Fruits Basket Collector's Edition
Available on Manga Store
May 7, 2022 7:26 PM
This is the first time in my nearly two decades of anime watching that I felt so much bothered personally, that I wanted to vent to others through forum. I was late watching Furuba adaptation since the old adaptation that I watched in 2008 didn’t leave much impression on me. And I forgot almost everything so this time around the character Akito came as total surprise to me. Assuming this adaptation is faithful to the manga, I am seriously wondering why the author intended to design the character like this. I can’t bring myself to start season 3 because of Akito knowing they will show her redemption arc First of all, a character who is abusive, manipulative isnt new, but the delivery of abuse is disturbing, unnecessary and takes up half the screen time. To me, Akito is always kind of crawling and slithering across the floor, then inappropriately touching everyone all over the place, on top of that beating, scratching, slapping, molesting the shit out of people Akito hitting the nail on the core of everyone’s psychological issues and use that to abuse them every time also seems far fetched. Going into this anime, I thought the biggest hurdle would be breaking the curse since that itself is serious enough, but now it seems to be all about Akito. Whatever the backstory of Akitos life I am assuming it would be repressed sexuality by her family since she is head of family Also how each of the male members stay silent on the horrible abuse of female in the hands of Akito. Not every abused girl tries to molest boys and beats girls. Some peoplr are born evil, not everyone knows how to inflict abuse despite themselves being abused.Specially Shigure, Kureno, Hatori. They are much older, I don’t see how Akito can again successfully manipulate their mind to sleep with her, coddle her or whatever. So it’s consciously from them, maybe partially. Specially Shigure’s motive seems ridiculous and trivial(I am guessing) I can’t seem to move past this because I don’t think I can stand Akito anymore to watch the actual story on zodiac curse that I am interested. Also what was the case for previous family heads. They were the same? So same pattern of relationship existed? How far does Soma family influence go so that no one dares to break out of this family and live their own life. This one character is giving me headaches , I am getting too old for anime maybe. |
May 7, 2022 7:34 PM
As you move forward with Akito's progression, there'll be more emphasis and you'll somehow get a clearer understanding of why Akito abuses other people's own psychological and well obviously a character like her is meant to be hated in the end but if you can't handle it, just drop the series, simple. |
May 7, 2022 7:56 PM
The reason fruits basket is so highly rated is because of the great story telling and akito is one of if not the best written characters I’ve seen in 20 years of watching anime / reading manga. |
May 7, 2022 8:04 PM
May 7, 2022 8:06 PM
nushrathumaira said: This is the first time in my nearly two decades of anime watching that I felt so much bothered personally, that I wanted to vent to others through forum. I was late watching Furuba adaptation since the old adaptation that I watched in 2008 didn’t leave much impression on me. And I forgot almost everything so this time around the character Akito came as total surprise to me. Assuming this adaptation is faithful to the manga, I am seriously wondering why the author intended to design the character like this. I can’t bring myself to start season 3 because of Akito knowing they will show her redemption arc First of all, a character who is abusive, manipulative isnt new, but the delivery of abuse is disturbing, unnecessary and takes up half the screen time. To me, Akito is always kind of crawling and slithering across the floor, then inappropriately touching everyone all over the place, on top of that beating, scratching, slapping, molesting the shit out of people Akito hitting the nail on the core of everyone’s psychological issues and use that to abuse them every time also seems far fetched. Going into this anime, I thought the biggest hurdle would be breaking the curse since that itself is serious enough, but now it seems to be all about Akito. Whatever the backstory of Akitos life I am assuming it would be repressed sexuality by her family since she is head of family Also how each of the male members stay silent on the horrible abuse of female in the hands of Akito. Not every abused girl tries to molest boys and beats girls. Some peoplr are born evil, not everyone knows how to inflict abuse despite themselves being abused.Specially Shigure, Kureno, Hatori. They are much older, I don’t see how Akito can again successfully manipulate their mind to sleep with her, coddle her or whatever. So it’s consciously from them, maybe partially. Specially Shigure’s motive seems ridiculous and trivial(I am guessing) I can’t seem to move past this because I don’t think I can stand Akito anymore to watch the actual story on zodiac curse that I am interested. Also what was the case for previous family heads. They were the same? So same pattern of relationship existed? How far does Soma family influence go so that no one dares to break out of this family and live their own life. This one character is giving me headaches , I am getting too old for anime maybe. You're never too old for anime my dude |
May 7, 2022 8:11 PM
CQLLIST said: hating a character is fine, but for me I just feel very uncomfortable about the whole character design so I wanted to get an understanding from others if they thought so too, like the characters’s actions are unnecessary and maybe there would have been other options available to center the plot around.As you move forward with Akito's progression, there'll be more emphasis and you'll somehow get a clearer understanding of why Akito abuses other people's own psychological and well obviously a character like her is meant to be hated in the end but if you can't handle it, just drop the series, simple. |
May 7, 2022 8:13 PM
MK17_2 said: nushrathumaira said: This is the first time in my nearly two decades of anime watching that I felt so much bothered personally, that I wanted to vent to others through forum. I was late watching Furuba adaptation since the old adaptation that I watched in 2008 didn’t leave much impression on me. And I forgot almost everything so this time around the character Akito came as total surprise to me. Assuming this adaptation is faithful to the manga, I am seriously wondering why the author intended to design the character like this. I can’t bring myself to start season 3 because of Akito knowing they will show her redemption arc First of all, a character who is abusive, manipulative isnt new, but the delivery of abuse is disturbing, unnecessary and takes up half the screen time. To me, Akito is always kind of crawling and slithering across the floor, then inappropriately touching everyone all over the place, on top of that beating, scratching, slapping, molesting the shit out of people Akito hitting the nail on the core of everyone’s psychological issues and use that to abuse them every time also seems far fetched. Going into this anime, I thought the biggest hurdle would be breaking the curse since that itself is serious enough, but now it seems to be all about Akito. Whatever the backstory of Akitos life I am assuming it would be repressed sexuality by her family since she is head of family Also how each of the male members stay silent on the horrible abuse of female in the hands of Akito. Not every abused girl tries to molest boys and beats girls. Some peoplr are born evil, not everyone knows how to inflict abuse despite themselves being abused.Specially Shigure, Kureno, Hatori. They are much older, I don’t see how Akito can again successfully manipulate their mind to sleep with her, coddle her or whatever. So it’s consciously from them, maybe partially. Specially Shigure’s motive seems ridiculous and trivial(I am guessing) I can’t seem to move past this because I don’t think I can stand Akito anymore to watch the actual story on zodiac curse that I am interested. Also what was the case for previous family heads. They were the same? So same pattern of relationship existed? How far does Soma family influence go so that no one dares to break out of this family and live their own life. This one character is giving me headaches , I am getting too old for anime maybe. You're never too old for anime my dude I thought so too but clearly too old for some of them. |
May 7, 2022 8:17 PM
1nsert__Usernam3 said: needless to say I disagree on the character part, but storytelling wise yes old and new adaptations or the manga itself is good. As a central or pivotal character to influence everything, I just don’t like the character design and it takes away focus from all others, adds repetitive flashbacks of same abusive scenes over and over.The reason fruits basket is so highly rated is because of the great story telling and akito is one of if not the best written characters I’ve seen in 20 years of watching anime / reading manga. |
May 7, 2022 8:25 PM
It is rather conflicting...I wouldn't go as far to tell you to drop it. It's not my fave season but I must say it had some beautiful moments. I'm not pleased with her arc etc. Not at all. Her character is scum like. Attitude legit oozes some entitled god complex. Many people did suffer and are still going to carry her abuse with them for a long time. Nothing can justify her and what she did. Cause she still did it, kept hurting people and played the victim to great lengths. Jeez I needa stop ranting soz. However, I do believe that her character adds some sort of depth to the story and to the other characters. A damn good story always seems to have a well written villan. I don't like that idea but it's like undeniable at times. And that's what I find peace of mind in. Shitty characters like her are supposed to provoke us (even tho they're 2D SOBs) and just trigger you (universal you) like nobody's damn business it's insane. I think you're apretty decent person to be triggered by scum like behaviour. We don't have to like her but her stupid complex character in a way is needed to rattle your core. Make you feel something. I'm not defending her. But her existence isn't entirely an unnecessary thing. But ey that's just my take on it. I do get what you're saying tho. See it through. Find something worthwhile in it. Like why not |
May 7, 2022 9:10 PM
First time in 2 decades you are watching a dark season? The whole thing is you feel uncomfortable and disturbed by Akito's behaviour Well that's a reason bro, like every villain, she was also cheated on by her own family members. So ofc she is violent towards them. But try to watch s3 bro, it's darker but it's also beautiful. You will surely like it just complete it, if u have come this far. |
Anayan_KashyapMay 7, 2022 9:19 PM
WISHED I COULD ALSO GET TRANSPORTED TO A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC And DUNGEONS, please take me there too if you could ( ◜‿◝ )♡ |
May 7, 2022 9:57 PM
Akito was ass but the third season is something beautiful. |
May 8, 2022 12:04 AM
nushrathumaira said: This is the first time in my nearly two decades of anime watching that I felt so much bothered personally, that I wanted to vent to others through forum. I was late watching Furuba adaptation since the old adaptation that I watched in 2008 didn’t leave much impression on me. And I forgot almost everything so this time around the character Akito came as total surprise to me. Assuming this adaptation is faithful to the manga, I am seriously wondering why the author intended to design the character like this. I can’t bring myself to start season 3 because of Akito knowing they will show her redemption arc First of all, a character who is abusive, manipulative isnt new, but the delivery of abuse is disturbing, unnecessary and takes up half the screen time. To me, Akito is always kind of crawling and slithering across the floor, then inappropriately touching everyone all over the place, on top of that beating, scratching, slapping, molesting the shit out of people Akito hitting the nail on the core of everyone’s psychological issues and use that to abuse them every time also seems far fetched. Going into this anime, I thought the biggest hurdle would be breaking the curse since that itself is serious enough, but now it seems to be all about Akito. Whatever the backstory of Akitos life I am assuming it would be repressed sexuality by her family since she is head of family Also how each of the male members stay silent on the horrible abuse of female in the hands of Akito. Not every abused girl tries to molest boys and beats girls. Some peoplr are born evil, not everyone knows how to inflict abuse despite themselves being abused.Specially Shigure, Kureno, Hatori. They are much older, I don’t see how Akito can again successfully manipulate their mind to sleep with her, coddle her or whatever. So it’s consciously from them, maybe partially. Specially Shigure’s motive seems ridiculous and trivial(I am guessing) I can’t seem to move past this because I don’t think I can stand Akito anymore to watch the actual story on zodiac curse that I am interested. Also what was the case for previous family heads. They were the same? So same pattern of relationship existed? How far does Soma family influence go so that no one dares to break out of this family and live their own life. This one character is giving me headaches , I am getting too old for anime maybe. You’ll need to watch season 3 to know about that If you want spoilers, I can elaborate why I loved her redemption arc and how everything related to her character felt believable once I saw season 3 |
If you are from South East Asia, then I request you, when you will start an anime, you search if it is available on Muse Asia and Ani-one Asia, before looking through piracy websites |
May 8, 2022 1:00 AM
Anayan_Kashyap said: First time in 2 decades you are watching a dark season? The whole thing is you feel uncomfortable and disturbed by Akito's behaviour Well that's a reason bro, like every villain, she was also cheated on by her own family members. So ofc she is violent towards them. But try to watch s3 bro, it's darker but it's also beautiful. You will surely like it just complete it, if u have come this far. I don’t consider fruis basket dark, psychological complexes caused by abuse and somewhat fictional yet realistic concepts, but not dark. At the end, the problem about zodiac and god are not real enough for me. Also, Not every violated person retaliate, and a child being that twisted from early age isn’t that common, in my opinion. But my point was actually different, it was about the portrayal of her as villain. It feels childish, vein and so creepy. And my peeve about a single person influencing everything everyone is questionable, I need to know about the previous god and zodiac relationships. Almost everything in the second season was about Akito, I can see more coming, maybe from Shigure if I suspect what he wants is true. All aside, I like the way you tried to speak the positives, I respect your point. |
May 8, 2022 1:03 AM
Itsumo_Issho said: nushrathumaira said: This is the first time in my nearly two decades of anime watching that I felt so much bothered personally, that I wanted to vent to others through forum. I was late watching Furuba adaptation since the old adaptation that I watched in 2008 didn’t leave much impression on me. And I forgot almost everything so this time around the character Akito came as total surprise to me. Assuming this adaptation is faithful to the manga, I am seriously wondering why the author intended to design the character like this. I can’t bring myself to start season 3 because of Akito knowing they will show her redemption arc First of all, a character who is abusive, manipulative isnt new, but the delivery of abuse is disturbing, unnecessary and takes up half the screen time. To me, Akito is always kind of crawling and slithering across the floor, then inappropriately touching everyone all over the place, on top of that beating, scratching, slapping, molesting the shit out of people Akito hitting the nail on the core of everyone’s psychological issues and use that to abuse them every time also seems far fetched. Going into this anime, I thought the biggest hurdle would be breaking the curse since that itself is serious enough, but now it seems to be all about Akito. Whatever the backstory of Akitos life I am assuming it would be repressed sexuality by her family since she is head of family Also how each of the male members stay silent on the horrible abuse of female in the hands of Akito. Not every abused girl tries to molest boys and beats girls. Some peoplr are born evil, not everyone knows how to inflict abuse despite themselves being abused.Specially Shigure, Kureno, Hatori. They are much older, I don’t see how Akito can again successfully manipulate their mind to sleep with her, coddle her or whatever. So it’s consciously from them, maybe partially. Specially Shigure’s motive seems ridiculous and trivial(I am guessing) I can’t seem to move past this because I don’t think I can stand Akito anymore to watch the actual story on zodiac curse that I am interested. Also what was the case for previous family heads. They were the same? So same pattern of relationship existed? How far does Soma family influence go so that no one dares to break out of this family and live their own life. This one character is giving me headaches , I am getting too old for anime maybe. You’ll need to watch season 3 to know about that If you want spoilers, I can elaborate why I loved her redemption arc and how everything related to her character felt believable once I saw season 3 I do want to finish this story, yet I would like if that redemption or backstory doesn’t take more than one episode. I felt slightly annoyed by the elaborated flaskback of Yuki’s story when I still can’t grasp his parents mindset. |
May 8, 2022 1:20 AM
nushrathumaira said: Anayan_Kashyap said: First time in 2 decades you are watching a dark season? The whole thing is you feel uncomfortable and disturbed by Akito's behaviour Well that's a reason bro, like every villain, she was also cheated on by her own family members. So ofc she is violent towards them. But try to watch s3 bro, it's darker but it's also beautiful. You will surely like it just complete it, if u have come this far. I don’t consider fruis basket dark, psychological complexes caused by abuse and somewhat fictional yet realistic concepts, but not dark. At the end, the problem about zodiac and god are not real enough for me. Also, Not every violated person retaliate, and a child being that twisted from early age isn’t that common, in my opinion. But my point was actually different, it was about the portrayal of her as villain. It feels childish, vein and so creepy. And my peeve about a single person influencing everything everyone is questionable, I need to know about the previous god and zodiac relationships. Almost everything in the second season was about Akito, I can see more coming, maybe from Shigure if I suspect what he wants is true. All aside, I like the way you tried to speak the positives, I respect your point. Hmm I see, you want to know more about previous Gods. But since those Previous God's aren't the main focus in the series you won't get a good generation wise explanation like JOJO. But season 3 will reveal the origin of this Zodiac curse that binds the Sohma family, the story of the first God and the animals, also the Cat is a misunderstanding.Trust me s3 reveals a lot of things, every episode reveals something shocking. And it also shows Akito's father and how Akito misunderstands about the whole 'God' thing. And after you finish s3 trust me Akito will become a decent if not good character in your eyes. And yes, the redemption is satisfying, it is just 2 eps, if i remember correctly , ofc Akito doesn't get the whole screentime. It's watchable. Because there is another big twist, I don't wanna spoil you. |
Anayan_KashyapMay 8, 2022 1:23 AM
WISHED I COULD ALSO GET TRANSPORTED TO A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC And DUNGEONS, please take me there too if you could ( ◜‿◝ )♡ |
May 8, 2022 1:23 AM
MK17_2 said: It is rather conflicting...I wouldn't go as far to tell you to drop it. It's not my fave season but I must say it had some beautiful moments. I'm not pleased with her arc etc. Not at all. Her character is scum like. Attitude legit oozes some entitled god complex. Many people did suffer and are still going to carry her abuse with them for a long time. Nothing can justify her and what she did. Cause she still did it, kept hurting people and played the victim to great lengths. Jeez I needa stop ranting soz. However, I do believe that her character adds some sort of depth to the story and to the other characters. A damn good story always seems to have a well written villan. I don't like that idea but it's like undeniable at times. And that's what I find peace of mind in. Shitty characters like her are supposed to provoke us (even tho they're 2D SOBs) and just trigger you (universal you) like nobody's damn business it's insane. I think you're apretty decent person to be triggered by scum like behaviour. We don't have to like her but her stupid complex character in a way is needed to rattle your core. Make you feel something. I'm not defending her. But her existence isn't entirely an unnecessary thing. But ey that's just my take on it. I do get what you're saying tho. See it through. Find something worthwhile in it. Like why not Thank you, honestly the way you brought out the points , good and bad, making me think more. My problem isn’t with how rotten or shitty Akito is, but the way that behavior seemed to be pivotal and sometimes can easily be ignored by some of her victims , imo. Its also the way author is clearly setting up redemption so all vileness will be excused. While that may be the case in season 3, I really didn’t expect her to be pivotal to everything, bigger than the damning curse. And why author decided to add creepiness on top of everything, makes me uncomfortable more than hateful. I don’t drop stuff unless its that type of harem anime that bothers me. And this shoujo anime combines slice of life with supernatural, my most watched genres. So I am clearly torn about not liking it as much when everyone else do and can’t move past 80% Akito content in the first two seasons. I will try my best to start season 3 one of these days. I think I will regret more if I don’t finish it. |
May 8, 2022 1:36 AM
Anayan_Kashyap said: nushrathumaira said: Anayan_Kashyap said: First time in 2 decades you are watching a dark season? The whole thing is you feel uncomfortable and disturbed by Akito's behaviour Well that's a reason bro, like every villain, she was also cheated on by her own family members. So ofc she is violent towards them. But try to watch s3 bro, it's darker but it's also beautiful. You will surely like it just complete it, if u have come this far. I don’t consider fruis basket dark, psychological complexes caused by abuse and somewhat fictional yet realistic concepts, but not dark. At the end, the problem about zodiac and god are not real enough for me. Also, Not every violated person retaliate, and a child being that twisted from early age isn’t that common, in my opinion. But my point was actually different, it was about the portrayal of her as villain. It feels childish, vein and so creepy. And my peeve about a single person influencing everything everyone is questionable, I need to know about the previous god and zodiac relationships. Almost everything in the second season was about Akito, I can see more coming, maybe from Shigure if I suspect what he wants is true. All aside, I like the way you tried to speak the positives, I respect your point. Hmm I see, you want to know more about previous Gods. But since those Previous God's aren't the main focus in the series you won't get a good generation wise explanation like JOJO. But season 3 will reveal the origin of this Zodiac curse that binds the Sohma family, the story of the first God and the animals, also the Cat is a misunderstanding.Trust me s3 reveals a lot of things, every episode reveals something shocking. And it also shows Akito's father and how Akito misunderstands about the whole 'God' thing. And after you finish s3 trust me Akito will become a decent if not good character in your eyes. And yes, the redemption is satisfying, it is just 2 eps, if i remember correctly , ofc Akito doesn't get the whole screentime. It's watchable. Because there is another big twist, I don't wanna spoil you. This is probably what I was wanting to hear the most, that her backstory arc isn’t long. Haha. Joke aside, thanks for trying to understand my points, it is indeed a shame if we don’t get to see previous gods, because I wanted to see parallel of how the relationships were back then. I know myself enough so I know I won’t ever like her, the way I liked some other grey characters but I do hope I stop feeling so uncomfortable whenever she is on screen. I will take little bit more time and gather myself before I start season 3 |
May 8, 2022 1:38 AM
nushrathumaira said: Itsumo_Issho said: nushrathumaira said: This is the first time in my nearly two decades of anime watching that I felt so much bothered personally, that I wanted to vent to others through forum. I was late watching Furuba adaptation since the old adaptation that I watched in 2008 didn’t leave much impression on me. And I forgot almost everything so this time around the character Akito came as total surprise to me. Assuming this adaptation is faithful to the manga, I am seriously wondering why the author intended to design the character like this. I can’t bring myself to start season 3 because of Akito knowing they will show her redemption arc First of all, a character who is abusive, manipulative isnt new, but the delivery of abuse is disturbing, unnecessary and takes up half the screen time. To me, Akito is always kind of crawling and slithering across the floor, then inappropriately touching everyone all over the place, on top of that beating, scratching, slapping, molesting the shit out of people Akito hitting the nail on the core of everyone’s psychological issues and use that to abuse them every time also seems far fetched. Going into this anime, I thought the biggest hurdle would be breaking the curse since that itself is serious enough, but now it seems to be all about Akito. Whatever the backstory of Akitos life I am assuming it would be repressed sexuality by her family since she is head of family Also how each of the male members stay silent on the horrible abuse of female in the hands of Akito. Not every abused girl tries to molest boys and beats girls. Some peoplr are born evil, not everyone knows how to inflict abuse despite themselves being abused.Specially Shigure, Kureno, Hatori. They are much older, I don’t see how Akito can again successfully manipulate their mind to sleep with her, coddle her or whatever. So it’s consciously from them, maybe partially. Specially Shigure’s motive seems ridiculous and trivial(I am guessing) I can’t seem to move past this because I don’t think I can stand Akito anymore to watch the actual story on zodiac curse that I am interested. Also what was the case for previous family heads. They were the same? So same pattern of relationship existed? How far does Soma family influence go so that no one dares to break out of this family and live their own life. This one character is giving me headaches , I am getting too old for anime maybe. You’ll need to watch season 3 to know about that If you want spoilers, I can elaborate why I loved her redemption arc and how everything related to her character felt believable once I saw season 3 I do want to finish this story, yet I would like if that redemption or backstory doesn’t take more than one episode. I felt slightly annoyed by the elaborated flaskback of Yuki’s story when I still can’t grasp his parents mindset. She is a complex character, so her backstory will be elaborate… although I don’t think it takes more than an episode, also she’ll try her best to improve herself after a certain incident, which made me forgive her at the end |
If you are from South East Asia, then I request you, when you will start an anime, you search if it is available on Muse Asia and Ani-one Asia, before looking through piracy websites |
May 8, 2022 3:13 AM
nushrathumaira said: 1nsert__Usernam3 said: needless to say I disagree on the character part, but storytelling wise yes old and new adaptations or the manga itself is good. As a central or pivotal character to influence everything, I just don’t like the character design and it takes away focus from all others, adds repetitive flashbacks of same abusive scenes over and over.The reason fruits basket is so highly rated is because of the great story telling and akito is one of if not the best written characters I’ve seen in 20 years of watching anime / reading manga. repeated flashbacks of abuse is what you call trauma, my friend. almost every character is deeply traumatized in this series and the repeated flashbacks of what caused the trauma the best way to show just how debilitating it is for these characters. akito cut deep and no normal person could just forget what happened to them. if it seems repetitive to you, maybe this isn’t the anime for you, but i personally think it’s worth finishing! |
domidesadeMay 8, 2022 3:40 AM
May 8, 2022 3:39 AM
nushrathumaira said: MK17_2 said: It is rather conflicting...I wouldn't go as far to tell you to drop it. It's not my fave season but I must say it had some beautiful moments. I'm not pleased with her arc etc. Not at all. Her character is scum like. Attitude legit oozes some entitled god complex. Many people did suffer and are still going to carry her abuse with them for a long time. Nothing can justify her and what she did. Cause she still did it, kept hurting people and played the victim to great lengths. Jeez I needa stop ranting soz. However, I do believe that her character adds some sort of depth to the story and to the other characters. A damn good story always seems to have a well written villan. I don't like that idea but it's like undeniable at times. And that's what I find peace of mind in. Shitty characters like her are supposed to provoke us (even tho they're 2D SOBs) and just trigger you (universal you) like nobody's damn business it's insane. I think you're apretty decent person to be triggered by scum like behaviour. We don't have to like her but her stupid complex character in a way is needed to rattle your core. Make you feel something. I'm not defending her. But her existence isn't entirely an unnecessary thing. But ey that's just my take on it. I do get what you're saying tho. See it through. Find something worthwhile in it. Like why not Thank you, honestly the way you brought out the points , good and bad, making me think more. My problem isn’t with how rotten or shitty Akito is, but the way that behavior seemed to be pivotal and sometimes can easily be ignored by some of her victims , imo. Its also the way author is clearly setting up redemption so all vileness will be excused. While that may be the case in season 3, I really didn’t expect her to be pivotal to everything, bigger than the damning curse. And why author decided to add creepiness on top of everything, makes me uncomfortable more than hateful. I don’t drop stuff unless its that type of harem anime that bothers me. And this shoujo anime combines slice of life with supernatural, my most watched genres. So I am clearly torn about not liking it as much when everyone else do and can’t move past 80% Akito content in the first two seasons. I will try my best to start season 3 one of these days. I think I will regret more if I don’t finish it. on this point, i recommend that you read the manga to get a better understanding of the plot. the big issue wasn’t the curse, the curse wasn’t even a curse to begin with, it was supposed to be a beautiful tradition passed down through generations. however, humans are not gods and are not perfect beings, so when humanity was introduced to this tradition, things got messy very quickly. idk how to tag spoilers so SPOILERS AHEAD akito was the one who placed the idea in every zodiac member’s head that they would be ostracized and seen as disgusting if anyone knew they could turn into an animal. the TRUE curse of the series is the grip akito has on every zodiac member. she’s manipulated them in a way that no matter how badly she abuses them, they can never truly leave her side. shigure even states he’s the most cursed of them all because his deep love for akito means he will never leave her side even if she wasn’t his god anymore. MAJOR S3 SPOILERS the curse breaks the moment each character is finally strong enough to leave akito, as well as when akito finally lets them go. the strings connecting them to the “original promise” have been severed, so there is no longer an animal spirit possessing them. shigure’s curse is last to break, and he states that he didn’t even feel a big difference because he already developed deeper feelings for akito than the other zodiac members. spoilers over! ANYWAYYY, i hope that helps you understand why akito is portrayed as a bigger threat than “the curse” in the story! i firmly believe fruits basket is such a well thought out story, so i do hope you finish it. |
domidesadeMay 8, 2022 3:48 AM
May 8, 2022 8:50 AM
domidesade said: true, I wouldn’t say all characters, but yes most , to me at least. I shouldn’t say its a flaw to show flashbacks, I was just a little bit miffed about Yuki’s flashbacks, as compared to the rest of them. Yuki’s story was shown way more over two seasons and I felt few others should get the same so we viewers can sympathize more. I am glad at least Rin’s story got the time it deserved.nushrathumaira said: 1nsert__Usernam3 said: The reason fruits basket is so highly rated is because of the great story telling and akito is one of if not the best written characters I’ve seen in 20 years of watching anime / reading manga. repeated flashbacks of abuse is what you call trauma, my friend. almost every character is deeply traumatized in this series and the repeated flashbacks of what caused the trauma the best way to show just how debilitating it is for these characters. akito cut deep and no normal person could just forget what happened to them. if it seems repetitive to you, maybe this isn’t the anime for you, but i personally think it’s worth finishing! |
May 8, 2022 9:39 AM
Originally yes I was so thrown off by Akito's character potrayal and how she totally have no self awareness or whatsoever, but she's the key to the story. Once you get pass her redemption arc, you'd understand why the author created Tohru in such way, and eventually would move on from Akito's nasty personality, to Tohru's character. I would say it's not necessary to create such an abusive character, but in this case they have explained the root of her behaviour, and that works, even though it still isn't acceptable to become abusive after being the victim of abuse. At the end of the day she's just a fictional character, and if you're uncomfortable with the potrayal then it's 100% okay to drop the anime |
May 8, 2022 11:55 AM
I also hate akito, iirc akito doesn't really appear that much. IMO it's just 1 downside of this sublime anime, I would definitely finish it for the ships and all that, specially tohru and kyo. |
May 8, 2022 10:23 PM
byu2 said: Originally yes I was so thrown off by Akito's character potrayal and how she totally have no self awareness or whatsoever, but she's the key to the story. Once you get pass her redemption arc, you'd understand why the author created Tohru in such way, and eventually would move on from Akito's nasty personality, to Tohru's character. I would say it's not necessary to create such an abusive character, but in this case they have explained the root of her behaviour, and that works, even though it still isn't acceptable to become abusive after being the victim of abuse. At the end of the day she's just a fictional character, and if you're uncomfortable with the potrayal then it's 100% okay to drop the anime My trouble is I didn’t go into this anime to drop it, since I wasn’t into the 2001 version long time ago, this time around I wanted to give all to this adaptation as it is highly faithful. If I cared less, would have dropped in first season. I honestly didn’t anticipate that Akito is that important, to me Tohru , Kyo, Haru, Tohru’s friends they are most important in the story. Akito still isn’t enough for me to drop, but I lost my enthusiasm at this point. I am that person if I wanted to like something, in the end I wouldn’t rate badly even if I didn’t like it. I also want to clarify why I dislike Akito. It’s not the abuse, its the way her character is portrayed. I can’t help but think it is such a one dimensional way, I am seriously creeped out, as a female, how she inappropriately touches, molests and sleeps with the male zodiacs, they can’t or won’t say no, then also goes berserk on female zodiacs or any female to try to disfigure them, kill them. Is this stereotypical? To me it is |
May 8, 2022 10:25 PM
_Jiahao_ said: I also hate akito, iirc akito doesn't really appear that much. IMO it's just 1 downside of this sublime anime, I would definitely finish it for the ships and all that, specially tohru and kyo. I want to believe I would get the focus on characters I am invested, at least what they deserve, and this time around, after more than a decade since I last saw old furuba, I would like this much much more. |
May 8, 2022 10:28 PM
I wanted to clarify some parts from my original post. I have no trouble with the abuse and this won’t be first time the supposed redemption would not be believable for me. But my issue with Akito, is actually another matter. It’s not the abuse, its the way her character is portrayed. I can’t help but think it is such a one dimensional way, I am seriously creeped out, as a female, how she inappropriately touches, molests and sleeps with the male zodiacs, they can’t or won’t say no, then also goes berserk on female zodiacs or any female to try to disfigure them, kill them. Is this stereotypical? To me it is. |
May 10, 2022 9:40 PM
My trouble is I didn’t go into this anime to drop it, since I wasn’t into the 2001 version long time ago, this time around I wanted to give all to this adaptation as it is highly faithful. If I cared less, would have dropped in first season. I honestly didn’t anticipate that Akito is that important, to me Tohru , Kyo, Haru, Tohru’s friends they are most important in the story. Akito still isn’t enough for me to drop, but I lost my enthusiasm at this point. I am that person if I wanted to like something, in the end I wouldn’t rate badly even if I didn’t like it. I also want to clarify why I dislike Akito. It’s not the abuse, its the way her character is portrayed. I can’t help but think it is such a one dimensional way, I am seriously creeped out, as a female, how she inappropriately touches, molests and sleeps with the male zodiacs, they can’t or won’t say no, then also goes berserk on female zodiacs or any female to try to disfigure them, kill them. Is this stereotypical? To me it is I totally understands your concern. I like to think that Akito feel like entitled for all the zodiac to submit to her as she is the personification of god. While the males can satisfy her needs, she trully thinks that the girls are useless. The reason why she feels so threatened about Rin is because she's in a relationship with Haru, which ethically makes Akito unable to "use" Haru (which is already creepy as it is, Haru is a minor while Akito is an adult). She doesnt want anyone to "own" her "boys". I think her character is well explained, but again as a person moreover a woman, I too despise Akito's character potrayal. |
Feb 8, 1:37 PM
I appreciate your analysis and I agree with you. I also agree with the other commenter that they're a well written character. If they weren't a well written character, why would I hate them so much? XD I think as we get older, we can't help but stick to our guns on stuff. In this case, I don't think it's a bad thing. They're a bad person and idc about their redemption arc. They don't deserve it regardless of their past. I know plenty of abusers who abused others, and I know plenty who broke the cycle. It's an explanation, not an excuse. Their abuse was nothing compared to the abuse they instilled in others, imo. I know we're not supposed to compare traumas, but idc. I'm an adult, and I choose who to forgive. I will not forgive my father for my childhood or treatment of my mother regardless of how many AA/NA meetings he has gone to and apologies he has made. It is what it is. |
°:. *₊ ° . ° .• 𝐼𝒻 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁𝓈 𝓂𝑒 𝒾𝓉’𝓈 𝒶 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒, 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃, 𝐼’𝓁𝓁 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎’𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔. °:. *₊ ° . ° .• |
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