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Apr 3, 2010 6:24 AM

Jul 2008
Well, this is certainly one of those series with a totally different field to it compared to the others i seen. It must be scary if you are in a bus with people whose faces are being covered and hands being cuffed. The Opening theme is pretty good though^^

So they lost the fight even though it's 6 against 1? 0.0 that guard who show up sure deserve a beating.
ShanaFlameApr 3, 2010 6:18 PM
Apr 3, 2010 6:56 AM

Aug 2008
The OP is amazing... I had high expectations from Coldrain, but it blew those expectations away.

Couldn't really understand too much watching it raw, except that I'll love the anime.
Apr 3, 2010 7:12 AM

Jan 2008
llamaben said:
The OP is amazing... I had high expectations from Coldrain, but it blew those expectations away.

Couldn't really understand too much watching it raw, except that I'll love the anime.

Yup, great opening sequence. A promising start to a very gritty series, no moeblob here, folks.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Apr 3, 2010 7:44 AM

Sep 2009
it looks interesting.. is it translated yet?
Apr 3, 2010 11:18 AM

Feb 2010
Woah woah woah, that opening was super awesome. Can't believe. I knew i picked the show right! It was awesome!
Apr 3, 2010 12:05 PM

Apr 2009
That OP was fairly awesome.

I have a feeling that the wait for subs will be a long one.
Apr 3, 2010 2:27 PM

Jun 2009
Well at least so far no gay-jokes around here... ^^°
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

Apr 3, 2010 5:48 PM
Is a Hidden Gem

Aug 2007
Is anyone going to fansub this, I think this might be the only title this season that interests me.
Apr 3, 2010 6:15 PM

Mar 2008
Apr 3, 2010 6:40 PM

Jun 2008
Brand said:
Is anyone going to fansub this, I think this might be the only title this season that interests me.

Saizen's project page says they're going to sub it.
Apr 3, 2010 9:53 PM
Apr 2009
Damn, I'm dying for some subs.
Apr 3, 2010 10:33 PM

Apr 2008
Rakuen42 said:
Brand said:
Is anyone going to fansub this, I think this might be the only title this season that interests me.

Saizen's project page says they're going to sub it.

Yup, as best as I know it, they will be subbing the show.

Don't expect a fansub from Saizen to come out soon as what the current raw available is from streaming video on the net. They will most likely be waiting for the actual TV broadcast starting on 6 April to get hold of a better quality raw or the transport stream capture then.
Apr 3, 2010 10:43 PM
Jun 2008
I being wondering whole time during the anime.....Do you think Officer in the prison has the chance of becoming sadism??...
I felt that this story's ending gonna be very sad.The seven word that crave in the tree really bother me.six plus one equal seven right?I wonder izzit their last word....When i listen back to the female Narrator,I notice that she uses past-tense.....
MorningGloryApr 3, 2010 10:54 PM
Apr 4, 2010 1:30 AM

Nov 2007
Best first episode of the season. 10/10

And Best animation/opening theme/MADHOUSE :D
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Apr 4, 2010 10:40 PM

Mar 2008
Indeed a very dark but touching first episode.
Filled with desperation yet hopeful, how ironic.
Heard that it's the mangaka's autobiography, but haven't confirmed it.
The outcome of history had a tremendous impact on the lives of the children at that time.
There is translation in Chinese.
Apr 5, 2010 6:23 AM

Jun 2009
rswjc said:

Heard that it's the mangaka's autobiography, but haven't confirmed it.

Not the mangaka's autobiography, but heavily influenced by the experiences of the author of the story. In this case there was an individual author and an illustrator for the manga.
The author was a yakuza himself, was involved in gambling, fraud, several fights and went to youth prison in the 50's himself. He always struggled to be an author, but had problems in the direct post-war Japan and got involved with the wrong crowd.
So at least we can expect this to be more than a story pretending to know what it was like.
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

Apr 5, 2010 11:02 AM

Mar 2009
still eagerly waiting for subs...
Apr 6, 2010 4:07 AM

Sep 2009
Aargh, why is it taking so long for subs? C'mon, guys, I need my fix...
Apr 6, 2010 4:11 AM

Apr 2009
Lind_L_Tailor said:
Aargh, why is it taking so long for subs? C'mon, guys, I need my fix...


I feel like bothering a few IRC channels right now.
Apr 6, 2010 7:16 PM

Mar 2008
Subs fucking where? A show comes out that's not about robots and magical jailbait, and nobody cares.
Apr 6, 2010 8:47 PM

May 2008
Brand said:
Is anyone going to fansub this, I think this might be the only title this season that interests me.

Same here.

Come on..please sub this!
Apr 7, 2010 2:15 AM
Nov 2009
Sheepdude said:
Subs fucking where? A show comes out that's not about robots and magical jailbait, and nobody cares.

Apr 7, 2010 4:08 AM
Jun 2008
chanz said:
Brand said:
Is anyone going to fansub this, I think this might be the only title this season that interests me.

Same here.

Come on..please sub this!
If the subber feel like it then he will sub.If not he will sub as slow as a turtle LOL
Apr 7, 2010 4:54 AM

Aug 2008
Brand said:
Is anyone going to fansub this, I think this might be the only title this season that interests me.
Same. I've watched other anime this season, but none of them seem very interesting. I'm looking foward to this anime!
Apr 7, 2010 7:56 AM

Dec 2008
[Leopard-Raws] released a 476MB today, so maybe whoever is planning on subbing it was just waiting for a quality raw to surface before least that's what I keep telling myself...

Apr 7, 2010 8:21 AM

Apr 2008
seeker1458 said:
.. so maybe whoever is planning on subbing it was just waiting for a quality raw to surface before releasing

^ This. The show only had its proper TV broadcast last night. The streaming broadcast was earlier. The fansubbers prefer to work with better raws from the TV broadcast.

Be patient.
Apr 7, 2010 11:55 AM

Sep 2007
This was one really good opening episode. Bit different than the manga, but since it had to end with the smoking scene, I don't mind the changes. And I'm espacially happy that they cut the doctor's "inspection" short...that was pretty disturbing in the manga.

Anyway I have high hopes for this series. 5/5
Apr 7, 2010 2:30 PM

Apr 2008
SunyiNyufi said:
This was one really good opening episode. Bit different than the manga, but since it had to end with the smoking scene, I don't mind the changes. And I'm espacially happy that they cut the doctor's "inspection" short...that was pretty disturbing in the manga.

I did mind the change. They should not have cut that scene out. It needed to be disturbing to make the point upfront that this show is not going to be tiptoeing through the more disturbing issues raised in the manga.
Apr 7, 2010 7:38 PM

Sep 2007
Well maybe part of the reason for me was that since I already read it in the manga, I just really didn't wanted to see it again -_- Though I think it will probably come up later anyway...
Apr 7, 2010 10:17 PM

Aug 2009
Watch the raws, then read the 1st chapter and see how much u got right!!! I did pretty well actually.

Yeah, the doc scene was kinda gross, but it helped set the mood. /continue to wait for subs.
Apr 8, 2010 12:24 AM

Nov 2007
This one is based on a retelling of real life of George Abe, the author of the original story Rainbow, who spent his teenage days behind bars. This one will be your dark anime of Spring 2010, so I was expecting something like that, as disturbing as it looked in episode 1, more might follow.

I dont read manga/novel, so I am not sure how disturbing it might get, but for a change, this anime is there for you.

It seems like the entire anime industry is going all moe moe, happy happy with pantsu shots every the other scene. its difficult to find anime which can be a bit different, and makes you think, RAINBOW will certainly be one of those very few.

I am following this anime.

Edit: Also in IRC, i found out this one is being subbed and will be out soonish.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Apr 8, 2010 12:38 AM

Oct 2009
Not the biggest fan thus far of 2010, nothing too outstanding for me personally, though that's not to say that a majority of the titles have faired baddly, as I have found a handful to be good.

But Rainbow holds quite alot of potential and could end up being my first true favorite anime of 2010
Apr 8, 2010 3:53 AM

Oct 2009
For me this anime was dark enough to realize how bad the scream was from that person during the doctor's Sasaki examination.....was that some anal thing? Ewww I would never want to go to prison at all. Ishihara should go die in a whole just the way he terrible and also he is very cruel IMO. I too want subs to fully understand the story behind each character but so far I like the fighting of Sakuragi.

I also think this anime will be great to learn the struggles of inside a prison with inmates and how they will go through it......was what Sakuragi smoking opium or something else? I am not sure there will be GIFs to be made but some fight GIFs might be nice just not this episode....with the dark texture and gloomy environment it will make something unique to look forward for me in this season. The team looks nice here=>
Series starts at 7 and let's see how much it will climb for me.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 8, 2010 4:20 AM

Aug 2009
Hell yes, that OP is so badass.

Ugh...subs sometime soon please...
Apr 8, 2010 8:08 AM

Jul 2008
Well, this looks promising. *_*
Apr 8, 2010 8:49 AM

Aug 2008
The story looks really good. Looking forward to the subs! Won't bother watching the raw.. If there's a guy called Sakuragi there, then I have all the more reason to watch it. YEAH.
Apr 8, 2010 10:40 AM

Mar 2009
shanimebib said:

It seems like the entire anime industry is going all moe moe, happy happy with pantsu shots every the other scene. its difficult to find anime which can be a bit different, and makes you think, RAINBOW will certainly be one of those very few.

I am following this anime.

Yeh that's right. Im really tired of those happy animes these days. We need more anime like Rainbow.
Apr 8, 2010 5:02 PM

Sep 2008
OP = Super BADASS Fucking win !

hear that Commie almost finish working the 1st eps... hope tommorow we already get the subs
Apr 8, 2010 7:24 PM

Sep 2008
the best anime in this season and , there is just one fansub team who's working on it , and they are super late ; Hope some another famous team subs it 'cause really I don't wanna wait a week to get the subs for every single episode ù_ù
Apr 8, 2010 11:39 PM

Sep 2009
I'm really looking forward to this show this season, but when in the world will it get subbed?
Apr 9, 2010 7:23 PM

Feb 2009
*waiting for subs* :'(
Apr 9, 2010 11:49 PM

Sep 2008
It's Just frustrating !!!!
Apr 10, 2010 12:26 AM

Apr 2008
Maebara-Kun said:
It's Just frustrating !!!!

Don't be frustrated. Do something positive - like join one of those fansub groups to aid them in getting the fansub of Rainbow out.
Apr 10, 2010 1:11 AM

Sep 2008
leongsh said:
Maebara-Kun said:
It's Just frustrating !!!!

Don't be frustrated. Do something positive - like join one of those fansub groups to aid them in getting the fansub of Rainbow out.

I would If I could ; but since I don't understand Japanese I really can't do anything
A great show like this should be subbed on time no matter what

And I'm still frustrated ù_ù
Apr 10, 2010 4:29 AM

Feb 2008
The only good show of this season, and nobody's subbing it ! I still can't believe it ! Everybody is subbing all that pinky-girly crap full of short mini skirts and revealing panties, yet nobody wants to sub a realy great show like Rainbow. I'm officially disgusted. And very angry too !

Don't talk to me about character development if Kaizuka Inaho or Slaine Troyard are in your favorites.
Apr 10, 2010 5:29 AM

Mar 2009
It's already been a week since the raws are out.
Apr 10, 2010 5:38 AM

Apr 2008
SailorKagome said:
T... yet nobody wants to sub a realy great show like Rainbow.

There are 2 fansub groups currently working on it. Give them time. It should come out in another day or two.
Apr 10, 2010 5:42 AM

Apr 2008
Traveller said:
It's already been a week since the raws are out.

That was a streaming raw which is low quality and not really usable if the fansub groups want to do a good job on it. The official TV broadcast was on 6 April (technically 7 April as it was broadcast at 1+ am). Thus, good quality raws were only available on 7 April at the earliest. Only 3 days since then.

Just be patient.
Apr 10, 2010 12:43 PM

May 2009
The OP is awesome, I'm looking forward to subbed version.

I've noticed that there are only 6 adults at the start of the OP, but I dont think that one of the boys will die. I've watched the OP again, and I've noticed that they show the adult versions of all of them when they show their crimes, and the one who isn't with them at the start of the OP is Anchan. Maybe he will be an antogonist, or something?

I also wonder what will happen with Mario's hand, since it seemes like he only wears one glove in the OP.
Apr 10, 2010 2:12 PM

Apr 2008
viral_hun said:
... the one who isn't with them at the start of the OP is Anchan. Maybe he will be an antogonist, or something?

An-chan is like their big-brother/mentor. The one that they look up to. He's the mature head that keeps the rest focused on getting out alive.

viral_hun said:
I also wonder what will happen with Mario's hand, since it seemes like he only wears one glove in the OP.

In due course you will know.
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