That's generally because we're human. As humans, we strive to be perfect (or become as best as we can), however, we live with our flaws. Regardless, what are (have been) doing about it?
Want an idea? Well, here's a touch of my story.
My name is Kyuu. I'm an idiot. XD (Yes, I laugh)
I have been one of those types who tended to muddle my way through living. At my ripe older age of 30, I still find myself in a state where - "I don't know what I want to do". This is true even now. Yet, I feel so much better this year than in year's previous.
After ONE failed date last year (2008) with a very very attractive person (both looks and personality), I was set up to find a new way of "business" - doing things. Instead of letting my stupid brain decide for me, I'm letting the way I feel get into the mix. My brain is a little on the side as a "checker".
Now, I find myself interested in one "project" after another all for the purpose of making myself better. Well, that premise has been around for a good 5 years or so. It just happens to be kicked off even more now.
Currently, what am I doing?
* Training for a marathon
* Looking into the JET program
* About to become treasurer for my church
My biggest piece left unsolved involves the job or career situation. If I remain in my current job, I will not get anywhere. Even this will be taken care of.
It is quite tempting to go about life's troubles being all mopey or even "depressed". However, life is too short for that crap. As one who has wasted so much time doing just that, it is time to get going and simply do stuff.
So, what do you intend to do? How will you go about your ways?
Im 16 and in school doing my head in with my studies but for what? I dont know what im going to do in the future im just being prepared. I have tried many hobbies but have been put off of them many times.
Besides wasting my life watching anime though i dont consider it a waste, im studying my ass off to learn 5 years worth of jap in less then 6 months to get into a university. Reading through 4000 pages on photoshop cs4 in hope of getting a job in photo manipulation or design.
A fact which i consider reassuring is the world is going to end before my time through many different disasters both natural and man-made. So i figure why should i care about my future, i should spend it doing whatever i want instead of being cooped up the flow of society [Study hard, Work a 10hour day job, Go to sleep and repeat]
Yeah, life sucks, but there's usually the right path and when you see it, you can see your perfect ending, as one of my favorite characters say.
For me, I'm going to second year of High School. I didn't really do good in the first year (Got 2 Ds, 3 Cs, a B, and 2 As), but I'm planning to get better grades, because I want to achieve the right path for me and have a good job, house, and a family. I'm probably going to be a teacher or work as a police. Or be a graphic desginer, since I'm kinda good with Photoshop (And I'm taking classes of it soon to get better). And I also have to get a driver license to drive and get a job to get money for College. As for now, it's Summer and all I'm doing is wasting time on anime. I can see the ending for me, but I just have work myself to it and to enjoy it.
I'm 17 now, and I have learned that human beings can be very cruel.
I burned a church down and spent a long time in an asylum. People are always calling me a pyro. What do I do about it? I light them on fire xP
If I seem depressed, it's only because I'm tired. Oher than that, I don't let anything get me down.
I spend most of my time here now...and I'm nocturnal. The sun gives me terrible migraines. All I do is take a couple advil and sleep when that happens and move on.
I guess the moral is that no matter what happens, just grin and bear it ^^
(I know my life doesn't seem that hard, but I always feel lonely for some reason...wait, still not that bad :/)
You know what my life sucks too, but I am determined to make the best of it
For as long as I can remember my family has been split forcing me to move back and forth between a physically abusive dad to a mentally abusive mom, leaving me unsatisified with both, I lived with my dad until he recently tried to molest me, When I was little this has happened and I didn't say anything until it was to late and nothing could be done about it, So I promised myself that if that ever happened again I would tell somebody...Well I did and guess who believed me? No one...They yelled at me for even saying such things and when I said I was telling the truth my dad threw a plate at my head, I haven't talked to him since, I moved back with my mom and things couldn't be better, but something inside of me misses my other family, I can't explain it...Now I live in a cramped 2 bedroom apartment with my mom brother myself and occasionally my younger two siblings.
When I was in school I used to get straight A's now everything is below a C but with a fresh start at a new high school I will graduate, go to college and make the best of my godforsaken life..Because you only get one chance at life, and my life is going to be great
"The world is not beautiful, but that is what makes it beautiful." -- Kino no Tabi
I'm a guy who's fresh out of high school with no plans for college. Do I have any idea what I want to do with my life? No. None whatsoever, and I doubt I ever will have any sense of direction in my life. All throughout school, I was so busy trying to find some kind of direction that I lost what momentum I had, mentally. I've always felt lost, but now more than ever. I simply don't know where I am or where I'm going, and I fear I'll live the rest of my life like that.
To further my troubles is my love life. I've got a 19 year streak of being single. Never once in my life have I had a girlfriend. I came close once, and that's a story on it's own.
I met her my Sophomore year in high school, and fell for her soon there afterward. And then one day she just disappeared from my life. I tried to move on and forget about her, and I thought I did, but two years later I happen to reconnect with her through Facebook, and the moment I saw that name it became clear that rather than moving on my feelings had just grown over the past two years. I tried to ask her out, but I'm too shy of a person -- I couldn't go through with it with as much assertion as I would have liked. It came out as more of a suggestion than actually asking her out. Just before we were supposed to meet, someone else asked her out and she agreed. One of the most painful moments in my life, probably the most painful. Now I'm back to the point where I think I've moved on, but I'm not sure I really have.
What's worse, I feel like a lover is the only thing that could give me direction. If I can't live for my own sake, maybe I can live for someone else's.
So, to summarize, I've got no direction, no clear future, and my love life is a wreck. Yay me.