redpanda_42 said:I don't know how they managed to do it, I'm not a huge shonen fan but I have seen enough to notice a pattern. Character has fight, gets beaten, trains, gets stronger can do more things, rinse and repeat until end credits. Somehow this show managed to do the opposite and have characters regress or remain completely static. Shinra and arthur have zero progression until their training arc in the last episode. Shinra is even depowered but it makes sense since his ability he gained at the end of season one is story ending if he could actually use it whenever he wanted.
Tamaki was almost painful to watch, I waited 50 episodes for her to have some sort of progression and again it happens at the very last episode when it doesn't even matter. She went through more than most characters and it didn't change her any way. She remained weak and useless for two entire seasons. At least the first season had her lucky lecher skill be useful in semi creative ways. It basically disappeared in the second season and the few times it was used it wasn't even funny or inventive. Even ignoring power gains she remained the same, the big thing she went through in season 1 with shinra didn't change how she interacted with him at all. It was completely forgotten and reset by the next episode and carried on into the second season.
Finally and by far the worst was Hinawa. He had a lot going for him, an interesting background and a strong and flexible set of powers. They gave him an amazing showcase of his abilities in the first season multiple times culminating with his 1 on 1 with Arrow. We see him able to manipulate all kinds of weaponry in creative ways and showcase using everything from pistols to shotguns and rifles to a devastating degree. So where does he go in season 2? Absolutely nowhere, he barely exists and every time we are reminded that he does he is weaker than an unpowered human. He never uses any weapon aside from a pistol that feels weaker than a bb gun and a couple of weak infernal zombies is enough to threaten his life. It was embarrassing seeing him go from a cool and confident character who dominated the battlefield with tactics and strength going to toe to toe with other strong characters to being a forgotten punching bag who barely takes on a low level shmuck 2 vs 1.
I don't know what the author was thinking but the second season was a huge letdown for the most part and the biggest issue was forgotten characters or characters forgetting their own abilities and generally being completely useless. I really hope the third season can turn things around.