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May 17, 2010 2:48 PM

Dec 2009
coolcat said:
And you, I think, is way too passionate about nothing really.

You have absolutely no right to tell anyone what they should and shouldn't be passionate about. Sorry to jump on you, but that's going way too far.

As for boycotts, they won't accomplish anything because anti-censorhip is the minority. Which probably has to do with the fact that even remotely intelligent people are and always have been in the minority. If you want to find the root cause of all of this, it's the people. Society. The overwhelming idiots that infect our planet that, quote,

XTApocalypse said:
prefer a 2nd-grader's classmates dropping all the negative things in life on them all at once like a pile of bricks on glass to just letting the child learn about them in moderation the way they would any of the positive things.

It's not something that can be fixed because our world works on a majority basis. I realize it's a futile effort, but I preach it anyway because it's all I can do to try to spread what's right. Besides, life would be far too boring if I didn't.

Now excuse me as I smoke my bubble pipe and share the answers to life, the universe, and everything with the hobos across the street.
May 17, 2010 4:37 PM
Jan 2010
I have to say i like english dubs better cause i dont have to read, that and i have come to like a lot of english voice actors. My only exception to this is naruto. I saw the first few episodes in english and didnt like it at all "believe it" shudders
Imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
May 17, 2010 4:55 PM

Jan 2008
Miguel9183 said:
I saw the first few episodes in english and didnt like it at all "believe it" shudders

That was probably not a unique sentiment , considering in the later episodes they stopped using the phrase almost completely...
May 17, 2010 5:02 PM

Dec 2009
I really don't see the problem with it. Naruto's an extremely annoying character, he's supposed to have stupid-sounding lines. He wasn't any less annoying without it. In fact I'd say he got more annoying without it, because of the way he gets all preachy in the latter half of the series.
May 17, 2010 5:07 PM

Jul 2007
Miguel9183 said:
. My only exception to this is naruto. I saw the first few episodes in english and didnt like it at all "believe it" shudders

They haven't said that since episode 10.

XTApocalypse said:
coolcat said:
And you, I think, is way too passionate about nothing really.

You have absolutely no right to tell anyone what they should and shouldn't be passionate about. Sorry to jump on you, but that's going way too far.

I didn't tell anybody they should do anything. He has every right to be pissed at whatever he wants. I, as a person with my own opinion, thinks that it isn't something to get all up in arms about. If he still has passionate feelings about this, it's all him, and I'm just putting my two cent in, he can seriously take it or leave it. He responds, I respond, in the end I don't anyone is changing their stance on anything, but it makes for good conversation, so I keep this going.

As for boycotts, they won't accomplish anything because anti-censorhip is the minority.

Someone didn't sense my slight sarcasm.
Though I will admit, adaption decay always annoyed the crap out of me. Which is why I mostly read manga in till around 2008. My change to a preference to anime was ironically due to the fact that the US anime industry was in chaos which kill off big US companies, and caused the surviving ones change their game plan, making anime soo much cheaper and easier to obtain legally. So I guess in some twisted way, the death of Geneon USA, rekindled by passion for collecting anime.

XTApocalypse said:

Now excuse me as I smoke my bubble pipe and share the answers to life, the universe, and everything with the hobos across the street.

You do that, while I relax on a beanbag chair well listen to some psychedelic music, telling everyone to ''chillaaax, it's not that deep, there's like war and stuff going on, man" as I hand you a most likely illegal substance. (~_^)

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
May 17, 2010 6:26 PM
Jan 2010
yea but its a few other things to that annoy me
Imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
May 17, 2010 6:32 PM

Jul 2007
^ fair enough

But I felt performance was solid, lot of well respected VAs voicing in the series, and I felt that they fit their roles well in the series.

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
May 17, 2010 7:34 PM

Jun 2007
No no, multi-medium changes don't bother me. From book to movie, manga to show, i don't care about that. Different mediums are designed in different ways, told differently and sort of aimed at different people. SO this never bothers me. Change whatever you want as long as it ends up good on it's own merits, which many things are.
Lets take Naruto for instance, that 75+ episodes of filler at the end of the first series was better than the first half of ShiTpuuden. Why? THe filler is meaningless, shitpuuden has a story (well some of it because ShiTpuuden has too much filler for the amount of show it's had). Because of the quality of the content.
Naruto filler had like 20 different random stories, all done with decent to good animation, decent to good fights, decent to good writing and the same good music it always had.
ShiTpuuden followed it's comeback story, with SHIT animation for the first 25 episodes, and for quite a few between 30-75 and now less so through NOW, with bad directing for over half of it, NEW fantastic epic music and a story that is being destroyed by the company that animates it and terrible fights. The budget cuts for this was severely split through the entire beginning because they put their money into the first movie...

So until recently, Naruto filler > ShiTpuuden as an animated medium in general.

For Power Rangers, by that logic EVRYTHING is imitatable. Power Rangers fights are improbable to imitate without all the pulleys and stuff needed for it. While things like MMA or parkour are very much so. The only difference is you'll kill someone else imitating MMA, kill yourself doing power rangers, both suck. Remove them both? NO (and these are just general examples)
May 17, 2010 8:28 PM

Jul 2007
Why doesn't that bother you, they are basically changing the story and content from the source material for the exact same reasons as American companies aren't putting this and that on the air. Beside, I seriously believe a series should be good regardless of edits, especially if the story is unharmed, if not than it wasn't a very good series to begin with was it.

I meant the source material. Sometimes a anime can seriously change the original story, and as a former avid manga reader is really annoying. Like I still hate when people think Angel Sanctuary isn't a good series because of the anime and was turn off from the manga (which is so much better) because of it. Of course, an anime series could be good by itself to those that aren't aware of source material, but those who are aware may think its waste of animation cells with a unsolved conflicts and lackluster ending, not as good as the original.

Kicks, punches and whatever, basically the martial arts of the action scene (which can be seen as violent), does not require anything special, and if I was silly eight year old, I wouldn't think those flips aren't possible, therefore, I won't be able to kick my best friend in the face when we're playing Power Rangers during recess. You act as if unless they put on a full recreation of episode of Power Rangers, it's not being imitated, which is no way the case. Just because it's impossible to shot electricity out of your cheeks, doesn't mean some overly zealous kid won't start throwing sticks to make up for that. Children are both stupid and clever like that, they are constantly looking for ways to kill themselves. That's all I'm sayin'

But, to address another point, I said absolutely nothing about removing anything, in my previous post, I actually disagree with parents who would request that and fuss at Disney. Regulate what your children watch all you want, I encourage it if makes you as a parent happy, but don't punish those who can handle watching with out being stupid which (I hope) is the majority.
coolcatMay 17, 2010 9:54 PM

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
May 17, 2010 9:51 PM

Dec 2009
coolcat said:
Children are both stupid and clever like that, they are constantly looking for ways to kill themselves.

And not letting them watch Power Rangers will terminate that problem? And besides that, saying that the children are stupid is admitting that they're the problem. If a dog can learn not to drop anchor in the house, a 5-year-old can learn not to spend the day killing himself. They're not quite that stupid, and if they are, it's the parents' fault, not the television's.

ANYWAY. I'm somewhat indifferent about content editing between mediums. If it's the same series and if it's advertised as the same series, it should be the same story. For example, "Fullmetal Alchemist", the anime, should have been a direct adaptation of "Fullmetal Alchemist", the manga. Likewise, the slightly modified storyline present in the first anime should have been renamed at least slightly so that people would know it was an alternate setting version of the original story rather than a direct adaptation. I think a lot of people feel the same way about Berserk - but then, I think that one was ended against the creators' will, as episode 27 was nixed from production. They probably wanted to keep it going longer than it did.

If it's a different story, it should be made apparent, is all, so that fans of one medium don't feel betrayed when they read/watch the other.
May 17, 2010 10:29 PM

Jul 2007
XTApocalypse said:
coolcat said:
Children are both stupid and clever like that, they are constantly looking for ways to kill themselves.

And not letting them watch Power Rangers will terminate that problem? And besides that, saying that the children are stupid is admitting that they're the problem.

Didn't say it would, didn't even say they should stop watching Power Rangers, I was saying, yes, Power Rangers can be imitable and, yes, parents should be parents, and regulate what their children, if that happens to Power Rangers that's their decision.

But, I seriously don't care about whats in what adaption, I just don't like it when they piss on the source material. I usually try to keep the anime I watch separate from what manga I read and try not come across the two versions. Anime adaption of series can be really good, even if they don't follow the source material fully or at all. But I usually like the original better if I saw/read both the anime/manga of a certain title.

I guess, just don't completely understand iwatchtoomuchanime's logic on this subject that he's seem so adamant about, I think it's rather silly, but I'm sure he thinks my opinion on this is just as ridiculous. Oh well...

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
May 17, 2010 11:00 PM

Dec 2009
I think it's pretty ridiculous, too.

I'm not saying anything about an off-story adaptation's quality. I love the original FMA anime a thousand times more than I have Brotherhood. I'm just saying they should be labelled as a separate story to be fair to the fans, like the .hack// series was. If they had named the games, manga, and anime simply ".hack//", without any suffixes (.hack//, .hack//2, .hack//3...), it would have confused the hell out of people. At least, more than it already does. They all have different titles because they're different stories. Technically speaking, anyway.
May 18, 2010 7:21 PM

Jun 2007
No, again all the entertainment mediums are all totally different ways of bringing an experience to an audience, some things just can't or shouldn't be done. I'm not saying to NOT do it, i sure as hell wouldn't mind a direct transfer as a lot of things try to be, but it sure isn't important in anyway shape or form as long as the show, or any other medium that comes after the original is good on it's own merits.
The original source argument doesn't really work because then Saiyuki is bad by default for having cigarettes and jeeps... lol

DAMMIT coolcat just put the number 2 in my name lol, don't put TOO

I'm just saying that parents should be parents and Disney shouldn't listen to the whims of stupid people. I know the punches and kicks of Power Rangers, like EVERY SHOW EVER that has them can be imitated and will be all the time, but it was just a stupid decision and complaint by everyone within those decisions. However for the viewers who care about it, like me, it was GREAT because now SABAN has it back.

FMA was the perfect example, the 2003 FMA anime as a show was and is better than Brotherhood even though it went off and did it's own thing. Brotherhood isn't bad either, in fact after the first 15 (aka the rushed to hell because they expected everyone to have already seen it) or so episodes it became quite good, but it just doesn't hold up to the first one.
May 18, 2010 9:09 PM

Dec 2009
If you're referring to my argument, again, I never said anything about which show was better. I'm saying it would make more sense and be more fair to people who have yet to see the series if the anime the followed the same story as the manga shared the same name as the manga, and the one that didn't... didn't. I hate Brotherhood and love the original anime, but it just plain makes more sense. It wouldn't hurt anyone and it would help plenty of people.
May 20, 2010 7:02 AM

Jul 2007
iwatch2muchanime said:
some things just can't or shouldn't be done.

which is my argument for as to why somethings can't or shouldn't be shown on American television. It's not like they are change the intended audience, but just making it more accessible to the audience the companies want to attract. Why is transferring to another medium different when the idea is the same.

iwatch2muchanime said:

The original source argument doesn't really work because then Saiyuki is bad by default for having cigarettes and jeeps... lol.


iwatch2muchanime said:

I'm just saying that parents should be parents and Disney shouldn't listen to the whims of stupid people.

That was what I was saying as well.

But then I followed saying I don't think that's why SABAN bought Power Rangers from SABAN, I thought it had more to do with money issues, Because I find it really hard to believe that after 9 freaking years of playing constant reruns on 3 different of their channels that Disney would just NOW want to get rid of the series because of parents complaints. Unless their was some kind of huge controversy involving kid dying after doing one of the stunts that no one heard about, then I doubt that's the parent's complaints are the reason that SABAN bought back their series.

So its must be the money, SABAN must have found better opportunity elsewhere.

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
May 22, 2010 2:48 AM

Jun 2007
Saiyuki's parent story is Journey to the West, thus changed from original source.

And no the idea is not the same, changing mediums and "changing audiences" are different.

I don't believe that changing audiences exists. The audience is for a show is determined while it's being made and from their that's what they aim for. That audience is the same in ALL COUNTRIES all over the world, kids, teens, grown ups, girls, women, boys, babies, etc... it doesn't matter because those things aer the same across the world. How or where they're raised shouldn't matter to the distribution companies. The people or parents of these people should determine whether they should watch it or not, but ti should be accessible at any time in it's original form. Especially on TV, that's what the freaking parent chip thing is for

A new medium, to me, is creating something from the ground up again aimed for an audience specific for this medium, so the different mediums don't need to coincide all that much really.
May 22, 2010 10:30 AM

Jul 2007
In Saiyuki's case, it's a completely new story, where as the anime would be an adaptation. You're not really making something new, you're making an adaptation, almost panel to panel from the manga source or anime source.

I didn't say that the audience is changing at all. A children show is still aimed at children or a preteen show is still aimed at preteen, it's just when a show crosses borders to a country who has different standard of what is suitable to whatever age group or against network standard, they may edited out some things so they don't have to change audience. Example: Maybe showing a young boys genital is a sign of innocence in Japan and Japanese parents are alright with their 8 year watching a show that contains this. Meanwhile in the Western world, showing a young boys genital on TV, even in cartoon form, is seen as perverted and seen not appropriate to their 8 year old. So two things happened edit and censor the series so it can keep it's original intended audience (Phuuz dub of shin-chan) or completely say "screw it, we can't legitimately show this to the attend audience for various reasons", so let's try to aim the series at a different audience (FUNi dub for shin-chan). Same audience, just different rules. So if a licensing company was smart, they would or should care how and where their audience is raised, especially if they want a certain show on TV, even if it's DVD only they should still care about the non-Japanese audience they are dealing with and trying to market to. This can take many forms, doesn't have to be just editing.
coolcatMay 22, 2010 10:41 AM

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
May 22, 2010 1:45 PM

Dec 2009
coolcat said:
Meanwhile in the Western world, showing a young boys genital on TV, even in cartoon form, is seen as perverted and seen not appropriate to their 8 year old.

And the Western world is the one that is absolutely indisputably wrong on the subject matter. Thus, they have no right to that claim and no right to edit it. Whatsoever.

I'm not saying the distributing companies are wrong to approve of editing. THEY DON'T HAVE A CHOICE. They have to act as a business and they have to make a profit. I'm saying America is wrong for expecting them to edit it. I'm not saying what's going to change, because it's never going to change - I'm saying what should change. This is a fruitless discussion, and I admit to that. I'm just trying to make a point.
May 23, 2010 8:42 AM

Jun 2007
No, that is what I was saying coolcat. Jumping ship to other countries should not dictate how the show will be presented. The show should be presented in the form it was created in at all times. The people or parents of people watching it should be the ONLY ones dictating whether they should be or not. No changes to the show itself should be done.

Lol, you're contradicting yourself coolcat. Saiyuki is a story based on another story, it takes the original idea and makes it it's own in it's own form and style.
And making an anime of a manga is NOT a panel shot for shot take dude, there are over 1000 shows based on manga and games that don't even attempt to do that let alone do it loosely.
Making an anime, in general, is taking something else and then making a tv show version of it in it's own style and form, using the manga as it's base. This CAN lead to a straight take of the manga, or it doesn't, and that doesn't matter. As long as the show itself is good on it's own merits.
HxH was a shot for shot take of the manga and it's FANTASTIC. While 03 FMA has little to do with he manga and is FANTASTIC. It doesn't matter man.

Now, back to censorship, I DO believe that shows that are basically complete copies of the manga, and the manga is ultra violent or ultra nudity and stuff that the anime NEEDS to copy that. Tenjho tenge needed to do that, Rosario + Vampire needed to do that, etc... all these things copying their bases but not going as far is pretty stupid.
Something Gantz did well in my book.
May 28, 2010 4:55 PM

Jul 2007
iwatch2muchanime said:
No, that is what I was saying coolcat. Jumping ship to other countries should not dictate how the show will be presented.
It does, all the time. It doesn't have to be as extreme as edits, but trying to sell whatever to a new audience, you may have to change the way it's is presented sometimes.

Anyway, not really contradicting myself, the manga doesn't really try to convince anyone it's an adaption of Journey to the West outside of name only whereas the anime is trying to convince you it's an adaption of the manga, but the small changes isn't always met with praise especially if you read the manga first. For the most part the a lot of anime adaption is almost panel to panel to the point where you know what it missing and what was added. The anime a lot of the time follows the manga pretty closely.
Whether an adaption is fantastic or not is really just opinion, and really has nothing to do with what I'm saying. My point on the matter isn't if it's good on it's own merits is that there are changes from the original source material, that wasn't the original intent of the creator(s). You're adapting their work, and then passing it off as their work just in different medium. But whatever I think we are on the same page now, so my side of this discussion is most likely over.

XTApocalypse said:

And the Western world is the one that is absolutely indisputably wrong on the subject matter. Thus, they have no right to that claim and no right to edit it. Whatsoever.

No one is wrong for having different standards of what is appropriate, especially when it not hurting anyone. Yes, no one has a right to dictate what other countries are doing, but when you sign the rights off to your show to another country now, when it you allow it to be shown somewhere else, it's has to adhere to different rules. They aren't really forced, there are always choices: they don't have to broadcast said anime on TV or make it available to North American audience, they could just leave for the Japanese.

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
May 28, 2010 5:20 PM

Dec 2009
coolcat said:
No one is wrong for having different standards of what is appropriate, especially when it not hurting anyone.

Not hurting anyone? Have you forgotten about the basic fact the countries are made of people?
May 28, 2010 10:23 PM

Jun 2007
Well that's still wrong, the manga to anime things still isn't "most" for being panel to panel copies, especially nowadays. But the ones that DO do try to show that it's faithful, but these only fall for the ones that DO try, not in general.

I'm not saying it doesn't, i'm saying it's wrong. Different countries have different standards, sure. They're all wrong, simple. That's what this comes to here. I'm talking about what's wrong not what is or isn't (well sort of). What IS is what's wrong, what ISN'T is what needs to be. What is has rarely effected anime in general until this Vampire Bund fiasco because in the end it MUST be available in it's original source for personal purchase, and has been (even 4kids releases uncut versions of their shows, or did). While changing for TV is FINE because that's how it already is, it shouldn't be in the first place.
Jun 11, 2010 10:31 PM

Dec 2009
Man! You People Write Alot so I just Skipped your Whole Conversation
I wanted to Read but then I said... O_O
NVM! *Walks Away*

So Yeah I like Dubs because I dont really Like reading Letters. They distract me from Seeing the Awsome Scenes!
And in a way its easier to understand & follow Faster
but really I just like them
Idk why bu I just do.
But ofcourse I also like Sub
But thats more when the Japanease get you know with their funny active self?
Well their Unique-Ness

EH!? And yeah all that stuff xDD
Jun 12, 2010 1:17 PM

Jul 2007
waalex11 said:
Man! You People Write Alot so I just Skipped your Whole Conversation
I wanted to Read but then I said... O_O
NVM! *Walks Away*

It was probably for the best that you just skipped.

Japanese Uniqueness, that's one way to describe it. lol

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
Jun 12, 2010 1:25 PM

Dec 2009
xD Lol Yeah Idk how to call it other then
Japanese Uniqueness. but I really do Love the way they Act! ^^
Jun 14, 2010 11:01 AM
Jun 2010
there are several reasons i love english dubbed anime.
1. it is the only kind of anime i can watch because 1. i dont know japanese and 2. i am visually impaired so i cant read the sub titles
2. i love to say "hay that guy voiced so&so in that anime also"
3. its fun to watch all the ones out there and say the good and bad things about it...

◦It feels so close to me, yet i can't grasp it even if i extend my hands. Even so ... Even if i cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If i can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If i set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for.
Emiya Shiro (Fate/stay Night)
Jun 14, 2010 9:41 PM

Jul 2007
ender95 said:

2. i love to say "hay that guy voiced so&so in that anime also"
3. its fun to watch all the ones out there and say the good and bad things about it...

I love these reasons

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
Jun 14, 2010 10:09 PM

Dec 2009
Is anyone else's Google toolbar saying that this page is in Malay? /=|
Aug 23, 2010 3:36 PM

Aug 2010
So I might upset people by saying this, but the edits and censorship don't bother me. At least to a point. Especially if there is an uncut version available. If it makes it so that a show can reach a wider audience, then I'd say go ahead and edit it. Not to the extent of a say 4kids dub, but take it down to a mild P-13 rating. A lot of times all it needs is a couple of words taken out.

To me its kinda like having abridged and unabridged editions of a book. Sure one version is changed, but the original is still available.

As for why I like dubbed anime. I love finding favorite VA's and watching the different shows they've done. Recognizing their voices is so fun for me. I remember when I first started watching anime I recognized Vic's voice in something and was excited. My degree is in theatre, so I love critiquing the acting. It's so thrilling to me to find a dub with really good performances.

I also agree with what a lot of you said, I like being able to concentrate on the animation and all the details. I'm fine with reading subs, but I feel like there there is more of a connection to the characters and the story if I'm actually watching them, not reading.

A lot of people say that because a Japanese VA's lines are recorded and THEN it's animated that the lines are better and fit the character better. I have to disagree. An English VA gets to watch the show and learn the characters and then they record their lines. I think they probably have a better idea of what the character is like.

Oh, and while I don't like a lot of what 4kids did, they really did some things right. Some of the music they used in their shows was great. And sometimes they picked excellent VA's! I still really love Sakura's English VA. And the English opening song is catchy. (The "Cardcaptors" one)

Aug 23, 2010 5:16 PM

Dec 2009
kiwigreeneyes said:
If it makes it so that a show can reach a wider audience, then I'd say go ahead and edit it.

The argument is that it doesn't NEED to be edited to reach a wider audience. Showing a 6-year-old boy Naruto completely uncut and uncensored would have absolutely zero negative consequences for him or for anyone around him, aside from maybe him becoming a fan. (ZING!) American society is hyperprotective about their children, and it's ridiculous. It hurts ratings, it complicates everything for televised broadcasting, and most importantly, it denies the children the knowledge that this world does in fact have negative aspects as well as positive ones. I've used my "dropping life on a sheltered child all at once like a ton of bricks" analogy twice before, and I'll use it again. There's just no other way to describe it. It's wrong. Period.

That's one of the few things I genuinely love about Miyazaki - which isn't to say I dislike his work, but it's not way up on my list either. When Cartoon Network, or anyone else for that matter, tries to show his movies on television, he absolutely refuses to allow it unless they're broadcast uncut and unedited. And every time it works. For that, I salute him.
Aug 23, 2010 6:50 PM

Aug 2010
Ah, see and that is where our opinions diverge. I believe that there is some material that is NOT appropriate for a young child to view.

But, that is my personal opinion. So we can agree to disagree on that, since my opinion isn't the only right one.

Aug 24, 2010 11:20 AM

Jun 2007
woah I thought that topic was done ages ago. Talk about ruining the mood.
Aug 24, 2010 1:52 PM

Dec 2009
I thought this was the one thing you ever actually half-agreed with me about.
Aug 24, 2010 9:15 PM

Aug 2010
Sorry, I didn't mean to bring the discussion back up! I just couldn't help but respond.

Ok, just let me say ONE thing and then I'll stop. I promise.

I'm totally okay with editing stuff (just a little) so that it can be shown on tv, especially if it is shown during a time that a young kid would be watching tv. I do not think it is appropriate to have young kids watching that kind of media. And by that I mean something with really harsh language or sex scenes.

But I DO agree with you when you say that stuff shouldn't be automatically edited. And I do agree that sometimes we can be overprotective with kids. I think that 6 is too young for certain things, but by the time they're around 10 or 11, they should be able to handle a lot more stuff. I would allow my younger sister (she's 11) to watch stuff that had a PG-13 rating, but as for the brother (he's 5) I wouldn't allow him to watch that stuff until he's older.

That's the beauty of having the censoring thing on the tv! You can turn it on or off, depending on the audience.

Does that make sense? I'm really not trying to pick a fight, I was just trying to describe my thoughts on the subject.

Hope you didn't mind me spouting off my opinions. :)

ANYWAY! Back to the actual topic, kinda.

You know which VA continues to amaze me? Luci Christian. I don't think there is any kind of character that she CANNOT play.

Aug 24, 2010 10:20 PM

Dec 2009
I still haven't heard any reasons as to why it would have any sort of negative impact on a 5-year-old boy.

Luci Christian hasn't really come above the radar for me yet... which is to say, I didn't really notice her or any consistent roles of hers before your mentioning her just now. I'll have to look her up to see what she's been in. I'm terrible with recognizing voice actresses for some reason. =( Again, it probably has to do with the fact that the pitch of male's voices varies so much more with the age of the character being portrayed. There's just not a lot of call for variation in female characters.
Aug 25, 2010 5:48 AM

Aug 2010
Well she did the voice of Duck in Princess Tutu (vey cute girly and energetic character), Haruka in Air(tough and usually drunk), Nagisa in Clannad (sweet timid) and Wrath in FMA (Male character, very evil). I usually can't tell that it's her. It's not until I'm looking at the cast list that I realize it's her.

Aug 25, 2010 6:42 AM

May 2009
I personally can keep up with the dialogue easier, when I hear it rather than read it.
Aug 25, 2010 12:35 PM

Jul 2007
I like Luci Christian, she a good voice actress and she did really surprise me with her role as Medusa in Soul Eater. I always so used to her playing the kid and high schoolers, so hearing her play the sexy villainess, I was taken aback. I don't know why, but I love it when she plays adult women.

She was really cute as Hunny. ^_^

Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin...perhaps it is time to die
Aug 25, 2010 12:37 PM

Dec 2009
The only role of hers that's been mentioned so far that I recognize has been Wrath in FMA, which was okay, but not exceptional, I don't think.
Aug 25, 2010 9:33 PM

Aug 2010
Oh I forgot she was the VA for Hunny! Ok, add that to her amazing list of random characters.

I liked her performance in FMA, but I wasn't really sure I liked it. lol. I didn't actually like the voice all that much, it grated on me a bit. But it was suited to the role. (I haven't seen the subbed version, so I don't have anything to compare it to.)

Aug 25, 2010 9:42 PM

Sep 2009
Because it's in some animes adds unique flavor to the series that the original dubbers didn't have.
Aug 30, 2010 2:33 PM

Jul 2009
Because I'm a MAN!!!!

Joking(Not really)
It just much much easier to watch something in a language I understand.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Aug 30, 2010 3:51 PM

Dec 2009
I stated my reasons pretty clearly in my profile's Ten Commandments.
Aug 31, 2010 11:28 AM

Jun 2007
Luci is cool my favorite role is Lycoris in Orphen. But she's also friggin Kaname from FMP, Asuna from Negima and Suzuki from Mezzo lol. Of course her biggest role currently is NAMI in One Piece.

But my favorite is Lycoris
Sep 8, 2010 7:53 PM

Sep 2009
Because it sometimes gives a unique flavor to the series that the Japanese dubbers lacked.

such as the case with D.Gray man and Holic.
Oct 8, 2010 1:36 PM

Mar 2009
I like hearing spoken English, it's much easier for me for one thing, and English is a language where you can completely change the meaning of a sentence by emphasizing a certain word in the sentence, I like to be able to hear that subtlety.
Oct 8, 2010 1:48 PM

Dec 2009
One thing I've recently learned that I hate about subtitles:

You can't multitask. You can't eat or play games, etcetera while watching. It demands your full attention if you want to derive any enjoyment out of it at all.
XTApocalypseOct 11, 2010 10:14 PM
Dec 1, 2010 3:25 PM

Dec 2009
Why I Love Dubs is because.. well first thing. I dont know, at first right when there was a Dub I ran to watch it.
but I never payed attention to the things usually brag about on Dubs or Subs!
I never tried to look deep into it. But now I'm starting to little by little (tho it takes time x3)

So what I like about Dubs, plain in simple. Its in English. I understand it. And I can look at the screen & hear at the same time x3
Dec 1, 2010 8:47 PM

Mar 2008
Another great thing about english dubs is that most of them are uncut, unedited, and uncensored.

Mainly any recent dub in the past few years that's not 4Kids or Nelvana.
Dec 1, 2010 10:05 PM

Dec 2009
I don't know how you figure that, because as a generalization, they're cut, edited, and censored a LOT more often than subtitles ever are, namely fansubs. In fact that's one of the biggest hands dub-haters play.
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