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Nov 19, 2023 9:20 AM
Mar 2021
Moonlava said:
@Aryu1410 alrighty, lets break this down cuz im actually curious now

1. It's animated.

2. It's created by professional staff in Japan for the Japanese market.
half yes, but actually full yes due to another rule

3. It's meant to be an animated work.
yup again

4. It's not an edit, cut, or promo of another animated work.
it certainly aint

5. Animated works must be created: in Japan for the Japanese market (anime)
in Korea for the Korean market (aeni)
in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan for their respective markets (donghua)
as a joint production between Japan/Korea/China/Taiwan and another country, for both markets
hey there's that other rule i was talkin about! the next one is a bit trickier tho

6. Works must be produced: By reputable animation companies with professional animation creators in the country of origin. Joint productions must have at least one professional animation creator from I.1 in a key position with creative control over the production; e.g. director, script, storyboard, character design. If only the animation is outsourced to Japan/Korea/China, the animation is not eligible.

aha, the culprit is revealed! invader zim: enter the florpus had korean writers and animation outsourced to korea, but that isn't considered aeni and doesn't have a mal entry either. my best guess is that even though it's technically a collab between american artists and japanese artists, the show's production cast doesn't lean enough in the latter direction to warrant recognition as a proper anime. i actually didn't know spto was animated in japan before i saw this thread, so it not having a mal entry is likely due to a combo of westernized presentation and uneven division of creative control amongst those two groups. HOWEVER, if anyone can prove that there are japanese storyboarders or writers in lead positions working on spto, there's no other reason it shouldn't be on here

Intresting enough, if you check the Wikipedia page of Scott Pilgrim, it's no where says that ,this is an anime
Where's your Suicide Squad Isekai Wikipedia page literally Says it's an Upcoming Anime TV series
Even Wikipedia doesn't think Scott Pilgrim is an Anime and Well The art style of Scott Pilgrim is more Like Western style than Japanese Anime
I think one Hidden rule here is the Art Style, maybe For a Animation to be added to MAL it's needs to look like Japanese Animation\Anime
Aryu1410Nov 19, 2023 9:30 AM
Nov 19, 2023 9:33 AM
Feb 2022
Reply to Aryu1410
Moonlava said:
@Aryu1410 alrighty, lets break this down cuz im actually curious now

1. It's animated.

2. It's created by professional staff in Japan for the Japanese market.
half yes, but actually full yes due to another rule

3. It's meant to be an animated work.
yup again

4. It's not an edit, cut, or promo of another animated work.
it certainly aint

5. Animated works must be created: in Japan for the Japanese market (anime)
in Korea for the Korean market (aeni)
in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan for their respective markets (donghua)
as a joint production between Japan/Korea/China/Taiwan and another country, for both markets
hey there's that other rule i was talkin about! the next one is a bit trickier tho

6. Works must be produced: By reputable animation companies with professional animation creators in the country of origin. Joint productions must have at least one professional animation creator from I.1 in a key position with creative control over the production; e.g. director, script, storyboard, character design. If only the animation is outsourced to Japan/Korea/China, the animation is not eligible.

aha, the culprit is revealed! invader zim: enter the florpus had korean writers and animation outsourced to korea, but that isn't considered aeni and doesn't have a mal entry either. my best guess is that even though it's technically a collab between american artists and japanese artists, the show's production cast doesn't lean enough in the latter direction to warrant recognition as a proper anime. i actually didn't know spto was animated in japan before i saw this thread, so it not having a mal entry is likely due to a combo of westernized presentation and uneven division of creative control amongst those two groups. HOWEVER, if anyone can prove that there are japanese storyboarders or writers in lead positions working on spto, there's no other reason it shouldn't be on here

Intresting enough, if you check the Wikipedia page of Scott Pilgrim, it's no where says that ,this is an anime
Where's your Suicide Squad Isekai Wikipedia page literally Says it's an Upcoming Anime TV series
Even Wikipedia doesn't think Scott Pilgrim is an Anime and Well The art style of Scott Pilgrim is more Like Western style than Japanese Anime
I think one Hidden rule here is the Art Style, maybe For a Animation to be added to MAL it's needs to look like Japanese Animation\Anime
@Aryu1410 Wikipedia classifies My Last Day as an anime, however MAL still won't add it for whatever reason.
Nov 19, 2023 9:50 AM

Apr 2011
What about Mutafukaz?
Nov 19, 2023 10:01 AM
Nov 2023
Reply to AlexandreEsteves
What about Mutafukaz?

What about it?
Nov 19, 2023 7:46 PM

Nov 2015
Nov 20, 2023 10:01 AM

Apr 2015
The same reason why season 2 of Star wars visions, Castlevania and Arcane arent here.
Nov 20, 2023 12:01 PM
Dec 2017
If discussion continues in such a fiery manner, people will need a SHELTER to protect them from flame wars!
Anyhow, why is Porter Robinson x Madeon present on MAL if it must be "Made in Japan" AND aimed at predominantly japanese audience to qualify?
Shelter was clearly aimed at western audiences, even if produced in Japan and that much is also true for Scott Pilgrim.
Tacsk0Nov 20, 2023 12:04 PM
Nov 20, 2023 12:56 PM
Mar 2016
Reply to Tacsk0
If discussion continues in such a fiery manner, people will need a SHELTER to protect them from flame wars!
Anyhow, why is Porter Robinson x Madeon present on MAL if it must be "Made in Japan" AND aimed at predominantly japanese audience to qualify?
Shelter was clearly aimed at western audiences, even if produced in Japan and that much is also true for Scott Pilgrim.
My favorite anime is the Good Morning music video. I really love the how it targets the Japanese audience
Nov 20, 2023 10:55 PM

Nov 2019
Reply to Biisoo
The same reason why season 2 of Star wars visions, Castlevania and Arcane arent here.
@Biisoo ????????? what the fuck do these western shows have anything to do with a totally Japanese production?
Nov 20, 2023 11:04 PM

Apr 2015
nwssx said:
@Biisoo ????????? what the fuck do these western shows have anything to do with a totally Japanese production?

Even the upcoming Terminator, and Tomb raider anime won't be here. Heck even the new DMC anime wont be here I think (Although the old one is here and that's strictly a japanese production)
For shows like that, just make an account on Letterboxd and add em there. Simple lol.
Nov 20, 2023 11:17 PM

Nov 2019
Reply to Biisoo
nwssx said:
@Biisoo ????????? what the fuck do these western shows have anything to do with a totally Japanese production?

Even the upcoming Terminator, and Tomb raider anime won't be here. Heck even the new DMC anime wont be here I think (Although the old one is here and that's strictly a japanese production)
For shows like that, just make an account on Letterboxd and add em there. Simple lol.
@Biisoo again, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off isn't a western production, it is produced in a Japanese studio by Japanese people, except for the director, who lived in Japan for more than 10 years anyway and is a Science SARU director, on this site we have SuperCrooks which was based on an American comic and was aimed to the American audience or Tekkonkinkreet, which was directed by an american director, I could name at least 10 more titles that shouldn't be on this site if we go by MAL's guidelines, what makes Scott Pilgrim different from these?
nwssxNov 29, 2023 12:45 PM
Nov 21, 2023 5:57 AM
Oct 2018
What's yalls gripe against this? You guys have added and removed this anime like 3 times now.
Nov 21, 2023 8:35 AM
Feb 2021
Reply to weegee_cool
What's yalls gripe against this? You guys have added and removed this anime like 3 times now.
@weegee_cool it honestly makes no sense, there's a bootleg cars movie on Mal what is the problem with this show specifically? Makes no sense
Nov 21, 2023 5:16 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to TheSlyRomano
@weegee_cool it honestly makes no sense, there's a bootleg cars movie on Mal what is the problem with this show specifically? Makes no sense
@TheSlyRomano considering how often it seems to be getting added and removed I guess even the mods are fighting about it.

I'm in agreement that if it's Japanese studio produced it should be added, like some or the other missing entries here. But both MAL and My Figure Collection have this issue with grey zone entries.
Nov 22, 2023 9:00 AM

Jan 2021
I honestly don't get it.... Like I understand it's western, but we have Pingu in the city.... Along with other shows from China.
Nov 22, 2023 10:42 AM
May 2021
the MAL mods are trying to stop another generation of coloured hair girls with bpd
Nov 22, 2023 10:45 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Oh, it's not? Pretty sure I had seen it here before. Guess they removed it. MAL db mods didn't want to add Shelter some years back either for whatever reason.
This is only going to happen more often as western companies collaborate with anime studios. MAL will have to figure out a consistent way to treat those types of anime.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Nov 22, 2023 11:35 AM

Apr 2019
Reply to CrunchyCrobat
Johangoddogkun14 said:
@CrunchyCrobat The director of Scott Pilgrim has an established anime career so no you're straight up wrong.

Maybe read for it a little, there's something very interesting in Mal guidelines if you do
"the series must be made in Japan and for Japanese"
Scott pilgrim doesn't fit either criteria, whether a few of its staff has anime career or not
Suicide squad isekai on the other hand IS made in Japan, and for Japanese as you can guess from it being an isekai (something very famous in Japan), so don't just go into people's dms and call them a clown,you circus


Just 1 minute of search

"Animation Production: Science SARU" SARU&cat=company

99% of the Staff is japanese people. This is a anime.
Nov 22, 2023 4:52 PM
Dec 2012
It's hard to define. Anglophones want to define it as such as they're used to English dubs being part of anime. But the source language of the original work/script matters. It creates boundaries and nuance unique to that language and the culture its used in. The concept is called 'called psycho-linguistics' if I remember correctly.
But ultimately, to me, who isn't American/Canadian etc, this show feels like a western cartoon animated in Japan, rather than anime. I wouldn't watch this if I wanted to watch anime. It doesn't fill that void. It has the same feeling as watching Panty & Stocking, but that's another discussion.
Nov 22, 2023 5:32 PM
Nov 2023
Someone should make the case / argument here; if we can get AniDB on board, maybe MAL will follow?
Nov 22, 2023 11:53 PM
Jul 2022
@MAL get on your shit
Nov 23, 2023 1:09 PM

Jun 2020
Reply to BatoKusanagi
Oh, it's not? Pretty sure I had seen it here before. Guess they removed it. MAL db mods didn't want to add Shelter some years back either for whatever reason.
This is only going to happen more often as western companies collaborate with anime studios. MAL will have to figure out a consistent way to treat those types of anime.
@BatoKusanagi MAL already has animation and studios listed that arent from Japan or done by Japanese studios. They get dedicated sections in every seasonal anime listing on the site. Why are Chinese and Korean animation allowed if others arent? If its gonna be an exclusionary site, then make it all just Japanese and just create a My Aeni List and My Donghua List sites for these other countries.

"Don't let your memes be dreams."- Ancient Japanese proverb, probably
Nov 24, 2023 12:36 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Reply to Technopunk
@BatoKusanagi MAL already has animation and studios listed that arent from Japan or done by Japanese studios. They get dedicated sections in every seasonal anime listing on the site. Why are Chinese and Korean animation allowed if others arent? If its gonna be an exclusionary site, then make it all just Japanese and just create a My Aeni List and My Donghua List sites for these other countries.
@Technopunk Well, they left Korean and Chinese animation here because the rules were more loose back in the day and they were too lazy to remove them once the db rules became more strict. Instead they redefined anime as being animation from select Asian countries.

Same thing is happening now too, mods would rather redefine anime again (so that animation made in Japan by Japanese studios can be excluded from an anime database) than admit they're being dumb about this.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Nov 25, 2023 3:11 AM
Jan 2015
Because all the job people on the Scott Pilgrim anime are doing is heavy work and no creative input whatsoever. The writing, the storyboards, the director, all american/canadian. It's painfully north american from the bottom to the core. There is a specific plot point about age gaps that screams "American Twitter wrote this". It is american.

Science SARU is doing hand work, much like a lot of Korean/Japanese studios did during Avatar. They didn't design or write any characters. One dude animated screaming bubbling guy on a five second sequence with no dialogue where there was free reign to do some gag, but that is it.

Here Wit Studio clearly was given free reign to design the characters and come up with the story concept. Also, I don't see Jon Ostrander, the actual creator of Suicide Squad, involved in the writing.
Nov 25, 2023 7:55 AM

Oct 2014
If you are in this thread and still crying about what is and isn't anime in the year of our lord 2023 you seriously need to re-evaluate your life. I am dead serious, get help and always remember you will never be Japanese.
Nov 25, 2023 9:24 AM

Nov 2015
Reply to Magical_Bananana
If you are in this thread and still crying about what is and isn't anime in the year of our lord 2023 you seriously need to re-evaluate your life. I am dead serious, get help and always remember you will never be Japanese.
@Magical_Bananana but it is anime. It’s animated by a Japanese studio. Like super crooks.

HACKs! 🤢🤮
Nov 25, 2023 9:31 AM

Oct 2014
Reply to Old_School_Akira
@Magical_Bananana but it is anime. It’s animated by a Japanese studio. Like super crooks.

@Old_School_Akira oh I completely agree with you. It's literally all anime. It's the people who want to so desperately keep the title of "anime" to whatever is japanese that need to re-evaluate their lives.
Nov 26, 2023 7:32 AM
Community Mod

Nov 2020
Thread cleaned, please stay on topic and keep the discussion civil.
Dec 1, 2023 6:43 AM
Dec 2021
Boondocks should be on here, too. It's straight up my favorite anime. Anime is an artstyle imo, especially when there are already shows made in different countries that are considered anime. Same with Arcane, Castlevania, Rick & Morty anime, and many more mentioned in this thread. There are a lot of stupid and more questionable shows on here already
DeHomieDec 1, 2023 6:51 AM
Dec 1, 2023 7:43 AM

Jul 2010
Reply to DeHomie
Boondocks should be on here, too. It's straight up my favorite anime. Anime is an artstyle imo, especially when there are already shows made in different countries that are considered anime. Same with Arcane, Castlevania, Rick & Morty anime, and many more mentioned in this thread. There are a lot of stupid and more questionable shows on here already
@DeHomie I geniunely wonder if they are going to add Rick and Morty anime.
Probably not, since there are already few episodes / specials, and they are not here.
Dec 3, 2023 12:29 PM
Sep 2016
Yeah, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off not being here is pretty stupid.
Dec 3, 2023 3:43 PM
Jun 2021
(idk if this is considered necroing if the last reply is recent but) yoo Kaiba profile picture!
we're connected by the black thread of fate, after all
Dec 3, 2023 10:35 PM
Feb 2021
the answer is simple. “scott pilgrim takes off” is not made in japan.

the definition of anime is “hand-drawn and computer-generated animation originating from Japan.” as a reminder, “anime” is short for “animation”.

while “outside Japan and in English, anime refers specifically to animation produced in Japan,” technically “in Japan and in Japanese, anime describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin.”

so, why is this not on MAL but the suicide squad anime is?

“Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is an anime television series developed by Bryan Lee O'Malley and BenDavid Grabinski for Netflix.”

“Suicide Squad Isekai is an upcoming anime television series based on the DC Comics team Suicide Squad. It will be produced by Warner Bros. Japan and animated by Wit Studio, with Eri Osada serving as director, Tappei Nagatsuki and Eiji Umehara as the screenwriters, Naoto Hosoda as the character designer, and Kenichiro Suehiro as the composer. Manga artist Akira Amano will provide the original character drafts.”

do you see the difference? in both cases it says their country of origin is both USA and Japan, but the cast and crew of the scott pilgrim are mainly from USA, while the suicide squad cast and crew are from japan.

there is plenty of content on here that originates from western culture, but is produced and recreated in japan. that is the only reason it is on here.

MAL only puts content on here made in japan, china or korea.

there is no argument here, and i’m not sure why there is one to begin with. anyone who refutes this is grasping for straws.

please refer to the wiki page for MAL if you are confused about what content they add here any further.

it clears it up under “features”.

Dec 3, 2023 11:02 PM
Aug 2016
Nah Scott Pilgrim is anime. Made by a Japanese studio and the director is part of the Japanese animation industry even if his name isn't Japanese. He's lived there for over a decade and worked as a Science Saru staff member on their previous productions like Ping Pong and Eizouken. If you're going by English wikipedia (which is dumb to do considering there's a much larger Japanese staff and cast than English as you can see on other anime sites like ANN) the Suicide Squad Isekai country of origin is also the USA and it shouldn't be listed on MAL either then
Dec 4, 2023 2:15 AM
Apr 2014
GoCrayzee said:
This isn’t a western show, it’s entirely made by Japanese studios. Scott Pilgrim is American, like Castlevania.

Quick question to anyone who knows: is the upcoming Terminator anime considered anime since it’s Production IG?

Damn, Science Saru was an American studio all along. The jig is up, guys. I guess Eizouken has to be removed from the site.
Dec 9, 2023 11:30 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Moonlava
@Aryu1410 alrighty, lets break this down cuz im actually curious now

1. It's animated.

2. It's created by professional staff in Japan for the Japanese market.
half yes, but actually full yes due to another rule

3. It's meant to be an animated work.
yup again

4. It's not an edit, cut, or promo of another animated work.
it certainly aint

5. Animated works must be created: in Japan for the Japanese market (anime)
in Korea for the Korean market (aeni)
in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan for their respective markets (donghua)
as a joint production between Japan/Korea/China/Taiwan and another country, for both markets
hey there's that other rule i was talkin about! the next one is a bit trickier tho

6. Works must be produced: By reputable animation companies with professional animation creators in the country of origin. Joint productions must have at least one professional animation creator from I.1 in a key position with creative control over the production; e.g. director, script, storyboard, character design. If only the animation is outsourced to Japan/Korea/China, the animation is not eligible.

aha, the culprit is revealed! invader zim: enter the florpus had korean writers and animation outsourced to korea, but that isn't considered aeni and doesn't have a mal entry either. my best guess is that even though it's technically a collab between american artists and japanese artists, the show's production cast doesn't lean enough in the latter direction to warrant recognition as a proper anime. i actually didn't know spto was animated in japan before i saw this thread, so it not having a mal entry is likely due to a combo of westernized presentation and uneven division of creative control amongst those two groups. HOWEVER, if anyone can prove that there are japanese storyboarders or writers in lead positions working on spto, there's no other reason it shouldn't be on here
@Moonlava I know I am a little late but here's the proof, the production staff is mostly Japanese
Dec 12, 2023 8:52 AM
Mar 2021
Reply to Moonlava
@Aryu1410 alrighty, lets break this down cuz im actually curious now

1. It's animated.

2. It's created by professional staff in Japan for the Japanese market.
half yes, but actually full yes due to another rule

3. It's meant to be an animated work.
yup again

4. It's not an edit, cut, or promo of another animated work.
it certainly aint

5. Animated works must be created: in Japan for the Japanese market (anime)
in Korea for the Korean market (aeni)
in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan for their respective markets (donghua)
as a joint production between Japan/Korea/China/Taiwan and another country, for both markets
hey there's that other rule i was talkin about! the next one is a bit trickier tho

6. Works must be produced: By reputable animation companies with professional animation creators in the country of origin. Joint productions must have at least one professional animation creator from I.1 in a key position with creative control over the production; e.g. director, script, storyboard, character design. If only the animation is outsourced to Japan/Korea/China, the animation is not eligible.

aha, the culprit is revealed! invader zim: enter the florpus had korean writers and animation outsourced to korea, but that isn't considered aeni and doesn't have a mal entry either. my best guess is that even though it's technically a collab between american artists and japanese artists, the show's production cast doesn't lean enough in the latter direction to warrant recognition as a proper anime. i actually didn't know spto was animated in japan before i saw this thread, so it not having a mal entry is likely due to a combo of westernized presentation and uneven division of creative control amongst those two groups. HOWEVER, if anyone can prove that there are japanese storyboarders or writers in lead positions working on spto, there's no other reason it shouldn't be on here
@Moonlava The staff could just say "Another country is inferred to be another country in the asian region of the world" as it is pretty clear they are delineating between animated works created in the asian market and the animated works created in the western market. That is the "hill" they are willing to die on. I am actually on their side on this, but I wish they woould just come out and say they are excluding all animated works are a collaboration or are solely created in the Western Market. That would make a more clear dileneation rather then trying to obfuscate the point.
Dec 15, 2023 5:01 AM
Jul 2019
Reply to Dallop

Simple, because MAL allows Asian based shows to be added to the database, but not Western shows with outsourced animation, Castlevania was animated by an American studio in addition to Korean btw.
@Dallop It seems more like a business issue... they don't want Netflix as a producer on animelist
Dec 15, 2023 5:03 AM
Jul 2019
Reply to mafiahairspy
Gui_silva23 said:
mafiahairspy said:

How is this not related to the west at all? Suicide Squad are characters from American comic books. Much like Scott Pilgrim is based on a series of Canadian comic books. And I don't see why the influences on the animation style are significant, plenty of anime is influenced by western animation (and vice versa).

Scoot whatever the name it's a adaptation of the Canadian comics
Suicide squad is a original story made by warner bros japan, even using western characters as a base, the story is still originally from Japan, pretty much like cyberpunk. That diferençe alone is already enough reason of why scoot isn't on mal

Ok explain Cannon Busters, which is based on American comics, written and directed by an American, and released on Netflix, yet has a page on here. Presumably because it was made by an anime studio.
@mafiahairspy They are being very square, anime shouldn't have these types of rules, who invented the rules? Why do we need rules?
Dec 27, 2023 11:02 AM
Nov 2021
My anime list isn't that serious anyway. Everyone knows Scott Pilgrim is an anime, it's just another weird decision by confused egos lol
Jan 8, 2024 12:02 PM
Jan 2024
i guess anilist and absoluteanime are better options
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