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Attack on Titan
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Oct 20, 2024 7:59 AM
Jan 2022
It is more than just an Anime. It is my childhood, and I will treasure it for the rest of my life.
Oct 25, 2024 1:46 AM
Aug 2023
I hated this final...
Oct 31, 2024 5:35 PM

Feb 2014
Reply to swamp881
MegamiRem said:
Disappointing ending, very disappointed with how Isayama handled it. Expected something better. That said AOT is now finally over. Been quite the journey with this.

I know a lot of people didn’t like it, but can you explain why? I enjoyed it and I’m just wondering what people would have preferred to happen. No hate at all just curious.
@swamp881 that's what i'm trying to find out, i tried reading the manga and gave up and just stuck to the anime so this whole thing has been a mind fuck for me, and tbh i've enjoyed the whole journey but yeah i also want to know why people hate the ending too, and i'm not massive AOT fan or anything either.. i just wanna know why too, same no hate etc too and just curious...
If you don't like me, acquire some taste
Oct 31, 2024 5:39 PM

Feb 2014
Reply to ZXEAN
Wtf is this forum lol. How MAL end up becoming more toxic than Twitter/X ???
If you don't like me, acquire some taste
Nov 3, 2024 6:54 AM
Feb 2023
Nov 4, 2024 10:25 AM
Aug 2020
Love it so much, I can't even express
Nov 7, 2024 10:20 AM

Jan 2023
Part 1

A battle that lasted an entire episode, it was very epic! How Falco saved everyone, it was cool. It's a pity that Levi can't fight at full strength, but Pieck showed herself from a different side.

Part 2

Where did this incomprehensible creature that can turn everyone into titans come from? They didn't explain in the episode, I think it was the same in the manga. Armin's Titan became some kind of walking nuclear bomb, Bertholdt's didn't cause such destruction. After such a fight, turn the survivors into titans. Seriously? That was very unexpected.

Part 3

Making a world without titans was the most reasonable idea that could have occurred to Eren, but for some reason it was necessary to destroy 80% of the population, and Mikasa implemented it all. Couldn't it have been simpler and without such casualties? From the final credits, it became clear that this still wouldn't have benefited the world. There were a lot of touching moments at the end, I cried again. In any case, a great ending for an anime that people watched for a long time. Thanks to MAPPA and of course Wit Studio!
Nov 8, 2024 4:35 PM

Nov 2023
what a journey. one of my favourite series i dont mind the ending i thought it was pretty good. ty isayama 10/10
Nov 15, 2024 8:56 PM
Oct 2014
I love how people defending the piece of unko always start with "haters just didn't get the ending they wanted" or something, before going on about these amazing aspects of SnK S4, often praising precisely those things that made S4 a terrible, terribly animated and terribly drawn nonsensefest.

No, I don't care how things end, if it makes some basic sense, if it respects the characters, established logic and rules, etc. Nothing of sorts was done here, everything was thrown out of the window.

Forced unsympathetic bland characters we never got to know and who never really mattered replaced the main cast. People who used to matter didn't matter anymore, including Queen Historia - which doesn't make any sense. Suddenly Floch and his few men ruled the country, quite the upgrade from a scared novice whose biggest accomplishment was not dying to a random spray of projectiles. The empty husks the actual main characters left behind were weird, unintelligent, alienated... it was infuriating to watch. Mikasa was at least cast away most of the time, but poor Armin was made to say many out of character and very stupid things. I hated the new Armin.

Rules of the game were all gone, but that kinda started with Reiner moving his consciousness into his balls, and Colossal Titan's mandatory thermonuclear explosion when being summoned which never was a thing before. Still, S4 made things worse and worse. At the end, I was nearly praying for Reiner to finally die, his infinite plot armor was the second most annoying thing in S4. First being Gabi's entire existence and every single one of her appearances.

But the worst transgression of all was the lack of any logic to anything. The ending simply didn't make any sense. At one moment, it felt like watching a group of Jews escaping a concentration camp with a holy mission to help the Nazis exterminate all Jews. At another, it was like a very, very cheap and horribly written attempt to mimic Steins;Gate. The authors just kept throwing things into the pot, hoping that the result will be so unintelligible people will confuse this with being "deep", which is exactly what many did. Some probably did that out of sheer desperation, maybe deep down they know that their favorite show has been turned into a horrible sin against storytelling.

Anyways... it's objectively horrible. No one can praise this thing on objective terms. I don't blame those who like it, be it people who are extremely undemanding, or people who fake it till it's true. But at the very least, please stop saying this is the best anime ever. It's not. It's most definitely not.

I've just finished watching Overlord S1-S4. It has a much better and more consistent character design, far better worldbuilding, more robust lore, better writing, better dialogues, even the politics are done in a superior and very enjoyable way.

At the end of S3, the authors of SnK peaked, and they didn't know what to do next. S4 looks like someone else bought the show and finished using cheap newcomer writers with no experience. I would go into more detail and list all the objective flaws, but I'm sure someone else has done that already, multiple times, and those who still claim that S4 is the best thing ever will not change their mind anyway.

Mostly, I just wanted to ease my own disappointment. It could have been huge. It was not.
Nov 27, 2024 11:05 PM
Jun 2023
Almost nothing makes sense with this ending :\
Dec 1, 2024 3:02 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to ElDoRado1239
I love how people defending the piece of unko always start with "haters just didn't get the ending they wanted" or something, before going on about these amazing aspects of SnK S4, often praising precisely those things that made S4 a terrible, terribly animated and terribly drawn nonsensefest.

No, I don't care how things end, if it makes some basic sense, if it respects the characters, established logic and rules, etc. Nothing of sorts was done here, everything was thrown out of the window.

Forced unsympathetic bland characters we never got to know and who never really mattered replaced the main cast. People who used to matter didn't matter anymore, including Queen Historia - which doesn't make any sense. Suddenly Floch and his few men ruled the country, quite the upgrade from a scared novice whose biggest accomplishment was not dying to a random spray of projectiles. The empty husks the actual main characters left behind were weird, unintelligent, alienated... it was infuriating to watch. Mikasa was at least cast away most of the time, but poor Armin was made to say many out of character and very stupid things. I hated the new Armin.

Rules of the game were all gone, but that kinda started with Reiner moving his consciousness into his balls, and Colossal Titan's mandatory thermonuclear explosion when being summoned which never was a thing before. Still, S4 made things worse and worse. At the end, I was nearly praying for Reiner to finally die, his infinite plot armor was the second most annoying thing in S4. First being Gabi's entire existence and every single one of her appearances.

But the worst transgression of all was the lack of any logic to anything. The ending simply didn't make any sense. At one moment, it felt like watching a group of Jews escaping a concentration camp with a holy mission to help the Nazis exterminate all Jews. At another, it was like a very, very cheap and horribly written attempt to mimic Steins;Gate. The authors just kept throwing things into the pot, hoping that the result will be so unintelligible people will confuse this with being "deep", which is exactly what many did. Some probably did that out of sheer desperation, maybe deep down they know that their favorite show has been turned into a horrible sin against storytelling.

Anyways... it's objectively horrible. No one can praise this thing on objective terms. I don't blame those who like it, be it people who are extremely undemanding, or people who fake it till it's true. But at the very least, please stop saying this is the best anime ever. It's not. It's most definitely not.

I've just finished watching Overlord S1-S4. It has a much better and more consistent character design, far better worldbuilding, more robust lore, better writing, better dialogues, even the politics are done in a superior and very enjoyable way.

At the end of S3, the authors of SnK peaked, and they didn't know what to do next. S4 looks like someone else bought the show and finished using cheap newcomer writers with no experience. I would go into more detail and list all the objective flaws, but I'm sure someone else has done that already, multiple times, and those who still claim that S4 is the best thing ever will not change their mind anyway.

Mostly, I just wanted to ease my own disappointment. It could have been huge. It was not.
@ElDoRado1239 Ain't reading all that you probably hate it cause you didn't get the ending you wanted.
End Zionazism
Dec 4, 2024 2:52 PM

Aug 2016
It's over. It's done.
Dec 21, 2024 9:51 AM

May 2020
All the secret memories with Eren are spoiled now. Eren really did all his plan to save his home and friends and families. Was really unexpectable plan. But seems no different between the manga, animation purely nice. Very enjoyable that i keep following this series.
Dec 27, 2024 6:04 PM

Feb 2015
To be honest, it felt kind of underwhelming the way the anime closed and that final battle, I don’t know, it’s just that a bunch of things that never happened in the anime just happened in the last chapters. Like that giant founding titan, the creation of minititans, the presence of that white worm that is the cause of all the titans, Zeke doing nothing in the end. I don’t know, I just didn’t like it. Falco flying wtf.
I just hoped that all war and conflict would end by the end of the show, but the ending is just more war. Loved a lot of characters of the show and I hope they had good lives after that.
Jan 3, 9:12 AM
Dec 2021
Solo diré que ha sido una maravilla. Estoy completamente destrozado.
Jan 9, 12:34 AM
Nov 2020
Nice and epic like usual
Jan 10, 11:01 PM
May 2023
One the best endings to a grand series. Solidifying this as my favourite anime of all time.
Jan 11, 10:24 AM
May 2020
Ofcourse the ending is not the so called happy perfect ending or everyone is dead type ending. Even though it is a sad melodramatic ending yet somewhere in my heart I'm satisfied with how it ended and ofcourse with a heavy heart.

9 years of long run for me following this anime and it never let me down. Thank you Isayama, Wit Studio, MAPPA for making and finishing this masterpiece of a story that will remain in my heart forever and will transcend through time. I cried so many times that in the end my tears had all dried up and had none left to shed.

But I have a few questions if anyone can clarify. Who were the people that visited the grave during the credits scene? Was it mikasa with someone else after moving on? Also what did the ending scene meant where the boy with dog stood before the tree hole like the one ymir found and repeating the whole cycle again? Lastly, what did mikasa meant by ymir peeking into her head from time to time on the way when she was going bury eren after talking to armin? Could anyone recall a scene where this peeking happened?
_Neall_Jan 11, 11:05 PM
Jan 14, 8:31 PM
Nov 2020
it was okay and there were some confusing parts
Jan 15, 7:56 PM
Jul 2023
Wow. I had my reservations about the ending when I first read it, but I feel like the anime adapted it beautifully. The characters and story are written so beautifully with so much thought.
Jan 19, 9:48 AM
Apr 2023
Jan 23, 1:28 PM
Oct 2019
Reply to therealnagora
Just finished it after a 12-day binge from episode 1. As an entire series it was very up and down in terms of pacing and animation quality but the final series picked up a bit and the two specials finished the journey in excellent fashion. I've not read the manga so I don't know if the adaption followed it religiously or not but if the writer had this all in mind when he started page-1 then he's some sort of man genius.

Although I think we could have had maybe ⅔ the number of episodes this was a true epic complete with the tragic central character of Erin - the man who was a slave to freedom. From the moment he tore the walls down, Erin was doomed; in fact from the moment he was injected by his father he was doomed, and it was laid out here for all to see. Superbly done.

Even the epilogue flash-forward wasn't too bad. The boy walking into the tree bole was a bit corny but the scenes of warfare before that served to encapsulate the core message of the series - animals fight for their space in the world and humans are just another kind of animal. Like Erin, we talk about freedom but we can't escape our DNA (or, in his case, someone else's DNA :)).

Such a good series marred only by a terrible, terrible soundtrack with some of the worst theme music I've ever heard and patchy animation in places.

therealnagora said:
but if the writer had this all in mind when he started page-1 then he's some sort of man genius.

Literally zero chance the author knew how they would end the series when they started writing it.

I think it's something all writers struggle with, to be clear. But the total nonsense that gets thrown in our face episode after episode in the latter half of the series is all the proof you need to know this thing was all over the place.

The introduction of new characters who serve no purpose or than to connect Point A to Point B for the audience. No development. No personality. Just a robot designed to get the story closer to the finish line by unoriginally and uncleverly tying up loose ends. Plus all the new titan powers that get dumped on us because the story could get to its resolution without more wild and crazy writing. More flash, less substance.

And don't forget that the only way a near total destruction of the world makes sense as the only way to save it is... if you quit using your brain. You completely shut your brain off. You ignore all logic and reasoning. Colossal titans can rumble forever. Never run out of power or energy lol. They also killed countless of their own people. They knew for years that titans were people, yet they kept killing them. They claim the founding titan can alter eldian bodies. Why not use that power to change them all back into humans? Nah, let's kill them instead.

It's just 💩 . The story was really fascinating in the early seasons. Then the writing went to complete trash for the final 1/2 to 2/3 of the series. Woof
Jan 23, 1:38 PM
Oct 2019
Reply to catscho
This Anime teaches you so much about life. The world that we live in is a cruel world, without happy endings. It rearlly questions the purpose of war and it's roots in humanity itself. Aslong as humans exists, hostility will exists. It also teachces you, that life is an endless cycle which will never change. History WILL repeat itself. Should you be a supporter of war because of that? Of course not. But this show really makes you think about life and us human beings.

@catscho you copy and pasted this exact content in other episode discussion threads, too


All these people with less than a handful of posts spamming these discussion pages to say obviously bull shit like "masterpiece".

You all know it's not. You all know much of season 3 and later jumped the shark, lost track of what the show was originally about, and the writing became shockingly poor and devoid of logic and reason.

If it was actually good, you wouldn't have had to create all these fake accounts to spam how "good" the series is
Jan 24, 3:49 AM
Sep 2022
Reply to HagePotPotato
therealnagora said:
but if the writer had this all in mind when he started page-1 then he's some sort of man genius.

Literally zero chance the author knew how they would end the series when they started writing it.

I think it's something all writers struggle with, to be clear. But the total nonsense that gets thrown in our face episode after episode in the latter half of the series is all the proof you need to know this thing was all over the place.

The introduction of new characters who serve no purpose or than to connect Point A to Point B for the audience. No development. No personality. Just a robot designed to get the story closer to the finish line by unoriginally and uncleverly tying up loose ends. Plus all the new titan powers that get dumped on us because the story could get to its resolution without more wild and crazy writing. More flash, less substance.

And don't forget that the only way a near total destruction of the world makes sense as the only way to save it is... if you quit using your brain. You completely shut your brain off. You ignore all logic and reasoning. Colossal titans can rumble forever. Never run out of power or energy lol. They also killed countless of their own people. They knew for years that titans were people, yet they kept killing them. They claim the founding titan can alter eldian bodies. Why not use that power to change them all back into humans? Nah, let's kill them instead.

It's just 💩 . The story was really fascinating in the early seasons. Then the writing went to complete trash for the final 1/2 to 2/3 of the series. Woof
@HagePotPotato I think it's established fairly early on that Erin is insane. When he stands on the shore and says he's going to kill everyone overseas he's not kidding, and that sets up what happens later on. So it doesn't have to make sense to us, it just has to be clear that Erin is a mad-man.

Given how early on we hear about is obsession, I think it's probable that the author had the basic shape of the ending in mind from the start. The details, I agree, became a bit muddled later on.

Manga is of course published serially; the writer doesn't get a chance to redraft very much. I think this is one big reason that endings are often weak - ideas which seemed great when you had them 5 or 10 years ago come back to haunt you when trying to tie everything up and it's just too late to fix it properly. And it seems to me that adaptations of manga rarely want to change early or mid-parts in order to make a better ending. When the endings get changed for the anime they don't often, IMO, actually fit together very well.
Jan 24, 10:42 PM
Mar 2023
Jan 25, 1:01 AM
Oct 2019
Reply to therealnagora
@HagePotPotato I think it's established fairly early on that Erin is insane. When he stands on the shore and says he's going to kill everyone overseas he's not kidding, and that sets up what happens later on. So it doesn't have to make sense to us, it just has to be clear that Erin is a mad-man.

Given how early on we hear about is obsession, I think it's probable that the author had the basic shape of the ending in mind from the start. The details, I agree, became a bit muddled later on.

Manga is of course published serially; the writer doesn't get a chance to redraft very much. I think this is one big reason that endings are often weak - ideas which seemed great when you had them 5 or 10 years ago come back to haunt you when trying to tie everything up and it's just too late to fix it properly. And it seems to me that adaptations of manga rarely want to change early or mid-parts in order to make a better ending. When the endings get changed for the anime they don't often, IMO, actually fit together very well.
@therealnagora it was established early on? in the entire AOT series... or early on in the final season(s)? they don't make it to the shore until when, season 3 part 2 (maybe final season part 1)?

he's not "insane" early on in the series and doesn't want to kill "every" person early on. he is obsessed with killing titans which is a rather sane and logical goal

the story becomes convoluted and illogical af the longer it goes on. there is no chance the author knew "rumbling, murder 80% of the world's population" was how they were going to end the series. certainly they would've been able to better connect the dots from the earliest season(s) to the multi part final season than how they did had they known the end destination they were heading towards the whole time

and all that metaphysical bullshit about seeing the original ymir on some other spiritual plane. and ymir being the abused slave-wife of some horible person...yet she loves him and does his bidding for him and kills countless people? and the only reason that douche bag cares about her is because she found some magic tree with a magic hole underneath it with a magic lake underneath that which contained a giant swimming parasitic spinal cord that granted ymir titan powers. that was the author's idea for the origin story since the inception of AOT? hell, i'd rather the origin been left a mystery

creating a good, cogent ending to a lengthy story is difficult to do? i know. i said that. that doesn't change the fact that there's no way the author knew how to end it when they started the story. but i don't care if they knew or not. i only care that a story and it's conclusion are good, and aot is lacking in the conclusion department. it was a fantastic initial concept with a compelling plot (with mediocre characters). and then it just...
Jan 25, 9:34 PM
Sep 2023
Best show of all time no joke
Jan 27, 6:18 AM
Sep 2022
Reply to HagePotPotato
@therealnagora it was established early on? in the entire AOT series... or early on in the final season(s)? they don't make it to the shore until when, season 3 part 2 (maybe final season part 1)?

he's not "insane" early on in the series and doesn't want to kill "every" person early on. he is obsessed with killing titans which is a rather sane and logical goal

the story becomes convoluted and illogical af the longer it goes on. there is no chance the author knew "rumbling, murder 80% of the world's population" was how they were going to end the series. certainly they would've been able to better connect the dots from the earliest season(s) to the multi part final season than how they did had they known the end destination they were heading towards the whole time

and all that metaphysical bullshit about seeing the original ymir on some other spiritual plane. and ymir being the abused slave-wife of some horible person...yet she loves him and does his bidding for him and kills countless people? and the only reason that douche bag cares about her is because she found some magic tree with a magic hole underneath it with a magic lake underneath that which contained a giant swimming parasitic spinal cord that granted ymir titan powers. that was the author's idea for the origin story since the inception of AOT? hell, i'd rather the origin been left a mystery

creating a good, cogent ending to a lengthy story is difficult to do? i know. i said that. that doesn't change the fact that there's no way the author knew how to end it when they started the story. but i don't care if they knew or not. i only care that a story and it's conclusion are good, and aot is lacking in the conclusion department. it was a fantastic initial concept with a compelling plot (with mediocre characters). and then it just...
@HagePotPotato Well, I'd have to go back and watch it again to check, and I'm not about to do that, but Erin's mental state even when they were kids was not good. I don't agree that the writer didn't have some sort of apocalyptic ending in mind from the start but perhaps not exactly what we got. But I think he was always writing with an eye on the two world wars and we know how they ended.

If you find a social worker and get them talking, they'll tell you that there's plenty of people like Ymir, unfortunately.

I didn't think the time-travel/loop thing worked though. That's where I felt he had over-done it.
Feb 2, 6:50 PM
Feb 2021
The best narrative in midia history
Feb 12, 2:11 PM

Mar 2013
ayo Shingeki no Kyojin was Code Geass all along, love me some post credit scene with eldian getting bombed as expected, and nice loop cycle to explain where the "god" power come from, it's just the same one that keep reviving itself with time.

anyway the story ended whith the ymir flashback and it's obvious the author just was forced to change plan or he suddenly forgot how to write story after 130 chapter of masterpiece, pick what you want.

Also started to read the Extensive breakdown of Attack on Titan ending.pdf and im suprised it's even worse than i feel
lasodamosFeb 12, 5:55 PM
Feb 18, 3:48 AM
Jan 2022
12/2020 - 2/18/2025 2:45 PM
Feb 18, 8:53 PM

Sep 2009
after a long time, just finished it today.
saw some comments around, i really don't get the lukewarm reception.
this was fantastic. it's so sad i'll never be able to watch this series for the first time again, it was an amazing experience.

if only other series ended fine like that, gantz, claymore...idk

i'll miss these days...thanks for the great work.
Feb 19, 9:17 AM
Feb 2016
a lot of plotholes, rushed ending, things needed more time and needed more explanations. Characters are out of character
Feb 27, 4:11 AM
Sep 2021
not new to the party, I watched it the day it came out however, I just wanna give a shoutout to all the 9.4% of people who voted it a 2* or lower, congrats on "confirming" that this was the worst ending of all time. I truly feel sorry for you all. The fact that 70% voted 5* and 84.1 % voted 4* and above just goes to show how simple minded you are. You are unable to comprehend how genius the ending was.. for that, I really do feel sorry for you. I wish you got to experience the elevation I felt and the utter thrill I felt of watching this peak anime coming to an end. May your IQ's and common sense get higher as time goes on but unfortunately, I fear that can only happen significantly when you are a child. But fear not, you all have the mentality of one, so maybe its not to late? Good luck! I hope you enjoyed looking at the stats as much as I did retards. Let me drink your tears more.
Feb 27, 4:14 AM
Sep 2021
Reply to MegamiRem
Disappointing ending, very disappointed with how Isayama handled it. Expected something better. That said AOT is now finally over. Been quite the journey with this.
damn bro, I kinda feel sorry for you. You clearly didn't get the ending at all but that's okay. 69.1 voted 5* and 84% voted 4* or above overall. This was the best anime ending in history. I genuinely feel bad you couldn't comprehend it. @MegamiRem
Mar 9, 7:34 PM
Jan 2024
muito bom incrivel lindo eren lindo levi lindo chorei mt amei
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