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For how much they go on about not wanting to sell out, the songs are kinda toothless.

Jul 2, 6:46 AM

Jan 2015
Stylistically, there's not much difference between the competing bands, even though one of them is painted as sell-outs.

Narratively, Toge-Toge is supposed to be kinda punk, but in reality they just sound, uh, marketable. Almost as if the anime is a marketing vehicle for a new corporate j-rock band.

Which it totally is, isn't it?
Frankly, that's kinda disgusting. A fucking Universal Music Japan project, debuting with a 13 episode anime that's all about how "indie" and underground the band is.
Jul 2, 7:06 AM

Jul 2021
Honestly, the songs in this anime felt so run off the mill, with no unique style to them. Even something like K-on which I wasn't a fan of when it came to how unserious they treated music at least their songs had substance and flavor they were memorable although silly. This didn't have that, and that's my main problem.
Jul 2, 7:47 AM

Sep 2018
I don't care about indie, mainstream or whatever, but I've gotta admit that, even though GBC is my AOTS, the only TogeToge song I really liked is the opening of the anime, the rest was... kinda forgettable, I don't dislike them but I wouldn't listen to them more than once. Bocchi the Rock! and K-On! have much better songs.

GBC's saving grace, the one thing in the sound department it did much better than the two anime I mentioned above, is the background music (I mean the soundtrack outside of the musical performances). I'm looking forward to downloading the OST.
Jul 2, 9:10 AM
Jul 2022
There is a few songs that I quite liked but unlike Bocchi that had consistently good music or K-on that had amazing ending songs, there aren't many that stand out. They work in the anime and the animation and camera work make the performances stand out but most of the songs I wouldn't add to a playlist.

Still I think this series uses music better than the other series. The repeated use of Void throughout the series really shows how important this song was to Nina and I think it's good enough that it sells me on this song motivating Nina to not bottle her emotions up and to pursue music. Music is used well as a narrative device, not just there for when they need to do a performance.
Jul 2, 9:19 AM
Jun 2022
I think this is more about opinion and music tastes.
Jul 2, 9:41 AM
Dec 2022
Kessoku Band j-rock is much more "likeable" and easy to digest. TogeToge mix a bit of math rock elements in their music. I love both Kessoku and TogeToge music, but TogeToge is a bit more complex, Rina's voice is a bless, and is refreshing to see the music going so hard on keyboards from Natsu (Tomo's voice actor). The fact that the same girls who voice the characters are the same people who plays in the band I think adds a lot to the experience (as in Bang Dream bands). Diamond Dust have a much more produced heavy rock/metal sound, similar to Roselia from Bang Dream.

Well, in my biased opinion, I love to death TogeToge's music and they sold me since they dropped their first MV more than a year ago. I've been listening to them for months and the songs they have outside the anime are really really great (like Bleeding Hearts, Ideal Paradox or Hurtful & Painfull).

I agree on the irony of the show message and the fact that the band is actually a corporate product, but I'm not complaining on being able so listen to their fire music.
Jul 2, 11:42 AM
Sep 2020
Literally every band anime you've heard of is a corporate-sponsored product - that's the whole reason you've heard of them (and how they got made) in the first place. So if that makes them ineligible/tasteless to tell a story about being an indie band, then I guess we're SOL.

On one hand there has to be *something* in common between DD and TogeToge - otherwise how could they have a rivalry? (nobody would compare Dream Theater to a YoYo Ma quintet, but they would compare them to Tool or Opeth, even though all 3 are quite different). Otoh, we've heard all of 2 DD songs - one of which is also a TogeToge song, and the other basically sounds like a power metal song with a female singer. That's a pretty different sound than TogeToge - even if we just limit it to what's in the show, and not the rest of their catalogue.

Anyway I guess if you see GBC as making some grand statement about indie vs mainstream music, then I could see why it would bother you. I don't think it's really doing that though, even if the narrative makes use of those themes and symbols. The show never even goes so far as to paint DD as being totally in the wrong (even though from Nina's perspective they are). I don't think TogeToge needs to fit a certain genre or style to tell that story.

Musically I find TogeToge really original and refreshing. They do have that edge for me, and I listen to their songs on repeat, daily. Fine if we disagree on that tho.
Jul 2, 12:26 PM
Sep 2012
I like them all and feel like your reasoning is kinda an oxymoron.

We only have 2 songs from Diamond dust but if you listen to the instruments and voice and compare them to the insert songs, they are pretty different with TogeToge having more 'flavor' with all instruments and vocals.

for ease; Voiceless fish, What to raise, Emptiness and catharsis, are the Insert songs.

whats wrong with the band making music they want to make, how is that not indie, are you saying any indie band who makes music similar is not indie? in story terms they all connect to the current emotions of the band so it's not out of place. To the end they made their own music which their last one didnt become a hit like the others yet still used it.

guess it depends on what you would say indie means. the definitioin and means independant which for the story is to not beholden to what others (agencies as well) want them to do, their own music regardless of the genre or style. I guess you can still have your own idea of it though since it's taken it's own 'genre' of only having an alternative sound, 'folk'ish or 'shoegaze'
DanceLouisDanceJul 2, 1:17 PM
Jul 2, 12:48 PM

Aug 2013
I personally love their songs 🤷‍♀️
Jul 2, 1:08 PM

Jan 2015
Reply to DanceLouisDance
I like them all and feel like your reasoning is kinda an oxymoron.

We only have 2 songs from Diamond dust but if you listen to the instruments and voice and compare them to the insert songs, they are pretty different with TogeToge having more 'flavor' with all instruments and vocals.

for ease; Voiceless fish, What to raise, Emptiness and catharsis, are the Insert songs.

whats wrong with the band making music they want to make, how is that not indie, are you saying any indie band who makes music similar is not indie? in story terms they all connect to the current emotions of the band so it's not out of place. To the end they made their own music which their last one didnt become a hit like the others yet still used it.

guess it depends on what you would say indie means. the definitioin and means independant which for the story is to not beholden to what others (agencies as well) want them to do, their own music regardless of the genre or style. I guess you can still have your own idea of it though since it's taken it's own 'genre' of only having an alternative sound, 'folk'ish or 'shoegaze'
The anime is all about the dichotomy between DD selling out, and TT betting on their authenticity.
But in actuality neither sounds any less marketable than the other. To be honest, take away the vocals, and I probably wouldn't be able to tell their songs apart at all.

@imjayhime it's not like I'm saying their songs are bad, they just kinda don't fit with the themes of the anime all that well.
Jul 2, 1:24 PM
Jun 2021
It’s definitely backwards how the idol band sounds more “rock” than the band with the punk aesthetic.
Jul 2, 1:51 PM
Dec 2017
JohnDowson said:
Frankly, that's kinda disgusting. A fucking Universal Music Japan project, debuting with a 13 episode anime that's all about how "indie" and underground the band is.

Congratulations, you've just reinvented the wheel:
Reddit / Girls Band Cry: are we being scammed big time?
Jul 2, 3:41 PM

Mar 2015
Girls Band Cry is not a by-the-numbers, generic, anti-establishment work, that would be boring, and there are already thousands of those (mostly corporate-produced!).
It's a work about conflicting interests, individual perspectives and doing what you love. Even if I were to agree that the music is generic (I don't agree), that could still be the case and the point would land home just fine. It's what Nina loves, regardless of that aspect, that she doesn't want to change. At worst, using your logic and opinions, you could say there would've been no reason for the labels to want Momoka's music to change anyway, but that's about it, the themes of Girls Band Cry are still there.
Jul 2, 5:10 PM
Apr 2016
Pretty sure the point was more about making music that you actually like and not "sell out" by making songs you don't like for money and fame, i don't think it's about how heavy or punk the music is
Jul 2, 5:47 PM
Jan 2021
That's why I honestly say GBC is more of a character, interaction based story with music being the driving plotline. The music imo is alright (fav song is Ending concert from ep3 I think). I see more of GBC strengths in its writing and character writing all and all and I feel in my opinion we are here to embark on their journey and watch them grow with one another. With the marketing yes being their band but used cleverly to make for a very engaging story. But yea it's very general punk j rock imo tho but that doesn't affect my view or rating of the anime by any means 😕
Jul 2, 7:48 PM

Mar 2021
To be fair, the competing band only had 2 songs of their own, of which only one was supposed to be significantly different from Momoka's music:

  1. Eternal Flame (DD's own version of Void) which was based of Momoka's original song (that is the basis for 'Toge-Toge's music'). I found this quite different from Toge-Toge's music personally.
  2. Cycle of Sorrow which DD intentionally created to expand their range of music into Toge-Toge's territory. So it was made with the intention of significant overlap to regain some of the original fandom.

Their clash of themes was more like 'idol' vs 'rock' which seemed to be accurately portrayed. I also thought that the songs in the anime (especially the insert songs for performances) weren't quite marketable, and more focused on the lyrics and music matching the narrative. The music they made before the anime would've been better if they just wanted marketable music. Especially the ep5 and ep13 songs. Might just be my taste, but the insert songs didn't give the vibe of mass appeal.
Jul 2, 8:13 PM
Apr 2024
(Damn someone beat me to it already above! Oh well, I'll still keep my comment here)

We've only heard 2 DiaDust songs. One of them, Void, was written by Momoka before she left DiaDust (and before they went idol), and the other one, Cycle of Sorrow, was their first single after they got flak for becoming too industrialized by bringing in an idol for their lead singer. Their performance was a complete surprise to the audience, as they were expecting an idol performance, but instead got a rock performance.

My guess is that there was a period of time in-between, when Momoka was still in the group, they transitioned to becoming an idol band and had to play other music that wasn't so "rock". Someone correct me if I'm wrong though. Momoka also hated the other aspects of being in an idol band, which is a lot more than just the music (choreography, outfits, putting on fake personalities, etc).

But the distinction between the two groups could've been made clearer to really hammer this in.
Average MAL user's media literacy:
Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
Jul 3, 3:18 AM
Sep 2022
This anime was always a marketing product. There was never a real dichotomy between an indie band and a commercial one in this program, simply because there was no development of Diamond Dust as such We only had one song of their own. In this program there were no good and bad , each band simply chose a path and one is as respectable as the other. the industry It's like that with music, opportunities come to you and you take advantage of them or not. If we consider Diamond Dust to be "some sold " in the real music industry, many of the groups that we love so much like they would also be the same. greetings
HormigoJul 3, 3:22 AM
Jul 3, 4:49 PM
Jun 2019
Bro yapping bc an idol band, sounds actually like an idol band. Idk where you see "Punk" in GBC, literally the OP song says to you what's the genre of her songs
Jul 4, 4:47 AM

Oct 2020
Yes ,comparing to other related theme the song not to impactful
Jul 4, 11:13 AM

Aug 2015
Punk is not a very accurate characterization of TogeToge's music or sound. If you read music producer Kenji Tamai's interview (link on what inspires their sound, it's heavily influenced by vocaloid producers and "rock, jazz, R&B and EDM" leading up to the 2015-2020 period. Togenashi Togeari's music is definitely much more "technical" than most other anime music.
Jul 5, 9:19 AM

Apr 2023
The only anime girl bands that I can call truly indie (both on presentation and music with their real life counterpart) is MyGO!!!!!. They are a complete contrast to commercially engineered bands like Roselia and Ave Mujica. They sound more alternative/punk rock and also quite different from the rest of the girl bands.

TogeToge I feel is more of a tweener. Their presentation was that of a indie band while their music was more mainstream sounding. Quite similar to Kessoku Band.
Jul 11, 8:26 AM
Feb 2021
I don't know much about music intellectual stuff, is that the popular sentiment? Regardless, I love most of their songs, they bang hard, maybe cause they're aimed at the lowest common denominator like me. To play a counter-argument, maybe Momoka and the gang really like this genre/beat/style of music? They just tailor the lyrics to evoke the band members' struggle.
Jul 11, 3:17 PM

Sep 2014
I agree that the songs are pretty lame for the most part, but I dont think DiaDust was a sell out in the way of their music (the show made it clear with ep11 they can do good rock) but more in terms of the whole idol outfit and marketing stuff.

Also, TogeToge IS A REAL BAND since before the anime even aired. I dont think anyone would make an original anime just to support a small band, anime is cheap by hollywood standards but this is not a marketing scheme for a band to make more money.
And the band is definitely real and dedicated enough to not just be a marketing scheme for the anime.

Cant really comment on the whole industry part though, to me its all nonsense. For a new band they actually got popular pretty soon and making songs popular for streaming is totally unrelated from beeing a good band at live concerts.

In the end the message is obviously that neither choice is wrong as long as you still like what you are doing. The only wrong choice was giving up.

I also think its a bit weird to say songs need to be "marketable" to be indie. There is certainly an entire pop industry set up just for the spotify algorithm, but obviously you make songs people like even with J-Rock.
To that end the insert songs not beeing very good but beeing about the anime characters is the opposite of marketable and what you accuse them of.

Simply put, Toei cooked with this
Comander-07Jul 11, 3:31 PM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jul 11, 4:18 PM

Jan 2020
You see, Japan doesn’t like dissidents. Anything that’s “harmful to the culture” gets censored right in the studio during the recording process because they don’t want to get into disputes with Recorin (it’s like an overseer for the Japanese music market).

Come to think of it, it’s actually a great thing that such bands like Mudvayne, Slipknot, Korn, SOAD and others who actually have protest in their lyrics are from the West and first got popular in the West. Were they from Japan, they would’ve left unknown.

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