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Summertime Rendering
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Jun 30, 2022 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
That's one of the creepiest Shadows I've ever seen in this show. Yikes.

Ushio had a hard time with her emotions and that same goes for Shinpei. Seriously, they've been under the pressure so long now that they need any sort of hope against the Shadows.

Half way through the show now and I think this was one of the most thrilling episodes yet. Crazy how much Shadows can influence their world.
Jun 30, 2022 9:32 AM
Jan 2021
Honestly new fear is unlocked! Imma be watching out for my doppelgänger
Jun 30, 2022 11:16 PM
Apr 2022
the ep left me fucking speechless, this show is something else dude
Jun 30, 2022 11:21 PM

May 2020
God this episode, creepiness and brutality just hit the new high. Also I swear watching Haine speaking with such a cutesy tone was the most creepiest thing I remember in my recent memory. This by no means a step short of Re zero when it comes to randomly killing any character off. Also to think Sou's family was serving those shadows for generations, just obliterate this whole family down to its very last member for godsake.

Also for real the way those fight scenes were animated, low-key gave me the feeling of watching any of those battle shounen lol.

Anyways fifth loop now, and that too with Ushio, really can't wait to see how these next few episodes will play out.
Jun 30, 2022 11:29 PM

Jan 2013
bitch is textbook example of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"
Jun 30, 2022 11:55 PM

May 2019
DISCLAIMER: This episode has a fair bit more bloodshed and gunshots than the previous episodes, so I'd take precaution if you're someone who gets easily queasy with these.

Wow, I thought it was all gonna end here given the circumstances, but boy oh boy is Shinpei really thinking a couple of steps ahead, planning out for all possible eventualities. He really is one of the smarter characters when it comes to death and revival, carefully analyzing his actions and planning out what to do to prevent or further an event; a pretty admirable trait in my opinion.

First of all, I just want to give props to the animators for those scenes in the confrontation with Haine. Aside from all the regular conflict between the anime's main protagonists and antagonists, it was interesting to see that, given her character, this episode was where Tokiko had her eyes open for the most amount of times. Given Haine's stature and voice, it's not surprising that Shiori's shadow was chosen, especially with how significant her shadow is in the series. In terms of how the gunshot scenes were made, it really drives home the point that, along with the OST, there really is no mercy in the Shadows, only doing what they need to accomplish their goal(s) and is not hesitant in killing whoever is in their way.

To finish it off, we have both Ushio & Shinpei going back for the 5th loop, though, as we have learned from previous episodes, every loop draws closer to the summer festival on the 24th. We'll have to see what Shinpei plans on doing now that he's back to the 22nd and we'll probably receive some reasoning as to why next episode's title is "トモダチ” (Friend). A thrilling ending to the first half of the series and the beginning of a wave of new possibilities for how our MCs plan to deal with the Shadows—it still makes me hungry for more, but not in a sadistic Haine kind of way.

"Yes. We've just returned from the future."
Jun 30, 2022 11:58 PM

Jan 2022
Best episode in a long time!!
Jul 1, 2022 12:00 AM
Aug 2020
One thing that I always wonder about time looping stories is whether or not the act of looping erases the previous timeline or not and this episode seems to answer that question as a no as the two main shadows continue speaking after the loop has begun.
Jul 1, 2022 12:11 AM
Oct 2020
It mentioned in the end of episode that it be their 5th loop, but the anime shows they're still looping 4th time. I guess from this point they'll just keep skipping some amount of looping to show how much time they've done to reach their goal right? It's like impossible to write the story for every loop. Or I just miss something
Jul 1, 2022 12:26 AM

Jun 2021
Tokiko Tokiko Tokiko, you fool. Good job getting played like a goddamn fiddle, girl. Now Sou’s dead too. Nice one. I can’t believe that little annoying brat was Heine/Shiori/Mother. Never wanted to slap a “kid” so hard in the face before lol. That big four eyed fucker pissed me off too. At least the big bastard got blasted enough to let Shinpei loop. Lots of sacrifices this episode…

Despite everything, I’m glad they couldn’t touch Shinpei’s eye and the powers it holds. Also glad Ushio managed to get out of that. Hopefully this next loop goes better than the last one. At least they have more information.

But fucking hell, man. This was a brutal episode. The bad guys really “won” this time around in a sense. Hopefully next week turns out better for Shinpei and the gang.
Jul 1, 2022 12:39 AM

Jul 2021
BEST EPISODE UP TO DATE!! The eerie atmosphere is just beautiful in its own capturing and there were some emotional parts too, props to the VA to put the amount of tension in their character's voice and props to the animator for the Ushio and Hizuru segment, it got me so thrilled. Now they're going to their 5th loop, so excited what will come next with the amount of information that they've gathered.
Jul 1, 2022 12:47 AM
Aug 2020
Rhaias said:
It mentioned in the end of episode that it be their 5th loop, but the anime shows they're still looping 4th time. I guess from this point they'll just keep skipping some amount of looping to show how much time they've done to reach their goal right? It's like impossible to write the story for every loop. Or I just miss something

Rewatch the first scene in the first episode.
Jul 1, 2022 12:49 AM

Feb 2019
Summertime render Thursdays let’s gooo

Best episode yet by FAR. Arguably the most dark episode yet as well. So much lore and questions explained today. This was perfect. First episode since we made the podcast ep and it’s validated everything we touched on in there.

Feel bad for Tokiko basically being used like that, but it was pretty obvious from the jump the shadows never had any intention of actually doing anything positive. Her mother being a shadow was a big shock though.

Also rip Mio, seeing best girl get her head splattered like that was rough.

Biggest shock for me was Shinpei’s powers tho. Not even a God could take them away meaning he must have got his looping ability from something above even Haine. Then Ushio being able to pull a reverse uno card on Haine was wild as well.

Episode did a great job of conveying that feeling of hopelessness and despair. I was genuinely wondering how they were gonna get outta this loop for a while there. Shinpei taking the poison was kinda hard to watch ngl.

Can not wait for next week!
Marinate1016Jul 1, 2022 1:16 AM
Jul 1, 2022 12:58 AM
Oct 2020
KingGarland said:
Rhaias said:
It mentioned in the end of episode that it be their 5th loop, but the anime shows they're still looping 4th time. I guess from this point they'll just keep skipping some amount of looping to show how much time they've done to reach their goal right? It's like impossible to write the story for every loop. Or I just miss something

Rewatch the first scene in the first episode.

Oh it's supposed to be first loop? Maybe you right cause I think it's his dream
Jul 1, 2022 1:31 AM

Sep 2019
Another dark and despair episode, huh? I'm looking forward to the next episode with Shinpei's 5th loop.
Jul 1, 2022 1:32 AM

Oct 2021
Animation was smooth asf this episode, some shots were probably done by Arifumi imai.
Jul 1, 2022 1:43 AM

Mar 2020
Woah woah woah. Ughhhh. Looks like Shinpei-kun's power can't be taken away from him!! And Ushio-chan been able to break free from that little girl god Haine. She's so creepy but cute. Still creepy. 😅

So they loop in a more advanced checkpoint again. Hmm and he was able to bring Ushio-chan together. Ughh I want more. Motto motto!!!

The sakuga fight scenes is amazing!!
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
Jul 1, 2022 1:46 AM

Oct 2021
The previous episode wasn't very good, but this one was great!
Jul 1, 2022 1:58 AM
May 2019
Jul 1, 2022 2:12 AM
Jul 2020
every episode is great episode, its just keep getting better and better! best anime of the season for me
Jul 1, 2022 2:40 AM
Nov 2019
I really liked this episode but man, what is going on with all the censuring?

I really hope this was only the episode I watched and there's an uncensored version going around.
Jul 1, 2022 2:48 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Halfway through the season, and I think we just got the best episode yet.

I wonder if any shadow can time leap with Shinpei, or if Ushio is just special. That hand mark on his right arm from who we now know as Haine (it is, right?) seems to be permanent. So much has happened and honestly I might need to re-watch it all, but if I remember correctly, that was Haine's attempt to time leap with Shinpei?

Still unsure about some things, but what I am sure about is how I much I love how Shinpei came prepared with the poison. Perhaps he knew that as they were aware about his eye, (which I'm curious to see how he got it) they would try to keep him alive, so he needed a surefire way to end his life to reset.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jul 1, 2022 3:18 AM
Oct 2021
Just wtf is this Anime, the goosebumps it’s giving me is fukin real! Man, I just want to go into cyro till ep25 so I can binge watching in one go and see the epic conclusion. Pretty sure they hinted it with if Haine dies all shadows will cease to exist which means Ushio will go poof. I surely hope that’s not how it ends
Jul 1, 2022 3:29 AM
May 2017
Jesus Christ this weeks episode is amazing

Jul 1, 2022 3:49 AM

Nov 2020
woahhh, that was insane. so many things happened. furthermore, they did well with the animation. the fight scene was well executed and I was surprised that Shinpei came prepared for the worst-case scenario.

Jul 1, 2022 4:27 AM
Aug 2017
The fact the mark on Shinpei's arm stuck around after the time travel is worrsiome. To an extent the effect of a previous loop will stick around, good thing Ushio recovered her arm before they looped. Also I wonder if Ushio coming back with him like that and teleporting overwrites the Ushio in this timeline? or will there now be 2 shadow Ushios?
Jul 1, 2022 4:37 AM

Oct 2016
Holy fucking shit, this one of the best episodes so far of the show, but it's definitely the most brutal so far.

They really went ham this episode though, the voice acting too like damn, these are some top notch voice acting, especially Tokiko, her voice sounds so damn powerful. Haine's really stood out too.

Big multi-eyed, multi-armed shadow dummy thicc though. Can't wait for the next episode.
Jul 1, 2022 5:04 AM

Dec 2021
So brutal, So much blood everywhere, man i like this, lesgo back the the past once again, tbh i totally forgot about mc power

Cant wait to see 2 shadow Ushio hehe
Jul 1, 2022 5:10 AM

Feb 2019
New checkpoint with new knowledge and Ushio is right here.

A part of me wonder now Shinpei brought Shio from the future parallel line, does this mean there is now 2 shadow ushios in this timeline?
The line below is True.
The line above is False.
Jul 1, 2022 5:58 AM
Jul 2021
haine sounds like frederica from Eighty-six ngl
Jul 1, 2022 6:40 AM
Oct 2020
DanielCrynn said:
haine sounds like frederica from Eighty-six ngl
both of them have same VA, Misaki Kuno
Jul 1, 2022 7:30 AM

Jul 2017
Shinpei finally having found the Shadows "Mother" Hiroko no Mikoto a.k.a Haine that has her left eye ripped off, and this episode finally, FINALLY had the lingering answer that we all wanted to see: Shiori's Shadow being the literal mastermind behind the whole Shadow debacle in Hitogashima and the deaths of those copied.

Slowly, one by one, everything and everyone gets connected: Sou's father being the catalyst for the adept fodder of humans, their bodies being offers of sacrifice with the help of his sister Tokiko, whom has no choice but to go along with the plan to cure their mother, where in actual fact, she was just a tool and vassal.

The action this episode is really good, amplifying Shinpei and Ushio's teamwork while stopping Haine, and holy balls, if this aired on Japanese TV of the bloody slicing of Shinpei's fingers and the ripping of his right eye that originally belonged to Haine, this would've been censored to death. But it's clear that Haine's guardian stands above all with the real Mio as hostage, and their fate really has only one way: death.

Shinpei's time travel mechanic only guarantees him as a better hostage than Mio, the guardian crushing her skull and ending her life then and there. Hizuru and Totsumura coming in at the right time for Shinpei to poison himself in self-homicide rather than be their toy, it was a risky move, but a necessity to reloop back in time, bring Shadow Ushio along, and tell Hizuru the truth, now that they know all that's happened thus far.

The reloop has been made, and this is the redemption story of Shinpei and Ushio in their 5th loop, the full story of the Shadows existence.

With an episode like "Bloody Night" right at the half-way mark of the complete manga-to-anime adaptation of this work, it's certainly bloody, but hits all the right notes to mark this as the best episode BY FAR. And we're only halfway there.
Jul 1, 2022 8:27 AM

Jun 2016
i swear to the god , this show is amazingly good !!
Jul 1, 2022 8:40 AM

Oct 2015
Haine and the big shadow villain have made a mess, I'm really digging their style. I like Haine, she's too cute to be an arch villain, that's Japan for you; peculiar and amazing

Rendering with Ushio was a total surprise.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jul 1, 2022 8:56 AM

Jan 2012
Probably the best episode so far, and considering how good this series has been that's saying something.
Jul 1, 2022 9:02 AM

Jan 2017
So that's what the show means by "Rendering", clever clever

yo the reveal that Sou's mother was a shadow all these years was brutal, wtf man
Jul 1, 2022 10:03 AM

Oct 2011
What an amazing episode!!!!
Jul 1, 2022 10:07 AM

Feb 2022
This episode is soo good.
Jul 1, 2022 10:15 AM

Feb 2021
this episode is 10/10 from animation, voice acting and development of the plot! Haine as always is really interesting especially when she takes the shiori form i really like when she appears lol
Tokiko and sou’s voice actors really outdid themselves their performance is brilliant
and shinpei is the mvp this episode he took on so much suffering and he is still standing and his resolve is even stronger, i really love when he gets into objective mode too
Jul 1, 2022 11:05 AM

Apr 2014
ShiroNoFune said:
I really liked this episode but man, what is going on with all the censuring?

I really hope this was only the episode I watched and there's an uncensored version going around.

What did they censor?
"Even villains have standards"

Jul 1, 2022 11:08 AM
Nov 2019
AcceleratorAngel said:

What did they censor?

Jul 1, 2022 11:12 AM

May 2020
that was a really good ep
cant wait for the next one

Jul 1, 2022 11:49 AM
Jan 2022
Daaamn I cant watch this show weekly...Binge watch is the way to go for this show...Animation is just godly at this point.Why couldnt we get such godly animation for 2020 Higurashi Sequel😔😔
Jul 1, 2022 12:01 PM
Jan 2022
Rhaias said:

Oh it's supposed to be first loop? Maybe you right cause I think it's his dream
I rewatched Episode 1 starting and yes its clear that Ushio shadow gave Shinpei her eye(timetravel power) as gift
Jul 1, 2022 12:27 PM
Aug 2015
What an episode..I kind of want them to figure out a way to deal with the shadows because every loop they come back. The only one they kill consistenly is Mio's. The other ones are just too powerful.
Jul 1, 2022 12:41 PM

Sep 2016
I’m very glad everything is back in this episode.
I hope OLM can put more effort here after Komi S2 has finished airing. The outsourcing of previous episodes in a row is painful to watch.
Jul 1, 2022 1:16 PM

Jul 2014
I cannot take an antagonist voiced by Misaki Kuno seriously on any level. I like Misaki Kuno, but a voice as unnatural and high-pitched as hers does not fit a main antagonist at all. Nor can I take seriously the hyper-exaggerated faces that came back again at certain moments this episode, and I wish that was something the show would just stop doing because it completely breaks my immersion for a moment.

That aside, excellent fight and an interesting explanation of how Shinpei's power actually works, although I'm struggling to reconcile that explanation with the fact that he starts each new loop a little bit further forward than the last: is it only acting like that because he hasn't mastered it, or is that how it's supposed to work? But why would that be how it works if the power allows the user to view the timelines parallel to each other?

Either way, the situation still looks very hopeless for Shinpei and co and I can only assume that Haine's mark remaining on him in the new loop is very much a bad sign.
Jul 1, 2022 1:38 PM
Aug 2018
So good. I can't take this show only being released one episode a week, I'm gonna go crazy. This anime might be the first to make me read the manga!
Jul 1, 2022 1:45 PM

May 2021
Great episode! Toki's mother is...a shadow! She took Shinpei's time looping eye... though it seems she can't simply take it away from him. And it seems that if he masters that eye then he will be able to use it not only when he dies. Mio was killed! Nagumo shot the shadow! Shinpei swallowed poison! Ushio turned the corrosion back on Haine! Shinpei took Ushio along with him!
Wow...this episode was just so amazing!

Looking forward to the next episode!
Jul 1, 2022 2:20 PM

Apr 2018
cities516 said:
I’m very glad everything is back in this episode.
I hope OLM can put more effort here after Komi S2 has finished airing. The outsourcing of previous episodes in a row is painful to watch.

normally apart from the final season of pokemon (which is managed by team A), they don't have any other project on the fire until the end of the year.

They normally have all the time to polish the anime on the next 13 episodes during the whole summer.
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