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Jan 7, 2023 7:30 AM

Nov 2011
I played the first game nearly 6 years ago so the beginning felt familar. Loved how they handled the action and soundtrack for this with the chereography.

OP song sounded great with Aimer and some of the character movements reflects the style of the game. Various characters are shown in there so I hope they showcase as many as possible this season. 2B shows her no-nonsense fighting style and her skills as expected. 

It feels like they are combining the routes of A and B together, which I think should work out. Very impressive start.
Jan 7, 2023 7:30 AM

May 2020
Watching NieR as an anime adaptation was something I was so much looking forward to since it got announced at the start of last year. And look, it's here starting with the prologue with that familiar sight of an abandoned factory.

2B and 9S coordinating, with 2B doing the groundwork.. with 2B wrecking havoc. It was going good until the defense machine system showed and we know how it went, with 9S getting wounded and 2B doing the charge. Though still not enough as they’ve to detonate their black boxes to take out the goliaths.. in return 9S loses his memories. Damn 2B.. gotta feel for her.

A-1 doing the masterful work here with the action scenes and with Aimer’s OP, it was just cherry on cake. All more hype for coming episodes.
Jan 7, 2023 7:33 AM

Jun 2019
Man... that Nier copy that I bought three years ago is still waiting to be played. LOL. So... I have no idea about the game aside from the gameplay I have seen from the game. I love 2B very much just like everyone. I have always adored the soundtrack... so I'm happy that it's the same and the animation looks beautiful as well. The OP by Aimer is an amazing song. I'm very interested in the story and I'm looking forward to it. Also, can't wait for A2.

Can't wait for more. Also, I loved that puppet show at the end by 2B and 9S. It was cute.
Jan 7, 2023 7:35 AM

Oct 2017
Love the game and love 2B. Glad to finally see it animated.

MegamiRemJan 7, 2023 8:20 AM
Jan 7, 2023 7:40 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Haven't played the game, but I have to say this looks quite promising.

Very nice animation and action scenes.

SerafosJan 7, 2023 10:11 AM
Jan 7, 2023 7:53 AM

Jul 2021
I remembered playing Nier Automata with my cousin back in like 2019 lol my first impression was like, "Oh my god the setting looks amazing" and such, so watching the anime, I'm very intrigued and I kinda remembered most parts of what they're showcasing from the coordination & working along with 2B & 9S, I'm heavily mixed on the cgi & 2d animation combined in some parts, OP song is amazing but the visuals... idk man, soundtrack & VA performance is amazing on the other hand, and yeah really I don't mind either ways if they didn't satisfy me in any parts of the whole composition, I can't expect this to have a perfect adaptation anyways (mfs out there already complaining about the production value but for others, watch it first and form your own opinion before looking for someone elses opinion, otherwise you'll be discouraged but that varies ofc) but as long as it follows a kind of routes in accordance even if they add some difference here and there then it should be fine I guess. And yeah, can't wait for A2, she's my favorite character from the game. 
Jan 7, 2023 8:00 AM
Nov 2022
Have been looking up for this anime for so long, Haven't played the game, but It's promising
Jan 7, 2023 8:24 AM

Jul 2011
I kinda have a guilty trip watching this anime. I never finished the game out of lazyness, now I hope get courage to finish watching the anime.

Was a fun episode, with all the action.

And the puppet show is good to explain lore things.
Jan 7, 2023 8:24 AM

May 2019
Absolutely love it, surpassed all my expectations.
Jan 7, 2023 8:28 AM

Apr 2018
I've watched a few gameplay clips and that's about it. The mixed 2D and CGI is quite good to be honest after all the CSM complaints, it's nothing to worry about. The amazing voice acting and soundtrack stood out alongside the beautiful opening by Aimer. 2B and 9S were doing great until he lost his memories. Sadge, can't wait to see how this plays out. I'm all in to see 2B fight more.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jan 7, 2023 8:56 AM
Nov 2022
Just now found the episode with an English translation. I watched half of the episode without the subtitles, and it looks impressive (even though I didn't understand a thing).

It's going to take forever to complete the download. 😭
Jan 7, 2023 9:00 AM

Jul 2015
Holy shit, I was expecting a masterpiece and I'm still impressed.

Glory to mankind!
Easily AOTY.
PiromyslJan 7, 2023 9:40 AM

Jan 7, 2023 9:02 AM
Apr 2015
I don't understand how you people like it, when the game made you feel like you're playing an Anime this show feels like watching these no commentary youtube gameplays.
It adds nothing and is very poorly animated.
Jan 7, 2023 9:02 AM
May 2021
Damn it’s really been 6 years since the game 😔
Jan 7, 2023 9:03 AM

Oct 2021
impressive... as someone who haven't played game yet (i would try to probably soon) this was quite a surprise.
Jan 7, 2023 9:05 AM
Apr 2022
Peak fiction has arrived
Jan 7, 2023 9:11 AM
Jan 2021
Pollyvx said:
I don't understand how you people like it, when the game made you feel like you're playing an Anime this show feels like watching these no commentary youtube gameplays.
It adds nothing and is very poorly animated.

It seems like most of people here dont played the game
And is for these people that this anime is being made
Jan 7, 2023 9:14 AM
Jan 2020
Danmachi and now this, Japan is astronomically bad at CG. Like no matter how good the 2d looks, the CG will always look like utter dogshit.
Jan 7, 2023 9:17 AM

Feb 2018
I liked the OP. but its like something is missing if Emi Evans isnt here with her "Chaos Language".
Jan 7, 2023 9:18 AM

Jan 2019
Reception seems to be extremely divided. Interesting...
Jan 7, 2023 9:20 AM
Dec 2020
these xbox 360 graphics go hard
Jan 7, 2023 9:22 AM
May 2021
How many episodes we are gonna get...? I mean how many episodes will be enough to cover this route?.......
 any game player here?
Jan 7, 2023 9:28 AM
Apr 2015
Reblex_7029 said:
How many episodes we are gonna get...? I mean how many episodes will be enough to cover this route?.......
 any game player here?
With how things are Route A should be contained within 12 eps
Jan 7, 2023 9:28 AM

May 2016
Will this just be an adaption of Route’s A/B or do you guys think they’ll include Route C?
Jan 7, 2023 9:31 AM

Apr 2022
Ronninn said:
Danmachi and now this, Japan is astronomically bad at CG. Like no matter how good the 2d looks, the CG will always look like utter dogshit.
Mappa and Orange do it right... But here it really is horrendous
Jan 7, 2023 9:32 AM

Jun 2011
The CG looked goofy to me, doesn't even look like they were from the game (I don't know if they're able to use the models in the first place, but they did use the music). The 2D designs and animation look good in my opinion.
I played about 60hrs of the game and the parts that combined some routes made it feel rushed, since you're supposed to get the other point of view after finishing the game.
I'll keep watching it but I'm interested in reading what anime only people think about it.
Jan 7, 2023 9:35 AM
Jan 2009
its a mix of 2D and 3DCG like the trailers show

no major plot yet but there is mind uploading technology eh that makes them like immortal

2B is hot

Jan 7, 2023 9:45 AM

Jan 2019
lol they are even showcasing the special ending routes at the end of the episode

Jan 7, 2023 9:54 AM
May 2020
After all this waiting, we have finally gotten the first episode of the NieR:Automata anime, and i loved it, i saw scenes and stuff i remember from playing the game. Of course some stuff wasnt that good, like the cgi was weird a couple few times, but if you dont notice it or try to not think about it i think it was an amazing first episode. Hope they do better and keep up the already good work!
Jan 7, 2023 9:57 AM
May 2021
Good ep!! Was planning on buying the game tbf, heard about Nier a long time ago… gives me Final Fantasy vibes (the game).
Jan 7, 2023 9:59 AM

Jul 2017
I just finished this game a couple weeks back and Replicant a couple days back so the setting here is still fresh in my memory, and I'm surprised by how much the anime here committed to the game presentation-wise. Whether it's the settings themselves which I can remember directions of where to go, to some of the actual shots looking like they came from the game with the amazing music too, it felt like a little bit of a nostalgia trip. Of course with this version comibing both A and B's routes to fit the anime medium more compared to the game having them separately.

There's a heavy mix of 2D and CG, but given how I played the game and experienced that kind of animation with the games for the machines, it didn't bother me much. With how much action and machines were there here, it was expected. A-1 did their best though to make the action feel dynamic and it worked for the most part for this episode considering the challenges. Loved the puppet show bit at the end too, which is a rarity for me. Gave some quickfire explanations, some interactions with 9S and 2B and even committed to a joke ending, which was a refreshing stape of the Automata game that I was surprised with it being included here.

Can't wait for more of this show, still not sure how exactly this adaptation will turn out to be, but this show is more interesting to me than everything else this season so I'll keep my eyes out for it. Especially with how the non-action based scenes will be handled (and if they choose to adapt some of the stories from the side quests for certain characters briefly), as well as the general pacing. For a first episode, it wasn't perfection but that was to be expected completely, still was a really good effort in my opinion overall and I can tell that the anime staff tried their best to connect this well to the game and not sell it cheaply.
Jan 7, 2023 10:01 AM

Dec 2021
I didn't really like it. It looks good, it is adapting the source pretty faithfully, but maybe that's the biggest issue for me.

I had to replay the damn tutorial so many times on hardest difficulty that I hate it with a passion.

If their relationship feels odd (didn't they just meet and 2B is already so attached?) don't worry, it is explained eventually.
Jan 7, 2023 10:02 AM

Nov 2019
I thought they were going to spoil the endings, but this was better than I expected haha

Jan 7, 2023 10:05 AM

Jul 2015
Holy shit the goosebumps

Jan 7, 2023 10:06 AM
Aug 2017
2005 called, they want their animation back.

Low budget cash grab, skipping
Jan 7, 2023 10:09 AM

Dec 2022
The first five minutes of the show were laughably poorly animated.
Never before have I watched an anime where it feels like the 3DCG could have been rendered on a PS2.

As a whole, it feels extremely rushed, both in terms of the pacing of the episode, and in production.
The flight units they use are extremely stiff, even for being CGI, especially compared to the games.

Honestly, the show gives me similar vibes to that RWBY adaptation from last year.
Looks like A-1 will mess up another anime adaptation of a game.
Jan 7, 2023 10:09 AM

May 2016
I thought 9s was more like "shy" I guess I don't remember right but good episode.
Jan 7, 2023 10:10 AM
Sep 2013
I'ts been simply PERFECT the 3DCG is awesome because it is literally the 3D Models of the machines, they made an anime that has 100% respect for the game itself, the angles of the scenes, EVERYTHING is like in the game, plus it mix route A+B at the same time

And the use of the GAME OST?! OMFG

Wondering how this special route wlll be

Sad that people with some serious problems won't enjoy this anime because they'll start crying for the 3DCG

For those who knows what's to come... LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
I'm not english, i'm spanish, so sorry for my mistakes when i write D:

I figured out the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin back in 2014 :)
Jan 7, 2023 10:10 AM
Dec 2017
play the game ya'll won't regret it 

Jan 7, 2023 10:10 AM

Feb 2014
This is a very rare case for me where I've played the game before seeing how the anime version goes about things. I can count the other shows that I've read or played the original source material on one hand! XD

Anyways, this first episode went as well as I thought it would go, with the game's soundtrack being as excellent as I remember hearing it when I played the game originally in 2019/2020. The 2D animation looks slick and impressive, while the CGI for the most part looks good, mainly on the goliath enemies. The puppet segment at the end, explaining about the different endings of the game before showcasing one of them was hilarious. I hope they do this for future episodes, too!

Aimer's OP song sounds very good and the visuals itself is intriguing. It doesn't explain much, which is probably a good thing, as OP animations do tend to spoil too much on some series, anyways.

Overall, this was a good start to the anime adaptation of Nier Automata and I look forward to reading more comments from the anime-only viewers, positive and negative, in the weeks to come. =)
Jan 7, 2023 10:11 AM

Oct 2018

It's a PS4 game, but why did they use PS1 CGI? I had low expectations, but it was beyond anything I could imagine, at least the best OST of the year is already here.

Funny thing they ended the episode with Ending U, I wonder if they'll make something special about all "false endings"
PhosphophyllitaJan 7, 2023 10:17 AM
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
Jan 7, 2023 10:11 AM
May 2019
its just the game prolog all over again they didnt bother doing any thing new
Jan 7, 2023 10:12 AM

Mar 2018
Oh my god, I loved that. My only gripe is that the flight unit CG models look horrific, not so much the units themselves but the untextured lifeless models of the characters piloting them. Hopefully they.... Improve those models at some point...

Aside from that, so very happy with this. 5/5 premiere for me even with the cgi, beautiful work. Can't wait to see how this retelling unfolds.

And that ending had me in stitches, I did not see that coming.
Jan 7, 2023 10:12 AM
Sep 2013
Phosphophyllita said:

It's a PS4 game, but why did they use PS1 CGI? I had low expectations, but it was beyond anything I could imagine, at least the best OST of the year is already here.

If i say it before.. LOL

PS1 CGI, dude, they're using the IN-GAME MODELS + IN GAME OST
I'm not english, i'm spanish, so sorry for my mistakes when i write D:

I figured out the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin back in 2014 :)
Jan 7, 2023 10:12 AM

Aug 2013
feels good getting to experience this masterpiece all over again except this time in Anime form. Routes A and B seem to be merged together. I'm not expecting a perfect adaptation given the nuances and details that drive the story of the game, but I'm liking what A-1 has brought us so far. The visuals and the soundtrack were perfect too.
Don't believe the hype.
Jan 7, 2023 10:14 AM
Jul 2019
Based off first episode, i'd say this will be decent adaptation. Depends on how many episodes it will have (i dont think ive seen solid source on it yet).
Only thing that really raises slight alarm bells so far is that combat, while good, is fairly underwhelming, especially against you-know-what (if youve seen the episode &/or played the game).
Jan 7, 2023 10:16 AM
Oct 2020
I have never played this game, and yet I loved this episode.
The opening was amazing (ofc its aimer (waiting for amazarashi's ending btw)).
A-1 pictures really did a good job.
And that puppet play kinda thing was so hilarious XD
Jan 7, 2023 10:17 AM

Apr 2020
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Jan 7, 2023 10:19 AM
Feb 2008
Very 1:1 adaptation of game, no surprises so far but I appreciate the effort of the art and stuff, thank you makers.
Jan 7, 2023 10:20 AM
Dec 2020
Not trying to be that guy but the cgi quality threw me off so hard. Otherwise was great adaptation can’t wait to see what they do with it
kosmicburgerzJan 7, 2023 10:25 AM
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