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The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess (light novel)
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Dec 30, 2023 6:34 PM

Nov 2022
Good stuff. There's still plenty of loose ends to tie up so I need more in the future.
Dec 30, 2023 7:04 PM

Oct 2022
Such a great anime. Funny, still an engaging story, godly character designs and plenty of yuri. Hopefully we will be blessed with a season two.
Dec 30, 2023 7:44 PM

Jul 2016
tbh I'm not gonna miss this anime that much. It's a decent show but after looking how OP the MC got after her first fight against Millicent, just makes me lost any interest in her story. If it wasn't for her backstory that it was shown during the first couple of episodes, i could labelled Komarin as a Mary Sue imo.

6/10 it wasn't a bad show tho.
Dec 30, 2023 8:07 PM

Dec 2022
I really enjoyed this series ngl, 8/10 (If it ever gets a second season I hope they improve the fight scenes animation)
Dec 30, 2023 8:31 PM

Oct 2022
Disappointed I didnt hear the stooge army chanting Komarin this episode, only from the civilians. The stooges chant is my favorite part of this show.

Dec 30, 2023 8:58 PM

Aug 2022
Man Komari and Nelia are the best combination lol.

Finally the last anime of this fall season before the new year has finished. I like overall both the genre and theme of this anime. The most overpowered No Life vampire ever. That is fun.

Nelia, Sakuna and Vill fighting over Komari was also very funny lol.
Dec 30, 2023 9:05 PM

Jul 2016
The funny scenes during fights were the strong point of the series.

Komari 🩸

Dec 30, 2023 9:48 PM
Nov 2018
After watching this, made me wanting Saga of Tanya the Evil season 2 even more. Prohelia remained me of Tanya, but a lot calmer.
Dec 30, 2023 9:50 PM

Aug 2013
I dont really like the constant flashbacks since the last few episodes, but i really damn love the characters.

7/10 Good show regardless, hoping for a second season.
Dec 30, 2023 11:45 PM
Sep 2021
Good finale, hope it gets a S2. Enjoyed its comedy, animation, the fights & characters overall had fun watching it.
Dec 31, 2023 12:04 AM

Nov 2022
The end. It was a good and fun series while it lasted. Really had a lot of fun watching this. Long live Komari!!!!
Dec 31, 2023 12:27 AM

Oct 2022
What end? No season 2? Love this show, it has all the elements that I want... I knew Nelia would forgive her traitorous maid who "backstabbed her for her sake", hate that part tho... anyways, give this a 9/10
Dec 31, 2023 1:02 AM
May 2022
Embient said:
And so here is the last new anime episode of the year (I think). Happy new year!

Btw the Empress uses 朕 (chin) - "We" (Dated term, first person pronoun used by the Emperor) as a first-person pronoun.
So yeah, it's not that Komari's blood is special, it's just that Nelia's Core Implosion also activates by drinking blood.
Don't you just love it when they show a punch multiple times from different angles
Komari vs Rainsworth had some good animation damn
Yeah, this was totally a harem anime all along

This was fun, in it's own way.

Project No.9 had some production issues this season, and no wonder, with them making 3 anime this season alone. I really hope Tomozaki-kun season 2 next season will be given appropriate attention. I'm watching season 1 right now, and I think it's really good.

Also it was my birthday yesterday, but no anime that I'm watching aired that day lol

btw every core impolsion activates through another person's blood, komari's core impolsion just takes the trait of the clan the blood belongs to
Dec 31, 2023 1:03 AM
May 2022
Crisis_genocide said:
WE NEED A SEASON 2. I don't know how many volumes of manga are out rn. I don't even know where's the raws..

manga is at like ch 13-14 maybe on ep 4
Dec 31, 2023 1:45 AM

Dec 2022
Komari Komari Komari!

That punch was quite satisfying; Gertrude really deserved that. But Rainsworth was such a pathetically comedic villain that I can't even take him seriously.

This was quite an entertaining show. I love Komari's quirkyness and her hardcore followers/fans.
Dec 31, 2023 2:11 AM

Oct 2022
The story is okay-ish and the support characters are so-so. Project No. 9's production qualities are quite inconsistent but I think they suffer this season because they bit off too much they can chew with 3 shows in the same season and this show is on an average side.
Dec 31, 2023 3:35 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
At last, it was time for Komari to drink blood as Nelia liberated the prisioners and defeated the representatives of Gera-Alka. The war was pretty much over from the start.

Something else that is over is this show and I gotta say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Sure, the animation is pretty subpar, the fight scenes aren't great, some character justification aren't laid out properly and there's a lot of weird yuri in it. Nonetheless, it managed to entertain me for a while, the opening song is quite catchy and it has quite a bunch of funny moments with Komari being the disaster that she is.

I dont' really expect a season 2 from it and I don't know if I'd watch it either way since I feel like I got my share of it.
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Dec 31, 2023 4:49 AM

Dec 2022
Surprisingly wholesome and funny with a relatively absurd power scaling. I actually have no major complaints about this, though there are millions of tiny things I could nitpick about all the same. I would not object to a Season 2 though I'm also pleased with what we've gotten so won't be disappointed if there isn't a S2.

Dec 31, 2023 5:10 AM

Oct 2022
Wasn't expecting anything when started watching this, but I enjoyed it, it was fun.
Dec 31, 2023 7:30 AM

May 2017
Has some obvious flaws but overall a fun and entertaining watch for me. See you all at the second season (hopefully)!
Dec 31, 2023 8:19 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to CocoaGalaxy
EP 12

I'm already like, where is season 2

So its ep 12 and i only just realized. apparently there are two vocalists for the op. the ed is also by tomori/komari
I think it says something when I've rewatched the whole anime like once or twice already

I have to say though, out of all the anime this is the one im hoping the most to get a s2
I wont deny that the concept of komari is just so good, its not flawless but.
Also komari is a great girl and we need more

I did start reading the first novel, though I'm only a few pages in. I've already noticed some differences (mainly because words is words, while the anime conveys things a bit differently)

One thing they never answered though, if dying is so painful why do they actually do the wargames? shrug

Also apparently even before the anime started airing there was like some events already being held. its confusing sometimes

Honestly im gonna be really sad if we dont get a s2 and they're like "haha guys go read the ln"

My opinions for the whole series
Its almost flawless, there are some flaws here and there, as well as the usual stuff, adaptation syndrome, exposition, etc.
We have ep 1 and 2, then there's big whiplash in ep 34, then back to ep 56. ep 7 and 8 arent as dark, and sakuna is introduced from ep 5. then nelia and karla are both introduced in ep 9.
Ep 9 -12 as a whole just feels very different, its like they suddenly stepped on the gas
Komari, vill, sakuna, nelia. you could say vill got shafted a bit lol they even reference that in the story. there's also miss empress karen who's mostly sitting around in the background, which is both a bit fascinating but kinda strange.

Soo what was i saying again? uh. i mean really its quite clear as to how it is. the plot twist at the end of ep 4 was a thing i guess.
Komari obviously has to carry the whole anime.
While i'm also not really happy that vill got knocked out for most of ep 4 and ep 8. sakuna doesnt show up until ep 5, and she's quite cute I guess.
Its just really strange when you look at it that way.

EP 12 turned out to be a leetle different from what i expected, its actually less bombastic than ep 4/8 and had tons of talking, but the implications are quite curious if/when we get a s2

It's kind of funny how despite all these flaws like, I still feel like komari made the whole anime. Kind of because it is true.
@CocoaGalaxy i totally agree to all that you saying there.. especially the part of impression about eps 12, its different to what i expected and i also think its has less Impact than eps 4 and 8, well but maybe its because the build up before and after Komari implosion aren't enough and Komari aren't completely take all the cake like what she done at 4/8, there's Nelia, so...
zIlverKitsuneDec 31, 2023 8:33 AM
Dec 31, 2023 9:08 AM

Dec 2022
I enjoyed this far more than I should have. Its your standard "MC becomes a god when X condition is met", but it was rather enjoyable. Villhaze and Komari made a good duo, along with all the side characters, with numerous funny scenes.

Stakes became a little less tense when you know that basically no one dies in this world (Outside of ritual articles), so fights without articles are basically tensionless. I wonder if down the line, the Dark Core is revealed and destroyed or something, adding some actual tension in the fights, you know people can be seriously injured or die.

Would love a second season, but I feel like this is one of those that probably won't get a second, but I would happily welcome it if it comes.
Dec 31, 2023 10:43 AM
May 2023
Wat3rCrushertime said:
Crisis_genocide said:
WE NEED A SEASON 2. I don't know how many volumes of manga are out rn. I don't even know where's the raws..

manga is at like ch 13-14 maybe on ep 4

the translated version. I'm asking for the raws not the translated version...
Dec 31, 2023 10:47 AM
May 2022
Crisis_genocide said:
Wat3rCrushertime said:

manga is at like ch 13-14 maybe on ep 4

the translated version. I'm asking for the raws not the translated version...

just checked tled ver is like ch13 and raws are on ch15 which is at the battle of komari vs milicent at the church
Wat3rCrushertimeDec 31, 2023 11:19 AM
Dec 31, 2023 11:48 AM

Apr 2017
Went from a solid 7.5/10 show at the beginning to 5/10 in the end with messy animation and terrible story.
Dec 31, 2023 12:47 PM
Aug 2023
It's a fun watch and it's pretty interesting. I Would recommend
Dec 31, 2023 1:53 PM

Jun 2016
Great yuri, no, even better, yuri harem.
Dec 31, 2023 5:51 PM

Aug 2020
Show was kinda trash but I also didn't feel like dropping it, I guess cute girls and S tier OP was enough this time.
Jan 1, 2024 1:44 AM
Jun 2017
The light novel is a lot better. I feel like Project No. 9 didn't do the source material justice, especially in the later episodes.

Each member of the Daydream Unit is also supposed to be as powerful as a Crimson Lord/Illustrious General, rampaging through the city. With 5,000 of them, Mulnite kingdom is pretty doomed and Madhart knows this. In the novel, Komari is the one to single handly wipe them out along with Rainsworth. She quite literally Mulnite Kingdom's trump card.

However, Project No. 9 represents the Daydream Unit as a bunch of slow-moving zombies almost like a generic mob in any old anime instead of an army with the power of 5,000 elite commanders. It's not even clear how this overwhelming threat was taken down. We only see Komari dropping a sword on Rainsworth and Madhart.

Another difference is how Komari's awakening was portrayed and how it persuaded the other nations to take Mulnite's side. In the anime, the everyday people see an aurora and a golden Komari on a screen and then started cheering her. Then monkey soldiers from the Lapelico Kingdom start warping in, followed by Karla's people from the Heavenly Paradise, and the Haku-Goku Commonwealth (Prohelia) also join Mulnite. But why did the Lapelico Kingdom and the Haku-Goku Commonwealth switch from Madhart's side to Komari's?

In short, other nations could feel the power of Komari's awakening from as far as their own lands, and even the ones that didn't like Mulnite decided to help because they figured it would look bad later if they didn't. The anime missed a couple opportunities to really capture how ridiculously OP Komari is. Her core implosion has enough power to wipe out nations.

One last thing that was different between the anime and novel was that the swords were spinning around Komari in novel not just motionless.

I'm kinda hoping for a season 2, but if not, I blame Project No. 9 rather than the source material.

Jan 1, 2024 4:40 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to kurokitsune86
The light novel is a lot better. I feel like Project No. 9 didn't do the source material justice, especially in the later episodes.

Each member of the Daydream Unit is also supposed to be as powerful as a Crimson Lord/Illustrious General, rampaging through the city. With 5,000 of them, Mulnite kingdom is pretty doomed and Madhart knows this. In the novel, Komari is the one to single handly wipe them out along with Rainsworth. She quite literally Mulnite Kingdom's trump card.

However, Project No. 9 represents the Daydream Unit as a bunch of slow-moving zombies almost like a generic mob in any old anime instead of an army with the power of 5,000 elite commanders. It's not even clear how this overwhelming threat was taken down. We only see Komari dropping a sword on Rainsworth and Madhart.

Another difference is how Komari's awakening was portrayed and how it persuaded the other nations to take Mulnite's side. In the anime, the everyday people see an aurora and a golden Komari on a screen and then started cheering her. Then monkey soldiers from the Lapelico Kingdom start warping in, followed by Karla's people from the Heavenly Paradise, and the Haku-Goku Commonwealth (Prohelia) also join Mulnite. But why did the Lapelico Kingdom and the Haku-Goku Commonwealth switch from Madhart's side to Komari's?

In short, other nations could feel the power of Komari's awakening from as far as their own lands, and even the ones that didn't like Mulnite decided to help because they figured it would look bad later if they didn't. The anime missed a couple opportunities to really capture how ridiculously OP Komari is. Her core implosion has enough power to wipe out nations.

One last thing that was different between the anime and novel was that the swords were spinning around Komari in novel not just motionless.

I'm kinda hoping for a season 2, but if not, I blame Project No. 9 rather than the source material.

@kurokitsune86 ahh, thats why its feels like has much less Impact and lack of something, based on your explanation right there, i can imagine how much impact that her implosion has in this eps if they follow the LN properly, its was the scenario and scene that i expected in my head, its will be perfect ending and be topped previous eps 4 and 8.. but well, what is done is done, there's nothing we can do(sad)
Jan 1, 2024 5:33 AM

Jan 2008
It was a fun show with some questionable quality here and there. Like after every major fight episode, the following episode took a massive dip in quality. Though in this finale, it looks like the first half of the episode took the blunt of it. They even recycled animation. Thankfully the second half wasn't as bad.

I was starting to get a bit tired of the repetitive plot though and didn't care in the slightest about the enemies this arc. While it's great Komari expands her roster of girls each arc, I wouldn't have mind a couple more servicey episodes. Will definitely miss Komari, the yuri vampire harem and the comfy ending song visuals. Still can't believe Komari has the same VA as Makima.
Jan 1, 2024 1:23 PM
Oct 2023
too bad for the last ep
Jan 1, 2024 7:53 PM

Feb 2014
Finally this is over xD

This anime has a big crisis of identity. And the drama is cliche and one of the worst out there - bullying/manipulation; the drama/melodrama of the entire show was basically feed on that.

This also had decent amount of free gory/violent scenes xD On a personal level, watching girls freely getting beaten/tortured as if they were punching bag or sacrificial dolls is not something I enjoy.

The yuri bait/fanservice is probably the only good part of this show, but even so it wasn´t enough to save. The comedy also very out of the place... they didn´t know how to blend it well here, so it didn´t help much. The antagonist/villains no comments.

When I watched episode 1 I thought "here is something I will gladly enjoy", but oh God I was unfornutely wrong xD

Vi-Jan 2, 2024 3:17 PM
Jan 2, 2024 3:23 AM
Apr 2021
Damnnnnnn Nelia hit her so hard it replayed THREE different times (rdc reference💀) but glad Nelia got more screentime she’s actually fine as hell tbh I can’t even lie and now Komari has got 3 girls in her harem which she doesn’t want😭😭😭😭

The guy who’s always rapping and moving his hand everytime he’s getting screentime never fails to make me giggle, bro looks like he’s schizophrenic💀💀😭

Overall 8/10 show for me (enjoyment wise I’d give this a 9/10 especially for the beach episode with Vill and Sakuna😩)I liked the art it’s very well drawn to me and crisp, and the animation was good too when it needed to me idk why so many ppl hate on the animation so much I mean it’s not like this is JJK or One Piece🤦🏽‍♂️💀💀

Anyways hoping for season 2 to get released soon I’ll definitely miss Komari fine ass, Villhaze fine ass, Sakuna fine ass and Nelia fine ass☹️😩😩😩😩
Jan 2, 2024 6:47 AM
Aug 2015
umu fun and good anime i like it
Jan 3, 2024 12:47 AM

Oct 2007
Reply to Treyv0n
Damnnnnnn Nelia hit her so hard it replayed THREE different times (rdc reference💀) but glad Nelia got more screentime she’s actually fine as hell tbh I can’t even lie and now Komari has got 3 girls in her harem which she doesn’t want😭😭😭😭

The guy who’s always rapping and moving his hand everytime he’s getting screentime never fails to make me giggle, bro looks like he’s schizophrenic💀💀😭

Overall 8/10 show for me (enjoyment wise I’d give this a 9/10 especially for the beach episode with Vill and Sakuna😩)I liked the art it’s very well drawn to me and crisp, and the animation was good too when it needed to me idk why so many ppl hate on the animation so much I mean it’s not like this is JJK or One Piece🤦🏽‍♂️💀💀

Anyways hoping for season 2 to get released soon I’ll definitely miss Komari fine ass, Villhaze fine ass, Sakuna fine ass and Nelia fine ass☹️😩😩😩😩

a little sad there was no time to get a 4th girl in the harem, and I feel even Nelia was rushed. Good thing, there will always be the manga and the novels. :)
Jan 3, 2024 2:04 AM
Apr 2021
Liddo-kun said:

a little sad there was no time to get a 4th girl in the harem, and I feel even Nelia was rushed. Good thing, there will always be the manga and the novels. :)

Yeah I feel you in Nelia’s character introduction and conclusion being rushed as I tried to like her a lot which I do, but when compared to Sakuna and how her character arc was portrayed makes me not as attached to Nelia, making her number 3 in my eyes🙁 while Sakuna or Villhaze are interchangeable in being number 1 in my eyes yk
Jan 3, 2024 3:02 PM
Mar 2022
Quality took such a nosedive this episode, im crying
Jan 4, 2024 8:26 AM

Sep 2015
went dog water after the first arc. Would've preferred her power to be kept secret and go with mini-stories instead of these grand messes of power revelation. welp
Truth is absolute but human perception of truth is always relative.
Jan 4, 2024 4:10 PM

Feb 2023
This show has been absolutely excellent! I went in expecting yuri, but I'm not even mad that it wasn't really. I love Terakomari Gandesblood! One of the coolest MCs in a while. Awesome worldbuilding! Awesome fight scenes! Definitely one of my new favs!

Jan 4, 2024 8:56 PM

Dec 2014
Jesus Christ... I had to go back to the first episode to make sure I wasn't amnesic XD I don't think that in my +16 years of watching anime, have I ever seen an anime take such a nose dive in animation quality. Saying that the animation of this episode was awful would be a compliment. It was like fan animation done by a 16yo anime fan for YouTube ... some of those scenes were so horrible that I just laughed my ass off - it was like the animator fell behind on his assignment and had to get some help from his mother with no experience in drawing or animation XD The direction was also awful, the last 2 episodes feelt written and directed by a 5th grader... it was a fun series at first, but my God did they screw up in the end... this is the definition of going out like a fart in the wind XD 1/10 episode - and 7/10 anime, and that only because I almost never give scores bellow 7.
Jan 5, 2024 10:22 PM

Nov 2009
TBH... this is kinda blah at the end really.

I was imagining the enemy soldiers to actually be General like... but they're literally just zombies...

watching them overpowering zombies felt kinda boring.


Also, I guess Nelia's blood is Light element, since Komari's gone Light this time instead of Ice.

Also... I think I saw this "combine sword giant beam of light" somewhere before.... LOL


Overall... this series feel interesting, but it also feels kinda boring... especially since Komari's still hypnotized to not remember her core implosion and still be afraid to taste blood.

When literally the entire world... knows Komari's real powers... she herself is the only one that doesn't know... LOL?

Feels like this series is mostly aimed for comedy, and most drama gets solved within 1 episode every time, LOL


So... is this the end end? I think the actual main villains Inverse Moon thing is still there... and the Aruka thing is literally like a "filer"...

(cause the Aruka thing literally has nothing to do with the Dark Core the series kept on trying to focus on, the Aruka incident is literally in-nation conspiracy that wants to overpower other nations through horrid live-experimentations to power up their soldiers or something, they weren't even really aiming for the Dark Cores, the Dark Core to Aruka was like a side quest to them... lol)

Feels like there's going to be more seasons, cause this plot is not complete.

Especially with the other nation's Dark Core... the entire season literally focuses on just the Vampire nation's Dark Core, nothing's happening to the other nations even tho the Inverse Moon guys kept on talking about destroying other nation's Dark Core everytime they talk... lol

You would think something happens to other nations, but nope... only thing that's happening is ones that involves the Vampire nation...
amlgJan 5, 2024 10:37 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Jan 6, 2024 2:43 AM

Aug 2019
A very fun anime. Although there are elements of yuri, it turns into a comedy, and I love it. The anime ended with the usual harem scene, but I didn't mind it too much.

If only they would make second season, I would really look forward to it.
Jan 7, 2024 1:47 AM

Apr 2015
It's a bit lame as a finale but if you don't think of it as one and just realize it's a conclusion of one miniarc it's alright.

Gertrude's betrayal thingy was actually lame though. Seems a bit pointless they went through with it.
This arc just probably needed more actual antagonists overall
Jan 7, 2024 1:21 PM
Jan 2023
A decent final episode, army was taken down, Terakomari is now beginning to be able to control her powers, so what more could you really want.

Overall, decent show, just a lot of wasted potential, so 7/10 from me. Still deserving of a second season though.
Jan 7, 2024 6:26 PM

Jul 2014
Komarin! Komarin! Komarin!

Komari with her "harem" at the end left me with a smile on my face.

This was such a fun show. I laughed more than I expected since the first episode and I was horrified like I never expected with this show with the story about Sakuna's sister.

The characters and their interactions were so much fun to watch. Komari, Vill, Sakuna all best girls that I loved it.

Special mention to Tomori Kusunoki. From Makima to Komari, voice actors never fail to impress me. Even Sayumi Suzushiro, she sounds so different as Vill to how she sounds as Nijika or Ami. I love it.

Hopefully this is not the last we have of this show.
Jan 8, 2024 1:57 AM

Sep 2016
I liked this show overall, but this last arc with Nelia felt a bit rushed tbh. I think the Sakuna arc is the best. Still hoping for a second season.
Jan 8, 2024 5:52 PM
Dec 2023
very good, is very fun
Jan 8, 2024 9:46 PM
Oct 2019
Reply to Crisis_genocide
WE NEED A SEASON 2. I don't know how many volumes of manga are out rn. I don't even know where's the raws..
@Crisis_genocide it's based on a LN you can literally buy them here. So far it's only volume 1-2 in English out of 12 so far.
Jan 9, 2024 2:30 AM
May 2023
Otakupervert890 said:
@Crisis_genocide it's based on a LN you can literally buy them here. So far it's only volume 1-2 in English out of 12 so far.

so the manga version is slow ok.
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