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Jul 25, 2011 9:55 AM

Nov 2007
The part before Natsume moving to the current house, with a youkai.

Natsume still remembers her. Very touching ep.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 25, 2011 10:23 AM

Jul 2010
good epi. 5/5 10/10
Jul 25, 2011 11:04 AM

Oct 2010
OK, I cried once but it was intense at the part below,

When that youkai hugged Natsume, it was very emotional like I mentioned.

It really is getting better and better by just being stable in its presentation of delivering the right time of emotional response. My crying may have been a lot less than last episode but it was as intense as from the one before, just more sudden and intense.

In regards to the youkai, I liked a lot her eyes in the following,

And here as well to when she revealed them again at Natsume’s appearance. I loved seeing her in her cat form in the spoiler
and this scenery where she was as she was looking for Natsume was splendid with the sun.

About the youkai, At her first appearance she looked that other youkai that has a mask like that and it’s obvious that she is invisible and kids passed through her. That guy with his girl here was certainly not nice to have yanked out a branch from the Sakura tree. In Lord of the Rings you would killed by a spirit tree for that one. I found that the youkai sitting on the branch was a nice pose and it only looks bored from no one seeing it. Loved seeing the youkai playing around with scaring Natsume in the spoiler
it was rather very fun. The transformation of the youkai from human form to cat form here was quite SFX nice. I liked it how they showed it. I was totally emotionally moved by Natsume with the youkai cat in the spoiler
it was very emotional considering in thee end of that segment the youkai sheds out tears.

In thee end youkai waiting even in the winter looks good but it was missing Natsume a lot but that flower blooming in the winter is quite rare and nice but did you know that it was a representation of Natsume being so precious to the youkai? Yes indeed it’s a representation of how precious Natsume was to the youkai. Eventually stuff like a stupid woman not being considered toward her male friend for taking care of his old mother made her into a evil ritual chanting maiden wishing for a dismissal of the humans. I do find the woman to be rude of not considering that the old woman had no place to go other than being taken care of by her son. Nonetheless the youkai decided to try like humans by being a cat and seeing this boy that got hurt but unfortunately he was a stupid jerk who did not like cats and got rather rude towards it. Until Natsume met her and it was all beautified emotionally. Anyone noticed the NANAGABUCHI here? It’s probably the name of the town where Natsume used to live.

About Natsume, Natsume always looks good and going fishing with friends is not bad idea IMO. Seeing Natsume with friends is great as being alone in his past was sad. Oh well screw the fishing an art museum sounds better for the brain coming from Sasada, that’s no surprise. As Natsume’s past flashback starts I was really sad seeing him in the spoiler
being alone is not everyone’s wish. It’s how our emotional system is built. Seeing Natsume younger was such a delight since he looked cuter. I wanted to fucking punch that guy for throwing a rock on Natsume! How dares he bully Natsume like that! D: Liked seeing young Natsume surprised at the youkai’s scare. Those 2 girls look nice but their foul mouth should not talk about Natsume with such rumors. Who is trying to attract attention to who little rumors are not my cake. I am a Natsume fan after all. I find that Natsume’s smile here, meant a clear sign that he knew the youkai was nice with him but not honest.

So it means that he understood youkai already well at a young age. So it’s no surprise he had already the potential for the book wielding. Totally sucks to know that you were being passed from relative to relative and sometimes for the mere bargain of giving out something as a excuse to be forgiven. Totally pathetic IMO. Loved seeing Natsume in his room in the spoiler
it looks so small! I swear I looked around my room and it was like twice to three times as big. Poor Natsume being scared by the youkai at the wrong moment here, that left him causing trouble by dirtying his friend. Well he can’t tell him else he will think that Natsume is crazy but Natsume totally went crazy in screaming here. Well the frustration is understandable. In thee end Natsume did leave with some really weird relative family that looks to be rich snobs. I mean look at the fashion of that woman.

Other elements of this episode,About the preview, well those masks don’t look too friendly nor does this loose leg of a mannequin with a rope on the floor. Well strangely this little grandmother look alike youkai looks cute. Especially when she whispers to Natsume’s ears. That is until a rather fast youkai appears here. OMG how is Natsume going handle that speed. Well I have all hopes in Nyanko being a good helper in solving this youkai’s problem.
Yumekichi11Jul 25, 2011 4:30 PM

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Jul 25, 2011 11:14 AM

Feb 2008
pretty nice episode. an interesting take on perspective.

and madara's whine about ramen was a bit....unbecoming of the great youkai that he is.
Jul 25, 2011 11:37 AM

Apr 2009
sweet episode!
Jul 25, 2011 11:49 AM
Oct 2008
Very touching episode.

First one where the youkai remembers Natsume in the past and not Reiko.
Jul 25, 2011 12:04 PM
Aug 2009
I look forward to the next episode. The next episode is showing the arc that is currently on-going in the manga. Strange order this anime is going in. Anime is actually going to ahead of the manga in this arc :o
Jul 25, 2011 12:49 PM

Dec 2010
A nice change of perspective, very touching. Yet, as sophisticated as this show is when it comes to conveying emotions and the usual cast, the depiction of other peoples is often very shallow. The way young Natsume is treated and how his guardians behave is obviously bad, too obvious for my taste. It got ridiculous when the kid throwed a stone at the cat, apparently everyone except Natsume is a spoiled brat. We get it he had a hard childhood but could it be a little less black and white? I think they can do better.

The rest was excellent though. I still feel bad for Sasada and how everyone tries to avoid her. "Let's go fishing! Yeah! I got tickets for the art museum! Oh.. yay..."
Jul 25, 2011 1:03 PM

Nov 2008
Nyanko sensei needs to work on his doggy eyes. lol

This episode has been the first this season to bring a tear to my eye. I really enjoyed it. I'm glad that it had a nice "ending" to it.
Jul 25, 2011 1:16 PM

Aug 2009
Ah, Natsume Yuujinchou never fails to cause me to suddenly tear up at the most random of moments when some depth just hits me out of nowhere.

Anyone else creeped out/amused by Kakashi's seiyuu whining "Ramen! Ramen! Ramen!"

Oh, and the next episode looks creepy.
Jul 25, 2011 1:20 PM

Aug 2007
The focus this season seems to be more with youkai and humans getting along with each other, in my opinion, and that's very nice. This episode was a brilliant example of it. Also, the background on Natsume, so cruel... At least he's alright now.

@AstuteOtaku : I bet he really loves his role as Nyanko-sensei, lolol. I mean, he sounds completely different like this then for example as in Chrono Crusade as the villain. This guy is awesome.
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Jul 25, 2011 1:23 PM

Sep 2007
Sooo nice and peaceful as usual <3
I totally loved the ayakashi in this episode hehe ^_^
<P ALIGN=Center>
Jul 25, 2011 1:47 PM

Jun 2008
How could anyone throw rocks at someone as cute as Natsume? :(

My favorite episode so far.
Jul 25, 2011 1:47 PM

Jun 2008
soo lovely they remembers each other aww

poor natsume they were so mean and yet he is so kind

and madara sama asking ramen so adorable sometimes i forgot he is a youkai XD
Life is bittersweet can you live with that?
Jul 25, 2011 1:56 PM

Jun 2008
i wonder why i cannot stop getting teary with this anime in ALL episodes till now since the start of this season. Im usually not emo, but this anime makes me so emo that i surprise myself.
Loved it. another excellent episode, and i thought the youkai was so cute. she really had Natsume as someone dear to her. Natsume as a kid was simply adorable. I felt my heart broken for him, and i must say if a kid in reality was in his situation, it would be precisely the same. I almost cried.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Jul 25, 2011 1:57 PM

May 2009
So he kind of had a childhood friend after all. So nice that they could meet again. Natsume Yuujinchou always leaves me with warm feelings!

Ramen! Ramen! Ramen!~
Jul 25, 2011 2:22 PM

Jul 2010
I loved this episode, I liked the manga version a little bit more since it was a little more touching but I still cried *sniif* Natsume is such a sweet kid but everyone is so mean! Makes me wanna hug him :( Glad to see he's doing better now :) 5/5
Jul 25, 2011 2:24 PM

May 2010
mmm.... a heart warming episode.

My favorite episode so far.

anyone know that youkai name?
Jul 25, 2011 3:40 PM
Dec 2007
Splendid, heart-warming episode and probably one of the best of the new season of animes so far.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jul 25, 2011 4:14 PM

Oct 2010
at last a youkai that knows natsume 1st... felt very touched.. X)
Jul 25, 2011 4:33 PM

Sep 2009
That was a simple yet beautiful episode. Liked how the youkai always remembered him and vice versa. The hug at the end was touching.
Natsume's childhood was really depressing. I would adopt a cute child like him without any hesitation.

And why are cats so cute in animes X3
Jul 25, 2011 4:55 PM

Aug 2009
I was about to cry) Great ep. So touching.
And It's really the first time, when ayakashi remembered Natsume, not Reiko.
This anime is just so good... Aaah) I wanna hug somebody))
Jul 25, 2011 5:00 PM

Mar 2011
Wow what a great episode. It was nice (and sad) to finally see more than just flashbacks of Natsume's past. I got teary eyed at LEAST four times. lol
Jul 25, 2011 5:04 PM

Sep 2008
For some reason, I really loved this yokai's eye... maybe for its color or how it's supposed to be concealed; I'm not sure.
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Jul 25, 2011 6:20 PM

Nov 2008
The hug between Natsume and the Youkai was so sweet...
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Jul 25, 2011 6:41 PM

Dec 2010
This episode was kinda of a emotional but relaxing one because in the end Touko san's friend and Natsume was able to reconcile.
Nice to see more of Natsume's sad past.
Jul 25, 2011 6:54 PM

May 2011
This weeks Natsume is so good. Really like the theme of meeting up with your childhood friends. This episode reminded me of some of my best friends when I was just a kid. Wished I could meet back up with some one of these days.
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to give out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.
Jul 25, 2011 7:28 PM

Apr 2007
BAWWWW @ hugging scene ;_;

Absolutely wonderful episode. Probably one of my favorite out of the entire so far, maybe even my favorite.
Jul 25, 2011 9:08 PM

Mar 2009
Strongest episode this season IMO, though I wish they'd stop talking about Natsume being bullied/juggled/lonely. It's kind of tiresome being reminded of his sole character background every damn episode.

Great episode, even so. Got all teary, because despite being reminded of his past constantly, it really hits close to home for me.
Jul 25, 2011 10:22 PM

Jul 2010
That was a sad episode.

The youkai's cat form is so cute!
Jul 25, 2011 11:35 PM
Mar 2010
Citrix said:
I look forward to the next episode. The next episode is showing the arc that is currently on-going in the manga. Strange order this anime is going in. Anime is actually going to ahead of the manga in this arc :o

the arc showing next episode is already completed in the manga (it's chapter 42 in the manga I think). the manga is currently at chapter 54.

anyway very touching episode this week. one of my favourite episodes in the 3 seasons so far...
Jul 26, 2011 12:01 AM
Apr 2011
Felt as though this ep was different from the rest. I was expecting Reiko and surprise, it's young Natsume. I dont' remember the last time an ep took a point of view from a youkai. I can't remember. This is the first time this season my emotions were stretched from very funny to very sad and nostalgic and somewhat relief.

The ramen scene was hilarious. Scenes of the youkai was very heart-felt. Background music was so key in this ep. Even Touko's voice was very soothing.

They really pick the right seiyuus for this anime.
Jul 26, 2011 1:40 AM
Jun 2011
Loved this episode!, favourite so far :)
Jul 26, 2011 3:00 AM

May 2010
How touching !! T_T
Jul 26, 2011 4:16 AM

Jul 2008
I started to tear up when I heard Natsume's voice. He is too precious.

Jul 26, 2011 9:03 AM

Jul 2009
Natsume's friends are lovely...
One thing I really like about this series is the fact that we don't get the oh so popular; tsundere's and pokerfaced bishounen's, just nice characters who don't have too much to say and don't over-react over nothing.

Natsume visiting the spirit after growing up was sweet; I wonder if he crossed her over?

Jul 26, 2011 9:06 AM

Sep 2009
Whenever this track plays, I have trouble keeping it in my eyes.

Best episode this season thus far. More of this would be nice.
Jul 26, 2011 11:17 AM
Aug 2009
ice-crystal said:
Citrix said:
I look forward to the next episode. The next episode is showing the arc that is currently on-going in the manga. Strange order this anime is going in. Anime is actually going to ahead of the manga in this arc :o

the arc showing next episode is already completed in the manga (it's chapter 42 in the manga I think). the manga is currently at chapter 54.

anyway very touching episode this week. one of my favourite episodes in the 3 seasons so far...

Oh really. Then the translators for the manga are quite slow. Always the mangas I want to read that are behind on translators =/
Jul 26, 2011 11:27 AM

Apr 2010
My mind is at peace again such a relaxing episode.
So nice and calming and a very touching story.
This is probably the first time we got to see something of Natsume's past be the perspective of a youkai and it was pretty surprising.
I wonder what they talked about after the met up again.
Jul 26, 2011 12:33 PM

Jan 2008
kisami said:
pretty nice episode. an interesting take on perspective.

and madara's whine about ramen was a bit....unbecoming of the great youkai that he is.

That was the best part! Madara is always like a kid when it comes to food.

Queen_Stars said:
Natsume's friends are lovely...
One thing I really like about this series is the fact that we don't get the oh so popular; tsundere's and pokerfaced bishounen's, just nice characters who don't have too much to say and don't over-react over nothing.

Natsume visiting the spirit after growing up was sweet; I wonder if he crossed her over?

According to the manga, she didn't cross her over. The only time any crossing over happens is when a youkai is near death. I would have liked to see their conversation after the hug though. It would have been nice to see her as a supporting character after this event happened.
xbandaidxJul 26, 2011 12:37 PM
Jul 26, 2011 12:45 PM

Jan 2010
finally i can find some relaxing moments in this episode.
even if it's filler though (hm...imo though, who knows there's a part of it on manga) , but still it makes me smiling a bit.

Jul 26, 2011 3:07 PM

Mar 2009
This is the reason I watch anime, the chance to see something this wonderful. An excellent episode, so beautiful and moving. As I thought about it after watching, I realized that this could be watched by someone who had not seen any other episode. It was like a stand alone OVA. It told a complete story. So moving when he held her and remembered holding the cat.
Jul 26, 2011 3:23 PM

Dec 2008
One of the things I love about Natsume Yuujinchou is that the character development is so well done. It's subtle rather than being overdone. If you remember to the beginning of the series, Natsume ran away from spirits. By the time we got to the end of the first season/into the second season, he willingly speaks to spirits he comes across. In this episode, you can see him actively seek out a spirit he had met before, simply to see if it was still there and doing well.

Very touching <3
Jul 26, 2011 3:27 PM

Dec 2010
Citrix said:
Oh really. Then the translators for the manga are quite slow. Always the mangas I want to read that are behind on translators =/

Not really, the translations are up-to-date. The scanlation is behind though.
Jul 26, 2011 3:36 PM

Oct 2010
I ♥ the episode! *.*
Jul 26, 2011 7:29 PM

Apr 2007
omg such a good episde ;_;
Jul 26, 2011 8:13 PM

Nov 2007
So far this season of natsume has been more or less what I expected, but there's always that episode or two of it that I really get in to and this was it. Terrific everything in this episode, exactly what I needed from this show right now.
Jul 26, 2011 9:27 PM

May 2009
Such a beautiful anime. Every episode has been great and heart-felt.
Jul 26, 2011 10:27 PM

Jan 2008
A very warm heartfelt episode. I'm glad they met each other again! ;__;
Jul 27, 2011 2:00 AM

Feb 2008
I loved that youkai. She's definitely one of my favourites. Seeing Natsume with his friends now is so nice after everything he's been through.
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