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Aug 23, 2022 6:45 PM

Jul 2020
Welcome to The 10th edition of Holo Interviews! Hey look at us, who would've thought, not me! Today for our 10th Holo Interview, we have a very special guest. The Leader of Bibliophiles and Manga: The world's foremost expert on Manga. The greatest appreciator of Azusa from K-on and Klefki from Pokemon. Our guest is Klefki_of_Awsome! And Klefki has taken time out of their busy schedule to sit down with us for an interview.

We arrive at Manga Nation, a sight to behold

As we make our way to The Klefki Library we meet up with Klefki for the interview and exchange pleasantries

Tell us a little about yourself

As some of you may know, I'm a big anime and especially manga fan. I'm 22 years old, my zodiac sign is the Earth rabbit, my size, weight, measurement and gender are all secrets~!<3 I'm a big manga collector, other then that my hobbies include but aren't limited to listening to music, watching anime, drawing, dancing, singing, reading LNs, eating good food, talking to people, chilling out, and daydreaming! I'm a type A, my nationality is Canadian, and my motto in life is "whatever will be, will be!" My favorite genres when it comes to anime include the following: Music, Yuri, SoL, CGDCT, Mahou Shoujo, Iyashikei, Psychological, and Horror. For manga they are Romance, Adventure, Sports, and most of the same ones as anime as well as Shounen and Shoujo~! Shoujo is surprisingly my favorite genre out of all of them!

That's awesome, very nice. How did you get into anime and manga and which ones are your favorite?

I was already a huge cartoon fan before getting anime, but I got into anime knowing it was anime as a bit of a transition in 2009 when I went on this site to look at my favorite cartoons and was looking for something different when I stumbled on K-On!, one of my favorite series of all times, and that was my launchpad into anime fandom as slowly after I started watching Fairy Tail as well as other anime here and then as well! At first I mostly listened to dub but in 2016 I got into Musaigen Phantom World, another favorite, and that got me into watching sub more often as well! I already used to listen to anime before K-On! but I didn't know it was anime (stuff like Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Beyblade [the OG one], etc.). I also got more serious about watching anime in late 2016 (Fall 2016 to be precise!) and have been watching seasonally since then! I watch my anime weekly btw as it allows me to watch more things in smaller time spaces. I got into manga a little later in HS. I had detention one day and for some reason our school had detentions in the library so I went and sat at some table and there was volume 7 of Fairy Tail (in French as I went to a French HS ; French is my main language btw~!<3 ^^b) and started reading it. That was the start of a long and perilous road as I read and re-read all 20 something manga series our school library had at the time!>:P> I got into collecting manga in 2017 when I stumbled on the first volume of Bloom Into You at a hobby shop and got interested in buying manga since then! My favorite anime atm is Fukumenkei Noise and for manga it's a tie between Konohana Kitan, Mieruko-chan, A Couple of Cuckoos, and The Dangers in My Heart !

I see so the detention was the birth of our Manga Leader haha. What is it about manga that you love and makes you so dedicated to it?

As you probably know, manga is a medium usually told in black or white, in other words there as to be a special something for people to be interested in reading them instead of the more flashy comics released in the state. One of my favorite things of manga is that it's something you can get absorbed into. Since there are no colors, you have to rely on all your sense when reading and making sure you catch every glimpse of the action as you turn page after page. It's truly fascinating how manga can get you so absorbed in it that you lose track of your surroundings, it feels like you are being compelled by this Monochrome World to join its ranks! I also love how depending on various factors like setting, art style, paneling, tone, etc., you can never get two of the same scene in a manga! Everything about it draws me to it and I can safely say I will never find a better print medium then manga out there~!<3 ^v^9 I'm also a fan of the reading order of manga (I know, I know, unpopular opinion~). I find it fun that it feels like manga is rebelling to the standards set by the west to stand apart as a monograph~! Also, when I read manga, I start "voicing" the characters in my head, and it makes it feel even more real and I appreciate it even more then!<3

How many manga's would you say you own?

Hmm, that's a though one.. I got a 5th book shelf last Christmas and already filled it up so I would say by now, probably over a 1000, 1500+ books now? (and yes there is no sign of stopping, lol~x'D>)Thing is though, I'll need to change some stuff on the shelves soon, or get a new room as both money and space are a concern at the present.

Over 1500?! That's incredible, but looking at your massive collection it is not surprising. And I would expect nothing less from our Manga leader. As our world's foremost expert on Manga, what would you say makes a manga a masterpiece?

This is a question of personal taste honestly. I don't believe there is such thing as a bad manga per say, but there are some scenes in a manga that are a no-go to me, Stuff like extreme gore are usually a turnoff but it also depends on what series that is. Other then that, graphic BL with lots of sexual stuff and dementia series or anything with lots of bizarre horror or gore in it is also putting off imo.. A Masterpiece is something that can survive the time it came out in and stay good enough in quality that you never get tired of reading it, even in the modern day, something like A Silent Voice or Aria, for example.

Which anime and manga would you recommend to our readers?

I recommend idol animes! Any of them actually! I feel like idol animes are often overlooked and as a long time idol stan this makes me sad as there are a ton of good idol series out there and most of them branch out of anime and into games and such so you can listen to additional songs, even after finishing the anime, which is great if you like music as much as I do, ehehe~!>;P> For manga, The Dangers in My Heart is probably what I would recommend the most rn. I've only read a volume so far but as for romance series go, it's actually really damn good and VERY relatable to anyone who had a first crush in HS and/or went through the awkward stage in life known as puberty~>v>3

Yes Idol animes are the way to go. Who are your favorite characters and who is your waifu?

My One and Only Waifu is Azusa Nakano (Azunyan) from K-On! Fell in love at first sight with her when she appeared in the anime, love her VA's voice, how cute she is, but she also has an amazing personality, a little serious, very proactive, but still knows how to have fun, and I don't think HTT would be the same without her tbh~!<3 X'39 Here is my favorite image of her btw~!<3

My favorite male character is Kazama Kenji, AKA The Best Straight Man (Tsuke) in comedy animanga history~!>:D9 Other favorite male character is limited to Shinra Kusakabe from Fire Force and the male chara in Mashima's works~ IMO Best charas are usually Female charas, such as the ones in my favorites on MAL~!>:D>

Here's a list of other Female charas I absolutely adore as well (though not to the point where they are a waifu as I am a loyal fan, LOL):

Aurora Suya Rhys "Syalis" Kaymin (Best Troll), Yuzu (Konohana Kitan ; Best Fox Girl), Yukina Minato (Best Musician), Roka Shibasaki (Best "Bokke"), Tamaki Kotatsu (Best Fan-Service Chara), Yui (Angel Beats! ; Best Genki Girl), Akari "Momiko, Miss Expert of Happiness, Aquamarine" Mizunashi (Best Cheerer/Healer), Mashiro "Mashiron" Shiina (Best Kuudere), Ayumu Uehara (Best Idol), Rize "Thé des Alizés" Tedeza (Best Tsundere), Miko Yotsuya (Best Horror MC), E.M. Pino (Best Android), Maomao "Shaomao" (Best Chinese Girl), Sarasa Watanabe (Best Actress), Hotaru "Hotarun" Ichijou (Best [Toll] Loli), Aoba Suzukaze (Best Working Chara), Sajuna "Juju" Inui (Best Bishoujo), Kuro "Keroberos #1" (Best Deredere)

I have a question from one of your good friend's @TheBigGuy he asks, what was the first Manga you read?

Fairy Tail, Both the manga and anime served as a gateway into animanga to me and I recommend anyone curious in Fairy Tail to also check out Hiro Mashima's other series, they are all Masterpieces and fantastic adventure series with beyond amazing world building and a comfy-ness in character building and designs you won't see much of anywhere else! (imo)

Do you have any favorite anime OST's?

Argonaut from DanMachi and You Say Run from MHA, most definitely, ehehe~!>;P>

In fact, they remake those OSTs each season, but by far, they are the only of their kind to never be bad,
and that's an impressive fact considering they are at 4 and an upcoming 6th season respectively!0v03

What is the meaning behind your username Klefki_of_Awsome? And what drew you to the jingling of the keys from Klefki?

Klefki_of_Awsome is a lame pun on The Ducky of Awesome, a YouTube channel I used to watch in Middle-Early HS, and it stuck since. I instantly loved Klefki for its design as I am a big key guy and also a fan of
jingling noises like Wind Chimes or well keys, lol~ They just soothe the soul, if you get what I mean~!=v=3

Haha ok cool, cool. As leader of Manga Nation, What made you want to start the club Bibliophiles and Manga?

Well not sure if Milstar (3miL) will like me talking about him without is permission like that, but it all started from a discussion we had when I said how I wanted there to be more active places on MAL for people to talk manga, and that's when he suggested I make a club, so I made one and invited him as co-leader and lead designer for the club and that's how the club started! We are actually approaching our Second Year Anniversary this week and I plan to make special goodies for it so look forward to August 25th for that!>v<>3 Actually, another thing, 3miL designed most of the club pictures you see for the club btw! I did the Winter one though so feel free to check it out if you'd like! (I'll be posting it up again around the Winter solstice this year so around December 21-22 2022). One of the major aspects of the club outside manga and shelves, is the theme of having something seasonal, like to remember others of the time of year when they are too busy to look outside.

Well congratulations on the upcoming second anniversary of your club! How did you get into the card making business and what kind of feeling do you get from making cards for your fellow members of the community?

Well as a card collector who always thought there was a potential for manga edition cards to be made, it was natural that I get in it! It also happened that at that time Milstar also was available to make cards and so for the first few months it went well as people would request cards (and 3miL also made a formal request with SaintZeph in their personal club as they have a thread for people to plug in their card eds for anyone interested in requesting cards and that helped us getting more requesters) but after 2021 it became slowly harder to draw a crowd and lately no one requests them anymore.. Don't know if it's because the size of the editions is intimidating as i had to make huge multi editions due to lack of time or people just don't like them anymore but it's been a dry spell for a little while know.. That said, I always have fun making cards and thinking of the people that will get them~!<3 ^^>3 As I don't get as much time to draw physically these days, cardmaking helps me stretch out my creative muscles once in a while, as I have to think of the font, placement of text, image selection, etc, and time passes by whenever I do that~!>:P>

What drew you to Holo and to joining The Holoist Society?
I've always had respect for our Wise Wolf Leader, not only is she a brilliant scholar and apple merchant, but she is of an extraordinary beauty as well as a charisma rarely seen in individuals (no wonder they call her a goddess, lol~xD). Also, her tail and ears look really fluffy to the touch and I would love to pet them someday, haha~xD> As for why I joined the society, I wanted to support my good friend HoloisHolo in their ambition of World Conquest and proselytization of the Holoist Ways, lol~!>;P>

Thank you for your support my fellow Holoist. Apart from that, What interests do you have outside of anime?

Hmm, I've already mentioned my hobbies outside of anime, but other then those in terms of interest, I have a strong interest in folklore and legends from around the world (which is what got me hooked on Yo-Kai Watch to start with, lol~!>;P>), as well as photography, music as you know of it, and also Pokémon! I actually draw my own pokémons and currently working on drawing number 10000+ these days, ehehe~!>:D> My best inside joke is: I drew too many pokémons, now I have more of them then I have books! LOL ~xDD>

Wow 10000 Pokemons?! That's amazing! Very cool and keep it up. If you could live in the world of an anime you've seen or manga you've read, which would it be and why?

For manga that would be Aria, I just think it's so peaceful and cool looking, also mad props to Kozue Amano for making a water planet Mars, LOL~>:D> For anime, Healer Girl since I want anime girls to heal me with their voices too, hahaha~xD>

Haha very nice. And lastly, anything you would like to say to the readers?

Yes, I do! So for anyone who wants to start something in life, it's never too late to do it, go ahead and try it out, whatever it is, and just roll with it! You'll often find yourself more happy if you try something out even if it doesn't work out, than not trying at all since then you're limiting your possibilities. And even if something doesn't work out, then at least you'll have that experience to help you carry through in life, and perhaps next time you do something new it'll go better then! What I'm trying to say here is don't be afraid to try new things, it's always worth it! Also, for anyone interested in starting a manga collection, a tip from a pro collector: Consider the budget, the layout of shelves and such, and also how much space you have before you start collecting ofc but also afterwards when you are building your collection. It's always imperative that you keep those things in mind, less you find yourself with piles of books everywhere, no money, and no place to step on the ground, and that's just hoarding, not collecting, so dear readers of this interview, and anyone else out there, thanks for listening, and remember: collect at your own pace and capacities! Stay safe and have a good one, Klefki_of_Awesome out!

A very inspirational way to close out our interview. Thank you very much Klefki it was a pleasure to interview you. May Manga last forever as an art form and Glory to Holo!

Glory to Manga and Holo!
HoloisHoloAug 23, 2022 6:53 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Aug 24, 2022 1:29 AM
No.1 Rias Lover

Feb 2021
Klefki amazing

Klefki based

Good read

I love
Aug 24, 2022 5:16 AM
Playing Uranium!

Jun 2017
That went better then I thought, ehe~=v=3
Aug 24, 2022 7:18 AM
Mar 2020
HoloisHolo said:
A Masterpiece is something that can survive the time it came out in and stay good enough in quality that you never get tired of reading it, even in the modern day...

That's a very interesting definition.

HoloisHolo said:
I actually draw my own pokémons and currently working on drawing number 10000+ these days...

Damn, I used to draw (very badly) my own Pokemons and YuGiOh cards when I was a kid, but 10000+? Holy shit, you've made at least 10 pokemon franchises for yourself xD

Also, very good taste for OSTs.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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