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Jul 28, 2023 2:30 PM
Apr 2022
I want to find out if the 4kids dub of the series is that awful as people said it was. To me I don’t think there’s absolutely no way people could say that one dub can ruin people’s taste for the show.
funtime43_trJul 29, 2023 4:05 AM
Jul 28, 2023 2:49 PM
Nov 2022
It depends. Are you looking for an action heavy, epic battle filled show with dark moments, or are you looking for a butchered down censored version where almost everything either has less impact or none at all. Take Cosmo, for example. In the Japanese, Tails loves her. In the English, Tails loves her, but WHOOPS turns out she's actually just a friend despite both of them reciprocating. And don't even get me started in the text scrubbing. Chris straight up holds up a blank sign. Like what bro you forgot to translate at all?? Besides that, everything is just watered down from the original, and it's just less enjoyable and much more boring overall. Sticking with the Japanese is the way to go, in which you get the true Sonic X experience(Rouge included ๐Ÿ‘€). The sub is complete on Hulu, so I'd recommend watching that instead of the dub. All of 4Kids' dubs are like this besides the 2001 Shaman King, which they censored less. Just stick with the sub and you'll get used to reading and their voices by then. Hope this helped!
Jul 28, 2023 3:00 PM
Apr 2022
StarRush said:
It depends. Are you looking for an action heavy, epic battle filled show with dark moments, or are you looking for a butchered down censored version where almost everything either has less impact or none at all. Take Cosmo, for example. In the Japanese, Tails loves her. In the English, Tails loves her, but WHOOPS turns out she's actually just a friend despite both of them reciprocating. And don't even get me started in the text scrubbing. Chris straight up holds up a blank sign. Like what bro you forgot to translate at all?? Besides that, everything is just watered down from the original, and it's just less enjoyable and much more boring overall. Sticking with the Japanese is the way to go, in which you get the true Sonic X experience(Rouge included ๐Ÿ‘€). The sub is complete on Hulu, so I'd recommend watching that instead of the dub. All of 4Kids' dubs are like this besides the 2001 Shaman King, which they censored less. Just stick with the sub and you'll get used to reading and their voices by then. Hope this helped!
I love Amy Birnbaum’s voice for Cosmo.
Jul 28, 2023 3:03 PM
Nov 2022
funtime43_tr said:
StarRush said:
It depends. Are you looking for an action heavy, epic battle filled show with dark moments, or are you looking for a butchered down censored version where almost everything either has less impact or none at all. Take Cosmo, for example. In the Japanese, Tails loves her. In the English, Tails loves her, but WHOOPS turns out she's actually just a friend despite both of them reciprocating. And don't even get me started in the text scrubbing. Chris straight up holds up a blank sign. Like what bro you forgot to translate at all?? Besides that, everything is just watered down from the original, and it's just less enjoyable and much more boring overall. Sticking with the Japanese is the way to go, in which you get the true Sonic X experience(Rouge included ๐Ÿ‘€). The sub is complete on Hulu, so I'd recommend watching that instead of the dub. All of 4Kids' dubs are like this besides the 2001 Shaman King, which they censored less. Just stick with the sub and you'll get used to reading and their voices by then. Hope this helped!
I love Amy Birnbaum’s voice for Cosmo.

Her voice is good, agreed! All the English cast(besides Chris) do a good job, but it's just not enough to warrant watching the dub with the script they were given. If you really want some of the show in dub, I'm sure there's fandubs of scenes online that keep the original script, but the Japanese sub has phenomenal voice acting all around. Chris is actually kind of tolerable in this version(emphasis on "kind of") but it's worth it to stick to the original 100%.
Jul 28, 2023 4:54 PM
Jun 2023
It’s the biggest piece of dogshit that I have ever heard
Jul 28, 2023 5:41 PM
Jan 2021
I’m too scared to rewatch it now man, that was my childhood
Jul 28, 2023 7:06 PM
Apr 2022
greyshimitsu said:
It’s the biggest piece of dogshit that I have ever heard
I think the adventure cast and the 4kids cast sound exactly the same.
Jul 28, 2023 7:14 PM
Oct 2013
StarRush said:
It depends. Are you looking for an action heavy, epic battle filled show with dark moments, or are you looking for a butchered down censored version where almost everything either has less impact or none at all. Take Cosmo, for example. In the Japanese, Tails loves her. In the English, Tails loves her, but WHOOPS turns out she's actually just a friend despite both of them reciprocating. And don't even get me started in the text scrubbing. Chris straight up holds up a blank sign. Like what bro you forgot to translate at all?? Besides that, everything is just watered down from the original, and it's just less enjoyable and much more boring overall. Sticking with the Japanese is the way to go, in which you get the true Sonic X experience(Rouge included ๐Ÿ‘€). The sub is complete on Hulu, so I'd recommend watching that instead of the dub. All of 4Kids' dubs are like this besides the 2001 Shaman King, which they censored less. Just stick with the sub and you'll get used to reading and their voices by then. Hope this helped!

For the bit about the text scrubbing, I heard from I think someone asking an ex 4kids VA (please don’t quote me on it because I cannot find the source) that back then for some anime, the company that the dubbers got the masters from would send them a master with a lot of JP text scrubbed so that it could be replaced with text in the native language to allow the show to hit a wider audience? I know that some of the other foreign dubs had things replaced with their own native text and just 4kids was lazy and just didn’t bother adding anything in. (I wish I could find something to confirm some of it, but this is what I heard)
Jul 28, 2023 7:16 PM
Nov 2022
kairosdialga said:
StarRush said:
It depends. Are you looking for an action heavy, epic battle filled show with dark moments, or are you looking for a butchered down censored version where almost everything either has less impact or none at all. Take Cosmo, for example. In the Japanese, Tails loves her. In the English, Tails loves her, but WHOOPS turns out she's actually just a friend despite both of them reciprocating. And don't even get me started in the text scrubbing. Chris straight up holds up a blank sign. Like what bro you forgot to translate at all?? Besides that, everything is just watered down from the original, and it's just less enjoyable and much more boring overall. Sticking with the Japanese is the way to go, in which you get the true Sonic X experience(Rouge included ๐Ÿ‘€). The sub is complete on Hulu, so I'd recommend watching that instead of the dub. All of 4Kids' dubs are like this besides the 2001 Shaman King, which they censored less. Just stick with the sub and you'll get used to reading and their voices by then. Hope this helped!

For the bit about the text scrubbing, I heard from I think someone asking an ex 4kids VA (please don’t quote me on it because I cannot find the source) that back then for some anime, the company that the dubbers got the masters from would send them a master with a lot of JP text scrubbed so that it could be replaced with text in the native language to allow the show to hit a wider audience? I know that some of the other foreign dubs had things replaced with their own native text and just 4kids was lazy and just didn’t bother adding anything in. (I wish I could find something to confirm some of it, but this is what I heard)

If that's true, then WOW, 4Kids reaaaaally was lazy back in the day. That's hilarious to think about, though.
Jul 28, 2023 7:39 PM
Oct 2013
StarRush said:
kairosdialga said:

For the bit about the text scrubbing, I heard from I think someone asking an ex 4kids VA (please don’t quote me on it because I cannot find the source) that back then for some anime, the company that the dubbers got the masters from would send them a master with a lot of JP text scrubbed so that it could be replaced with text in the native language to allow the show to hit a wider audience? I know that some of the other foreign dubs had things replaced with their own native text and just 4kids was lazy and just didn’t bother adding anything in. (I wish I could find something to confirm some of it, but this is what I heard)

If that's true, then WOW, 4Kids reaaaaally was lazy back in the day. That's hilarious to think about, though.

Yeah, I’m trying to find proof but I wish it was easier to find more clips of the french dub to compare. The only clip I saw did have the sign for amy’s house with the text intact in the french version (but the sign was it was in English anyways so…yeah) but even in general it is hard to find the versions of most anime that isn’t the English or JP version to further compare differences.

Also, I have this neutral relationship with the dub, because like god I really liked the VAs for the dub (and moreso once they got more comfortable into the roles in the games too) and Mike is perfect as Eggman. So I can say that is an incentive to like it. (And dubs are easier to get into if you’re a passive watcher/tend to throw anime on for background noise more ) but I can understand some nuiances being changed also affecting the experience.

Most of all, I have listened to the OST for the JP version of the anime w/o the context that it is used in the series and god…the music is just darn good, and the fact that 4K usually doesn’t want to pay for the music licensing when they buy the series for distribution is…annoying. Tho at least for people who want to experience both, at least there are unchanged, subbed BRs available legally for the series as well tho IDK about the sub quality at all.
Jul 28, 2023 7:56 PM
Nov 2022
kairosdialga said:
StarRush said:

If that's true, then WOW, 4Kids reaaaaally was lazy back in the day. That's hilarious to think about, though.

Yeah, I’m trying to find proof but I wish it was easier to find more clips of the french dub to compare. The only clip I saw did have the sign for amy’s house with the text intact in the french version (but the sign was it was in English anyways so…yeah) but even in general it is hard to find the versions of most anime that isn’t the English or JP version to further compare differences.

Also, I have this neutral relationship with the dub, because like god I really liked the VAs for the dub (and moreso once they got more comfortable into the roles in the games too) and Mike is perfect as Eggman. So I can say that is an incentive to like it. (And dubs are easier to get into if you’re a passive watcher/tend to throw anime on for background noise more ) but I can understand some nuiances being changed also affecting the experience.

Most of all, I have listened to the OST for the JP version of the anime w/o the context that it is used in the series and god…the music is just darn good, and the fact that 4K usually doesn’t want to pay for the music licensing when they buy the series for distribution is…annoying. Tho at least for people who want to experience both, at least there are unchanged, subbed BRs available legally for the series as well tho IDK about the sub quality at all.

Definitely, the sub music is a club banger and always beats "DUN DUN DUN... DUN DUN DUN... do do do do do DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA" aka 4Kids' stock music for sure. And throwing on a dub is much easier to ease into than subtitles, and the VA's are honestly great, I guess I just prefer the original script and the storyline for the show, because when Season 3 Sub gets good, it gets GOOD. But yeah, both versions are great, it's just a matter of whether or not you want a more toned down version with English speakers or the true experience with Japanese speakers.
Jul 28, 2023 8:07 PM
Oct 2013
StarRush said:
kairosdialga said:

Yeah, I’m trying to find proof but I wish it was easier to find more clips of the french dub to compare. The only clip I saw did have the sign for amy’s house with the text intact in the french version (but the sign was it was in English anyways so…yeah) but even in general it is hard to find the versions of most anime that isn’t the English or JP version to further compare differences.

Also, I have this neutral relationship with the dub, because like god I really liked the VAs for the dub (and moreso once they got more comfortable into the roles in the games too) and Mike is perfect as Eggman. So I can say that is an incentive to like it. (And dubs are easier to get into if you’re a passive watcher/tend to throw anime on for background noise more ) but I can understand some nuiances being changed also affecting the experience.

Most of all, I have listened to the OST for the JP version of the anime w/o the context that it is used in the series and god…the music is just darn good, and the fact that 4K usually doesn’t want to pay for the music licensing when they buy the series for distribution is…annoying. Tho at least for people who want to experience both, at least there are unchanged, subbed BRs available legally for the series as well tho IDK about the sub quality at all.

Definitely, the sub music is a club banger and always beats "DUN DUN DUN... DUN DUN DUN... do do do do do DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA" aka 4Kids' stock music for sure. And throwing on a dub is much easier to ease into than subtitles, and the VA's are honestly great, I guess I just prefer the original script and the storyline for the show, because when Season 3 Sub gets good, it gets GOOD. But yeah, both versions are great, it's just a matter of whether or not you want a more toned down version with English speakers or the true experience with Japanese speakers.

Season 3 meaning the metarex arc, right? I still need to watch the actual sub because I know that one was where some things did hit dark and I am very curious on it.

Tho I still cannot get over how X ruined one particular scene in the SA2 arc (namely the part that would be after crazy gadget/before the Tails v Eggman fight in the game) tho I’m convinced by the animation and expressions that it wasn’t the dub’s fault and was also done similarly in the sub too but I don’t have means to compare.
Jul 28, 2023 8:11 PM
Nov 2022
kairosdialga said:
StarRush said:

Definitely, the sub music is a club banger and always beats "DUN DUN DUN... DUN DUN DUN... do do do do do DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA" aka 4Kids' stock music for sure. And throwing on a dub is much easier to ease into than subtitles, and the VA's are honestly great, I guess I just prefer the original script and the storyline for the show, because when Season 3 Sub gets good, it gets GOOD. But yeah, both versions are great, it's just a matter of whether or not you want a more toned down version with English speakers or the true experience with Japanese speakers.

Season 3 meaning the metarex arc, right? I still need to watch the actual sub because I know that one was where some things did hit dark and I am very curious on it.

Tho I still cannot get over how X ruined one particular scene in the SA2 arc (namely the part that would be after crazy gadget/before the Tails v Eggman fight in the game) tho I’m convinced by the animation and expressions that it wasn’t the dub’s fault and was also done similarly in the sub too but I don’t have means to compare.

Yeah, Metarex Saga was all of Season 3, but it's definitely the best(and darkest, even in the dub) season of them all. I can't fully remember what happened before the Tails Vs. Eggman fight with X Vs. SA2, but I remember the adaptations of both the Adventure games and Battle were more so loose adaptations that took some things away from their foundation and added a few things as well, some of these changes good, and others not so much. Metarex was definitely the highlight of the show for me, and once you get to Season 3 it's a fun time.
Jul 28, 2023 8:12 PM

Feb 2016
I don't care. The show was no good to begin with.
ใใฎ็›ฎใ ใ‚Œใฎ็›ฎ๏ผŸ
Jul 28, 2023 8:24 PM
Oct 2013
StarRush said:
kairosdialga said:

Season 3 meaning the metarex arc, right? I still need to watch the actual sub because I know that one was where some things did hit dark and I am very curious on it.

Tho I still cannot get over how X ruined one particular scene in the SA2 arc (namely the part that would be after crazy gadget/before the Tails v Eggman fight in the game) tho I’m convinced by the animation and expressions that it wasn’t the dub’s fault and was also done similarly in the sub too but I don’t have means to compare.

Yeah, Metarex Saga was all of Season 3, but it's definitely the best(and darkest, even in the dub) season of them all. I can't fully remember what happened before the Tails Vs. Eggman fight with X Vs. SA2, but I remember the adaptations of both the Adventure games and Battle were more so loose adaptations that took some things away from their foundation and added a few things as well, some of these changes good, and others not so much. Metarex was definitely the highlight of the show for me, and once you get to Season 3 it's a fun time.

Yeah, I have a lot of points of SA/SA2 near memorized and I can tell when some sections were done dirty a bit. XD the big thing was that in-game.
Jul 28, 2023 8:25 PM

Sep 2018
Lucifrost said:
I don't care. The show was no good to begin with.

The dub was bad, but Sonic X in general is hard to rewatch so agreed with this point. Sonic X had some really bad fanfic writing especially with Chris.
Jul 28, 2023 8:38 PM
Nov 2022
kairosdialga said:
StarRush said:

Yeah, Metarex Saga was all of Season 3, but it's definitely the best(and darkest, even in the dub) season of them all. I can't fully remember what happened before the Tails Vs. Eggman fight with X Vs. SA2, but I remember the adaptations of both the Adventure games and Battle were more so loose adaptations that took some things away from their foundation and added a few things as well, some of these changes good, and others not so much. Metarex was definitely the highlight of the show for me, and once you get to Season 3 it's a fun time.

Yeah, I have a lot of points of SA/SA2 near memorized and I can tell when some sections were done dirty a bit. XD the big thing was that in-game.

Oof. Yeah, making Eggman dumber than he should have been in the anime is... a pretty bold move. In SA2 he's actually a real threat, he actually almost KILLED Sonic, and he does not show mercy to anyone up until the end of the game. Of course, the SA2 fandub paints a whole different picture of him(WHO POSTED MY NUDES ON TWITTER.COM?!?!?!) but yeah, that's a big chance to a character with real terror involved with him in SA2. That was a great game.
Jul 28, 2023 11:59 PM

Feb 2021
The 4kids Sonic cast was the best cast hands down—the 4kids dubbing for any show, however, is guaranteed to be rife with unnecessary censorship, Americanizing, and plot-rewriting shenanigans.
Jul 29, 2023 4:07 AM
Apr 2022
StarRush said:
kairosdialga said:

Yeah, I have a lot of points of SA/SA2 near memorized and I can tell when some sections were done dirty a bit. XD the big thing was that in-game.

Oof. Yeah, making Eggman dumber than he should have been in the anime is... a pretty bold move. In SA2 he's actually a real threat, he actually almost KILLED Sonic, and he does not show mercy to anyone up until the end of the game. Of course, the SA2 fandub paints a whole different picture of him(WHO POSTED MY NUDES ON TWITTER.COM?!?!?!) but yeah, that's a big chance to a character with real terror involved with him in SA2. That was a great game.
but still the SA/SA2 games are way better than when Chris is involved.
Jul 29, 2023 6:31 AM
Nov 2019
Watched it as a kid I enjoyed it but it is defo censored a lot
Jul 29, 2023 8:05 AM
Sep 2016
Having watched both versions I would say that the 4kids dub really hurts the show. Both the Japanese and English voice actors do a great job at defining their characters so not much problem there. However the 4kids english dub problems primarily come from their many edits and cuts that completely butchered a lot of scenes and made the show worse. The original Japanese version, especially for season 3 is much better in my opinion.
Jul 29, 2023 6:29 PM
Apr 2022
ShadowGamera said:
The original Japanese version, especially for season 3 is much better in my opinion.
But the voice acting in both versions are amazing!
Jul 29, 2023 6:35 PM
Sep 2016
funtime43_tr said:
ShadowGamera said:
The original Japanese version, especially for season 3 is much better in my opinion.
But the voice acting in both versions are amazing!

Yeah I don't disagree. the voice actors for both versions are great. My major issue is with the 4kids dub is the editing and censoring of the original version. These edits really hurt the quality of the series. For example Molly and Shadow's arc.
Jul 29, 2023 7:14 PM

Oct 2014
I enjoyed Sonic X dubbed way back when. However, I was a child, so what the hell did I know.

There's no reason to watch a 4Kids dub today other than for the memes. Butchering the original material and heavy censorship is their forte, after all.
Jul 30, 2023 6:46 PM
Sep 2020
funtime43_tr said:
I want to find out if the 4kids dub of the series is that awful as people said it was. To me I don’t think there’s absolutely no way people could say that one dub can ruin people’s taste for the show.

Well, it’s a much watered down, censored version of the show that was made for kids (hence “4kids”). I grew up on the dub, so there’s nostalgia for me too I guess, and I like the voices, so it does have its merits , especially if you’re willing to overlook the fact that you’re not getting the full experience with it. If you want the full experience however, the sub is the way to go.
Jul 31, 2023 12:44 PM
Jun 2022
i think it’s a pretty good dub all things considered
Jan 20, 1:17 AM

Nov 2013
For Sonic X it's actually not too bad. The censorship isn't as dramatic as usual, they even keep in the guns and people firing those guns. At most they just usually cut a scene or two from each episode for shorter run time and more ads, which is a huge shame, but that being the biggest sin is pretty rare for 4Kids, normally they're much worse. I also don't find any of the dub voices annoying or bad, since they're all pretty good actors and were the VAs for the games for the next 5 years after this too. As far as 4Kids dubs go, it's actually one of their best I'd argue, and I was able to enjoy it perfectly fine.
LOL, your opinion is wrong!

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