It's recycled garbage with small edits for "freshness"
My biggest gripe is how the successful storytelling method used in the original is no longer present. Specifically, the original series began with hunters and the gates with readers slowly figuring out about the Rulers vs. Monarchs lore overtime. This allowed readers to infer about what was happening and experience many exciting twists and turns along the way. This isn't the case with the sequel. The Itarim plot is unveiled immediately and Chibi Beru Mascot constantly gives away information to Suho that he wouldn't otherwise know about. In comparison, Jinwoo didn't have anyone helping him and had to discover everything himself through trials and tribulations.
My second biggest gripe is the exploitation of original characters to synthetically drive the plot forward. The story begins with Jinwoo sending Beru to Suho to unseal his powers and memories while protecting him, but what happened? Beru didn't need to unseal anything because Suho managed alone and Beru is too weak to actually protect Suho. Ultimately, Beru serves no purpose but to give away plot information. Esil serves a similar purpose but this purpose is more directly connected to the new companion system, which annoys me too. Other older characters are reintroduced and end up helping Suho after miraculously recovering their memories of their past life with a key from daddy. This irks me because it spits on the whole sacrifice that Jinwoo made to begin with. He fought against the Monarchs alone and sacrificed the memories everyone had of him as a this is irrelevant as he can restore memories all he wants. The new author takes advantage of this and the old characters to avoid being creative with the plot progression.
The third gripe is the companion system. The Rulers and Monarchs were created by the Supreme Being in a system of duality (good vs. evil) where the Rulers protected and the Monarchs destroyed. The Denizens of Chaos (the underlings of the Monarchs) are destructive by nature but the new companion system just pisses on that. Suho now has to become best buds with these naturally "evil" inclined beings who are now friends and obedient to the son of the man who destroyed them. It's silly and doesn't make sense, but they try to remedy that plot hole by leaning towards the "unite to fight a common enemy" trope.
Lastly, there the reuse of all the same systems as the original: the player system, the daily quests, the I'm E-ranked trash but just kidding I'm OP, the let's hire random hunters to fill roster numbers so I can solo dungeons, and many more.
There's so much more to grip about but in the end, it's like you said. They are milking the success of the original and completing spitting on the content by making this cheap imitation. |