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Solo Leveling
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Mar 30, 2024 1:09 PM

Nov 2020
By far the most disappointing anime of the season, nothing different from the typical poor shonen. Was the manga that badly done too? Should i read it?
smoke dat weed get high as shit
Mar 30, 2024 1:10 PM
Sep 2021
you should read then post this thread because it will clear it for you read from chapter 46
Mar 30, 2024 1:18 PM

Nov 2020
Reply to Ken_shiv_10
you should read then post this thread because it will clear it for you read from chapter 46
@Ken_shiv_10 I'll check it then
smoke dat weed get high as shit
Mar 30, 2024 1:29 PM

Oct 2008
I doubt manga is going to change your opinion, it wasn't that different from the anime adaptation. To me it sounds like you don't like the shounen genre as a whole? If power fantasy isn't your thing, try something different.
Mar 30, 2024 1:47 PM
Aug 2022
i readed the manga and for me it gets more boring late, its like characters are all useless
Mar 30, 2024 2:15 PM

Aug 2013
Typical Galactic Heroes enjoyer.
Mar 30, 2024 3:16 PM
Oct 2020
Don't like power fantasy? It's okay everyone has different tastes
Mar 30, 2024 4:23 PM

Mar 2019
Well, it's story about some random dude who happened to be lucky enough to survive and getting op ability then do a lot of leveling while the others doing some world building.
Mar 30, 2024 5:18 PM
Mar 2021
I thought it was a great show to chill out watching while not taking it too seriously.
Can't say many shows that try to be that are anywhere near as entertaining as solo leveling was this season.
Mar 30, 2024 6:18 PM
Nov 2021
I think the first few eps were abhorrent, mind numbingly slow, and so fucking boring. But i do think the show really picks up fast past that.

but yeah, everything is so fucking overexplained and spends time for things we can either read on screen or look at.
Mar 30, 2024 6:49 PM

Oct 2008
Found both of those show really enjoyable and much better than many other shows. Still think it's a matter of taste for you guys.

Also, not sure what recommended section you are talking about but I wouldn't take any recommendations seriously on mal.
Mar 30, 2024 7:20 PM
Jan 2018
People are actually surprised? Dude to enjoy this series you have to be aware, this is an de action story, you read the manhwa for the cool fight scenes and to see the protagonist beeing badass, that's it, there's a little bit of real story at the final arc but is not worth waiting. The readers are watching to see those fights animated. It's not that serious, and it doens't mean it's bad because of It.
Mar 30, 2024 7:57 PM
Sep 2016
As someone who read the manga all I can tell you is that's it's a power fantasy. That pretty much explains all. The show it's about the MC getting stronger and he is a Gary Stu pretty much all the time, other characters are there to make the main character look better (which is a waste, cause some S Ranks are actually cool characters).

The best thing in the manga was the drawing and in the anime the well animated fights. Don't expect anything else.
Mar 30, 2024 8:07 PM
Pirate King
Feb 2021
Not that I’m trying to nitpick anyone here, but this show was not adapted from a manga. It’s not Japanese even though the studio that adapted it is. It is a Manhwa, meaning it was created Korea. It was adapted from the Light Novel and the Manhwa.
Mar 30, 2024 8:33 PM

Oct 2008
The accuracy of the comparison matters a lot. I don't know how you read that I believe otherwise from what I said. And yes I do have strong prejudice against mal reviews and recommendations. It is not illogical, I have that opinion after using mal for a long time and seeing that the reviews and recommendations are almost never accurate.

Anyway, all of this mal critique is outside of this topic. The point I was trying to make is that if you didn't like Solo Leveling and you didn't like SAO and you didn't like Misfit of Demon King Academy, then you obviously don't like the power fantasy type of shounen shows in general and should explore other genres.
Mar 30, 2024 9:07 PM

Apr 2021
survivorspan said:
i readed the manga and for me it gets more boring late, its like characters are all useless

chapters 1-100 of the manhwa were absolutely amazing, until

after that all the battles felt too one sided
Mar 30, 2024 9:26 PM
Jan 2022
As a person who read the manga and watch the anime at the same time, yeah there isn't really much here. The anime is entertaining enough, but this feels like an anime that appeals to my uncles who just need mindless action and nothing else.
Mar 30, 2024 9:49 PM
Dec 2023
Power fantasy anime nothing more nothing less. Manhwa also got carried by art.
Mar 30, 2024 11:32 PM

Jan 2009
nope the main character will become more overpowered thats it so drop it if you do not want that
Mar 30, 2024 11:50 PM

Feb 2022
I read both Manhwa and novel, from Chapter 1 until Jeju arc is good, after that is absolutely goes down
Mar 31, 2024 12:30 AM

Mar 2017
After the final episode, power system seems interesting enough. Story itself has some good message about self-improvement and building upon past experiences (since that's what the necromancer class seems to be going for) but presentation-wise it was too edgy. Props to Taito Ban for getting a lead role but I really don't like his performance. It sounds too generic and over-the-top.

As for Jinwoo himself, I had hoped for him to be a mix between the naivety of Emiya and the power-hungry Isagi. Something like:

  • Idealistic E-rank hunter thrown into the world
  • Dies from OP boss, gets a second chance
  • Gets consumed by the hustle/grind/level-up

Because then you'd have a good conflict about personal morals versus the pursuit of power. It would also line up with the episode 6 sequence. But no, it was revealed that he had always been a salty soyboy from the start and just couldn't do anything because of his rank (skill issue lol). It's like you get Walter White without Breaking Bad's writing.

Actually looking back at it now, Jinwoo and Rudeus had the same premise. Funny how different the execution was, and how it resulted into two different characters.

Anyways, if season 2 releases within the year I might watch it. Necromancer skill looks cool and Sawano might drop another banger. Story can be shit for all I care. 6/10.
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Mar 31, 2024 12:31 AM

Nov 2020
I think ur right guys, it's not for me but I will check out the manhwa anyway.
smoke dat weed get high as shit
Mar 31, 2024 3:51 AM
Feb 2024
Eh, it was ok. A solid 7/10 and i will watch season 2 but just like season 1 just for the action scenes.
I could not care any less about any of the characters, they are all paper thin and just an excuse for the next action scene.
Also that whole world and how it works does not make a lick of sense if you really think about it for more then 5 minutes.
BUT its still entertaining and its not like this is the first "dumb but great action" anime in the world.
Mar 31, 2024 5:05 AM
Feb 2017
there is spy x boring on his favorite manga list. no wonder why he hates shounen anime that can be enjoyed casually
Mar 31, 2024 5:43 AM
Mar 2023
Mangas are better why are they wasting their time on animating gay Korea manhwa ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก
Mar 31, 2024 5:57 AM

Nov 2020
KenYorke said:
there is spy x boring on his favorite manga list. no wonder why he hates shounen anime that can be enjoyed casually

alr you brainless yoghurt licker. Go and suck all of your father mana, maybe he'll make you moan to fights in solo leveling :D
smoke dat weed get high as shit
Mar 31, 2024 6:02 AM
Jan 2023
How many chapters adapted in S1? I wanna read it's manwa.
Mar 31, 2024 6:03 AM

Nov 2020
Animo_san said:
How many chapters adapted in S1? I wanna read it's manwa.

46 chapters I think
smoke dat weed get high as shit
Mar 31, 2024 7:03 AM

Nov 2016
@IhnalakoKaina lmao, literally anything is better than SAO. Only good from SAO was the first 11 episodes, the rest is garbage. If you like that shit I understand why you don't like this, you are the typical SAO fanboy. This anime is much better done than SAO, and it's only 12 episodes still...
Mar 31, 2024 7:31 AM
Mar 31, 2024 8:10 AM

Jan 2013
read the manga and come back here after....its not your typical anime, way too early. There are so many questions you should be asking like why is he only playing this "game" and what is the purpose of these gates? why are there hunters? QUESTION IT ALL.
Mar 31, 2024 8:12 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to MickeyMinaj
The fact that there is focus on mainly the MC Jinwoo, it does become a turnoff when other characters are more or less useless and don't matter. But if there is any other reason you didn't like it then power fantasy is just not your thing, manhwa won't change your mind either
@MickeyMinaj without spoiling too much, how useful are the humans when you are a God among men?
Mar 31, 2024 9:54 AM

Dec 2015
@IhnalakoKaina Even Sword Art Online II, famous for being underwhelming has a better story, characters and development than anything provided in these 12 episodes of Solo Leveling. The sole reason Solo Leveling has such a high score is due to the huge amount of fans it has from the manhwa and the spectacular animation from A-1.
Mar 31, 2024 10:04 AM
Jan 2024
I didn't read every comment, but it looks to me like the story isn't much about the "player" and more about the reverse isekai? This first season opens and closes with raids on that monster-infested island, and the show is quite slow because I guess it's planned for several seasons from the get go... thus not much development on this front, but I hope it gets developed soon
Mar 31, 2024 1:12 PM

Aug 2008
This is hardly the Seinfeld of anime. The plot isn't the strongest but there certainly is one. Solo Leveling is best in art and action though, it is a typical shounen in that regard. Won't be the greatest but a solid watch if it keeps its standards high.
Mar 31, 2024 2:28 PM

May 2021
The animation in fight scenes are pretty good. Other than that the story is pretty hollow and I don't think its that special, considering many unexplained things and the fact that he is just fighting monsters after monsters, which is pretty uninteresting.
Apr 2, 2024 12:24 AM
Jul 2009
X-V said:
Even Sword Art Online II, famous for being underwhelming has a better story, characters and development than anything provided in these 12 episodes of Solo Leveling. The sole reason Solo Leveling has such a high score is due to the huge amount of fans it has from the manhwa and the spectacular animation from A-1.

I can't speak for other fans of SL, but personally I don't like something solely because I'm a fan of another medium of the story. I think what you said is certainly a part of it, but it's also the fact we know the story was still in its prologue state until now. Everything up to Ep12 was literally a prologue.

The story is certainly not the best there is. It's not overly complex, and while the side characters are likable enough just by not being annoying af, they didn't get the chance to shine in the source material (tho I'd argue the "human" side characters aren't even the real side characters). The story is still pretty decent. Everything gets explained later on, there's not really any plot holes I'm aware of, and now that I watched the anime I realized how much forshadowing, symbolism and hinting is going on throughout these 12 episodes alone. If a story makes you go "aah everything makes sense now" I'd say it's done its job pretty well, and that's exactly how you feel close to the end. Everything, since the very first episode, happened for a reason.

It's still a power fantasy though. But even with how stagnant the story becomes after a while because the MC is OP later, it's still enjoyable, since even when he wins fights easily later, that's when it shifts its focus from the MC more to the side characters and the actual story. I'm not saying it doesn't lack in storywriting, but the story isn't half as bad as people make it out to be. It's just nothing overly spectacular, but it's also not a "shut off your brain and just enjoy action" type of story, because then it will get really stale for you very fast.

I can still enjoy stories like ORV and similar manhwas just as much as SL, because they all focus on different things. They all have their flaws, even similar ones.

In the end it comes down to what you're looking for in a story and things can also just not be to your taste. Just because a majority of people like Coke, doesn't mean you have to and will like it as well.
Apr 2, 2024 1:40 PM

Dec 2015
Reply to Vedrun
X-V said:
Even Sword Art Online II, famous for being underwhelming has a better story, characters and development than anything provided in these 12 episodes of Solo Leveling. The sole reason Solo Leveling has such a high score is due to the huge amount of fans it has from the manhwa and the spectacular animation from A-1.

I can't speak for other fans of SL, but personally I don't like something solely because I'm a fan of another medium of the story. I think what you said is certainly a part of it, but it's also the fact we know the story was still in its prologue state until now. Everything up to Ep12 was literally a prologue.

The story is certainly not the best there is. It's not overly complex, and while the side characters are likable enough just by not being annoying af, they didn't get the chance to shine in the source material (tho I'd argue the "human" side characters aren't even the real side characters). The story is still pretty decent. Everything gets explained later on, there's not really any plot holes I'm aware of, and now that I watched the anime I realized how much forshadowing, symbolism and hinting is going on throughout these 12 episodes alone. If a story makes you go "aah everything makes sense now" I'd say it's done its job pretty well, and that's exactly how you feel close to the end. Everything, since the very first episode, happened for a reason.

It's still a power fantasy though. But even with how stagnant the story becomes after a while because the MC is OP later, it's still enjoyable, since even when he wins fights easily later, that's when it shifts its focus from the MC more to the side characters and the actual story. I'm not saying it doesn't lack in storywriting, but the story isn't half as bad as people make it out to be. It's just nothing overly spectacular, but it's also not a "shut off your brain and just enjoy action" type of story, because then it will get really stale for you very fast.

I can still enjoy stories like ORV and similar manhwas just as much as SL, because they all focus on different things. They all have their flaws, even similar ones.

In the end it comes down to what you're looking for in a story and things can also just not be to your taste. Just because a majority of people like Coke, doesn't mean you have to and will like it as well.
@Vedrun I'm going to keep watching Solo Leveling because I'm curious to see what they do with it but I'm afraid it has nothing to provide except cool battle scenes without emotional impact. Power fantasies are incredibly fun when you properly develop them, especially when you create interesting dynamics across the characters on the screen. For example, how friend A, B or C reacts to the main character being stronger. Solo Leveling forgoes anything like that and cages itself into a non-story called "And he just became stronger". I often found myself asking "Why should I care if he beats x, y or z? He is just going to win anyway." when watching. There is not even an attempt on the main character having relationships with other characters while hiding who he is, and that is like incredibly basic storytelling.

But anyway. I think the animation and OST carries a lot of what could be considered a below average show by any other metrics. I just wish they paid just a little more attention to craft a more palatable story.
Apr 2, 2024 7:50 PM
Jun 2022
Contrary to the current Hollywood meta of dumping a ton of exposition on the watcher at the beginning of the movie, Solo Leveling takes its time to build its world and provide its reveals little by little.

On top of that, the anime does mix things up a lot.
We have already seen Jeju island 4 times, yet in the manhwa by this time the island was not mentioned yet.
Many important characters have already been shown multiple times, so that when they appear and change the wat the story moves, we don't need another exposition explaining who they are.

Are you not intrigued what happened at Jeju?
What are those giant ants?
What are the portals?
Why do hunters get power?
Who is the God?
What is that sacrificial chamber?
What is the System?
Why only Jinwo levels up?
Why are monsters invading the world?

All those will get resolved.....
The problem is modern audiences expect the anime to stop and explain everything at the beginning
Apr 2, 2024 7:52 PM
Jun 2022
X-V said:
Power fantasies are incredibly fun when you properly develop them, especially when you create interesting dynamics across the characters on the screen. For example, how friend A, B or C reacts to the main character being stronger.

The nurses at the hospital mentioned how Jinwo looked better and stronger. They even had him shirtless.
The sister mentioned he was taller
The one-armed hunter mentioned how he looked stronger when they met for the next dungeon they met at.
The healer mentioned how she saw him being stronger, more dependable.
So, I'd say they have already started working on those changes.

The Jinwo from the start would never con a talent seeker from a major Guild to pay an overprice for C-level portals.

X-V said:
Solo Leveling forgoes anything like that and cages itself into a non-story called "And he just became stronger".

What I saw on the screen was Jinwo being beaten up a lot and getting stronger little by litte from the daily Saitama training and killing monsters.
So, he did not "just became stronger".
Second chapter, he had to face his fears and kill goblins with a borrowed sword.
Goblins that almost killed him in his previous two raids.
You know.... all that dialogue in the middle of the screaming does go a long way to show what Jinwo is going through.

X-V said:
I often found myself asking "Why should I care if he beats x, y or z? He is just going to win anyway." when watching.

Why should I bother watching Demon Slayer if I already jnow they'll heal Nezuko's ailment?
Why should I bother watching One Piece if I already know Luffy will get the One Piece?
Why should I bother watching Kaguya Sama if I already know they'll end up confessing their love and becoming a couple?

If we go through with your thought process, there is no reason to watch anything. Let's introduce the characters and skip to the ending in chapter 1 and save us all that hassle of experiencing the story.

X-V said:
There is not even an attempt on the main character having relationships with other characters while hiding who he is, and that is like incredibly basic storytelling.

Legit criticism.
At this moment, Jinwo knows that if anyone learns he can gain power, as the anomaly he is, he'll be targetted for recruitment/murder immediately by the strongest hunters. And he is waaaaay below their level.

In the future, his stance changes.
Because he becomes one of the strongest, and that makes his perspective on life and his place in the world change accordingly.

Beyond that, indeed Jinwo is a dry, unfriendly, unapproachable, and even unlikeable character. He is meant partly as a blank slate for the readers to project into him, and feel they are living the power fantasy.
I guess that's why he is like that.

X-V said:
I just wish they paid just a little more attention to craft a more palatable story.

While reading the manhwa, I found the drawing top-notch, and the world quite intriguing.
Those two carried me through the first 50 to 80 first chapters, which is when Jinwo is at a respectable level that he can take on real challenges, the character personality starts to change, and the backstory starts unraveling.

If you watched Dune, SL is working in a similar way.
Dune 1 spent a lot of time on worldbuilding and showing how the world works and who is who.
Dune 2 spent all its runtime on action. All the worldbuilding was already done, so it did not have to waste time on it.

Season 1 of SL spent a lot of time showing a weak (the weakest!) hunter, trying to scrape by, forced to risk his life so that his mother can be kept plugged to a machine, since she is effectively braindead, as he would not have the money for it otherwise.
They focused on the worldbuilding.
The next 5 seasons won't need to waste time on it.

Slowly, Jinwo starts gaining power, and decides his best bet is becoming an assassin (high strength, high speed)...... and then, the world makes him a necromancer, who not only does not match his stat build, but also is a mismatch on his skills and combat strategy.
How would that change your character if you were playing a videogame?
How would having an army of soldiers he can summon at his beck and call will change the way Jinwo faces the next dungeon?
That is Season 2.
PuntosmxApr 2, 2024 8:17 PM
Apr 3, 2024 12:08 AM
Jul 2009
Reply to X-V
@Vedrun I'm going to keep watching Solo Leveling because I'm curious to see what they do with it but I'm afraid it has nothing to provide except cool battle scenes without emotional impact. Power fantasies are incredibly fun when you properly develop them, especially when you create interesting dynamics across the characters on the screen. For example, how friend A, B or C reacts to the main character being stronger. Solo Leveling forgoes anything like that and cages itself into a non-story called "And he just became stronger". I often found myself asking "Why should I care if he beats x, y or z? He is just going to win anyway." when watching. There is not even an attempt on the main character having relationships with other characters while hiding who he is, and that is like incredibly basic storytelling.

But anyway. I think the animation and OST carries a lot of what could be considered a below average show by any other metrics. I just wish they paid just a little more attention to craft a more palatable story.
@X-V I'd say you're partly right. The characters always were the story's biggest flaw. They're trying to fix that in the anime as best as they can, but we can't say how well that will go in later seasons where the side characters become more relevant. In the anime we already got more backstory for some side characters than we ever did in the whole manhwa, that's how flawed the characters were in the manhwa xD

Marked it as spoiler, just in case, but it's not too spoilery.
May 8, 2024 5:50 AM

May 2021
It is true. I don't really see a story in this season at all. Good songs, good animation, but there is nothing to say about the story because its just my man killing monsters for 12 episodes straight.

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