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Jun 2, 2022 3:29 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin

As the sailed, they could see land ahead. Cedric got excited, since they have been a few days on the boat.
Jun 4, 2022 7:44 AM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 1/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 15/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 10/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 10/10

As they saw the boat getting close, the Mother Siren started to sing to get control over Elias. She commanded him to throw himself off the boat. Meanwhile, the Daughters wrap their water whips around Cedric's ankles and pulled him out of the boat.
linetteJun 4, 2022 7:50 AM
Jun 5, 2022 11:05 AM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Elias would end up throwing himself of the boat and losing a lifespan. He pups then use his swords to fall on all of the girls while also swimming towards them.
Jun 6, 2022 5:24 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (14/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 9/10

Suddenly, Elias started to get close to the edge of the boat. When he saw Elias was about to jump, he started dash toward the man. Only to get pulled by his ankles toward the other side of the boat. Cedric tried to grab the edge of the boat to stop himself from being pulled, but he wasn't able to hold on for long. Once he felt on the water, losing 1 lifespan, he saw the 2 sirens. Cedric shot an arrow at each of them to get set free and swim to the surface.
linetteJun 6, 2022 5:27 PM
Jun 6, 2022 5:44 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 2/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 14/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 1/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 8/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 8/10

The 3 sirens got hurt by Elias' attack, shrieking in pain. Since Elias broke out of her control, now Mother would use it on Cedric so he stay still and drown. The daughters were in cooldown, so they would swim under the surface and got close to their mother for protection.
Jun 10, 2022 2:42 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 2/2 post use, 0/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 0/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 6/7

Elias manage to hurt the sirens but he had also gotten hurt from jumping into the middle of the sea. He would swim to the mother to stop her from taking control of them as he was previously doing. he would swing his sword towards the mother while making it rain swords on them. He would them swim back to Cedric and make it rain lightning on them. Would do 1000X the damage because they where in water. He would also use his fire tornado on all three of the mermaids heads.
Jun 10, 2022 4:34 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (11/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 9/10

He lost control of himself for a moment, drowning and not able to move. Elias got close and grab him so he wouldn't keep drowning. He cough water when he reached the surface, getting back the control over his body. He notice a small island and decided to swim towards it to be on some ground. He did it just in time, before Elias shot his lightning on the water. After Cedric catch his breath, he stood his ground and shot an arrow to each of the sirens.
linetteJun 10, 2022 4:39 PM
Jun 10, 2022 4:45 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 2/2 post use, 1/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 12/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 2/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 6/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 6/10

When the Mother noticed that her powers weren't as strong on these men, she signal the girls to swim and hide deep under water to avoid the attack. But, they got electrocuted with Elias' second attack, losing each 2 lifespans. The sirens shriek again out of pain, getting mad and wanting to kill them now more than anything.
Jun 10, 2022 4:54 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 2/2 post use, 1/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 2/2 post use, 0/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 9/10

They would swim to land and he would cover for Cedric while he caught his breath. He wondered if his lighting scared them of if their abilities where just on cooldown. He would use the lightning on them again to lure them out. He would get some rocks and cover them ins soft grass to make ear covers and hand two to Cedric. He didn't want the mermaids to take control with their song
Jun 10, 2022 5:08 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (11/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 9/10

Cedric didn't saw any movement either, so took the time to rip some of his clothes and put the fabric to cover his ear holes. Elias offered some grass, but he though the fabric would be better. Then he turn into his Celestial Bear form, ready to swing his ax toward any siren on sight.
Jun 10, 2022 5:16 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 2/2 post use, 2/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 3/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 4/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 4/10

They again got hurt by Elias' lightning attack, losing 2 lifespans each. The sirens were still in cooldown, so they stay under water to avoid attacks.
Jun 10, 2022 5:26 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 2/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 2/2 post use, 1/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 9/10

Since Elias didn't want to mess up his clothes because they did not know when they could replace them, he kept to his method. He got annoyed by the sirens since his hunch was right about their powers being on cooldown, "Damn annoying bitches. Your going to have to get real close now to use the song" He was hoping they would so he could chop them up and grill them.
Sakura_megamiJun 10, 2022 5:53 PM
Jun 10, 2022 5:38 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (11/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 9/10

There wasn't much to do while the sirens were hiding, so he stay next to Elias as he waited for any sign of them.
Jun 10, 2022 5:41 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 2/2 post use, 3/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 4/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 4/10

Seems the men weren't attacking anymore, so the Daughters each used their Water Whips to grab Elias and Cedric and pull them under the water to drown. As they were struggling to be set free, the Mother swing by and hit them with her tail and scratch them with her claws.
Jun 10, 2022 6:04 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 2/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 9/10

Elias got hit by the water whips but when the siren came, he would swing his swords to cut the tail than clash with the claws. He also use the fire tornado since she was part of water. It would also rain down swords on all of the sirens.
Jun 10, 2022 6:51 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (11/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 7/10

Cedric got pulled under water, losing a lifespan. He struggle to get set free as he saw the Mother siren getting close to hurt him. Cedric decided to switch to his Celestial Deer and cage the Mother, which made her fall to the bottom of sea floor. He lost another lifespan since he was drowning under water.
Jun 10, 2022 7:05 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 1/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 4/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 4/10

Even if her Daughter was able to grab one of the men, she got capture and felt to the bottom of the ocean. She struggle to get free from the cage, pointlessly. Now that the Daughters were in cooldown, Cedric was set free. One Daughter swim down to try and help her Mother free, while the other one stayed with Cedric to hurt him with her claws and tail.
Jun 10, 2022 8:38 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 9/10

He managed to not get dragged underwater. He would swim down to get Cedric while using his lightning on all the girls
Jun 10, 2022 8:54 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (11/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 5/10

Elias was able to pull him out, Cedric started to cough and catch his breath. He turn his hands into fist, annoyed that this sirens were kicking his butt.
Jun 10, 2022 8:57 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 2/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 2/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 4/10

One of the Daughters was still close to the surface, so she lost 2 lifespans. While the other Daughter and Mother were down, fighting to break the cage.
Jun 11, 2022 9:03 AM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 2/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 9/10

He would make it rain down swords to the ladies, if only the daughter was above ground. It would only affect her
Jun 11, 2022 7:08 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (10/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 5/10

Finally on his feet, he would use his bow and arrow to shoot at the siren once.
Jun 11, 2022 7:10 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 3/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 2/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 4/10

The Daughter swim down to meat with sister and mother. Not being able to set the Mother free and the Daughters being in cooldown, they stay deep down not knowing what to do.
Jun 11, 2022 7:19 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 2/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 9/10

He would wait for the sirens to get back out. He was better since they where again on the ground and ok.
Jun 11, 2022 7:26 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (10/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 5/10

Cedric glance at the boat, that was getting off track since no one was driving it. He glance at the water, then said "I'm going to swim towards the boat, that may lure them out and we can finish them"
Jun 11, 2022 7:28 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 2/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 4/10

The Daughters end up swimming to the surface again, leaving their Mother behind. They used their Water Whips to wrap the men and pull them to the water once more.
Jun 11, 2022 7:33 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 8/10

Cedric offered to use himself as best and he was going to advise against it but they both would end up pulling them to the water. He would hold his breath and swim towards the siren since she was already pulling him. He would use his sword to cut her while also using his sword rain on the girls since they where now visible to him.
Jun 11, 2022 7:50 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 2/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (10/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 4/10

Cedric got pull on the water again, but used his Celestial Deer to cage the siren as well. Once free, he swim to the surface and swim toward the boat.
Jun 11, 2022 7:53 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 1/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 2/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 3/10

One of the Daughters got cage by Cedric as well, sinking to the ocean's floor. The other Daughter got surprised by Elias swinging his sword, slow-notion for her since he was under water. She was able to evade it, as she scratch and his him with her tail. But, she got hurt by Elias' attack since she wasn't paying attention and got to close to the surface. She then notice her sister and mother were in cage, so decided to swim to them.
Jun 11, 2022 7:57 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 7/10

He would get hurt again by the siren than head up for air. He waited for the mermaids to go after Cedric or himself so he could attack again.
Jun 11, 2022 8:03 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (10/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 4/10

He was able to reach the boat and climb on board. Cedric then glance to see Elias on the surface. He moved the boat close to Elias so he could get on.
linetteJun 12, 2022 10:22 AM
Jun 11, 2022 8:06 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 1/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 2/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 3/10

The free siren stay down with her sister and mother.
Jun 11, 2022 8:09 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 7/10

Elias would get on the boat, ”we need a plan or a way for those sirens to not pull us under water” he would hug and check on Cedric to make sure he was ok.
Jun 11, 2022 8:18 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 2/2 post use, 2/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (10/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 4/10

Cedric fluster when Elias hug him suddenly, but he was mostly tired than badly hurt. He answered "More than anything, we need to pull them from the surface. Two are cage, the one free won't come out until she passes her cooldown"
linetteJun 12, 2022 10:22 AM
Jun 11, 2022 8:18 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 2/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 2/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 3/10

The free siren stay down with her sister and mother.
Jun 11, 2022 8:38 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 7/10

”if only there was a way to cage them in the ground as opposed to water. We’d have to find a way to flip your cage or drag them to the ground… he was thinking outload and brainstorming
Jun 12, 2022 10:38 AM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (10/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 4/10

Cedric suggested "There is no other way around, we will have to jump and swim down to tie the cage and pull it up. What do you think?"
Jun 13, 2022 5:19 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 7/10

"I think it be worth it in the long run. Its worst fighting in their territory. I will cover you while you pull them up one at a time" He would start to swim down towards the daughter to strike her with his swords and keep her attention occupied
Jun 13, 2022 5:56 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (10/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 4/10

He nod, then tied 2 ropes at the boat's pole and then jump back to the water. Cedric took a big breath and swim down toward the cages. He tied the rope on the first cage, then swim up to catch his breath. Then he did it again for the second cage.
Jun 13, 2022 6:00 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 10/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 2/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 3/10

The free Siren notice Elias getting closer to them as he swing his sword. She was able to evade and use her Water Whip to immobilize him and hit him against a rock.

Meanwhile the other two were panicking as Cedric swing towards them, the Daughter used her Water Whips to immobilize Cedric and bring him towards her to scratch him with her claws.
Jun 13, 2022 6:15 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 1/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 7/10

Since he was immobilized, he would use his lightning underwater to stop her from attacking Cedric. Both the daughter and himself would be electrified since water conducts electricity.
Jun 13, 2022 6:26 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (6/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 3/10

Cedric got hit by Elias' lightning as well, since it travel through the whole area. He then swim toward the boat and climb on top, then started to pull in the cages with the rope. Once the cages were hanging from the boat, Cedric got close and shot two arrows at each of the Sirens.
Jun 13, 2022 6:32 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 8/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 1/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 0/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 2/10

The free Siren swim away as she saw her family being pulled out of the water. She couldn't help but try to pull the cages back in the water.

The ones on the cage got hurt by an arrow, the Daughter died and the mother shriek out of hatred to the humans for killing her Daughter.
Jun 13, 2022 6:37 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 2/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 2/2 post use, 1/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 1/2 post use, 2/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 7/10

While the lady was focused on saving her Mother, Elias would stab her from behind with his blade. Meanwhile swords would rain on both of the women. Once only the mother was left, caged and above water, he would use his fire storm to burn her alive
Sakura_megamiJun 13, 2022 6:45 PM
Jun 13, 2022 6:43 PM

May 2009
Singing- takes control of someone. 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan- 0/15
Water whips- manipulates the water to grab them and pull down. 1/1 post use, 1/3 post cooldown.
Lifespan 1st Daughter- 0/10
Lifespan of 2nd Daughter- 0/10

They eventually killed them, earning 70 LP.
Jun 13, 2022 6:43 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (6/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 3/10

He sigh as they finally finish their fight, dropping the cages back to the bottom of the ocean and waiting for Elias to hop back on the boat so they can drive to shore.
Jun 13, 2022 6:48 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 2/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 2/2 post use, 1/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 1/2 post use, 2/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 7/10

He would hop back on the boat, "we may have to find a way that's not through water. He checked and tried to take care of Cedrics wounds. Giving their circumstances with everything wet."
Jun 13, 2022 6:53 PM

May 2009
Cedric Seishin
Celestial Deer- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Bear- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Celestial Owl- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Keeps form.
Weapon: Medium War Bow (6/16 arrows)
Lifespan: 3/10

Once the arrive at the shore, he got off the boat and sat down at the floor. He sigh and said "That was intense... Oh, can I try something?"
Jun 13, 2022 6:55 PM

Dec 2016
Elias Pendragon

Sword Rain- 2/2 post use, 2/2+ post cooldown
Black Lightning- 2/2 post use, 1/2+ post cooldown
Fire Tornado- 1/2 post use, 2/2 post cooldown
Weapon: Sword
Lifespan: 7/10

He would lay next to him, also a bit out of breath from their fight with the sirens
"Yeah~ go ahead~"
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Jun 26, 2023 6:25 PM

Sticky: » Institute's Registration -Character Creation- ( 1 2 )

Sakura_megami - Sep 18, 2018

86 by Astachanna »»
Jun 26, 2023 4:06 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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