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Jun 2, 2010 1:46 PM

Jan 2009
I think it was an OK kind of episode, I didn't enjoy it that much; it was nice overall.
But I loved the "Azunyan-san" part xD

I'm very curious about the next episode though...
Jun 2, 2010 2:05 PM

Jun 2009
I like YuiAzu pair:D Nice episode btw.
Next episode is about Sawa-chan! can't waitxD

Jun 2, 2010 2:10 PM

Aug 2008
LOL @ KyoAni commercial.

"We're low on sugar!"

Yui and Azusa make a great pair.

"Azunyan-san", definite LOL moment.

The manzai moment where YuiAzu were wearing kimonos was definitely the highlight for me :)

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Jun 2, 2010 2:30 PM

Jan 2010
It was a cute episode :).. Yui being wise for once :)
LOL at Mio's impression on the talent show :).. and Azu-nyan-san :).. Uwah~no snack time xD
Jun 2, 2010 2:33 PM

May 2010
An okay episode.
Jun 2, 2010 2:48 PM

Jul 2008
I like the relaxed atmosphere of this episode. This is one of the better episodes so far in this season.
Jun 2, 2010 3:39 PM

Sep 2009
Azunyan was amazing this episode.
Jun 2, 2010 3:46 PM
Mar 2010
Yui x Azunyan

Sawa-chan + ?? (I bet Mio or Mugi (Just saying))
Jun 2, 2010 3:50 PM

Feb 2010
wtf? Kyo-Ani spot after the opening?! Which showed kid-boys in K-ON?!?! o.o
Jun 2, 2010 4:18 PM

Feb 2010
It wasn't bad, I thought they could have picked a better song to preform but. eh. And how did Yui do good on her finals. Not possible? She was asleep.
Jun 2, 2010 5:39 PM

Sep 2008
Jun 2, 2010 5:42 PM

Aug 2009
u8sand said:
It wasn't bad, I thought they could have picked a better song to preform but. eh. And how did Yui do good on her finals. Not possible? She was asleep.

I'm pretty sure she's a Mary Sue (but like in a non-annoying way) so I honestly wasn't surprised.
Jun 2, 2010 6:19 PM

Apr 2009
mel said:

ans she responds :p

this name was already accepted and mature ??
Jun 2, 2010 6:45 PM

Nov 2007
So now they are known as YuiAzu...

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Jun 2, 2010 7:05 PM

Apr 2009
I was hoping for a new song, but ah well.
Jun 2, 2010 8:20 PM

Jul 2009
Awesome episode.
I loved the two of them pairing up. Azu/Yui are just so adorable.
Jun 2, 2010 9:35 PM
Nov 2009
damn this episode was sooo moe <3
Jun 2, 2010 10:27 PM
Feb 2007
asdf1248 said:
"fuuuuuuwaaaaaaaaa fuuuuuuwaaaaaaa tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime."

The YuiAzu attempted manzai was hilarious. Yui is simply a natural boke, though Azusa needs to work on her tsukkomi skills.

This. XD
Jun 2, 2010 10:52 PM

Apr 2010
not sure about the rest of the episode, but Mio's outfit during the talent show was fantastic. great fashion sense ^ ^
Jun 3, 2010 12:42 AM

Aug 2009
Enka remix was pretty funny, and Yui and Azusa's interactions are always cute. Loved everyone's different hats at the talent show (except Ritsu, hers was pretty meh).

Next episode looks interesting. Overt referencing of romance? In my moeblob music show? Granted, it seems to be focused on Sawa-chan, and if anyone deserves to find a nice guy, it's her.
Jun 3, 2010 1:09 AM

Nov 2007
ok ep but cute :3 Azusa ftw! What Mio wears is also always interesting xD
Jun 3, 2010 2:23 AM
Jun 3, 2010 2:34 AM

Feb 2010
I first was glad that there would come a new song, but then this ô.Ó. But whatever, it was a nice episode after all :D.
Jun 3, 2010 2:58 AM

Jul 2009
Alexstratz said:
This mindless entertainment never cease to surprise me at being so stupid yet so enjoyable.
It's the perfect anime to wake up to while eating breakfast, Yui is just a natural pro at spreading warm, fuzzy happy feelings (^.^)

And I was very happily surprised when they didn't go for the Fluffy time song which it seemed they agreed upon first. Always nice to see some change and new additions :)
Jun 3, 2010 6:27 AM

Mar 2009
Narvath said:


Anyways, Azu-nyan draggin Yui off from her classroom made me lol.
And the duo in that traditional clothing (Yukatas? Kimonos? I have no idea what they're called) made me happy. Really. Happy.

I'm just wondering...(slight spoilers)

EDIT: And also; "Azunyan-san"? Really? haha. I'm sorry, I know she's an old lady, already, but I guess senescence has set in pretty well with her.
DarkIceXIIIJun 3, 2010 6:30 AM
Jun 3, 2010 6:36 AM

Jul 2009
Lol at the ads, at first i thought it was part of the show like they show us again about the kindergarten part, but it turn out to be an ads --a.

asdf1248 said:

The YuiAzu attempted manzai was hilarious. Yui is simply a natural boke, though Azusa needs to work on her tsukkomi skills.


Overall a pretty good episode, and i was surprised to see Yui got excellent scores, i thought she will fail at her exam.
Jun 3, 2010 6:47 AM

Jul 2009
Wasn't bad. YuiAzu was kewl.

Looking forward to the next episode though :3
Jun 3, 2010 8:11 AM

Jan 2010
aaw, sad that they didn't won D:
btw, in the preview, could that be the guy who rejected sawa-sensei? ._.' i think so.
Jun 3, 2010 10:18 AM

May 2010
I thought it was pretty cute, but there wasn't much Mugi in it which made me a little sad.

But I loved the whole soy sauce deal, Yui is so cuteee. (:
Jun 3, 2010 5:07 PM
Apr 2010
Azunyan-san :3.

Decent ep, I was hoping there would be a new song or something, and the performance was a little lacking. I enjoyed seeing Yui try and be independent...

... but she can't change that she's herself.

Next week looks interesting, waiting begins again.
Jun 3, 2010 8:56 PM

Nov 2009
OMG the lady was so kawaii!!! it must have been hard 4 her 2 take care of Yui all the time XD but YAY AzuYui was ADORABLE!!! there remix didnt last very long... or did they get cut off??? anyway it was cute =D i love Ma's reaction!!! X3 KAWAII!!! lol im so glad Yui and every1 did great on their tests!!! haha i wish i took cute notes like Mio >.< all in all CUTE EPI!!! *wish the grandma would have accepted the hot spring... shes to kind*
Jun 3, 2010 9:22 PM

Jun 2010
I rather enjoyed this episode. I loved Azusa in this episode, especially in that kimono. =3 Even though we get kind of a super Yui by normal standards (for her anyway) she still manages to get sugar and soy sauce mixed up, and even makes it a point to remind Azusa not to get them mixed up.

I definitely want to see RitsuMio though.
Jun 3, 2010 10:38 PM

May 2009
ReaperEXE said:
Deja vu...

Agreed on that.

YuiAzu, ah I was paying attention to their hair and kimono.
Lol, when Yui and Azu was practicing, Azu swinging around was lol.

"Watcha think about RitsuMio?" lol, funnies!! rewatched it so many times.

Kowal said:
An OK ep even if I say so myself ^_^

Nothing like scoring free food on your way home xD

Sleeping during finals ftw :3

There was Ui so I am happy :D

Discuss :O!

sleeping during finals, rofl thats what I do!
I sleep through the first half of the exam and wake up with like 1 hour left to do about 100+ questions.
Jun 4, 2010 3:11 AM

Oct 2009
Great ep. Yui is so amazing. Too bad YuiAzu didnt win but i guess that'd be cliche if they had won.

I was nearly fooled by the preview...thought it would finally be a Mugi ep next week but instead we got Sawa-chan instead..
Jun 4, 2010 4:06 AM

May 2009
garfield15 said:
u8sand said:
It wasn't bad, I thought they could have picked a better song to preform but. eh. And how did Yui do good on her finals. Not possible? She was asleep.

I'm pretty sure she's a Mary Sue (but like in a non-annoying way) so I honestly wasn't surprised.

You're confusing Yui for Ui. Ui truly can do anything, even if she's never done it before, without any real explanation.

Anyway, I think people are too quick to assume Yui is stupid.

Yui works in such a way, that, if she sets her mind to something, she'll go all out till she gets the best possible result. Here, she wanted to both play at the talent contest and do well on her studies, so she managed to find a good balance in which she could do both. Since she usually can't do more than one thing at once, I'd say that's definite proof that she's not as stupid as she looks and that she indeed IS maturing.
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Jun 4, 2010 4:12 AM

Nov 2008
AO968 said:

Anyway, I think people are too quick to assume Yui is stupid.

Yui works in such a way, that, if she sets her mind to something, she'll go all out till she gets the best possible result. Here, she wanted to both play at the talent contest and do well on her studies, so she managed to find a good balance in which she could do both. Since she usually can't do more than one thing at once, I'd say that's definite proof that she's not as stupid as she looks and that she indeed IS maturing.
Whoa. That's DEEP.
Jun 4, 2010 8:26 AM
Jun 2008
The old lady is very cute.

Having Azusa to help Yui,
Yui is going to be fine ^^
During the first season,in relation of the guitar learning and studying.I think this time she will also completely forgot everything after its over.She has a lazy mind .....
Jun 4, 2010 12:26 PM

May 2009
Maximatum99 said:
AO968 said:

Anyway, I think people are too quick to assume Yui is stupid.

Yui works in such a way, that, if she sets her mind to something, she'll go all out till she gets the best possible result. Here, she wanted to both play at the talent contest and do well on her studies, so she managed to find a good balance in which she could do both. Since she usually can't do more than one thing at once, I'd say that's definite proof that she's not as stupid as she looks and that she indeed IS maturing.
Whoa. That's DEEP.

You haven't seen nothing yet. I actually went as far as to apply this reasoning to pretty much all characters (with the exception of Nodoka, whose personality and reason to be involved with the club is still pretty much a mystery to me).

@MorningGlory: the very fact that she did it mostly by herself (though with a little help from Mugi) tells me that she's improving. I don't expect her to be a complete genius by the end of the school year or even when she goes to college, but she's getting there.

Also, how much do YOU remember about your school years? I pretty much forgot most of what I had studied back then myself quite quickly after my exams were over, because I no longer needed it.
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Jun 4, 2010 3:01 PM

Nov 2008
AO968 said:
Maximatum99 said:
Whoa. That's DEEP.

You haven't seen nothing yet. I actually went as far as to apply this reasoning to pretty much all characters (with the exception of Nodoka, whose personality and reason to be involved with the club is still pretty much a mystery to me).
I am not sure if you are being sarcastic but I was. Notice how I used the word, "DEEP" to describe your analysis of Yui.
Jun 4, 2010 4:10 PM
Jun 2008
Well actually she just seem to forget everything when she learn everything in one night but she will only forget after the event is over.It is just normal.....but the funny part is that she also completely forgot how to play guitar (last season)LOL.
Jun 4, 2010 5:30 PM
May 2008
Cute episode, and lulz are to be had reading this topic!!! People are actually taking things like character development seriously in K-ON!!! I mean, sure, it's there but come on!!!
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Jun 4, 2010 11:20 PM

May 2008
"fuuuuuuwaaaaaaaaa fuuuuuuwaaaaaaa tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime."

The YuiAzu attempted manzai was hilarious. Yui is simply a natural boke, though Azusa needs to work on her tsukkomi skills.

haha indeed. anyway i love the grandma she is such a kind person =)
Jun 4, 2010 11:23 PM
Jun 2008
okthxbaii said:
I thought it was pretty cute, but there wasn't much Mugi in it which made me a little sad.

But I loved the whole soy sauce deal, Yui is so cuteee. (:
I thought Mugi is just a sweets supplier.
Jun 5, 2010 12:46 AM

May 2008
The old lady was so sweet <3
Jun 5, 2010 2:36 AM

Jan 2010
"Which is more important? The Rules or Me?"
"The Rules, obviously."

That part was funny. XD
Oh, And the preview. :O
Sawa-chan's boyfriend?
Mio said she isn't interested in love in the preview but it's hard to believe if you just look at the lyrics of the songs she composed~

Will most likely change this soon. || PNCH || PPFC || Anime Familia || EHC
Jun 5, 2010 6:18 AM

Oct 2009
Azunyan doing tsukomi before the performance :D Hahaha awesome :p And also, kimono + Azunyan is ftw~

Jun 5, 2010 1:49 PM

Jun 2009
Give me some sugar, I am your neighbour!
Jun 5, 2010 7:56 PM

Jun 2008
At least KyoAni is listening to the fans, YuiAzu is a great pairing.

Now make an episode were MioRitsu go full out yuri!!!.......I mean sing a song together...
Jun 5, 2010 10:31 PM

Jun 2009
asdf1248 said:
"fuuuuuuwaaaaaaaaa fuuuuuuwaaaaaaa tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime."

The YuiAzu attempted manzai was hilarious. Yui is simply a natural boke, though Azusa needs to work on her tsukkomi skills.


WHAT?! They DIDN'T win the trip to the hot springs? MAJOR PLOT TWIST!

Somehow they're gonna end up a hot spring anyway.
Jun 6, 2010 12:43 AM
Jun 2010
The rollin' Azunyan best!!
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