Aug 6, 2024 3:40 PM
First I have to praise it for being an eye Candy, I really loved the atmosphere, animation, character design and music, Every technical aspect of this thing was on point and Masterfully done, Now after that I want to say what a rude asshole the MC is, especially towards his father, Like I don't these slice of life shows and not just in anime but also other asian or non asian media including K dramas or C dramas, why are parents villainsed like this when they're greiving, I mean for fuck sake anything the MC is feeling, parents are feeling it much more, cz you lost your sibling but your parents lost their own child, someone who was once part of them and every inch of their body is made by their efforts, But the moment they try to show their greif in any aggressive manner or do something out of ordinary, Boom, they hurt MC's little feeling, It's so annoying, and in this movie when MC's father was trying to move on he literally puked on his face, but at the end all that tantrum he threw and wasted decades of Anzu's life, he did the same thing like his father, got with a woman, But they never addressed his father's worries, I mean he didn't lost just one but both of his children but fuck that guy bcz he's not a high schooler or something, Anyway it's really annoying that, they didn't even revived his sister and he just came back empty handed, didn't even had a proper conversation with the sister or didn't even hugged her, like this whole thing was so annoying, I was rolling on my bed, I wonder why anzu even want that guy, Fuck im' Anyway that's my rant, share your views about it but I saw someone saying that this show would be interpreted differently by the people with different level of maturity, and I do agree this statement, Like a 15 year old high schooler will think that this romance was so hot and an edgy MC was so cool, But a 30 year old adult with a lot of responsibilities would say fuck that guy, The more mature you are the more childish the plot seems like |
Aug 6, 2024 4:24 PM
the only immaturely person who I think is you who only thinks of themself being the most mature. I'm really sorry if it hurts you |
Aug 6, 2024 5:05 PM
Haruki_Vansh said: the only immaturely person who I think is you who only thinks of themself being the most mature. I'm really sorry if it hurts you agreed. he is drunk |
Aug 6, 2024 5:17 PM
The story is from the perspective of a teenage boy, trying to deal with his trauma and regrets. Of course it won't make that much sense, you have total chaos in your head when you're that age, even if you have a nearly perfect life. To the point you made with villainizing parents, when you're a child, you feel like adults don't get you and they look down on you all the time. So when they are in depression and you need their comfort, they often cannot provide it, because they are only humans too, living their life for the first time and that makes you feel like they only think about themselves, which is exactly what you do. Only in the late teens people start to truly sympathize and realize, that parents or other people are just as clueless and lost as them and they stop putting them on pedestals. So it's only a matter of perspective and in this case, it's a perspective of a child. Don't act like you didn't think or did similar things, because we all did at one point or another :) That's how I feel about this narrative and it feels pretty realistic to me. |
Aug 6, 2024 7:07 PM
_Reas said: The story is from the perspective of a teenage boy, trying to deal with his trauma and regrets. Of course it won't make that much sense, you have total chaos in your head when you're that age, even if you have a nearly perfect life. To the point you made with villainizing parents, when you're a child, you feel like adults don't get you and they look down on you all the time. So when they are in depression and you need their comfort, they often cannot provide it, because they are only humans too, living their life for the first time and that makes you feel like they only think about themselves, which is exactly what you do. Only in the late teens people start to truly sympathize and realize, that parents or other people are just as clueless and lost as them and they stop putting them on pedestals. So it's only a matter of perspective and in this case, it's a perspective of a child. Don't act like you didn't think or did similar things, because we all did at one point or another :) That's how I feel about this narrative and it feels pretty realistic to me. Exactly. Was going to answer this post, but this is how I see it too. Thanks for saving me the effort. |
Aug 6, 2024 8:04 PM
Reply to _Reas
The story is from the perspective of a teenage boy, trying to deal with his trauma and regrets. Of course it won't make that much sense, you have total chaos in your head when you're that age, even if you have a nearly perfect life.
To the point you made with villainizing parents, when you're a child, you feel like adults don't get you and they look down on you all the time. So when they are in depression and you need their comfort, they often cannot provide it, because they are only humans too, living their life for the first time and that makes you feel like they only think about themselves, which is exactly what you do.
Only in the late teens people start to truly sympathize and realize, that parents or other people are just as clueless and lost as them and they stop putting them on pedestals.
So it's only a matter of perspective and in this case, it's a perspective of a child. Don't act like you didn't think or did similar things, because we all did at one point or another :)
That's how I feel about this narrative and it feels pretty realistic to me.
To the point you made with villainizing parents, when you're a child, you feel like adults don't get you and they look down on you all the time. So when they are in depression and you need their comfort, they often cannot provide it, because they are only humans too, living their life for the first time and that makes you feel like they only think about themselves, which is exactly what you do.
Only in the late teens people start to truly sympathize and realize, that parents or other people are just as clueless and lost as them and they stop putting them on pedestals.
So it's only a matter of perspective and in this case, it's a perspective of a child. Don't act like you didn't think or did similar things, because we all did at one point or another :)
That's how I feel about this narrative and it feels pretty realistic to me.
@_Reas you see I do agree with you,from a perspective of child, it does make sense, But than there is another thing where the show itself tries to show a biased view, It's same as a show try to romantise rape or glorifies mindless killings and trying show the murderer as the hero, Basically what I'm trying to say is that making a show from a perspective of a specific person is fine and it can be entertaining but manipulating the viewers to make them empathize with said person even if he's wrong is not ok |
Aug 7, 2024 12:27 AM
Mathi786 said: First I have to praise it for being an eye Candy, I really loved the atmosphere, animation, character design and music, Every technical aspect of this thing was on point and Masterfully done, Now after that I want to say what a rude asshole the MC is, especially towards his father, Like I don't these slice of life shows and not just in anime but also other asian or non asian media including K dramas or C dramas, why are parents villainsed like this when they're greiving, I mean for fuck sake anything the MC is feeling, parents are feeling it much more, cz you lost your sibling but your parents lost their own child, someone who was once part of them and every inch of their body is made by their efforts, But the moment they try to show their greif in any aggressive manner or do something out of ordinary, Boom, they hurt MC's little feeling, It's so annoying, and in this movie when MC's father was trying to move on he literally puked on his face, but at the end all that tantrum he threw and wasted decades of Anzu's life, he did the same thing like his father, got with a woman, But they never addressed his father's worries, I mean he didn't lost just one but both of his children but fuck that guy bcz he's not a high schooler or something, Anyway it's really annoying that, they didn't even revived his sister and he just came back empty handed, didn't even had a proper conversation with the sister or didn't even hugged her, like this whole thing was so annoying, I was rolling on my bed, I wonder why anzu even want that guy, Fuck im' Anyway that's my rant, share your views about it but I saw someone saying that this show would be interpreted differently by the people with different level of maturity, and I do agree this statement, Like a 15 year old high schooler will think that this romance was so hot and an edgy MC was so cool, But a 30 year old adult with a lot of responsibilities would say fuck that guy, The more mature you are the more childish the plot seems like sorry bro but the movie doesn't justify the story at all most of the story is trimmed to fit in a movie ,if you worried then read the novel, novel might change your opinion the whole story could have been made into a series, but every thing that happens in this world isn't perfect at all |
Aug 7, 2024 2:39 AM
I can't believe you actually want to defend the father in this situation, what's wrong with you? What kind of parent sees their child throwing up and responds by getting violent? If that's what you a 'Mature' person such as yourself thinks then this world is hopeless. |
Aug 7, 2024 2:52 AM
Mathi786 said: First I have to praise it for being an eye Candy, I really loved the atmosphere, animation, character design and music, Every technical aspect of this thing was on point and Masterfully done, Now after that I want to say what a rude asshole the MC is, especially towards his father, Like I don't these slice of life shows and not just in anime but also other asian or non asian media including K dramas or C dramas, why are parents villainsed like this when they're greiving, I mean for fuck sake anything the MC is feeling, parents are feeling it much more, cz you lost your sibling but your parents lost their own child, someone who was once part of them and every inch of their body is made by their efforts, But the moment they try to show their greif in any aggressive manner or do something out of ordinary, Boom, they hurt MC's little feeling, It's so annoying, and in this movie when MC's father was trying to move on he literally puked on his face, but at the end all that tantrum he threw and wasted decades of Anzu's life, he did the same thing like his father, got with a woman, But they never addressed his father's worries, I mean he didn't lost just one but both of his children but fuck that guy bcz he's not a high schooler or something, Anyway it's really annoying that, they didn't even revived his sister and he just came back empty handed, didn't even had a proper conversation with the sister or didn't even hugged her, like this whole thing was so annoying, I was rolling on my bed, I wonder why anzu even want that guy, Fuck im' Anyway that's my rant, share your views about it but I saw someone saying that this show would be interpreted differently by the people with different level of maturity, and I do agree this statement, Like a 15 year old high schooler will think that this romance was so hot and an edgy MC was so cool, But a 30 year old adult with a lot of responsibilities would say fuck that guy, The more mature you are the more childish the plot seems like First of all, I think you are one of those 30 year olds who are still immature. Second, here's what's wrong with the parents. I get that they are traumatized after losing a child but still , you need to get over it. If you are crying about why the Dad's feelings weren't addressed, well they shouldn't be, because the dad is in the wrong here. Always lying in the dumps acting immature not getting over a loss. It's also a trigger for the MC who wanted to bring his sister back so his immature parents would go back to how they were before. If you think that the MC is immature , that's because he is a high schooler who should either be sad about it or try to do what he did aka try to bring her back. It just goes to show that he cared enough to make everything right that he ignored his own world. That is a sacrifice and it's more mature than the behavior of the parents. EDIT: I just realized how you said that the parents hurt MC's feelings by "showing grief in an aggressive manner" . I mean come on , I get that parents are not wrong for feeling grief but being aggressive towards your own child is certainly very wrong and IMMATURE. I don't know why you decided to make such a post because you don't make a single point. |
TempestDrakAug 7, 2024 2:58 AM
Aug 7, 2024 3:31 AM
@TempestDrak Yup, It's your job as an adult to deal with the shit you're going through, especially when you have another child around. You can work it out step by step, by going to therapy or at least doing something proactive, not just moping around. The other child, who's still alive, might feel that you don't care about them nearly as much as you did for the deceased one, even if that's not true. |
Aug 7, 2024 3:53 AM
Mathi786 said: @_Reas you see I do agree with you,from a perspective of child, it does make sense, But than there is another thing where the show itself tries to show a biased view, It's same as a show try to romantise rape or glorifies mindless killings and trying show the murderer as the hero, Basically what I'm trying to say is that making a show from a perspective of a specific person is fine and it can be entertaining but manipulating the viewers to make them empathize with said person even if he's wrong is not ok Nah, don't compare it to justifying rape, that's something completely different. The father in this instance isn't a role model by any chance, I would say that MC overcame the loss way better than the adult, which is concerning. Even Anzu's parents are shown as a very debatable people. You should let your kids pursue their goals and support them as much as possible, don't tell them "you have to be a doctor" or some other bs and repeat the cycle of unhappy and unfulfilled lifes. And even if you have any kind issues, which is okay, you just cannot take it out on children. Although there are a lot of parents like that, even in my friend circle. That just shows the realizm. |
Aug 7, 2024 9:40 AM
Both the MC and his father are trash, Anzu is the only worthwhile character in this movie. |
I ❤️ 🍕 👩 |
Aug 7, 2024 10:58 AM
@Mathi786 I think you don't know how debates or discussions work. I've said multiple factually based arguments, aimed directly at your statements or opinions and you rejected them all instantly, talking about your personal empiric (biased) experience. Also as I mentioned, the things you talked about in your post are tightly linked with issues in the real world. That's why I tried to explain it that way, taking into consideration a broader perspective, incorporating stories of many (real) people I know, which are from different states, upbringing etc... to show you, that your point of view is warped. You responded to @Phantom_is_here1 with " I finally found a voice of reason" only because he agreed with you on some points and that shows, that you are not open to accept any arguments or ideas except your own. Therefore I see no reason to participate in this thread anymore. |
_ReasAug 7, 2024 12:12 PM
Aug 7, 2024 11:02 AM
@Mathi786 For real? Because the father said to his own son that what happened is all his fault and that he killed Karen and that he should bring her back in exchange for his own life, even though he apologized afterwards he tried to use his drinking as an excuse. Later he tried to force him to accept a new mother out of the blue and move to Tokyo and when his son threw up hearing that, he got violent with him. All of that makes him not just trash, but also a scumbag. |
I ❤️ 🍕 👩 |
Aug 7, 2024 12:10 PM
Zarutaku said: @Mathi786 For real? Because the father said to his own son that what happened is all his fault and that he killed Karen and that he should bring her back in exchange for his own life, even though he apologized afterwards he tried to use his drinking as an excuse. Later he tried to force him to accept a new mother out of the blue and move to Tokyo and when his son threw up hearing that, he got violent with him. All of that makes him not just trash, but also a scumbag. He will say that it's okay, because the father is also only a human. Why don't you beat your teenage son a bit, when you said all that shit to him and didn't do anything positive. He's only your possession after all and should be glad that he gets to live under your roof. Bro just won't see any obvious issues, cos MC is just sO imMatUre (literally a child). I'll come back to see, if he's gonna say that over and over again. |
Aug 7, 2024 2:34 PM
Mathi786 said: @Hacker075 Look buddy, I am an Asian, this whole nonsense about children getting physically assaulted by their own parents is just nonsense to us asians, we grew up with our mom's slippers so..... "We had physical abuse normalised because of our culture and now we call anyone who disagrees wrong" is all I hear. You say that being mature makes you see the show differently but the inability to see that hitting a child is bad, suggests that maybe you aren't mature at all. We've all been physically reprimanded as children, you aren't anyone special. It's being punished in that way as a child that made me realise that it's simply not the answer. If you resort to violence with your kids, then you clearly aren't mature enough to have them. |
Aug 7, 2024 6:19 PM
Reply to _Reas
@Mathi786 I think you don't know how debates or discussions work. I've said multiple factually based arguments, aimed directly at your statements or opinions and you rejected them all instantly, talking about your personal empiric (biased) experience.
Also as I mentioned, the things you talked about in your post are tightly linked with issues in the real world. That's why I tried to explain it that way, taking into consideration a broader perspective, incorporating stories of many (real) people I know, which are from different states, upbringing etc... to show you, that your point of view is warped.
You responded to @Phantom_is_here1 with " I finally found a voice of reason" only because he agreed with you on some points and that shows, that you are not open to accept any arguments or ideas except your own.
Therefore I see no reason to participate in this thread anymore.
Also as I mentioned, the things you talked about in your post are tightly linked with issues in the real world. That's why I tried to explain it that way, taking into consideration a broader perspective, incorporating stories of many (real) people I know, which are from different states, upbringing etc... to show you, that your point of view is warped.
You responded to @Phantom_is_here1 with " I finally found a voice of reason" only because he agreed with you on some points and that shows, that you are not open to accept any arguments or ideas except your own.
Therefore I see no reason to participate in this thread anymore.
@_Reas I think you're just trying to find any excuse to not reply, it's fine you can have it easy, bye, and have nice day |
Aug 7, 2024 6:26 PM
Reply to Zarutaku
@Mathi786 For real? Because the father said to his own son that what happened is all his fault and that he killed Karen and that he should bring her back in exchange for his own life, even though he apologized afterwards he tried to use his drinking as an excuse. Later he tried to force him to accept a new mother out of the blue and move to Tokyo and when his son threw up hearing that, he got violent with him. All of that makes him not just trash, but also a scumbag.
@Zarutaku you literally answered your own question, he did said some mean things but than he also apologized, and that's how mistakes and apologies work, And he blamed it on drinking which i made very clear is wrong, About forcing him to accept new mother thing, I didn't see him forcing anything, he simply introduced him and than MC threw up which again is wrong on MC's part, I do see some questionable behavior here but when you consider it in the light that, his father lost everything he ever loved in his life, I don't see it as scummy behavior, I mean you will call him a trash for saying somethings when he was angry and drunk than by same logic you should also call MC trash for fighting with his sister when she died, that's be wrong, as this is too, |
Aug 7, 2024 6:34 PM
Reply to Hacker075
Mathi786 said:
@Hacker075 Look buddy, I am an Asian, this whole nonsense about children getting physically assaulted by their own parents is just nonsense to us asians, we grew up with our mom's slippers so.....
@Hacker075 Look buddy, I am an Asian, this whole nonsense about children getting physically assaulted by their own parents is just nonsense to us asians, we grew up with our mom's slippers so.....
"We had physical abuse normalised because of our culture and now we call anyone who disagrees wrong" is all I hear. You say that being mature makes you see the show differently but the inability to see that hitting a child is bad, suggests that maybe you aren't mature at all.
We've all been physically reprimanded as children, you aren't anyone special. It's being punished in that way as a child that made me realise that it's simply not the answer. If you resort to violence with your kids, then you clearly aren't mature enough to have them.
@Hacker075 I'd say whatever you said is just nonsense, bcz now you're just commenting on my culture and upbringing, I can say the same about you people who consider parents anger and displine as abuse or violence that you're self centered, narcissistic, overly sensitive brats, But I won't say those things cz that's problem in the real world, and it would be wrong for say it to someone I don't know anything about, I would like you to keep it about the movie, and also in the movie his father never really hit him, not even once, all I can say is that you people are very easily manipulated, sympathizing with someone just bcz you're told too is just so funny to me, Think for yourself goddamnit |
Aug 7, 2024 11:21 PM
Mathi786 said: @TempestDrak What you're saying is total utter nonsense, you're not even giving his father a space for being human, I mean I do think that drinking is generally wrong and disgusting no matter the situation but everything else he did was not wrong, I don't understand why you said he's feeling aren't even worth showing, is he not a person, you're with surety saying his wrong, which I find laughable, all I can make up with your statements is that you relate with the MC so any fault he has will Magically disappear and bcz you don't relate with his dad, he's a bad guy, you easily said the father should get over his loss but why won't you say that same thing about MC, I mean why don't MC get over his loss like that, even tho MC's trauma is smaller than his father's trauma, and also when his father tried to get over his loss he literally threw up in his face, Goddamnit I wanted to punch him so hard at that time and yes I did say being a bit aggressive is fine towards your children, parents have a lot of rights on their children, if parents give you unconditional love, they can be a bit angry with you, get over it, you idiot Lmao, you think that a father who is an adult and a mature human is supposed to keep moping around and neglect his other children. You are blaming the MC and comparing their traumas. if you look at it this way , then a teen losing his sister who is also his best friend is not a "small trauma" than an adult losing his daughter. I never said his feeling aren't worth showing. They are worth showing but after a time, you are supposed to get over it. He is acting like a child. The MC is just a teen so it's understandable that he might take longer to recover from the trauma than his dad. His dad literally reminds him of his sister.How am I supposed to say that the MC should get over the loss when his father clearly hasn't done so? Again, MC didn't voluntarily throw up in his father's face, it was the father who brought up all the trauma again. Ok now you are just being an idiot. I don't think being aggressive towards children is fine when they didn't do anything wrong, it's just a form of trauma dumping. Even IF we assume as you said that being a bit aggressive is fine if they give you unconditional love, your definition of unconditional love is twisted. We don't see the father loving his last child unconditionally. |
Aug 8, 2024 12:33 AM
Reply to Mathi786
@Zarutaku you literally answered your own
question, he did said some mean things but than he also apologized, and that's how mistakes and apologies work, And he blamed it on drinking which i made very clear is wrong,
About forcing him to accept new mother thing, I didn't see him forcing anything, he simply introduced him and than MC threw up which again is wrong on MC's part, I do see some questionable behavior here but when you consider it in the light that, his father lost everything he ever loved in his life, I don't see it as scummy behavior,
I mean you will call him a trash for saying somethings when he was angry and drunk than by same logic you should also call MC trash for fighting with his sister when she died, that's be wrong, as this is too,
question, he did said some mean things but than he also apologized, and that's how mistakes and apologies work, And he blamed it on drinking which i made very clear is wrong,
About forcing him to accept new mother thing, I didn't see him forcing anything, he simply introduced him and than MC threw up which again is wrong on MC's part, I do see some questionable behavior here but when you consider it in the light that, his father lost everything he ever loved in his life, I don't see it as scummy behavior,
I mean you will call him a trash for saying somethings when he was angry and drunk than by same logic you should also call MC trash for fighting with his sister when she died, that's be wrong, as this is too,
Mathi786 said: he did said some mean things but than he also apologized, and that's how mistakes and apologies work Mathi786 said: About forcing him to accept new mother thing, I didn't see him forcing anything, he simply introduced him and than MC threw up which again is wrong on MC's part Saying such things in bad faith can't just be atoned for with a mere quick apology and even use drinking as an excuse, it's common knowledge that people become more honest when they are drunk so this is probably what his father really thought about his son, thus he's a scumbag. And the situation where he introduced the woman was totally forced, he just said that she's going to be his new mother and they're all going to move to Tokyo without even leaving him an option, which makes him even more of a scumbag. The MC panicking and throwing up isn't wrong at all, there's no control over that, and his father getting violent because of that makes him an absolute scumbag. Now please stop trolling me with absurd counterarguments. |
I ❤️ 🍕 👩 |
Aug 8, 2024 3:10 AM
Mathi786 said: @Hacker075 I'd say whatever you said is just nonsense, bcz now you're just commenting on my culture and upbringing, I can say the same about you people who consider parents anger and displine as abuse or violence that you're self centered, narcissistic, overly sensitive brats, But I won't say those things cz that's problem in the real world, and it would be wrong for say it to someone I don't know anything about, I would like you to keep it about the movie, and also in the movie his father never really hit him, not even once, all I can say is that you people are very easily manipulated, sympathizing with someone just bcz you're told too is just so funny to me, Think for yourself goddamnit You said your Mother got angry when her hitting you no longer hurt you. What a sickening bit of behaviour. There's no way you think I'm overly sensitive for saying that your parents shouldn't resort to violence when they can't find a way to actually raise their kids. You've clearly been brainwashed into thinking it's the right thing to do; I hope it's not a case of you enjoying hurting those smaller and/or weaker than you because if so, you need locking up honestly. This debate is just a back and forth of receptivity so I'll end it here. Please consider why you think it's acceptable and decide whether you actually stand by it or only agree with it because it makes you seem tough. |
Aug 8, 2024 4:48 AM
I think I’m gonna switch to Anilist |
Aug 8, 2024 6:24 AM
Sadahon said: I think I’m gonna switch to Anilist These kinds of people are everywhere, I don't think changing platforms will make a difference. It's just a waste of time to even read this thread anymore. It's sane people vs this one guy. |
Aug 8, 2024 8:43 AM
Sadahon said: I think I’m gonna switch to Anilist I would switch too, but an idiot in an forum isn't worth destroying all the time I took to make my list and nor is he worth enough for me to waste time creating new lists |
Aug 8, 2024 10:22 AM
Reply to TempestDrak
Mathi786 said:
@TempestDrak What you're saying is total utter nonsense, you're not even giving his father a space for being human, I mean I do think that drinking is generally wrong and disgusting no matter the situation but everything else he did was not wrong,
I don't understand why you said he's feeling aren't even worth showing, is he not a person, you're with surety saying his wrong, which I find laughable, all I can make up with your statements is that you relate with the MC so any fault he has will Magically disappear and bcz you don't relate with his dad, he's a bad guy,
you easily said the father should get over his loss but why won't you say that same
thing about MC, I mean why don't MC get over his loss like that, even tho MC's trauma is smaller than his father's trauma, and also when his father tried to get over his loss he literally threw up in his face, Goddamnit I wanted to punch him so hard at that time
and yes I did say being a bit aggressive is fine towards your children, parents have a lot of rights on their children, if parents give you unconditional love, they can be a bit angry with you, get over it, you idiot
@TempestDrak What you're saying is total utter nonsense, you're not even giving his father a space for being human, I mean I do think that drinking is generally wrong and disgusting no matter the situation but everything else he did was not wrong,
I don't understand why you said he's feeling aren't even worth showing, is he not a person, you're with surety saying his wrong, which I find laughable, all I can make up with your statements is that you relate with the MC so any fault he has will Magically disappear and bcz you don't relate with his dad, he's a bad guy,
you easily said the father should get over his loss but why won't you say that same
thing about MC, I mean why don't MC get over his loss like that, even tho MC's trauma is smaller than his father's trauma, and also when his father tried to get over his loss he literally threw up in his face, Goddamnit I wanted to punch him so hard at that time
and yes I did say being a bit aggressive is fine towards your children, parents have a lot of rights on their children, if parents give you unconditional love, they can be a bit angry with you, get over it, you idiot
Lmao, you think that a father who is an adult and a mature human is supposed to keep moping around and neglect his other children. You are blaming the MC and comparing their traumas. if you look at it this way , then a teen losing his sister who is also his best friend is not a "small trauma" than an adult losing his daughter.
I never said his feeling aren't worth showing. They are worth showing but after a time, you are supposed to get over it. He is acting like a child. The MC is just a teen so it's understandable that he might take longer to recover from the trauma than his dad. His dad literally reminds him of his sister.How am I supposed to say that the MC should get over the loss when his father clearly hasn't done so?
Again, MC didn't voluntarily throw up in his father's face, it was the father who brought up all the trauma again.
Ok now you are just being an idiot. I don't think being aggressive towards children is fine when they didn't do anything wrong, it's just a form of trauma dumping. Even IF we assume as you said that being a bit aggressive is fine if they give you unconditional love, your definition of unconditional love is twisted. We don't see the father loving his last child unconditionally.
@TempestDrak I think this you just same thing again and so I won't reply with the same thing again, I m not saying you're totally wrong, There is some truth to what to you said, and the father not behaving as he should (Mainly drinking) but again something you said are also wrong, It's not the father who has all the responsibility, MC should also try to get over it and they should help each other out, Saying that MC is a teenager doesn't magically solve everything, Anyway I would like to meet up halfway and agree to disagree |
Aug 8, 2024 10:30 AM
Reply to Zarutaku
Mathi786 said:
he did said some mean things but than he also apologized, and that's how mistakes and apologies work
he did said some mean things but than he also apologized, and that's how mistakes and apologies work
Mathi786 said:
About forcing him to accept new mother thing, I didn't see him forcing anything, he simply introduced him and than MC threw up which again is wrong on MC's part
About forcing him to accept new mother thing, I didn't see him forcing anything, he simply introduced him and than MC threw up which again is wrong on MC's part
Saying such things in bad faith can't just be atoned for with a mere quick apology and even use drinking as an excuse, it's common knowledge that people become more honest when they are drunk so this is probably what his father really thought about his son, thus he's a scumbag.
And the situation where he introduced the woman was totally forced, he just said that she's going to be his new mother and they're all going to move to Tokyo without even leaving him an option, which makes him even more of a scumbag. The MC panicking and throwing up isn't wrong at all, there's no control over that, and his father getting violent because of that makes him an absolute scumbag. Now please stop trolling me with absurd counterarguments.
@Zarutaku Amazing just amazing, so you're neglect his actual apology with creating some bullshit in your own mind but you will go to hell and back to create an excuse for the MC, I don't what to say to that, all I can say is you have an extreme bias just you relate on some bias, And about the women he introduced that he was going marry, you think he shouldn't marry her bcz of MC, but if the roles were reversed and father objected against MC and Anzu's relationship, you will say he has no right to do it. He just wanted to move on and he found someone who can help him in that why is MC throwing up there, also moving to tokyo thing can be solved easily, it's an anime, MC can live without his parents like anzu, Lastly you talk I've never threw up in my life, of course you can control your vomiting, or you can run to the nearest toilet in last Mili seconds, I just don't understand why are you people so hellbent on defending that idiot |
Aug 8, 2024 10:36 AM
Reply to Hacker075
Mathi786 said:
@Hacker075 I'd say whatever you said is just nonsense, bcz now you're just commenting on my culture and upbringing, I can say the same about you people who consider parents anger and displine as abuse or violence that you're self centered, narcissistic, overly sensitive brats, But I won't say those things cz that's problem in the real world, and it would be wrong for say it to someone I don't know anything about,
I would like you to keep it about the movie, and also in the movie his father never really hit him, not even once,
all I can say is that you people are very easily manipulated, sympathizing with someone just bcz you're told too is just so funny to me, Think for yourself goddamnit
@Hacker075 I'd say whatever you said is just nonsense, bcz now you're just commenting on my culture and upbringing, I can say the same about you people who consider parents anger and displine as abuse or violence that you're self centered, narcissistic, overly sensitive brats, But I won't say those things cz that's problem in the real world, and it would be wrong for say it to someone I don't know anything about,
I would like you to keep it about the movie, and also in the movie his father never really hit him, not even once,
all I can say is that you people are very easily manipulated, sympathizing with someone just bcz you're told too is just so funny to me, Think for yourself goddamnit
You said your Mother got angry when her hitting you no longer hurt you. What a sickening bit of behaviour. There's no way you think I'm overly sensitive for saying that your parents shouldn't resort to violence when they can't find a way to actually raise their kids. You've clearly been brainwashed into thinking it's the right thing to do; I hope it's not a case of you enjoying hurting those smaller and/or weaker than you because if so, you need locking up honestly.
This debate is just a back and forth of receptivity so I'll end it here. Please consider why you think it's acceptable and decide whether you actually stand by it or only agree with it because it makes you seem tough.
@Hacker075 Did you just disrespected my mother? I can't believe you actually did that, Like I m amazed what kinda person you are, you're talking about etiquettes، especially after I told you to keep it about the movie and not to make it personal, All I can say is fuck you and fuck those people who raised a disrespectful, inconsiderate fucker like you, And also right now I'm being reminded what Mike Tyson once said ,"People have become too comfortable insulting other people on internet and not being punched in the face" I wish you disrespected my mum in front me, You'll know what happens than |
Mathi786Aug 8, 2024 10:40 AM
Aug 8, 2024 10:39 AM
Reply to _Reas
Sadahon said:
I think I’m gonna switch to Anilist
I think I’m gonna switch to Anilist
These kinds of people are everywhere, I don't think changing platforms will make a difference.
It's just a waste of time to even read this thread anymore. It's sane people vs this one guy.
@_Reas Yeah, right sane people, more like little brats who thinks being edgy and treating your parents like enemies is cool🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 |
Aug 8, 2024 11:31 AM
Reply to Mathi786
@Zarutaku Amazing just amazing, so you're neglect his actual apology with creating some bullshit in your own mind but you will go to hell and back to create an excuse for the MC, I don't what to say to that, all I can say is you have an extreme bias just you relate on some bias,
And about the women he introduced that he was going marry, you think he shouldn't marry her bcz of MC, but if the roles were reversed and father objected against MC and Anzu's relationship, you will say he has no right to do it.
He just wanted to move on and he found someone who can help him in that why is MC throwing up there, also moving to tokyo thing can be solved easily, it's an anime, MC can live without his parents like anzu,
Lastly you talk I've never threw up in my life, of course you can control your vomiting, or you can run to the nearest toilet in last Mili seconds,
I just don't understand why are you people so hellbent on defending that idiot
And about the women he introduced that he was going marry, you think he shouldn't marry her bcz of MC, but if the roles were reversed and father objected against MC and Anzu's relationship, you will say he has no right to do it.
He just wanted to move on and he found someone who can help him in that why is MC throwing up there, also moving to tokyo thing can be solved easily, it's an anime, MC can live without his parents like anzu,
Lastly you talk I've never threw up in my life, of course you can control your vomiting, or you can run to the nearest toilet in last Mili seconds,
I just don't understand why are you people so hellbent on defending that idiot
@Mathi786 Let me repeat: Zarutaku said: Now please stop trolling me with absurd counterarguments. |
I ❤️ 🍕 👩 |
Aug 8, 2024 11:57 AM
@Mathi786 What are you on, respect always goes both ways. If you're a shitty person, no matter your position in society, you are not worthy of being respected. Even if it was my father or mother, if they were scumbags, I would not respect them. You're blinded by false interpretations of honor and respect. I hope you'll understand that someday. I'm done for real now. |
Aug 8, 2024 3:41 PM
Mathi786 said: @Hacker075 Did you just disrespected my mother? I can't believe you actually did that, Like I m amazed what kinda person you are, you're talking about etiquettes، especially after I told you to keep it about the movie and not to make it personal, All I can say is fuck you and fuck those people who raised a disrespectful, inconsiderate fucker like you, And also right now I'm being reminded what Mike Tyson once said ,"People have become too comfortable insulting other people on internet and not being punched in the face" I wish you disrespected my mum in front me, You'll know what happens than lol whatever you say bro. Someone who gets angry when their attempt to hurt their children fails, deserves to be negatively judged in my opinion. it's nothing to do with her relation to you at all. And don't act tough unless you're trained how to actually fight. I've been punched in the face by people nearly double my weight in sparring hundreds of times and notice how I never jumped to saying that I'd ever fight you? it's because violence for the sake of hurting someone is bad (outside of sport) and threatening people physically online doesn't make you some tough guy. Mike Tyson was completely right in what he said but don't confuse that with 'If anyone disrespects you, resort to threats or violence', which is what I'm seeing here. |
Aug 8, 2024 7:35 PM
Reply to Hacker075
Mathi786 said:
@Hacker075 Did you just disrespected my mother? I can't believe you actually did that, Like I m amazed what kinda person you are, you're talking about etiquettes، especially after I told you to keep it about the movie and not to make it personal,
All I can say is fuck you and fuck those people who raised a disrespectful, inconsiderate fucker like you,
And also right now I'm being reminded what Mike Tyson once said ,"People have become too comfortable insulting other people on internet and not being punched in the face"
I wish you disrespected my mum in front me, You'll know what happens than
@Hacker075 Did you just disrespected my mother? I can't believe you actually did that, Like I m amazed what kinda person you are, you're talking about etiquettes، especially after I told you to keep it about the movie and not to make it personal,
All I can say is fuck you and fuck those people who raised a disrespectful, inconsiderate fucker like you,
And also right now I'm being reminded what Mike Tyson once said ,"People have become too comfortable insulting other people on internet and not being punched in the face"
I wish you disrespected my mum in front me, You'll know what happens than
lol whatever you say bro. Someone who gets angry when their attempt to hurt their children fails, deserves to be negatively judged in my opinion. it's nothing to do with her relation to you at all.
And don't act tough unless you're trained how to actually fight. I've been punched in the face by people nearly double my weight in sparring hundreds of times and notice how I never jumped to saying that I'd ever fight you? it's because violence for the sake of hurting someone is bad (outside of sport) and threatening people physically online doesn't make you some tough guy.
Mike Tyson was completely right in what he said but don't confuse that with 'If anyone disrespects you, resort to threats or violence', which is what I'm seeing here.
Hacker075 said: lol whatever you say bro. Someone who gets angry when their attempt to hurt their children fails, deserves to be negatively judged in my opinion. it's nothing to do with her relation to you at all. you're just bloody looser who don't know what to say or what not to say, But again what should I expect from people born and raised in societies crippled by degeneracy and selfishness, where you probably don't know who your father is. And don't act tough, you're just a teenager who has too much on their hands and nothing more, you're not in a Hollywood movie u idiot, _Reas said: You're blinded by false interpretations of honor and respect. I hope you'll understand that someday. I'm done for real now Anyway, I'm done with this thread, I wanted to discuss a movie but too many angsty little teens who think they're main Character in an anime, |
Aug 9, 2024 2:44 AM
Mathi786 said: Hacker075 said: lol whatever you say bro. Someone who gets angry when their attempt to hurt their children fails, deserves to be negatively judged in my opinion. it's nothing to do with her relation to you at all. you're just bloody looser who don't know what to say or what not to say, But again what should I expect from people born and raised in societies crippled by degeneracy and selfishness, where you probably don't know who your father is. And don't act tough, you're just a teenager who has too much on their hands and nothing more, you're not in a Hollywood movie u idiot, _Reas said: You're blinded by false interpretations of honor and respect. I hope you'll understand that someday. I'm done for real now Anyway, I'm done with this thread, I wanted to discuss a movie but too many angsty little teens who think they're main Character in an anime, I love that you tell me not to act like a tough guy after threatening to beat me up lol. The hypocrisy is absurd. And jokes about people not seeing their dads? really? Who's the real child in this conversation because attacking a group of people purely because they don't have a present father is both immature and disrespectful. Those people have done nothing to you and yet you berate their living situation. I'm the one who pissed you off because you couldn't comprehend the possibility that you were raised in a bad environment and your response is to attack an entirely seperate group of people who are uninvolved? You've clearly lost it mate. Maybe actually follow the principles you preach in the future instead of resorting to needless insults like a child 😁👍 |
Aug 9, 2024 3:17 AM
Reply to Hacker075
Mathi786 said:
you're just bloody looser who don't know what to say or what not to say, But again what should I expect from people born and raised in societies crippled by degeneracy and selfishness, where you probably don't know who your father is.
And don't act tough, you're just a teenager who has too much on their hands and nothing more, you're not in a Hollywood movie u idiot,
Anyway, I'm done with this thread, I wanted to discuss a movie but too many angsty little teens who think they're main Character in an anime,
Hacker075 said:
lol whatever you say bro. Someone who gets angry when their attempt to hurt their children fails, deserves to be negatively judged in my opinion. it's nothing to do with her relation to you at all.
lol whatever you say bro. Someone who gets angry when their attempt to hurt their children fails, deserves to be negatively judged in my opinion. it's nothing to do with her relation to you at all.
you're just bloody looser who don't know what to say or what not to say, But again what should I expect from people born and raised in societies crippled by degeneracy and selfishness, where you probably don't know who your father is.
And don't act tough, you're just a teenager who has too much on their hands and nothing more, you're not in a Hollywood movie u idiot,
_Reas said:
You're blinded by false interpretations of honor and respect. I hope you'll understand that someday. I'm done for real now
You're blinded by false interpretations of honor and respect. I hope you'll understand that someday. I'm done for real now
Anyway, I'm done with this thread, I wanted to discuss a movie but too many angsty little teens who think they're main Character in an anime,
I love that you tell me not to act like a tough guy after threatening to beat me up lol. The hypocrisy is absurd.
And jokes about people not seeing their dads? really? Who's the real child in this conversation because attacking a group of people purely because they don't have a present father is both immature and disrespectful. Those people have done nothing to you and yet you berate their living situation. I'm the one who pissed you off because you couldn't comprehend the possibility that you were raised in a bad environment and your response is to attack an entirely seperate group of people who are uninvolved? You've clearly lost it mate.
Maybe actually follow the principles you preach in the future instead of resorting to needless insults like a child 😁👍
@Hacker075 you dumb I was talking about you, OH my god, i even have to explain the insult now, You know this has been an extremely bad experience for me, First you insulted my parents and when I insult your parents, I have to explain my insult to you, I hope some admin guy just lock this whole thread so I have to deal with a dumb idiot like you |
Aug 9, 2024 3:38 AM
Mathi786 said: @Hacker075 you dumb I was talking about you, OH my god, i even have to explain the insult now, You know this has been an extremely bad experience for me, First you insulted my parents and when I insult your parents, I have to explain my insult to you, I hope some admin guy just lock this whole thread so I have to deal with a dumb idiot like you But I have had a present father, and so your comment can't possibly be about me 🤔 and that aside, you using it as an insult in the first place is also you insulting everyone to whom it applies. Are you sure you even understand what you said yourself, lol? |
Aug 9, 2024 3:49 AM
Reply to Hacker075
Mathi786 said:
@Hacker075 you dumb I was talking about you,
OH my god, i even have to explain the insult now,
You know this has been an extremely bad experience for me, First you insulted my parents and when I insult your parents, I have to explain my insult to you, I hope some admin guy just lock this whole thread so I have to deal with a dumb idiot like you
@Hacker075 you dumb I was talking about you,
OH my god, i even have to explain the insult now,
You know this has been an extremely bad experience for me, First you insulted my parents and when I insult your parents, I have to explain my insult to you, I hope some admin guy just lock this whole thread so I have to deal with a dumb idiot like you
But I have had a present father, and so your comment can't possibly be about me 🤔
and that aside, you using it as an insult in the first place is also you insulting everyone to whom it applies. Are you sure you even understand what you said yourself, lol?
@Hacker075 I insulted your mum discreetly and now I was going to tell you exactly what I was saying but while typing it in clear words I realized I have good parents and good upbringing so I shouldn't say this about someone's parents, so I won't say it, All I can say is that you're a dumb fucking idiot and just stop replying me, You also don't have a constructive opinion about the movie۔ all in all just end this discussion |
Aug 9, 2024 4:13 AM
Mathi786 said: @Zarutaku Amazing just amazing, so you're neglect his actual apology with creating some bullshit in your own mind but you will go to hell and back to create an excuse for the MC, I don't what to say to that, all I can say is you have an extreme bias just you relate on some bias, And about the women he introduced that he was going marry, you think he shouldn't marry her bcz of MC, but if the roles were reversed and father objected against MC and Anzu's relationship, you will say he has no right to do it. He just wanted to move on and he found someone who can help him in that why is MC throwing up there, also moving to tokyo thing can be solved easily, it's an anime, MC can live without his parents like anzu, Lastly you talk I've never threw up in my life, of course you can control your vomiting, or you can run to the nearest toilet in last Mili seconds, I just don't understand why are you people so hellbent on defending that idiot Alright man, I don't think I should argue with an idiot like you. |
Aug 9, 2024 4:31 AM
Reply to TempestDrak
Mathi786 said:
@Zarutaku Amazing just amazing, so you're neglect his actual apology with creating some bullshit in your own mind but you will go to hell and back to create an excuse for the MC, I don't what to say to that, all I can say is you have an extreme bias just you relate on some bias,
And about the women he introduced that he was going marry, you think he shouldn't marry her bcz of MC, but if the roles were reversed and father objected against MC and Anzu's relationship, you will say he has no right to do it.
He just wanted to move on and he found someone who can help him in that why is MC throwing up there, also moving to tokyo thing can be solved easily, it's an anime, MC can live without his parents like anzu,
Lastly you talk I've never threw up in my life, of course you can control your vomiting, or you can run to the nearest toilet in last Mili seconds,
I just don't understand why are you people so hellbent on defending that idiot
@Zarutaku Amazing just amazing, so you're neglect his actual apology with creating some bullshit in your own mind but you will go to hell and back to create an excuse for the MC, I don't what to say to that, all I can say is you have an extreme bias just you relate on some bias,
And about the women he introduced that he was going marry, you think he shouldn't marry her bcz of MC, but if the roles were reversed and father objected against MC and Anzu's relationship, you will say he has no right to do it.
He just wanted to move on and he found someone who can help him in that why is MC throwing up there, also moving to tokyo thing can be solved easily, it's an anime, MC can live without his parents like anzu,
Lastly you talk I've never threw up in my life, of course you can control your vomiting, or you can run to the nearest toilet in last Mili seconds,
I just don't understand why are you people so hellbent on defending that idiot
Alright man, I don't think I should argue with an idiot like you.
TempestDrak said: Alright man, I don't think I should argue with an idiot like you. Glad to know we have the same opinion about each other |
Aug 9, 2024 1:13 PM
Mathi786 said: TempestDrak said: Alright man, I don't think I should argue with an idiot like you. Glad to know we have the same opinion about each other yeah ok, everyone in the thread believes either you are an idiot or this is just a bait post. I will say that I am extremely happy that the MC puked in the father's face, well deserved. |
TempestDrakAug 9, 2024 1:22 PM
Aug 9, 2024 9:32 PM
Reply to TempestDrak
Mathi786 said:
Glad to know we have the same opinion about each other
TempestDrak said:
Alright man, I don't think I should argue with an idiot like you.
Alright man, I don't think I should argue with an idiot like you.
Glad to know we have the same opinion about each other
yeah ok, everyone in the thread believes either you are an idiot or this is just a bait post. I will say that I am extremely happy that the MC puked in the father's face, well deserved.
@TempestDrak You know it's a virtue to know when to stop, seems like you don't have any Also if the puke was well deserved than the follow up when the father threw that looser to the wall with one hand was also very admirable and most people unfortunately in this thread are bratty teens thinking MC is just like them, I realized that I chose target Audience incorrectly |
Aug 10, 2024 12:33 PM
Mathi786 said: @TempestDrak You know it's a virtue to know when to stop, seems like you don't have any Also if the puke was well deserved than the follow up when the father threw that looser to the wall with one hand was also very admirable and most people unfortunately in this thread are bratty teens thinking MC is just like them, I realized that I chose target Audience incorrectly Haha, really? I guess your target audience are boomers like you who are still babies thinking they can just run away from their responsibilities after one tragedy. Also you just proved that violence on children is admirable. I hope you never get to be a father. |
Aug 11, 2024 1:12 AM
Reply to TempestDrak
Mathi786 said:
@TempestDrak You know it's a virtue to know when to stop, seems like you don't have any
Also if the puke was well deserved than the follow up when the father threw that looser to the wall with one hand was also very admirable
and most people unfortunately in this thread are bratty teens thinking MC is just like them, I realized that I chose target Audience incorrectly
@TempestDrak You know it's a virtue to know when to stop, seems like you don't have any
Also if the puke was well deserved than the follow up when the father threw that looser to the wall with one hand was also very admirable
and most people unfortunately in this thread are bratty teens thinking MC is just like them, I realized that I chose target Audience incorrectly
Haha, really? I guess your target audience are boomers like you who are still babies thinking they can just run away from their responsibilities after one tragedy.
Also you just proved that violence on children is admirable. I hope you never get to be a father.
@TempestDrak so now you're just cursing me directly, and the irony is you people think you have some moral high ground or something like when you can curse people like this without knowing anything about them, And I know you're gonna say you know enough about me bcz what I said but that's just bullshit, Another thing that I find amazing is that you said running away from your responsibility is childish but you're defending an MC who literally ran from his era and travelled through time to run away from his responsibilities, The hypocrisy is just mind blowing, Lastly I hope you don't reply me again you motherfucker |
Aug 11, 2024 1:12 AM
Reply to TempestDrak
Mathi786 said:
@TempestDrak You know it's a virtue to know when to stop, seems like you don't have any
Also if the puke was well deserved than the follow up when the father threw that looser to the wall with one hand was also very admirable
and most people unfortunately in this thread are bratty teens thinking MC is just like them, I realized that I chose target Audience incorrectly
@TempestDrak You know it's a virtue to know when to stop, seems like you don't have any
Also if the puke was well deserved than the follow up when the father threw that looser to the wall with one hand was also very admirable
and most people unfortunately in this thread are bratty teens thinking MC is just like them, I realized that I chose target Audience incorrectly
Haha, really? I guess your target audience are boomers like you who are still babies thinking they can just run away from their responsibilities after one tragedy.
Also you just proved that violence on children is admirable. I hope you never get to be a father.
@TempestDrak so now you're just cursing me directly, and the irony is you people think you have some moral high ground or something like when you can curse people like this without knowing anything about them, And I know you're gonna say you know enough about me bcz what I said but that's just bullshit, Another thing that I find amazing is that you said running away from your responsibility is childish but you're defending an MC who literally ran from his era and travelled through time to run away from his responsibilities, The hypocrisy is just mind blowing, Lastly I hope you don't reply me again you motherfucker |
Aug 11, 2024 1:17 AM
Mathi786 said: @TempestDrak so now you're just cursing me directly, and the irony is you people think you have some moral high ground or something like when you can curse people like this without knowing anything about them, And I know you're gonna say you know enough about me bcz what I said but that's just bullshit, Another thing that I find amazing is that you said running away from your responsibility is childish but you're defending an MC who literally ran from his era and travelled through time to run away from his responsibilities, The hypocrisy is just mind blowing, Lastly I hope you don't reply me again you motherfucker a grown adult running away from his responsibilities is alright but a teen trying to fix everything is suddenly not. Also your strong opinion on useless,loser people like the dad tells more than enough about you. If you are really so passionate about some asshole dad , then just go and suck his dick. |
Aug 12, 2024 2:05 AM
Reply to TempestDrak
Mathi786 said:
@TempestDrak so now you're just cursing me directly, and the irony is you people think you have some moral high ground or something like when you can curse people like this without knowing anything about them,
And I know you're gonna say you know enough about me bcz what I said but that's just bullshit,
Another thing that I find amazing is that you said running away from your responsibility is childish but you're defending an MC who literally ran from his era and travelled through time to run away from his responsibilities, The hypocrisy is just mind blowing,
Lastly I hope you don't reply me again you motherfucker
@TempestDrak so now you're just cursing me directly, and the irony is you people think you have some moral high ground or something like when you can curse people like this without knowing anything about them,
And I know you're gonna say you know enough about me bcz what I said but that's just bullshit,
Another thing that I find amazing is that you said running away from your responsibility is childish but you're defending an MC who literally ran from his era and travelled through time to run away from his responsibilities, The hypocrisy is just mind blowing,
Lastly I hope you don't reply me again you motherfucker
a grown adult running away from his responsibilities is alright but a teen trying to fix everything is suddenly not.
Also your strong opinion on useless,loser people like the dad tells more than enough about you.
If you are really so passionate about some asshole dad , then just go and suck his dick.
@TempestDrak bullshit mentality like this is why so people are so fucked up these days, a sixteen or 17 years old guy has no responsibility? get out of here, so basically a teen can destroy his life or kill someone or simply be an Asshole but he has responsibility, bcz he's teen, you're just spouting nonsense, anyway I don't understand why do you keep replying, and why the hell nobody lock this thread goddamnit |
Aug 12, 2024 2:05 AM
Reply to TempestDrak
Mathi786 said:
@TempestDrak so now you're just cursing me directly, and the irony is you people think you have some moral high ground or something like when you can curse people like this without knowing anything about them,
And I know you're gonna say you know enough about me bcz what I said but that's just bullshit,
Another thing that I find amazing is that you said running away from your responsibility is childish but you're defending an MC who literally ran from his era and travelled through time to run away from his responsibilities, The hypocrisy is just mind blowing,
Lastly I hope you don't reply me again you motherfucker
@TempestDrak so now you're just cursing me directly, and the irony is you people think you have some moral high ground or something like when you can curse people like this without knowing anything about them,
And I know you're gonna say you know enough about me bcz what I said but that's just bullshit,
Another thing that I find amazing is that you said running away from your responsibility is childish but you're defending an MC who literally ran from his era and travelled through time to run away from his responsibilities, The hypocrisy is just mind blowing,
Lastly I hope you don't reply me again you motherfucker
a grown adult running away from his responsibilities is alright but a teen trying to fix everything is suddenly not.
Also your strong opinion on useless,loser people like the dad tells more than enough about you.
If you are really so passionate about some asshole dad , then just go and suck his dick.
@TempestDrak bullshit mentality like this is why so people are so fucked up these days, a sixteen or 17 years old guy has no responsibility? get out of here, so basically a teen can destroy his life or kill someone or simply be an Asshole but he has responsibility, bcz he's teen, you're just spouting nonsense, anyway I don't understand why do you keep replying, and why the hell nobody lock this thread goddamnit |
Aug 12, 2024 4:04 AM
Mathi786 said: @TempestDrak bullshit mentality like this is why so people are so fucked up these days, a sixteen or 17 years old guy has no responsibility? get out of here, so basically a teen can destroy his life or kill someone or simply be an Asshole but he has responsibility, bcz he's teen, you're just spouting nonsense, anyway I don't understand why do you keep replying, and why the hell nobody lock this thread goddamnit the teen has responsibility of his life. The father has responsibility of the teen . You are the one spouting bullshit . Your sheer idiocy is so fun to watch. You are biased towards some loser dad who doesn't give a fuck about his child. All he cares about is getting laid , hence the new woman he brought. At least the MC didn't think getting laid before trying everything to save his sister was a good idea. You are just a fucking moron who doesn't even get what responsibilities are. I will keep replying to you because I can't stand your bullshit ideology. So either you shut the fuck up or just admit that you and your loser, alcoholic dad are both wrong. |
Aug 12, 2024 7:27 AM
Reply to TempestDrak
Mathi786 said:
@TempestDrak bullshit mentality like this is why so people are so fucked up these days, a sixteen or 17 years old guy has no responsibility? get out of here, so basically a teen can destroy his life or kill someone or simply be an Asshole but he has responsibility, bcz he's teen,
you're just spouting nonsense,
anyway I don't understand why do you keep replying, and why the hell nobody lock this thread goddamnit
@TempestDrak bullshit mentality like this is why so people are so fucked up these days, a sixteen or 17 years old guy has no responsibility? get out of here, so basically a teen can destroy his life or kill someone or simply be an Asshole but he has responsibility, bcz he's teen,
you're just spouting nonsense,
anyway I don't understand why do you keep replying, and why the hell nobody lock this thread goddamnit
the teen has responsibility of his life. The father has responsibility of the teen . You are the one spouting bullshit . Your sheer idiocy is so fun to watch. You are biased towards some loser dad who doesn't give a fuck about his child. All he cares about is getting laid , hence the new woman he brought.
At least the MC didn't think getting laid before trying everything to save his sister was a good idea.
You are just a fucking moron who doesn't even get what responsibilities are.
I will keep replying to you because I can't stand your bullshit ideology. So either you shut the fuck up or just admit that you and your loser, alcoholic dad are both wrong.
@TempestDrak Firstly I have to say I'm impressed, you're actually building a coherent argument, Did your body got switched by an alien or something, earlier you were spouting total nonsense so it's good to see growth, Now going to the movie, From the beginning my opinion wasn't about the dad but it's about the MC, his selfishness and his Idiocracy, Every decision he made was wrong, He villainsed his dad, and yes like Earlier, I'll acknowledge the fact that Dad's drinking habit is totally wrong, there is no excuse for drinking ever, but other then that MC's pathetic attempts to show how gravely traumatized he is and when he was desperately trying to have panic attacks to achieve our sympathies was so irritating, I see nothing wrong with his dad getting another women, He lost his daughter,wife and son too kind of, Shouldn't he rebuild his life, He should and that's what he was doing, MC's reaction to that was totally wrong and unjustified, It would've been fine if his mother died and his father got a new women in 3 months but his mother is fine, so that whole puking thing was rubbish, Lastly, the last nail in the coffin was the ending, I started to dislike his character from ending, he gave up his life, his family, his love and went to get the sister back but, when he got there, he literally didn't even spoke to her properly, that tells you enough about his trauma regarding his sister's death, he didn't even hug her, it made the whole farce and panic attacks look so artificial and annoying, It seems like MC didn't give a fuck about her sister's death, it was always about him and oh his little fragile feelings, hence the selfishness Anyway that's my point of view, I would like a constructive reply tho |
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