Attack on Titan
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do u guys too?
Nov 5, 2023 12:14 PM
lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SubArU_JeAgEr said: aru4l said: Why exactly yall hate the ending? basically "eren is CHAD, how can he die!!, he should have won, and Mikasa is ass, she should die" (not me though) That’s definitely not true, it’s cause Eren went out like a bitch, he did a complete unnatural 180, forgot why he did the rumbling, implied he was mind controlled by Ymir since birth, cried because he couldn’t smash his already down step sister, and made mikasa the main character, a literal quote from the chapter btw, “Ymir waited 2000 years for someone to free her… and that someone was mikasa” Armin then ask why and Eren says “Only Ymir knows that one” are you serious? • [He went out like a bitch] Lmao no he did not. How exactly did you expect him to go out? hopefully you're probably not like one of those idiots who thinks Eren should've killed his friends and every child in the world and went to live happily ever after with Historia and his imaginary baby while paradis lives in peace. • [He did a 180 and forgot why he did the rumbling] - If you had actually read the story you would've known he did not forget why he did the rumbling. He literally explains that his mind is now messed up, experiencing the past and future simultaneously screwed with his brain so much so it had made his mind incoherent, so therefore making his reasons why he did the rumbling lost in between all his messed up memories. - He also did not say he was mind controlled by Ymir since birth, nor did Eren make Mikasa the main character. Just because Mikasa is the one that kills him doesn't mean she is now suddenly the protagonist of the story lol, this is like saying Suzaku became the main character just because he killed Lelouch. • [Eren cried because he couldn't smash his step sister] - I don't know why shippers always make this dumb argument. Just ship eren and historia without letting your desire make you stupid (next thing you'll try saying who said i ship historia and eren? We both know you do lets not even bother with that). Do you even know what a step sister is? Here's a definition of Step Sister since you couldn't bother to look it up. Step sister : "A daughter of one's step-parent by a relationship other than with one's own father or mother" Heres other definitions : - "One's stepfather's or stepmother's daughter by a previous marriage" - Here's another one : "not your parents' daughter, but the daughter of a person with whom one of your parents has married" . Does Mikasa fit any of this description to you? Don't bother answering, you'll just make up more excuses. If you hate the ending that's OK, we're different people. I just hate when people act so disingenuously by misinterpreting scenes or ignoring context or even worse, when they say something that isn't remotely true in order to suit their own hatred of something. I don't think the ending is perfect by any means, and I do hope the anime fixes some of the problems, but overall the ending was good (personally). He did go out like a bitch, bro started having a tantrum, even Armin said that it was pathetic? That means he still forgot why he did the rumbling, his brain being messed up goes against everything Eren standed for after time skip. "Ymir Waited 2000 years for someone to free her... it was Mikasa" seriously? If this doesn't make her the mc I don't know what does? Sorry I said stepsister, I guess the correct term is "Adopted Sister" because that 100% makes it better. - If you had any sense of reading and comprehension skills you would've known Armin called Eren pathetic because of his selfish reason of not wanting Mikasa to move on and only think about him, it wasn't because if some made up reason to justify your hatred for the story or to call Eren a b*tch just because he didn't kill his own friends. You're pathetic🤣 - You're being purposefully obtuse. His brain being messed up doesn't go against anything nor his belief. It's something he can't control, it's more so a consequence of the fact that he has so many people's memories in his brain. That's the type of concept I love in story telling, when abilities can have consequences or affect characters negatively. - Do you even know what an mc is? You keep saying things I doubt you know the definitions of. Mikasa is not an mc, Eren was. - Mikasa wasn't adopted either, she was taken in by Eren's father and lived with them for at least 1 year. Lmao i love how you're coming up with all these things just so you can hate on Mikasa. You historia and Eren shippers are so weird. I may not like Mikasa but you people are so obsessed with calling Mikasa Eren's sister even though neither the story or the characters have ever acknowledged such bs. It's just all in your heads. New anime dialogue confirmed that Eren dosent know why he wanted to do the rumbling soooo🤷♂️ Also: ![]() Lmao and this is what I mean when I say literacy is dead with you people. Stop ignoring the context of the scene. The reason Griesha was saying this was because he was trying and protray the picture of a "family" because he wanted the Reiess family to be sympathetic and help him. what exactly did you want him to say? "Please help my wife, my son and the little girl I took in with me?"🤣 do you not realise how mouthful and clanky that dialogue scene would be? especially in an intense situation? Also you said Mikasa was his step sister and then said she was adopted, your burden of proof should've been that and not trying to prove something every dad would say in a situation like Grisha's. Also the anime mostly adapted the manga and I already explained Eren's thought process and if you still don't understand that. Well... that's not surprising is it. You're practically a pro at misinterpreting scenes. You’re coping Also anime dialogue is changed so Eren did the rumbling because he’s an idiot ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Omg you're so fucken stupid. Eren called himself an idiot because he couldn't think of another way to solve the problem that wouldn't result in the death of his friends or the people from paradis. I know how your dumbass thinks, you'll try to claim "well paradis is destroyed in the future so therefore Eren was right"🤓 so I'm gonna respond to that before you make that foolish argument. - First of all its been over a thousand years since the events of Aot, so we don’t know who they are fighting against or why they are fighting. It Would be stupid to look too closely and assume the battle is definitely an act of revenge for Eren’s actions rather than looking at the whole sequence as the portrayal of the never ending cycle of hatred. Just as if Eren had killed everyone in the world, the story would've still portrayed Paradis/Eldians destroying each other cause that's the theme of Aot. That humans will always seek to kill each other until there's only one person in the world. Also you skipped the part where he explains why he did the rumbling, he literally says he wanted to set his friends up as heroes, at the same time level the world to at least have as much people as they do on paradis so they wouldn't be able to retaliate. That's literally even in the anime too. Stop nitpicking scenes to suit your narrative, learn to include the whole context of the scenes instead of extrapolating what suits your foolish hatred🤣🤣🤦🏾 It hasn't even been 100 years in the manga, it was definitely made more in the future so Eren and Flock don't seem right. Also Eren didn't even know if his friends would live in the first place isayama has stated that the Anime is a better version to experience the series cause he uses it to flash things out more than he does in the manga. but yes in the manga it was around 200 to 300 years while in the anime was more so like a thousand years. Many people were right in Aot and yes including Floch (but not his actions) but conveniently ending haters are incapable of admitting when other characters are right too. Only the characters you favor and love seem to always be right except for the ones you don't like. True. Eren wasn't 100% sure that his friends would survive, but I don't know what this has to do with what I said. No other characters were right though? His goal was to make them hero’s but he didn’t even know if they’ll survive in the first place? Hange, Jean, Armin, Kiyomi, Erwin, Annie, Kenny, etc... they were all right in some of the things they said especially regarding either the future or the people. Floch was right that the island would be destroyed if they don't fight the enemy Hange was right that genocide was wrong no matter the reasons. Jean was right that Eren was fighting to protect them even if they disagree with his actions Armin was right when he said Eren didnt mean anything he said to Mikasa and that he was pushing them away, and that his book may have caused Eren to despise people even more. kiyomi was right that even though paradis killed everyone in the world they would still fight amongst each other. Kenny was right when he said everyone is a slave to something. And many others, I think you get the point. There's a difference between "not being sure" and "not knowing" because things arent always guaranteed. Things don't always go according to plan especially in Aot, so ofcouse he wasn't sure that his friends would survive the battle Dawg, there just stating the facts, no shit genocide is wrong, no shit Eren is just defending himself, no shit humans are always going to argue And that's what I said. |
Nov 5, 2023 12:16 PM
SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SubArU_JeAgEr said: aru4l said: Why exactly yall hate the ending? basically "eren is CHAD, how can he die!!, he should have won, and Mikasa is ass, she should die" (not me though) That’s definitely not true, it’s cause Eren went out like a bitch, he did a complete unnatural 180, forgot why he did the rumbling, implied he was mind controlled by Ymir since birth, cried because he couldn’t smash his already down step sister, and made mikasa the main character, a literal quote from the chapter btw, “Ymir waited 2000 years for someone to free her… and that someone was mikasa” Armin then ask why and Eren says “Only Ymir knows that one” are you serious? • [He went out like a bitch] Lmao no he did not. How exactly did you expect him to go out? hopefully you're probably not like one of those idiots who thinks Eren should've killed his friends and every child in the world and went to live happily ever after with Historia and his imaginary baby while paradis lives in peace. • [He did a 180 and forgot why he did the rumbling] - If you had actually read the story you would've known he did not forget why he did the rumbling. He literally explains that his mind is now messed up, experiencing the past and future simultaneously screwed with his brain so much so it had made his mind incoherent, so therefore making his reasons why he did the rumbling lost in between all his messed up memories. - He also did not say he was mind controlled by Ymir since birth, nor did Eren make Mikasa the main character. Just because Mikasa is the one that kills him doesn't mean she is now suddenly the protagonist of the story lol, this is like saying Suzaku became the main character just because he killed Lelouch. • [Eren cried because he couldn't smash his step sister] - I don't know why shippers always make this dumb argument. Just ship eren and historia without letting your desire make you stupid (next thing you'll try saying who said i ship historia and eren? We both know you do lets not even bother with that). Do you even know what a step sister is? Here's a definition of Step Sister since you couldn't bother to look it up. Step sister : "A daughter of one's step-parent by a relationship other than with one's own father or mother" Heres other definitions : - "One's stepfather's or stepmother's daughter by a previous marriage" - Here's another one : "not your parents' daughter, but the daughter of a person with whom one of your parents has married" . Does Mikasa fit any of this description to you? Don't bother answering, you'll just make up more excuses. If you hate the ending that's OK, we're different people. I just hate when people act so disingenuously by misinterpreting scenes or ignoring context or even worse, when they say something that isn't remotely true in order to suit their own hatred of something. I don't think the ending is perfect by any means, and I do hope the anime fixes some of the problems, but overall the ending was good (personally). He did go out like a bitch, bro started having a tantrum, even Armin said that it was pathetic? That means he still forgot why he did the rumbling, his brain being messed up goes against everything Eren standed for after time skip. "Ymir Waited 2000 years for someone to free her... it was Mikasa" seriously? If this doesn't make her the mc I don't know what does? Sorry I said stepsister, I guess the correct term is "Adopted Sister" because that 100% makes it better. - If you had any sense of reading and comprehension skills you would've known Armin called Eren pathetic because of his selfish reason of not wanting Mikasa to move on and only think about him, it wasn't because if some made up reason to justify your hatred for the story or to call Eren a b*tch just because he didn't kill his own friends. You're pathetic🤣 - You're being purposefully obtuse. His brain being messed up doesn't go against anything nor his belief. It's something he can't control, it's more so a consequence of the fact that he has so many people's memories in his brain. That's the type of concept I love in story telling, when abilities can have consequences or affect characters negatively. - Do you even know what an mc is? You keep saying things I doubt you know the definitions of. Mikasa is not an mc, Eren was. - Mikasa wasn't adopted either, she was taken in by Eren's father and lived with them for at least 1 year. Lmao i love how you're coming up with all these things just so you can hate on Mikasa. You historia and Eren shippers are so weird. I may not like Mikasa but you people are so obsessed with calling Mikasa Eren's sister even though neither the story or the characters have ever acknowledged such bs. It's just all in your heads. New anime dialogue confirmed that Eren dosent know why he wanted to do the rumbling soooo🤷♂️ Also: ![]() Lmao and this is what I mean when I say literacy is dead with you people. Stop ignoring the context of the scene. The reason Griesha was saying this was because he was trying and protray the picture of a "family" because he wanted the Reiess family to be sympathetic and help him. what exactly did you want him to say? "Please help my wife, my son and the little girl I took in with me?"🤣 do you not realise how mouthful and clanky that dialogue scene would be? especially in an intense situation? Also you said Mikasa was his step sister and then said she was adopted, your burden of proof should've been that and not trying to prove something every dad would say in a situation like Grisha's. Also the anime mostly adapted the manga and I already explained Eren's thought process and if you still don't understand that. Well... that's not surprising is it. You're practically a pro at misinterpreting scenes. You’re coping Also anime dialogue is changed so Eren did the rumbling because he’s an idiot ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Omg you're so fucken stupid. Eren called himself an idiot because he couldn't think of another way to solve the problem that wouldn't result in the death of his friends or the people from paradis. I know how your dumbass thinks, you'll try to claim "well paradis is destroyed in the future so therefore Eren was right"🤓 so I'm gonna respond to that before you make that foolish argument. - First of all its been over a thousand years since the events of Aot, so we don’t know who they are fighting against or why they are fighting. It Would be stupid to look too closely and assume the battle is definitely an act of revenge for Eren’s actions rather than looking at the whole sequence as the portrayal of the never ending cycle of hatred. Just as if Eren had killed everyone in the world, the story would've still portrayed Paradis/Eldians destroying each other cause that's the theme of Aot. That humans will always seek to kill each other until there's only one person in the world. Also you skipped the part where he explains why he did the rumbling, he literally says he wanted to set his friends up as heroes, at the same time level the world to at least have as much people as they do on paradis so they wouldn't be able to retaliate. That's literally even in the anime too. Stop nitpicking scenes to suit your narrative, learn to include the whole context of the scenes instead of extrapolating what suits your foolish hatred🤣🤣🤦🏾 It hasn't even been 100 years in the manga, it was definitely made more in the future so Eren and Flock don't seem right. Also Eren didn't even know if his friends would live in the first place isayama has stated that the Anime is a better version to experience the series cause he uses it to flash things out more than he does in the manga. but yes in the manga it was around 200 to 300 years while in the anime was more so like a thousand years. Many people were right in Aot and yes including Floch (but not his actions) but conveniently ending haters are incapable of admitting when other characters are right too. Only the characters you favor and love seem to always be right except for the ones you don't like. True. Eren wasn't 100% sure that his friends would survive, but I don't know what this has to do with what I said. No other characters were right though? His goal was to make them hero’s but he didn’t even know if they’ll survive in the first place? Hange, Jean, Armin, Kiyomi, Erwin, Annie, Kenny, etc... they were all right in some of the things they said especially regarding either the future or the people. Floch was right that the island would be destroyed if they don't fight the enemy Hange was right that genocide was wrong no matter the reasons. Jean was right that Eren was fighting to protect them even if they disagree with his actions Armin was right when he said Eren didnt mean anything he said to Mikasa and that he was pushing them away, and that his book may have caused Eren to despise people even more. kiyomi was right that even though paradis killed everyone in the world they would still fight amongst each other. Kenny was right when he said everyone is a slave to something. And many others, I think you get the point. There's a difference between "not being sure" and "not knowing" because things arent always guaranteed. Things don't always go according to plan especially in Aot, so ofcouse he wasn't sure that his friends would survive the battle Dawg, there just stating the facts, no shit genocide is wrong, no shit Eren is just defending himself, no shit humans are always going to argue And that's what I said. .- .-.. .-. / -... .-. --- |
Nov 5, 2023 12:18 PM
lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SolaceWeb90 said: lightenshadow said: SubArU_JeAgEr said: aru4l said: Why exactly yall hate the ending? basically "eren is CHAD, how can he die!!, he should have won, and Mikasa is ass, she should die" (not me though) That’s definitely not true, it’s cause Eren went out like a bitch, he did a complete unnatural 180, forgot why he did the rumbling, implied he was mind controlled by Ymir since birth, cried because he couldn’t smash his already down step sister, and made mikasa the main character, a literal quote from the chapter btw, “Ymir waited 2000 years for someone to free her… and that someone was mikasa” Armin then ask why and Eren says “Only Ymir knows that one” are you serious? • [He went out like a bitch] Lmao no he did not. How exactly did you expect him to go out? hopefully you're probably not like one of those idiots who thinks Eren should've killed his friends and every child in the world and went to live happily ever after with Historia and his imaginary baby while paradis lives in peace. • [He did a 180 and forgot why he did the rumbling] - If you had actually read the story you would've known he did not forget why he did the rumbling. He literally explains that his mind is now messed up, experiencing the past and future simultaneously screwed with his brain so much so it had made his mind incoherent, so therefore making his reasons why he did the rumbling lost in between all his messed up memories. - He also did not say he was mind controlled by Ymir since birth, nor did Eren make Mikasa the main character. Just because Mikasa is the one that kills him doesn't mean she is now suddenly the protagonist of the story lol, this is like saying Suzaku became the main character just because he killed Lelouch. • [Eren cried because he couldn't smash his step sister] - I don't know why shippers always make this dumb argument. Just ship eren and historia without letting your desire make you stupid (next thing you'll try saying who said i ship historia and eren? We both know you do lets not even bother with that). Do you even know what a step sister is? Here's a definition of Step Sister since you couldn't bother to look it up. Step sister : "A daughter of one's step-parent by a relationship other than with one's own father or mother" Heres other definitions : - "One's stepfather's or stepmother's daughter by a previous marriage" - Here's another one : "not your parents' daughter, but the daughter of a person with whom one of your parents has married" . Does Mikasa fit any of this description to you? Don't bother answering, you'll just make up more excuses. If you hate the ending that's OK, we're different people. I just hate when people act so disingenuously by misinterpreting scenes or ignoring context or even worse, when they say something that isn't remotely true in order to suit their own hatred of something. I don't think the ending is perfect by any means, and I do hope the anime fixes some of the problems, but overall the ending was good (personally). He did go out like a bitch, bro started having a tantrum, even Armin said that it was pathetic? That means he still forgot why he did the rumbling, his brain being messed up goes against everything Eren standed for after time skip. "Ymir Waited 2000 years for someone to free her... it was Mikasa" seriously? If this doesn't make her the mc I don't know what does? Sorry I said stepsister, I guess the correct term is "Adopted Sister" because that 100% makes it better. - If you had any sense of reading and comprehension skills you would've known Armin called Eren pathetic because of his selfish reason of not wanting Mikasa to move on and only think about him, it wasn't because if some made up reason to justify your hatred for the story or to call Eren a b*tch just because he didn't kill his own friends. You're pathetic🤣 - You're being purposefully obtuse. His brain being messed up doesn't go against anything nor his belief. It's something he can't control, it's more so a consequence of the fact that he has so many people's memories in his brain. That's the type of concept I love in story telling, when abilities can have consequences or affect characters negatively. - Do you even know what an mc is? You keep saying things I doubt you know the definitions of. Mikasa is not an mc, Eren was. - Mikasa wasn't adopted either, she was taken in by Eren's father and lived with them for at least 1 year. Lmao i love how you're coming up with all these things just so you can hate on Mikasa. You historia and Eren shippers are so weird. I may not like Mikasa but you people are so obsessed with calling Mikasa Eren's sister even though neither the story or the characters have ever acknowledged such bs. It's just all in your heads. New anime dialogue confirmed that Eren dosent know why he wanted to do the rumbling soooo🤷♂️ Also: ![]() Lmao and this is what I mean when I say literacy is dead with you people. Stop ignoring the context of the scene. The reason Griesha was saying this was because he was trying and protray the picture of a "family" because he wanted the Reiess family to be sympathetic and help him. what exactly did you want him to say? "Please help my wife, my son and the little girl I took in with me?"🤣 do you not realise how mouthful and clanky that dialogue scene would be? especially in an intense situation? Also you said Mikasa was his step sister and then said she was adopted, your burden of proof should've been that and not trying to prove something every dad would say in a situation like Grisha's. Also the anime mostly adapted the manga and I already explained Eren's thought process and if you still don't understand that. Well... that's not surprising is it. You're practically a pro at misinterpreting scenes. You’re coping Also anime dialogue is changed so Eren did the rumbling because he’s an idiot ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Omg you're so fucken stupid. Eren called himself an idiot because he couldn't think of another way to solve the problem that wouldn't result in the death of his friends or the people from paradis. I know how your dumbass thinks, you'll try to claim "well paradis is destroyed in the future so therefore Eren was right"🤓 so I'm gonna respond to that before you make that foolish argument. - First of all its been over a thousand years since the events of Aot, so we don’t know who they are fighting against or why they are fighting. It Would be stupid to look too closely and assume the battle is definitely an act of revenge for Eren’s actions rather than looking at the whole sequence as the portrayal of the never ending cycle of hatred. Just as if Eren had killed everyone in the world, the story would've still portrayed Paradis/Eldians destroying each other cause that's the theme of Aot. That humans will always seek to kill each other until there's only one person in the world. Also you skipped the part where he explains why he did the rumbling, he literally says he wanted to set his friends up as heroes, at the same time level the world to at least have as much people as they do on paradis so they wouldn't be able to retaliate. That's literally even in the anime too. Stop nitpicking scenes to suit your narrative, learn to include the whole context of the scenes instead of extrapolating what suits your foolish hatred🤣🤣🤦🏾 It hasn't even been 100 years in the manga, it was definitely made more in the future so Eren and Flock don't seem right. Also Eren didn't even know if his friends would live in the first place isayama has stated that the Anime is a better version to experience the series cause he uses it to flash things out more than he does in the manga. but yes in the manga it was around 200 to 300 years while in the anime was more so like a thousand years. Many people were right in Aot and yes including Floch (but not his actions) but conveniently ending haters are incapable of admitting when other characters are right too. Only the characters you favor and love seem to always be right except for the ones you don't like. True. Eren wasn't 100% sure that his friends would survive, but I don't know what this has to do with what I said. No other characters were right though? His goal was to make them hero’s but he didn’t even know if they’ll survive in the first place? Hange, Jean, Armin, Kiyomi, Erwin, Annie, Kenny, etc... they were all right in some of the things they said especially regarding either the future or the people. Floch was right that the island would be destroyed if they don't fight the enemy Hange was right that genocide was wrong no matter the reasons. Jean was right that Eren was fighting to protect them even if they disagree with his actions Armin was right when he said Eren didnt mean anything he said to Mikasa and that he was pushing them away, and that his book may have caused Eren to despise people even more. kiyomi was right that even though paradis killed everyone in the world they would still fight amongst each other. Kenny was right when he said everyone is a slave to something. And many others, I think you get the point. There's a difference between "not being sure" and "not knowing" because things arent always guaranteed. Things don't always go according to plan especially in Aot, so ofcouse he wasn't sure that his friends would survive the battle Dawg, there just stating the facts, no shit genocide is wrong, no shit Eren is just defending himself, no shit humans are always going to argue And that's what I said. .- .-.. .-. / -... .-. --- ...................... |
Nov 6, 2023 12:09 PM
I felt the series was goated till season 3 after season 3 it started going downhill the first part of season 4 was good enough but after that the story went in a direction that it didn't really need to and the story could have been resolved in a much different way I don't have a problem with the a sad ending but this was deliberate attempt to craft something edgy. Although this can be passed as a writer's vision, creative decision and what not & I'm okay with that. Fanboys are not able to accept anything other than- it was a masterpiece because this was the most meaningful stuff they have ever seen. I'd say they need to broaden their vision and consume more media before making any comments. Cause I am seeing a lot of 14-20 yo who are new to anime/manga and this was one of the first things they started and I get the hype I love AoT too but the direction s4 and beyond took was unacceptable. & I still don't have anything against the people who love the ending. I find it emotional as well but I think that the fan boys should stop attacking anyone who dislikes it. it reflects badly on rest of the fandom. |
Nov 6, 2023 4:29 PM
Reply to AshRocksTheHell
I felt the series was goated till season 3 after season 3 it started going downhill the first part of season 4 was good enough but after that the story went in a direction that it didn't really need to and the story could have been resolved in a much different way I don't have a problem with the a sad ending but this was deliberate attempt to craft something edgy.
Although this can be passed as a writer's vision, creative decision and what not & I'm okay with that.
Fanboys are not able to accept anything other than- it was a masterpiece because this was the most meaningful stuff they have ever seen.
I'd say they need to broaden their vision and consume more media before making any comments. Cause I am seeing a lot of 14-20 yo who are new to anime/manga and this was one of the first things they started and I get the hype I love AoT too but the direction s4 and beyond took was unacceptable.
& I still don't have anything against the people who love the ending. I find it emotional as well
but I think that the fan boys should stop attacking anyone who dislikes it. it reflects badly on rest of the fandom.
Although this can be passed as a writer's vision, creative decision and what not & I'm okay with that.
Fanboys are not able to accept anything other than- it was a masterpiece because this was the most meaningful stuff they have ever seen.
I'd say they need to broaden their vision and consume more media before making any comments. Cause I am seeing a lot of 14-20 yo who are new to anime/manga and this was one of the first things they started and I get the hype I love AoT too but the direction s4 and beyond took was unacceptable.
& I still don't have anything against the people who love the ending. I find it emotional as well
but I think that the fan boys should stop attacking anyone who dislikes it. it reflects badly on rest of the fandom.
@AshRocksTheHell that's kinda ironic cuz you rate every MHA season 9-10/10, which means same can be said for you too. |
Nov 7, 2023 11:53 AM
Reply to Yannisp101
@AshRocksTheHell that's kinda ironic cuz you rate every MHA season 9-10/10, which means same can be said for you too.
@YannisSp101 fun fact I made a lot of ppl I personally know start their anime/manga journey with AOT. I have friends who liked the ending and others not so much. and I rated AOT 1st 3 seasons 10, rated Junji Itou Collection 9. (it's disliked by a lot of fans too) Rated TR manga 7 as a whole may be it's even a 6 or something now that I think about it but rated S1 anime 9. I don't get your point. MHA Anime has yet to disappoint me + it hasn't ended yet. I am caught up to the manga as well. I rated the MHA manga 8. I don't have a problem if you rate MHA 3 or 1. Its what you have felt. I rated early seasons of MHA 10 cause I built a deeper connection with the anime as All might reminded me a lot of my father. Some ppl do call mha, aot, ds among others trash. I have no issues, its their pov. I respect a valid pov. I love listening to different perspectives. Also, I did say and quote "& I still don't have anything against the people who love the ending. I find it emotional as well but I think that the fan boys should stop attacking anyone who dislikes it. it reflects badly on rest of the fandom." |
AshRocksTheHellNov 7, 2023 12:00 PM
Nov 12, 2023 10:11 PM
it was kinda bad, 4/10 |
Nov 13, 2023 8:12 AM
Overall, I give the series a 9/10. Hate me all you want but I enjoyed reading it. Sure there were rushed parts, plot holes and forgotten storylines but overall, the story was memorable, had some solid characters and was a decent sci-fi action. I’d love to read another series set in the AOT world, like Before the Fall and Harsh Mistress. Isayama created an interesting universe and more stories set there would be welcome. |
Nov 20, 2023 1:42 PM
After reading up through this thread now I strongly believe that people who hate on that ending are the same type of people who say that demon slayer is the best thing ever LMAO |
Jolyne Kuujou + Steel Ball Run Universe = Billie Eillish |
May 12, 2024 11:07 PM
yuh, the ending was pretty bad |
May 13, 2024 12:29 AM
the ending is fine for me i just hate the genocide can be good too political message in the end especially with the extra chapters saying the world genocide should have happen more |
Nov 3, 2024 11:18 PM
worst ending in the shounen genre |
Nov 26, 2024 12:33 AM
Don’t hate it just don’t care for it, i stoped caring for it ever since the whole paths thing when he goes back to the start and talks to his dad etc But I did prefer the ending chapters in the anime as the anime portrayed time going by after the ending better then just panels. |
Mattinator95Nov 26, 2024 12:39 AM
Nov 26, 2024 6:51 AM
I thought the ending was kind of wack when I first read it (although it didn't ruin the story as a whole for me), but after seeing it animated I've warmed up to it, which is interesting considering the anime didn't really change anything |
Some of you never watched Bakugan Battle Brawlers on TeleToon in 2008 and it shows. |
Dec 10, 2024 2:49 PM
It's very good. Not perfect, but it's absolutely not the disaster many claimed. The bad reaction to the ending is what finally made me lose faith in the merit of the anime fandom. For months before experiencing the ending myself, I was witnessing people frothing at the mouth over how "bad" they said it was. When I finally saw/read it myself, I was completely floored at how overblown the reaction was. I'd never felt more misled. The ending made sense in the realm of its narrative that it establishes. People claim there were some last-minute nonsensical twists, but this is biased and untrue. None of the end twists operate outside the established method of how AoT has literally ALWAYS done sudden, surprise, insane narrative twists within the logic of its fiction. NONE of the end twists were so outlandish that they didn't fit in with the spirit of the ending or the overall story. I suspect part of their disappointment was very largely due to people already having a very pre-established mindset to the direct of the ending, and then it was subverted, which caused many to feel they had a rug pulled from beneath them. This is a bad way to watch/read media on their part, and I can't identify with it. Despite the flaws it still had here and there throughout, Isayama cooked something special from beginning to end with AoT. It was a cultural phenomenon, rightfully deserved. |
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