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Mar 23, 2023 2:25 AM
Feb 2021

Introduce Yourself!

Let us know a bit about you, such as:

  • When did you first hear about the anime/manga?
  • Manga reader or Anime-only viewer?
  • Do you have an "Oshi"? (aka your bias)
  • Favorite character so far? (or the one that looks the most interesting!)
  • Favorite music/movie/other?

Post in this thread with some or all of your answers! :D
KinetaApr 11, 2023 7:22 PM
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Mar 31, 2023 2:17 PM
Anime Moderator
Coolest Staff

Sep 2012
Hi Everyone~!
I’m Tim!

I'm a big fan of Aka Akasaka's work with Kaguya-sama and also a big fan of Rieri so I've been looking forward to this adaptation for a while now! ^^
I've only read the first two volumes but I'll probably pick up the rest after the anime is finished!

Lets have a fun time watching the show together and maybe get some rewards along the way! :)

Best Mod
Mar 31, 2023 6:29 PM
Manga Moderator
Flying Stingray

Feb 2015
Hi! I'm stinghy, and though I'm no longer keeping up, I like the story a lot! I actually heard about it from one of my friends, back when there were only a few chapters. I have trouble focusing when watching stuff, so I'm still 50/50 if I'll watch it, but I hope I can catch up with chapters soon~
Mar 31, 2023 6:45 PM
Community Mod
+ Manga DB Staff

Feb 2017
Hello, I'm Phloup! I've been reading Oshi no Ko ever since the chapters have started getting released in English through Manga PLUS, and I am now fully caught up to the manga. The story is really interesting and I love the characters (especially Aqua and Kana). In all, I absolutely love this series! I don't watch a lot of anime, so I probably won't get around watching it, but I'll definitely keep reading the manga! I hope everyone will enjoy this series as much as I do, or perhaps even more :D
Apr 11, 2023 8:11 PM
Aug 2017
Hi I'm Xenhiro, Oshi no Ko is one of my favorite manga ever, Aka Akasaka just can't miss. I've reread this series over 5 times and it gets better every time, and can't wait for the TV show. The opening song slaps so hard, I hope the rest of the show gets as good of a treatment that the song gives to the series.
Apr 11, 2023 8:16 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Hi hi, I'm tingy!

When did you first hear about the anime/manga?
I'm not sure when I first heard about Oshi no Ko tbh, but it was probably the first year it started serializing, during MAL's annual Secret Santa Event! I went through many users' list, and saw the title there, and there were also people recommending it to their recipient. The cover was incredibly memorable and hard to forget, so I had always kept it in mind. However, I only recently started reading it about a month ago!

Do you have an "Oshi"? (aka your bias)
Ahh, I used to be a huge follower of kpop groups in my high school years to college (~2010-2014), so I'm very familiar with idol culture and fandoms, although from my understanding, it's quite different from (traditional) J-idols. I only casually check out some kpop stuff these days, but I did usually have a bias in my favorite groups! Since I mostly followed 2nd gen kpop groups, most of them are now on "hiatus" or went solo, but I'll name some of my biases from back then! Kim Sunggyu from Infinite, G-Dragon from Big Bang, Junho from 2PM, Jo Kwon from 2AM, Dara from 2NE1.

Favorite character so far? (or the one that looks the most interesting!)
Definitely Kana, she's one of the most fleshed out characters so far in the story (to where I'm currently at), and of course Aqua. But looking forward to see if anyone else catches my eye or if the other characters start doing something interesting 👀
Apr 11, 2023 8:21 PM

Jan 2021
Hey, I’m WoughtFighter! I heard about Oshi no Ko a few months back but I still haven’t started the manga. The new PV really caught my attention and that’s what mainly peaked my curiosity. So I’m really looking forward to watching the series and maybe even reading the manga. Hope we all can enjoy the series ^^
MALoween✟Mansion 2023 Candies:

Apr 11, 2023 8:27 PM
Sep 2021
Hello, I'm JMatoi✌🏽 I found about the manga in a YouTube video,since then I've been reading Oshi no Ko and now is one of my favorites.The story blew my mind.
I love all the characters but my favorite one is Akane.
Apr 11, 2023 8:34 PM
Dec 2022
Hi, I'm HutaosSpirt, I heard about "Oshi no Ko" through my friend since she has read the manga and recommended I watch the anime once it comes out. I am both a Manga reader and an Anime viewer, though for Manga it's only for animes I really enjoyed and just can't wait for a new season or if one is just not gonna come out. My favorite character so far is definitely  Hoshino, Ai I love the way she looks, and her eyes.. OMG Beautiful as well as the other main characters. Once the anime is done airing, I'm going straight to read the manga for sure. I know I won't be disappointed. 
Apr 11, 2023 8:44 PM

Jun 2021

Name is Xcile or Joe. Been fan of [Oshi no Ko] ever since TheAnimeMan release his video on YouTube. And I was part of a moderator in this site release of "Ai's fanclub", but sadly, I stopped uploading since the Simulpub caught up on November 2022.
My favorite character is Hoshino, Ai. She has been stuck in my head rent free after finishing the first volume of the manga and I do also have the Physical Copy of the manga.
I would love to read some reactions to some people that who have read the manga and some people will go blind watch the anime tomorrow. And until then, not only a good watchlist, but a have great Spring Watchlist.

Mod Edit: Removed links to copyrighted content.
jXcileJMay 19, 2023 6:11 PM
Apr 11, 2023 9:46 PM
May 2021
Hi I am Apratim. I saw this manga in Manga plus app by shuiesha and came to know the author is same as of Kaguya sama love is war, so from then started reading the manga and now hyped for the anime. Favorite character until now would he Aqua hoshino
Apr 11, 2023 10:04 PM

Mar 2023
Hola! my names Juan and i make weird videos!

Ive never heard of this anime/manga until like a few minutes ago but it honestly seems interesting so I thought id try it. I usually watch an anime first then read the manga after finishing it but since it just started airing i might as well read the manga while i wait for new episodes. I also am really curious on those babies that were frickin jamming out in the trailer and thought that was hilarious to watch which is another reason why im planning on watching the anime. and uh i got way too many favorite songs and movies that i wouldnt know what to pick from so ill just say my fav song from an anime is "Los Los Los" from Saga of Tanya the Evil and my fav song in general is probably a tie between "clint eastwood" and "brittle bones nicky". idk what oshi means so ill just skip that one.

Idk what else to say but if you wanna play any games like minecraft java or fortnite or vrchat or basically any game on steam then hmu! id always love to make some new gaming buddies! also if you wanna talk about anime and manga you can still hmu cuz i can always try out some new recommendations (especially the funny ones).

alright adios!
My Candys!

Apr 11, 2023 10:48 PM
May 2022
Hi there I am RIDERXRAHUL i have been watching anime for a year and half ocer 150+ anime watched!

anyways I Heard about this manga coming as an anime a month ago started reading it finished under 3 days was super fun and dark tbh enjoyed the ride of Emotions.Hope the anime is going to be godly.
No i don't have my bias Yet but if i You ask if i have a favourite then it would be kurokawa akane her ability to copy others And guess how they were just by data on the internet is godly She doesn't have the charisma but still liked it.
The Yaosobi opening was sooooooo good And its full cover is out go hear it out mannnn. Its pure bliss dor non japnese people and With captions its a little hurtful
Apr 11, 2023 10:59 PM

Feb 2021
hello ☺️ I'm kemely and I was introduced to the manga by a friend, pretty excited for the anime cause I'm really loving the manga so far. my fav character is kana and akane!!! can't wait to talk with y'all about the episodes yay


on MAL-Badges. View my badges.

Apr 11, 2023 11:00 PM
Hello. I'm KawaiiTendou. or Tendou.

I believe I first heard of this series around the time it first started publishing. I just knew it as "that series that is co-authored by the author of Kaguya-sama: Love is War and the author of Kuzu no Honkai." Saw a few manga readers mentioning in in the Discord so that was the extent of my knowledge. Oh and that it's about an idol. When I heard it was receiving an anime adaptation by Doga Kobo, I was excited but also uncertain how it would turn out. While I love Doga Kobo's works in CGDCT, outside of that theme, I personally don't think they are capable of much else. The anime was also going to air during a FAL season, so I wanted to evaluate its potential restricted pick over Jigokuraku (only to later find out Jigo was banned LOL). For this reason and because I do have a bit of interest in this series for its idol genre, I decided to read the manga 1.5 months before it started airing. And what can I say, I love it! The story! The characters! The comedy that reminds me of Kaguya-sama! Now I'm caught up to the latest chapter. Favorite character is obviously Arima Kana.

And from what I've heard from the theater premiere in Japan, the first episode went above and beyond, so I have very high hopes for Doga Kobo's soon-to-be most popular and most successful work in their repertoire!
Apr 11, 2023 11:14 PM
May 2016
My name is Valeria.
I was a reader of Aka Akasaka's mangas before OnK was released and I knew already Mengo's past works so I've been following the mang since it was released.

My oshi in the seiyuu fandom is Maaya Sakamoto and Umehara Yuuichiro. From idols in general I wasn't interested in those things until last year but I like Harua and K from &TEAM, all the members of Le Sserafim, but I'm fonder to the Jline, from Seventeen Wonwoo and TxT Beomgyu.

My favorite characters are Akane and Miyako.
Apr 11, 2023 11:22 PM
Apr 2023
Hi all i'm maes,
i started reading onk when i first heard the anime announcement last year and been a huge fan ever since. i love mengo-sensei and akasaka-sensei's previous works and that was a huge factor before starting this series. my fav. character is definitely kana bc her character is one of the deeper ones in the series and she feels like a real person with all her traits and flaws. 
hope that we all have a great time 🫡
Apr 11, 2023 11:30 PM
Oct 2020
Hello. I'm Blyatman_Stalin and I've been a weeb for over 2.5 years now and primarily started to read manga last year. I heard the name of this manga from a friend of mine and started reading it fall 2022. I had experienced the works of Aka and Mengo in the past (Kaguya-Sama and Kuzu no Honkai respectively) and was intrigued by it. This manga didn't disappoint me a bit and now am eagerly waiting for the anime to air. Let's have a good time together people.

BTW my favorite characters are Ai and Aquamarine (not simply because they are the main characters).

My Oshi in the Seiyuu industry would be Kamiya Hiroshi (among males) and Hikasa Youko (for females). I'm not too much into J-Pop and Idol thingy so I currently don't have an Oshi there.
Apr 11, 2023 11:46 PM

Jun 2020
Hey I'm WasabiPiggy2028, 
When I was first recommended this manga, I was immediately skeptical. I had read Mengo Yokoyari's other popular work Scum's Wish, and enjoyed it, but I wasn't really in the mood for a sappy idol manga. I'm glad my friend told to just, "wait and see," or else I never would have discovered this masterpiece of a drama. 

I'm so glad this manga finally got an anime and an hour-long first episode at that! :)

My favorite characters are Aqua and Kana. 
Apr 11, 2023 11:51 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Hello. I'm Swiggy.
-When did you first hear about the anime/manga?
I've been seeing this manga around + one forum user has been using the cover as their avatar for a while now (more than a year?). I've been wanting to read it but never did. For manga though... if I decide to read something, the reading has to happen upon learning about it or else the reading usually doesn't happen without prompting. ouo;;

-Manga reader or Anime-only viewer?
The plan's to be anime only for now. However, I still need to read two volumes of a manga for the latest stack challenge and "Oshi no Ko" is eligible, so I might read it for that. Sometimes an anime being made motivates me to read the manga... or sometimes after I watch, I decide I've consumed enough of that world and move on to another.;;

-Do you have an "Oshi"?
I tend to "oshi" green idols. Also, the entire international/overseas idol community is my oshi. They might not be perfect, but they try their best and keep trying to grow. They are part of the reason I started watching more idol-related anime-- not that I expect "Oshi no Ko" to be your typical idol anime.

-Favorite character so far?
No character/design looks particularly interesting to me. I'm hoping the story or character interactions will be the strong point.
I know y'all don't really care to know that. Too broad.

Thanks for having me!
SwiggyApr 12, 2023 12:02 AM

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Apr 12, 2023 12:15 AM

Sep 2022
Hi! This is bingeTimes4. I first heard of this through YouTube... many times (this is how I get some of my recommendations). I was generally curious so I asked my cousin about it, who's currently reading the manga. She gave the thumbs up, and here I am, going into this blind. I'm mainly anime-only and recently got into some mangas/light novel recently. Here's to a great upcoming series!
Apr 12, 2023 12:24 AM

Jun 2009
Hi, I'm oldpier, and I think Kana is the cutest. 

Also Ruby kinda pog
Apr 12, 2023 1:12 AM
Feb 2022
MAL_Event said:

Introduce Yourself!

Let us know a bit about you, such as:

  • When did you first hear about the anime/manga?
  • Manga reader or Anime-only viewer?
  • Do you have an "Oshi"? (aka your bias)
  • Favorite character so far? (or the one that looks the most interesting!)
  • Favorite music/movie/other?

Post in this thread with some or all of your answers! :D
Hii! I'm Sot.
MAL_Event said:
When did you first hear about the anime/manga?

I first heard about it in a youtube video where he read 30 manga recommended from viewers. Oshi no Ko peaked my interest. I added it in my plan to read manga wordfile (5 month into anime world; didn't knew abt mal; used imdb) When i searched oshi no ko on google to get links for buying the manga, i saw a thread saying oshi no ko getting anime adaptation. it was 9 months ago ig.

Manga reader or Anime-only viewer?
I read manga and watch anime. if a manga gets an anime adaptation i wait for anime.

Favorite character so far? (or the one that looks the most interesting!)
"Lies, are a form of love you know?" that line from trailer gave me goosebumps fr
Apr 12, 2023 1:43 AM
May 2022
I'm Nali, I heard about Oshi no ko a few months ago from my friend. Then, I went to Barnes and Noble, saw the first volume, and decided to try it out. My favorite character would have to be Aqua Marine so far, I like his motive considering everything that happened.  
Apr 12, 2023 1:53 AM
Dec 2021
Hi, I'm Austin. 10 years ago, a relative recommended me Dragon Ball, an anime that marked my childhood. Previously I only watched anime, but recently I started to delve into the world of manga. My first read was Oyasumi Punpun, a complex and interesting story that had me hooked from the first chapter. Lelouch, the protagonist of Code Geass, has become one of my favorite characters of all time thanks to the way he expresses himself and thinks throughout the series.
One of my favorite movies is Spirited Away, without a doubt a movie that I will never forget...
Apr 12, 2023 2:31 AM
Jan 2021
Hello, I'm Ikaros, I found this work on a YouTube video, and since then I've become a big fan of it.
Apr 12, 2023 4:34 AM
Aug 2019
Apr 12, 2023 4:40 AM
Aug 2019
hi, I’m cortezz.
I’m an huge fan of both Love is War and Scum’s wish so when I heard about Oshi no Ko I immediately started reading it and it was worth it.
I’m reading volume 10 and until now the story is amazing so I think I’ll love the anime.
The cast is very interesting, and my fav characters are Ai, Kana and Akane
Apr 12, 2023 4:41 AM

Jul 2022
Sup! I'm Ray or Mars!

I got introduced to this manga from a "TheAnimeMan" video and have been in love with the story ever since! I can't say I have a favorite character though I love the design of Ai, though everyone's design and personalities are so unique! My goal is to cosplay as Ai one day because she is just such a compelling and motivated character, even if we don't see her for too long :C
Apr 12, 2023 4:48 AM
Jan 2022
Hey Everyone, I'm Garlic!
I heard about this series (Manga) last year and have been caught up with it ever since. Based on my last sentence, you can see that I'm a manga reader, which was one of the main reasons I was excited for the anime. My favourite character so far is Aqua, I can't get into more details as that may lead to spoilers for those who haven't seen the manga yet. My favourite music is now "IDOL" by Yoasobi, they already had great songs that I loved but this new song made for Oshi no ko is top-notch. I hope to enjoy this series and journey with you guys!
Apr 12, 2023 5:35 AM

Sep 2017
The first time I heard about this manga was like 1 year ago. It was a recommendation in a youtube video and I went reading the first 5 chapters and then I simply started doing other things. The anime announcement came now and I will be watching it! I will only watch the anime for now.
I don't think I have any Oshi but I like Ai and I think both protagonists and Kana are interesting characters (based in the trailer).
I don't have a favourite song but I will say Kaguya-sama openings because I always like to hear them. Moriarty The Patriot OP 1 - Dying Wish is also great. If we are talking about Oshi no Ko, I only heard the opening and the ending and both are awesome.
The anime will be out today, let's enjoy :D


Apr 12, 2023 5:43 AM

Jul 2020
Hi, I'm InfinityDude. I first heard about this series back in 2021 having been a huge fan of Kaguya-sama and wanting to check out Aka Akasaka's other work. I read the first ten or so chapters back then but decided to hold out on the rest for the anime, so while I have some idea going in to the anime of at least the initial twist I am really looking forward to where the story goes from there. While I wouldn't really describe myself as an idol fan I have given the odd idol anime a shot here and there and typically enjoy them when I do, though of course this series takes somewhat of a different approach to the genre which I appreciate. Favourite character from the little I have read would probably have to be Aquamarine (his name certainly helps), although I am willing to have my opinion swayed once I have seen a bit more. Hopefully this club continues to interact as the anime and manga release and that the series lives up to the hype. See you all on the other side of episode one!
Apr 12, 2023 5:46 AM
Aug 2022
Hello! My name's BlurzzBee. I'm a manga reader of the title. First time i found oshi no ko is when i'm surfing in my manga apps. I started reading it when its recom by my friend, around 1 month after i found it. And damn its good. I dont have favorite music but the genre is absolutely j-pop. Btw, i'm rooting for kana × aqua
Apr 12, 2023 5:57 AM
Aug 2022
Hi!! I'm Ricky. I got to find this title as an Anime Announcement. I 1st found it in twitter. i'm really excited to watch today within 1 hour.
Apr 12, 2023 6:08 AM
Dec 2019
Hello everyone! 

I go by FariZ45 here, nice to meet you all!!

I heard about the manga when Natusiro Matsuri from Hololive first mentioned it in a clip and started reading it after I saw it in the Next Manga Awards.

I really love Ai, the way she plays this idol character while at the same time still staying true to herself was really fun to read.

Hope we could all enjoy this anime together!!
Apr 12, 2023 6:08 AM

Mar 2021
Hello!!! I'm Kyann! I'm a huge fan of Oshi no Ko and started keeping up with it very early on!

Yorimen (the artist) is how I first found out, she tweeted about it and I instantly fell in love with the concept and characters! I've already seen the first episode and its AMAZING! I hope the rest of the anime airs smoothly and everyone enjoys it! To keep the talk about Oshi no Ko, my oshi in the media is Aqua! I adore his calm and cool exterior with the complexity behind his character! I eagerly await the release of volume 12 and for the next café collab I can go to! 

I hope everyone here enjoys the manga and anime!
Apr 12, 2023 6:40 AM
Apr 2019

I'm Anthony and I'm looking forward to the release of Oshi No Ko's adaptation. I found out about this manga when Gigguk made a video about how the story dissects the entertainment industry and its effect on human behavior and I thought it sounded really interesting. I've read up to 100 chapters but haven't been catching up with the latest material but I'm still excited for the anime. My favorite is probably Kana in the manga because I really enjoy her interactions with Aqua.
Apr 12, 2023 6:42 AM
Dec 2021
Sup guys, I'm Brufen! I have been reading Oshi no Ko since the first chapter ever being released and I am now caught up to the manga. The story is really interesting and amazing, I love the characters (especially Aqua, Kana and Akane). The manga is amazing, and I hope they don't fumble the anime adaptation. I hope everyone will enjoy this series as much as I do.
Apr 12, 2023 8:34 AM

Sep 2011
Hello! Just call me Ferry or Twintails, I first heard of the Manga through fan translations back in 2020 and immediately fell in love with it! It has quickly become one of my favorite Manga, likely an all time favorite by the time it finishes in just a few more months, I dread it's ending but I'm also looking forward to it! I hope Anime-only people come to love it as much as I and many other people do.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 12, 2023 9:04 AM
Jan 2020
Hi i'm Ignet other nickname Hira.
I first heard about this manga from gigguk because of this i started reading it.
My fav character right now is definitely ruby because her personality changed a lot
I'm also interested in the father of ruby and aqua and the mysterious girl/god idk
I'm an avid chinese novels reader favourite novels are:
Will Eternal
Douluo Dalu
Archean eon art
and others work from er gen and i eat tomatoes

Apr 12, 2023 9:33 AM
Aug 2020
i'm lyssi! i've heard about it for a while but only watched it when it aired! haven't read the manga yet but i plan to :) i really like yoasobi's opening
there's a meaning to that
Apr 12, 2023 9:43 AM
Mar 2021
Hi Everyone, Nova here.
Started Reading the manga ever since Gigguk made a video about it and have been in Love ever since. My favourite character so far is Akane cause she's just lovely and the type of music I like is video game and anime music. Hoping to have a great time with this club : )
Apr 12, 2023 9:47 AM
May 2021
I'm Kilian and I first heard about the manga 1 year ago, when TheAnimeMan uploaded a video about it. At that time I wasn't really interested in the manga, but picked it up after I saw another video made by Gigguk. Then I read the whole Manga, at that time like chapter 75. When the anime got announced I decided to read it weekly at MangaPlus and since then I did read every chapter. Now I watch the anime. I watched the anime on the unofficial oshi no ko discord server, which was really fun. My favorite character is Kana, but I have to admit Akane is better written and a lot more interesting in a lot of aspects. I don't watch movies. but my favorite artist is Kanye west, my favorite song is "through the wire". English is not my native language (please don't judge me, but giving advice is ok)
have nice day and keep talking about oshi no ko
Apr 12, 2023 9:49 AM
Mar 2019
Hi, I'm Fever. 

  • I first started watching anime in 2014. I guess that's when I heard about it too. That was when I watched my first anime all the way through (not just seeing an episode here or there... *cough* DBZ). I've been watching ever since then. 
  • I do read some manga, but haven't read this one. 
  • My oshi is Rosemi of course. 
  • My favorite movie(s) is/are probably LOTR. 

“We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories... And those that carry us forward, are dreams.”
― H.G. Wells, The Time Machine

Apr 12, 2023 10:03 AM

Nov 2011
Hi, my name is Zard970

* I first heard about the terminology of anime in 2011. I used to watch a lot of Fairy Tail episodes at that time.

* I usually watch anime than read manga. 

* I don't have an Oshi for now.

* I like the character feature and development of Ai personally.

* My favourite music is Suzume that was composed by RADWIMPS. 
Apr 12, 2023 10:11 AM

Jan 2021
HI i am Aerandir but my name is Conrado ;)

When did you first hear about the anime/manga?
I first heard about it when in my country they announced about 6 months ago that they would release it. I ordered it out of curiosity and immediately fell in love so that I am currently reading how the new chapter will come out.

Manga reader or Anime-only viewer?
I read and watch anime, I always prefer to read first, then watch if there is, but it often happens that I watch the 1st season of a given anime and it's still not there, I start reading manga and then I'm up to date with the released chapters before the next season comes out even if come out.

Do you have an "Oshi"? (aka your bias)
I dont know really. maybe In fact, I hate talking to a large group of people, and I also hate when someone forces their opinion on me.
Favorite character so far? (or the one that looks the most interesting!)
When I started reading the manga I fell in love with Ai Hoshino, you know how it goes on so then the second favorite character developed and it's Aqua and honestly I feel a little bit sometimes when he is in a crowd of people I put on a mask not showing my real self ;) so I identify with him.

Favorite music/movie/other
Its hard to choose.
I'm definitely a fan of the Kara no Kyoukai anime world.
But in my favorites there will also be a place for Jujutsu Kaisen of the whole series, especially the movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0.
Another series is the Monogatari series I just love it.
Fate/Stay Night movie Heaven Feel all 3 movies are also high for me.

It's hard to choose from the music, but the music from Attack on Titan often gives me chills, so it will definitely be at the top.
AerandirxApr 12, 2023 2:47 PM
Apr 12, 2023 10:31 AM

Jul 2011

Manga reader or Anime-only viewer?
Heard about this manga years ago and have been avoiding everything related to it so I can go into the anime completely blind. Really excited for it.

Do you have an "Oshi"? (aka your bias)
Kanade, the one in my signature

Favorite music/movie/other?
Nightcord at 25, the group Kanade is in

Been addicted to idol shows recently and binged a ton of them. Had no idea this was an idol show too. so happy   ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

🇦‌🇳‌🇮‌🇲‌🇪‌ 🇱‌🇮‌🇸‌🇹‌

Apr 12, 2023 10:34 AM
Jul 2020
Yo, Im Shana new here and im a fan of Akasa Aka's work like Kaguya-sama Love is War. So yeah I just discover this Oshi no Ko from my friend so had been keep telling me to read it so they invite me to read it, So when I was about to read it I see an Anime news the Oshi no Ko is getting a TV series... so I decided to wait the anime drops I'll read it. After I watched the first episode of Oshi no Ko TV series it was hella good and yet it has very dark atmosphere since it is related to Idol thing from japan or the Idol industry itself, so yeah it is kinda real to he irl world so I decided to immediately read it becasue it left me cliffhanged and Im curious how will Aqua gets his revenge. Oh Im also curios who is Ai's Husband. 

Opening is Fireee!!! YOASOBI killing it.
So I hope it gets more spicy and dark when I finished reading it. 
Apr 12, 2023 10:44 AM
Jun 2021
Im TloBow, Bow is fine too.

I got wind of the manga roughly a year ago when "Hoshimachi Suisei" talked about it in one of her streams.
It sounded interesting so i went to a local store and got the first volume and ever since im hooked.

My favourite character is ruby.

Im looking forward to the future episodes of the anime and to the future volumes of the manga.

Apr 12, 2023 10:59 AM
Mar 2020
Hello Everyone,
I'm Savage

I am a big fan of Aka Akasaka after i watched Kaguya sama anime which led me to read Kaguya sama manga. After which i found out about oshi no ko which is definitely one of my favorite manga and am up to the latest on the manga. My favorite character so far is definitely Aqua Hoshino and Kana Arima.

I hope everyone enjoys reading the manga or watching anime of Oshi no ko !!!
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» What type of music do you think Ai Hoshino listens to?

krishnathegreat - May 25, 2023

19 by i_wantapizza »»
Aug 20, 2024 1:23 PM

Poll: » Favorite character ( 1 2 )

ateks - May 6, 2023

71 by goldendove90 »»
Aug 16, 2024 11:47 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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