wow, this episode was really good. I adore Nezumi's voice.

The city's secret is so sickening. I can't wait to find out what happens, only 2 episodes left >_<"
Jan 20, 2014 6:44 PM

May 2012
Damn what an amazing episode but I don't understand what No.6 gains from mass murdering everyone like that... that middle part and ending were just terrible! And what happened to Safu, I just hope she's okey!
Jun 18, 2014 1:20 AM

Sep 2010
Well that was... disturbing. A little boy love though which was nice.

Will Safu finally stop being useless? I hope so but I also want her character gone since she'll just get in the way..
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