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Apr 7, 2024 6:40 AM
Nov 2021
Why does almost every other Anime authors decides to cut their MC's hair? Like whats the frkin reason? Like just why? I dont mostly like the look of the MC after the cut and i dont even sometimes recognize the char 'couse of it. Bro like are they just frkin lazy to animate the hair or what? I do really wanna make some sort of petition or idk to stop these stupid hair cuts.... dont you think its kinda boring how its in 90% of Anime done by just cuttin hair? I do think that if the author is able to create such a good story, thinkin of a way how to show that the MC did grew up somehow shouldnt be that hard? Like i dont even mostly like the look of the MC after the cut, and its just boring seein how uncreative and boring the "big change/mature" or what ever in the life of MC is shown, by just cuttin the hair.... Like isnt that "a big time event" for the MC? Shouldnt they have better display of their new skills? Man.... its just boring and repetitive.
Hixtrex_KunApr 7, 2024 1:01 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Apr 7, 2024 6:49 AM

Jul 2015
It'l is a quite common trope, that is supposed to symbolise s character going through some major character development.

Apr 7, 2024 6:50 AM
Jul 2022
it has nothing to do with any of the reasons u stated. it was in the light novel way before it was in the anime. it has nothing to do with the studio and is just a trope used to signify growth as a person.
Apr 7, 2024 6:51 AM
Mar 2021
You are forgetting that anime studios just adapt stories already written by their own authors.
Apr 7, 2024 7:00 AM
Jan 2024
Did they cut Ayanokoji's hair
Pls let me see
Apr 7, 2024 7:00 AM

Feb 2021
The studio has no control over what the author wants to do.

So it's not their choice
Apr 7, 2024 7:02 AM
Mar 2021
The decision to cut Suzune's hair was made by the author and was present in the original source material, the Light Novel, which was adapted into an anime by Lerche studio. The studio simply adapted how it was written in the source material.

Suzune's reason for cutting her hair is already explained in the story. Originally, Suzune liked having her hair short, but Manabu, who already knew that, decided to test her and lied that he likes long hair. Suzune, in order to match and follow her brother's footsteps, grew her hair long.

This is why in Season 1, Episode 2, when Manabu said to Suzune that she hadn't changed at all, it was because she kept her hair long when in reality she likes her hair short. Now that she has cut her hair and decided to follow her own path instead of following her brother's footsteps, it proves that she has grown and her character has developed.
Apr 7, 2024 7:12 AM
Nov 2021
Reply to Izayoi-kun123
The decision to cut Suzune's hair was made by the author and was present in the original source material, the Light Novel, which was adapted into an anime by Lerche studio. The studio simply adapted how it was written in the source material.

Suzune's reason for cutting her hair is already explained in the story. Originally, Suzune liked having her hair short, but Manabu, who already knew that, decided to test her and lied that he likes long hair. Suzune, in order to match and follow her brother's footsteps, grew her hair long.

This is why in Season 1, Episode 2, when Manabu said to Suzune that she hadn't changed at all, it was because she kept her hair long when in reality she likes her hair short. Now that she has cut her hair and decided to follow her own path instead of following her brother's footsteps, it proves that she has grown and her character has developed.
@Izayoi-kun123 yeah did forgot about author. Anyway, i know its like some char dev , but why all the Authors shows the dev of the char by cutting the hair? Like they have no creativity or whatever that in almost every anime, char dev is shown by cuttin hair? Like in some anime there isnt even reason for the cut, but they still gonna do it. I know that its how u did write, the thing with the brother, but couldnt they show it somehow differently? Like its just boring seein every time the MC girl cuttin her hair just to show smt did change...
Apr 7, 2024 7:17 AM
Mar 2021
Hixtrex_Kun said:
@Izayoi-kun123 yeah did forgot about author. Anyway, i know its like some char dev , but why all the Authors shows the dev of the char by cutting the hair? Like they have no creativity or whatever that in almost every anime, char dev is shown by cuttin hair? Like in some anime there isnt even reason for the cut, but they still gonna do it. I know that its how u did write, the thing with the brother, but couldnt they show it somehow differently? Like its just boring seein every time the MC girl cuttin her hair just to show smt did change...

There was enough good reason for her to cut her hair I think. I mean she originally liked having her hair short, and now she just gone back to her own self.
Apr 7, 2024 7:18 AM
May 2021
Hixtrex_Kun said:
Why does almost every other Anime authors decides to cut their MC's hair? Like whats the frkin reason? Like just why? I dont mostly like the look of the MC after the cut and i dont even sometimes recognize the char 'couse of it. Bro like are they just frkin lazy to animate the hair or what? I do really wanna make some sort of petition or idk to stop these stupid hair cuts....

Ya i also don't understand this stupid reason of theirs for character development. Short hair looks meh
Apr 7, 2024 7:20 AM
Mar 2021
Apratim said:
Hixtrex_Kun said:
Why does almost every other Anime authors decides to cut their MC's hair? Like whats the frkin reason? Like just why? I dont mostly like the look of the MC after the cut and i dont even sometimes recognize the char 'couse of it. Bro like are they just frkin lazy to animate the hair or what? I do really wanna make some sort of petition or idk to stop these stupid hair cuts....

Ya i also don't understand this stupid reason of theirs for character development. Short hair looks meh

Why forgetting a character's own likes and dislikes? she liked having her hair short, so what's wrong with that?
Apr 7, 2024 7:26 AM
Dec 2019
I noticed that in most of the cases where the character cuts their hair off is usually a sign of self-growth in some way, almost like letting go of who they used to be
Apr 7, 2024 7:30 AM
Aug 2023
I mean its pretty easy to understand why she cut her hair and they also gave a reasonable explanation which was pretty easy to understand if one watches the show carefully and most authors use cutting of hair of characters to show growth or change or just because of certain context of the show/story
Apr 7, 2024 7:55 AM
Oct 2020
I wouldn’t say it’s a fetish, but authors do it often to signify character growth. First time I ever saw it was in Naruto. Sakura cutting her hair made sense, cause she was being grabbed. Ino, on the hand, cut her hair during the exam. There’s a whole article about how this may not have been necessary. Overall, I agree with you that hair cutting isn’t always the best way to show character development, but I wouldn’t say that it is always a fetish.
TrillJessieApr 7, 2024 7:58 AM
Apr 7, 2024 7:59 AM
Apr 2021
The studio can’t do nothing against the authors work fam💀
Apr 7, 2024 8:03 AM
May 2021
Izayoi-kun123 said:
Apratim said:

Ya i also don't understand this stupid reason of theirs for character development. Short hair looks meh

Why forgetting a character's own likes and dislikes? she liked having her hair short, so what's wrong with that?

It ruins the character design of so many characters. I am not just talking about Horikita. Never liked the hair cutting stuff
Apr 7, 2024 8:07 AM

Nov 2019
Hixtrex_Kun said:
@Izayoi-kun123 yeah did forgot about author. Anyway, i know its like some char dev , but why all the Authors shows the dev of the char by cutting the hair? Like they have no creativity or whatever that in almost every anime, char dev is shown by cuttin hair? Like in some anime there isnt even reason for the cut, but they still gonna do it. I know that its how u did write, the thing with the brother, but couldnt they show it somehow differently? Like its just boring seein every time the MC girl cuttin her hair just to show smt did change...

In this case it’s very easy to understand as someone have already stated however if you mean in general why do so many authors do it this way, I think it’s more of a cultural thing than lacking of creativity.

No offence but I assume you are not familiar with East Asia historical cultures. In short, people back then didn’t have their hair cut because they treasured their hair as a part of their body. They would only cut part of their hair to show a strong resolve or to make a vow. Therefore this character development trope is used way before TV was a thing.
Apr 7, 2024 8:13 AM

Nov 2019
TrillJessie said:
I wouldn’t say it’s a fetish, but authors do it often to signify character growth. First time I ever saw it was in Naruto. Sakura cutting her hair made sense, cause she was being grabbed. Ino, on the hand, cut her hair during the exam. There’s a whole article about how this may not have been necessary. Overall, I agree with you that hair cutting isn’t always the best way to show character development, but I wouldn’t say that it is always a fetish.

You read CBR? That’s rather bit cringe, innit bruv.
Joking, but I don’t think CBR is a good source.
Apr 7, 2024 8:19 AM
Oct 2020
HaruyukiIsCute said:
TrillJessie said:
I wouldn’t say it’s a fetish, but authors do it often to signify character growth. First time I ever saw it was in Naruto. Sakura cutting her hair made sense, cause she was being grabbed. Ino, on the hand, cut her hair during the exam. There’s a whole article about how this may not have been necessary. Overall, I agree with you that hair cutting isn’t always the best way to show character development, but I wouldn’t say that it is always a fetish.

You read CBR? That’s rather bit cringe, innit bruv.
Joking, but I don’t think CBR is a good source.

I don’t, I just quickly googled Ino cutting her hair cause I haven’t seen Naruto in years. So I found it funny that there was an article about this topic. It is not a good source though, for sure.
TrillJessieApr 7, 2024 8:24 AM
Apr 7, 2024 8:25 AM

Nov 2019
TrillJessie said:
HaruyukiIsCute said:

You read CBR? That’s rather bit cringe, innit bruv.
Joking, but I don’t think CBR is a good source.

I don’t, I just quickly googled Ino cutting her hair cause I haven’t seen Naruto in years. So I found it funny that there was an article about this topic. It is not a good source though, for sure.

Fair enough. That is indeed funny.
Apr 7, 2024 8:29 AM
May 2023
I honestly can’t tell if this is bait or the OP is just genuinely mentally challenged
Apr 7, 2024 8:45 AM
Mar 2021
Apratim said:
Izayoi-kun123 said:

Why forgetting a character's own likes and dislikes? she liked having her hair short, so what's wrong with that?

It ruins the character design of so many characters. I am not just talking about Horikita. Never liked the hair cutting stuff

Yeah sometimes it ruins the character designs, and sometimes it looks good. for example I liked Serena (Pokemon xy) after she cut her hair even more.
Apr 7, 2024 8:48 AM
Nov 2018
@Hixtrex_Kun There's actually history behind people cutting their hair short. It's a split between meaning starting their life anew or showing their dedication to someone. It's more of a visual sign than anything. Eventually, it came into anime and came into its own there.
Apr 7, 2024 8:53 AM

Mar 2016
Neko_Arashi said:
Did they cut Ayanokoji's hair
Pls let me see

it wasn't ayanokoji's hair but horikita's

Apr 7, 2024 8:55 AM
Jan 2024
CirceOwO said:
Neko_Arashi said:
Did they cut Ayanokoji's hair
Pls let me see

it wasn't ayanokoji's hair but horikita's

But you said MC
so I assumed you guys were talking based on the light novel
Apr 7, 2024 9:02 AM

Mar 2016
Neko_Arashi said:
CirceOwO said:

it wasn't ayanokoji's hair but horikita's

But you said MC
so I assumed you guys were talking based on the light novel

nope, they were discussing about episode 12 of the anime
and horikita is the secondary main character so that's why is referred as MC
Apr 7, 2024 10:32 AM
Mar 2023
Apratim said:
Hixtrex_Kun said:
Why does almost every other Anime authors decides to cut their MC's hair? Like whats the frkin reason? Like just why? I dont mostly like the look of the MC after the cut and i dont even sometimes recognize the char 'couse of it. Bro like are they just frkin lazy to animate the hair or what? I do really wanna make some sort of petition or idk to stop these stupid hair cuts....

Ya i also don't understand this stupid reason of theirs for character development. Short hair looks meh

horikita with short hairs looks way better than those long hair in ln 💀
She was at peak appearance in y2 v10 tho the when the short hair grew a little.
Apr 7, 2024 12:58 PM
Nov 2021
Izayoi-kun123 said:
Hixtrex_Kun said:
@Izayoi-kun123 yeah did forgot about author. Anyway, i know its like some char dev , but why all the Authors shows the dev of the char by cutting the hair? Like they have no creativity or whatever that in almost every anime, char dev is shown by cuttin hair? Like in some anime there isnt even reason for the cut, but they still gonna do it. I know that its how u did write, the thing with the brother, but couldnt they show it somehow differently? Like its just boring seein every time the MC girl cuttin her hair just to show smt did change...

There was enough good reason for her to cut her hair I think. I mean she originally liked having her hair short, and now she just gone back to her own self.

yeah but dont you think its kinda boring how its in 90% of Anime done by just cuttin hair? I do think that if the author is able to create such a good story, thinkin of a way how to show that the MC did grew up somehow shouldnt be that hard? Like i dont even mostly like the look of the MC after the cut, and its just boring seein how uncreative and boring the "big change/mature" or what ever in the life of MC is shown, by just cuttin the hair.... Like isnt that "a big time event" for the MC? Shouldnt they have better display of their new skills? Man.... its just boring and repetitive.
Apr 7, 2024 1:11 PM
Nov 2021
IhnalakoKaina said:
Of all the tropes to be against, this is the one you picked? Before that we could get rid of antagonists' main trait being sexual deviants or rapists, or dialogue and exposition during a slow motion fight, or shit like that... Not hAiRcUT 🧠🤒

thats some other story.... But for me... Im just bored of these "stereotypes" like u just mentioned. I just dont focus on the story and MC development, but i do focus even on the looks of MC's looks and im realy annoyed how they do sometimes "destory" the beauty of the MC "just" for development. I think there are many ways how to show the change and seein this repetitive "cut hair" style is just kinda... meh... like i wouldnt care that much, but its in every other if not every anime and its gettin on my nerv as other stereotypes like u did mention
Apr 7, 2024 1:17 PM
Nov 2021
Izayoi-kun123 said:
Apratim said:

Ya i also don't understand this stupid reason of theirs for character development. Short hair looks meh

Why forgetting a character's own likes and dislikes? she liked having her hair short, so what's wrong with that?

this "she liked her hair short" was added couse it was the easiest way how they could show char dev, yeah she grew her hair long because of her brother's lie, but again, they could think of something else, that she started doing in order to "get attention" from her brother or to be like him
Apr 7, 2024 1:21 PM
Mar 2021
Hixtrex_Kun said:
Izayoi-kun123 said:

There was enough good reason for her to cut her hair I think. I mean she originally liked having her hair short, and now she just gone back to her own self.

yeah but dont you think its kinda boring how its in 90% of Anime done by just cuttin hair? I do think that if the author is able to create such a good story, thinkin of a way how to show that the MC did grew up somehow shouldnt be that hard? Like i dont even mostly like the look of the MC after the cut, and its just boring seein how uncreative and boring the "big change/mature" or what ever in the life of MC is shown, by just cuttin the hair.... Like isnt that "a big time event" for the MC? Shouldnt they have better display of their new skills? Man.... its just boring and repetitive.

I didn't find it boring. I really enjoyed reading it in the LN. well everyone has different opinions, I guess.
Apr 7, 2024 1:28 PM
Mar 2021
Hixtrex_Kun said:
Izayoi-kun123 said:

Why forgetting a character's own likes and dislikes? she liked having her hair short, so what's wrong with that?

this "she liked her hair short" was added couse it was the easiest way how they could show char dev, yeah she grew her hair long because of her brother's lie, but again, they could think of something else, that she started doing in order to "get attention" from her brother or to be like him

Yeah she wanted to get her brother's attention that she gave up how she used to be. In the past she was a person who used to laugh a lot, more naturally. and was way different from staring suzune we saw. Just to get his attention she threw her smile, her liking, instead started liking what her brother likes, that's why Manabu surprised, at last that finally his sister is following what she likes, her own path. Which is why she cut her hair, because she loved them short from the beginning. it was clearly shown in the Light Novel.

Edit: It's a sign that she stopped following under her brother's footsteps.
Apr 7, 2024 1:32 PM

Jul 2020
oh yeah so many beautiful girls' haircuts fell victim to this trope, I honestly hate it very much, too
Apr 7, 2024 2:04 PM
Aug 2021
Hixtrex_Kun said:
@Izayoi-kun123 yeah did forgot about author. Anyway, i know its like some char dev , but why all the Authors shows the dev of the char by cutting the hair? Like they have no creativity or whatever that in almost every anime, char dev is shown by cuttin hair? Like in some anime there isnt even reason for the cut, but they still gonna do it. I know that its how u did write, the thing with the brother, but couldnt they show it somehow differently? Like its just boring seein every time the MC girl cuttin her hair just to show smt did change...

It's a cultural thing from Japan.
Apr 7, 2024 2:08 PM
Nov 2021
Izayoi-kun123 said:
Hixtrex_Kun said:

this "she liked her hair short" was added couse it was the easiest way how they could show char dev, yeah she grew her hair long because of her brother's lie, but again, they could think of something else, that she started doing in order to "get attention" from her brother or to be like him

Yeah she wanted to get her brother's attention that she gave up how she used to be. In the past she was a person who used to laugh a lot, more naturally. and was way different from staring suzune we saw. Just to get his attention she threw her smile, her liking, instead started liking what her brother likes, that's why Manabu surprised, at last that finally his sister is following what she likes, her own path. Which is why she cut her hair, because she loved them short from the beginning. it was clearly shown in the Light Novel.

Edit: It's a sign that she stopped following under her brother's footsteps.

yeah yeah i do understand why she did it and all, but my point is that its in almost every anime and just couse its stereotype doesnt mean it has to be even in this one. Like i do really have problems with some Anime stereotypes and i cant even think of one that is good. Like for ex: the main villain is sexist or smt like that and wants to rape MC girl or smt,,, there is a guy in the MC group that is pervert and wants to sneek into girls bathrooms, is allways tryin to touch the girls, and is mostly targetin MC girl,,,, there is a girl with glasses (mostly in MC group) that is completely in love with the MC and will mostly do anything to be with him = mostly gettin rid of MC girl,,,, and the last i can remember now, cutting the hair of the MC girl. Every time i see it im just like... really? I dont see a reason for it to be in every anime, like for ex. the pervert guy... why? Just to sneek in some more pervert stuff or just to try bein funny? Like even in this anime, when there was the pool episode when Sudo, Ikr and other tried to instal cameras in the girls dressing room... was that supposed to be funny or? Didnt find anything funny and the only reason i see here was so that Ryuune could find Suzune. All that communication with HQ and that its all for the pride or what ever of the boys and that he cant give up couse of it.... the whole time was waitin for it to end and it did look like a filler to me.
Apr 7, 2024 2:10 PM
Nov 2021
StarZone1 said:
Hixtrex_Kun said:
@Izayoi-kun123 yeah did forgot about author. Anyway, i know its like some char dev , but why all the Authors shows the dev of the char by cutting the hair? Like they have no creativity or whatever that in almost every anime, char dev is shown by cuttin hair? Like in some anime there isnt even reason for the cut, but they still gonna do it. I know that its how u did write, the thing with the brother, but couldnt they show it somehow differently? Like its just boring seein every time the MC girl cuttin her hair just to show smt did change...

It's a cultural thing from Japan.

just couse its a cultural thing shouldnt mean it had to be in every anime...
Apr 7, 2024 2:18 PM
Mar 2021
Hixtrex_Kun said:
Izayoi-kun123 said:

Yeah she wanted to get her brother's attention that she gave up how she used to be. In the past she was a person who used to laugh a lot, more naturally. and was way different from staring suzune we saw. Just to get his attention she threw her smile, her liking, instead started liking what her brother likes, that's why Manabu surprised, at last that finally his sister is following what she likes, her own path. Which is why she cut her hair, because she loved them short from the beginning. it was clearly shown in the Light Novel.

Edit: It's a sign that she stopped following under her brother's footsteps.

yeah yeah i do understand why she did it and all, but my point is that its in almost every anime and just couse its stereotype doesnt mean it has to be even in this one. Like i do really have problems with some Anime stereotypes and i cant even think of one that is good. Like for ex: the main villain is sexist or smt like that and wants to rape MC girl or smt,,, there is a guy in the MC group that is pervert and wants to sneek into girls bathrooms, is allways tryin to touch the girls, and is mostly targetin MC girl,,,, there is a girl with glasses (mostly in MC group) that is completely in love with the MC and will mostly do anything to be with him = mostly gettin rid of MC girl,,,, and the last i can remember now, cutting the hair of the MC girl. Every time i see it im just like... really? I dont see a reason for it to be in every anime, like for ex. the pervert guy... why? Just to sneek in some more pervert stuff or just to try bein funny? Like even in this anime, when there was the pool episode when Sudo, Ikr and other tried to instal cameras in the girls dressing room... was that supposed to be funny or? Didnt find anything funny and the only reason i see here was so that Ryuune could find Suzune. All that communication with HQ and that its all for the pride or what ever of the boys and that he cant give up couse of it.... the whole time was waitin for it to end and it did look like a filler to me.

That's why I said, everyone has different opinions. I have zero problem with suzune cutting her hair, and not just me, there are many other Japanese readers and global readers who don't have any problem with it.

And in the end the author likes it too, he just writes what he likes and I see zero problem with that.

Also I don't know how the author would have shown it any better than that, if anyone knows better ideas than the author himself then do tell me. I would like to know.
Apr 7, 2024 2:37 PM

Nov 2019
Hixtrex_Kun said:
StarZone1 said:

It's a cultural thing from Japan.

just couse its a cultural thing shouldnt mean it had to be in every anime...

@Hixtrex_Kun if you haven’t read my previous comment, do it and you will know why.
Apr 8, 2024 12:22 AM
Nov 2022
Are you seriously blaming the director here?

That’s stupid on a another level
Apr 8, 2024 2:42 AM
Jul 2022
it's to represent like they cutting off the past and how they r a changed person not cuz they r lazy
Apr 8, 2024 3:19 AM
Dec 2022
Neko_Arashi said:
Did they cut Ayanokoji's hair
Pls let me see

Not yet, I guess he's talking abt Horikita Suzune
Apr 8, 2024 5:50 AM

Jul 2022
Neko_Arashi said:
Did they cut Ayanokoji's hair
Pls let me see

jokes on you, he's bald

Apr 8, 2024 3:43 PM
Jun 2023
Apratim said:
Hixtrex_Kun said:
Why does almost every other Anime authors decides to cut their MC's hair? Like whats the frkin reason? Like just why? I dont mostly like the look of the MC after the cut and i dont even sometimes recognize the char 'couse of it. Bro like are they just frkin lazy to animate the hair or what? I do really wanna make some sort of petition or idk to stop these stupid hair cuts....

Ya i also don't understand this stupid reason of theirs for character development. Short hair looks meh

its probably something cultural, that you dont like it especially being an outsider doesnt mean its the authors fetish
Apr 8, 2024 3:45 PM
Jun 2023
IhnalakoKaina said:
Of all the tropes to be against, this is the one you picked? Before that we could get rid of antagonists' main trait being sexual deviants or rapists, or dialogue and exposition during a slow motion fight, or shit like that... Not hAiRcUT 🧠🤒

THIS!! we could complain about brother complexes but u SPENT UR ENERGY COMPLAINING ABT THIS?!
Apr 9, 2024 7:37 AM
Nov 2021
kamimamihachi said:
IhnalakoKaina said:
Of all the tropes to be against, this is the one you picked? Before that we could get rid of antagonists' main trait being sexual deviants or rapists, or dialogue and exposition during a slow motion fight, or shit like that... Not hAiRcUT 🧠🤒

THIS!! we could complain about brother complexes but u SPENT UR ENERGY COMPLAINING ABT THIS?!

this is lit one of the only anime where brother complex is understandable when its frkin anime about intelligence and stuff where it actualy makes sense for the girl being somehow "addicted". And yeah im gonna complain about this 'couse the char design/looks is smt i do care about.
Apr 9, 2024 7:40 AM
Jun 2023
Hixtrex_Kun said:
kamimamihachi said:

THIS!! we could complain about brother complexes but u SPENT UR ENERGY COMPLAINING ABT THIS?!

this is lit one of the only anime where brother complex is understandable when its frkin anime about intelligence and stuff where it actualy makes sense for the girl being somehow "addicted". And yeah im gonna complain about this 'couse the char design/looks is smt i do care about.

it is NOT understandable, I think you dont have any siblings because its gross either way 🤢
Apr 9, 2024 7:45 AM
Nov 2021
kamimamihachi said:
Apratim said:

Ya i also don't understand this stupid reason of theirs for character development. Short hair looks meh

its probably something cultural, that you dont like it especially being an outsider doesnt mean its the authors fetish

i dont care its a cultural thing or what ever, its just annoying how they do this all the time and its a stupid cliche. Think of other and better way or just dont do it at all. Like i think only a "restarted" human wouldnt notice the she did lit change and is actin and doin stuff different way than before, its even said about 30 times by both brother and Ayano and other char. This hair cuttin is completely unnecessary and in this case i think it even destroys the beauty of the char.
Hixtrex_KunApr 9, 2024 8:00 AM
Apr 9, 2024 7:58 AM
Nov 2021
Izayoi-kun123 said:
Hixtrex_Kun said:

yeah yeah i do understand why she did it and all, but my point is that its in almost every anime and just couse its stereotype doesnt mean it has to be even in this one. Like i do really have problems with some Anime stereotypes and i cant even think of one that is good. Like for ex: the main villain is sexist or smt like that and wants to rape MC girl or smt,,, there is a guy in the MC group that is pervert and wants to sneek into girls bathrooms, is allways tryin to touch the girls, and is mostly targetin MC girl,,,, there is a girl with glasses (mostly in MC group) that is completely in love with the MC and will mostly do anything to be with him = mostly gettin rid of MC girl,,,, and the last i can remember now, cutting the hair of the MC girl. Every time i see it im just like... really? I dont see a reason for it to be in every anime, like for ex. the pervert guy... why? Just to sneek in some more pervert stuff or just to try bein funny? Like even in this anime, when there was the pool episode when Sudo, Ikr and other tried to instal cameras in the girls dressing room... was that supposed to be funny or? Didnt find anything funny and the only reason i see here was so that Ryuune could find Suzune. All that communication with HQ and that its all for the pride or what ever of the boys and that he cant give up couse of it.... the whole time was waitin for it to end and it did look like a filler to me.

That's why I said, everyone has different opinions. I have zero problem with suzune cutting her hair, and not just me, there are many other Japanese readers and global readers who don't have any problem with it.

And in the end the author likes it too, he just writes what he likes and I see zero problem with that.

Also I don't know how the author would have shown it any better than that, if anyone knows better ideas than the author himself then do tell me. I would like to know.

Think of other and better way or just dont do it at all. Like i think only a "restarted" human wouldnt notice the she did lit change and is actin and doin stuff different way than before, its even said about 30 times by both brother and Ayano and other char. This hair cuttin is completely unnecessary and in this case i think it even destroys the beauty of the char. Like i know everyone has a different opinion on it, likes and dislikes and what ever, but i will complain about this 'couse im seein this over and over again, the same thing and its gettin on my nervs and how i did write that in some cases it just destroys the beauty of the char. And i do care about the char looks/design 'couse it does give me a vibe just by lookin how she/he looks and somehow mostly "short cuts" girls are and even gives the vibe of villain or a trouble maker.
Apr 9, 2024 10:12 AM
Mar 2021
Hixtrex_Kun said:
Izayoi-kun123 said:

That's why I said, everyone has different opinions. I have zero problem with suzune cutting her hair, and not just me, there are many other Japanese readers and global readers who don't have any problem with it.

And in the end the author likes it too, he just writes what he likes and I see zero problem with that.

Also I don't know how the author would have shown it any better than that, if anyone knows better ideas than the author himself then do tell me. I would like to know.

Think of other and better way or just dont do it at all. Like i think only a "restarted" human wouldnt notice the she did lit change and is actin and doin stuff different way than before, its even said about 30 times by both brother and Ayano and other char. This hair cuttin is completely unnecessary and in this case i think it even destroys the beauty of the char. Like i know everyone has a different opinion on it, likes and dislikes and what ever, but i will complain about this 'couse im seein this over and over again, the same thing and its gettin on my nervs and how i did write that in some cases it just destroys the beauty of the char. And i do care about the char looks/design 'couse it does give me a vibe just by lookin how she/he looks and somehow mostly "short cuts" girls are and even gives the vibe of villain or a trouble maker.

I don't think it is unreasonable or repetition of the character if that is what the character in the question likes it.
Apr 9, 2024 11:12 AM
May 2021
what are you even saying it's just hair😭😭
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