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Character Profiles- Create your character here- before moving on to the Practice/Test Roleplaying Sticky

Dec 17, 2009 6:37 PM

Dec 2009
Character Profiles:
Create and develope your characters here. One post to hold characters per member. You can't start roleplaying until your character is approved and you can't start roleplaying as a certain character until that certain character has been approved. Below is the list of exclusive people who have permission to approve and inform you of your character's approval status. Keep your character profiles as succinct but informative as possible.

Requirements for Captain:
Before playing a Captain or Lieutenant roleplay character you must meet the following requirements and note some things;
Right now, only BlackOperations is able to approve who can be a Captain or Lieutenant.
Must display satisfactory roleplaying abilities in terms of grammar, sense, fluidity, fairness, plausibility and relavancy in the Practice/Test Thread.
If you've created a Captain or Lieutenant character in this thread, your Captain or Lieutenant character will wait in this thread till it is approved, put on the waiting list or outright denied for reasons (You're welcome to try again at a later time). Profiles may be edited in order for them to be suitable for approval.
You, as a person playing your characters, must be active enough to maintain anything related to your character' and respond to other characters atleast once a week.

List of people in charge of approving Character Profiles:
BlackOperations [Available]

_ No invincible characters, characters that can't exist in certain RP worlds and avoid one-dimensional characters, everyone has flaws and theres a reason why your character is the way he/she is, she might not be good or evil for the sake of it; state it. No altering your character to your advantage on the spot during a roleplay, although character developement is encouraged and you can train your character in something in advance.

Character Template-
<pre><pre><pre>Character Name:
Brief History:
Appearance: [Height, weight, facial features, hair color, race/nationality/ethnicity, gender, age]
BlackOperationsDec 21, 2009 5:30 PM
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Dec 18, 2009 10:49 PM

Jan 2009
Character Name: Buwie Shingo

Squad: 10th

Rank: Captain (Unless you have requirements)

Shikai: Name of Zanpakuto is Phantym (Yes that's how it's supposed to be spelled.), ファントム: Fantomu Release: Run with me Phantym!, 私とファントム走る:watashi to fantomu hashiru. Regular Katana with a grey and white hilt. With a Wolf paw at the base of the blade. It's a weather type. Sky darkens with storm clouds.

Ability one: Sweep Matanuska, マタヌスカ 押し寄せる: matanusuka oshiyoseru
Calls up wind by the blade resonating. Wind is released when blade is swung. If swung near objects that wind can slice those objects can become part of attack.

Ability two: Defend Talulah, タルラ 守る:tarura mamoru
Summons up water by the blade resonating. When the blade is swung the water creates a shield that can block some long range Kido attacks and attacks from opponents.

Both abilities are not used simultaneously in shikai. It's one or the other.Another thing to note her emotions also affect the weather. The angrier she is the more potent her wind and water abilities are it's not a powerful boost but they can pack a punch.

Ability three: Empower, 権限をあたえる:kengen o ataeru
Lightning/Electricity can be called on to strengthen either of the first two abilities. If strengthening Sweep Matanuska, lightning/electricity can electrify opponent or gather in objects it touches to electrify opponent. In defend Talulah it can gather in the water and zap opponent who touches the shield. The wielder is exempt from this.

Bankai: Name of Bankai: Dance Phantym, ダンスの幻影: Fantomu odori Release: Lend me your wings!, あなたの翼貸す: anata no tsubasa kasu. Wielder sprouts grey angel wings from back and eye's become greyish/silver in color. Blade is crystal, with all the potencies of a regular blade. Guard is triangular while the hilt is a light blue.

Ability one: Tempest, 嵐: arashi
Calls up wind and water by the blade resonating and both are simultaneous each has the amplified affect of Lightning. Water is also now an attack by encasing opponent in a bubble of water if they touch the shield and aren't electrocuted.

Ability two: Rage Vortex, 稼動怒り狂う:kadou ikari kuru'u
When blade is swung a tornado is formed by the attack. Tornado is amplified by electricity and acts much like a normal tornado.

More Bankai Abilities to be added as she learns them in the rp.

Spirit Description: A black winged wolf 8' tall with cobalt blue eyes and silver/grayish angel wings. with Claws the length of a human hand.

Skills: Kido

I will add on to the skills later. Please let me know what other skills you'd like me to put down next to Kido

Personality: Is extremely loyal to squad members and friends. She's not much of a talker but when she does she definitely has a lot to say. She may look weak but she is powerful. She does have a temper when set off. So word of warning always be on her good side.

Brief History: Lived alone in Rukongai but soon realized her powers after she practiced with a friend who had become a Shinigami but was slain by a Hallow. She followed in her friends footsteps and went to the Soul Academy to become a Shinigami.

Appearance: Female and looks around 18-20 in human years but is over 200. She's 5'6" and weighs about 113 pounds. She's got green eye's and her hair is Black with silver tipping. In the human world she was Native American she retains some of those qualities as a Shinigami.

((If you'd like I can find a picture of my character, or at least one close enough, to post.))
buwieshingoDec 19, 2009 3:31 PM
Dec 19, 2009 11:18 AM
Nov 2008
Name: Tatsumaki Aoitora
Squad: 7th
Rank: Captain
Shikai: Hinotaka (Hinotama means fireball but taka means hawk so its name is a pun) release command: Burn, Hinotaka. it resembles a regular sword with a hilt shaped like a T.
Main ability: a large hawk made of flame emerges from the sword.
Other abilities: Endantsume (Fireball talon) target is stabbed with the sword and it a claws shaped flame is launched at them
Kahane: the sword is swung and the flames shape themselves into a wing shaped blade
Housenkuchibushi (phoniex beak): Simlar to the main abililty except flames cover the entire sword and it's wielder in a beak-shaped flame.

Bankai: Akakishi Hinotaka (red knight hinotaka). When activated, the wielder is covered in red knights armour but with a helm that has a figure like a hawks head on top. Also comes with a large claymore with a hilt styled like a birds wing. It gains advanced forms of previous shikai, has well as one attack where a large ball of fire is shot high up in the air, turns into a bird made of fire and targets whatever I'm looking at through the hilt.

Spirit: A man wearing armour simliar to the one gained in bankai with flaming wings on his back.

Skills: Flash steps, kido, swordsmanship master specialist

Personality: ver competitve, sometimes reckless.

History: The son of a previous captain in the 13 court guard. His mother was killed by an unknown Arrancar. After which his father went to Hueco Mundo to track down her killer. After which he joined the 13 protection squads.

Appearance: Male, in his early twenties. About 6'2" and wieghs 130 pounds. Has brown eyes and has short black hair.
TatsumakiDec 21, 2009 6:39 AM
Dec 19, 2009 3:33 PM

Jan 2009
Tatsumaki said:

Appearance: Male, in his early twenties. About 6'2" and ways 125 pounds. Has brown eyes and has short black hair.

((No offense but your guy must be very skinny if he's 6' and only weighs 125 pounds.))
Dec 20, 2009 8:57 AM

Dec 2009
[OOC: Tatsu- Gotta agree with Buwie here but it's still plausible from what I've seen of pictures and considering the bleach universe. If you don't intend for your character to be that skinny then I suggest changing it. It's on the waiting list and it's good to go provided you pass the test for satisfactory roleplaying. Just to let everyone know, this club, the rp and the test may take a day or two to operate. I'm not too good with Japanese.]

Name: Reiko Nishiki
Division: 2nd
Rank: Captain
Shikai: Aptly named Renaissance- it is a long chain attatched to a flail. Compared to other zanpaktou's, it is generally harder to wield efficiently. In order to compensate for her zanpaktou's lack of stability, she trained hard to master tactics/strategies, kido skills and hand to hand combat skills.
Bankai:In Bankai form, the zanpaktou becomes a large boomerang-esque shuriken. Its main ability is phasing. It allows Reiko to phase through and with anything at will as long as her Zanpaktou is nearby and spiritually connected. It should be noted that she still stays visible when phasing and that she is generally susceptible when faced against telekinesis attacks.
Spirit: Her spirit is a black-snake-haired humanoid with yellow eyes and grey skin.
Skills: Flash Step Master, Master Strategist, Master Tactician, Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Kido Expert with some Kido Master spells _Shunkō, Enhanced Endurance.
Personality: On the battlefield and in training, she is ruthless, calculating and strict, often giving others psychopathic undertones. When she is off duty, she posseses a cheerful, whiny and upbeat personality- sometimes people even see her as borderline bratty.
History: It is interesting to note that ever since Shihoin Yoruichi's departure from her position as Commander of the Omnitsukido Corps and Captain of the 2nd division, Central 46 has decided to give the position of Omnitsukido Corps Commander to whoever inherits the 2nd division's Captain position, not wanting another repeat of the incident. Only those who are deemed worthy of the position, will inherit the position. Growing up as one of the lesser nobles in Soul Society- Reiko always dreamed of becoming a Captain so she entered the Shinigami Academy to reach her goals. In her earlier years, she wasn't particularly talented in anything except strategy, but eventually came to develope skills in hand to hand fighting and kido. Once her zanpaktou's ability showed itself to her, she worked even harder on the latter skills in order to compensate. Eventually, she came to be Captain of the 2nd Division.
Appearance: Stands at 5"8', weighs 130 lbs. Looks like she's in her 20-30's but is 413 years old. Black raven-cropped tresses flow from the top of her head (no bangs) and yellow eyes peak open from her visage. She has a lean but muscular figure akin to someone who runs regularly and is trained in physical combat.
BlackOperationsDec 22, 2009 10:58 AM
Dec 22, 2009 5:56 AM

Dec 2009
Is it alright if I use this long form I filled out for another Bleach RP? Also, once the Gotei 13 is stable, could we add in the Espada?

General information
Name: Kita Haruyama
Name Meaning: None in particular
Date of Birth: June 7th
Age: 100
Visual age: 20
Sex: Female
Origin: North America

Physical Information

Visual Appearance: No image available(though I will sketch one when I get the chance)

General Appearance: Kita stands tall and proudly. She has a rather muscular build and is definitely stronger than she may look. She has long and wavy silver hair that contrasts with her amber eyes. Despite it being in a ponytail, it ends around her lower back. She does have some curves but they are hidden from the looseness of her clothing.

Clothing and Armour: She wears the traditional Gotei 13 outfit, her badge tied around her right upper arm with a white cloth. One difference though, is that instead of a white belt, she wears a white ribbon tied in the fashion of a large bow in the back. Of course, her zanpakto's sheath is slung neatly by her hip.


Weight: 140 lbs

Shinigami Information

Division: 5
Rank: 2

Zanpakuto Name: Kourizimaru

Spirit Appearance/Personality/Inner World:
- An albino tiger, with fur as pure white as jus fallen snow. Chocolate brown stripes cover him, and an icy blue gaze comes from his eyes.
- He is calm, mystical, an almost all knowing sort of personality. He almost reflects Lunaria in a way.
- The spirit world is a round, but very large lake of shallow water a couple centimetres deep(but one walks on top of it as if it were solid). The water is illuminated in a way as to create a blue glow about it, with the reflection of the full moon completely eclipsing the surface of the lake. Surrounding the lake is many more ponds, just as shallow as the lake. Between each of these is a border of ebony, smooth rock, which some water spills over like a waterfall. The sky is star-filled.

Zanpakuto Appearance: The standard katana, with a silver blade and black hilt.

Release Phrase: "Show them the truth, Kourizimaru!"

Release Method: She twirls the katana around between her fingers. Abruptly stopping, she holds it in front of her face with her eyes closed for a moment. As she opens them, her zanpakuto has melted into two chakrams.

Shikai Appearance: A pair of icy blue chakrams that are spiked at four sides. The spikes protrude through the rings and intersect to create a cross(and a handle) in the middle.

Shikai Abilities:

- Throwing one of her chakrams, much like a frizbee, she is able to leave an icy path below where ever it may fly over; if it hits its mark, it may leave deep gash that will freeze over, so cold that it feels like it burning. It will then return to her hand.

- Chucking both of her chakrams forward, they spin rapidly close together, the protruding spikes becoming a blur. They split circle around the opponent in opposite directions and then clash together with the target in the middle.

Bankai Name: Not achieved
Release Method:
Bankai Appearance
Bankai Abilities:

Known Kidou: Hado 1-31 and Bakudo 1-30 without incantations. With incantations, she knows Tsuriboshi and Rikuj&#333;k&#333;r&#333;.

Other information

Fighting Level: Advanced

Fighting Style: Her fighting style consists of playing with the opponent, dodging the attacks, acting as if said opponent had no skill. She's quiet good at hiding real injuries or real thoughts. She acts unseriously, to not only to tire out, but to agitate them too. She doesn't release her shikai until she decides the opponent seems like they've had enough. After that, it's no mercy as she uses her agility and strength to defeat them.


Personality: She's quiet, strategic, and very deep minded. Usually, she seems emotionless during daily life to those who do not know her. However, in the company of friends she knows and trusts, she will become much more sociable. It takes a lot to get her angry for she is very calm and tolerable by nature. Despite this, she still loves a good fight every now and then. She is confident and can be cocky at times. She takes pride in her fighting skills, hoping one day to be as powerful as a captain. When she is alone, she spends most of that time training. She has much ambition and whether or not that will take her to the wrong or right places, it can't be known yet.

History: When Kita found herself in the Soul Society, she wasn't exactly sure what to do. For the most part, she was scared and alone, unsure of who was genuine and who did nothing but lie. It did not stop her from learning more about this new world and how it worked. She took up fighting with an old rusted katana, picking friends and enemies in the district she was in. She soon discovered she had a knack for this fighting, and soon enough was accepted to train the Shinigami Academy. She trained daily, excelling in both kido and swordsmanship. During this time, she found her zanpakoto, far in a secluded valley. When she graduated through the academy, she traveled for a while, sort of floating around. She was invited to join squad 5, which she did. That pretty much brings you up to speed.

Other Notes: N/A
LunarflowerDec 22, 2009 6:03 AM
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