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Attack on Titan
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Aug 17, 2024 5:37 PM
Jan 2019
The general reception that I've personally seen across here and other social media has been mostly negative. Why is it such a big deal that they're releasing a theatrical version with a bit of extra polish? Why does it matter that it's a cash grab, you get to enjoy an objectively better version of the finale in theaters. And if you're really that bent out of shape about the idea then literally just don't watch it.
Aug 17, 2024 5:46 PM

Aug 2019
Because the actual finale that we got already looked spectacular, so them rehashing the same content and adding only minor tweaks or "polish" to milk the franchise even more sounds pathetic. It's a desperate cash grab like those Demon Slayer movies.
Aug 17, 2024 5:50 PM
Oct 2023
The truth is that I am not upset, but the work of Tadmur in the end does not need to be modified. I think that those who work on it are only working for the profit and not for the work itself.
Welcome, my dear brother, to your home
Aug 17, 2024 5:54 PM
Oct 2023
Reply to Early_Morning
Because the actual finale that we got already looked spectacular, so them rehashing the same content and adding only minor tweaks or "polish" to milk the franchise even more sounds pathetic. It's a desperate cash grab like those Demon Slayer movies.
@Early_Morning Good words, but the ending was not good, my brother, so the work was also destroyed, the author said. Isayama I had more than one ending and I cannot choose. He admits that the ending was not ideal and we saw many mistakes, illogical interpretations and extremism in topics out of context. In fact, the ending of the work was not as it should have been.
Welcome, my dear brother, to your home
Aug 17, 2024 5:55 PM

May 2021
A lot of it seems to be a combination of people who don’t know that Compilation Films are standard procedure for popular shows, people without reading comprehension thinking this is a sequel rather than a compilation, and people who react negatively to the slightest whiff of “milking” AOT due to PTSD from the Final Season’s release schedule
Barely catching my breath!
Lay my eyes on the crest!
Gonna square up to all of the heat that is left!
So I carry the torch! To Inferno! Inferno!

GENERATION 45: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Aug 17, 2024 6:03 PM

Apr 2021
sTaNdArD pROcEdUrE, it's shameless and pathetic milking of a series that failed it's fans at the end, of course people are annoyed at more of the same crap.
Aug 17, 2024 6:10 PM
Jan 2024
why can't mappa start adapting some good stuff like vinland saga S3 for example instead of just making a recap movie for AOT, they're milking it so hard, it's already a finished series, what's the need for "Attack on titan- The Final Season- The Final Chapters- The Very Final ( Compilation movie )"

I'm not a fan of csm but couldn't they just release the reze movie instead? at least it's new content
Youssef1312Aug 17, 2024 6:17 PM
Aug 17, 2024 6:23 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to Oppai_Loli_God
sTaNdArD pROcEdUrE, it's shameless and pathetic milking of a series that failed it's fans at the end, of course people are annoyed at more of the same crap.
@Oppai_Loli_God News Flash, but you don't have to go and watch this in the cinema???
Also its pretty standard. There are multiple movies for Shingeki that are recaps of previous seasons.
To make a TV release that had two one-hour episodes into a film makes sense.
Plus it was mentioned this was originally how the project was expected to be seen.
Aug 17, 2024 6:25 PM

Dec 2015
People are upset because it gives the same energy as when ufotable released a TV adaptation of the already made superior Demon slayer movie. Only concerned about milking it.
Movie link:

TV adaptation was made a year after the movie, which is exactly the timeline for this.

Also, AoT is done. It is finished. I would understand a compilation film if it is a continuing series, but it isn't.

FInally, why didn't they do this in the first place rather than 2 episodes? It's what they should have done. I would have loved going to the theater to watch it. Missed opportunity.
Aug 17, 2024 7:00 PM
May 2023
Cause it's just a compilation, no new content
Aug 17, 2024 7:19 PM
Jan 2024
Anyone with a brain will call out this blatant milking of a shit series.
"why do you care so much that it's a cash grab??"
literal braindead CONSOOMER behaviour.
Aug 17, 2024 7:41 PM
Jul 2018
Because Attack On Titan fans hate Attack On Titan so much they want it to end.
Aug 17, 2024 8:02 PM
Jan 2019
Reply to Neawn8
Anyone with a brain will call out this blatant milking of a shit series.
"why do you care so much that it's a cash grab??"
literal braindead CONSOOMER behaviour.
@Neawn8 As for them milking the series and me not caring about it being a cash grab, why would I care? I'd hardly consider it braindead consumer behaviour, I love the series so why wouldn't I want more of it? And I simply enjoyed the finale of the show and think it will be fun to see it in theaters. I don't understand how people like you have the energy or time of day to be so upset over something so mundane. Literally just don't watch it if it upsets you that much. Also you're within your right to call it a shit series although I respectfully disagree but if you don't even like the show then literally what are you even upset about?
Aug 17, 2024 8:04 PM
Jan 2019
Reply to Mommyyyy
Cause it's just a compilation, no new content
@Mommyyyy Literally every other season of the show has a recap film as well. Why is it such a big deal only now?
Aug 17, 2024 8:20 PM
Aug 2020
I've mostly just seen people who didn't watch Attack on Titan not realizing the ending already happened and it's just a recap movie, thinking this is another "final final final final season" instead of just average recap movie that plenty of big anime get
Aug 17, 2024 8:23 PM
Aug 2020
Reply to Youssef1312
why can't mappa start adapting some good stuff like vinland saga S3 for example instead of just making a recap movie for AOT, they're milking it so hard, it's already a finished series, what's the need for "Attack on titan- The Final Season- The Final Chapters- The Very Final ( Compilation movie )"

I'm not a fan of csm but couldn't they just release the reze movie instead? at least it's new content
@Youssef1312 probably because recap movies are really cheap, when your movie is 90% reused/touched up animation and scenes it's a cheap way to milk the series, probably doesn't add much to the overworked MAPPA employees like the CSM Reze movie will
Aug 17, 2024 8:26 PM
Jan 2024
Imacd24 said:
@Neawn8 As for them milking the series and me not caring about it being a cash grab, why would I care? I'd hardly consider it braindead consumer behaviour, I love the series so why wouldn't I want more of it? And I simply enjoyed the finale of the show and think it will be fun to see it in theaters. I don't understand how people like you have the energy or time of day to be so upset over something so mundane. Literally just don't watch it if it upsets you that much. Also you're within your right to call it a shit series although I respectfully disagree but if you don't even like the show then literally what are you even upset about?

Your entire argument lives or dies about me and others being "upset" about it, here's the thing:
I'm not upset.

The thing that I care about is that people can't tell when they're being milked for cash, or for a better term, being scammed. I talk about this stuff because I want people to think more critically about stuff, I mean what was the point of releasing the thing as two episodes with a long dead time between them when they were gonna do this anyways? Why wasn't it just one movie in the first place instead of making people buy it twice, or possibly three times if they're doing a BluRay release?
That's where the "braindead" part comes from, you think nobody should question the existence of a blatant cash grab simply because they can just "not watch it".
If you keep up that mentality, companies will keep on releasing lazy cash grabs to milk their audience, instead of putting that effort into making actual quality stuff that'll make people genuinely happy.
Aug 17, 2024 8:35 PM
Jan 2024
GarfieldLover said:
@Youssef1312 probably because recap movies are really cheap, when your movie is 90% reused/touched up animation and scenes it's a cheap way to milk the series, probably doesn't add much to the overworked MAPPA employees like the CSM Reze movie will

oh, kinda makes sense, but that makes me hate mappa more tbh, what a shameful cash grab
Youssef1312Aug 17, 2024 8:39 PM
Aug 17, 2024 8:51 PM
Apr 2019
Bro this is legit awesome anime with amazing story and animation. The theatres Will be a perfect place to watch shingeki
Aug 17, 2024 9:01 PM

Apr 2021
Reply to Youssef1312
GarfieldLover said:
@Youssef1312 probably because recap movies are really cheap, when your movie is 90% reused/touched up animation and scenes it's a cheap way to milk the series, probably doesn't add much to the overworked MAPPA employees like the CSM Reze movie will

oh, kinda makes sense, but that makes me hate mappa more tbh, what a shameful cash grab

This is not a MAPPA thing, it's a Pony Canyon one. These kind of compilation films have existed even back on season 1.
Aug 17, 2024 9:06 PM
Jan 2024
Oongbuh said:

This is not a MAPPA thing, it's a Pony Canyon one. These kind of compilation films have existed even back on season 1.

They said that they will improve the visuals
Aug 17, 2024 9:25 PM
Jan 2019
Reply to Neawn8
Imacd24 said:
@Neawn8 As for them milking the series and me not caring about it being a cash grab, why would I care? I'd hardly consider it braindead consumer behaviour, I love the series so why wouldn't I want more of it? And I simply enjoyed the finale of the show and think it will be fun to see it in theaters. I don't understand how people like you have the energy or time of day to be so upset over something so mundane. Literally just don't watch it if it upsets you that much. Also you're within your right to call it a shit series although I respectfully disagree but if you don't even like the show then literally what are you even upset about?

Your entire argument lives or dies about me and others being "upset" about it, here's the thing:
I'm not upset.

The thing that I care about is that people can't tell when they're being milked for cash, or for a better term, being scammed. I talk about this stuff because I want people to think more critically about stuff, I mean what was the point of releasing the thing as two episodes with a long dead time between them when they were gonna do this anyways? Why wasn't it just one movie in the first place instead of making people buy it twice, or possibly three times if they're doing a BluRay release?
That's where the "braindead" part comes from, you think nobody should question the existence of a blatant cash grab simply because they can just "not watch it".
If you keep up that mentality, companies will keep on releasing lazy cash grabs to milk their audience, instead of putting that effort into making actual quality stuff that'll make people genuinely happy.
@Neawn8 First of all it's not being scammed if I'm getting exactly what I want out of it, I think it will be fun to see in theaters and so I will pay 12 or 13 bucks or whatever to do so if it's playing near me. And I can tell full well I'm being milked for cash but I'm getting something I enjoy out of it so I simply don't care. As for why it was released as 2 episodes instead of just doing a movie, there's no way to know for sure without having been present behind the scenes.
We do know that not only was production absolute hell, they also were locked into several things that were set in stone by WIT before they handed over production. And from what I understand one of those things was the title, WIT had intended to adapt it all as one season and so when they started early production they trademarked the name "Attack on Titan: The Final Season". However after they decided to hand over the series, MAPPA under an extremely strict schedule had to adapt the show as several season but were stuck with the already trademarked title.

Now this is just my own conjecture and is by no means the actual story but I feel like it's not insane to assume the same thing or something similar could've been the reason they didn't do a movie. Perhaps they were under some sort of legal restriction where the IP had already been contracted as a TV anime production and they weren't allowed to just switch to a theatrical production instead. There's just no way to really know why they did it the way they did so to say they only did it to milk the series I don't think is really fair.
Ultimately we don't know the real reason and we most likely never will, and truthfully it doesn't really matter since what's done is done. I do think you're partially right about companies putting out lazy cash grab slop rather then putting actual effort into things, you see that especially in the gaming industry nowadays. However, to insinuate this not only isn't going to be of actual quality but also isn't going to make people genuinely happy is ridiculous.

And I do stand by what I said about not watching it and I really don't think it's any deeper then just that. People are going to pay to go see this and it's not about whether they're thinking critically about it or not, they simply enjoy Attack on Titan and will receive enjoyment from experiencing it in theaters. If you don't enjoy Attack on Titan then don't go see it and life will go on all the same.
Imacd24Aug 17, 2024 9:29 PM
Aug 17, 2024 9:49 PM
Oct 2019
Reply to Youssef1312
Oongbuh said:

This is not a MAPPA thing, it's a Pony Canyon one. These kind of compilation films have existed even back on season 1.

They said that they will improve the visuals
@Youssef1312 still a call from the production committee not Mappa itself just like the 4 previous movies that recapped season 1-3.
Aug 17, 2024 10:10 PM
Feb 2021
Nothing to say, after all SnK is a good series loved by an awful fan base
Aug 17, 2024 10:21 PM
Jul 2021
Who cares man? Let the haters be mad lol. It's the internet anyway so there's always gonna be some negativity.

As for me personally, I'm delighted over the fact that now there's a chance to finally experience AoT on the big screen and I'm so looking forward to it.
Aug 17, 2024 10:45 PM
Oct 2015
its like they say: hoes be mad
Aug 18, 2024 1:46 AM

Jul 2020
My main complaint is that they should've released this instead of the two 1 hour special we got. I mean, what were they thinking with this decision? Aot is a lot popular than Kadokawa is expects to be worldwide. It would've made them huge bucks if they released this first instead of the special. I want to be excited but then I'm thinking, what's the point of it now?

This is not a MAPPA thing, it's a Pony Canyon one. These kind of compilation films have existed even back on season 1.

This was a 2 hour duration already so what's the point?
ScordoloAug 18, 2024 1:49 AM

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Aug 18, 2024 1:54 AM

Jun 2024
Because it's just a compilation.
Aug 18, 2024 6:42 AM

Apr 2020
they will keep making yuki kaji do this until he's 90
Aug 18, 2024 8:19 AM
May 2023
Imacd24 said:
@Mommyyyy Literally every other season of the show has a recap film as well. Why is it such a big deal only now?

For me at least, I've hated every singe recap that came out. This new one isn't any different
Aug 18, 2024 8:27 AM

Feb 2017
I don't know. It surprises me too. Compilation and recap films are as old as TV anime pretty much. Practice of making compilation films of popular shows has been a regular thing since 70s.
Not like I love compilation films or something but I do think they are mostly harmless. It doesn't take much time or resources to make, so it's not like creative staff is wasting time on them, and who wants to see it can go and see it.

I don't know why people are reacting as if this is the first compilation film in history of anime. Shingeki already has 4 and they never received this sort of reaction.
Aug 18, 2024 9:58 AM

Aug 2020
"why does it matter that it's a cash grab" bro there's so much wrong with this statement to the point where I would just feel bad if I say something.
Aug 18, 2024 10:01 AM
Jun 2021
filthyfrank8142 said:
"why does it matter that it's a cash grab" bro there's so much wrong with this statement to the point where I would just feel bad if I say something.

It is not like they are forcing people to watch it.Tf are you pressed about?
Aug 18, 2024 10:07 AM

Dec 2015
Let's be honest; we all know why, but let's break it down:

1st because a good chunk of the anime community has a hate boner with AoT for a bunch of imature reasons (more grounded than most shounen, focus on epicness rather than animation for the sake of it, lack of fanservice, had some influence of western media).

2nd because a loud minority hated the AoT ending due to extremely stupid reasons, with one group having a boner with a shallow "badass" archetype and wanting Eren to be that, genuinely wishing for him to complete the genocide and pretend that would've been a happy ending. The other group hated the show from the start due to the military being "the good guys" and took advantage of a badly translated panel to spread the idea the show was somehow fascist.

3rd because of the Final Season announcement back in 2019, a lot of people were led to believe the series would end around 2020/2021, making each new entry a meme, especially due to stupid names like "Final Season: The Final Chapters Part 1" (which, though somewhat valid, isn't really enough to be mad on a project of this high quality).

4th due to a sum of all previous reasons, people stopped rationalizing any project announcement the series had and started labeling it as "milking", which is objectively untrue, due to the meaning of "milking" implying the stretching of content with fillers or a slower pace (like One Piece).

5th and this is the only valid reason. The fanbase knows this movie should've been released first. Not only would it have made the "Final Season naming situation" better (as it would've been only 2 parts with 28 episodes), it would have been the perfect place for people to experience the ending of an already extremely cinematic series. Now, with this movie being a mere rewatch, it completely shatters the potential of it becoming a success as big as KNY mugen train was in Japan and a level of success unheard of globally, with the potential of becoming the highest grossing anime movie worldwide.

As for me, even though I am indeed sad because of wasted potential, I'll be there day 1. AoT is by far my favorite entertainment product, and although I have some minor gripes with the ending, a lot of the Final Season's best moments are in those episodes. Not to mention, I've always dreamed of watching anything AoT on a big screen with extreme loud sounds, even just to vibe with Sawano, so I can't waste this chance. Well, that is if it does get released globally.

It's very possible Crunchyroll ignores this movie due to it being content already available to watch on their platform and knowing the demand will be vastly inferior compared to a movie bringing new content (and Demon Slayer movies are not a counter argument for this, because besides being compilations, they're always debuting a new episode as well).
Aug 18, 2024 10:21 AM

Aug 2020
Reply to BlizzardBoy026
filthyfrank8142 said:
"why does it matter that it's a cash grab" bro there's so much wrong with this statement to the point where I would just feel bad if I say something.

It is not like they are forcing people to watch it.Tf are you pressed about?
@BlizzardBoy026 ik that im just saying that statement is dumb. it's just the fact that mappa could've done this better when they first released it, instead they want to take too many projects and releasing them so fast that they care more about quantity over quality, they already lost their identity and they're not going to learn their lesson, they're gonna keep doing the same thing for jjk s3, dorohedoro s2, and other projects they have annouced. the fact that mappa fanboys are in denial.
Aug 18, 2024 2:31 PM

Jun 2012
Of course fans are pissed... they chopped the last season and it's ending in 3 parts (completely unheard of) which makes the continuity fucked and hard to follow because it's an Anime that not only is released weekly, it also makes you think with your head. And then out of the blue they decide to release a Compilation Movie with added/polish content, which they could have made/add in the last season. You do realize that people want to see AoT ending for years and after the whole Anime has ended they pretty much said they should buy tickets for a movie that will only have 3 minutes (probably) of "new" content(irrelevant to the story).

What is more surprising is people not being upset about it...
Aug 18, 2024 2:41 PM

Jun 2020
i'm glad because we get to see the delusional aoe fans one last time
Aug 18, 2024 3:08 PM

Aug 2018
Reply to Imacd24
@Neawn8 First of all it's not being scammed if I'm getting exactly what I want out of it, I think it will be fun to see in theaters and so I will pay 12 or 13 bucks or whatever to do so if it's playing near me. And I can tell full well I'm being milked for cash but I'm getting something I enjoy out of it so I simply don't care. As for why it was released as 2 episodes instead of just doing a movie, there's no way to know for sure without having been present behind the scenes.
We do know that not only was production absolute hell, they also were locked into several things that were set in stone by WIT before they handed over production. And from what I understand one of those things was the title, WIT had intended to adapt it all as one season and so when they started early production they trademarked the name "Attack on Titan: The Final Season". However after they decided to hand over the series, MAPPA under an extremely strict schedule had to adapt the show as several season but were stuck with the already trademarked title.

Now this is just my own conjecture and is by no means the actual story but I feel like it's not insane to assume the same thing or something similar could've been the reason they didn't do a movie. Perhaps they were under some sort of legal restriction where the IP had already been contracted as a TV anime production and they weren't allowed to just switch to a theatrical production instead. There's just no way to really know why they did it the way they did so to say they only did it to milk the series I don't think is really fair.
Ultimately we don't know the real reason and we most likely never will, and truthfully it doesn't really matter since what's done is done. I do think you're partially right about companies putting out lazy cash grab slop rather then putting actual effort into things, you see that especially in the gaming industry nowadays. However, to insinuate this not only isn't going to be of actual quality but also isn't going to make people genuinely happy is ridiculous.

And I do stand by what I said about not watching it and I really don't think it's any deeper then just that. People are going to pay to go see this and it's not about whether they're thinking critically about it or not, they simply enjoy Attack on Titan and will receive enjoyment from experiencing it in theaters. If you don't enjoy Attack on Titan then don't go see it and life will go on all the same.
@Imacd24 Exactly. I'll also be going to the theaters to watch a full compilation of the final season, given the opportunity. For a variety of reasons: cause I feel like rewatching, cause I appreciate the work of reanimating a few scenes and compiling them into full-length feature film so I don't have to keep skipping ops, eds, and changing eps, and, mostly, cause I want to watch on a freaking huge screen with great quality audio.

I mean, people are entitled to their opinions, I just really can't comprehend being so offended by the fact that maybe some people want to have the opportunity to watch it at the cinema. Studios and producers are not working for free, ya'know, "cash grab" or not.
Aug 19, 2024 2:06 AM

Feb 2021
I also fail to understand that. People don't hate when some other anime get it. For example if Code Geass, FMAB, or Kimetsu no Yaiba had something like this they would still eat that shit up. It's just a compilation thing that AOT has had for a long while. People nowadays just hate shit for no reason.
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
Aug 19, 2024 2:07 AM

Feb 2021
Reply to Infamous_Empire
A lot of it seems to be a combination of people who don’t know that Compilation Films are standard procedure for popular shows, people without reading comprehension thinking this is a sequel rather than a compilation, and people who react negatively to the slightest whiff of “milking” AOT due to PTSD from the Final Season’s release schedule
@Infamous_Empire Couldn't have expressed it better myself
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
Aug 19, 2024 2:14 AM
Nov 2019
idk why they didnt handle the final chapters this way to begin with, the hype would have been unmatched if they went this route orignally instead of the stupid tv special shit
Aug 19, 2024 7:14 AM
Dec 2023
Reply to Early_Morning
Because the actual finale that we got already looked spectacular, so them rehashing the same content and adding only minor tweaks or "polish" to milk the franchise even more sounds pathetic. It's a desperate cash grab like those Demon Slayer movies.
@Early_Morning bro then just dont watch it, let the die hard aot fans watch it, you dont have to
Aug 19, 2024 7:35 AM
Jan 2019
Reply to BeanosReviews
idk why they didnt handle the final chapters this way to begin with, the hype would have been unmatched if they went this route orignally instead of the stupid tv special shit
@JoshyKage Like I said to the other guy, we most likely will never know for sure but my best guess is MAPPA got locked into some sort of TV anime production contract that was previously signed by the production company when WIT was still attached to the series and legally wasn't allowed by broadcasters to just switch to a theatrical production. I agree it would've been so much better for it to have been a movie upon it's original release but the TV specials were still phenomenal and get far too much hate in my opinion.
Aug 19, 2024 8:52 AM
Aug 2020
Because why keep milking dry a dead cow while there are so many other Mangas that deserve adaptations
Aug 20, 2024 10:25 AM

Jan 2023
They need more money hahaha
Aug 20, 2024 10:08 PM
Nov 2019
Reply to Imacd24
@JoshyKage Like I said to the other guy, we most likely will never know for sure but my best guess is MAPPA got locked into some sort of TV anime production contract that was previously signed by the production company when WIT was still attached to the series and legally wasn't allowed by broadcasters to just switch to a theatrical production. I agree it would've been so much better for it to have been a movie upon it's original release but the TV specials were still phenomenal and get far too much hate in my opinion.
@Imacd24 yeah dont get me wrong i loved the tv specials my complaints arent about the content just the way it was delivered. And yeah that makes alot of sense and i wouldn't be surprised if that's the cause
Aug 21, 2024 7:45 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to Saww_Duss
@Early_Morning bro then just dont watch it, let the die hard aot fans watch it, you dont have to
@Saww_Duss Oh believe me I won't be watching it, I was just answering the OP's question about why some people are upset about it, because apparently it required explaining.
Aug 25, 2024 6:05 PM
May 2017
as a fan, I'm feeling indifferent and will not be watching it. The blatant milking of this series is just eye-roll inducing is all.
Aug 26, 2024 4:36 AM

Mar 2019
because the final season was shit and the ending was trash lmao who would want to watch that train wrack again ?
Sep 9, 2024 2:29 PM

Mar 2017
because people are retarded

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