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Attack on Titan
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Feb 11, 2023 8:14 AM

Apr 2022
Had a discussion with a mate of mine and wanted your thoughts on this.
We all know that, "There are still humans outside the walls" is a huge revelation/plot twist in AoT. But I feel like the Reiner & Bertholdt reveal "hit" harder. Which one "hit" harder for you? And could you say why?
Feb 11, 2023 8:27 AM
Aug 2019
Berthodtl Reiner reveal didn’t really hit that hard …

It would have if we had more time to become invested in them and their relationships with the other characters
Feb 11, 2023 8:33 AM
Dec 2022
I definitely think that other humans being outside the walls hit harder. We already knew there were potential traitors in the scouts, and, admittedly, Reiner looks a lot like his titan so it's not a huge stretch. In comparison, I would have never guessed there were other humans outside the walls, that was a big shocker for me. Bertold and Reiner I was just disappointed/angry more than shocked, but I feel like I had an existential crisis from the reveal about the basement's true contents.
Feb 11, 2023 8:34 AM

Dec 2021
Plot Twist for Shock Value does not add any depth to the themes 

It's still the same garbage 
If you want to reply to my posts, come up with valid arguments instead of ad hominem HIGHER LEVEL THINKERS ONLY
Feb 11, 2023 8:55 AM
Jan 2023
Reiner and Co reveal definitely hit harder.
Feb 11, 2023 9:41 AM

Apr 2021
The hardest hit of AoT was definitely the end of Season 3 part 2. So grand yet so broken.
Feb 11, 2023 9:52 AM
Oct 2021
Reiner and Behrtolt hit harder because there was no big build up. It was a mystery but they just went and said it out of nowhere.
Feb 11, 2023 10:21 AM
Jul 2017
Reiner and birthcontrol hit harder cuz it was brought straight up with no easy to catch hints. As for humans existence outside the walls it was obvious since s1 at least for me, like titans arent coming from nowhere and they look like humans, so doing the math is not hard when u know the value of "X"
Feb 11, 2023 10:35 AM
Aug 2022
reiner and bertholdt didnt hit that hard i think
Feb 11, 2023 10:42 AM
Jun 2022
The Basement Reveal easily hits harder in my opinion.

I had already predicted that there would be other humans outside the walls, but the actual reveal was nothing like what I was expecting. If I'm being honest, I expected it to be like a TWD type scenario where it's just other civilizations with their own walls and defenses attacking each other whilst also fighting off the titans.

What we got instead was a lot more tragic and haunting, but at the same time, this was such a genius and well executed reveal that I would go as far as to say it's the greatest plot twist in all of fiction.

The scouts reaching the ocean was also a moment that I knew would happen later on, but instead of being the triumphant and victorious scene that I imagined it to be, It was probably one of the most heartbreaking.

The scouts finally accomplished all the goals they established in the first season. They defeated the Colossal and Armored Titans, as well as the other titan shifters. They took back Wall Maria. They fought against the corruption of the Royal government and learned the wall's secrets. Last but not least, they were finally able to explore the outside world freely to the point that they reached the ocean.

All of these things being accomplished would normally lead to a happy and victorious conclusion for the story, but the Basement Reveal led to an even greater conflict being unraveled. Whereas in other series this type of plot twist would probably feel like a cheap way to prolong the story, the way it was executed in Attack on Titan made it feel like a natural progression for the story and characters. Everything Eren wanted to accomplish has been done, but instead of achieving freedom, he now feels more lost than ever. He sacrificed so much only for the sake of discovering a world that was far more haunting and hateful than the one he already felt enslaved to.

That to me is probably one of the most heartbreaking things ever, which is why I can't thank Attack on Titan enough for being able to perfectly craft and execute what I believe to be the greatest plot twist in all of fiction.
Feb 11, 2023 12:10 PM
Sep 2022
None of us will ever be as surprised as Marco. But I definitely have to go with the Reiner reveal it just came out of nowhere.
Feb 11, 2023 2:55 PM
Jun 2016
WeakerLink said:
Had a discussion with a mate of mine and wanted your thoughts on this.
We all know that, "There are still humans outside the walls" is a huge revelation/plot twist in AoT. But I feel like the Reiner & Bertholdt reveal "hit" harder. Which one "hit" harder for you? And could you say why?

I mean IMO “people outside the wall” was an immediate concern tons of people had, I mean cmon we assumed this one spot is all that survived of Humanity? It was a good twist to reveal and turn into the overarching plot but like, not a crazy moment, kinda “oh so thats what everyone else is up to”. The explanation of titans was probs bigger and the details surrounding Paradis. That being said: Reiner+Berthold didn’t hit that hard either, it was like “daaaaaamn aight” and that was kinda it for me
Feb 11, 2023 2:57 PM
Jan 2023
If anything the Bertholdt/Reiner reveal was underwhelming. I’d like to think their unceremonious entrance was a hint to the audience that they were just pieces in a larger game.
Feb 11, 2023 3:57 PM
Jan 2023
I definitely think the Reiner and Bertholdt reveal hit harder because my dumass didn’t expect them to be titans at all. but with humans being outside the walls reveal, for me it didn’t really surprise me because there were many implications before that lead you to the idea that they were humans outside the walls, the reveal was really just a confirmation of my theory.
Feb 11, 2023 5:17 PM
Mar 2020
The Reiner and Bertholdt twist kinda just flat out told us that there’s humans outside of the walls, so yea, Reiner and Bert over Life outside of the walls.

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Feb 11, 2023 8:41 PM
Mar 2021
Reiner and brethold reveal did hit really hard when it was revealed but i was just flashy plot twist with flashy music and animation

on other hand basement secret hitted much harder because it had long time affect on story
Feb 12, 2023 2:10 AM
Dec 2022
The Reiner and bertholdt scene was better
Feb 13, 2023 1:56 PM
Aug 2019
the basement didn’t really do anything for me tbh. i think maybe i had already heard from someone else but even if i didn’t, i think “there is stuff out of the walls” isn’t that shocking imo

i think what made Reiner and Bertholdt hit hard for me was that at this point in the series it mostly felt like humans vs monsters and that the scouts were humanity’s last hope. finding out that the monsters who started it all were with us the whole time stung a lot
Feb 14, 2023 9:36 AM
Mar 2022
(English is not my mother language but I tried my best so, I apologize now.)
Well I think there're few thing that hits hard here:
1. I personally could guess that there're people outside the walls but never thought they were actually nations also developed so much that they can punish people with turning them into titans. I only thought there were groups of people succeed living outside walls. Remember there was a scene where Armin told Eren, "My mum and dad went outside the walls and then there's this book I have here." before the titan attack.
Where did they go? Where were they this whole time? How did they bring that book?

2. Only titan users with royal blood can use all power of the founder titan. How could Eren without royal blood?

3. I think this is also a big hit that Eren seemed he's with Zeke but planned Rumbling by himself. It was pretty shocking for me.

4. I think there's still a mystery that (I don't remember if there's an explanation for this scene actually I watched AoT a few ago) there was a unconscious titan who says 'Ymir'. And it could speak unlike other titans. Then they found a diary of a soldier dropped there.
Feb 14, 2023 8:45 PM
Apr 2022
Faxtual_Ghoul said:
Plot Twist for Shock Value does not add any depth to the themes 

It's still the same garbage 

So we’re just lying now? Plot twists aren’t always effective but when it reveals a huge piece of lore and connects different plot holes then it makes people invested
Feb 15, 2023 8:42 PM

Nov 2015
@Faxtual_Ghoul I'll agree if you were referring only to season 3 part 2. Imo it's full of bs that piss me off til this day on rewatches...

kameriiychan said:
1. I personally could guess that there're people outside the walls but never thought they were actually nations also developed so much that they can punish people with turning them into titans. I only thought there were groups of people succeed living outside walls. Remember there was a scene where Armin told Eren, "My mum and dad went outside the walls and then there's this book I have here." before the titan attack.
Where did they go? Where were they this whole time? How did they bring that book?

That iz explained on the scene where Levi and Hanji are torturing the guy on a chair 
kameriiychan said:
4. I think there's still a mystery that (I don't remember if there's an explanation for this scene actually I watched AoT a few ago) there was a unconscious titan who says 'Ymir'. And it could speak unlike other titans. Then they found a diary of a soldier dropped there.

I still found strange that a pure titan could talk o.o but yeah it is explainef through YMIR flashback in the episode named "children" 


Feb 21, 2023 2:47 AM
Sep 2022
S2 reveal hit harder. In my opinion, it was pretty obvious there were more humans outside the walls before it was revealed, so I wasn’t rlly surprised.

Just felt like the overall plot and all the clues bout Reiner wanting to return to a vaguely defined “home” led me to assume humans lived in civilizations in other places wayyy before it was revealed. On the other hand, the lead up and the tidbits of information about Annie having allies lead to a big holy crap moment during the S2 episode.
Feb 21, 2023 2:53 AM
Sep 2022
Jun_Rei said:
The Basement Reveal easily hits harder in my opinion.

I had already predicted that there would be other humans outside the walls, but the actual reveal was nothing like what I was expecting. If I'm being honest, I expected it to be like a TWD type scenario where it's just other civilizations with their own walls and defenses attacking each other whilst also fighting off the titans.

What we got instead was a lot more tragic and haunting, but at the same time, this was such a genius and well executed reveal that I would go as far as to say it's the greatest plot twist in all of fiction.

The scouts reaching the ocean was also a moment that I knew would happen later on, but instead of being the triumphant and victorious scene that I imagined it to be, It was probably one of the most heartbreaking.

The scouts finally accomplished all the goals they established in the first season. They defeated the Colossal and Armored Titans, as well as the other titan shifters. They took back Wall Maria. They fought against the corruption of the Royal government and learned the wall's secrets. Last but not least, they were finally able to explore the outside world freely to the point that they reached the ocean.

All of these things being accomplished would normally lead to a happy and victorious conclusion for the story, but the Basement Reveal led to an even greater conflict being unraveled. Whereas in other series this type of plot twist would probably feel like a cheap way to prolong the story, the way it was executed in Attack on Titan made it feel like a natural progression for the story and characters. Everything Eren wanted to accomplish has been done, but instead of achieving freedom, he now feels more lost than ever. He sacrificed so much only for the sake of discovering a world that was far more haunting and hateful than the one he already felt enslaved to.

That to me is probably one of the most heartbreaking things ever, which is why I can't thank Attack on Titan enough for being able to perfectly craft and execute what I believe to be the greatest plot twist in all of fiction.

I agree with all of this- it’s a beautifully written tragic reveal with so many layers. I think it depends on what ppl consider when deciding what a “better” plot twist is (like shock vs complexity). S2 was more a classic “shock value” reveal while season three was a more “ok you probably figured this out but let’s expand on it in a complex and intriguing way” thin. Personally I think I consider s2 a better plot twist bc of that while I consider the reveal in S3 to simply just be amazing writing, rather than a plot twist or reveal, but that just depends on each individuals definition.
Feb 24, 2023 7:19 AM
Jul 2021
"Outside the walls" hit much harder tbh. Reiner-Bert reveal still peak nonetheless.

My fav plot twist in fiction is the one in MOTF anyways.

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