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Sep 23, 2008 12:00 PM

Oct 2007
Is it possible the aunt is a future self of Makoto?

The aunt somehow knows about time leaping and isn't surprised to hear Makoto can do it.

Makoto promises she will ensure the painting is there in the future for Chiaki to see. The aunt is dedicated to restoring that painting.

They look alike.

Makoto seems to trust the aunt (or feels comfortable around) over her own father and mother.

The only unknown thing is how the aunt went back in time to arrive at the time of her younger self. Although it is very possible time leaping was invented before she found Chiaki in the future and used the new invention to return back to the current time of the movie.
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Sep 23, 2008 12:10 PM

May 2008
I have never thought about that, but after have red your post and pondered awhile I think you're right. Instead of waiting for Chiaki she could travel back to the time she new Chiaki was going to visit to see him again. It wouldn't suprise me if there was something like that behind it.
Oct 4, 2008 7:27 PM
Jul 2008
Actually Makoto's aunt was the main character in the book and in the original movie (live action - 1983), so she gained the same abilitly before.
gabrieltOct 4, 2008 7:32 PM
Oct 5, 2008 10:41 PM

Oct 2007
Really? That chars name was Kazuko.

The aunt was called Majo.
Oct 7, 2008 4:42 PM

Jun 2008
Zenoxio said:
Really? That chars name was Kazuko.

The aunt was called Majo.

True. I read what gabrielt said on Wikipedia

Oct 7, 2008 4:52 PM

Oct 2007
Wikipedia is not a reliable original source.
Nov 28, 2008 6:05 PM

Apr 2008
That means Makoto's mother is her sister? O.o
Cos if she's the aunt then the sister of the aunt is Makoto's sister.

Am i making sense? O.o
Dec 12, 2008 4:03 PM

Sep 2008
It's implied that The aunt is the protagonist from the original 1965 novel. Majo can translate as Witch and is moste likely a nickname since she's called "Auntie Witch" in the Dub
Dec 13, 2008 5:20 PM

Feb 2008
i was thinking this too while watching the movie. they do look alike and there's something very mysterious about the aunt. i'll have to see the movie again and look closely for any clues. i dont remember seeing any blatent clues about this
Dec 20, 2008 7:38 AM
Jul 2018
Like others before me stated: I don't think it makes much sense that Makoto will end up being her own aunt, or in the case of Makoto's mother; it doesn't make sense that her own daughter will become her sister.

Also, according to my memory, Makoto had short hair while she was in middle school, while her aunt was shown in the photo to have long hair. Which indicates by their different hairstyle that they aren't the same person. This evidence might not be accurate though, since it's been some time since I last watched the movie.
Dec 28, 2008 10:43 AM

Jun 2008
Zenoxio said:
Wikipedia is not a reliable original source.

Don't make a big deal about Wikipedia when it comes to stuff like this; its a character's name in a book.
Its not the history of American progressives during the later end of the 18th century.
Wikipedia also sourced the ISBN and a French copy of the book, which has the character's name as Kasuko (French don't like z's or something?)
Pandaman0529Dec 28, 2008 10:47 AM

Aug 10, 2009 2:06 AM
Jun 2009
your all missing the fact that when she goes back in time, she takes over the body of the past mokoto.
In other words, there cant be 2 mokotos at the same time.
Nov 10, 2009 6:49 PM

Oct 2009
ah , there was this same discussion of makoto being her aunt in manga fox xD

but why does everyone thinks so >.<? , I mean, it's almost obvious that she's not makoto .......though you COULD get confused with the manga because it showed kazuko's time leaping thing , but in the anime they weren't almost any hints of her with the power of time leaping (I mean, she even made an scepticall joke about time leaping)
Jan 16, 2010 12:02 AM

Jun 2009
so the aunt is Makato's future?
i dun get it lol
Jan 16, 2010 9:13 PM
Jul 2018
kerobear said:
so the aunt is Makato's future?
i dun get it lol

We are just discussing the possibility. So far, there hasn't been any official statement that confirms that Makoto is her own aunt, though, if you ask me, there are more hints from the movie that negates the possibility rather than support it.
Feb 13, 2010 9:56 PM

Dec 2009
Yup. That's very true in what Raven_Shinobi said. For all we know this could go on longer and would make its own paradox of some sort. Still loved the movie though! :D
Mar 19, 2010 9:18 PM

Jun 2009
it's just reference from the original story if i'm not wrong...

Are you the bloody applause monkey? Keep your sh*t comments to yourself or go troll on 4chan.
Jun 27, 2010 1:58 AM

Mar 2010
This possibility sounds weird and messed up at first I think its a possibility.. Like perhaps the first time she started leaping she didn't have her aunt there for advice? And so as time went on she decided to go back in time to before she was born and be her own advice giver as well as restore the painting for Chiaki. Seems whacky to believe its just a coincidence that she believes her niece so easily even if she did have the ability herself before.
Kinda sounds like a wicked paradox though but eh.

Just my opinion and something I though up. This anime got me thinking a lot and I loved it. Though I guess nothing will be confirmed 100% ever, or at least not for along time. Another one of these movies would be neat though.
Jul 4, 2010 4:26 AM
Jul 2010
Okay okay, call me crazy but I think the aunt might have been the little girl who also liked Chiaki. Just the way in the end she said "Time waits for no one" just like her aunt had been urging her??? Am I crazy?
Jul 9, 2010 5:20 AM

May 2010
wow. a great thought. it could be possible that makoto is her aunt, but i really want to believe that unlike her aunt, makoto manages to come to her love through the time. =)
Jul 15, 2010 4:13 PM

Aug 2009
I really thought that Makoto is her aunt, isn't that the secret form the end? She will become the same as the aunt to protect the artwork so that it willn't burn down.
But it's true that there can't be two Makoto's at the same time, and how did she became that old without time leaping, didn't she lose all her "time leaping numbers" at the end.
Jul 21, 2010 8:42 AM
Feb 2010
Makoto said that she would do everything to make the picture exist in his era. The aunt was restoring the picture.
There is a possibility that they are the same person.

The picture of the aunt with her two friends while she was still in high school had 2 guys in it (This was a zoom in shot so people could see clearly). A chubby one and a skinny one. The skinny one had a build similar to that of Chiaki's, except the colour of the hair. IN THE PICTURE, THE AUNT LOOKED NOTHING LIKE MAKOTO WHEN SHE WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL.

Aug 16, 2010 10:33 PM

Jun 2009
I think Chiaki time traveled long before when Makoto's aunt was in middle/high school and he later left and time traveled to Makoto's present. May be he is the guy Makoto's aunt was waiting for.

Are you the bloody applause monkey? Keep your sh*t comments to yourself or go troll on 4chan.
Aug 20, 2010 8:28 AM
Feb 2010
Wow, this is really clever!

I thought something quite like this but not them being the same person rather being that Chiaki once met her aunt and she went through the same thing as Makoto by getting feelings for him and him having the leave to "his time".

Especially when they were talking and the aunt said something along the lines of the same thing happening to her when she was younger, the conversation which then she reminds Makoto that she is the type of girl to go looking for them, if they're late. But I didn't really think it through, but I definitely have faith in your thought. That really is clever!
Aug 21, 2010 11:10 PM

Oct 2009
i have two theories............... the picture the girl with long hair could be makato's little sister and Auntie is makato's little siter.

2.Auntie witch is Makato from the future but they call her aunt since she a cloose family friend and she came back to keep her promise to chiaki and keep the painting safe(also was the painting they showed in the movie the painting everyone wants to see?)and to see it herself ANDpainting resturection(sorry 4 the spelling)was the job makato decided to take

All in All the last 20 mins completly confused me

Also if the future chiaki lived in was so bad why didn't they go back in time to stop whatever made it so bad from happening?
Aug 29, 2010 12:36 PM
Nov 2009
There's two big factors that make this theory improbable:

First, as Zealot said, there cannot be two Makotos at the same time. She never encounters herself throughout the entire movie and in several cases she time leaps to the same destination as her prior self. So if there were doubles she should have seen them, but there weren't because everyone is always surprised about how she was just here a second ago, or how she got over here when they thought she was way over there because she becomes her old self.

Second, Makoto doesn't have any more time leaping juice. Her count's at zero, so she can't have gone back in time. It's pretty unlikely that she found another one. I'm more convinced that her aunt, although maybe not true in name, is the original time leaper from the novel/movie.
Oct 27, 2010 6:28 PM

Apr 2010
naikoworld said:
ah , there was this same discussion of makoto being her aunt in manga fox xD

but why does everyone thinks so >.<? , I mean, it's almost obvious that she's not makoto .......though you COULD get confused with the manga because it showed kazuko's time leaping thing , but in the anime they weren't almost any hints of her with the power of time leaping (I mean, she even made an scepticall joke about time leaping)

She actually admited that she has time leaped before.

At about 1:16:00 into the movie the aunt talks about her past. It even shows a picture of her. She says that the boy she liked said that he will come back to her (possible time leap). I was thinking that they could be the same person, but with this it disproves it. This is almost definitely a reference to the original story as others have said. I have not read the book, so I can not 100% confirm this.
Oct 27, 2010 6:31 PM

Apr 2010
melody423 said:
i have two theories............... the picture the girl with long hair could be makato's little sister and Auntie is makato's little siter.

2.Auntie witch is Makato from the future but they call her aunt since she a cloose family friend and she came back to keep her promise to chiaki and keep the painting safe(also was the painting they showed in the movie the painting everyone wants to see?)and to see it herself ANDpainting resturection(sorry 4 the spelling)was the job makato decided to take

All in All the last 20 mins completly confused me

Also if the future chiaki lived in was so bad why didn't they go back in time to stop whatever made it so bad from happening?

I don't recall chiaki saying that the future was bad, just that he wanted to see the painting. I am sure that there are a lot of rules and restrictions about time leaping as well.
Jan 27, 2011 5:42 PM

Jan 2009
Definitely got this feeling about halfway through. Reasons:

1.) Aunt's discussion about her experience with time leaping. The reasons she gave for her time leaping sounded almost exactly the same (or were the same? have to watch that scene again) as the ones that Makoto used for leaping - at least in the beginning.

And she claimed that "a lot of girls can do it" or all girls something like that. That can't possibly be true, you'd think Makoto would've encountered someone else like that before (apart from Auntie)

2.) Are we ever really given proof that Auntie Witch IS Makoto's aunt? Once again, I'll have to rewatch some scenes and maybe i should read more of this thread, but it's possible that Makoto calls her "Auntie", or oba-san/chan as a term of endearment for a close elder. So then if they aren't related, then that issue is cleared up and it's even more plausible.

3.) She's restoring the same exact painting that Chiaki leaped back specifically to find. And Makoto, the girl who really didn't know what she was going to do as a career, promised Chiaki (and given her love for him, I think she'd follow through) she'd keep the piece from being destroyed. So maybe the aunt is Makoto, who [I hope] lived through to Chiaki's time and attempted to keep her word by working on the restoration. (But of course teen Makoto and her time leaping screwed it all up... Maybe that gave future Makoto more reason to use the time leaping technology to go back and help Chiaki out)

But then again, apparently the original novel's protagonist was another young woman, and as many are saying, this woman is most likely just her, grown up, so... That's a lot more realistic. But isn't it such a coincidence that this aunt is working really hard to restore this one special painting that Chiaki time leapt just to see? I dunno. @__@

And I can already disprove my theory with many factors I've already thought of, such as that young Auntie seen in the photo looks nothing like Makoto, and then the matter of Auntie's name... But *passes out* Oh god I'm tired and confused. So many factors that could work against or toward or against -and- toward this theory. I'll think more about this later... maybe not on the same day as midterms. @_@
Jan 27, 2011 7:44 PM

Feb 2010
Sorry to disappoint yall, but Makoto isn't her own aunt - the movie was a sequel to (and heavily based on) a book written in the 60s, also called "Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo."

The aunt in the movie was the protagonist of the book. Her name is Yoshiyama Kazuko.

It's not really that complicated - Makoto's aunt met another time traveler when she was a girl, so she has some experience with time leaping. When she heard Makoto talk about her leaping, she teased Makoto about it ("Where did my precious Sunday go?") but gave her some serious advice afterward.

As for near the end, when she promises Chiaki she'd keep the painting safe, it isn't a nod toward time travel, but rather one simply towards Makoto's future life. Near the start of the movie Kousuke asks her what she intends to do with her life (they're both third year students, remember) but she responds insincerely due to her being indecisive. After Chiaki goes back to the future she's asked again, but this time she says "it's a secret" because she knows what she wants to do - be an art restorer, and preserve that painting for as long as she can.
May 6, 2011 7:01 AM
Nov 2009
I still can't decide if the aunt is makoto or not *_*
Mar 10, 2012 1:15 AM
Mar 2012
After I finished watching TOKI WO KAKERU SHOJOU, I had that certain feeling that Makoto's aunt is actually her in the future.

Well I guess I could cite some possibilities.
* When Makoto ask for some advice from her Aunt, Makoto's aunt told some story about someone she love.. and in that part, it showed a picture frame on the cabinet with a girl in the center (That would be Aunt Witch) and two guys beside him. She kinda told a story that was similar to what happened with Makoto and Chiaki near the end.
* The aunt somehow knows about time leaping and isn't surprised to hear Makoto can do it. So maybe she and her are one.
*Makoto promises she will ensure the painting is there in the future for Chiaki to see. There is a scene in the movie when Makoto did her first time leaping, she went to her aunt. There she saw a painting that she restored. Somewhere in the end Makoto promises she will do everything she can to protect that painting so that it'll reach until Chiaki's time. The aunt is dedicated to restoring that painting. so, another proof?
*One more thing, the painting that Chiaki wants to see was exactly the one Makoto's aunt restored... Such a coincidence. What do you think? There is some possibilities.

@ Syurba: I don't really think the story goes that way. When Makoto's mom asked her to bring the peaches over to her aunt witch, I really think that that "mom" I was referring to is only her Grandmother. Since the mother looked a bit old and she said the lines "Tell her it's from Grandmother." Those words would mean that the grandmother is a different person but it can also men that the grandmother she's referring to is actually her.

@ Zealot and Papersheep said it's impossible for Makoto and her aunt to be one since every time she time leaps, she's still in her same teenage age so how come?. I've got another theory in my sleeves. Makoto and Aunt Witch can actually be one person. It's not really the teenage Makoto who time leap, but the Aunt did. She's the Makoto from the future right? So she went back to her old time where the painting is still present, so she could restore it. Of course there's a possibility that the aunt will stay the way she is 'coz she's from the future. Chiaki said he's from the future, he came just to see the painting. But he stayed long because he had fun with Makoto and Kousuke.Zaleot, you said that when a person goes back in time, he'll take over the body of it's past. Then shouldn't Chiaki disappear when he time traveled since he's actually still not present that time or he'd turn to a kid again? He's still in his teenage body right? :)

@ thelastreturn: yes, as shown in the movie, she used up all of the time leaps she had.. the last one was when she time leap back to start where Chiaki is still present and sh told everything. Actually in manga (or was that in the movie?), there was a part where the aunt still has one time leap power left. And also in the first vol. of page8, Makoto said "and this girl... is me?" when she looked at the girl AND the girl in there looks exactly as the girl in the picture frame on the part where Aunt Witch was telling her story when she was young they even have the same clothes! and on vol.1 page 7 the boy there looks also like the guy who is beside the girl on the picture frame... in the manga Makoto heard them talking and the girl said "Promise me! ... You have to come back... Okay?" then the boy disappeared.. There's quite a possibility that that boy is Chiaki since he left and maybe thats because he wanted to see the painting. tsk tsk tsk

I've come up with another idea again which made things complicated AGAIN. They said “If Chiaki will be waiting in the future, then Makoto will be older than him , right?” Well that’s not it. Zaleot might be a bit right about taking over it’s past body when you time leap back. You see, the Chiaki biking with Makoto everyday is him in the past.. The future him is actually the one in the picture frame shown in one of the scene in the movie.. So another reason and possibility is cited. But then back to Zaleot and papersheet’s point of view.. My answer there was disturbed ‘coz of this idea I’ve come.. So another idea of possibilities was revealed but another in complication =.= this is a bit hard… BUT I DON’T REALLY MIND.. I LOVED THE MOVIE AND EVERYTHING IN IT WAS WORTH SEEING SO, WHY COMPLAIN? :) Though I still want to figure out more reasons and solutions. I want to clear things… I’LL ADD ANOTHER IDEA ONCE SOMETHING POP OUT OF MY MIND. :D

I know I'm late... :)
LjamMar 12, 2012 2:01 AM
Mar 12, 2012 2:02 AM
Mar 2012
Zealot said:
your all missing the fact that when she goes back in time, she takes over the body of the past mokoto.
In other words, there cant be 2 mokotos at the same time.

@ Zealot and Papersheep said it's impossible for Makoto and her aunt to be one since every time she time leaps, she's still in her same teenage age so how come?. I've got another theory in my sleeves. Makoto and Aunt Witch can actually be one person. It's not really the teenage Makoto who time leap, but the Aunt did. She's the Makoto from the future right? So she went back to her old time where the painting is still present, so she could restore it. Of course there's a possibility that the aunt will stay the way she is 'coz she's from the future. Chiaki said he's from the future, he came just to see the painting. But he stayed long because he had fun with Makoto and Kousuke.Zaleot, you said that when a person goes back in time, he'll take over the body of it's past. Then shouldn't Chiaki disappear when he time traveled since he's actually still not present that time or he'd turn to a kid again? He's still in his teenage body right? :)

@ thelastreturn: yes, as shown in the movie, she used up all of the time leaps she had.. the last one was when she time leap back to start where Chiaki is still present and sh told everything. Actually in manga (or was that in the movie?), there was a part where the aunt still has one time leap power left. And also in the first vol. of page8, Makoto said "and this girl... is me?" when she looked at the girl AND the girl in there looks exactly as the girl in the picture frame on the part where Aunt Witch was telling her story when she was young they even have the same clothes! and on vol.1 page 7 the boy there looks also like the guy who is beside the girl on the picture frame... in the manga Makoto heard them talking and the girl said "Promise me! ... You have to come back... Okay?" then the boy disappeared.. There's quite a possibility that that boy is Chiaki since he left and maybe thats because he wanted to see the painting. tsk tsk tsk
Mar 12, 2012 2:03 AM
Mar 2012
naikoworld said:
ah , there was this same discussion of makoto being her aunt in manga fox xD

but why does everyone thinks so >.<? , I mean, it's almost obvious that she's not makoto .......though you COULD get confused with the manga because it showed kazuko's time leaping thing , but in the anime they weren't almost any hints of her with the power of time leaping (I mean, she even made an scepticall joke about time leaping)

on the manga it shows there that the aunt has 1 time leaping power left..
Mar 12, 2012 2:06 AM
Mar 2012
Raven_Shinobi said:
Like others before me stated: I don't think it makes much sense that Makoto will end up being her own aunt, or in the case of Makoto's mother; it doesn't make sense that her own daughter will become her sister.

Also, according to my memory, Makoto had short hair while she was in middle school, while her aunt was shown in the photo to have long hair. Which indicates by their different hairstyle that they aren't the same person. This evidence might not be accurate though, since it's been some time since I last watched the movie.

I don't really think the story goes that way. When Makoto's mom asked her to bring the peaches over to her aunt witch, I really think that that "mom" I was referring to is only her Grandmother. Since the mother looked a bit old and she said the lines "Tell her it's from Grandmother." Those words would mean that the grandmother is a different person but it can also men that the grandmother she's referring to is actually her.

yes, as shown in the movie, she used up all of the time leaps she had.. the last one was when she time leap back to start where Chiaki is still present and sh told everything. Actually in manga (or was that in the movie?), there was a part where the aunt still has one time leap power left. And also in the first vol. of page8, Makoto said "and this girl... is me?" when she looked at the girl AND the girl in there looks exactly as the girl in the picture frame on the part where Aunt Witch was telling her story when she was young they even have the same clothes! and on vol.1 page 7 the boy there looks also like the guy who is beside the girl on the picture frame... in the manga Makoto heard them talking and the girl said "Promise me! ... You have to come back... Okay?" then the boy disappeared.. There's quite a possibility that that boy is Chiaki since he left and maybe thats because he wanted to see the painting. tsk tsk tsk
Mar 12, 2012 2:07 AM
Mar 2012
Syurba said:
That means Makoto's mother is her sister? O.o
Cos if she's the aunt then the sister of the aunt is Makoto's sister.

Am i making sense? O.o

I don't really think the story goes that way. When Makoto's mom asked her to bring the peaches over to her aunt witch, I really think that that "mom" I was referring to is only her Grandmother. Since the mother looked a bit old and she said the lines "Tell her it's from Grandmother." Those words would mean that the grandmother is a different person but it can also men that the grandmother she's referring to is actually her.
Mar 12, 2012 2:08 AM
Mar 2012
thelastreturn said:
I really thought that Makoto is her aunt, isn't that the secret form the end? She will become the same as the aunt to protect the artwork so that it willn't burn down.
But it's true that there can't be two Makoto's at the same time, and how did she became that old without time leaping, didn't she lose all her "time leaping numbers" at the end.

yes, as shown in the movie, she used up all of the time leaps she had.. the last one was when she time leap back to start where Chiaki is still present and sh told everything. Actually in manga (or was that in the movie?), there was a part where the aunt still has one time leap power left. And also in the first vol. of page8, Makoto said "and this girl... is me?" when she looked at the girl AND the girl in there looks exactly as the girl in the picture frame on the part where Aunt Witch was telling her story when she was young they even have the same clothes! and on vol.1 page 7 the boy there looks also like the guy who is beside the girl on the picture frame... in the manga Makoto heard them talking and the girl said "Promise me! ... You have to come back... Okay?" then the boy disappeared.. There's quite a possibility that that boy is Chiaki since he left and maybe thats because he wanted to see the painting. tsk tsk tsk
Mar 12, 2012 2:09 AM
Mar 2012
Zealot said:
your all missing the fact that when she goes back in time, she takes over the body of the past mokoto.
In other words, there cant be 2 mokotos at the same time.

Zealot and Papersheep said it's impossible for Makoto and her aunt to be one since every time she time leaps, she's still in her same teenage age so how come?. I've got another theory in my sleeves. Makoto and Aunt Witch can actually be one person. It's not really the teenage Makoto who time leap, but the Aunt did. She's the Makoto from the future right? So she went back to her old time where the painting is still present, so she could restore it. Of course there's a possibility that the aunt will stay the way she is 'coz she's from the future. Chiaki said he's from the future, he came just to see the painting. But he stayed long because he had fun with Makoto and Kousuke.Zaleot, you said that when a person goes back in time, he'll take over the body of it's past. Then shouldn't Chiaki disappear when he time traveled since he's actually still not present that time or he'd turn to a kid again? He's still in his teenage body right? :

I've come up with another idea again which made things complicated AGAIN. They said “If Chiaki will be waiting in the future, then Makoto will be older than him , right?” Well that’s not it. Zaleot might be a bit right about taking over it’s past body when you time leap back. You see, the Chiaki biking with Makoto everyday is him in the past.. The future him is actually the one in the picture frame shown in one of the scene in the movie.. So another reason and possibility is cited. But then back to Zaleot and papersheet’s point of view.. My answer there was disturbed ‘coz of this idea I’ve come.. So another idea of possibilities was revealed but another in complication =.= this is a bit hard… BUT I DON’T REALLY MIND.. I LOVED THE MOVIE AND EVERYTHING IN IT WAS WORTH SEEING SO, WHY COMPLAIN? :) Though I still want to figure out more reasons and solutions. I want to clear things… I’LL ADD ANOTHER IDEA ONCE SOMETHING POP OUT OF MY MIND. :D
Mar 12, 2012 2:10 AM
Mar 2012
papersheep said:
There's two big factors that make this theory improbable:

First, as Zealot said, there cannot be two Makotos at the same time. She never encounters herself throughout the entire movie and in several cases she time leaps to the same destination as her prior self. So if there were doubles she should have seen them, but there weren't because everyone is always surprised about how she was just here a second ago, or how she got over here when they thought she was way over there because she becomes her old self.

Second, Makoto doesn't have any more time leaping juice. Her count's at zero, so she can't have gone back in time. It's pretty unlikely that she found another one. I'm more convinced that her aunt, although maybe not true in name, is the original time leaper from the novel/movie.
Zealot and Papersheep said it's impossible for Makoto and her aunt to be one since every time she time leaps, she's still in her same teenage age so how come?. I've got another theory in my sleeves. Makoto and Aunt Witch can actually be one person. It's not really the teenage Makoto who time leap, but the Aunt did. She's the Makoto from the future right? So she went back to her old time where the painting is still present, so she could restore it. Of course there's a possibility that the aunt will stay the way she is 'coz she's from the future. Chiaki said he's from the future, he came just to see the painting. But he stayed long because he had fun with Makoto and Kousuke.Zaleot, you said that when a person goes back in time, he'll take over the body of it's past. Then shouldn't Chiaki disappear when he time traveled since he's actually still not present that time or he'd turn to a kid again? He's still in his teenage body right? :

I've come up with another idea again which made things complicated AGAIN. They said “If Chiaki will be waiting in the future, then Makoto will be older than him , right?” Well that’s not it. Zaleot might be a bit right about taking over it’s past body when you time leap back. You see, the Chiaki biking with Makoto everyday is him in the past.. The future him is actually the one in the picture frame shown in one of the scene in the movie.. So another reason and possibility is cited. But then back to Zaleot and papersheet’s point of view.. My answer there was disturbed ‘coz of this idea I’ve come.. So another idea of possibilities was revealed but another in complication =.= this is a bit hard… BUT I DON’T REALLY MIND.. I LOVED THE MOVIE AND EVERYTHING IN IT WAS WORTH SEEING SO, WHY COMPLAIN? :) Though I still want to figure out more reasons and solutions. I want to clear things… I’LL ADD ANOTHER IDEA ONCE SOMETHING POP OUT OF MY MIND. :D
Jul 10, 2012 9:45 AM
Jul 2018
Ljam said:
Raven_Shinobi said:
Like others before me stated: I don't think it makes much sense that Makoto will end up being her own aunt, or in the case of Makoto's mother; it doesn't make sense that her own daughter will become her sister.

Also, according to my memory, Makoto had short hair while she was in middle school, while her aunt was shown in the photo to have long hair. Which indicates by their different hairstyle that they aren't the same person. This evidence might not be accurate though, since it's been some time since I last watched the movie.

I don't really think the story goes that way. When Makoto's mom asked her to bring the peaches over to her aunt witch, I really think that that "mom" I was referring to is only her Grandmother. Since the mother looked a bit old and she said the lines "Tell her it's from Grandmother." Those words would mean that the grandmother is a different person but it can also men that the grandmother she's referring to is actually her.

No, Makoto's mother was credited as Makoto's mother, not granmother. Her mother only meant that the peaches were from her and Majou's mother. Besides, read Paladin's post because what he/she said is true: the movie is a sequel to a novel in which Majou is the heroine and she met a boy who could time leap. The boy's name is Ken, not Chiaki. If you want to read more on the prequel novel, here's a link:
Aug 15, 2012 5:39 PM

Jun 2008
DarkMorpher said:
I think Chiaki time traveled long before when Makoto's aunt was in middle/high school and he later left and time traveled to Makoto's present. May be he is the guy Makoto's aunt was waiting for.

After watching this movie and the liveaction movie sequel, I actually think the same. Firstly because we never got to know:
- Why Chiaki wanted to see Makoto´s aunt painting so badly?
- Why Kazuo, in the aunt´s picture looks so similar to Chiaki?

I didnt read the prequel but I watched the sequel, so here´s my thoughts. In the sequel (which there is a manga too), the protagonist is the daughter of Kazuko, which means she is Makoto´s cousin, and she travels to meet her mother´s beloved, Kazuo. He is a time traveller, and by the time he was erasing Kazuko´s memories, he promised to her he would return to see her again BUT NOT as the same person she knew. (Aka, hinting that he would come with another name or age). She told him that even if her mind forgot, her heart would remember that promise. So it really makes me think that if Kazuo is not Chiaki, then at least must surely be someone blood related to him.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Aug 16, 2012 3:09 PM
Jul 2018
How have you been, Orulyon?

It's been a long time since we chatted on the forums, since the Penguindrum days XD

In regards to the Makoto=Majou theory, here's another problem:

-Majou didn't paint the painting, she just restored it, so I doubt in whatever reference Chiaki checked it will be mentioned by whom it was restored.

-When Chiaki talked about the painting, he only showed interest in the time period/theme/circumstances in which the painting was drawn and what it depicted. Not in whom it was painted or restored by.

-If Majou was indeed someone dear from Chiaki's past, wouldn't he have shown any desire in meeting her? On the contrary, there was no scene of them talking to each other or about each other to Makoto. There was not even a scene of them saying goodbye to each other towards the end.

The theory about Chiaki being related to the time traveller from the prequel is interesting, though.
removed-userAug 16, 2012 3:17 PM
Aug 17, 2012 7:52 PM

Jun 2008
Raven_Shinobi said:
How have you been, Orulyon?

It's been a long time since we chatted on the forums, since the Penguindrum days XD

In regards to the Makoto=Majou theory, here's another problem:

-Majou didn't paint the painting, she just restored it, so I doubt in whatever reference Chiaki checked it will be mentioned by whom it was restored.

-When Chiaki talked about the painting, he only showed interest in the time period/theme/circumstances in which the painting was drawn and what it depicted. Not in whom it was painted or restored by.

-If Majou was indeed someone dear from Chiaki's past, wouldn't he have shown any desire in meeting her? On the contrary, there was no scene of them talking to each other or about each other to Makoto. There was not even a scene of them saying goodbye to each other towards the end.

The theory about Chiaki being related to the time traveller from the prequel is interesting, though.

Hey Raven!Glad to see you again;D
Well now that you mention it i guess you´re right (ive watched this movie years ago, but came to this thread because i recently watched the live action sequel, lol).

All you said makes perfect sense.
Still, Im almost sure Chiaki is really related to Kazuo since their physical resemblence is very similar and plus, even though might seem random but the manga of this movie made stay even more confuse:
It starts with Makoto having a dream about going to the lab and she accidentally sees her "aunt" and Kazuo, and thinks "I have to the future" (and this was before she time leaped for the first time, this to me suggests several time paradoxes), also in the same scene, she hears their promise that Kazuo will come back.
She sees Kazuo disappearing/she doesnt see his face though) and her own young aunt fainting (we know that is the scene that Kazuo erased her memories and went back to the somewhere else) and she wonders while looking at the girl "Is this". After that when Makoto next day goes to the lab, then she finds Chiaki´s device and all starts. I dont think Majo is Makoto, but it is incredible how Majo has a more active role in the manga and her quotes always seem to hint something. She told to Makoto "your feelings will change" regarding to Makoto´s feelings of friendship for Chiaki which would soon turn in to love. She seemed sure about it.
Also in the manga while restoring the painting, Makoto´s aunt says "It wont be long now...soon ill be able to see you". Then at the end she says to Makoto that the reason why she became a painting restorer was to " her feelings to convey a message to the future" since she had to part from someone very important to her" and quoting her words "If i took up this job, even if we never see each other again, I´d be able to tell him...dont worry im fine, dont worry about me"
at the very end she appears looking at her restored painting and she has a number in her arm which is revealed to be a timeleap she kept since young.

Now we know that Chiaki desperately wanted to see the painting because according to his words" we would be able to live on", could it be that Chiaki came from a time where there was a war or something? anyway *goes in to super huge rant mode filled with crazy theories*: Makoto says to Chiaki in the manga "If i throw myself in to doing something for you, will your future take a bettern turn? Then ill work really hard, i dunno what i have to do yet but ill put in every last bit of my effort in it so that i can deliver this world in your hands". -----wait...isnt this what her aunt was doing with the painting (aka "this world")? XD

I cant help but understanding why so many people think Majo is Makoto and Chiaki, is Kazuo. Its reallyyyy confusing. And then Chiaki´s epic words "Ill wait for you in the future". AKA "ill wait for your future self". Also i heard in the book is mentioned that Kazuo had the power not justo to time travel, or erase memories but to create fake memories as well. All time travellers have that, it seems. Chiaki unlike Kazuo who erased Kazuko´s memories, chooses to say instead before he disappears "dont forget me". Which somehow can be taken as a hint, if we consider that Chiaki already knew a similar situation (aka, he might knew about Kazuko x Kazuo).

I have so many questions...I mean... Majo obviously had the power to timeleap, but she choose to stay in her time...right?
Also weird that she touched Makoto´s arm and pufff, a timeleap appeared in her arm right before the ending.
Also this, Chiaki´s speech is clearly confusing. What reaction is that? what did he mean by that?

Which always makes me assume that if Chiaki is not Kazuo, then he is strongly related to him.

Darn what a huge speech. sorry. Anyway, my conclusion: I dont have any idea if Kazuko is Makoto or if Kazuo is Chiaki, or if just simply the last, OR the most probable one: Chiaki is related to Kazuo.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Aug 19, 2012 8:09 PM
Jul 2018
Wow, the manga looks interesting. I usually avoid manga based on anime, but this one has an interesting plot that adds to the movie. I also want to read the prequel novel, but my Japanese isn't that great without furigana to guide me along the pages :(

I think that the movie might be making parallels with Majou and Makoto's situation, seeing as Majou had also met someone from the future, and was advising Makoto not to do this and that based on her own experience. Chiaki's line at the end might be only paying homage to something that Kazuo said in the novel, but who know's?
Feb 16, 2014 7:15 PM

Oct 2009
Paladin65536 said:
Sorry to disappoint yall, but Makoto isn't her own aunt - the movie was a sequel to (and heavily based on) a book written in the 60s, also called "Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo."

The aunt in the movie was the protagonist of the book. Her name is Yoshiyama Kazuko.

It's not really that complicated - Makoto's aunt met another time traveler when she was a girl, so she has some experience with time leaping. When she heard Makoto talk about her leaping, she teased Makoto about it ("Where did my precious Sunday go?") but gave her some serious advice afterward.

As for near the end, when she promises Chiaki she'd keep the painting safe, it isn't a nod toward time travel, but rather one simply towards Makoto's future life. Near the start of the movie Kousuke asks her what she intends to do with her life (they're both third year students, remember) but she responds insincerely due to her being indecisive. After Chiaki goes back to the future she's asked again, but this time she says "it's a secret" because she knows what she wants to do - be an art restorer, and preserve that painting for as long as she can.

This. I agree and understand this. Thank you.
May 18, 2014 11:45 AM

Feb 2011
dont think so ;(
Jul 7, 2014 3:32 PM
Dec 2013
I just saw the movie and had the same thought, so I came here to see if I was the only one... Not disappointed! Moreover, the aunt talks about having met someone when she was young,and that she is still waiting for him.
Jul 13, 2014 8:58 AM

Jan 2014
I don't think the aunt can be Makoto because how can one person be born again without dying. Number 2, when she said she was waiting for someone it panned to a picture of the aunt when she was in highschool or whatever and Chiaki wasn't in the picture. Also the aunt said that Makoto was different from herself because Makoto would rush out and go see someone who was late for a meeting. If they were the same person she would've done the same.

What I think is that the aunt had someone like Chiaki come from the future to see the painting, but they couldn't because they accidentally traveled to the wrong time period and then he had to go back to his own time. But since the aunt liked him she promised to restore the painting. That's also how the aunt knew about time travelling.
Jul 29, 2014 5:36 AM

Jun 2014
I have the book by Yasutaka Tsutsui and have finished it before I re-watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

I will make a solid point.

Makoto is NOT her aunt. Makoto is very much different than her aunt and to make this clear, the anime version is just a sequel to the book itself.

According to the book, Kazuko has guy friends namely: Kazuo Fukamachi and Goro Asakura.

In the very first page of the book, it said, "As the tall and lanky Kazuo left the room with the short and stocky Goro, Kazuko had to stop herself from letting out a chuckle at the contrast between her two friends."

Now as you can see in the later part of the anime version where the aunt tells her story to Makoto, we get a glimpse of her old school photo:

Which clearly imposes them as Kazuo and Goro, being which Kazuo was the time leaper. He promised Kazuko he will return. To quote what he said from the book: "I will come back to see you, Kazuko," he said, rapidly fading. "Not as Kazuo Fukamachi, but as someone completely new to you."

This being said resembles what Makoto's aunt said in the anime. Nobody knows if it was Kazuo as Chiaki or Chiaki is a different person per se, but to clarify everything, Makoto is NOT her aunt, who is Kazuko.


Jun 20, 2016 9:45 PM

Dec 2009
Zealot said:
your all missing the fact that when she goes back in time, she takes over the body of the past mokoto.
In other words, there cant be 2 mokotos at the same time.
True there can't be two of the same person in one time so it kills this theory.
... Plus the aunt did (possibly) "joke" that a lot of people that age time leap. ... Although that really was a joke. ... What if she's Makoto's daughter? Kidding, haha.

Man these theories!? Who the fuck knows. I wanna know from the author damn it!
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