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Jan 8, 7:28 PM

Jan 2015
Just felt like doing it, since I know some things are confusing/forgotten from season1. And since this season is gonna adapt 2 volumes, instead of just 1 like last season, some things would obvioulsy be omitted, so I'll try to include that here. Not sure if that helps anyone, but here it is. I will edit it with further information, as more episodes come out.

  • The story: The True Demon King was defeated by an unknown hero and the main country Auretia is looking for that being, hence why the tournament exists. And even if the real hero doesn't show up/dead, they will select a new hero, whoever wins the tournament. Finding a hero is very important as it will create a ray of hope for people who are still devasted after the True Demon King and unify all minias.

  • Auretia: Is a minia-based country, a monarchy. After the war, 3 different kingdoms united to form one Auretia country. And there was only one survivor from a royal family, a young girl, she is the only true ruler.
  • Twenty Nine Officials: Consists of civil servants and generals who are actually in charge of Auretia(queen doesn't really do much). To enter the tournament, one of them has to sponsor you. Generals are in charge of military stuff, each civil servant has their own responsibility, an area to manage.
  • Old kingdom loyalists: appear in season 2. They are part of the past Central Kingdom, and want to restore it's former glory, and not be a part of Auretia, basically want their independence. A threat to Auretia, they have a lot of numbers
  • Free city of Okahu: country, founded by the largest mercenary guild, they have a lot of elite soldeirs and have a neutral relationship with Auretia, but Auretia suspects them colluding with Old kingdom loyalists.
  • Obsidian eyes: spy guild that Lana(s1) and Kuuro(s2) were from. It used to have a lot more motion. But a lot of members left after the war was over. It basically is just remnants of its former glory. But they are still a threat to Auretia.
  • The names: Each character gets a special second name once they come of age. So before that you only have one name. Kia for example, didn't get her second name back when she was in the village
  • Minia: human
  • WordMake: the one who created everything(God basically)
  • Word Arts: the power system in this world. Visitors can't use those. And Word Arts is what allows everyone to communicate. That's why Wyverns and Wyrms can communicate with a minia. Anyone can use some sort of Word Art, most are proficient in just one. Except the main 4(Force Arts - move things. Craft Arts - create things. Thermal Arts - energy/fire/lightning. Life Arts - change properties of things. Like turning water to poison). There is also Demon Arts - that is less known and is used to create constructs like a talking skeleton
  • Beyond: previous world of Visitors
  • Visitor: someone who got too strong/influential in the Beyond and were kicked out(not clear how this process occurs, but most likely, they one day wake up in another world). Visitors brougth a lot of knowledge into the world(metrics, epidemiology, radio, guns concept) and over half of Self-Proclaimed Demon Kings are visitors. So whenever a visitor shows up, they will likely shake up the world.
  • Self-Proclaimed Demon King: Anyone with too much power who can threaten Auretia basically. Most of the time they are monarchs who establish their own country and want to live separately from Auretia. But since Auretia wants to unify all minias, it comes as a threat to them(Like Lithia). Most of the Self-Proclaimed Demon Kings are tyrannical in nature.
  • Enchanted Swords: like Visitors also come from another world because they are too powerful to exist there.
  • Homunculus: made using a living minian body as a base. Due to how difficult they are to make, there aren't many of them and they don't live long. Cuneugh, the small girl that follows Kuuro for example, is stated to not live longer than 5 years.
  • Zumeu minias with a face of a lizard.

Season 2


  • Particle Storm: Weather phenomenon, believed to be an actual God in Yamaga Barrens desert. It wasn't mentioned in the anime, but everything it touches turns into particles, hence the name. As it's the only God that protected them from the True Demon King, while Word Maker didn't protect other places. And the villagers believed that when they die, they go to a world beyond the storm. But as the young girl discovered, they actually get devoured by the storm.
  • The young girl in the first episode: She injured her leg, but since no one in her village knows Life Arts, they can't heal her, so she is gonna die. She was gonna get sacrficed to the Particle Storm, but she decided to go there and meet him himself. In the anime, her decision to see it, felt kinda random. She also meets a zumeu and a mysterious person in the carriage (you can briefly see them in the episode). They wrapped her wound in the bandage. They had some business in the village, and the girl told them the way.
  • Mele: For the last 150 years, he has leved nearby the village on a hill. It's called a Needle Forest, because of all the iron pillars protruding from the ground. These Iron pillars are in fact his arrows. Village makes 2 for him every year. And Mele considers them his greatest treasures. Every year there is a great storm which causes a great flood and Mele is the one who is protecting the village. Since the Storm is over, the villagers wanted to do something for him and let him experience the outside and have fun in the tournament. After all he is so strong, yet he never actually fought. Given how long he's lived there, he's developed very good relationships with other villagers and loves them a lot. He joined the games for money, to help out the village(noble cause).
    There is also a story of Mele's bow. It's said that whoever manages to pull the string is considered to be strongest in the village. Someone made fun of the boy, that's why he wanted to prove himself.
  • Kuuro Kuuro is very cautious. He pretty much believes everyone is out there to get him and can never relax. No matter the situation, he also stays vigilant. His unique gift is called Clairvoyance that lets him focus all of his senses, all at once and perceive eveything that is happening around him. But he's been losing his gift lately and is very concerned about it, after all that would make him the same as everyone else. And if you are used to something, to certain sensations, it's difficult to get used to a new life(like how some lose hearing). That's why Cuneugh is very important to him, as she acts as his secondary eyes. And despite his weakened Clairvoyance, he can still hear/see better than everyone else. As you could've seen in the first episode, he was able to hear Cuneugh, despite her being too far from him. He also is able to hear heart beats, as he heard Soujirou's heartbeat. He also can see weak points of his enemies, just like Soujirou. He also has trust issues, as he thinks everyone is gonna betray him, even Cuneugh, not mentioned in the anime, but he always tries to reward her so she wouldn't betray him, but Cuneugh never asks for much. He also can't comprehend how Cuneugh can be so trusting towards him, if he were her, he couldn't imagine getting so close to someone who can easily squash you with both hands.
  • Cuneugh: a homunculus, she has a short lifespan around 5 years. She has wings like harpy, Kuuro assumes that it's because the creator tried to recreate an extrinct harpy tribe, which went extinct due to wyverns' existence. Kuuro met her randomly.


  • Zizma The Miasma(first scene): That scene might have been a bit confusing. Zizma,Kuuro and Lana were all part of Obsidian Eyes, Zizma joined Litiha later because of the hope that ogres like him can live in peace, since race didn't matter for Lithia, meanwhile Auretia would not be welcome to him, as it's a minia-dominant race. So he fought for those ideals, for Lithia to the end, as it was hinted that he was the one who helped escape the remaining Lithia soldiers, who now fled to Old Kingdom, the last remaining power that can rival Auretia.
  • Mansion Might not have been clear, but after Linaris's mansion has been burned, They relocated to Sirok's mansion.


  • Gray-haired child: He is trying to wage war between Auretia and Old Kingdom Loyalists by giving them guns. Guns didn't really exist in this world before he introduced them. His just wants war like Linaris, so their interests align. Also it wasn't really mentioned, but he is a Visitor from the Beyond.
  • Legend of Toroa: I feel like the adaptation didn't properly show that Toroa is a Legend and was feared by many, it was said that just being near a sword will invite him to your doorsteps. He was part of many child horror stories, everyone heard of him. Even back when Yuno was contemplating on who can kill Soujirou back in the 1st episode, Toroa's name came to mind, and in that episode you could see the new Toroa.
  • Old Toroa's reason to fight: In the anime he regretted killing others over enchanted swords, because people would still find to fight over something else... Which is completely different from the novel. He wanted to stop others from fighting, but realized later on that even without enchanted swords, they'd still fight other ways to fight, even a pebble or piece of wood could be used as a weapon. But Yakon, thought that he did a right thing, as it reduced the amount of fights in the world and that his father was a noble man. While Yakon deeply regretted killing everyone associated with an enchanted sword, he did it because he wanted to seed fear and for everyone to asssociate enchanted swords with a cursed object.
  • Yakon: He is a dwarf, yet his father is a leprechaun. How come? Well, that's because he is not his real father. Yakon knew it, he also knew that his real parents were probably killed for him for being around an enchanted sword probably, yet he still thought of him as his father and deeply loved him. He also took a lot of pride in being his son, and while everyone saw Toroa as a monster, he alone saw him as his kind father. All of this was skipped in the adaptation
  • Fight against Alus: It looked like Alus just randomly stumbled upon him and took his life, while stealing one of his swords as a result. But that wasn't it, Alus came there for a specific sword, the one that he showed in his fight against Vikeon the Smoldering, the dragon that he killed.
  • What killed Toroa: It looked as if it was done by a whip, but it was Toroa's own sword, the Luminous blade that he grabbed with his whip(Kio's hand)
  • The reason why Alus didn't grab other swords: He later shared it with Hidow(the scene that was skipped in its entirety). He was only interested in one sword, and he couldn't really carry anything else.
  • Old vs New Toroa's fighting style Old Toroa was much more experienced and much better with enchanted swords, it was mentioned that the difference was like the distance between the ground and the sky. But the new Toroa is much brawnier and given that he is a dwarf, he was much stronger physically. You can notice him carrying all of his swords on himself, and still able to fight normally. While Old Toroa scattered the swords on the ground, a graveyard of swords.
  • Lance of Faima One of Toroa's swords is Lance of Faima, it's a sword connected by a chain that acts as a shield against an invisible attack. You can see it about 4 times in this episode, saving Toroa.
  • Divine blade Ketelk One of Toroa's swords that can extend it's range, that's why it looked like it was shooting itself.
  • Mestelexil It was a very good adaptation of him, but if someone's confused, basically Kiyazuna, his creator found a visitor, a scholar, turned him into a homunculus. A visitor can't use Word Arts, but homunculus can. Why does it matter? Well, imagine one of us could use Craft Arts? There are so many deadly weapons, guns that we know of, that's the logic behind it. A non-visitor, doesn't have the same knowledge as visitors do, so they can't make these deadly weapons. But homunculuses have a limited lifespan, 5 years or whatever. But if it's inside a golem, it can regenerate itself. Golems by themselves also have a weakness, if you destroy their core, they'll perish. But Mestelexil is 2 creatures, and only 1 can exist at the same time. When one dies, another revives it. In other words, it's immortal. Maybe someone like Kia could kill him, but I don't see any other ways. Mestelexil is without a doubt one of the scariest characters, as he is somewhat immortal and can create many different weapons with his visitor's knowledge
  • Kiyazuna the Axle The legendary golem creator, she is actually behind the Nagan labyrinth city. The city Yuno's from. She was the one who created the large dungeon golem that could create many mini golems inside of him, the one that Soujirou beat. There are only 2 things that make her smile, when it has something to do with a golem or when she brings destruction upon someone else. She is currently the scariest Self Proclaimed Demon King alive. She is also a master of Crafts Arts, there probably isn't anyone better than her at this in Ishura. Actually the table and the chairs they were using on top of the hill, were all made from Crafts Arts, hence why it was the same color as the soil and rocks nearby.


  • Toroa learned about Alus affiliated with Auretia through the bandit that he had killed in the last episode as well as the information that Auretia is at war with Old Kingdom Loyalists. He wanted to join Loyalists to fight against Alus(anime made it clear), but wasn't made clear is that the reason he decided against it later on was because: 1)there is no guarantee he is gonna find him on the battlefield 2)he might have to kill innocents who have nothing to do with Alus
  • The reason why he doesn't wanna fight Toroa in the city was because Toroa knew a lot of innocent civilians would be caught in the fight and end up dying/losing their homes, because a fight between champions like Alus and Toroa would end up destroying the city. That's true, remember Alus ended up destroying Lithia with some of his items. Toroa's swords can also cause massive destruction. And it's important to understand that Toroa doesn't want to kill innocent people
  • Gray-haired child offered him: information on the location of the enchanted swords and a way to hide him from the eyes of others. I don't know if it's the subs problem or the anime changed into "Information and free housing" which makes no sense. Why would Toroa need free housing????
  • Toroa refused him because he didn't want to be used by anyone and gray-haired child was suspicious. Which was clear in the novel and in the anime, that gray-haired child is not someone who will help you of goodness of his heart.
  • The soldier wasn't letting Toroa in just because he had no letter of recomendation, but because he was suspicious af, if he let him in, who knows what he'd inside (and he was right)
  • The blasting blade Most enchanted swords are possesed by Toroa, but there are some swords that escape his grasp and Charijitsuya The Blasting is one example. Remember that enchanted swords, like visitors, come from another world because they were too strong for their original world. Charijitsuya belongs to Gilnes the Ruined Castle, one of the generals of Old Kingdom Loyalists(the faction opposing Auretia). It was stolen by Kiyazuna and Mestelexil offscreen.
  • A missing scene of Charijitsuya getting stolen There was a scene in the novel where one of the rear camps of Old Kingdom Loyalists was brutally attacked, and a general was inspecting the damages. How, whoever did it is not a warrior, used multiple methods to kill someone, from using guns, to burning someone to a crisp, to simply punching them. That was supposed to be a buildup scene for Mestelexil. That's when they stole the enchanted sword. Kiyazuna actually mentions about it at the end of ep 3. That information was given to her by one of the officials Kaete the Round Table, who will show up later in the season
  • How does Auretia knows about the movement of Particle Storm? Gray-haired child told them about it. It was confusing to them, since he is helping both sides, it was briefly mentioned at the end of ep 2
  • General Mizial mentioned about how it's gonna go through Sine Riverstead, that's Mele's village.
  • Kiyazuna is very proud of her ultimate creation, since he basically cannot be killed. But one thing she wishes for is for him to get some dream, something he wants to for himself.
  • Kuuro Might not have been obvious, but he was working for Auretia to stop the Particle Storm, in the scene where he was observing the fight, there was a radio by his side, with which he exchanges information with Auretia.

ep 5

  • First scene with the Particle Storm The scene was completely changed. In the novel head chief of the village was asking for forgiveness because they couldn't provide Particle Storm with enough sacrifices. Then there was a fucked up info on how the villagers had to offer 32 children every year as living sacrifices. Every year mothers were forced to bear children, but then it wasn't enough, so they had to abduct children from other places. In the first episode where the young girl got devoured by the Particle Storm, that wasn't considered a sacrifice, and the village chief actually blamed her for dying irresponsibly. Then, Particle Storm didn't kill him, he said he is gonna take care of Auretia first. But it doesn't really matter, because I doubt we'll see this village chief again.
  • Kiyazuna I think her character was adapted well. It was mentioned a few times that she won't bow down to others, just because they ask her. She is really prideful, she was even willing to sacrifice her life, just so Toroa wouldn't get the blade. She also really wanted to be the one to deal the finishin blow to the Particle Storm, to take revenge. Given that she didn't get what she wanted, she was pretty upset, as Mele dealt the finishing blow.
  • Mestelexil was built for this fight, against Particle Storm. Not only is he immortal and can't be killed by Particle Storm, while the likes of Toroa struggled since you can't breathe in the presence of Particle Storm. Mestelexil also has multiple weapons specifically built in order to fight the Particle Storm. But Toroa and Mele ruined everything for Kiyazuna.
  • Toroa had beaten Mestelexil, but that was partly because he was in the vicinity of Kiyazuna, and a lot of Mestelexil's weapons will damage Kiyazuna, but still, considering the two are always close, Kiyazuna will always be a hindrance for Mestelexil, unless its a tournament setting.
  • They skipped the part where Mestelexil thanked Toroa for not killing Kiyazuna as Toroa had multiple opportunities to do so, and the Old Toroa would've done that, but the New Toroa doesn't want to kill needlessly.
  • Cuneugh wanted to check the Particle Storm closer, but Kuuro vehemently was against it, if she got any closer she would've died. He actually covered her inside his coat, so she wouldn't be damaged, goes to show how much he cares for her.
  • Toroa leaving the Blasting Blade behind, just so he can save Kuuro, goes to show that New Toroa is different, prioritizing lives.
  • A huge twist with Linaris, but was kinda ruined by the fact that they skipped her meeting with the girl from the first episode, that should've happened right before she got devoured, in the first episode. It was unclear that it was Linaris, and at that point she was still yet to be introduced, so when Linaris wrapped the wound on the girl's leg with the bandage, if you were seeing it for the first time, you'd clearly overlook it. So the reveal later that it was Linaris's plan all along and that instead of saving the girl, she knew what was gonna happen and willingly sacrificed the girl, perfectly shows her personality.
  • She wanted to destroy Auretia with the Particle Storm, but since he failed, she had no choice but to dispose of him, as if the body is examined, they will find traces of vampire blood in there, which will reveal that they aren't so dead as Enu the Distant Mirror claimed.
  • They also skipped some dialogues with her attendants talking between each other, surprised that Mele intervened and being upset that Particle Storm didn't end up destroying Auretia and wondered if they should 'draw out Alus the Star Runner" and another said that "based on the Auretia's strength, they need to send someone like Lucunoca the Winter" and the other attendant said that "The Lady's body is too weak, just sending Particle Storm took a huge toll on her body"

ep 6

  • Gilnes's story was pretty much perfectly adapted, which I didn't expect for him being a minor character who'll die later, very happy with it, didn't expect it. Thought most of his story would be skipped and we would start with a fight right away, this way they would be able to fit Lucunoca's part, but it would be very rushed and confusing, so many other light novel adaptations would've done it, I'm so used to bad light novel adaptations, that I'm amazed it's this good of an adaptation.
  • Charijutsuya the Blasting blade was originall Gilnes's sword before Kiyazuna nabbed it from him(by attacking a rear base where it was stored), then Toroa took it away, then Linaris's team picked it up and handed it to Gilnes's camp (not clear how that happened). The blade was swapped inside the shop by one of Gilnes's man, the reason for that was because there were always eyes on Gilnes, and that shop was a blind spot where the guard couldn't see. The enchanted swords are banned from duels, because true duels measure your own strength, that's why you are given a simple sword, because as Soujirou shown, it's warrior's skill that matters. Word Arts is ok, because it's your own skill, but enchanted sword is borrowed strength.
  • Gilnes could've run away from the duel, but he couldn't do that, because in his mind he was in the right, he was the righteous one and Auretia is in the wrong(which isn't farfetched. It's Ishura, there aren't many truly evil characters, most are just neutral). He wanted to win the duel, with this Old KIngdom Loyalists movement would get more followers, but if he were to run away, the Old Kingdom Loyalists would end with that, and he'd have to live the rest of his life in shame and hiding. A fate worse than death for a warrior like Gilnes. Like Rosclay said, he was a true hero to many people.
  • Romzo the Star map Really like how he was adapted, the character design is something I expected and they adapted his part really well, even showed other 6 from his party. His Pressure Point technique was also explained well, it releases physical limits of your body. He would apply it to the other members of his first party. Like he said, he didn't hate Gilnes, but at this point of his life, he would do anything for money. Also, as you could see he is pretty skilled, consideirng he subdued 100 of Gilnes's men, without drawing any attention.
  • RosclayRoclay is an interesting character, like he said he is the weakest amongst other participants, and all of his battles are on the edge, even in this battle there were a few moments where he could've died. There is a Rosclay faction in Auretia, Jelki the Swift Ink is actually part of it, as well as many others. There are some who oppose his faction, like Kaete the Round Table(backing Kiyazuna) and Hardy the Bullet Flashpoint(backing Soujirou). The goal of Rosclay's faction is to make Rosclay the champion of the games, through these underhanded means like cheating. If he wins, then Auretia wouldn't need to trust itself in the hands of a shura. Rosclay is a normal minia, him winning would let Auretia take a step forward to peaceful times. Now imagine someone like Alus or Soujirou winning, absolute shuras, goodbye to peaceful Auretia. But not all officials are of the same opinion, most joined the games to further expand their social and political status, most of them are doing it for their own selfish reasons, while Rosclay's faction is more for what's best for Auretia.
  • The village girl She doesn't have long to live, Rosclay is doing all that for her to keep her happy in her final moments. He actually saved her and her mom from being sold into slavery way back. That scene was supposed to make him more likable, more human.
  • Kiyazuna/Toroa,Kuuro/Mele scenes were all well adapted, I was expecting them to skip Kiyazuna and Mele's parts, but I'm really glad they didn't. Some dialogues were changed and overall the scene is worse than what it was in the novel, but still 95% faithful.
  • Rosclay, Jelke, last scene That scene was a bit disappointed, much was skipped. 1) Jelke reporting that thanks to the whole affair with the Particle Storm, they are now aware of Mestelexil and Toroa's strength. It was reported by Kuuro, who was reporting everything through the radzio as it was his job, he wasn't really snitching on them, just doing his job.
    2)They mentioned Mele in the anime, but they didn't mention that they used the fabricated information of Particle Storm going through his village to draw Mele into the conflict, but the truth was that it never was under attack.

ep 8

  • Uhak's story was pretty much perfect, way better than the novel version, since novel summarized most of the parts, while anime expanded on them and showed them in detail. Also it's the only character story in the novel that was told in first person(Cunodey). They also made Uhak's expressions better, novel never mentioned what Uhak's expression was, but in the anime you could see him being visibly angry or sad. Then there are also added scenes that weren't in the novel, like Cunodey remembering the kids, seeing small Kuze and Nofelt(future Uhak's sponsor), seeing Uhak leave a flower on her grave.
  • Nofelt If it wasn't clear, he is part of the order like Kuze, while also being an Auretia official.
  • Uhak's name Cunodey mentioned Melyurge the Silent who managed to stop any conflict without saying a word. Glad anime included this while I fully expected them to skip it. But they did skip the other name. Fralik the Heaven from the First Party, he has his throat crushed when he was young and couldn't speak.
  • Belka was called a champion, she also tried a go at the True Demon King. While her strength is unknown, she might have been as strong as Dakai or Higuare, just my assumption though, since she was a champion. Another weird thing was that the True Demon King should've been dead for several years, if current scene was several years after that, that means she was in that state for several years... It could also mean that Uhak's story was in the past. But it's mysterious.

ep 9

  • Kazuki is really strong, being able to see the movement of her bullet, but wasn't able to see Shalk's speed, that was to make Shalk stand out as being faster than a bullet.
  • Visitors They missed the part where Kazuki ask why visitors don't age and gray-haired child answering with "Hard to say, but it might be to make us leave an impact here". Then there was missed information about visitors being not only minias. How dragons came from a large reptile visitor, and oozes,mandrakes coming from some kind of visitor species as well. At least they included visitors being japanese.
    I'm glad they mentioned champions like Dakai, Regnejee, Vikeon dying... and the warning to Kazuki that champions are being taken out.
  • Nofelt If it wasn't clear, he is part of the order like Kuze, while also being an Auretia official.
  • Okafu Okafu is a mercenary city, founded by Morio the Sentinel, a visitor and that it has a large military, which can threaten Auretia. One thing they didn't mention, which I think is important, is that Okafu is a place for all races, as long as you are skilled, it doesn't matter who you are, that's why skeletons, ogres can freely roam the streets, unlike Auretia which is minia-centered.
  • there was a joke that Shalk made about tobacco and alcohol, how it's bad to consume them if you want to live long. It's funny him saying that, cause he is a skeleton.
HirugikuMar 5, 8:02 AM
Jan 8, 7:43 PM
Jan 2024
damn bro... The story is getting complex.
Jan 8, 7:52 PM
Jul 2022
I was already confused last season and I binged it at the end and you're telling me they're now doing it twice as fast?? lol
Jan 8, 8:38 PM
Feb 2021
Hirugiku said:
Just felt like doing it, since I know some things are confusing/forgotten from season1. And since this season is gonna adapt 2 volumes, instead of just 1 like last season, some things would obvioulsy be omitted, so I'll try to include that here. Not sure if that helps anyone, but here it is. I will edit it with further information, as more episodes come out.

  • The story: The True Demon King was defeated by an unknown hero and the main country Auretia is looking for that being, hence why the tournament exists. And even if the real hero doesn't show up/dead, they will select a new hero, whoever wins the tournament. Finding a hero is very important as it will create a ray of hope for people who are still devasted after the True Demon King and unify all minias.

  • Auretia: Is a minia-based country, a monarchy. After the war, 3 different kingdoms united to form one Auretia country. And there was only one survivor from a royal family, a young girl, she is the only true ruler.
  • Twenty Nine Officials: Civil servants, who are actually in charge of Auretia(queen doesn't really do much). To enter the tournament, one of them has to sponsor you.
  • Old kingdom loyalists: appear in season 2. They are part of the past Central Kingdom, and want to restore it's former glory, and not be a part of Auretia, basically want their independence. A threat to Auretia, they have a lot of numbers
  • Free city of Okahu: country, founded by the largest mercenary guild, they have a lot of elite soldeirs and have a neutral relationship with Auretia, but Auretia suspects them colluding with Old kingdom loyalists.
  • Obsidian eyes: spy guild that Lana(s1) and Kuuro(s2) were from. It used to have a lot more motion. But a lot of members left after the war was over. It basically is just remnants of its former glory. But they are still a threat to Auretia.
  • The names: Each character gets a special second name once they come of age. So before that you only have one name. Kia for example, didn't get her second name back when she was in the village
  • Minia: human
  • WordMake: the one who created everything(God basically)
  • Word Arts: the power system in this world. Visitors can't use those. And Word Arts is what allows everyone to communicate. That's why Wyverns and Wyrms can communicate with a minia. Anyone can use some sort of Word Art, most are proficient in just one. Except the main 4(Force Arts - move things. Craft Arts - create things. Thermal Arts - energy/fire/lightning. Life Arts - change properties of things. Like turning water to poison). There is also Demon Arts - that is less known and is used to create constructs like a talking skeleton
  • Beyond: previous world of Visitors
  • Visitor: someone who got too strong/influential in the Beyond and were kicked out(not clear how this process occurs, but most likely, they one day wake up in another world). Visitors brougth a lot of knowledge into the world(metrics, epidemiology, radio, guns concept) and over half of Self-Proclaimed Demon Kings are visitors. So whenever a visitor shows up, they will likely shake up the world.
  • Self-Proclaimed Demon King: Anyone with too much power who can threaten Auretia basically. Most of the time they are monarchs who establish their own country and want to live separately from Auretia. But since Auretia wants to unify all minias, it comes as a threat to them(Like Lithia). Most of the Self-Proclaimed Demon Kings are tyrannical in nature.
  • Enchanted Swords: like Visitors also come from another world because they are too powerful to exist there.
  • Homunculus: made using a living minian body as a base. Due to how difficult they are to make, there aren't many of them and they don't live long. Cuneugh, the small girl that follows Kuuro for example, is stated to not live longer than 5 years.
  • Zumeu minias with a face of a lizard.

Season 2


  • Particle Storm: Weather phenomenon, believed to be an actual God in Yamaga Barrens desert. It wasn't mentioned in the anime, but everything it touches turns into particles, hence the name. As it's the only God that protected them from the True Demon King, while Word Maker didn't protect other places. And the villagers believed that when they die, they go to a world beyond the storm. But as the young girl discovered, they actually get devoured by the storm.
  • The young girl in the first episode: She injured her leg, but since no one in her village knows Life Arts, they can't heal her, so she is gonna die. She was gonna get sacrficed to the Particle Storm, but she decided to go there and meet him himself. In the anime, her decision to see it, felt kinda random. She also meets a zumeu and a mysterious person in the carriage (you can briefly see them in the episode). They wrapped her wound in the bandage. They had some business in the village, and the girl told them the way.
  • Mele: For the last 150 years, he has leved nearby the village on a hill. It's called a Needle Forest, because of all the iron pillars protruding from the ground. These Iron pillars are in fact his arrows. Village makes 2 for him every year. And Mele considers them his greatest treasures. Every year there is a great storm which causes a great flood and Mele is the one who is protecting the village. Since the Storm is over, the villagers wanted to do something for him and let him experience the outside and have fun in the tournament. After all he is so strong, yet he never actually fought. Given how long he's lived there, he's developed very good relationships with other villagers and loves them a lot.
  • Kuuro Kuuro is very cautious. He pretty much believes everyone is out there to get him and can never relax. No matter the situation, he also stays vigilant. His unique gift is called Clairvoyance that lets him focus all of his senses, all at once and perceive eveything that is happening around him. But he's been losing his gift lately and is very concerned about it, after all that would make him the same as everyone else. And if you are used to something, to certain sensations, it's difficult to get used to a new life(like how some lose hearing). That's why Cuneugh is very important to him, as she acts as his secondary eyes. And despite his weakened Clairvoyance, he can still hear/see better than everyone else. As you could've seen in the first episode, he was able to hear Cuneugh, despite her being too far from him. He also is able to hear heart beats, as he heard Soujirou's heartbeat. He also can see weak points of his enemies, just like Soujirou. He also has trust issues, as he thinks everyone is gonna betray him, even Cuneugh, not mentioned in the anime, but he always tries to reward her so she wouldn't betray him, but Cuneugh never asks for much. He also can't comprehend how Cuneugh can be so trusting towards him, if he were her, he couldn't imagine getting so close to someone who can easily squash you with both hands.
  • Cuneugh: a homunculus, she has a short lifespan around 5 years. She has wings like harpy, Kuuro assumes that it's because the creator tried to recreate an extrinct harpy tribe, which went extinct due to wyverns' existence. Kuuro met her randomly.

Thanks for the information was needed especially since I was kinda confused on how the girl from the village was injured & walking towards the storm😭
Jan 9, 3:27 AM
Aug 2021
oh wow thanks for this!! tbh I forgot a bit S1 too, so it's complicated to remember what happened lol
Jan 9, 9:06 AM
Oct 2012
Thank you! I'm happy that I got 99% of the lore when watching season 1. But one doubt that I have, Hargent is refered as the sixth general, but Elea as the seventeenth official. Is Hargent one of the 29 officials or the generals are other government branch?

And, how do you know that this season will adapt two volumes?
KumaMerrowJan 9, 12:03 PM
Jan 9, 10:56 AM
Aug 2023
Thanks for posting this. It’s very helpful!
Jan 9, 5:25 PM

Jan 2015
Reply to KumaMerrow
Thank you! I'm happy that I got 99% of the lore when watching season 1. But one doubt that I have, Hargent is refered as the sixth general, but Elea as the seventeenth official. Is Hargent one of the 29 officials or the generals are other government branch?

And, how do you know that this season will adapt two volumes?
@KumaMerrow There are twenty nine officials, cosisting of civil servants and military generals. Each has its own role. Like how in our world we have different people in charge of different things in the government.

KumaMerrow said:
And, how do you know that this season will adapt two volumes?

Because one of the cover images showed characters from volume 2 and 3. And the tournament starts at the end of volume 3
Jan 22, 9:52 AM

Jan 2015
Updated with ep 3 information
Jan 22, 11:22 PM

May 2019
Thanks a lot, all the context we needed!

Is Ishura novel already finished?
Jan 23, 3:03 AM
Sep 2015
Dwarves in Ishura seem to be almost exactly the same as human body, except the additional muscle which is very welcome by me. But I'm wondering if it's like in Tensei Slime where very strong dwarves (like the King of Dwarves) look like muscular human while average dwarves look like, well, average dwarves...
Jan 24, 7:54 AM

Jun 2020
Thank you so much for making this thread and updating it in every episode. It gives a lot of context on the characters and actions happening.

You might want to add "updated every week" in the title so people would know it's the case.
Jan 29, 8:13 AM

Jan 2015
Reply to Rob7
Thanks a lot, all the context we needed!

Is Ishura novel already finished?
@Rob7 Hey, no problem.
No, nowhere near finished. I think there are only 9 volumes so far. I expect at least 16
Jan 29, 8:42 AM

Jan 2015
Reply to phantomfandom
Dwarves in Ishura seem to be almost exactly the same as human body, except the additional muscle which is very welcome by me. But I'm wondering if it's like in Tensei Slime where very strong dwarves (like the King of Dwarves) look like muscular human while average dwarves look like, well, average dwarves...
@phantomfandom Unfortunately, not many attention was given to different races looks in the novel. Basically all I know is that dwarves = muscular/physically strong. leprechauns = short. But then Toroa's father didn't look that short. But regardless in Ishura they are all minias(humans). dwarves, leprechauns, giants. Looking like minia is important because Auretia is a minia-based city, and there is a level of discrimination for other species.

@Lhunatyk thanks, glad you like it. Updated the title
Jan 29, 1:40 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to Hirugiku
@Rob7 Hey, no problem.
No, nowhere near finished. I think there are only 9 volumes so far. I expect at least 16
@Hirugiku How many volumes have been adapted so far? (till the end of episode 4)
Jan 29, 10:51 PM
Sep 2015
My take on the additional information is that it's the artistic choice of anime adaptation to skip many detail. The studio expect the audience to connect the dots by themselves or consider some data from light novel unnecessary. If there's necessary information that's not in the anime, it'll be put in the official website though full light novel reading is always be the first choice for lore lovers.
Jan 30, 7:50 AM

Jan 2015
Reply to AmirKazeXD
@Hirugiku How many volumes have been adapted so far? (till the end of episode 4)
@AmirKazeXD We are at volume 2 right now, the volume 3 should start at ep 7.
Jan 30, 8:30 AM

Jun 2020
I got 2 questions please:

1/ Are leprechauns stated to live very long? Or did the old Toroa also inherit the task from someone else?
I'm asking because for Toroa to become a legend so ingrained in the world's culture (especially considering their level of technology and basic means of transport) and to even be used to scare children, he must have been around for multiple generations.

2/ How do visitors get their "names"?
Is the tradition of giving a name the same in the beyond? Because Soujiro clearly had one from episode 1 at the very start.
LhunatykJan 30, 9:10 AM
Jan 30, 8:57 AM

Jun 2020
Reply to phantomfandom
My take on the additional information is that it's the artistic choice of anime adaptation to skip many detail. The studio expect the audience to connect the dots by themselves or consider some data from light novel unnecessary. If there's necessary information that's not in the anime, it'll be put in the official website though full light novel reading is always be the first choice for lore lovers.
@phantomfandom Does anyone have a proper translation for that page?
Using google translate or similar tools gives awful results
Jan 30, 12:30 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to Hirugiku
@AmirKazeXD We are at volume 2 right now, the volume 3 should start at ep 7.
@Hirugiku Oh, so it's just the beginning, I hope we see a more continuous narrative in the next episodes.
Jan 30, 12:43 PM

Jan 2015
Reply to Lhunatyk
I got 2 questions please:

1/ Are leprechauns stated to live very long? Or did the old Toroa also inherit the task from someone else?
I'm asking because for Toroa to become a legend so ingrained in the world's culture (especially considering their level of technology and basic means of transport) and to even be used to scare children, he must have been around for multiple generations.

2/ How do visitors get their "names"?
Is the tradition of giving a name the same in the beyond? Because Soujiro clearly had one from episode 1 at the very start.
@Lhunatyk 1) no idea how long they live, but he was the only Toroa. He was probably in his 50s? If he's been doing it for the last 30 years, that's enough to leave a lasting impression, to be made a legend. But it was never stated. In fact, even his age wasn't mentioned or when he started. New Toroa's age is also a mystery.
2)You'll actually find out about it in the episode about Kazuki The Black Tone. If it's unclear, feel free to ask the question again. As for Soujirou, it was stated in volume 1(don't remember if it was mentioned in the anime), in the scene where Yuno and Soujirou met Hidow the Clamp, one of the officials, she mentioned that it was her who gave him "Willow-sword" name. And Hidow commented that it was a good name. Also you'll see how Psianop(the slime) got his name. It happens randomly, most of the time I'm confused why that exact name was chosen.
Jan 31, 12:57 PM

Jun 2020
Reply to Hirugiku
@Lhunatyk 1) no idea how long they live, but he was the only Toroa. He was probably in his 50s? If he's been doing it for the last 30 years, that's enough to leave a lasting impression, to be made a legend. But it was never stated. In fact, even his age wasn't mentioned or when he started. New Toroa's age is also a mystery.
2)You'll actually find out about it in the episode about Kazuki The Black Tone. If it's unclear, feel free to ask the question again. As for Soujirou, it was stated in volume 1(don't remember if it was mentioned in the anime), in the scene where Yuno and Soujirou met Hidow the Clamp, one of the officials, she mentioned that it was her who gave him "Willow-sword" name. And Hidow commented that it was a good name. Also you'll see how Psianop(the slime) got his name. It happens randomly, most of the time I'm confused why that exact name was chosen.
@Hirugiku Thank you very much for the answers!
A don't think it was mentioned in the anime (Yuno naming Soujirou) which is a bit of shame. Those kind of details add a lot of life to fiction works.
Feb 9, 11:14 AM

Jun 2020
I'm back with another question.
From my understanding, Linaris' objective is to plunge the world in war and chaos again since it's that kind of setting that makes the obsidian eyes (a spy and assassin guild) thrive.
So how does the particle storm wiping out auretia benefits her in any way? If anything, I feel like it would hurt her plans.
Wouldn't she benefit more from stirring the old kingdom loyalists like the grey kid is doing?
Feb 9, 10:41 PM

Jan 2015
Reply to Lhunatyk
I'm back with another question.
From my understanding, Linaris' objective is to plunge the world in war and chaos again since it's that kind of setting that makes the obsidian eyes (a spy and assassin guild) thrive.
So how does the particle storm wiping out auretia benefits her in any way? If anything, I feel like it would hurt her plans.
Wouldn't she benefit more from stirring the old kingdom loyalists like the grey kid is doing?
@Lhunatyk Particle Storm was used by her to gather information on Auretia's fighting force. As they are gonna be infiltrating it for the games, they need to know about their opponent (They didn't make it too obvious, so I can see the confusion).
Since normal means(army and stuff) won't be able to stop the weather phenomenon, they'll have to show their trump card. They also wanted to weaken them, cause chaos. If Obsidian eyes doesn't do anything, here's what happens: 1)Tournament decides the hero. 2)Auretia enters a new stage, where conflicts and champions aren't gonna be viable. Peace, basically.
Linaris's team didn't expect to see Mele, so the scouting worked. Obsidian eyes have to perform in secrecy, if they are found out, they can be easily crushed. There is also a vaccine. There isn't actually much Obsidian Eyes in the second half of the anime, only one short scene, but it should answer some questions. Also ep 6 will show a lot of Auretia and their motivations. I'm a bit worried, since there's 100 pages to adapt though. I hope they'll move Lucunoca's part
Feb 10, 11:53 AM

Jun 2020
Reply to Hirugiku
@Lhunatyk Particle Storm was used by her to gather information on Auretia's fighting force. As they are gonna be infiltrating it for the games, they need to know about their opponent (They didn't make it too obvious, so I can see the confusion).
Since normal means(army and stuff) won't be able to stop the weather phenomenon, they'll have to show their trump card. They also wanted to weaken them, cause chaos. If Obsidian eyes doesn't do anything, here's what happens: 1)Tournament decides the hero. 2)Auretia enters a new stage, where conflicts and champions aren't gonna be viable. Peace, basically.
Linaris's team didn't expect to see Mele, so the scouting worked. Obsidian eyes have to perform in secrecy, if they are found out, they can be easily crushed. There is also a vaccine. There isn't actually much Obsidian Eyes in the second half of the anime, only one short scene, but it should answer some questions. Also ep 6 will show a lot of Auretia and their motivations. I'm a bit worried, since there's 100 pages to adapt though. I hope they'll move Lucunoca's part
@Hirugiku I see!
Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer and explain everything.
Shame we won't see more of them. They are my favorite so far.
Feb 10, 12:35 PM

Jan 2015
Reply to Lhunatyk
@Hirugiku I see!
Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer and explain everything.
Shame we won't see more of them. They are my favorite so far.
@Lhunatyk my favorite Linaris's scenes are in vol 4,5 so season 3, if it happens.
Feb 11, 10:26 AM

Jun 2020
Reply to Hirugiku
@Lhunatyk my favorite Linaris's scenes are in vol 4,5 so season 3, if it happens.
@Hirugiku Let's hope we get more seasons. I really like it and even started reading the novels.
Do you have any idea how the show is received in japan?
Feb 11, 12:01 PM

Jan 2015
Reply to Lhunatyk
@Hirugiku Let's hope we get more seasons. I really like it and even started reading the novels.
Do you have any idea how the show is received in japan?
@Lhunatyk nice! picking up novel is a good idea!
Not really sure how it's doing in Japan, I've heard it was top 5 somewhere in Japan in 2021, but nothing else. Ishura is not for everyone, I doubt it will reach a mainstream stage, but I think a good indicator is this anime. First season 1 was pretty great with good quality and only 1 volume adaptation which is something I've never seen. And second season has an even better production. So that maybe means something. Also it's a light novel, not manga. I've seen many light novels hit 20 volumes and above. I might be wrong, but light novels usually finish with the author writing everything they planned. And also it gets a near instant official translaton whenever a volume comes out, which is really nice.
As far as season 3 goes, no one knows really. Index was infinitely more popular and it took 8 years to get a mediocre adaptation. While danmachi got like 6 seasons(even though danmachi is popular)

Also, I heard that Ishura books are more expensive than usual light novels, because they are like 2x the size, author even addressed it in the afterword of the first volume.
Feb 11, 12:29 PM

Jun 2020
Reply to Hirugiku
@Lhunatyk nice! picking up novel is a good idea!
Not really sure how it's doing in Japan, I've heard it was top 5 somewhere in Japan in 2021, but nothing else. Ishura is not for everyone, I doubt it will reach a mainstream stage, but I think a good indicator is this anime. First season 1 was pretty great with good quality and only 1 volume adaptation which is something I've never seen. And second season has an even better production. So that maybe means something. Also it's a light novel, not manga. I've seen many light novels hit 20 volumes and above. I might be wrong, but light novels usually finish with the author writing everything they planned. And also it gets a near instant official translaton whenever a volume comes out, which is really nice.
As far as season 3 goes, no one knows really. Index was infinitely more popular and it took 8 years to get a mediocre adaptation. While danmachi got like 6 seasons(even though danmachi is popular)

Also, I heard that Ishura books are more expensive than usual light novels, because they are like 2x the size, author even addressed it in the afterword of the first volume.
@Hirugiku I picked it because of your post seeing how much world building they skipped. So thank you for that.
Yeah I knew the light novel did very well but wasn't sure about the anime.
It doesn't need to become mainstream or popular, I just hope it got enough viewership to let them make more seasons.
Feb 12, 7:34 AM

Jan 2015
Reply to Lhunatyk
@Hirugiku I picked it because of your post seeing how much world building they skipped. So thank you for that.
Yeah I knew the light novel did very well but wasn't sure about the anime.
It doesn't need to become mainstream or popular, I just hope it got enough viewership to let them make more seasons.
@Lhunatyk nice! that makes me really happy! I myself picked up on the kumo ga desuka nanika(spider isekai) because I read a lot of comments from novel readers, hearing how much they skipped, and becoming interested in the story more and more, and now it's my favorite novel.
Feb 13, 12:14 PM

Jun 2020
Reply to Hirugiku
@Lhunatyk nice! that makes me really happy! I myself picked up on the kumo ga desuka nanika(spider isekai) because I read a lot of comments from novel readers, hearing how much they skipped, and becoming interested in the story more and more, and now it's my favorite novel.
@Hirugiku Hearing about cut content from novel readers is often the reason why many start reading the novels.
Mar 6, 1:49 AM
Sep 2015
I find this user at Reddit is keeping track of all characters and their alive status, and also a picture for each character as well!

Here's the link to season 2 episode 9

this is for season 1 episode 12 but without picture

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