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Jul 31, 2011 8:04 PM
Mar 2009
this is the oc list the name of the person (the name they gave me or their fan fic name) who created the oc is next to the name more will be added as time goes by
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Jul 31, 2011 8:05 PM
Mar 2009
Name: Phoenix thousand-blade - Kalt phoenixtail
Age: 15
Sex: male
DOB: 7/10
Height: 5’10”
Mass: 145 lbs
Race/Ethnicity: unknown
Classification: both weapon and miester
Personality/Characteristics: dose not like big groups, likes to burn things, does not like following directions, is constantly harassed about how he dresses, very smart but rarely shows off
Background: was the “result” of a witches unsuccessful experiment on the soul and only joined shibusen to get revenge on the creature that killed his mother
Appearance: hair blood red and gray eyes (when in control of his emotions) always wears a black leather trench coat (except on missions) a white tee and black denim pants
Weapon choice: a malleable sword that can change form on command (can only change to a form he has seen)

Name: Clarice thunder - Kalt phoenixtail
Age: 15
Sex: female
DOB: 6/12
Height: 5’1”
Mass: 102 lbs
Race/Ethnicity: unknown
Classification: both weapon and miester
Personality/Characteristics: hard working upright scholar and athlete
Background: was the “result” of a witches unsuccessful experiment on the soul joined shibusen to stay close to her brother
Appearance: long black unbraided hair that is down to her waist green eyes and always wears a red dress shirt and knee long skirt
Weapon choice: plain red katana

Name: Dakota Sage (Dy)- DarkStar616
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Mass: 125 lbs
Classification: a weapon
Appearance: highlighted blonde hair with blue streaks and bright blue-silver eyes
that change colors depending on her mood. (Silver-black)
Weapon choice/form: scythe (black double bladed scythe with a gold chain at the bottom)

Name: Alice Fereria- Kevin Moore
Age: 16
Sex: Girl
DOB: 7/14
Height: 5' 4"
Mass: 110 lbs.
Race/Ethnicity: Mediterranean (Italian)
Classification: Meister
Personality/Characteristics: Aloof, Acts for Justice, Blind
Background: Born in America, parents souls were eaten by those possessed by keishin eggs, now goes to the DWMA
Appearance: Plain black T-shirt, White Hair (goes down to mid-back), Green Eyes(covered by a red Blindfold), Black shirt, red pants, white gloves
Weapon choice: Axe

Name: Streitaxt Brandt- Kevin Moore
Age: 17
Sex: Boy
DOB: 12/22
Height: 6' 4"
Mass: 200 lbs
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Classification: Weapon
Personality/Characteristics: Brash, Belligerent, Always looking for a fight
Background: Grew up in Germany, got into a lot of fights, now goes to the DWMA
Appearance: Red vest covering most of his upper body (open), no shirt, Black Pants
Weapon choice: Axe

Name: razzillian (raz for short) cyber-noodles
Age: 14
Sex: male
DOB: 11/27
Height: 5ft 4
Mass: 13 stone
Race/Ethnicity: white
Classification: weapon – miester,
characteristics: insane, believes everything can be solved with scientific equations, but can often been found praying.
Background: stein's nephew, moved from Scotland to live with him, as a kid his uncle experimented on him, resulting in scars, insanity, and mental breakdowns, raz was the test subject for steins bolt experiment. Stein is also responsible for his nephews strange weapon transformation
Appearance: looks like a miniature Stein.
Weapon choice: originally a sword, his uncles experiments cause him to turn into an iron dragon.

Name: Hana Ayane- XxxBloodyXAngelXxx
Age: 14 years old
Sex: Girl
DOB: 5/28/1997
Height: 5'4
Mass: 119 pounds
Race: English
Classification: Weapon, can fight by herself without meister, or could.

Acts: Hana is independent, and likes to get her way. She can be sweet, but
like everyone, she has a dark side.

Likes: Her friends, being herself, bunnies, anime, cute things, Death the
Kid(hehe)pocky, blood.

Hates: Annoying people, high heels, dresses,drawing things,her past life.
background: Hana's mother was killed by her father, who was a Kishin, Hana
fled to Death City when she was 12 to become a weapon, even a weapon/meister.

Appearance: Hana has blue eyes, and light brown hair with blond highlights.
She is skinny and is white. She has an english accent too.

Cloths: She wears black shorts and a black tank top with lace up combat boots.
She also has white fingerless gloves and a white choker.

Weapon: Hana is a scythe. (Like Maka looks at the end of Soul Eater)

Name: Rosalyn (it's usually just Rose but Rosalyn sounds fancier~) Bogen- BlueEyedRosette
Age: 16 (younger twin)
Gender: Female & Heterosexual
Date o' Birth: October 18th
Height: 5'0'' or 1.5 meters
Mass: 80ish lbs or 36 kg
Ethnicity: Er, British American? I think that's how it would be said. .

Classification: Well, in my AUs they tend to both be normal humans buutttt, Rose and Megan would be weapon-meisters. The sisters like to be each others meisters; though, if a situation came up they like to be the weapon.

Personality & Likes/Dislikes: Personality can change depending on the situation and what the people surrounding her need to keep calm. Usually sweet and slightly childish; bubbly at times, and tends to befriend everyone she meets. Is optimistic and likes to see the good side in people. Has alot of energy but likes to be lazy. Isn't keen on standing up for herself and has rather low self confidence that she jokes about. She likes pop, alternative, j-pop/k-pop, and dance/techno music, and likes to dance around when she thinks she's alone. She's very into 'scene' culture and prides herself on her 'skater' hair. The type of guy she likes are dorky skaters or 'scene' boys that like video games and are generally sweet and 'adorkable'. She's left-handed. She, like her sister, can have violent outbursts if someone says something offending about their sister or friend. Neither sister really likes to socialize. Rose has an obsession with electronics and can always be seen either on her cell phone, iPod, and/or silver Nintendo DS(old version). Her biggest pet peeve is bad haircuts, she'll literally cringe away from them and refuse to befriend the unfortunate victim.

Background: Rose and Megan are 16 year old twins that never knew their parents, only knowing their basic backgrounds from DNA tests and family stories. They're 3/4ths German, and 1/4th Swiss. They lived with an aunt 'Annie' and an uncle 'Kennie' until they were 8 years old. Then they were shipped off to their grandmother in Pennsylvania, Frieda Bogen. She took care of them until they were 16, knowing of their weapon lineage, and then sent them off to DWMA. They never knew they were weapons until arriving at 'the strange boarding school Grammy abandoned them at' and haven't transformed consciously.

Appearance: Is quite petite, being very short and skinny. She's not lanky, per se, and her slim figure allows her to wear her 'scene' clothes. Has a young looking face and slightly big eyes; using them often to make anime-like expressions. Her and her sister have very pale, yellow-tinted skin w/out freckles and have very hard times getting tans. Has light-blue, dyed hair(blue is her favorite color), and it's styled in a scene cut, with 'swoopy' bangs covering her right eye; it's layered with the longest parts being chest-length and the shortest being shoulder-length. She straightens her hair, even though it's naturally rather straight. Her eyes are apparantly 'hazel', though are light-medium blue most of the time, turning gray from time to time. Loves band tees or shirts with cute sayings on them; and always wears either skinny jeans or short shorts with her trusty skater shoes. Hates to look ugly or fat and has developed a good fashion sense from that. Doesn't wear a ton of make-up, usually just mascara, with eyeliner if she has time or is getting dressed up. Doesn't have acne, braces, or glasses.

Weapon Type: Both sisters can turn into demon bows, as in bows & arrows. Rose's colors are blue and white, the angelic version of her sister. They carry basic arrows with them; both their weapon forms and the arrows they carry can also be used for melee attacks. Rose specializes in height and distance shots, though not always perfectly on the mark. She can shoot down planes, ships, and if needed, poultry. A semi-experienced meister is needed; can take down aircrafts solo with an experienced meister.

Name: Megan Bogen(means bow in german~)- BlueEyedRosette
Age: 16 (older twin)
Gender: Female & Heterosexual
Date o' Birth: October 18th
Height: 5' 3"
Mass: 95 lbs
Ethnicity: British American~

Classification: Rose and Megan would be weapon-meisters. The sisters like to be each others meisters; though, if a situation came up they like to be the weapon.

Personality: Is nice and polite. She, like her sister, can have violent outbursts if someone says something offending about their sister or friend. Has many friends, usually through Rose, and is friendly but, more mature and silent than her twin. Tends to listen more than talk; allowing her to hear a lot of information (usually gossip). Neither sister really likes to socialize. Megan goes on alot of dates to take up her spare time. She's only had a few longer-than-a-few-hours relationships and doesn't trust guys often. She studies whereas Rose slacks off, both get A averages. She likes alternative music, soft rock, and sometimes classical music. Is slightly pessimistic and can usually only be seen smiling around her sister. She's left handed as well. The type of guy she likes tend to be un-jerky jocks, that are nice and aren't into huge parties and socializing. She doesn't have a specific hair preference, as long as it's not ugly. If you become close to her, Megan can be very affectionate. Her biggest pet peeve is repeating herself, especially since she doesn't like to talk much in the first place.

Background: Rose and Megan are 16 year old twins that never knew their parents, only knowing their basic backgrounds from DNA tests and family stories. They're 3/4ths German, and 1/4th Swiss. They lived with an aunt 'Annie' and an uncle 'Kennie' until they were 8 years old. Then they were shipped off to their grandmother in Pennsylvania, Frieda Bogen. She took care of them until they were 16, knowing of their weapon lineage, and then sent them off to DWMA. They never knew they were weapons until arriving at 'the strange boarding school Grammy abandoned them at' and haven't transformed consciously.

Appearance: While her sister is slim, Megan is rather curvy. She tends to wear the same style clothes as her sister, but likes to wear dressier stuff from time to time. Wears Converse instead of skater shoes and doesn't like short shorts. Has naturally straight, dirty blonde/light brunette hair that changes shade depending on how much sun she gets, with red highlights; basically the same cut as her sister only she tends to clip her bangs up, making her look younger. Her and her sister have very pale, yellow-tinted skin w/out freckles and have very hard times getting tans. Blue eyes like her twin, only her eyes can become blue-green, whereas Rose's can turn blue-gray. Doesn't wear make-up much, only wearing mascara on a daily basis. Doesn't have acne, braces, or glasses.

Weapon Type: Both sisters can turn into demon bows. Megan is the demonic version of her sister, her colors being black and red. They carry basic arrows with them; both their weapon forms and the arrows they carry can also be used for melee attacks. Megan specializes in accuracy and speed shots, being very good at hitting a moving target in dangerous terrain. She's accomplished at shooting down humanoid targets and if needed, game. A semi-experienced meister is needed; can wipe out an entire base solo with a higher ranking meister.

Name: Alexander (Alex for short) Haptism - Kalt phoenixtail
Age: 12
Sex: male
DOB: 10/31
Height: 5’4”
Mass: 125 lbs
Race/Ethnicity: unknown
Classification: miester
Background: was created in and grew up in witch captivity till he was twelve then after his “partner” became a dark weapon was convinced to join shibusen and redeem himself and his weapon
Appearance: black hair wears a black dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and rolled up to his elbows dark black denim pants and steel toed combat boots.
Weapon choice: Butcher blade

NAME: Kichida, Inari(nickname: Niri)- songfire15
AGE: 16
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDAY: November 14th
HEIGHT: 5 feet 3 Inches
WEIGHT: 114 lbs
CLASS: Weapon. A sword which has a black a pink hilt(think Bleach if you've seen it).
PERSONALITY: Kind of like Tsubaki in that she's kind of quiet, but she's real open and stuff around people she knows. Hates to be late to things.
LIKES: Tea, reading, school, being around her friends, walking, swords
DISLIKES: Science(class that is), eating girl souls(lol), fighting unless absolutely necessary
BACKGROUND(I hope you mean family and how they got to Death School...): She lived at home with her mom and dad. She was an only child and was sent to Death School to learn to be a weapon. She always had an infatuation with knives and her parents saw something in her and so they sent her off. Is a "3rd year" student at the school if that makes sense and friendly with most everybody.
APPEARANCE: Hair is dark, dark brown and in two Chinese buns(no clothe, just in a bun) with little pigtail things coming out of the center(if that makes sense) and sideswept bangs. Eyes are almost black(she's asian) and has fair skin. Wears black cargo carpris with a black belt and a hot pink t-shirt(it should have lettering on it...but idk what to have lol), and black and white tennis shoes. Athletic build.

Name: Deen Walker-RiMi-chan
Age: 16
Sex: A guy
DOB: March 23.
Height: 5'7
Mass: 110lbs (don't know why you need this)
Race/Ethnicity: American (first, i really don't know except he speaks english)
Classification: Weapon.
Personality/Characteristics: he's calm and collected, reliable also. but he's kinda haunted of his past meister who died, so he's quiet. sometimes, too quiet. you know, he sometimes doesn't mind who he's talking to.
Background: As stated above, his meister died because his meister sacrificed herself in one of their battles. So, the meister died instead of him. He feels guilty about it, but what his meister said before she died is that he should move on and continue studying in Shibusen. So, that's what he did. *more information just ask me*
Appearance: He has blonde hair, with upside-down waves for his bangs. Blue eyes, middle pale skin tone, quite a stocky build. He wears a folded long-sleeved polo shirt, with some buttons on his collar opened, black pants and black shoes. He also has a cross scar on his right hand which is just above his pulse.
Weapon choice: Deen's a silver bladed trident, with 2 short blades and 1 longer blade. So that's 3 on the trident's head and at the tail or at the bottom of the trident there's also 1 more blade that is as long as the other 2.

Name: Loka- Animegurly15
Age: 16
Sex: Female
DOB: 9/6/1994
Height: 5'6
Mass: 100 lb
Race/Ethnicity: American
Classification: Meister
Personality/Characteristics: Shy but strong. Very smart, Likes the quite, Hates loud noises and crowded places, Makes friends easily, very mysterious.
Background: Father died when she was 2, mother died when she was 15. now she lives in an apartment in death city. the apartment is paid for by her mothers father.
Appearance: Has long red hair, side bangs, White, Very pale. Wears black pants with a black and purple tank top. Long black gloves, and high black boots. She’s very skinny. Grey eyes.
Weapon choice: a scythe or any type of close combat weapon.

Name: Lotte Freed- Piyochin
Age: 14-years-old
Sex: Girl
DOB: 7 July
Height: 160 cm
Mass: 48 kg
Race: English
Classification: weapon
Personality: Cool girl outside actually shy girl, didn't interact in most people, Like Rock music, Hate jazz, believe that someday she will have good friend.
Background: She is an orphan. She live by herself in the street of london, until she meet a teacher from DWMA and the teacher told her that she is a weapon and she bring to DWMA and live there.
Appearance: She has a nice body like tsubaki. She wear a black shirt with tie, black short, and a boot up to knee. She have long red hair (she let her hair down), black eyes.
Weapon choice: a scythe.

Name: Zane- Kalt phoenixtail
Age: 12
Sex: male
DOB: 10/31
Height: 5’
Mass: 110 lbs
Race: unknown
Classification: weapon
Personality: like a feral animal doesn’t trust anyone but his miester
Appearance: wears all browns no shoes and walks on all fours
Weapon choice: a Bucher blade

Name: Lily Kane -wickedawesome12
Age: 15
Sex: Girl
DOB: November 3
Height: 5'4"
Mass: 115
Race/Ethnicity: Anglo-Saxon
Classification: meister
Personality/Characteristics: Cold and calculating are two words often used when describing Lily. She thinks very logically, and doesn't really interact with anyone else. She tends to understand things quicker than others. She is also a major coward, and will never go anywhere that would be too dangerous. Because of this, she has not collected many souls. Despite her exterior coldness, she does care for others.
Background: Normal background. Both of her parents were meisters, and lived in Death City
Appearance: Blonde hair down to her shoulders and blue eyes. A bit on the short side. She typically wears jeans and a t-shirt.
Weapon choice: A bow and arrow
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