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Jan 16, 2010 6:57 PM

Dec 2007
Pin sure is hilarious and retarding at the same time because he annoys me so much due to his stupid brain. I knew that Sawako still sees Kurumi as friend, and I actually hope that she is fully aware for Kurumi and her motive. I guess that’s clueless and naive Sawako for you. I feel bad for Kurumi.
Jan 16, 2010 7:22 PM

Oct 2007
Darn, for some reason I had to watch this while eating a bowl of rice to get by.

Seemed long.
Jan 17, 2010 2:22 AM

Aug 2008
D@mn it, Sawako! You're too good! You should've crushed her. Crushed her heart & SOUL! I have a feeling this will become a problem later.

Jan 17, 2010 4:33 AM

Dec 2008
I agree, Sawako is SO naive that I'm really annoyed sometimes.
Jan 17, 2010 3:33 PM
Jul 2008
haha yeah sawako is too naive and well kurumi sure is a pitiful girl.
but this is why love this anime ^^
Jan 17, 2010 5:54 PM

Jan 2009
Sawako is waaaaayyyy too soft.

I still hate Kurumi.
Jan 17, 2010 8:04 PM

Aug 2009
Hey you know what? I just changed my thoughts about Kurumi after watching this episode. I kind of pitied her because I think that she doesn't have real friends, friends that Sawako has.
Also, Sawako's innocence kind of bugged me in this episode. I don't know how long will she be like that. Kazehaya needs to teach her how society works, in bed. >:3

Kurumi crying was just sad. I just wanted to give her a hug after seeing her cry. Poor Kurumi. I think Sawako is her only "real" friend because she's the only one that Kurumi can express her true self to.

Plus, I wonder if that rumor about Kurumi and Pin would get spread. If so, I would laugh my ass off, lmao.
Jan 17, 2010 10:00 PM
Jul 2009
Moonfrost said:
Hey you know what? I just changed my thoughts about Kurumi after watching this episode. I kind of pitied her because I think that she doesn't have real friends, friends that Sawako has.
Also, Sawako's innocence kind of bugged me in this episode. I don't know how long will she be like that. Kazehaya needs to teach her how society works, in bed. >:3

Kurumi crying was just sad. I just wanted to give her a hug after seeing her cry. Poor Kurumi. I think Sawako is her only "real" friend because she's the only one that Kurumi can express her true self to.

Plus, I wonder if that rumor about Kurumi and Pin would get spread. If so, I would laugh my ass off, lmao.

ROFL @ the bold part!! Dude, you just made my day! Freaking LOL I can't stop laughing at this! XD

Also, LOVE your sig! Lelouch is the greatest! ^_^
Jan 18, 2010 2:35 AM

Jul 2008
Kind of a dull episode for me, Pin really salvaged for me what seemed to too convenient a makeup to be a viable episode. Still very good, just not as good as the ones before it.
Jan 18, 2010 9:13 PM

Nov 2007
i want to smack the shit out of kurumi. the fact that she's a tsun made me hate even more, hahaha. :x

ALSO, DITTO ABOUT PIN. i love him so much, lmao. ( only b/c he reminds me so much of myself... 8)b )
Jan 19, 2010 6:28 AM

May 2008
I actually feel sorry for kurumi, cause she odes really like kazehaya, but i guess the dark side of her made things worse so ye.
anyway even by saying all these things that sawako likes kazehaya doesnt change the fact that kurumi still hates her.
very nice episode,
Jan 19, 2010 11:34 AM

Aug 2007
Really mgood ep. But I think Sawako is too inocent and she doesnt be able to hate Kurumi
Jan 19, 2010 3:06 PM

Jan 2010
BokuSatchii said:
-Hei- said:
Sawako's innocence/stupidity still pisses me off, especially in this episode. All hail Kurumi!!!
This. With each episode, I've been discovering more and more that the biggest draw of this anime for me is the strong supporting cast, whereas Kazehaya and especially Sawako have just begun to grate on my nerves. Kurumi has proved to be the most interesting character by far; I've really liked the way she's written.

I don't know what so interesting about an emotional dumb ass and a two face, but Sawako makes me laugh. Kurumi isn't that unique of a character (flat chested, short tempered, and competetive... like I've never seen that before), just a whiny little girl and a narcissist. I don't really care for Kazehaya either, but he is a little more tolerable than Kurumi.
Jan 19, 2010 3:06 PM

Jan 2010
jog said:
i want to smack the shit out of kurumi. the fact that she's a tsun made me hate even more, hahaha. :x

ALSO, DITTO ABOUT PIN. i love him so much, lmao. ( only b/c he reminds me so much of myself... 8)b )

I agree :)
Jan 19, 2010 5:15 PM

Oct 2007
If Sawako went to Kurumi was because she thought no one else would understood her better. But yeah, she is way too soft.
I thought for a second that Kurumi was going to slap Sawako when she told her that she liked Kazehaya xD.
I did pity Kurumi... I kinda know how she feels like, though I never did the things she has done.

Again, Pin almost stole the episode.
Jan 20, 2010 6:26 AM

Apr 2008
Everyone seriously pitied Kurumi ><

Jan 21, 2010 10:51 AM
Jul 2008
I feel bad for Kurumi.
Jan 23, 2010 7:18 PM

Mar 2009
I still find it hard to like Kurumi.

Jan 23, 2010 7:59 PM

May 2007
I feel a little sorry for Kurumi now but Sawako brings up a good point why would she spread the rumors of her own subordinates.

Fascinating where we go now.
My anime list
Jan 27, 2010 7:10 AM

Jan 2008
I don't understand Sawako's naiveness, she still wants to share her secrets and talk to a person that clearly said that she hates her? Come on...

Pin ruled this episode and I have this feeling that stupid rumors will be floating around about Kurumi now as well.
Feb 10, 2010 9:20 AM
Jun 2008
Kirika- said:
Sawako is so naive, I can't understand her.. And now, I pity Kurumi.

Almost the same here XD, I don't pity her... =P
Feb 10, 2010 10:47 AM

Oct 2009
Sawako annoys me now. But oh well, let's just see if the next ep is any better. Ugh.
Mar 10, 2010 3:24 AM

Jun 2009
I had so much trouble watching this episode. Sawako is too naive and still lacks proper social skills. As much as I despised Kurumi, the last three episode has ruined her. Ruined her to the point of me actually feeling sorry for the girl. The characters kept kicking Kurumi while she was emotionally down for the count. When you thought the story would let it go, it wouldn't stop her punishment! Then at the end, Sawako has to get the bright idea to confess her feelings to Kurumi because she was sweet enough to open up to her in the past about their crush? Really?!?! Sawako is so socially flawed. I honestly wanted Kurumi to pick up a rock and bash Sawako in the head and just leave her there on the grass, twitching. Ugh....
Mar 10, 2010 11:41 PM

Sep 2009
porkypink said:
I bet Pin was actually happy that he thinks Kurumi likes him.. But now since some girls heard this false statement of Pin, I have a feeling rumors will start spreading about Kurumi and she will get bullied :(

more like she has more rumors to spread and blame it on sawako
Apr 2, 2010 3:38 PM

Jul 2008
First time i actually was annoyed at Sawako, holy shit how naive can one be, even after everything Kurumi did to her..

i still absolutely despise Kurumi, playing with such cheap tricks i could never get myself to like her
Jun 24, 2010 12:57 AM

May 2009
Holy crap! ...Eyeball fail.

Latest Review
Kino's Journey
Jul 28, 2010 4:39 AM

Aug 2009
I actually wanted to shake Kuronuma really hard by the shoulders this episode.

甘すぎる! D=
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Aug 17, 2010 6:35 AM

Dec 2008
Sawako went back to comfort the dog(kurumi) who bite her - she's too nice, really
to hell with Kurumi XD
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 21, 2010 11:27 AM

May 2010
Pin FTW.. xD
Sep 28, 2010 2:55 PM

Jun 2009
Sawako is really nice. I feel bad for Kurumi I mean she is bad and all of that but all she do is for love, I know that isn't a reason to be bad but I still feel bad for her.
Oct 3, 2010 5:00 PM

Jan 2008
Sawako is too naive and comes off as dumb more and more. I sort of want to hit her in the head in hopes of making her think right
Nov 7, 2010 9:03 PM
Jul 2018
didnt like this ep - idk what sawake is trying to accomplish, but kurumi is hands down her competition and she fights dirty. there is no reason for her to feel so sorry for her... she should focus on herself for once and what she wants... i mean what is gonna happen here? is she gonna help kurumi get with kaze?

Dec 14, 2010 12:18 AM

Jun 2010
Ampharos said:
Easily the worst episode so far.

No. and:

francismeunier said:
I got after this a 180 degree turn on shedding for the first time tears for Kurumi.....genuine sympathy and feeling bad for. ... All of the first time (Sawako/Yano/Yoshida VS Kurumi) was a big OoO surprise during the whole thing but the last part was just TT_TT and I still don't know why! Why?

The strength of this show is Sawako's compassion. The point of her being so naive is to allow these kind of situations to exist, to show us another side of the story. I was impressed with how even after Kurumi did all those awful things, she's still being shown as human, with her own feelings of hurt. The ending was emotional for me too. The reason why I think this is a good episode is because it was able to bring up the show's themes (love and kindness) so intensely. The worst episode would not be able to communicate that so clearly.
Dec 24, 2010 7:19 PM

Oct 2008
Sawako is just too sweet.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Jan 6, 2011 11:55 PM

Jun 2008
Sawako is starting to annoy me...
I could bear with her innocence until the very end.
There are some things not even the most compassionate person would do, imo.

Jan 14, 2011 9:21 AM

Jun 2009
Sawako’s so awkward, nice and naïve… It irks me off sometimes. She makes me want to pity Kurumi, which I don’t think I can do it because falling at the same level of people who used you isn’t really justified.

Pin’s so great; even though his rants will probably make Kurumi the target of jeers and more rumors… I wouldn’t mind as long it doesn’t make everyone around her feel bad since she’s being made fun of.
I think, then procrastinate.
Therefore, I am.
Jan 15, 2011 12:00 AM

Sep 2009
This is the part where I lose my patience with Sawako.
Chars like her with excessive naivety rly piss me off.
Her constant groveling pisses me off.
I swear pretty soon she's gonna thank everyone for letting her breathe their air.
It also annoys me the way she runs around all oblivious,
having everyone else take care of her
then she just says sumn ditzy like "I dont want to be a bother!"
and everyone goes ohhhhh nooooo we LOVE you sawako-chan!
srsly omg
Even when she's being "bullied" it hardly seems like a problem.
and I dont like Kurumi but she's more likable than Sawako right now -_-
Feb 18, 2011 7:45 AM
Nov 2010
the episode was fine but that simplistic annoying overdramatic dialogue at the end was annoying.
Mar 2, 2011 5:19 PM

Aug 2010
lol @ the people who hate this episode. what the fuck have you been all watching lately? what sawako did suited her character perfectly.

also, i share no sympathy with kurumi. she played with fire and got burned.
Mar 3, 2011 8:35 AM

Aug 2008
It's a pity the confrontation wasn't as fiery as I anticipated it to be.
I feel for Kurumi when she said her looks doesn't matter if Kazehaya doesn't like her. So heartbreaking. </3
Jun 7, 2011 5:54 AM

Oct 2010
Lots of drama, but I liked it.

I can't really hate Kurumi.
[insert awesome signature here]
Jul 8, 2011 5:35 AM

Mar 2009
Lol the whole misunderstanding about Pin and Kurumi.
Sep 7, 2011 6:11 AM

Aug 2009
Pin was a total idiot, really.

"Perhaps the distant part of the sky always seems clearest, so that we will always strive to reach it."


Dec 22, 2011 10:26 PM

May 2009
I love all the characters oh god this anime is perfect.

Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.

Feb 27, 2012 10:55 PM

Sep 2011
Awesome episode! Though Sawako is just too nice...
Feb 29, 2012 11:32 AM

Jan 2011
Really liking this show but I didn't really like this episode, probably because I don't like Kurumi.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Mar 1, 2012 10:13 AM

May 2011
Sawako is so dam sweet. she even shows love for some1 who tried to take away the one she loves most. truly admirable

my opinion of kurumi completely changed too, i feel a lot more sry for her than i did b4. she has very deep emotions for kazehaya and some of the things she did u just cant blame her. she was following what her heart craved the most
Mar 31, 2012 3:27 PM

Nov 2011
Pin just can't keep his mouth shut huh? He thinks that someone likes him and he gets all cocky.

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Oct 19, 2012 1:15 AM

Sep 2012
lostty said:
Sawako is too naive and comes off as dumb more and more. I sort of want to hit her in the head in hopes of making her think right

Salmissra said:
This is the part where I lose my patience with Sawako.
Chars like her with excessive naivety rly piss me off.
Her constant groveling pisses me off.
I swear pretty soon she's gonna thank everyone for letting her breathe their air.
It also annoys me the way she runs around all oblivious,
having everyone else take care of her
then she just says sumn ditzy like "I dont want to be a bother!"
and everyone goes ohhhhh nooooo we LOVE you sawako-chan!
srsly omg
Even when she's being "bullied" it hardly seems like a problem.
and I dont like Kurumi but she's more likable than Sawako right now -_-

Anisamar said:
Sawako’s so awkward, nice and naïve… It irks me off sometimes. She makes me want to pity Kurumi, which I don’t think I can do it because falling at the same level of people who used you isn’t really justified.

Pandaman0529 said:
Sawako is starting to annoy me...
I could bear with her innocence until the very end.
There are some things not even the most compassionate person would do, imo.

Atwa said:
First time i actually was annoyed at Sawako, holy shit how naive can one be, even after everything Kurumi did to her..

Hydrazoid said:
I agree, Sawako is SO naive that I'm really annoyed sometimes.

SmthAwful said:
To be honest Sawako thinks too much about the whole friendship thing. I sincerely hope it won't continue 'till the end of the anime and she builds up a bit more inner strength without banking too much on her friends. I don't really mind that she doesn't want Kurumi to be sad but her way of thinking "I'm so happy to have friends" is getting sorta annoying by every watched episode.

-Derp said:
Sawako's innocence/stupidity still pisses me off, especially in this episode. All hail Kurumi!!!

Kirika- said:
Sawako is so naive, I can't understand her
Jan 26, 2013 9:56 AM

Oct 2011
I felt a bit sorry for Kurumi in this episode but she's still really manipulative so it's very hard to like her. Chizu was cute when Sawako called her Chizu-chan. Sawako's naivety is really endearing to me, I think she doesn't understand that people can be so manipulative.
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