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Sep 1, 2010 1:30 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi *goes to alice room, and hears the conservatioin with that yuri isnt himself, and alice is kissing him*
wow.... i wish in her position. hehe. maybe i should fun fun. *giggles evilly*
*thinks about something but realize something with estelle and yuri, but wont say, its none of her business*
*estelle sees yuri, and alice, and turns around and goes into a ball shape form and rocking*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 1, 2010 3:10 PM

Nov 2008
Francois looks at her and smiles
"I thought this was what you wanted you can't deny it we both love each other what I said on the roof i meant"
Francois comes closes to alice and looks her in the eye while grabbin her hand
"I have come to my senses and there that I love you more then anyone in the kingdom you have the same feelings don't deny them"
Sep 2, 2010 5:20 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks him in the eyes*
"You don't know my feelings. Stay away."
*But she's finally tired after a very long day and can't even stop him. After all, Yuri's much stronger than her*
"Don't do this, my Lord. Let go of me, please."
Sep 2, 2010 6:08 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri manages to take over for a bit and runs out of the room and the castle until francois takes over
"What do You think your doing I'm in control now I feel like a bit of a fight I hear theres a bandit camp a few miles from here thats been bothering my traders lets go"
Francois runs into the forest smelling the bandits and there cooking fire he draws his sword tired of sneaking he runs into the camp and slaughters every bandit man or women he even kills the wives of the bandits when searching for loot he finds children huddled in one tent not heartless he grabs all five of the kids on his shoulders and runs stlill soaked in blood to the castle when he gets there he puts the children in his room and has one of the maids tend to them
"I should find these kids some new homes hm thats a job for tommorow now lets go for some whoring"
Yuri says
"No we can't ruin the wolf family reputation"
Francois says
"But destroying a bandit camp evens it out forget it I'm tired"
Still dripping in bandit blood he sits on the throne and sleeps
Sep 2, 2010 5:24 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *sighs, and decides to do something else, and goes to throne room and sees yuri, and goes to him and kisses his lips* mmm he is dellicious *goes on top and kisses him everywhere, and tells him something* u know my king, this isnt estelle okay, its Kairi so come to me and ill give u a make out of loving.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 3, 2010 3:25 PM

Nov 2008
Francois spend a passionate night with estelle he wakes to find her sleeping he knows what he wants to do now he goes to alices room Yuri is allowed control to say good bye alice is sleeping he kisses her on the cheek and whispers
"My Feelings for you are true"
While walking down to the stable he encounter lira she says
"Where are you going my lord"
Francois smiles
"To leave forever I'm bored with this castle life ruling is not where I belong I'm going to start a mercenary group called the wolf pack"
Lira Hugs him and says
"Please take you with me my lord I will do anything I'm tired of guarding this old castle"
Francois smiles and says
"What will you offer me in reture"
Lira looks down then smiles
"What ever my lord wants someone to fight with and someone to sleep with
Francois laughs and says
"A good one now go get what you need and meet me in the stables grab some supplies for the journey as well"
Lira nods then leaves Francois saddles the horses and backs food onto a donkey for there supplies lira comes thirty minutes later pulling a cart full of supplies and weapons francois grabs a bow and Arrows and slings them on his back he grabs a wetstone and sharpens his Wolffang blade then packs all the rest of the supplies onto the donkeys back they go out he city gates when there outside Lira turns to Francois and says
"What's our first job my lord"
Francois smiles and says
"I hear theres a village under control by barg rebels a great way to spread our reputation"
Lira Smiles and kisses Francois then they go faster untlil night falls then they set there tent up Lira and Francois after eating and feeding the horses enter the tent and sleep together until mornint only a few miles from the royal palace
Sep 3, 2010 4:08 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *looks, and realize that he left, and decides to go out of this castle for good, and realized that Estelle disappearing*
good bye Estelle. *smiles, and looks back at the palace, and then the general comes out*
general: my lady ill company you. okay, i actually do like u a lot, and protect u.
Kairi: *smiles* okay then come on lets go and join a group probably a mercenary group called Fang Blade. Its a popular group and awesome.
General: yes. my lady,
Kairi: also u dont have to call me my lady, just call me Kairi okay.
General: okay Kairi, and u can call me Alexei.
Kairi: okay Alexei. lets go *turns around and let estelle control for a sec.*
Estelle: im srry Alice, im going to disappear, and not sure u can help me and yuri anymore. i might actually let myself fade for once. im srry *looks down* well if u do come and finds u, and want to help us, just use ur power of urs and save us. but not sure u can do it. bye alice. *fades into her mind, and falls asleep forever, and will not wake up, unless something happens, and thats still unknown*
Alexei: well lets go i got horses few miles away here okay
Kairi: yes lets go *turns into their wolf forms, and runs faster then ever, and sends a message to what mission to do, and Alexei send back that their are some Barg rebels are camping around farther ahead, and need to wipe them out before they hit a city.
*they soon ran faster together, and saw the night goes into blackness, and run a little bit more, and stops by and goes into a cave, and sleep there, and ate and drank first, and then they sleep together, while kissing, and smiling together*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 4, 2010 9:02 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice wakes up and has the feeling that Yuri and Estelle has been talking to herwhile she was asleep. Both saying good bye. It was probably just a dream... She stands up and walks around carefully to search for them. When a guard comes to her and tells her what happened, she turns pale*
"Those idiots did what?!"
*She swears and walks around to think. With both of them gone, someone will have to lead the kingdom. She decides to ask one of the boys to replace Yuri for a while. But there's still a lot of work to do and she can't leave to search for them. On the other side, they need to be founded. Alice growls mad because of their stupid actions and let the children be called to have a meeting. She goes to the room where most of the time meeting are held and she sits down. One by one, they enter and sit down as well. When they all look at her, Alice starts*
"Guys, this day could be called a disaster. Your father and mother both left. They weren't themselfs yesterday either. I don't know exatly what happened, I only know that this could mean the end of the Wolf Kingdom if we don't do something. Hansel, you are the oldest, right?"
*The young man nods nervous*
"Yes, I am. But I think Yuri would be a better king, even though he's the youngest. I want to help the people directly, like rebuilding their houses with them."
*Alice smiles the first time that day and then looks at Yuri Jr.*
"Are you willing to accept the throne?"
*He looks at his brother at sisters and then says he will*
"Alright, one concern less. While I'm gone, I expect you guys to lead and rebuild the kingdom. Help the people, they'll need you. But I'm sure you'll be great rulers for the time being. When I've arranged the last things, I'll be searching for your mother and father. You can go to your roomms now."
*She smiles at them, but when they are gone, she sighs*
*The man appears beside her and bows. Alice gives him some orders and then he leaves again. She lays her head on the table and begins to think about how to find Estelle and Yuri. Not much later, she falls asleeps and has bad dreams about murdering without any feeling, being alone all the time and her own cold, red eyes*
Sep 4, 2010 9:26 AM

Nov 2008
Francois wakes up next to Lira he feels tired and bored there on there third day of being mercenarys francois looks at her
"I think it's time I went back to my kingdom Yuri don't think I wont be back but its all you now "
Yuri smiles and runs out of the tent he saddles his horse and rides as fast as he can the horses slow so he starts to run when he reaches the city gates he is greeted with evil looks from the people the looks of abandonment while walking towards the castle yuri sees a women about to be raped he saves her and asks her name she says
"Lumes my lord and if there is anyway to repay you"
Yuri smile notices how tattered her clothes are yet notices how gracefully she walks
"How would you like to join my personal guard"
Lumes looks surprised and excited and says
"My lord the wolf squad but only the greatest warriors are asked to join why me"
Yuri smiles and says
"Because i was once like you and now like me you have a chance come"
Yuri heads with Lumes to alice she is in her room packing he smiles and says
"I'm back with a new recruit for you Alice"
Sep 4, 2010 11:43 AM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *kissing Alexei, and rubs him, and gets up and stretches, and drinks water*
geez what a good night i had an forever.
Alexei: *wakes up* so where u want to my love? do u still want to go out and hunt Bargs or go back to the castle?
Kairi: im not going back, its too boring there ick. lets go the next town and help the villiage there.
Alexei: alright then lets head out. *got on there horses, and heads to the next town, and with out Kairi knowing, he sent a message to Kingdom Wolf about where they are going.
Kairi: *riding and eats some food, and thinks about estelle and yuri, and other things*
*estelle in her place, sleeping and curls up sadly*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 4, 2010 12:24 PM

Aug 2009
*When Alice hears someone entering her room, she turns around. She sees Yuri and can't move for a second. What does he want now? She still doesn't know what's wrong with him and if it's over or not*
"What do you want from me?"
*She looks at the woman. Has he done something to her?*
Sep 7, 2010 7:26 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri smiles at alice
"I want you to train her she is to be my new personal bodyguard soon"
Yuri gives alice one of his secritive smiles
Sep 8, 2010 11:09 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice stares at Yuri and then walks towards him*
"Are you normal again?"
*She smiles a bit at the woman before she looks at him again*
Sep 8, 2010 1:17 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *gets to the city, and doesnt feel like finding rebels so goes to a inn, and lays on bed of exhuastion*
Alexei: *wonders of his letter arrived at the kingdom, and while that he takes out of the rebels while kairi is sleeping, and returns, and sleeps with her*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 8, 2010 3:10 PM

Nov 2008
He looks at her and smiles
"Yes I am completely normal now to discuss the girl"
Yuri looks at alice with a serious face
Sep 9, 2010 8:29 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at the woman*
"Do you have any expierence?"
*She walks around her and waits patiently for an answer*
Sep 10, 2010 5:47 AM

Nov 2008
Lumes Shy opens her mouth can't say anything Yuri Says
"No she doesn't but She will since your going to personally train her now get to work"
Yuri smiles and winks at Alice then walks out yuri then goes to his steward and starts to find out what he must do since his abscence
Sep 10, 2010 1:24 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *wakes up and goes and check the horses, and see if any bargs are running around*

Alexei: Kairi, i did what you told me to do, and i did, the rebels of bargs are dead and some survived but not many, and may i think u for taking me along with u. *smiles*

Kairi: your welcome, alexei, well im going to do some work okay, and see if anyone needs our help *smooch u and leaves*

Alexei: *sends another message by eagle to kingdom, and tell what he did and where the inn we are staying at.*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 12, 2010 7:47 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice sighs and looks at Yuri's back while he walks away*
"She's even to shy to answer for herself.. Where should I start?"
*She turns around, takes the woman by her hand and walks with her to the training room*
"We should get rid of that shyness of yours as soon as possible, Lumes. It's a big disadvantage. Tell me, what are you good at?"
*The woman doesn't know what to say and starts panicking a bit*
"Take a deep breath, Lumes. Nobody will do you any harm when you say your own opinion, remember that."
*She smiles and Lumes nods*
"I can run... really fast. At least... that's what everybody says. And I can work with a bow."
*Alice nods and thinks about her qualities*
"When you're the guard of Yuri, you'll often have to fight yourself, but the bow will be usefull. Well, we're here. Oh wait, I should get you some other clothes. Follow me."
*While they walk to a room where a lot of clothes lay, Allen appears beside her*
"Alice, this message was sent from general Alexei."
*She frowns. Wasn't he missing? Together with Estelle? She reads it fast and closes her eyes to think*
"Allen, give Lumes some comfortable clothes and begin with her training. I need to discuss this with Yuri."
*She smiles at Lumes*
"He'll start your training. When this little thing is over, I'll come back. Listen to what he says, Lumes. Bye."
*She walks to the places she thinks Yuri could be. When she sees him, she goes to him and bows*
"My Lord, you should read this message from general Alexei."
*She stares at his face with a serious look in her eyes*
Sep 12, 2010 10:03 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Laughs then throws away the letter
"This is no concern of mine where my former general and queen is now I think its time I went and started Lumes training"
Yuri Smiles and runs to Lumes in the training room he grabs two bows and a bunch of quivers of arrows he grabs her and takes her out to the range he looks at her seriously and says
"This is going to be hard but your to stay here until you can do this"
Yuri grabs five arrows and simataniously shoots them and hits them square on he looks at Lumes and shows her slowely how to draw it back and release Yuri leaves her to work then goes to alice and says
"Now chech on her progress I have matters to attend to"
Yuri runs until he is outside then goes to a tree and knocks on it he does a bird call and screams
"Mea Culpa"
WolftigerkingSep 15, 2010 5:37 PM
Sep 13, 2010 1:21 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *smooch alexei* ur sweet okay

Alexei: i know i am *cuddles with her, and pets her, and then has to send a urgent message to the king, that says: King Yuri, what i previous what i wrote that im with ur queen, but not actually. its not her queen at all, its estelle other self, Kairi, and she may even well want to make out with me. okay i told u where the location is i am at and the inn name. Another thing is Estelle is probably going to fade really soon. im srry i cant do anything for her right now.... sincerely, General Alexei.

Kairi: *kiss u and snuggles against u* u know we should it soon *smiles, and gets up* im going to kill some bargs okay c u later at dinner.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 15, 2010 5:38 PM

Nov 2008
A door opens in the tree and two men come out in black and bow they say together
"Welcome back My lord"
Nobody knows about this base except officials in the Shadow Wolf Squad a Secret black ops unit of his kingdom he walks in with no intent on returning for days as yuri enters he starts to think about lema and looks at one of the black ops soldiers and says
"I have a mission send a squad to protect Alice and Lema keep them out of trouble now down to business it certainly won't do that estelle is missing now will it"
The black ops leader bows before Yuri and says
"My lord we have found her in a cave not far from a barg raided village at the moment we have two squads of highely trained operatives to take her down even her majesty and her lover could with stand them"
Yuri looks at the leader skeptically and says
"Try not to hurt her and I dought the squad will catch her so I will go as well"
Yuri goes to a secret tunnel and follows it leads out to a ladder that exits through a stump he runs until he reaches the squad ready to take down estelle he looks at the leader and says
"Lady estelle is to be imprisoned but not harmed you are to make sure her lover is killed and that you are not noticed"
The squad leader bows and says
"My lord all my men are dressed as barg soldiers with barg weapons it will be as if we were never part of the wolf army and here is yours sir here is your mask as well"
Yuri puts on the uniform then hands bag of powder
"Here Wolf Dust it will take her out in minutes I created it years ago to take down rogue wolfs now I'm taking down my wife"
Yuri Laughs the squad leader only looks and says
"When ever you are ready my lord"
Yuri looks serious
"Attack and follow my orders to the letter"
The squad leader bows and goes to inform the troops they attack Estelles Camp Within minutes Yuri just watches from the trees saddened that it's come to this
Sep 15, 2010 6:03 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *sighs, and gets up and wonders something and looks out to see the village* well no more rebels have come so i might just as well... bathe... *looks back at Alexei, and turns back into her wolf form and goes and takes a bathe*

Alexei: well i do hope that my letter got there safely. *sighs* well she has gone to do her business, ill just sit here and wait for her or just check the village to make sure no other rebels are there. * checks out the place and looks around and decides to go to the bar and drink some wine, and relaxes*

Kairi: *bathing her self and feels pretty, and feels estelle in her* So she hasnt gone yet, what a pity.... well soon she will disappear. and i can still be here *giggles* Well i have a great time here and living the general great guy. *washing more herself, and licking her coat, and decides to wonder around the place, and find anything she might enjoy and give her in interest.*

Estelle: *curled up in a ball, crying, and hoping yuri is having a better life with that GIRL, and her not well, gets up and looks through Kairi mind and see where is at and going to look for a while*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 16, 2010 7:55 PM

Nov 2008
As the shadow wolves go in they instantely come out with a man Yuri reconizes him and has the squad set him down in fron to of him Yuri says
"Alexai I'm disappointed you served me well in the barg war but now you have betrayed me by taking my queen now tell me where is estelle"
Alexai spits at Yuri and says
"I'll never tell you I always looked up to you as a role model and was honored when I was named as one of your generals now you have forgotten where it is you have come from and where you must go"
A Shadow wolf member comes out of the trees and whispers into Yuris ear he looks at Alexai laughs ands says
"You are no longer needed"
The shadow wolf holding Alexai pulls his blade out and slits his throat and then puts it on a pike Barg style yuri looks at another one of the squad and says
"Have Couriers go all around to my lords ,nobels and soldiers tell them we prepare to attack this so called grand barg wizard that wishes to reclaim barg country especcially now that they have killed general Alexai a proper burial and awards will be done he will be honored with the title Earl General Alexai now go"
The shadow wolves leave except for a squad yuri looks at then heads for and inn where estelle is he waits outside yuri nods his head and the wolf squad goes into the town and starts to light fires the second squad goes into the inn where estelle is and try to capture her yuri gets bored and takes a nap watching teh village go up in flames then starts to get mad at how much destruction he must cause to have an absolutely obediant followers in battle that will follow him into death he watches then tells his shadow wolf messenger to make sure there are few casualtys but plenty of property damage that the wolf kingdom will be happy to pay the shadow wolf leaves and yuri sits then decides to leave he tells the shadow wolf squad leader to bring estelle back to base yuri hurrys back its been at least a days and he arrives back at his castle he sneaks into the range and sees Lema still shooting arrows shes getting better and alice next to her instructing her Yuri starts to think if maybe he should tell alice the real reason he took her in but that will have to wait yuri just watches them
Sep 17, 2010 10:45 AM

Sep 2008
kairi: *gets back to the cave, and realize alexei isnt here* okay that strange he went drinking i presumed. * goes to the village and its enflames, and was shocked* o my thats not good... oh well not my job goes back to the cave and probably realize he died* well alexei i am srry *make a grave and leaves* now where should i go.. *thinks a bit, and decides to see a camp she saw, and goes there, and realize that they are the shadow wolves, yuri, hides for a bit and watches what they are doing, and then see alexei in there arms* u bastard! *growls and circles the camp and lunges at them, and bites and snaps at them*

estelle: *sees them, and is sad but just holds her self and weeps sliently*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 17, 2010 3:08 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri fineshes watching them practice checks on the Shadow wolves he sees estelle enraged he takes a bow knowing where to take a wolf out without killing them but knocking them out is common for a wolf to learn he pulls the arrow back and shots it at estelle it hits her and she falls over he walks up to one of the shadow wolves and says
"Take her to the castle and say she was attacked by bargs administer a small dose of memory loss potion so she forgets who we are now hurry"
The wolf squad put a potion down estelles throat going through a secret castle passage they lay estelle in bed with nobody knowing Yuri sits next to her and waits for her to wait the wolf squad leaves
Sep 17, 2010 4:08 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *did attack something, and then was shot by something, and became dowsy*
*wakes up* where am i... oww *see a mark on her* dang i was clumsy haha that it isnt good for me... *sighs* well i see im in the kingdom again... whatever. Oh hello Yuri whats up and why are u by the bed im on sleeping i presumed? *confused* oh btw did u have fun with all the girls u kissed and went somewhere else. *giggles* well im going to go *gets up*

estelle:*crying more, and realized her body got shot by an arrow and the shadow wolves attack her* geez how many more killings are going to happen i hate this when i can just leave.... *sighs*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 19, 2010 1:51 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Smiles when he sees that Estelle is finally awake he tells her about the attack on the village by the bargs and how the shadow wolves managed to make it in time to save her
"Estelle i'm done with my life of being a casanova your the only one I want to be with"
Sep 19, 2010 1:55 PM

Sep 2008
kairi: estelle? umm one thing im not her.... *smears her voice* the name is Kairi, estelle is in my mind now.
*thinks ur crazy* whatever *gets out of bed*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 19, 2010 1:57 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri grabs Kairi by the wrist and kisses her then looks to say something and he says
"Go then if you wish I love you and I never want to make you sad if this makes you happy then go"
Sep 19, 2010 2:00 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: King, do u really love estelle that much? u will give her anything?
*looks at u*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 19, 2010 2:11 PM

Nov 2008
"I want you to be happy and if letting you go will do that then so be it but i love you more then anything else in this world I would give up my kingdom and my life just to see you smile and know that you love me so what will you do with estelle Kairi"
Yuri Looks at her still holding her by the wrist gently
Sep 19, 2010 2:15 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: fine u can have her back *closes her eyes, and calls estelle* estelle u heard what yuri said right?
estelle: yes..
Kairi: see he didnt ditched u at all it was his other self so just come back, okay ill let u do it *smiles* plus its time for me to go
Estelle: *feels her self being pulled out of conscious and opens her eyes* Yuri.....
Kairi* *smiles* be good estelle ill be with u no matter *fades*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 19, 2010 2:18 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Smiles and hugs her while whispering into her ear
"Please come back estelle please I love you "
Sep 19, 2010 2:19 PM

Sep 2008
estelle: *smiles and kisses u* Yuri im finally back im soo happy, and im with u thank u *feel very warn out* i need to relax lets go to the bed plz
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Sep 25, 2010 12:45 PM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at Lumes, who is practicing her skills*
"That's enough for today. You should get some sleep. Allen, lead her to her room, please."
*Allen and Limes bow and leave the practice room. Alice looks at the result and smiles. Then she turns around and goes to the Throne Room. She's been awake way too long, training Lumes and helping the kingdom rebuild. But she can't go to sleep yet. While she's walking, she sees Hansel*
"Hansel, is that problem finally solved?"
*He nods and smiles*
"Yes, I just finished it. I'm going to catch up some sleep. You should do so as well, Alice. You're looking really tired."
*Alice shakes her head*
"I can't. Maybe later. Get a good rest, Hansel."
*She walks inside the Throne Room and goes immediatly to Yuri Jr.*
"How are you doing? Are most of the houses fixed now? And how is the economy of the country doing at the moment?"
*From that moment, they start a long conversation about way too many problems*
Sep 25, 2010 9:49 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri and estelle leave the castle together they both go to the Isle of wolf to create a transfer of blood to lema Yuris daughter might be able to transform into a wolf in the process yuri reaveals to estelle that he is The Ranger a supernatural being put on the earth by the gods to keep out danger to the gods and the world in balance as Ranger yuri is able to be reincarnated looking diffrent after his death and is immortal more powerful then any other living creature on the way the courier of the gods changes Yuris family blade and gives him the true wolf armor of his father during the transfer yuri gives all his blood to Lema and dies estelle gives lema some of hers as well then passes out during the transfusion yuri is reincarnated his body in flames and looks diffrent he takes out a battalion of one thousand bargs while protecting Lema and Estelle he takes them back to camp and yuri draws on both of there chest and right breast the protection and ruin of love to protect them in case anyone attack yuri returns to his father the king of all the gods and is then taken hostage as the father is scared that yuri will become to human during the night yuri getting help from his friend Wolfien the goddess of Wolves he escapes and his father allows him to leave with the promise that he will rid the world of the barg warlock who wishes to kill the gods and take there place yuri makes a Wolf blood oath to do this and returns to find estelle and Lema still passed out he takes them and puts them on the horses and heads back he takes them to there room in the castles and lays them down he then goes to alice and says
"Alice it is time we dealt with these barg rebels organize my wolf squad and the thirteenth battalion timber wolves I'm sure there itching to get bcck to battle"
Yuri thinks about this the timber wolves are the deadliest soldiers in his army trained since the age of five to fight the battalion consist of in the begining of training two thousand now only one thousand battle hardened soldiers remain Yuri goes and polishes his armor and sword then heads to the mess hall and takes a brake while waiting for news
Sep 26, 2010 5:48 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks up when Yuri walks in the Throne Room and listens to his order. When she knows what to do, she bows and runs to the Wolf Squad and the Thirteenth Battalion. She gives orders to prepare for the fight and tells everyone one what the mission is. Then she runs to her own room to get her katanas. She already has her other weapons with her. When she hears the soldiers going to the Mess Hall, she goes too. She walks to Yuri and smiles*
"My Lord, everybody is ready. And as you predicted, they want to see a lot of Barg blood."
Sep 26, 2010 10:47 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Smiles and stands then looks at his soldiers
"You the Thirteenth Battalion have been trained since your birth to kill in the name of the king well now is your chance to prove that the thirteenth battalion deserves to be called the timber wolves"
All the soldiers yell yuri leads them out of the hall and they march for days until they come upon a huge military outpost being quite they sneak a few miles away and set up camp yuri goes to alice
"Here take this"
Yuri hands her a smoke grenade
"This is something the Beta wolf department came up with just light it and we'll come rushing in when you and your squad think its time for us to attack or when things get to hot try and take out any vital strucures if you can leave the main structure to me and the thirteenth battalion the Barg Warlock is to powerful for you Wolf Gods be with you alice"
Yuri smiles and hugs alice then goes back to rallying the troops with a speech
"For to long the bargs have found a way to destroy any true peace between out countrys but I say enough and today we pave the way for peace and diplomacy an era where the wolf kingdom reins supreme and we create a utopia for all wolf citizens and barg citizens to live free forever in"
All the soldiers yell the battle cry
"Hail Yuri our King"
Yuri starts to prep the troops checking with each commander waiting for alices signal
Sep 29, 2010 11:37 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice opens her moutj-h to say something, but then she decides to just smile at Yuri. She bows for him and takes her squad with her to attack the Bargs. The most they see, are immediatly killed by her subordinates*
"Hey, leave some for me."
*She grins and trows a needle at a Barg who was sneaking behind the squad. She realizes that it's time to let Yuri know that it's time for them. After lighting the smoke grenade, she looks around. She sees the commander and runs at him. He takes his sword and attacks her. She blocks it with her katana and so they fight on. She scratches him, but so does he. But Alice is tired after the longs days thinking about the kingdom, training Lumes and marching. She makes critical mistakes and he sees his chance. The man wounds her badly and she falls down at her knees. She looks at her stomach and knows that this isn't good*
"Got any last words?"
*When she hears the voice, wich is very close to her, she knows that she'll only will survive this with a lot of luck*
Sep 29, 2010 3:15 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri sees the smoke grenade and signals his troops to move in yuri runs in front of the pack he sees the barg army commander fighting alice
"Foolish girl"
Yuri watches her fight impressed with her talents until the barg commander is about to kill alice he jumps in and cuts off both his arms and grabs him by the thoat and says
"Where is the barg warlock"
The commander laughs and says
"In the main pavillion but you'll never kill him he's going to kill the gods and be the supreme ruler of the world"
Yuri laughs and says
"Not on my watch"
Yuri snaps the commanders neck and runs to treat alices injurys he calls two of his best soldier Kat and Chad they come over and says together
"What is it my lord"
Yuri says
"Get alice back to the med tent and guard her have half the troops in battle retreat back to guard out camp we should do well off without them they nod there heads and grab alice and puts here on chad back yuri turns around and heads for the main pavillion he enters sitting on the dais is the warlock dressed in the attire of a king the warlock laughs and says
"Ranger I was expecting you it's to bad I have to kill you so soon but the throne of the gods waits for no man"
The warlock starts to hearl spells at yuri while yuri stands there and takes it the warlock grabs his sword and slashes at yuri but it has no effect on him or the armor yuri laughs the warlock falls down crying and says
"What are you"
Yuri smiles
"That which you wish to kill I am the sole son of the king of gods when I die I will rule under him until then I rule men and you wish to disrupt this order you will pay dearly"
Yuri grabs the warlock and cuts his head off then puts it on a nearby spear then carrys it outside in the middle of the battle for all to see and says
"Is this who you fight for your so called god is dead now put your arms down and all will leave with what they came with your dead a proper burial and none need die more"
All the soldiers in admiration even the barg ones bow down and say altogether
"All hail Yuri King of Wolves and Emperour of the bargs"
Yuri heads back to camp and sits next to alice who is asleep and watches her dismissing her guards
Sep 30, 2010 12:09 PM

Aug 2009
*Alice opens slowly her eyes. Where am I? She tries to move her body, but she can't because her stomach hurts when she does. She turns her head and looks at Yuri who is siting next to her*
"Yuri, are you alright? I remember you killing the commander, but then nothing. Did you find the warlock?"
*She cloese her eyes again and tries to ignore the pain*
"I'm sorry you had to save me. Maybe you should find an other Squad Leader."
Oct 1, 2010 5:57 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri looks at alice then gets up and gets some medicine from a healer and hands it to her
"Here this is for the pain"
Yuri watches alice swallow the medicine and then laughs
"A new squad leader mm.... thats probably the worst Idea I've heard in all my years of living don't be ridicioulous your the best one for the job we all have a weakness bravado is your when your feeling better meet me in my tent there is something I must reveal to you"
Yuri gets up and goes to his tent sits at his desk and starts to fill out paper work long over due
Oct 2, 2010 4:05 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice swallows the medicne and makes a disgusted face*
"Why is it always so disgusting?"
*She listens to Yuri and smiles a bit*
"I will. Thanks, Yuri."
*She closes her eyes and waits until the medecin begins to work.
Two men are looking at me. And when I look at myself, I notice that I'm young again, around ten years. So, this is.. my memory? "So, Alicia, you did a great job killing those little insects. It was easy for you, wasn't it, only fourhondred soldiers?" Wait, I killed so many when I was seven?! "Next time, we'll find something difficult for you. How about... eleminating the whole Royal Squad? And when you succes, we'll let your father free. Wouldn't that be nice?" My father? Who is that? And why am I smiling? Why am I saying that I'll kill them?
Alice wakes up again with a scream. She looks around, but only sees some healers and patients who are looking at her. It was only a dream. But, was it a dream? Was it my memory? She stands up and hopes that her legs can still carry her. When she's calm again, she walks to Yuri's tent*
"My lord, what did you want to tell me?"
*She looks around and sits down on a chair. She can't stand straight for an other moment*
Oct 2, 2010 12:01 PM

Nov 2008
"Have a seat Please Alice"
Alice sits down and Yuri smiles and says
"Alice what i'm about to reveal to you is a little crazy but as my royal guard captain you must know I am the Ranger protector of the mortal world and son to king of gods while I am ranger I must protect the balance of this world from tipping into darkness and keep it in the light now any questions if not speak up so we can move on to my next assimigment I have for you and position"
Yuri works on some papers waiting for alices answer
Oct 8, 2010 7:14 AM

Sep 2008
Estelle: *wakes up, and realize she is next to her daughter, and felt like she is renewed. She saw that her body has change, and her face too, more beautiful, and powerful. Realized that Yuri is now the emperor, and think that im his empress. Remember all the things happened before she pass out, the fight, yuri changing, and tell her about he is ranger, and son of the king-god.*
*walks around and see where everyone has been and what they have been doing lately.*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Oct 16, 2010 10:57 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice lookes shocked at Yuri, but then she closes her eyes and thinks about it. She sits there at least ten minutes, saying nothing, thinking. Then she sighs and smiles*
"You never fail to surprise me, my Lord."
*She looks at him and grins*
"So, what's my next assignment?"
Oct 16, 2010 7:28 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Smiles and Says
"I Knew you'd be ready well now that you know the secret I have to kill you but we'll by pass that from here on you are named my apprentice"
Yuri finishes a paper he was working on then looks up
"Now Follow me"
Yuri walks out then heads creates a portal to the mountains of the gods yuri with alice following him walks to the palace of the god king Yuri kneels before his father then embraces him with a hug then looks at alice and says
"Our next Assigment is to save the world of evil Here"
Yuri grabs a sword from his fathers wall and tosses it to alice
"Congratualations your an apprentice to the gods and now Immortal like me"
Oct 17, 2010 5:30 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at Yuri*
*She follows him and when they arrive at the palace, she sees a man. Yuri gives him a hug, so he must be family. Alice bows for him and looks at Yuri when he talks to her. She catches the sword and looks at it. It's an old sword, but it' stiil intact. Maybe it must be sharpened again, but that's all*
*She tries to understand what he's saying and sits down on the floor*
"What should I do as an apprentice?"
*She looks at Yuri with an helpless face. When she became part of the Wolf Squad, she knew what to do. When she was fighting, she knew it too. But being an apprentice to the Gods? She has no idea*
Oct 17, 2010 8:40 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Smiles at Alice and says
"You don't have to know anything right now your immortal well not Immortal like me or the normal gods you can be killed but you will never age now lets see first we have to get you fitted with new armor"
Yuri grabs alices arm gently while the armor of the gods Lutus fits Alice yuri smiles and says
"Ah nothing like the smell of the billows have I ever told you as a younger man I used to work for Lutus as thanks he made me the sword and armor I have today his best work of course"
Yuri smiles at lutus then at alice Lutus gets up and goes to a shed with armor all white and runes scrawled all over them yuri help get the armor on alice it fits perfectly yuri then gentle grabs her again then heads for a room inside is a women working on a dress Yuri smiles and she says a few words in latin yuri smiles then recieves the dress from the women then has alice follow her when they come to a dining room yuri sits alice down and has food and wine brought he smiles at alice then says
"You probably have alot of questions but first you must realize that now you are considered to be a demi god you are part immortal you won't age and slightly stronger and faster not as strong as us but that can't be helped lets see oh yes you probably want to know what it means to be an apprentice we'll basically you just follow me and see how the jobs done when I find your training you will take over my position as the ranger but that won't be until my father dies but that most likely will never happen Here"
Yuri hands alice A neckalace with a crest at the front
"This necklace will let me know where you are at all times and by saying my name three times call upon me this will also grant you access to this palace again but you are not allowed access to any of the gods"
Yuri smiles drinks some wine then looks up
"Now any questions before we begin Apprentice"
Yuri smiles then hears something from one of the Guards of the palace
"We'll looks like we have our first mission Find my wife estelle and bring her back my she has become quite a problem"
Yuri gets up then heads for the portal to the human world he walks out onto an open expanse he sees a wolf heading his way the portal closes behind him with alice still with him he smiles then stands in front of the wolf
WolftigerkingOct 19, 2010 9:21 PM
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