^^ your smiling a lot more
*both chairs rise up and lean back so as to look at the ceiling then a giant screen appeared on it. And two controllers came from the. Chairs bottom*
ah I love technology
A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body
*jacks in a cord to the wall and rearranges a few wires*
Yeah think of technology like a creepy stalker that you know is following you but you want to follow you because it makes you feel special in a kind of way ...
*finishes rearranging the wires and a xbox loading screen is projected onto the ceiling. Lays back and stares up at the ceiling*
... so ... Yeah
A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body
stares silently wondring if there are actually a large number of stalkers watching people around the world
she looks back at atari and lays next to him staring the ceiling
*never played looking at the ceiling it's.. interesting*