He is back in the big city . He meets the strangers he met amongst his travels. He knows her name and forgets her. He remembers a reality lost to time. Did his dream really happen? Tell me she’s coming back. He has a promise to keep. He witnesses the impossible. He believes in what he remembers as the truth. Come on. They merely passed lightspeed and are at the doorway into other dimensions. The compass is beginning. They are speeding through the dimensional bridge. He takes the first step. Why is this guy here? Just to be a hater? He became a forest. The compass is acquired again. God claims they must not do what they can do. But they do it anyway. He takes the impossible with him. They are running through everything. His relics in each hand. Only the things that can happen do happen. He is merely re-rolling the dice. They arrive at the edge of existence. He has both compasses, and can see the light that she did. We are finishing watching this on the anniversary of Woodstock. Everything is gone. She breaks in and checks all the portals. Searching for God, perhaps. She breaks. The codeword. He chose to go back to this life, but nothing has changed. But that can be changed can’t it. He can create his own worlds. All they can do is roll the dice and see what happens. Before he saw infinite possibilities that have now gone blurry. One of them survived. I guess he believes he’s about to get started? What? Weird ending. And Acoustic exit. She is back, but with the one who killed her. Why? How unsatisfying. This show started out as a 10 through about episode seven. When it started getting Less good. It just got rid of most of the characters instead of concluding them. It set up a bunch of interesting characters and dynamics and then didn’t do anything with it . Instead it explored a couple of new interesting ideas, instead of properly, concluding the ideas it already set up. It is still a great show. But it fumbled its way to the finish line.. The way that it ends is one of the mildest character developments I’ve ever seen. It would have made more sense for him to do more, It didn’t make much sense that he hadn’t changed more when he came back. Also, why didn’t anyone else want to go back? And why didn’t they take the one guy with him? I can’t blame them though he was pretty annoying. But he somehow ends up with the W, he didn’t earn or deserve. And in fact deserved the opposite. And the main guy didn’t even try to keep his promise. The whole show seems to be building up to where the main character would start being able to act instead of just being complacent with everything , that he would change to be more like her, so the final episode seemed like it would be at first he would act that way and then something would happen that would inspire him to finally do something , and it would finish with him making that decision, But instead, he spends the whole episode, acting the same and then at the end sort of looks like he’s getting ready to make a decision, take stand, make a change, but he never actually does it. Yes, he checked on the bird But this was not only not set up but the way he acts when she calls it out is the same as at the beginning of the show, he was theoretically gone for two years, and it decides to end with him starting to change, seems to be contradictory to the entire show that they would be treating change as something that is this hard to make . And I thought she had died in their reality and he didn’t seem to be taking any actions that would prevent that from happening. And why didn’t the Cat girl remember him when she saw him and had her memories? I still feel the early part of the show is strong enough to allow this a weeker nine. I am very disappointed with the ending, but it was still a great show overall. The original idea and set up was very interesting and Well executed, and introduced a bunch of interesting concepts. But it sense of time started to get more annoying as the show went on. They would have multiple characters where they would leave or do something for thousands of years and then return as the same person. Sounding the same speaking in the same way acting in the same way, from my understanding of how humans work an amount of time no human has ever experienced should cause them to change in a way that no human ever has. At the very least a little bit. And what was up with the God or the character war. The ending of the show was so disappointing. It may end up dropping two less than a nine in the future. It is unfortunate how incredible the beginning was, and then halfway through how they abandoned everything and just took the easy way out. 3 |