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Zaregoto Series
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Nov 18, 2022 6:00 AM
Oct 2015
serious question,
as some one on the autism spectrum and some one who has worked with countless people on the autism spectrum,
reading boku's monologue and world view along with a lot of his actions just screams asd.

i've never seen a neurotypical with the mentality of some one like him, but have met autistic people who have told me things that are almost word to word like his world view,
even I myself find my self relating to this character in a lot of aspects(but in other aspects im his opposite)

does any one else gets this feeling?

I also have to add, he seems a lot like a very well written example of an egoist taken to its very conclusion, like a max of stirner and of kant.

the he seems to talk alot about being selfish or doing things for his self interest, yets dislikes it when people do things for passion, doing things while being influenced by something outside of their own will, as if morals and justifications were just masks or nonsense/spooks to him, he regularly uses nonsense he uses to describe specific alignments of society and human nature, but despite declaring them as "nonsense" he often still indulges in them, like stirner with his argument that you can still use spooks as long as you are not controlled by them, and here boku seems to me that he is completely apathetic to everything including his whole life, but this is wholly because of his selfishness and not due to anysort of depression or outside influence, its because boku has purged every element out of him he sees as "nonsense" so he doesn't really have much worldly desires and thus in ultimate selfishness, is some one who doesn't seek for much ambition and has no room for greed only to dwell in apathy
[Nonsense though it may be. Before such a thing happens. Not for
passion, but just doing what you ought to do out of primordial self-interest.]
Neostorm-XNov 19, 2022 9:35 PM
Nov 18, 2022 6:07 AM
Oct 2015
Neostorm-X said:
serious question,
as some one on the autism spectrum and some one who has worked with countless people on the autism spectrum,
reading boku's monologue and world view along with a lot of his actions just screams asd.

i've never seen a neurotypical with the mentality of some one like him, but have met autistic people who have told me things that are almost word to word like his world view,
even I myself find my self relating to this character in a lot of aspects(but in other aspects im his opposite)

does any one else gets this feeling?

oh and boku completely lacks the ability to relate to other people, or to sympathize with them, unable to empathize with most people, feels like the protagonist of l'stranger, isolated despite being in close company to others,
some what distant like some barrier is between them, that no matter how long he spends time with people around him he could never understand them, nor could they understand them,
the minimalist nature of his personality how he doesn't care about even his own death, showing apathy when it comes to most things,
yet he gets super angry out of his mind when some one misnames a scooter (vespa part in book 2)along with extremely peculiar tastes in specific trinkets, this seems like a very telling sign of asd.

Nov 19, 2022 1:13 PM
Oct 2015
also there are also lines in the story that makes me think he is also an egoist(the stirner one not the rand one)

lines like this
[“When did people stop being able to do things just for themselves,
It was always out of some sense of duty or of justice.
Out of some feeling of fellowship or of friendship.
“Don’t you think it’s all just nonsense?”

Thinking you can do something for others is nothing more than a happy
delusion. But once you realize it’s only a delusion, as you have now, there’s
no place left to go.

to me the whole "zaregoto" or nonsense, he always says seems to be almost equivalent of what max stirner calls a "spook"

boku constantly usees the term nonsense and i fail to find a good equivilent apart from the term spook by stirner to describe metaphorical concepts that are human constructs that don't exist.
i think the wiki would have a better definition

[ a “spook", is an idea that haunts or possesses you and ostensibly motivates your actions above all else.

God, property, Man, Human, Reason, community, money, the people, love, worker, race, state, morality, etc can all act as spooks when they are held absolutely above all else -- sanctified. When they are sanctified and used as a justification (but more often an excuse) for one's actions, they haunt the person.

This doesn't mean these ideas are useless, but that a consciously interested person would aim to use them for more concrete goals and purposes, and would be cognizant that ideas (and language) can't fully describe unique concrete persons and properties. People and things aren't instantiations of sacred categories or ideas.]

Neostorm-XNov 19, 2022 1:20 PM
Nov 19, 2022 11:12 PM
Oct 2015
also on a quick note about the narcissist thing in case I still haven't made it clear
another telling sign of someone being a narcissist is when they CONSTANTLY blame other people for their own faults and never takes responsibility,
and this is something that eilena doesn't usually do, not does she throw tantrums when she isn't the center of attention,

its ok to call her egotistical, but narcissist is different from being an egoist.

an egoist doesn't care in the slightest of what other people think of them only giving an appearance when its inconvenient, while a narcissist lives and dies on how others see them. and obsess with delusions of grander while an egoist is usually an introvert that doesn't talk or interacts with people unless necessary,

"stand a little out of my sun" -Diogenes to alexander the great upon being asked to grant a wish
only an egoist would value himself above even the emperor, without a care in the world, all while he does not hold a single possession of his own nor any friends. egoists don't care about status or reputation, while narcissists live on reputation

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