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My Happy Marriage (light novel)
Available on Manga Store
Apr 5, 2024 4:28 AM
Jun 2021

"This anime is really good. In fact, the first five episodes have to be the best I've ever watched. But then, the author's typical Japanese man kicked in, and the he decided to follow the typical character portrayal. Like, the mc saw his future wife in that condition in the sixth episode, and he was like, 'If you all are done, then can I have my wife back?' and walked away. And that's it!! He is on some kind of unit or something like the police (I don't remember exactly what it is), and that also on a really good post. And he did nothing, literally nothing. Like, what was the author even trying to show here? He literally showed her own father treating her like a slave, and her stepmother and sister seeing her as nothing more than a mere servant. He literally showed them hitting women brutally and torturing her like an animal; they even cut her hand, and even tried to murder her by choking her so hard you could see marks. But author didn't have a single bit of problem while showing all this stuff, but he couldn't show the mc getting angry for his wife after all this. Like, just how hard can it be? Just how badly do you want to show your protagonist is kind? We get it, man, that he is kind, but why choose this route? We all know it's not necessary to show the protagonist forgiving the villain every time just to show he is kind; it's okay to show him getting angry, hating them, showing resentment towards them, and still, you can show he is kind. "Demon Slayer" is a perfect example of this. And I will never understand Miyo too. Like, I get that she has low self-esteem and low confidence and all that, but how come she can't hate any of that stuff even after seeing how people care for her and love her. If she can't differentiate people who treat her wrong and hate them or anything, then how can she understand someone's love and care? Like, she got it in just five minutes that Kudo's sister is a really nice woman but can't hate people who treat her like a slave. And what's the point of showing her worried about them? I really don't get that. What was there to worry about them? Like, those are the same people who tried to kill her just a few days ago and even tried to take her future husband away, and they literally stole her first husband.
Here, by no means am I saying the anime is bad. It is good an di liked it too but it could have been a lot better only if the author just didn't follow these typical settings. And if you think I'm over exaggerating things and I have written too much, then believe me, there are countless anime which follow this kind of setting. It is just frustrating to see this in every other anime. Like, most Japanese authors try to show the protagonist kind forcefully just because they don't have the guts to show villains getting what they deserve."
Chits_99Apr 5, 2024 4:53 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Apr 5, 2024 4:47 AM
May 2022
bro haven't watched what kudo did to their house πŸ™‚
My mal account is not working properly. In the last 24 hours, there isn't showing any forum discussion.  What should I do?! 
Apr 5, 2024 4:49 AM
Apr 2021
I’d man this seemed pretty good to me and the supernatural aspect of the show stood out against the usual typical romance animes we get, it’s a shame you didn’t enjoy this
Apr 5, 2024 4:50 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to adesh17
bro haven't watched what kudo did to their house πŸ™‚
@adesh17 did u even watch anime, he didn't do sh*t to their house, it just got wrap up in their fighting.
Apr 5, 2024 4:51 AM

Jul 2015
"I cannot relate to the character, understand where they come from nor what they went through and I would definitely act differently, therefore they are stupid!"
Yeah, classic garbage take. Media literacy is dead.

Apr 5, 2024 4:52 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Treyv0n
I’d man this seemed pretty good to me and the supernatural aspect of the show stood out against the usual typical romance animes we get, it’s a shame you didn’t enjoy this
@Treyv0n uk for people like u i wrote the last whole paragraph. I liked it too. But it author really missed his chance to make it perfect.Tell me who don't want to see annoying and irritating antagonist getting what they deserve??
Apr 5, 2024 4:55 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Piromysl
"I cannot relate to the character, understand where they come from nor what they went through and I would definitely act differently, therefore they are stupid!"
Yeah, classic garbage take. Media literacy is dead.
@Piromysl tell one thing then why kido didn't do anything when she was hurt that much and why he got angry in later episodes????
Apr 5, 2024 5:01 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Piromysl
"I cannot relate to the character, understand where they come from nor what they went through and I would definitely act differently, therefore they are stupid!"
Yeah, classic garbage take. Media literacy is dead.
@Piromysl and cannot relate to characters, she was first girl that stayed with kudo. We all know how much he loves her. And he also had proof of how she was treated?? So how exactly do u except a man to react after seeing a his future wife in that condition???
Can u explain that mr. Character relational man!!!
Apr 5, 2024 5:02 AM

Jul 2015
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl tell one thing then why kido didn't do anything when she was hurt that much and why he got angry in later episodes????

This is one of those problems that can be easily fixed by paying attention while watching.
Kaya was sent off to work as a servant in a household notorious for being strict while her parents were exiled to countryside with no servants. All this was arranged by Kudo as punishment.
If you really think that he somehow forgave them or that he should kill them all on the spot, which Mio would obviously not like and hate him for it, then you're wrong and it's stupid.

Apr 5, 2024 5:08 AM
May 2022
Chits_99 said:
@adesh17 did u even watch anime, he didn't do sh*t to their house, it just got wrap up in their fighting.

so he did fight for mio didn't he ?!
My mal account is not working properly. In the last 24 hours, there isn't showing any forum discussion.  What should I do?! 
Apr 5, 2024 5:08 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Piromysl
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl tell one thing then why kido didn't do anything when she was hurt that much and why he got angry in later episodes????

This is one of those problems that can be easily fixed by paying attention while watching.
Kaya was sent off to work as a servant in a household notorious for being strict while her parents were exiled to countryside with no servants. All this was arranged by Kudo as punishment.
If you really think that he somehow forgave them or that he should kill them all on the spot, which Mio would obviously not like and hate him for it, then you're wrong and it's stupid.
@Piromysl bro are u st*pid or something (really sorry for rude language). U really didn't get it do u. My whole question is how come he didn't feel anything at all. And answer is just quite simple author don't have balls to show that kind of thing. Then What's easily way here. Give some punishment which can be shown and which can barely work as "SEE THEY GOT WHAT THEY DESERVE".
Chits_99Apr 5, 2024 5:12 AM
Apr 5, 2024 5:10 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to adesh17
Chits_99 said:
@adesh17 did u even watch anime, he didn't do sh*t to their house, it just got wrap up in their fighting.

so he did fight for mio didn't he ?!
@adesh17 it is totally different things bro, getting angry and fighting for her is totally different. And he only fought cause her father stopped him otherwise he would have just walked away.
Apr 5, 2024 5:15 AM

Jul 2015
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl bro are u st*pid or something (really sorry for rude language). U really didn't get it do u. My whole question is how come he didn't feel anything at all. And answer is just quite simple author don't have balls to show that kind of thing. Then What's easily way here. Give some punishment which can be shown and which can barely work as "SEE THEY GOT WHAT THEY DESERVE".

Yup. "I would brutalize my future wife's family, which I know she wouldn't want me to do and she will despise me as a result and think I'm a monster." If you would pay attention (we know at this point you didn't) you would see that Kudo struggles really hard to actually contain his anger for Mio's sake.

Media literacy is dead.

Apr 5, 2024 5:27 AM

Sep 2016
You wrote this under the false premise that the author should write the story how you want it to be.
Apr 5, 2024 5:41 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Piromysl
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl bro are u st*pid or something (really sorry for rude language). U really didn't get it do u. My whole question is how come he didn't feel anything at all. And answer is just quite simple author don't have balls to show that kind of thing. Then What's easily way here. Give some punishment which can be shown and which can barely work as "SEE THEY GOT WHAT THEY DESERVE".

Yup. "I would brutalize my future wife's family, which I know she wouldn't want me to do and she will despise me as a result and think I'm a monster." If you would pay attention (we know at this point you didn't) you would see that Kudo struggles really hard to actually contain his anger for Mio's sake.

Media literacy is dead.
@Piromysl that was again my second point why she didn't hate her family after all of this. She can understand someone's love then how come she can't hate people who treated her like slave. I get it her character was like that but she finally meet people who care for her, so she should understand what is different between being treated right and pretty sure she would understand why someone who loves her so much would get angry after seeing her in that condition. I never said he should beat all of them till they die. Just slape or something not brutality. And as for your logic then why didn't she hate him for getting in fight with arata. She should hate kudo after that right. How desperately kudo was fighting. With your logic she supposed to think that kudo is monster after that. Guess what she didn't, why because she knew that kudo was doing all of that for her. Again i also asked why she feel worried about them(her family), what is there to be worried? It is just bro u are fixed on that whatever author do is right. There can't be any flaws.
Apr 5, 2024 5:42 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Zarutaku
You wrote this under the false premise that the author should write the story how you want it to be.
@Zarutaku nope it's about how it supposed to be. If it isn't then why??? simple author just couldn't do it.
Apr 5, 2024 5:51 AM

Jul 2015
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl that was again my second point why she didn't hate her family after all of this. She can understand someone's love then how come she can't hate people who treated her like slave. I get it her character was like that but she finally meet people who care for her, so she should understand what is different between being treated right and pretty sure she would understand why someone who loves her so much would get angry after seeing her in that condition. I never said he should beat all of them till they die. Just slape or something not brutality. And as for your logic then why didn't she hate him for getting in fight with arata. She should hate kudo after that right. How desperately kudo was fighting. With your logic she supposed to think that kudo is monster after that. Guess what she didn't, why because she knew that kudo was doing all of that for her. Again i also asked why she feel worried about them(her family), what is there to be worried? It is just bro u are fixed on that whatever author do is right. There can't be any flaws.

I'm pretty much convinced at this point that you are either a troll baiting for attention or simply dense.
Everything I said has been conveyed simply and directly, so even a Twitterian or a tourist would understand. Yet here you are embarrassing yourself.

Apr 5, 2024 5:59 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Piromysl
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl that was again my second point why she didn't hate her family after all of this. She can understand someone's love then how come she can't hate people who treated her like slave. I get it her character was like that but she finally meet people who care for her, so she should understand what is different between being treated right and pretty sure she would understand why someone who loves her so much would get angry after seeing her in that condition. I never said he should beat all of them till they die. Just slape or something not brutality. And as for your logic then why didn't she hate him for getting in fight with arata. She should hate kudo after that right. How desperately kudo was fighting. With your logic she supposed to think that kudo is monster after that. Guess what she didn't, why because she knew that kudo was doing all of that for her. Again i also asked why she feel worried about them(her family), what is there to be worried? It is just bro u are fixed on that whatever author do is right. There can't be any flaws.

I'm pretty much convinced at this point that you are either a troll baiting for attention or simply dense.
Everything I said has been conveyed simply and directly, so even a Twitterian or a tourist would understand. Yet here you are embarrassing yourself.
@Piromysl nope bro im not trolling, buddy u can see my rating and i even said that i liked the show and it is good. U just couldn't see it. It's just the way it went, it's just typical way to handle this kind of situation. U will know after watching more anime. That most Japanese author don't have guts to show mc killing villain or beating them. They most of time choose this route like giving punishment politically or legal way, something that way
Apr 5, 2024 6:15 AM
Aug 2023
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl nope bro im not trolling, buddy u can see my rating and i even said that i liked the show and it is good. U just couldn't see it. It's just the way it went, it's just typical way to handle this kind of situation. U will know after watching more anime. That most Japanese author don't have guts to show mc killing villain or beating them. They most of time choose this route like giving punishment politically or legal way, something that way

"You will know after watching more anime" You said that to a guy who has been in this site for more than 7 years and has more than a 1000 anime completed,
He has more knowledge then you and from what I've seen he has already explained everything to you but there seems to be that you either don't have good comprehension understanding or you are just trolling

"That most Japanese author don't have guts to show mc killing villain"
This isn't supposed to be a gruesome series it's about Miyo accepting herself and her past while also cherishing her future with her husband, she doesn't need any killing or excessive violence for her to know that her husband loves her

Her husband isn't In a position to kill and you would know that if you played attention to the show
He's a general and they live under certain laws placed by the king, He can't go off killing people anytime he wants and it would be stupid to kill them and would destroy the entire point of Miyo's arc

If you are so obsessed with killing and stuff why not just go and watch shows with those genres,
You cant go and watch a slice of life shoujo show expecting brutal killings for no reasons and if you still think so then I'm sorry but you're just Stupid enough to think that
Kaitaka12Apr 5, 2024 6:23 AM
Apr 5, 2024 8:23 AM
Feb 2022
i ait reading all that
Apr 5, 2024 8:53 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Kaitaka12
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl nope bro im not trolling, buddy u can see my rating and i even said that i liked the show and it is good. U just couldn't see it. It's just the way it went, it's just typical way to handle this kind of situation. U will know after watching more anime. That most Japanese author don't have guts to show mc killing villain or beating them. They most of time choose this route like giving punishment politically or legal way, something that way

"You will know after watching more anime" You said that to a guy who has been in this site for more than 7 years and has more than a 1000 anime completed,
He has more knowledge then you and from what I've seen he has already explained everything to you but there seems to be that you either don't have good comprehension understanding or you are just trolling

"That most Japanese author don't have guts to show mc killing villain"
This isn't supposed to be a gruesome series it's about Miyo accepting herself and her past while also cherishing her future with her husband, she doesn't need any killing or excessive violence for her to know that her husband loves her

Her husband isn't In a position to kill and you would know that if you played attention to the show
He's a general and they live under certain laws placed by the king, He can't go off killing people anytime he wants and it would be stupid to kill them and would destroy the entire point of Miyo's arc

If you are so obsessed with killing and stuff why not just go and watch shows with those genres,
You cant go and watch a slice of life shoujo show expecting brutal killings for no reasons and if you still think so then I'm sorry but you're just Stupid enough to think that
@Kaitaka12 Bro i my self watching anime for more than 6 years, i have watched more than 500+ anime (when i say 500 i mean 500 individuals, if we consider ovas, seasons and movies then it would over 1500+ easily cause anime like mha has 6+ season and monogatari has like 10 frenchise so don't use those sh*t logic) so when i said u will understand when u will watch more anime, i mean this kind of anime which follows this kind of route.
How much st*pid are u all??? This isn't gruesome anime when did said i wanted murders in every episode. But if we taking about cruelty then how y'all justify the torture they showed. This anime definitely didn't suppose to be SOL anime right. If y'all can justify and accept the kind of torture they showed, then tell me what's the problem showing her husband getting angry (not saying he should kill every last one of them, but atleast some deserving punishment). Who said violation was the way of showing love. Lmfao. If she can accept him desperately fight other guy for her,then im saying she definitely can understand him getting angry behalf of her.
And what kind of sh*tty logic are using here. He is officer, he definitely don't have right to kill someone but wait, mio's sister is just normal girl, she literally killed mio and torture her, so if she can go this much low then him getting angry and giving them some beating (again not killing or too much brutality) would have been ok. Again not saying killing he uses lightning right so he can adjust his power to give low voltage current like normal shock not saying he should burn them alive. And u'all are saying brutality, cruelty and gruesome continuously, then how u gonna justify mio's torture, if that is not any one of them then how husband getting angry for his wife is cruelty. Sound pretty double standards to me. My only problem is they can show this crural torture, then why not kuda getting angry and giving them what they deserve.
I would have been perfectly fine if they did all this torture sh*t off screen. There is always line like what to show and how much impact it would have. Like Vinland saga definitely has r*pe slavery and human trafficking like it is normal but they portrayed it in a way that it leaves as less impact as possible while implying it. On other side goblin slayer don't hold back showing those scene, so they also show brutally killing of goblin too . Now imagine slight difference and show would have been disaster. I hope u got my point if not i sorry I cant help it, English is not my mother tongue.
If author is okay showing this torture then why not showing him getting angry for her that's all.
He only didn't go that way because he just don't have guts to show that in this show.
And don't bring f*cking genre here, otherwise find me single genre which explains mio's torture for this show.
Feel free argu with me on any sentence which sounds stupid, i'm definitely not backing down here.
Apr 5, 2024 9:43 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to The_Holyone66
i ait reading all that
@Thewatcher_22 i pretty much sure i didn't mantion your name while begging u to read itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ did i????. U reading or not, makes no difference for meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
Apr 5, 2024 9:44 AM
Feb 2022
Chits_99 said:
@Thewatcher_22 i pretty much sure i didn't mantion your name while begging u to read itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ did i????. U reading or not, makes no difference for meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

i just Like the anime man
Apr 5, 2024 9:47 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to The_Holyone66
Chits_99 said:
@Thewatcher_22 i pretty much sure i didn't mantion your name while begging u to read itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ did i????. U reading or not, makes no difference for meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

i just Like the anime man
@Thewatcher_22 bro i even i liked the anime my whole point was simple if author can show that torture with those details then why not kudo getting angry for his wife and giving them what they deserve?
Apr 5, 2024 9:49 AM
Feb 2022
Chits_99 said:
@Thewatcher_22 bro i even i liked the anime my whole point was simple if author can show that torture with those details then why not kudo getting angry for his wife and giving them what they deserve?

I don't know man maybe autor just wanted it that way
Apr 5, 2024 9:53 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to The_Holyone66
Chits_99 said:
@Thewatcher_22 bro i even i liked the anime my whole point was simple if author can show that torture with those details then why not kudo getting angry for his wife and giving them what they deserve?

I don't know man maybe autor just wanted it that way
@Thewatcher_22 that was the whole point, author wanted it that way, nothing more nothing less πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. But This people are not getting that simple thing.
Apr 5, 2024 9:55 AM
Feb 2022
Chits_99 said:
@Thewatcher_22 that was the whole point, author wanted it that way, nothing more nothing less πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. But This people are not getting that simple thing.

well what can you do everybody haves there on take on anime i just Like to watch any anime when i come home from work and relax that is it
Apr 5, 2024 10:00 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to The_Holyone66
Chits_99 said:
@Thewatcher_22 that was the whole point, author wanted it that way, nothing more nothing less πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. But This people are not getting that simple thing.

well what can you do everybody haves there on take on anime i just Like to watch any anime when i come home from work and relax that is it
@Thewatcher_22 yup no argu there.after work k-on gotta be the best anime to watch.πŸ™Œ
Apr 5, 2024 10:45 AM

Jul 2015
Reply to Kaitaka12
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl nope bro im not trolling, buddy u can see my rating and i even said that i liked the show and it is good. U just couldn't see it. It's just the way it went, it's just typical way to handle this kind of situation. U will know after watching more anime. That most Japanese author don't have guts to show mc killing villain or beating them. They most of time choose this route like giving punishment politically or legal way, something that way

"You will know after watching more anime" You said that to a guy who has been in this site for more than 7 years and has more than a 1000 anime completed,
He has more knowledge then you and from what I've seen he has already explained everything to you but there seems to be that you either don't have good comprehension understanding or you are just trolling

"That most Japanese author don't have guts to show mc killing villain"
This isn't supposed to be a gruesome series it's about Miyo accepting herself and her past while also cherishing her future with her husband, she doesn't need any killing or excessive violence for her to know that her husband loves her

Her husband isn't In a position to kill and you would know that if you played attention to the show
He's a general and they live under certain laws placed by the king, He can't go off killing people anytime he wants and it would be stupid to kill them and would destroy the entire point of Miyo's arc

If you are so obsessed with killing and stuff why not just go and watch shows with those genres,
You cant go and watch a slice of life shoujo show expecting brutal killings for no reasons and if you still think so then I'm sorry but you're just Stupid enough to think that
@Kaitaka12 I'm not really into this whole "appeal to authority" because it still is totally subjective matter and in the end, to each their own. I also have sometimes a problem with protagonist not doing what needs to be done to the villain (that's why I hate Yellow Thing so much).
But the problem is, that OP seem to think that it is not a subjective matter, but objective one and everyone else is wrong, so It's honestly like talking with a stubborn kid. No matter what objectively correct fact I'll bring up he will just double down because his ego prevents him from admitting and taking an L. I don't even want to waste effort anymore.

Apr 5, 2024 11:34 AM
Jan 2023
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl that was again my second point why she didn't hate her family after all of this. She can understand someone's love then how come she can't hate people who treated her like slave. I get it her character was like that but she finally meet people who care for her, so she should understand what is different between being treated right and pretty sure she would understand why someone who loves her so much would get angry after seeing her in that condition. I never said he should beat all of them till they die. Just slape or something not brutality. And as for your logic then why didn't she hate him for getting in fight with arata. She should hate kudo after that right. How desperately kudo was fighting. With your logic she supposed to think that kudo is monster after that. Guess what she didn't, why because she knew that kudo was doing all of that for her. Again i also asked why she feel worried about them(her family), what is there to be worried? It is just bro u are fixed on that whatever author do is right. There can't be any flaws.

why did you continue watching this show when you clearly don't like either of the protagonists???
Apr 5, 2024 11:38 AM
Mar 2022
blah blah blah blah.
Drop it and watch something else
Apr 5, 2024 11:47 AM
Oct 2021
Sounds like you never watched past the 6th episode...
Apr 5, 2024 11:49 AM
Oct 2021
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl bro are u st*pid or something (really sorry for rude language). U really didn't get it do u. My whole question is how come he didn't feel anything at all. And answer is just quite simple author don't have balls to show that kind of thing. Then What's easily way here. Give some punishment which can be shown and which can barely work as "SEE THEY GOT WHAT THEY DESERVE".

Wow, you somehow managed to say exactly what I was thinking about you.
Apr 5, 2024 11:50 AM
Oct 2021
Chits_99 said:
@Kaitaka12 Bro i my self watching anime for more than 6 years, i have watched more than 500+ anime (when i say 500 i mean 500 individuals, if we consider ovas, seasons and movies then it would over 1500+ easily cause anime like mha has 6+ season and monogatari has like 10 frenchise so don't use those sh*t logic) so when i said u will understand when u will watch more anime, i mean this kind of anime which follows this kind of route.
How much st*pid are u all??? This isn't gruesome anime when did said i wanted murders in every episode. But if we taking about cruelty then how y'all justify the torture they showed. This anime definitely didn't suppose to be SOL anime right. If y'all can justify and accept the kind of torture they showed, then tell me what's the problem showing her husband getting angry (not saying he should kill every last one of them, but atleast some deserving punishment). Who said violation was the way of showing love. Lmfao. If she can accept him desperately fight other guy for her,then im saying she definitely can understand him getting angry behalf of her.
And what kind of sh*tty logic are using here. He is officer, he definitely don't have right to kill someone but wait, mio's sister is just normal girl, she literally killed mio and torture her, so if she can go this much low then him getting angry and giving them some beating (again not killing or too much brutality) would have been ok. Again not saying killing he uses lightning right so he can adjust his power to give low voltage current like normal shock not saying he should burn them alive. And u'all are saying brutality, cruelty and gruesome continuously, then how u gonna justify mio's torture, if that is not any one of them then how husband getting angry for his wife is cruelty. Sound pretty double standards to me. My only problem is they can show this crural torture, then why not kuda getting angry and giving them what they deserve.
I would have been perfectly fine if they did all this torture sh*t off screen. There is always line like what to show and how much impact it would have. Like Vinland saga definitely has r*pe slavery and human trafficking like it is normal but they portrayed it in a way that it leaves as less impact as possible while implying it. On other side goblin slayer don't hold back showing those scene, so they also show brutally killing of goblin too . Now imagine slight difference and show would have been disaster. I hope u got my point if not i sorry I cant help it, English is not my mother tongue.
If author is okay showing this torture then why not showing him getting angry for her that's all.
He only didn't go that way because he just don't have guts to show that in this show.
And don't bring f*cking genre here, otherwise find me single genre which explains mio's torture for this show.
Feel free argu with me on any sentence which sounds stupid, i'm definitely not backing down here.

You seem like the type who would bite someone's head off for slightly annoying you and would kill them if they inconvenienced you...
Apr 5, 2024 5:44 PM
Aug 2023
@Piromysl The op reminds me of my arguments with Okeanix on Frieren threads, both struggle in understanding what subjectivity is and accepting that what they think is right isn't the universal truth
Apr 5, 2024 5:48 PM
Aug 2023
@Chits_99 Like i said before there is no need for bloodshed and stuff like that and Miyo already understood that her husband loves her and will do anything to protect her so why do "You" keep arguing in trivial stuff which isn't even important, The story and setting of their relationship is great and it's just you who are incapable of understanding it and not everything has to be the way you want it to be

I realised that this thread isn't a bait as it just shows the extend of your Stupidity and incapability to understand and accept things
Kaitaka12Apr 5, 2024 5:54 PM
Apr 6, 2024 2:40 AM
Aug 2020
bro.. just watched the last episode. Sincerely, it made no sense. It's honestly absurd. How we went from "It's done. They took everything from me, I will never see Kiyoka Again... I will never be able to leave this house, I'm stuck here for ever" to "and everything ended happily for everyone" from one minute to another. What the hell?

It may be just because it's late and my brain is shutting down until I get some sleep, but this whole episode had a lot of inconsistencies that ultimately ended up making the ending a whole mess. What happened with Miyo being stuck in the Usuba House? What happened with the consequences of leaving? What happened with the sickness of Miyo? Why did Arata suddenly change from the selfish, self-focused bad guy (that even fought the guy on the good side) to a good guy?

I believe the anime was being rushed at this point and they couldn't introduce some information from the LN/Manga, some things can be explained if I think about it, but it's still an incredibly rushed ending. No explanations at all, no development at all, no solutions, just "everything is solved now".

Please help me understand what the heck just happened, help me understand if this is just my imagination, because I cannot believe it.

I will still rate this 7/10 because the first episodes were amazing and the anime had really good production quality overall. As someone else said, all this stuff about the ghosts or whatever they're called still needed more development. However, my only complain is the ending. It honestly feels like an artificial "happy ending".

edit: I just want to be clear, I loved the first half of the anime and enjoyed the rest of the episodes, I really liked Miyo and Kiyoka as characters and as a couple. The last episode felt off and it made me feel dissapointed. So much missed information. I am glad that they live together again and It's good to see them finally happy, specially Miyo. But again, it was just the last episode. I don't intend to hate on the anime. After all, it's impossible to feel dissapointed if a really nice anime that you enjoyed ends up having an ending like this one.. If I am completely wrong and you wish to correct me and possibly insult me for that, you're totally free to do so. I just want to know if someone else agrees or feels like I do.
ichinose06Apr 6, 2024 2:57 AM
Apr 6, 2024 3:47 AM
Nov 2021
Keep yapping ur mouth mate
Apr 6, 2024 4:18 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Jdogrey
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl bro are u st*pid or something (really sorry for rude language). U really didn't get it do u. My whole question is how come he didn't feel anything at all. And answer is just quite simple author don't have balls to show that kind of thing. Then What's easily way here. Give some punishment which can be shown and which can barely work as "SEE THEY GOT WHAT THEY DESERVE".

Wow, you somehow managed to say exactly what I was thinking about you.
@Jdogrey still u couldn't πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌ
Apr 6, 2024 4:19 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Jdogrey
Chits_99 said:
@Kaitaka12 Bro i my self watching anime for more than 6 years, i have watched more than 500+ anime (when i say 500 i mean 500 individuals, if we consider ovas, seasons and movies then it would over 1500+ easily cause anime like mha has 6+ season and monogatari has like 10 frenchise so don't use those sh*t logic) so when i said u will understand when u will watch more anime, i mean this kind of anime which follows this kind of route.
How much st*pid are u all??? This isn't gruesome anime when did said i wanted murders in every episode. But if we taking about cruelty then how y'all justify the torture they showed. This anime definitely didn't suppose to be SOL anime right. If y'all can justify and accept the kind of torture they showed, then tell me what's the problem showing her husband getting angry (not saying he should kill every last one of them, but atleast some deserving punishment). Who said violation was the way of showing love. Lmfao. If she can accept him desperately fight other guy for her,then im saying she definitely can understand him getting angry behalf of her.
And what kind of sh*tty logic are using here. He is officer, he definitely don't have right to kill someone but wait, mio's sister is just normal girl, she literally killed mio and torture her, so if she can go this much low then him getting angry and giving them some beating (again not killing or too much brutality) would have been ok. Again not saying killing he uses lightning right so he can adjust his power to give low voltage current like normal shock not saying he should burn them alive. And u'all are saying brutality, cruelty and gruesome continuously, then how u gonna justify mio's torture, if that is not any one of them then how husband getting angry for his wife is cruelty. Sound pretty double standards to me. My only problem is they can show this crural torture, then why not kuda getting angry and giving them what they deserve.
I would have been perfectly fine if they did all this torture sh*t off screen. There is always line like what to show and how much impact it would have. Like Vinland saga definitely has r*pe slavery and human trafficking like it is normal but they portrayed it in a way that it leaves as less impact as possible while implying it. On other side goblin slayer don't hold back showing those scene, so they also show brutally killing of goblin too . Now imagine slight difference and show would have been disaster. I hope u got my point if not i sorry I cant help it, English is not my mother tongue.
If author is okay showing this torture then why not showing him getting angry for her that's all.
He only didn't go that way because he just don't have guts to show that in this show.
And don't bring f*cking genre here, otherwise find me single genre which explains mio's torture for this show.
Feel free argu with me on any sentence which sounds stupid, i'm definitely not backing down here.

You seem like the type who would bite someone's head off for slightly annoying you and would kill them if they inconvenienced you...
@Jdogrey well then u are entirely wrong πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
Apr 6, 2024 4:22 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Kaitaka12
@Piromysl The op reminds me of my arguments with Okeanix on Frieren threads, both struggle in understanding what subjectivity is and accepting that what they think is right isn't the universal truth
@Kaitaka12 tell me one thing author showed mio getting torture for what reason??? What was need of showing all of that???
Second if he can show that torture then what's the problem with him showing kudo getting angry???
Apr 6, 2024 4:32 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Kaitaka12
@Chits_99 Like i said before there is no need for bloodshed and stuff like that and Miyo already understood that her husband loves her and will do anything to protect her so why do "You" keep arguing in trivial stuff which isn't even important, The story and setting of their relationship is great and it's just you who are incapable of understanding it and not everything has to be the way you want it to be

I realised that this thread isn't a bait as it just shows the extend of your Stupidity and incapability to understand and accept things
@Kaitaka12 why people keep saying this bloodshed and cruelty and blah blah. Then just explain the torture he showed what would u say about it. All im saying he just didn't show kudo getting angry and giving them what they deserve only because author didn't have guts. And u'all are ready to accept it as "that's just how their characters are"
Apr 6, 2024 4:34 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to FLAZH_-
Keep yapping ur mouth mate
@OhioRizzler681 never needed your permission to soπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Apr 6, 2024 4:38 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Piromysl
@Kaitaka12 I'm not really into this whole "appeal to authority" because it still is totally subjective matter and in the end, to each their own. I also have sometimes a problem with protagonist not doing what needs to be done to the villain (that's why I hate Yellow Thing so much).
But the problem is, that OP seem to think that it is not a subjective matter, but objective one and everyone else is wrong, so It's honestly like talking with a stubborn kid. No matter what objectively correct fact I'll bring up he will just double down because his ego prevents him from admitting and taking an L. I don't even want to waste effort anymore.
@Piromysl just try reading my reply to him if possible, so may be u can understand what I'm saying.
Apr 6, 2024 5:17 AM

Jul 2015
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl just try reading my reply to him if possible, so may be u can understand what I'm saying.

Judging by your record, no, I don't think I will.

Apr 6, 2024 11:55 AM
Aug 2023
Chits_99 said:
@Kaitaka12 why people keep saying this bloodshed and cruelty and blah blah. Then just explain the torture he showed what would u say about it. All im saying he just didn't show kudo getting angry and giving them what they deserve only because author didn't have guts. And u'all are ready to accept it as "that's just how their characters are"

He already punished them by giving capital punishment which they will have to do for most part of their lives, Their household is destroyed and they are no longer a respectable family in the country, Their Daughters youth and marriage is also ruined for good

Kudo got angry in various moments for Miyo, In the first place the reason he decided to get Miyo bskc through fighting is because he was angry and Miyo also understood that

Idk how there's any need to go far and just because something that you wanted to happen didn't happen doesn't mean that the show is bad or the path they chose is bad, It is your complete and utter failure in understanding as to why those characters chose the path thst they chose and why and the author is not responsible for your lack of understanding and idiocy
Apr 8, 2024 1:33 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Piromysl
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl just try reading my reply to him if possible, so may be u can understand what I'm saying.

Judging by your record, no, I don't think I will.
@Piromysl lol if u still don't get it then there is no meaning in further explaining πŸ˜‚. Btw i didn't say anything based on my experience lmao.
Apr 8, 2024 1:42 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Kaitaka12
Chits_99 said:
@Kaitaka12 why people keep saying this bloodshed and cruelty and blah blah. Then just explain the torture he showed what would u say about it. All im saying he just didn't show kudo getting angry and giving them what they deserve only because author didn't have guts. And u'all are ready to accept it as "that's just how their characters are"

He already punished them by giving capital punishment which they will have to do for most part of their lives, Their household is destroyed and they are no longer a respectable family in the country, Their Daughters youth and marriage is also ruined for good

Kudo got angry in various moments for Miyo, In the first place the reason he decided to get Miyo bskc through fighting is because he was angry and Miyo also understood that

Idk how there's any need to go far and just because something that you wanted to happen didn't happen doesn't mean that the show is bad or the path they chose is bad, It is your complete and utter failure in understanding as to why those characters chose the path thst they chose and why and the author is not responsible for your lack of understanding and idiocy
@Kaitaka12 still didn't explain the sh*t About why he showed that torture, and keep yepping same thing. If his character is like that then why he fought arata in first place, why he didn't go for your so called capital punishment? Why didn't he even try to solve that in legal way?????.lol i never said it was bad path but it was smart path. Y'all are ready to accept that he fought arata even tho mio was confused but not ready accept that he didn't fighy even after seeing mio in that condition only because author just couldn't show it.
Apr 8, 2024 7:44 AM
Mar 2023
Piromysl said:
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl tell one thing then why kido didn't do anything when she was hurt that much and why he got angry in later episodes????

This is one of those problems that can be easily fixed by paying attention while watching.
Kaya was sent off to work as a servant in a household notorious for being strict while her parents were exiled to countryside with no servants. All this was arranged by Kudo as punishment.
If you really think that he somehow forgave them or that he should kill them all on the spot, which Mio would obviously not like and hate him for it, then you're wrong and it's stupid.

great explanation bruhhh πŸ’€
Apr 8, 2024 7:45 AM
Mar 2023
Jdogrey said:
Chits_99 said:
@Piromysl bro are u st*pid or something (really sorry for rude language). U really didn't get it do u. My whole question is how come he didn't feel anything at all. And answer is just quite simple author don't have balls to show that kind of thing. Then What's easily way here. Give some punishment which can be shown and which can barely work as "SEE THEY GOT WHAT THEY DESERVE".

Wow, you somehow managed to say exactly what I was thinking about you.

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